[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Barney Emissary

Level KXP Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 3a- --- ---
3 6 42b --- ---
4 12 441 c-- ---
5 24 744 0d- ---
6 48 764 3ae ---
7 96 775 42b f--
8 192 777 441 cg-
9 384 777 744 0dh
10 750 777 744 1cg
11 1500 777 754 2bf
12 2000 777 764 3ae
13 2500 777 774 40d
14 3000 777 774 41c
15 3500 777 775 42b
16 4000 777 776 43a
17 4500 777 777 440
18 5000 777 777 441
19 5500 777 777 542
20 6000 777 777 643
21 6500 777 777 744
22 7000 777 777 754
23 7500 777 777 755
24 8000 777 777 765
25 8500 777 777 766
26 9000 777 777 776
27 9500 777 777 777
28 10000 777 777 777
29 10500 777 777 777
30 11000 777 777 777
31 11500 777 777 777
32 12000 777 777 777
33 12500 777 777 777
34 13000 777 777 777
35 13500 777 777 777
36 14000 777 777 777
TH Saves
+1  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+3  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+5 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+7 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+9 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+11 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+13 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+15 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+17 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
+19 16 12 13 11 12  7  6 12
+21 16 13 14 12 12  8  7 13
+23 16 14 14 13 13  9  8 14
+25 16 14 15 14 14 10  8 15
+27 17 15 16 14 14 10  9 16
+29 17 15 16 15 15 11 10 17
+31 17 16 16 15 16 12 10 18
+33 17 16 16 16 16 13 11 19
+35 17 16 16 16 16 14 12 20
Requisites: Int 16, Wis 18, Chr 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2d2
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: 2xPri
Reference: DM {Lost Divine Emissary}
Groups: Priest, Custom, Lost
Level N (every level): +1 Specialty God pick per level, in a Barneyed God. You may pick the same Barneyed God more than once.
Each reset, the DM will give you access to 3 new Barneyed gods. If at any time you have fewer than your LVL in Barneyed god choices (even in the dungeon), ask the DM and he will generate 3 more for you.
For each Barneyed god, you can pick a sphere:
All, Animal, Anti-Magic, Astral/Planar, Cataclysms, Chaos, Charity, Charm, Combat, Community, Cosmos, Creation, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Disease, Divination, Elemental, Elf, Entropy, Evil, Fear, Fertility, Fire, Good, Guardian, Healing, Incantatrix, Innates, Knowledge, Labour, Law, Love, Luck, Luck/Fate/Fortune, Madness, Magic, Metalworking, Meta-Magic, Moon, Mountain, Music, Nature, Necromantic, Numbers, Peace, Plant, Protection, Psionics, Radiation, Revenge, Science, Sea, Secrets, Skill, Sky, Stoicism, Strength, Summoning, Sun, Sword, Technology, Thievery, Thought, Thunder, Time, Travel, Travelers, Undead, War, Wards, Wealth, Weather, Wild Magic, Winter, Wisdom
And you can pick an alignment of the Barneyed God if desired.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Forgotten Lord13

Level KXP Spells
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 2-- --- ---
3 6 21- --- ---
4 12 22- --- ---
5 24 221 --- ---
6 48 222 --- ---
7 96 322 1-- ---
8 192 332 2-- ---
9 384 333 21- ---
10 600 333 32- ---
11 900 433 321 ---
12 1200 444 321 ---
13 1500 444 322 ---
14 1800 444 432 ---
15 2100 544 432 1--
16 2400 555 432 2--
17 2700 655 443 2--
18 3000 655 443 21-
19 3300 655 543 22-
20 3600 655 544 32-
21 3900 655 544 321
22 4200 665 554 322
23 4500 666 654 332
24 4800 776 655 432
25 5100 776 655 443
26 5400 777 665 543
27 5700 777 665 554
28 6000 887 666 654
29 6300 887 776 655
30 6600 888 777 665
31 6900 888 777 766
32 7200 988 887 776
33 7500 999 888 777
34 7800 999 988 887
35 8100 999 999 888
36 8400 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  7  6  5  3  3  1  2  2
+1  7  6  5  3  3  1  3  3
+2  7  6  5  4  4  2  3  3
+3  8  7  6  5  4  2  4  4
+3  9  8  7  5  5  3  4  4
+4  9  8  7  6  6  3  5  5
+5 10  9  8  7  6  4  5  5
+5 10  9  8  7  7  4  6  6
+6 11 10  9  8  7  5  6  6
+7 12 11 10  9  8  5  7  7
+7 12 11 10  9  9  6  7  7
+8 12 11 10 10  9  6  8  8
+9 12 12 11 10  9  7  8  8
+9 12 12 11 10 10  7  9  9
+10 12 12 11 11 10  8  9  9
+11 13 12 12 11 12  8 10 10
+11 13 12 13 11 12  9 10 10
+12 13 12 13 12 12  9 11 11
Requisites: Int 13, Chr 13
Alignment: AL, AC, AG, or AE
HD/level: 1 HD with 10 hp (1d12 with "offer" of 10)
Weapon Prof.: = (Str score)/2 + level
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Ftr0/M-U0/Clr0/Thf0
Reference: DM
Groups: Lost
You (as a character) get 1P+1M+1V as your base actions instead of 1S+1V.
Gains the use of one school or sphere (Warrior, Wizard, Priest, or Rogue) per level. Cannot cast spells from schools/spheres it doesn't have at all (they are not "Opposite", they are "Not Available"). Alternatively, can learn one psionic power (of any frequency you know) instead of a school/sphere pick. This power doesn't cost PSPs to use, but it still costs a spell slot of SL=2 (minor), 5 (major), or 8 (grand). If it costs a variable amount of PSPs to use, you have 10*LVL PSPs (Psi1 scale) per usage.
Can weapon specialize, using the Ranger1 line.
Gets one Rogue pick every odd level. Gets 30*LVL Rogue points.
Level 1 ¶: Choose one "good" unused pick and one "bad" unused pick. These sort of work like weak John picks. The list follows, feel free to suggest other possibilities:
Good-1. Overwrite the XP table for one of your classes to be the "set XP table". DM Note: This XP table is what Forgotten Lord itself uses.
Good-2. You can use the ability scores table from Collective 0.6. You do get the bonus P/V actions for high Dex and the bonus M actions for high Re+Wis+Pr. You can also use the "Simplified Wis bonus" table.
Good-3. Number of class slots = 10.
Good-4. You may use (pick one): Mixed races, Race adjectives, Mixed classing (There are limits to which classes can be Mixed together, see the DM), or Class adjectives.
Good-5. You automatically have Exceptional in any stat that has a requirement of 13 or higher in any of your classes. You automatically have Barbarian in any stat that has a requirement of 18 or higher in any of your classes.
Good-6. When researching something that's already written in the full Collective (you aren't actually researching something new), it costs only ½ of a Research Point each.
Good-7. If your race matches your class, you get x+0.5 (+50%) XP.
Good-8. You have access to the complete Kit list, including broken Kits like Adventurer and Duplicator.
Good-9. You have access to the complete Familiar list, including broken Familiars like Egg and Weasel.
Good-10. You may access X4 (old Psi4) or X24 (old Psi24) as a Wild Talent slot (Mini Class slot). X4 uses the old multipliers (x1.5/x2/x3/x4) and X24 uses the old costs (1/2/3/4).
Bad-1. You must spend 1/4 of your Nonweapon Proficiencies on Occupations or Hobbies (see [P8]).
Bad-2. You must spend a P action in addition to an M action when casting a spell, unless the spell's SL is LVL/4 or less. Spells of SL=10 or higher require 2M actions to cast. Psionic Super powers require 2M actions to use.
Bad-3. You are limited in Armor and Weapon choices by your classes (e.g. Druids must use "natural" armors and wooden shields, Wizards are very limited in Armor and Weapon selection). Armor is most restrictive, Weapons are least restrictive.
Bad-4. Your weapons cannot do more bonus damage than their base dmg plus magical plusses (so a sword +1/+1 that's 1d8 base dmg cannot do more than 18 dmg, regardless of additions).
Bad-5. Material componenting of spells costs money (for materials), equal to (SL+1)^2 gp per use. Your Wishes and Wish-like effects must be "worded properly".
Bad-6. You are required to keep track of your encumbrance, which may lower your movement rate, or make you not able to move at all.
Bad-7. You are required to keep track of your food and water.
Bad-8. You must "take the offer" on Hit Dice. (1d2=1.5, 1d3=2, 1d4=3, 1d6=5, 1d8=6, 1d10=8, 1d12=10)
Bad-9. You cannot use Exceptional, Barbarian, or better stat bonuses at all.
Bad-10. When multi-classed, you must divide XP evenly between your classes.
Level 1: 1/reset (during reset): Choose some of your ability scores. You may reroll them using 4d6 (drop the lowest die) or 3d8 (reading 7's and 8's as 6's).
Level 1: Time/Loop Reality Stability.
Level 1: Legend Lore / Knowledge of other timelines (other Loops) LVL*15%
Level 9: Immune to Incursion, Loop Incursion, and Banhammer Bombs.
Level 9, 18, 27, and 36 ¶: Choose another good unused pick and another bad unused pick, as per level 1.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group


Level KXP Priest
123 456 7
1 0 0-- --- -
2 1.5 1-- --- -
3 3 20- --- -
4 6 21- --- -
5 12 220 --- -
6 25 221 --- -
7 50 322 0-- -
8 100 332 1-- -
9 200 333 20- -
10 300 443 21- -
11 400 443 320 -
12 500 444 321 -
13 600 554 322 -
14 700 555 332 -
15 800 655 333 -
16 900 655 443 0
17 1000 665 443 1
18 1100 665 443 2
19 1200 765 444 2
20 1300 765 444 3
21 1400 765 554 3
22 1500 765 554 4
23 1600 776 654 4
24 1700 876 655 4
25 1800 876 655 5
26 1900 877 665 5
27 2000 887 666 5
28 2100 887 776 5
29 2200 887 776 6
30 2300 888 777 6
31 2400 888 887 6
32 2500 988 887 6
33 2600 998 888 7
34 2700 999 888 8
35 2800 999 998 8
36 2900 999 999 9
TH Saves
+1  7  6  4  2  3  0  0  2
+1  7  6  4  3  3  0  0  3
+1  7  6  4  3  4  0  1  3
+2  7  6  5  3  4  1  1  4
+3  9  8  6  4  5  1  1  4
+3  9  8  6  5  5  2  2  5
+3  9  8  6  5  6  2  2  5
+4  9  8  7  5  6  2  2  6
+5 11 10  8  6  7  3  3  6
+5 11 10  8  7  7  3  3  7
+5 11 10  8  7  8  4  3  7
+6 11 10  9  7  8  4  4  8
+7 12 11 10  8  9  4  4  8
+7 12 11 10  9  9  5  4  9
+7 12 11 10  9 10  5  5  9
+8 12 11 11  9 10  6  5 10
+9 13 12 12 10 11  6  5 10
+9 13 12 12 11 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Int 10, Wis 10, Chr 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: CTD0
Save Table: Clr0
Reference: DM
Groups: Priest, Lost
Can have Exceptional Int, Wis, or Chr bonus.
Priest Spells: Get 3 Grand, 2 Major, 1 Minor spheres.
Has "ability to take martial arts", but there is no free style built into this class.
Level 1: Turn Undead and Turn Cthulhoid Horrors.
Level N (each level): +1 to Int, Wis, or Chr. (These don't have to all be the same stat.)
Level 9+ (each level): Gain +(LVL-8)^2 followers (i.e. at level 9 get 1 follower, at level 10 get an additional 4 followers, at level 11 get an additional 9 followers, etc.).
Level 9: Detect Deception: can sense lies and see through all illusions with 1M.
Level 27: Divine Will: Can throw off any one non-godly effect per day; the effect simply does not function on the hermit.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Ill Omen Master

Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 2.5 (none)
3 5 (none)
4 10 (none)
5 20 (none)
6 42.5 (none)
7 70 (none)
8 110 (none)
9 160 (none)
10 220 (none)
11 440 (none)
12 660 (none)
13 880 (none)
14 1100 (none)
15 1320 (none)
16 1540 (none)
17 1760 (none)
18 1980 (none)
19 2200 (none)
20 2420 (none)
21 2640 (none)
22 2860 (none)
23 3080 (none)
24 3300 (none)
25 3520 (none)
26 3740 (none)
27 3960 (none)
28 4180 (none)
29 4400 (none)
30 4620 (none)
31 4840 (none)
32 5060 (none)
33 5280 (none)
34 5500 (none)
35 5720 (none)
36 5940 (none)
TH Saves
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+1  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+2  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+3  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+4  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+5  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+6  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+7  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+8 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
+9 10 13 11  7 13  8 12  6
+10 11 14 11  8 14  9 13  7
+11 12 15 12  9 14  9 14  7
+12 13 16 13 11 15 10 15  8
+13 14 16 14 13 15 11 16  9
+14 15 16 15 14 16 12 17  9
+15 16 16 16 16 16 13 18 10
+16 16 16 16 16 16 13 19 11
+17 16 17 16 16 16 14 20 11
Requisites: Dex 27, Chr 27
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/3
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: 2xRog
Reference: DM {Lost Luck Master}
Groups: Rogue, Lost
You have LVL "Ill Omen" points per turn.
1N, spend n Ill Omen points: Target gets --n to a die roll. You can do this after seeing their die roll result.
1M: Target takes LVL Luck damage (Reflex save for half). Negative Luck causes a minus on all die rolls (it is not a "--" however, just a normal "-").
Lvl Luck Master Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Attack (+1 TH per 10% made this segment) V 5 Dex-12 Dex-15
1 Backtwist (Twist rating/30 effects) V 20+LVL*10 Dex-9 Dex-12
1 Damage (+1 dmg per 10% made this segment; or multiply dmg by x(1+rating/200)) V 0 Str-15 Str-18
1 Delay (target doesn't go next segment, save DC = amt made) {Rogue ability: 30 / Wis-11 / Wis-16 } F 30 Wis-11 Wis-13
1 Ducking (+1 saves per 10% made this segment) V 0 Wis-15 Wis-18
1 Evasion (see Acrobat) ||| Spell Evasion | Psi Evasion | Innate Evasion V 0 Dex-14 Dex-18
1 Lockdown rating/20 C actions worth F 0 DIWC-40 DIWC-60
1 Take ½ dmg from an Attack | Spell | Psi Power | Innate (|| Take 0 damage) V 5 Con-16 Con-20
1 Unequip (one item unequipped, save DC = amount made) {Rogue ability: 50 / Dex-12 / Dex-14 } V 50 Dex-12 Dex-14
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
3 Duplicate a Psi5 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Chr-15 Chr-20
4 Sense Danger | Precognition | Choose Future | x1 Avoid Fate VM 25 Wis-9 Wis-12
4 Any Rogue 4 ability - - - -
5 Avoid Trick (entire party): Mech.|Magic/Psi|OutPhase - 5 Int-12 Int-18
6 Effect Evasion (each 1% = +1 saves) 1V to use - 0 Wis-9 Wis-12
7 Avoid Fate x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5 | etc. 2bM -20 Wis*2-50 Wis*2-50
8 Any Subability (+1 per 25% made to that subability) M 0 Int-14 Int-17
9 0,1/r: Get +(amount made) on next Rogue ability - 0 NA NA
9 Avoid Special (entire party): x1 | x2 | x3 etc. - 0 Int-16 Int-22
14 Avoid Spirit/Conc Effect (entire party): x1 || x2 || x3 etc. - -5 Int-22 Int-30
14 Get save vs effects w/ no save, base=+0+items, each 5% is +1 - 0 Wis-20 Wis-25
16 Enhancement (add how much you made by to your next Rogue ability roll within 1r) F 0 Chr-18 Chr-22

[PC13] Lost Classes Group



123 456 789

1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 2.5 2½- --- --- +0
3 5 21- --- --- +0
4 10 32½ --- --- +1
5 20 421 --- --- +1
6 40 422 ½-- --- +1
7 60 432 1-- --- +2
8 90 433 2½- --- +2
9 135 433 21- --- +2
10 250 443 22- --- +3
11 375 444 33½ --- +3
12 750 444 441 --- +3
13 1125 555 442 ½-- +4
14 1500 555 442 1-- +4
15 1875 555 552 1½- +4
16 2250 555 553 21- +5
17 2625 555 553 32½ +5
18 3000 555 553 321 +5
19 3375 555 553 331 +6
20 3750 555 554 332 +6
21 4125 555 554 442 +6
22 4500 555 555 443 +7
23 4875 555 555 553 +7
24 5250 555 555 554 +7
25 5625 555 555 555 +8
26 6000 666 655 555 +8
27 6375 666 666 655 +8
28 6750 666 666 666 +9
29 7125 777 766 666 +9
30 7500 777 777 766 +9
31 7875 777 777 777 +10
32 8250 888 877 777 +10
33 8625 888 888 877 +10
34 9000 888 888 888 +11
35 9375 999 988 888 +11
36 9750 999 999 999 1 +11
37 19500 999 999 999 2 +12
38 29250 999 999 999 3 +12
39 39000 999 999 999 4 +12
45 97500 A99 999 999 9 +14
54 185250 AAA AAA AAA 91 +17
63 273000 AAA AAA AAA A9 +20
72 360750 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +23
Requisites: Str 14, Con 12, Int 9
Alignment: any N
HD/level: d12
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Myrmecologist}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate, Lost
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+4
RSW: level+7
PP: level+5
BW: level+3
Spell: level+6
Fort: level+3
Reflex: level-1
Will: level-1
Specialized and School Robed (-1 SL) in Paleontology (Dinosaurs).
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 1: +1+(LVL/3) summon slots, only for Dinosaurs.
Level 4: +1 Brontosaurus Familiar (gives x2 hp; Level 9: x2 dmg), Animal Companion, or Mount (DL I; 200 hp; +1 DL and x3 hp every odd level thereafter)
Level 8: You are considered a WereDinosaur and may polymorph yourself into a Dinosaur for 1V action. You are Size F.
Paleontology Spells:
Flatten N (SL=N): Drops a Dinosaur on one target (material component for two), target takes 5^SL dmg, Dinosaur disappears afterwards
Dino Scale Armor N (SL=N): +CL*N AC; +CL*N saves; +CL*N*10 hp Armor spell
Trog Chili Pepper N (SL=N): You and your Dinosaurs breathe fire (increase offensive DL by +N-1).
Summon Dinosaur N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL+2 Dinosaur
Summon Reptile N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL+1 Reptile. It counts as a Dinosaur for other spells.
Summon Dragon N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL Dragon. It does not count as a Dinosaur.
Wall of Dinosaur (SL=N): Creates a Wall of Dinosaur, anyone passing through takes (SL*2)d(SL*2) dmg.
Dino Egg (SL=0): Summons a DL 0 Dino Egg. It has a 1% chance per reset of hatching into a DL I Dinosaur.
Speak with Dinosaurs (SL=1): You can speak with Dinosaurs and ask them questions, which they will give reasonable answers to.
Pterodactyl (SL=2): Your Dinosaur summons Fly at CL".
Stampede (SL=3): Earthquake (as spell)
Deconstruction (SL=3): Your Dinosaur summons can destroy large building/structures in a short amount of time. Each Dinosaur does 4^DL Hull dmg per S action.
Polymorph into Dinosaur (SL=3): Polymorphs target into a Dinosaur (PP save). It is now Size F and its AC and movement rate halves.
Trog Red Root (SL=4): Your Dinosaur summons get a +2S+2V action Haste.
Magmasaur (SL=4): 0 action, whenever one of your Dinosaur summons is killed by damage: Deal 10*(DL^3) magma dmg to one target.
Dino Generator (SL=6): Creates a DL VI Monster Generator for Dinosaurs (one DL VI per segment). These are not summons, but they will only attack enemies.
Megasaur (SL=9): Summons a DL X Dinosaur with 2^CL rhp.
Trog Golden Pineapple (SL=9): One of your Dinosaur summons has irhp instead of rhp (at 1 irhp to 10 rhp).
Megasaur Generator (SL=10): Creates a DL X Monster Generator for Megasaurs (see above).

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Planeswalker Artificer

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 1-- --- --- --
2 10 2-- --- --- --
3 15 21- --- --- --
4 22 12- --- --- --
5 33 021 --- --- --
6 49 012 --- --- --
7 73 102 1-- --- --
8 109 201 2-- --- --
9 163 310 21- --- --
10 244 410 12- --- --
11 366 521 021 --- --
12 549 621 012 --- --
13 823 731 102 1-- --
14 1234 832 101 2-- --
15 1851 942 110 21- --
16 2776 A42 110 12- --
17 4164 B53 211 021 --
18 6400 C53 211 012 --
19 6800 D63 211 102 1-
20 7200 E64 221 101 2-
21 7600 F74 321 110 21
22 8000 G74 321 110 32
23 8400 H85 322 111 32
24 8800 I85 322 111 33
25 9200 J95 432 111 43
26 9600 K96 432 211 43
27 10000 LA6 432 211 44
28 10400 NA6 432 211 44
29 10800 OB7 533 221 54
30 11200 PB7 543 221 54
31 11600 QC7 543 221 55
32 12000 RC8 543 222 55
33 12400 SD8 643 322 55
34 12800 TD8 643 322 65
35 13200 UE9 653 322 65
36 13600 VE9 653 322 66
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Str 9, Con 12, Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: MTG / DM
Groups: Wizard, Lost, Demigod (x1)
Gets Int bonus to progression. Specialized in Enchantment/Charm and Conjuration/Summoning.
Casts normal Wizard spells, not MTG spells. Could cast MTG spells at 2 slots each if they are known.
Can have up to LVL MTG magic items. The maximum CC (Casting Cost, treat as SL) for each is (LVL+2)/3.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Planeswalker Artificer Items

CC (SL) # Magic Item Effect
1 1 AEther Vial 0, 1/r: Cast a Conjuration/Summoning spell.
1 2 Ivory Tower Regenerate 3 hp/s.
1 3 Skullclamp Your summons get +CL TH/dmg, -CL AC/saves/rhp
1 4 Sol Ring +2 SL in progression.
1 5 Soul Net Whenever you kill someone with a spell, cure 1 hp.
1 6 Voltaic Key 1V: An item gets 1E action this segment.
2 1 Chaos Orb 1V, 1/reset: Destroy a magic item, effect, or creature (creature gets PPD save)
2 2 Helm of Awakening All spells in the room are school/sphere robed (x1 Special)
2 3 Illusionary Mask Your summons are Dust of Disappearanced
2 4 Lightning Greaves Your summons are not summoning sick
2 5 Scythe of the Wretched +1 summon slot; 1M: Animate Dead a creature you killed (it's your summon, -1 DL)
2 6 Sun Droplet Regenerate 10 hp/s.
3 1 Ashnod's Altar 0, sacrifice a summon: Get back 2 SL in progression
3 2 Blasting Station 1N, sacrifice a summon: Deal 10 dmg to one target (no save, TechR to resist)
3 3 Caltrops 10 damage damaging shield (no save, TechR to resist)
3 4 Fireshrieker One of your summons deals double damage
3 5 Forcefield Damage Threshold 10 from physical attacks
3 6 Loxodon Warhammer Vampiric Regen. (can be used on one of your summons)
4 1 Giant Fan 1V: Move an effect from one person to another (aER to resist)
4 2 Icy Manipulator 1S: Target loses his next action.
4 3 Jester's Cap Target forgets how to cast 3 spells or effects by name
5 1 Al-Abara's Carpet Immune to attackers unless they are flying
5 2 Coat of Arms Your summons get +N AC/saves/rhp/TH/dmg for each other summon of same race
5 3 Mirari 1bM, lose a SL=5 spell in memorization: Fork
6 1 Joven's Tools 1M: Target creature ignores all defenses with one attack
6 2 Mindslaver 1M, 1/reset: Domination for 1 segment (no save, TechR to resist)
6 3 Mirror Universe 1M, 1/reset: Switch current hp with target (no save, TechR to resist)
7 1 Legacy Weapon 1M: *Destroy* (or Capital S Slay) an item, effect, or creature (TechR to resist)
8 1 Aladdin's Ring 1M: 40 damage to one target (no resistance)
9 1 Darksteel Forge Your items are indestructible.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Scarlet Chirurgeon

Level KXP Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.8 20- --- ---
3 5.6 210 --- ---
4 11.2 211 0-- ---
5 22.4 221 1-- ---
6 44.8 222 2-- ---
7 89.6 333 20- ---
8 179.2 333 31- ---
9 358.4 443 320 ---
10 918.4 444 431 ---
11 1478.4 444 432 ---
12 2038.4 444 433 ---
13 2598.4 444 444 0--
14 3158.4 555 444 1--
15 3718.4 555 554 2--
16 4278.4 555 555 30-
17 4838.4 666 555 31-
18 5398.4 666 665 32-
19 5958.4 666 666 430
20 6518.4 777 666 431
21 7078.4 777 776 432
22 7638.4 777 777 443
23 8198.4 888 777 444
24 8758.4 888 887 544
25 9318.4 888 888 554
26 9878.4 999 888 555
27 10438.4 999 998 655
28 10998.4 999 999 665
29 11558.4 AAA 999 666
30 12118.4 AAA AA9 766
31 12678.4 AAA AAA 776
32 13238.4 BBB AAA 777
33 13798.4 BBB BBB 877
34 14358.4 CCC BBB 887
35 14918.4 CCC CCC 888
36 15478.4 CCC CCC 999
TH Saves
+2  8  4  5  2  3  0  0  2
+3  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+4  9  5  6  3  4  0  1  3
+5  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+6 10  6  7  4  5  1  1  4
+7 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+8 11  7  8  5  6  2  2  5
+9 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+10 12  7  9  6  7  3  3  6
+11 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+12 13  8 10  7  8  4  3  7
+13 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+14 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+15 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+16 14 10 11  8  9  5  5  9
+17 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+18 15 11 12  9 10  6  5 10
+19 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Str 11, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 14
Alignment: LE (overwrite)
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 4+level
To Hit Table: War +2 levels
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Scarlet Torturer}
Groups: Priest, Alternate, Lost
For Alignment, "(overwrite)" means this class requires LE alignment, but it overwrites all of your other alignment restrictions to be LE as well.
Has Exceptional Int bonus. Gets Int bonus to spell progression (instead of Wis).
Has Exceptional Wis bonus. Gets (Exceptional) Wis bonus to this class's Caster Level (CL). This cannot be improved to Barbarian (or higher).
Surgical Tools are treated as weapons. You may use them as normal weapons, and do normal damage (with no extra effect). You may weapon specialize in Surgical Tools, using the "Non-Warrior" line for number of attacks.
If you wish to Surgically Experiment on someone, you spend 1P on one attack. If you hit; you do one instance of your surgical tool damage to a target (you may apply Str bonus if you wish). Surgical Experimentation generally does not work on Boss-type (or Sub-Boss-type) creatures, uniques, or creatures not killed by loss of limbs (such as undead).
Surgical Experimentation generally does not cause Summons to become unfaithful. If you're doing something really creepy, you can check with the DM before doing it.
Each type of Surgical Experimentation below generally can be used on a creature only once.
Level 1 ¶: 0, Surgically Experiment on a creature: Sharpness (no save, WR to resist). Roll 1d100. If the result is your LVL or less, you can do a Vorpal (Sharp their head) if you like. If the result is LVL*5 or less, you can pick which limb gets Sharped (except head).
Level 1 ¶: 1F, Surgically Experiment on a creature: Add an extra (artificial) limb to the creature. The creature loses 1d100-LVL*5 max hp (can't be repaired except by a Regenerate spell, which would remove the extra limb). Each day, the limb has a (37-LVL)% chance of shrivelling and becoming useless, after that 1 max hp of the loss is regained per day. At level 4 you can alternatively add an extra internal organ instead.
Level 2 ¶: 0, Surgically Experiment on a creature: Roll two random Monster Templates, the creature gains one of them (your choice). Roll two random Psi9 minor powers, the creature gains one of them (your choice). DM Note: Quite a few Monster Templates and Psi9 minors are actually penalties, so this might be an effective attack.
Level 3 ¶: 0, Surgically Experiment on a creature: The creature takes LVLd6 stat dmg to one stat (your choice) (RSW save for ½). Roll 1d100. If you roll LVL or less and wish to spend an extra 1F action, you can have the creature gain half that amount to the stat instead, but it will become egotistical and unruly (it will no longer be your summon or under your control).
Level 6 ¶: 2F, Surgically Experiment on yourself and another creature: Transfer your brain to the other creature. This is like a Magic Jar, but can't be dispelled, and is absolutely permanent. There is a (16-LVL)% chance the brain will be rejected by the host body, in this case, you lose 1 max hp per segment (non-curable) until another solution can be found (such as quickly doing this procedure again on another host).
Surgical Tool gp lbs. Size Size -M Size L+ Critical Special
Amputation Saw / Bone Cutter 247 8 L 2d6 1d12 16+ / x2 Sharpness ability: +20 to 1d100 roll
Chisel and Hammer 78 4 M 1d6 1d8 20+ / x4 (none)
Drill / Cranial Drill / Trephine 108 3 M 1d8 1d6 18+ / x3 Stat Dmg ability: roll d8's; +10 to 1d100 roll
Hemostat / Forceps / Scissors Clamp 52 1 S 1d2 1d2 20+ / x2 Successful hit: You are Overbearing him
Hypodermic Syringe 93 1 S 1d2+3 1d2+1 20+ / x3 Venom weapon flag (6 doses)
Metzenbaum Scissors 210 1 S 1d4 1d3 19+ / x2 +2 TH
Nippers 3 1 S 1d3 1d2 20+ / x2 (none)
Pliers 17 2 M 1d6 1d4 19+ / x2 (none)
Scalpel 335 1 S 1d2+2 1d4 17+ / x2 +1Q0 per 1P action for Surgical Experimentation

[PC13] Lost Classes Group


Level KXP Rog/Psi7
123 456 78
1 0 ½½- --- -- +1
2 2.25 1½½ --- -- +1
3 4.5 11½ --- -- +2
4 9 21½ --- -- +3
5 18 21½ ½-- -- +3
6 36 211 ½-- -- +5
7 72 211 ½½- -- +5
8 144 221 ½½- -- +6
9 288 221 1½½ -- +7
10 450 222 1½½ -- +7
11 675 222 11½ -- +8
12 900 222 11½ ½- +9
13 1125 222 111 ½- +9
14 1350 322 211 ½- +11
15 1575 322 211 1- +11
16 1800 332 221 1½ +12
17 2025 332 221 11 +13
18 2250 332 222 11 +13
19 2475 333 222 11 +14
20 2700 433 322 21 +15
21 2925 443 332 22 +15
22 3150 444 333 22 +16
23 3375 544 433 32 +17
24 3600 554 443 33 +17
25 3825 555 444 33 +18
26 4050 655 544 43 +19
27 4275 665 554 44 +19
28 4500 666 555 44 +20
29 4725 766 655 54 +21
30 4950 776 665 55 +21
31 5175 777 666 55 +22
32 5400 877 766 65 +23
33 5625 887 776 66 +23
34 5850 888 777 66 +24
35 6075 988 877 76 +25
36 6300 998 887 771 +25
37 12600 998 887 772 +26
38 18900 998 887 773 +27
39 25200 998 887 774 +27
45 63000 998 888 887 +31
54 119700 999 999 999 1 +37
63 176400 A99 999 999 9 +43
72 233100 AAA AAA AAA 91 +49
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
-3 +6 +3 +3 +3 +4 -7 +0 +0 +0 ÷1
Requisites: Dex 19, Con 9, Int 9, Wis 9, Chr 13,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 2
Alignment: LN or LE
HD/level: & +d8
Weapon Prof.: & 3+level/6
To Hit Table: 1½xCTD0
Save Table: 2xMon +1
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue, Lost, Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+1
RSW: level+1
PP: level+1
BW: level+1
Spell: level+1
Fort: level+1
Reflex: level+1
Will: level+1
Gets Exceptional Dex and Chr.
Can cast Rogue spells and Psi7 powers, using these SL's: 2=Minor, 4=Major, 6=Grand, 8=Super.
Can specialize in weapons using "Non-War" line.
Gets 50 Rogue points per level.
Level 1: Immune to Turn Undead.
Level 1: Enemies need a +LVL weapon to hit you. To ignore this restriction, monsters divide their HD by your LVL-1 (with a minimum of 4), not the usual 4.
Level 1: Base AT is +5+LVL.
Level 1: You energy drain 1 level with every attack (even through weapons).
Level 1: If you kill someone by energy draining them, you can raise him as a Wraith0/7 with their previous stats. He becomes available next segment. You have LVL-1 "Revive" slots, each one can hold one Wraith0/7. You still have your regular Summon slot in addition, which can be used as an additional Revive slot if desired. You get the raise even if you used a energy drain source other than the Wraith0/7 ability (you cast an Energy Drain spell, for example). You can dismiss a Revive with a 0 action. If you raise a Wraith0/7 and don't have a Revive slot available, they become free-roaming undead, but they cannot harm you (as you are his master).
Level 4: You energy drain 1 level whenever someone hits you (for each hit, if you have stoneskins or were immune to the attack, the level drain doesn't occur).
For Rogue abilities, see next page.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Shadowcron Rogue Abilities

Lvl Shadowcron Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 +LVL TH {Thug} or +LVL TH and dmg with unarmed attacks {Brawler}
1 Absolute Certainty: Add your Wis bonus to all stat/proficiency/skill checks
1 Bag of Holding; 1M: Locate Black Market in city {Smuggler}
1 Charm/Influence Reaction ||| Erase a "!" mark in dungron S 10 Chr-10 Chr-13
1 Connected: You know a friend in every city, for shelter and/or locating a shop/person
1 Detect Lie or Undetectable Lie (1 at a time, cont.)
1 Legend Lore | Identify ||| Know how to defeat a god or destroy an artifact 0 | M ||| F 0 Int-15 Int-16
1 Sell items for 64+LVL% of value instead of 50%
1 Spying | ESP (without him knowing) || Capital E Extract - 10 Int-11 Int-14
4 ++rating/100 to a die roll | Reroll a die roll || Counterspell || Object bM or hM 25 Dex-16 Dex-24
4 Ignore or Counter an Interpose | Rescue | Escape | I'm Gone 0 0 Wis-14 Wis-19
5 +LVL*100 item XP in Weapon flags per day
5 Can "Frugal" potions (+50% to number of uses)
5 Nonmagical items (all types) are one-third cost for you
5 Plausible Deniability: You can never be "guilty" of a crime according to the law.
6 Locate Object in City || Country MM
7 Always get special treatment and respect from Local Ruler {Agent of the Crown}
7 Can buy property or businesses at half cost {Businessman}
7 Repair a broken magic/psi/tech item, n=(XP value)/1000 (round up) nM 100 - -
9 Flawless Search: LVL% chance of finding something not even in the DM's key for the dungeon
9 Mass Wraithform | Mass Dream Travel (whole party) V 0 Con-22 Con-25
19 Shape Alteration/Polymorph Object | Shapechange/Shapechange Other V 0 Con-19 Con-30
20 400F, 1/d: Create a magic item of <= LVL*400 XP value
20 Super Resources: Get a xCL/18 random Artifact each reset, it will be useful (not crap)

[PC13] Lost Classes Group


Level KXP Shoggoth
1 1300 6d6, choose low
2 1658 1-- ---
3 2123 2-- ---
4 2727 6d6, choose low
5 3513 3-- ---
6 4535 4-- ---
7 5864 5d6, choose low
8 7590 41- ---
9 9835 42- ---
10 12754 5d6, choose low
11 16548 43- ---
12 21480 53- ---
13 27891 4d6, choose low
14 36226 531 ---
15 47062 532 ---
16 61148 4d6, choose low
17 79461 632 ---
18 103267 642 ---
19 134214 3d6, choose low
20 174446 642 1--
21 226748 652 1--
22 294740 3d6, choose low
23 383130 662 1--
24 498037 663 1--
25 647415 2d6, choose low
26 841608 663 11-
27 1094058 664 11-
28 1422243 2d6, choose low
29 1848884 665 11-
30 2403517 666 11-
31 3124540 2d6, choose high
32 4061869 666 111
33 5280398 3d6, choose high
34 6864485 4d6, choose high
35 8923798 5d6, choose high
36 11600905 6d6, choose high
TH Saves
+6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
+18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
+24 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
+30 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
+36 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
+42 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
+48 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52
+54 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58
+60 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65
+66 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71
+72 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78
+78 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
+84 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91
+90 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97
+96 104 each
+102 110 each
+108 117 each
Requisites: Concordant Mini 26 or Lost 28 or Planar 29 or HNCL 35,
Str 41, Con 144, Mini Class slots 32
Alignment: CS
HD/level: & 20d8
Weapon Prof.: & level*level
To Hit Table: 6xMon
Save Table: 13xMon
Reference: COC
Groups: Concordant (x2), Lost, Planar
[X] Section stats
ihp +1
iTH -1
P Save +0
M Save -1
War +1
Rog +1
PPsi +1
Wiz +0
Pri -1
MPsi -1
Gets 1 script-X action per round. Shoggoth powers use F or script-X actions to use.
In the spell progression, 6=CSL 6; D=CSL 13; J=CSL 19; Q=CSL 26; W=CSL 32; and ^=CSL 38. Some of the SL's say something like "6d6, choose low". Roll it, with 1=CSL 6; 2=CSL 13; 3=CSL 19; 4=CSL 26; 5=CSL 32; and 6=CSL 38. These SL's are in addition to the "normal" memorization which is interspersed within the levels.
Gets LVL levels of Exceptionalness in Str, and up to 36 levels of Exceptionalness in Con. If you care, the 36th level of Exceptionalness in Con, which has no name, is bonus = (Con-82)*19. If your Con is exactly equal to 144, you're better off with the 33rd level of Exceptionalness in Con, which gives you a +1190 bonus.
Shoggoth spells are resisted using (script-X)R or (script-G)R.
Sustain all stats and actions. Immune to paralysis, hold, stun, summoning sickness, and similar effects. Immune to charm, domination, ego domination, and similar effects.
Your brain cannot be put on a plate.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Shoggoth Spells

CSL # Spell Effect
6 1 Body Rape Distribute CCL idmg among any number of targets.
6 2 Breathe Space Mead You breathe Space Mead, which does CCL*(current hp) dmg, a Plane Shift (no save), and an Abyssal Water effect (no save)
6 3 Cthulhoid Summon Summon a DL=6+CCL Ooze, Demon, or Weird that you comprehend
6 4 Cthulhoid Wish Wishoid for a SL 0-11 Cthulhu school spell (see the Cthulhu Investigator5 class)
6 5 Eye Rape / Tentacle Rape +CCL*20 distributed among Tentacles or Eyes. Each Tentacle is High Frequency Sample branded. Each Eye has (CCL+3)/4 Psi29 eye points.
6 6 Infiniletter Horror e Choose CCL results from the Thirteen Letter Horror class.
13 1 Contact Every Plane Like Contact Other Plane, but you may speak with up to CCL^2 divine beings at once.
13 2 Mind Rape CCL targets each gain CCL insanities and lose their next CCL actions (no resistance)
13 3 Ultrablack Gate Ultrablack Gate (can visit another Multiverse in the Omniverse), you can omit the Wandering Monsters on the way if you want to.
19 1 Dancing Potion Bottles All magic items in the room gain CCLm2 Ego (treat as a x1d13 Special)
19 2 Soul Rape CCL targets get their Truename Erased and they "Behold the Chaos" (are Capital B Blasted) (no resistance)
19 3 [X] Section Omen Do a random [X] section effect with SL=1d20+CCL/4
26 1 In Case of Emergency You and all your allies Capital E Escape, no response, no tracing/tracking, and can rest without interruption for 1 round.
26 2 Is It Time To Go Home Yet? Natural Set or Natural Reset up to CCL targets (no resistance)
26 3 It's a Raw Logrus Day The local weather in the area is Raw Logrus (x1d13 Terrain Feature, cannot be Objected to)
32 1 I'd Really Rather Not Really Really Object or Really Insist to something at x22 multiplier, then you are erased from the chalkboard.
32 2 I'll Do It Anyway You can do one thing (or use one thing for 1 segment) that is Banhammered due to an effect within the game (this does not override Banhammers due to DM ruling).
32 3 I'm Immune Anyway Be immune anyway to things that give "no resistance". If you do this more than CCL times in a segment, you go (50%) Down the Hole or (50%) On the Mound.
38 1 Infiniletter Horror π (cast 1/d) Get a random result from the Infiniletter Horror class (force the DM to write one if Infiniletter Horror currently isn't written)
38 2 Existence Rape Erase one creature or magic item from the chalkboard (no resistance, no response, x22 multiplier effect)
38 3 [iX] Section Omen Do a random [X] section effect with SL=1d30+CCL/3, and hang an extra "i" on the effect (idmg becomes iidmg, etc.)

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Cthulhu School Spells

Name SL Effect
Candle Communication 0 Can communicate to someone you know (across planes) if they are running this spell too
Detect Life 0 Detect Life
Elder Sign 0 Outer planar creatures cannot cross the line
Message 0 Message
Augury 1 Augury
Bind Enemy 1 Choose a target. You can't attack or target him, and vice versa.
Chant of Thoth 1 +CL Int checks
Cloud Memory 1 Forget (Will save)
Contact Human 1 Contact a specific person
Control Weather 1 Control Weather
Create Bad-Corpse Dust 1 Create a line that Undead cannot cross
Deflect Harm 1 Deflect next CL physical attacks on you, but each causes 2 Int dmg to you
Detect Magic 1 Detect Magic
Dominate Animal 1 Dominate Animal (save)
Eibon’s Wheel of Mist 1 Your group is Invisible
Invisibility Purge 1 Dispel Invisibility
Mirror of Tarkhun Atep 1 Creates a mirror
Nightmare 1 Target sleeping person has a nightmare
Pose Mundane 1 Illusion: Room appears to be normal/ordinary (x1 Trick)
Power of Nyambe 1 +2d6 SL's added to your current progression for today; -1 Con (permanent)
Seal of Isis 1 Object will make it's next item saving throw
Snare Dreamer 1 Dispel a Somniomancy effect
True Strike 1 Next attack at +20 TH
Unmask Demon 1 Dispel a Change Self or Alter Appearance effect
View Gate 1 Can see through a Gate to other side clearly
Voice of Ra 1 +1d6+1 Chr
Warding the Eye 1 Immune to the "Evil Eye" spell (on this list)
Bring Pestilence 2 Disease (1d4 stat dmg to Str, Dex, or Con) (Fort save)
Cast Out Shan 2 Dismiss a DL I-II Insect or Undead
Cause Fear 2 Fear (Will save)
Circle of Nausea 2 Nausea to one group (Fort save)
Contact Creature 2 Contact a specific creature type
Darkness 2 Darkness
Dismissal 2 Dismiss an outer planar creature (save)
Dominate Person 2 Dominate Person (save)
Dread Curse of Azathoth 2 1d3 Chr dmg
Enchant Item 2 Add a half plus to an item (for 1 hour)
Evil Eye 2 Curse: -4 TH, checks, saves (save)
Find Gate 2 Detect Gates
Fist of Yog-Sothoth 2 CLd6 force dmg to one target (no save)
Flesh Ward 2 DR 10/+1
Frozen Tracks 2 Stop (save)
Grasp of Cthulhu 2 Target takes 2d6 dmg /r (save)
Healing Touch 2 Touch to cure 1d8+CL hp and 1 stat point dmg
Hide from the Eye 2 Invisibility
Hypnotism 2 Hypnosis (save)
Identify Spirit 2 Detect Possession
Insect Plague 2 Area effect 1 dmg /s insects
Levitate 2 Levitate
Locate Object 2 Locate Object
Magic Weapon 2 Weapon gets +1/+1 for 1 turn
Obscuring Mist 2 Wall of Fog
Sekhmenkenhep's Words 2 Convince people that what you're saying is true (save)
Skin of Sedefkar 2 +CL/5 AC
Song of Hastur 2 Target takes 2d6 dmg /r (save)
Soul Trap 2 Speak with Dead but you had to be the one who killed him
Spectral Razor 2 Magical blade that's 2d6 dmg and counts as a +5 weapon
Suggestion 2 Suggestion (save)
Voorish Sign 2 The next spell you cast will be at +3 CL
Wandering Soul 2 Dream Travel
Ward against Pyschics 2 Psionic Feats cannot be used in the room (x1 Special)
Black Binding 3 Animate a dead corpse as a DL III Undead
Breath of the Deep 3 Target is drowning (Fort save per segment or 2d6 dmg)
Contact Deity 3 Contact a specific deity 50+CL%; caster becomes insane (Will save)
Curse of the Stone 3 Target cannot act (save) as long as you heavy concentrate (can't use M actions)
Divination 3 Divination
Imprison Mind 3 Target spirit / life essence cannot leave the body it's in (save)
Mindblast 3 Insanity (save)
Raise Night Fog 3 Fog
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell 3 Group takes 1d6+LVL dmg (no save)
Shriveling 3 CLd4 dark energy dmg to one target (no save)
Siren's Song 3 Charm 2*CL HD of creatures (save)
Summon/Bind Creature 3 Summons a DL 1d4 Outer creature
Wave of Oblivion 3 If near a body of water, creates a large wave (CLd4 water dmg, no save)
Wither Limb 3 Sharpness a random limb (save)
Wrack 3 Pain (-2 all rolls) (save)
Animal Form 4 Polymorph Self into a specific animal
Bind Loup-Garou 4 Force Shapechange and Dispel a Psi14 effect
Bind Soul 4 Put someone's soul in a receptacle (Will save)
Cloak of Fire 4 +1d4+1 Dex; +3" move rate; Fire damaging shield (1d8 fire dmg /hit); You take 1 dmg /r
Create Scrying Window 4 Postcognition
Curse of the Putrid Husk 4 Curse: Insanity (save)
Curse of the Rat-thing 4 Animate a dead corpse as a DL IV Undead
Dark Resurrection 4 Raise Dead
Hands of Colubra 4 Your arms turn into snakes that deal 1d6 dmg + 1d6 Str dmg
Locate Creature 4 Locate a specific creature
Look to the Future 4 Can see into the future
Mind Transfer 4 Switch bodies with someone (save)
Pipes of Madness 4 Insanity to a group (save)
Return to Rest 4 Destroy an undead (save)
Soul Singing 4 Illusion: Target sees and hears what you wish, no one else affected (save)
Speak with Dead 4 Speak with Dead
Unspeakable Oath 4 Get a random minor magic item (50%) or +1 Int (50%) for 1 turn
Banishment of Yde Etad 5 Banish an outer planar creature to home plane (Will save)
Blind/Deafen 5 Blind and Deafen target (Fort save on each)
Cast Out Devil 5 Exorcise
Create Barrier of Naach-Tith 5 Wall: Spells cannot pass, Str check (DC 40) to pass
Magic Jar 5 Magic Jar
Become Spectral Hunter 6 You take on the stats of a random DL VII Weird monster, will be Crapped in CL rounds
Body Warping of Gorgoroth 6 Polymorph Self into a creature of +/- 1 size, you get it's Str/Dex/Con
Clutch of Nyogtha 6 Paralysis (Will save) for as long as you heavy concentrate (can't use M actions)
Create Gate 6 Gate
Curse of the Chaugnar Faugn 6 *Curse* (subject loses 1d4 Chr per day and cannot Reset) (save)
Eyes of the Zombie 6 See through the eyes of a zombie (that you control)
Power Drain 6 Target loses 1d6 stat points (save), you temporarily gain the amount he lost
Create Self-Ward 7 DR 10/+1; Resist Aging
Create Time Gate 7 Create a Time Gate 10^(N-4) years
Steal Life 7 Drain 1 stat point per segment from target and add to you temporarily (save per segment)
Word of Recall 7 Word of Recall
Consume Likeness 8 Alter Appearance to someone specific who recently died (it's very convincing)
Death by Flames 8 Target takes 1d10 fire dmg /s (no save)
Eye of Light & Darkness 8 All outer planar creatures take 1 Wis dmg per segment (x1 Special)
Call Deity 11 Summons the material form of the god of your choice (remember this is only a x1 effect by itself)
Dismiss Deity 11 Dismisses the material form of a god (remember this is only a x1 effect by itself)

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

The Hidden

Level KXP Illusion
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 6 2-- --- -
3 12 21- --- -
4 22.5 32- --- -
5 45 421 --- -
6 90 431 --- -
7 180 432 --- -
8 360 432 1-- -
9 750 533 2-- -
10 1500 543 21- -
11 1950 543 32- -
12 2400 554 321 -
13 2850 554 322 -
14 3300 554 322 1
15 3750 554 422 2
16 4200 555 432 2
17 4650 555 532 2
18 5100 555 533 2
19 5550 555 543 2
20 6000 555 543 3
21 6450 555 554 3
22 6900 555 555 4
23 7350 555 555 5
24 7800 666 655 5
25 8250 666 666 6
26 8700 777 766 6
27 9150 777 777 7
28 9600 888 877 7
29 10050 888 888 8
30 10500 999 988 8
31 10950 999 999 9
32 11400 AAA A99 9
33 11850 AAA AAA A
34 12300 BBB BAA A
35 12750 BBB BBB B
36 13200 CCC CCC C
TH Saves
+0 10  9  8  6  6  2  1  0
+1 12 11 10  8  9  3  2  1
+2 12 11 10  9 10  4  3  1
+3 14 13 12 12 12  5  4  2
+4 16 15 14 14 15  6  4  3
+5 16 15 15 15 15  7  5  3
+6 16 15 15 15 15  7  5  3
+7 16 15 15 15 15  7  5  3
+8 16 15 15 15 15  7  5  3
+9 16 15 15 15 15  8  6  4
+10 16 15 15 15 15  8  6  4
+11 16 15 15 15 15  8  6  4
+12 16 15 15 15 15  8  6  4
+13 16 15 15 15 15  8  6  5
+14 16 15 15 15 15  9  7  5
+15 16 15 15 15 15  9  7  5
+16 16 15 15 15 15  9  7  5
+17 16 15 15 15 15  9  7  5
Requisites: Dex 19, Int 16, Wis 15
Alignment: T any (or) any N
HD/level: & d6
Weapon Prof.: & 3+level
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: 2xHalf
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue, Lost
Casts Wizard Illusion school spells. Can access 1 extra School per level, but spells in these schools cost 2 spells each (they are Opposite schools).
Gets 50 Rogue points per level.
Level 1: Gets +4*LVL from behind instead of the usual +4 from behind.
Level 1: Displaced (+2 AC, first attack misses)
Level 4: You can't be targetted (unless you wish it).
Level 6: Desolid: You can pass through solid objects, but are still affected by attacks. You can be solid at will.
Level 9: Planar Displaced (+4 AC, one plane removed) or Double Displaced (+4 AC, first two attacks miss)
Level 12: You and the floor at your feet can't be targetted (unless you wish it).
Level 18: You, the floor at your feet, and other beings in your group can't be targetted (unless you wish it).
Lvl Stealth Ninja Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Backstab (each 25% = x1) (increases 10/level) ½0 40 Int-16 Int-25
1 Find/Remove x1 Traps/Tricks | Magic/Psi | OutPhase ( | 30' away) V 10 Dex-4 Dex-8
1 Hide in Shadows || Meld in Shadows/Mirrors N 100 Dex-0 Dex-1
1 Invisibility | Improved Invisibility | Dust of Disappearance M 0 Int-15 Int-16
1 Move Silently || Immovability | Avoid Clairnasience V 5 Dex-14 Dex-17
1 ("Twist") Find/Remove Wizard Abjuration/Priest Protection V 0 Dex-16 Dex-20
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Concealment/Blending | Misdirection | Non-Detection M 20 Wis-12 Wis-14
2 Controlled Blink | Controlled Blink 10'r (unwilling get PP save) ½V 50 Wis-14 Wis-14
3 iunPR || iunaPR || iunaaPR ( | gives iunIR [and variants] instead) 0 10 Chr-15 Chr-20
3 Backstrike (each 25% = x1 TH) (increases 10/lvl) ½0 20 Wis-16 Wis-25
4 Find/Remove x2 Traps/Tricks | Magic/Psi | OutPhase ( | 30') ( | x1 Special) V 20 Dex-9 Dex-12
4 any Rogue 4 ability - - - -
5 Erase a "?", "¿", "!", "¡", ".", ",", ":", or ";" in dungeon - 0 Dex-18 Dex-24
5 Escape Bonds | Binding | Imprisonment/Time Stop || Get out of the Hole P 0 Str-14 Str-16
6 Distraction | Mislead | Forget | Mirage Arcana M 15 Wis-13 Wis-16
7 iunER || iunaER || iunaaER 0 -10 Dex+Int-37 Dex+Int-47
8 Polymorph Self | Polymorph Other | Polymorph Object | Shapechange PP 10 Con-15 Con-18
9 Find/Remove x3 Traps/Tricks | Magic/Psi | OutPhase ( | 30') ( | x2 Special) V 0 Dex-12 Dex-15
10 Locate (anything unique) Across Planes | Clairvoyance there | TWE there M 0 Int-12 Int-15
12 Speed: Each 50% is +1A action || B's instead || C's instead - 0 Dex-18 Dex-20
15 Psychic Impersonation || Soul/Spirit Impersonation - 15 Wis-9 Wis-14
18 Shadow Magic | Shadow Walk | Shadow Flight | Become Shadow-form VM 0 Int-17 Int-20
27 Destruction/Mordenkainen's Disjunction ||| Put Target Down a Hole PMM 0 Int-19 Int-25

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Thirteen Letter Horror

Level KXP
1 13 (owe) (none)
2 20 (none)
3 34 (none)
4 62 (none)
5 118 (none)
6 230 (none)
7 454 (none)
8 902 (none)
9 1515 (none)
10 2128 (none)
11 2741 (none)
12 3354 (none)
13 3967 (none)
14 4580 (none)
15 5193 (none)
16 5806 (none)
17 6419 (none)
18 7032 (none)
19 7645 (none)
20 8258 (none)
21 8871 (none)
22 9484 (none)
23 10097 (none)
24 10710 (none)
25 11323 (none)
26 11936 (none)
27 12549 (none)
28 13162 (none)
29 13775 (none)
30 14388 (none)
31 15001 (none)
32 15614 (none)
33 16227 (none)
34 16840 (none)
35 17453 (none)
36 18066 (none)
TH Saves
+3  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+7  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+10  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+14  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+17  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+21  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+24  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+28 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+31 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
+35 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
+38 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
+42 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
+45 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
+49 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
+52 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
+56 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
+59 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
+63 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Requisites: Str+Dex+Con-Int-Wis-Chr 13
Alignment: AE or AS or Nil
HD/level: & 2d13
Weapon Prof.: & 13+level
To Hit Table: 3½xMon (d30)
Save Table: 2½xMon (d30)
Reference: DM {Reduced Infinite Letter Horror}
Groups: Monster, Lost, Demigod (x1)
The stat requirements for this class means the sum of your Str+Dex+Con must be at least 13 higher than your Int+Wis+Chr. If you don't meet this requirement, you "owe" to Str, Dex, or Con. Be more stupid already!
Gets Ancillary Barbarian Str [bonus=(Str-24)*9/2], Mega Barbarian Dex [bonus=(Dex-20)*7/2], Ultra Barbarian Con [bonus=(Con-22)*4], however, the bonus from these stats cannot be greater than 13*S, where S is the S number. These bonus types can all be reduced to Barbarian bonus, if your stats suck, but you have to reduce all three at the same time.
This class is all edition numbers. Because of this, you roll 1d30 to hit and saves (due to the 30th edition component). You get Overhit, a kit, and LVL feats too. You could try to shoehorn this class's abilities to the various Custom5/Custom6 type classes, but you're probably better off not trying.
This class matches class name with any other class in the Collective that is exactly 13 letters long (not counting spaces or edition numbers). No, I'm not going to write a script to check. Note this class is not the same name as itself ("Thirteen Letter Horror" is 20 letters), so you don't get x1.5 XP if you take this class twice.
Each Level: Gets one Rarer3 pick with DL=(LVL+3)/4. For monster type, the DM rolls 1d13+27 and consults the [M40] monster types, treating 28 as Weird (instead of Wurm).
Level 1: May buy unusual materials for claws, bite, and tail (and other limbs). The "base gp cost" of the limb is 13 gp. The "weight" of the limb is 13 pounds. If you pick Drow Steel and your limb rots off, don't blame me.
Levels 1-13: Roll 1d13 per level. If you roll a duplicate, just pick off the table, or you can pick the thing you rolled to see if it stacks, if it would make sense.
   1. 1M: Summon a DL=(LVL+1)/2 monster of [M40] monster type 2d13+14. There is a 13% chance it will fight for you without bothering to use a summon slot. Sure, you could spam this ability and make an army, but you might want to consider this plan very carefully.
   2. 1P: Draw target's brain forth (LVL saves vs. RSW; aCReflection to resist). You can eat it now (Heal self) or put it on your Plate. The target died, by the way, unless it's undead or something.
   3. Mouth's P, LVL/d: Breathe a random EE=1e4 Eelement (½*hp; group; no save; aDReflection to resist). If the DM rolls a really high EE factor, the area has a 13% chance of an Inverse Pixelation zone appearing (as the new Eelement gets invented). Take a snapshot for eelemental posterity!
   4. 1F: Do a random [PC2] Monster Collective Psionics combat (c) power of SL=1dLVL. Any attempt to counter it will fork it instead.
   5. +(LVL+1)/2 wear locations, see the "Wear Locations" Mini-Class for rules. More stuff to drop in Angband like fashion!
   6. 1M, 1/r: Shapechange Self into a random DL=(LVL+2)/3 monster of [M40] monster type 3d13+1. It's permanent, unless you don't like it.
   7. 1M, 1/r: Shapechange Other into a random DL=(LVL+2)/3 monster of [M40] monster type 41-2e6. (LVL saves vs. PP; aHR to resist)
   8. +(LVL+3)/4 IS actions per turn (Instantaneous S actions; you get to use each of these only once per turn).
   9. Immune sanity, beneficial effects you don't want, the floor (you can pass through the floor at will, but not the walls or the ceiling, so this is a one-way trip)
  10. 1P+1V, LVL/h: Draw your own brain forth and consume it. This Heals you (Cureall at level 8, Fix at level 17). All in your group who see this must save vs. Psionic Blast or lose 1d13 San points (aGazeR to resist).
  11. 1M+1P: Contact Higher Plane, with 130% chance of insanity, not that you would notice. You can Twilight afterwards if you want to.
  12. 3M, 1/h: Successfully Divine Intervention to a random x(LVL+14)/5 god (not yours!), and one segment of xLVL multiplier Fast Talking. You'll need it.
  13. ½bhX, 1/natural set, hit someone with your PC cod piece that you're wielding as a weapon: You Capital U Understand. You get a random player cheat code permanently added.
Level 9: Gain 1 "Plate". You store brains and souls on your Plate. It's an object, but it's not really there. Your Plate has 1α (script-A) action. It can move around with it and pick up brains and souls for you. Your Plate can't be attacked or targetted, unless it wants to be. DM Note: "script" is a prefix for action types. α (script-A) actions could be used as Λ (script-V) actions, since A actions can be used as V actions.
Level 13: 1 Mouth's P (can borrow), Throw your Plate as a weapon, 1/t: Roll to hit, if you hit, the target is Trap the Souled into the plate (no save, aaaNR to resist, Hold Life doesn't cut it).
Level 18: Your Plate has 1ε (script-E) action. 1ε, spend a soul on the Plate: You get +1X action. 1ε, spend a brain on the Plate: Reset.
Level 27: Your Plate has 1 IQEε (script-IQE) action. It also has this ability now: 1ε: Scoop up a group of brains or souls off the floor.
Level 36: 3 IISlowOppC', 1bbbD, 1 Mouth's ξ (script-X), 13 Research Points, Capital F Fold 1 being that counts as an Ultra Familiar and a Mount and an Animal Companion, Pixelate Capital P Plenty of Souls or Packages (on Plates) within sight: Get one randomly chosen x5 ICL=13 Intermediate God0 power per round until you reach 13 powers. After the 13th round, the first power on the list is removed, and a new power is added to the end of the list (so you "cycle" between powers). You can "freeze" this process when you like your selection.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Time Bandit

Level KXP Chrono  Myth
123 45  123 45
1 0 1-- --  1-- --
2 5 2-- --  2-- --
3 15 3-- --  3-- --
4 30 31- --  4-- --
5 50 32- --  41- --
6 75 33- --  42- --
7 150 331 --  43- --
8 300 332 --  44- --
9 600 333 --  441 --
10 1000 333 1-  442 --
11 1400 333 2-  443 --
12 1800 333 3-  444 --
13 2200 333 31  444 1-
14 2600 333 32  444 2-
15 3000 333 33  444 3-
16 3400 443 33  444 4-
17 3800 444 43  444 41
18 4200 544 44  444 42
19 4600 555 44  444 43
20 5000 555 55  444 44
21 5400 665 55  544 44
22 5800 666 65  554 44
23 6200 766 66  555 44
24 6600 777 66  555 54
25 7000 777 77  555 55
26 7400 777 77  555 55
27 7800 777 77  555 55
28 8200 777 77  555 55
29 8600 777 77  555 55
30 9000 777 77  555 55
31 9400 777 77  555 55
32 9800 777 77  555 55
33 10200 777 77  555 55
34 10600 777 77  555 55
35 11000 777 77  555 55
36 11400 777 77  555 55
TH Saves
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+0  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+1  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+1  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+2  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+2  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+3  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+3  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+4 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
+4 10 13 11  7 13  8 12  6
+5 11 14 11  8 14  9 13  7
+5 12 15 12  9 14  9 14  7
+6 13 16 13 11 15 10 15  8
+6 14 16 14 13 15 11 16  9
+7 15 16 15 14 16 12 17  9
+7 16 16 16 16 16 13 18 10
+8 16 16 16 16 16 13 19 11
+8 16 17 16 16 16 14 20 11
Requisites: Dex 13, Int 15
Alignment: non-L
HD/level: 2d5
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/5
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: 2xRog
Reference: DM
Groups: Rogue, Lost
Gets Exceptional Dex and Int.
Gets 50 Rogue points per level.
Gets Chronomancy and Myth spells. Can cast "All Rogue" spells out of either progression.
Level 1: Time/Reality Stability.
Level 5: Detect change in TF or LF cont.
Level 9: Loop/Reality Stability.
Level 9: 1M: Restore the TF
Level 18: 1M: Restore the LF
Lvl Time Bandit Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 +rating/50 A actions /r this turn || B actions || C actions 1F 0 Dex-20 Dex-25
1 Disorder Objects | Mass Entropy V 10 Dex-8 Dex-10
1 Legend Lore | Identify | Object Reading | Know Visual History 0 | M 0 Int-15 Int-17
1 Ethereal Window | Astral | Phlogiston | Any Inner | Any Outer | UltraBlack MV 0 Con-12 Con-15
1 Any Rogue 1 ability - - - -
2 Locate Staircases on current DL || Out of Depth Monsters || Most Valuable Object MM 0 Chr-20 Chr-25
3 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
4 Sense Danger | Precognition | Choose Future | x1 Avoid Fate VM 25 Wis-9 Wis-12
5 Escape Bonds | Binding | Imprisonment/Time Stop || Get out of Put Down a Hole P 10 Str-14 Str-16
6 Read Magic (Wizard/Priest) ||| Read Magic (Concordant) M 15 Int-13 Int-15
7 Find the Path ( | for each plane removed) MM 20 Wis-10 Wis-15
8 +(rating)% money, use at end of run before selling - 0 Cml-9 Cml-18
9 Ask the Local Lord | Highest Lvl in Plane | Chosen God | Ultraplanar | DM a question VM 0 Chr-11 Chr-21
10 Locate (anything unique) Across Planes | Clairvoyance there | TWE there M 0 Int-12 Int-15
11 Phase Door | Dimension Door M 5 Int-9 Int-20
12 Probability Travel MM 20 Int-13 Int-20
13 Phlogiston Spell / Phlogiston Projection | Time of Legends Spell (project to Time of Legends) MMMM 35 Cml-22 Cml-29
14 (Use 1/turn max) Can convert 1V->1IV or 1Z->1IZ (instantaneous actions), one time per 50% made this turn. 0 0 Wis-49 Wis-50
15 Time Shift ||| Time Travel VMM 15 Int-17 Int-25
16 Can Dim Door away in combat during your actions | Teleport - -15 Dex-18 Dex-24
17 Instantaneous x0 effect | x1 || x2 ||| x3 |||| x4 etc. - 50 Dex-24 Dex-32
18 Summon (and control) Blue Time Elemental | Red | Silver | Green | Yellow | Purple | Gold M -150 Chr-1 Chr-125

[PC13] Lost Classes Group


Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 2 (none)
3 4 (none)
4 8 (none)
5 16 (none)
6 32 (none)
7 64 (none)
8 128 (none)
9 256 (none)
10 450 (none)
11 550 (none)
12 660 (none)
13 780 (none)
14 910 (none)
15 1050 (none)
16 1200 (none)
17 1360 (none)
18 1530 (none)
19 1710 (none)
20 1900 (none)
21 2100 (none)
22 2310 (none)
23 2530 (none)
24 2760 (none)
25 3000 (none)
26 3250 (none)
27 3510 (none)
28 3780 (none)
29 4060 (none)
30 4350 (none)
31 4650 (none)
32 4960 (none)
33 5280 (none)
34 5610 (none)
35 5950 (none)
36 6300 (none)
TH Saves
+0 (total = 27, max = 9)
+1 (total = 30, max = 10)
+2 (total = 33, max = 11)
+3 (total = 36, max = 12)
+4 (total = 39, max = 13)
+5 (total = 42, max = 14)
+6 (total = 45, max = 15)
+7 (total = 48, max = 16)
+8 (total = 51, max = 17)
+8 (total = 54, max = 18)
+9 (total = 57, max = 19)
+9 (total = 60, max = 20)
+10 (total = 63, max = 21)
+10 (total = 66, max = 22)
+11 (total = 69, max = 23)
+11 (total = 72, max = 24)
+12 (total = 75, max = 25)
+12 (total = 78, max = 26)
Requisites: Int 9 (also see description)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Cust
Save Table: Cust
Reference: DM
Groups: Lost, Futureshifted, Random
Each Level: The DM rolls a random class from the unfinished classes from full Collective (section [PC99], also unfinished lists for Collective 4.3). You get the following:
1. One of the (non-"Level:") lines of text that defines the class. If there is none, the DM will make up something (like an Exceptional stat or something). If the ability references LVL or CL, it improves with your Unfinisher3 level.
2. All "Level:" abilties of that exact level from that class (even if non-pickable). If there are none, you get one lower level ability chosen by the DM (usually one of the better ones). If it references LVL or CL, it improves with your Unfinisher3 level.
3. The difference in spell progression from the previous level to this level (e.g. if the previous level was 322 and the new level is 3321, you would get 0101 as your progression). This progression does not improve with level; it's a one time deal (you will probably collect a lot of different progressions tho!). If the progression has a stat bonus, you may use it, but you get only one bonus for each stat (for all of your progressions). If multiple progressions use the same stat, you can split your bonus amongst them as you see fit.
4. Take the class's highest Requisite and add LVL in that stat to this class's Requisites. (For example, if your first pick was Fighter1, this class now requires Str 1 and Chr 9). This has a maximum equal to the actual Requisite for the class (e.g. if you get Fighter1 at level 20, you'll add 9 to the Str requirement, not 20). This may cause you to "owe" quite a few stat points. You may spend your stat point for going up in level before the DM checks which class to add.
Other notes about this class:
N1. If you are picking up Unfinisher3 class beyond level 1, all you have to meet is the Int 9 requirement. Then the DM will do all the class stuff and you'll have higher requirements from now on.
N2. If you get a Rogue group class, you get (level of this pick)*2*LVL Rogue points. The "level of this pick" doesn't go up with level, but LVL does. (e.g. if you got Rogue group classes at levels 4, 5, and 7, you get 32*LVL Rogue points per level). It is possible the Rogue class you pick may increase this, for example, a reasonable non-"Level:" line of text for one of the "-eer" classes would be 20*LVL Rogue points, since they give 60*LVL Rogue points instead of 40*LVL.
N3. If you get a Psionicist group class, you get the PSP difference from previous level to this level (e.g. calculate your pool as if one level lower, and subtract it from your calculated pool for this level). Your pool does not increase in size. If you get an Ioun Stone of PSPs you can transfer PSPs between pools.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Unfinisher3 Class Determination

d126 Class Groups Source
1 (Mighty Morphin) Power Ranger War, Joke Don rejected classes
2 1JG-izer / Emulator1JG Cust Voted classes not made
3 Adventurer Cust Voted classes not made
4 Alien Cultist5 Pri Voted classes not made
5 Animal0 Mon Voted classes not made
6 Anime Schoolgirl Joke, Enslaved Don rejected classes
7 AntiArchMutant Psi [PC99]
8 ArcanistDM Wiz [PC99]
9 ArchArchArcher War Don rejected classes
10 ArchPsi23 Psi Voted classes not made
11 Ars Magus Wiz, Lost Voted classes not made
12 Astral Fabricator30 Wiz, Mon, Alt Voted classes not made
13 Bard1JG Rog [PC99]
14 Battle Mage War, Wiz Don rejected classes
15 Battle Priest War, Pri Don rejected classes
16 Biologist Cust, ? Wiz Don rejected classes
17 Black Rog, ? Pri Don rejected classes
18 Book of Nine Swords ? War Voted classes not made
19 Boss Mon [PC99]
20 Bureaucrat1 NonCombatant, Lost Voted classes not made
21 Cabalist2/Theurgist1 Wiz [PC99]
22 Chaos Warrior War Voted classes not made
23 Chirurgeon3 Pri [PC99]
24 Class Designer Cust, PCDesigned Voted classes not made
25 Cleric30 Pri, Future Voted classes not made
26 Combatant2HM War Voted classes not made
27 Complete Scoundrel3.5 Rog Voted classes not made
28 Complete Warrior3 War [PC99]
29 Composite Elemental Lord Mon [PC99]
30 Custom7 Cust [PC99]
31 CustomDM Cust [PC99]
32 Cutthroat1 Rog [PC99]
d126 Class Groups Source
33 Cutthroat5 Rog Voted classes not made
34 Cyborg8 Mon, Tech Voted classes not made
35 Divine Priest Pri, Conc Voted classes not made
36 Diviner/Vision Mage Wiz, Alt Don rejected classes
37 DumDum Cust, Lesser Voted classes not made
38 Eel-15 Mon [PC99]
39 Escape Artist Rog Don rejected classes
40 Evil Underling Rog, Conc Voted classes not made
41 Familiar Mon, Enslaved Voted classes not made
42 Fanatic Pri [PC99]
43 Freak5 Mon [PC99]
44 Gate/Conduit Mage Wiz, Planar Voted classes not made
45 Golem Master Wiz [PC99]
46 Goon / Clod War [PC99]
47 Gray Hat5 Rog, Mirr, Planar Voted classes not made
48 Griefer5 Rog, Lost Voted classes not made
49 Hackmaster War [PC99]
50 Hellraiser (1/2-demon) War [PC99]
51 Herbalist2.5 Pri Voted classes not made
52 Hippie5 Pri, Lost Voted classes not made
53 Houri1JG Rog [PC99]
54 Immortal Hunter Alt [PC99]
55 InfiltratorDM Rog [PC99]
56 Inventer5 Wiz [PC99]
57 Item Crafter ? Wiz, NonCombatant Voted classes not made
58 Lamer Rog Don rejected classes
59 Luddite ( Psi(-8) ) Psi, Mirr, Tech Voted classes not made
60 Martial Artist1JG Rog [PC99]
61 Mecha Jockey32 (Psi32) Psi, Mon, Tech Voted classes not made
62 Merchant1JG Rog [PC99]
63 MetaCustom7 (Designer) Cust [PC99]
64 Meta-Mage Wiz Voted classes not made

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Unfinisher3 Class Determination (cont.)

d126 Class Groups Source
65 MetaMonster7 Mon [PC99]
66 MetaPriest7 Pri [PC99]
67 MetaPsionicist5 or 7 Psi [PC99]
68 MetaRogue7 Rog [PC99]
69 MetaWarrior7 War [PC99]
70 MetaWizard7 Wiz [PC99]
71 Minikin (Minulator-oid) Cust, Alt Voted classes not made
72 Mirror Master Conc, Mirr Voted classes not made
73 Necromonger Pri, Overt Voted classes not made
74 Ninja Turtle Rog, Joke Don rejected classes
75 Ninja1JG Rog [PC99]
76 Occult Mage Wiz, Lost Voted classes not made
77 Occultist5 Pri [PC99]
78 Ooze Mon [PC99]
79 Opposition Conc Voted classes not made
80 ParaPsychologist5 Psi [PC99]
81 Pariah Conc, Mirr Voted classes not made
82 Preacher5 Pri [PC99]
83 Protector1 Pri [PC99]
84 Psi(-18) Psi [PC99]
85 Psi0.02 Psi Don rejected classes
86 Psi13 Psi Voted classes not made
87 Psi17 Psi [PC99]
88 Psi1Blaster Psi [PC99]
89 Psi20 Psi [PC99]
90 Psi23 Psi [PC99]
91 Psi600J Psi Don rejected classes
92 Psi63 (Synnibarr) Psi Voted classes not made
93 Psi6J Psi, Planar Voted classes not made
94 Quintessential Monk6 Rog Voted classes not made
95 Rabid Charging Beast ? Mon, RobotControlled Voted classes not made
96 SATD (Survivalist-ArchMage-
War, Wiz, Pri, Rog Don rejected classes
d126 Class Groups Source
97 Savage5 Mon [PC99]
98 Scoundrel5 Rog [PC99]
99 Shadow-walker1JG Rog [PC99]
100 Shifter Mon [PC99]
101 Soothsayer10 Wiz [PC99]
102 Spawn Conc, Enslaved Voted classes not made
103 Speedster81 Rog, Psi Voted classes not made
104 Spellweaver Wiz, Mon Voted classes not made
105 Spiritual Healer Pri, Psi, Alt Voted classes not made
106 Swindler5 Rog [PC99]
107 Switch Classer Cust [PC99]
108 Systematic Warrior War, Cust, Random Voted classes not made
109 Tarrasque Mon Voted classes not made
110 Techie Tech Voted classes not made
111 Theist21 Pri, Demi Voted classes not made
112 Thief1JG Rog [PC99]
113 Thought/Mind Mage Wiz [PC99]
114 ThugDM Rog [PC99]
115 Tiny Game Hunter War, Demi Voted classes not made
116 Trickster Rog Voted classes not made
117 Tusken Raider(-19) War [PC99]
118 Understudy Conc, Pri Voted classes not made
119 Variable PsiN Psi [PC99]
120 Venefic1JG Rog [PC99]
121 Victor5 Conc, War Voted classes not made
122 Vindicator(-65) War [PC99]
123 Virologist ? Wiz Don rejected classes
124 Werewolf5 Mon [PC99]
125 Worshiper of the Far Realm Demi, Pri, Lost Don rejected classes
126 X24 Psi [PC99]

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Wizard of the Coast

Level KXP MTG Wiz/Pri
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 5 20- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 20 320 --- ---
5 40 421 --- ---
6 80 422 0-- ---
7 160 432 1-- ---
8 250 433 20- ---
9 500 433 21- ---
10 700 443 22- ---
11 900 444 330 ---
12 1100 444 441 ---
13 1300 555 442 0--
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1700 555 552 10-
16 1900 555 553 21-
17 2100 555 553 320
18 2300 555 553 321
19 2500 555 553 331
20 2700 555 554 332
21 2900 555 554 442
22 3100 555 555 443
23 3300 555 555 553
24 3500 555 555 554
25 3700 555 555 555
26 3900 666 655 555
27 4100 666 666 655
28 4300 666 666 666
29 4500 777 766 666
30 4700 777 777 766
31 4900 777 777 777
32 5100 888 877 777
33 5300 888 888 877
34 5500 888 888 888
35 5700 999 988 888
36 5900 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: MTG / DM
Groups: Wizard, Priest, Lost
Gets Int bonus to progression.
Has access to the following Schools/Spheres:
Black (both a Wizard School and a Priest Sphere)
Blue (Wizard School)
Green (Priest Sphere)
Red (Wizard School)
White (Priest Sphere)
Some sample spells follow on the next page. Can cast normal Wizard or Priest spells; they cost 2 spells each.
2/reset: Convert a spell not on the list from MTG to D&D.

[PC13] Lost Classes Group

Wizard of the Coast Spells

School/Sphere SL # Spell Effect
Black 1 1 Darkness 1bM: Immune to a P attack from someone
Blue 1 1 Mind Games Target loses his next action (Spell save)
Green 1 1 Berserk Attacking creature does x2 dmg and is slain this segment (not 1bM)
Red 1 1 Lightning Bolt Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
White 1 1 Angel's Grace 1bM: Damage that would put you below 1 hp this segment puts you at 1 hp
Black 2 1 Animate Dead Animates a dead monster as your summon (1 DL lower)
Blue 2 1 Aura of Dominion Target can use 2M this segment.
Green 2 1 Bind 1bM: Counter an item ability.
Red 2 1 Echoing Ruin Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
White 2 1 Abeyance Target cannot use M actions this segment (Will save)
Black 3 1 Attrition Sacrifice a summon: Target is slain (PPD save)
Blue 3 1 Charisma Your attacks are charm branded (Will save)
Green 3 1 Ancestral Mask Target gets +LVL/+LVL TH/dmg for each other of same race in room
Red 3 1 Fervor You and your summons are not summoning sick.
White 3 1 Arenson's Aura 0, sacrifice a maintained effect: Dispel a maintained effect.
Black 4 1 Breeding Pit Once per round, get a DL I Thrull as a summon (limit=LVL)
Blue 4 1 Coastal Piracy Whenever you kill a creature, restore 1 SL in memorization
Green 4 1 Aluren You may cast SL 0-3 Conjuration/Summoning spells as a 0 action.
Red 4 1 AEther Flash Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
White 4 1 Congregate Target gains 10*N hp, where N is the number of people in the party+summons
Black 5 1 Extinction Slay all creatures of one race in a group (PPD save)
Blue 5 1 Evacuation A group of summons is unsummoned
Green 5 1 Doubling Season Whenever you summon a creature, you get 2 instead (+1 slot too)
Red 5 1 Fissure Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
White 5 1 Angelic Chorus Whenever you summon a creature, cure it's hp on yourself
Black 6 1 Dark Offering Slay a creature (PPD save), you gain it's hp to current hp
Blue 6 1 Mind's Desire You can cast 1d6 spells of SL=1d6 next segment as 1M
Green 6 1 Desert Twister Destroy something (PP save, like a Disintegrate spell)
Red 6 1 Dragon Roost Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
White 6 1 Beacon of Immortality Double current hp (like a Tenser's, but a different source)
Blue 7 1 Blatant Thievery Pick Pockets LVL*10% on each target in a group
Green 7 1 Tooth and Nail Summon DL VII, can pick type, or can pick creature within type
Red 7 1 Flame Wave CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
White 7 1 Look at Me, I'm the DCI An effect is banned from the room (x1 Special)
Black 8 1 Decree of Pain Slay all creatures in two groups (PPD save) or one group (no save)
Blue 8 1 Beacon of Tomorrows You get an extra segment this round (segment 11 at end)
Green 8 1 Biorhythm Each person in a group's current hp = (Number of summons)*10
Red 8 1 Insurrection Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)
White 8 1 Reverse the Sands Switch current hp totals with someone (no save)
White 9 1 Blessed Wind Target's current hp becomes 200.