[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Abjurer2 / Thaumaturgist

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9, Wis 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 --- --- ---
2 1 --- --- ---
3 3.2 1-- --- ---
4 6 2-- --- ---
5 10 3-- --- ---
6 18.5 41- --- ---
7 30 421 --- ---
8 50 432 --- ---
9 75 433 1-- ---
10 110 443 21- ---
11 200 444 22- ---
12 380 444 221 ---
13 560 444 332 ---
14 640 444 443 ---
15 820 444 444 ---
16 1000 544 444 1--
17 1180 554 444 2--
18 1360 555 444 3--
19 1540 555 544 4--
20 1720 555 554 41-
21 1900 555 555 42-
22 2080 555 555 53-
23 2260 555 555 54-
24 2440 555 555 55-
25 2620 655 555 551
26 2800 665 555 552
27 2980 666 555 553
28 3160 666 655 554
29 3340 666 665 555
30 3520 666 666 555
31 3700 666 666 655
32 3880 666 666 665
33 4060 666 666 666
34 4240 777 666 666
35 4420 777 777 666
36 4600 777 777 777
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: BoD3
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: One occupation non-weapon proficiency per level (free).
Level 1: Read Languages (47+level*3)%.
Level 2: Identify minerals by sight.
Level 3: Identify potions and poisons by sight.
Level 3: Considered specialized in Enchantment/Charm (no opposite).
Level 4: Identify plants by sight.
Level 4: Can create potions in 1/(level-3) the normal time.
Level 5: Identify animals by sight.
Level 6: Can write scrolls in 1/(level-5) the normal time.
Level 6: Considered specialized in Alteration (no opposites still).
Level 7: Can create any expendible/charged item in 1/(level-6) the normal time.
Level 9: Predict miscibility (Level-8)*10%.
Level 9: Can create any non-artifact magic item in 1/(level-8) the normal time.
Level 9: Identify any non-artifact magic item by sight.
Level 9: Identify non-immortal monsters by sight.
Level 9: Can specialize in (third) school; if this is done, select an opposite.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Amulet Destroyer1JG

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.25 2-- --- ---
3 4.5 3-- --- ---
4 9 41- --- ---
5 18 421 --- ---
6 36 432 --- ---
7 72 433 1-- ---
8 144 443 21- ---
9 288 444 22- ---
10 576 444 221 ---
11 1076 444 332 ---
12 1576 444 443 ---
13 2076 444 444 ---
14 2576 544 444 1--
15 3076 554 444 2--
16 3576 555 444 3--
17 4076 555 544 4--
18 4576 555 554 41-
19 5076 555 555 42-
20 5576 555 555 53-
21 6076 555 555 54-
22 6576 555 555 55-
23 7076 655 555 551
24 7576 665 555 552
25 8076 666 555 553
26 8576 666 655 554
27 9076 666 665 555
28 9576 666 666 555
29 10076 666 666 655
30 10576 666 666 665
31 11076 666 666 666
32 11576 777 666 666
33 12076 777 777 666
34 12576 777 777 777
35 13076 888 777 777
36 13576 888 888 777
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+2  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+3  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+4  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+5  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+6  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+7  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+8  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+9  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+10  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+11  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+12  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+13 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+14 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+15 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+16 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+17 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
Requisites: Str 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Amulet Maker1JG}
Groups: Warrior, Wizard, Alternate
Level 1: Irreducible Pick Pockets LVL*5% (not shifted by target's HD/Level)
Level 1: 0, 1 attack: Destroy a magic item.
Level 1: 1P: Dispel a spell/psionic effect.
Level 1: Your Personality Score = Con+Int+Wis+Chr+2*LVL.
Level 1: +LVL distributed among AC, TH, or dmg.
Level 2: 1M, heavy concentration (lose 1M each round): Lockdown E actions.
Level 18: Immune to the effects of ego from any item of your multiplier or less.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Amulet Maker1JG

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 --- --- ---
2 2 --- --- ---
3 4 1-- --- ---
4 8 2-- --- ---
5 16 3-- --- ---
6 32 41- --- ---
7 64 421 --- ---
8 128 432 --- ---
9 256 433 1-- ---
10 656 443 21- ---
11 1056 444 22- ---
12 1456 444 221 ---
13 1856 444 332 ---
14 2256 444 443 ---
15 2656 444 444 ---
16 3056 544 444 1--
17 3456 554 444 2--
18 3856 555 444 3--
19 4256 555 544 4--
20 4656 555 554 41-
21 5056 555 555 42-
22 5456 555 555 53-
23 5856 555 555 54-
24 6256 555 555 55-
25 6656 655 555 551
26 7056 665 555 552
27 7456 666 555 553
28 7856 666 655 554
29 8256 666 665 555
30 8656 666 666 555
31 9056 666 666 655
32 9456 666 666 665
33 9856 666 666 666
34 10256 777 666 666
35 10656 777 777 666
36 11056 777 777 777
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+1  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+2  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+2  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+2  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+3  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+3  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+3  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+4  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+4 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+4 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+5 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+5 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+5 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
Requisites: Str 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/2
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Can wear 1 amulet/necklace per level.
Level 1: Can make amulets of unusual materials (see [E5]). The maximum "S" factor is equal to your level. You must spend 25% of the cost of the unusual material, using a base cost of 10 gp per pound (minimum 1 pound). You get all the effects of the unusual material, as if you were wearing armor of that type. The amulet has a base AT of +0.
Level 1: Can create counterspell amulets. Choose one of the following:
(option a) When the amulet is created, choose a specific effect. 0, 1/reset: Counter an effect that you named.
(option b) All effects that directly target you must roll SR vs. (your CL)*2.
(option c) Gain MPIRR=(level*5%) vs. effects that directly target you.
You may own 1 such counterspell amulet per level (but you might not be able to wear them all at the same time, due to the 1 amulet per level restriction above). The SR and MPIRR amulets stack using the A/1+B/2+C/3+D/4+... formula.
Level 1: Can make a spell storing amulet. It stores your level in spell levels. You can have only one of these amulets.
Level 1: Unlike other JG classes, AmuletMaker gets no bonuses to AC, TH, or dmg. (This is here to tell you nothing is missing.)
Level 2: For each effect you cast that targets just you (even effects from other classes such as psionics), you may place the effect in an unused amulet. The effect works normally on you, but multiply the duration by your level. Each amulet can hold only one such effect. Artifact amulets cannot hold an effect.
Level 9: The MPIRR of the level 1 ability (option c) becomes AaAR (RMPIWEaRaMaPaIaWaER)
Level 18: Immune to the effects of ego from amulets or necklaces.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3.75 2-- --- ---
3 7.5 21- --- ---
4 15 32- --- ---
5 33.75 421 --- ---
6 60 422 --- ---
7 90 432 1-- ---
8 135 433 2-- ---
9 202.5 433 21- ---
10 375 443 22- ---
11 562.5 444 33- ---
12 1125 444 441 ---
13 1687.5 555 442 ---
14 2250 555 442 1--
15 2812.5 555 552 1--
16 3375 555 553 21-
17 3937.5 555 553 32-
18 4500 555 553 321
19 5062.5 555 553 331
20 5625 555 554 332
21 6187.5 555 554 442
22 6750 555 555 443
23 7312.5 555 555 553
24 7875 555 555 554
25 8437.5 555 555 555
26 9000 666 655 555
27 9562.5 666 666 655
28 10125 666 666 666
29 10687.5 777 766 666
30 11250 777 777 766
31 11812.5 777 777 777
32 12375 888 877 777
33 12937.5 888 888 877
34 13500 888 888 888
35 14062.5 999 988 888
36 14625 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 14, Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Magic-User1}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate
Specialization in Anti-Magic; no opposite.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Anti-Magic Spells

Level # Spell Effect
1 1 Anti-Magic Armor Armor has +1/+1 AC/saves for 1t
1 2 Anti-Magic Missile (L+1)/2 missiles; 1d4+1 dmg gravity (no save)
1 3 Anti-Magic Mouth Mouth that moves around (like Wizard Eye), can speak through it
1 4 Detect/Identify Anti-Magic Detect/Identify Anti-Magic
1 5 Foul Potions Foul (Destroy) 10*CL doses of magical Potions in someone's inventory (no save), the potions can be fixed out of combat if done within the hour
1 6 Nystul's Anti-Magic Aura Makes an object radiate anti-magic; considered a +0 weapon on the damage side
2 1 Anti-Magic Resistance aMR 50+CL*5% [duration 2 hours]
2 2 Blank [1Z to cast] Counter a Blink effect
2 3 Dispel Magic (one effect) Dispels one magic effect (no option to dispel an area like normal Dispel Magic)
2 4 Drain Charges Target magic item loses 10*CL charges (no save)
2 5 Rope Trap Create a x1 magical trap of Maze
2 6 Spectral Mouth Can have a breath effect start from a remote location
3 1 Anti-Magic Circle Against T/N/S/J/A/Nil As "Protection from [alignment]" spells, against one of T/N/S/J/A/Nil
3 2 Delay Life [1bM to cast] Counter a Raise effect (Resurrection still works), or Turn off someone's Regen Buffer
3 3 Flowform Enter the nearby border Phlogiston plane
3 4 Greater Anti-Magic Armor Armor has +CL/3 AC and +CL/3 saves for 1t
3 5 Pro. from Magic Armor You ignore the AC plusses from magic armor for 1t
3 6 Pro. from Shields Ignore damaging shield effects
4 1 Airskin 4+CL/2 Airskins. Each Airskin halves the damage from an energy-based attack. Can use 1Z to have a second Airskin halve it again.
4 2 Anti-Magic Mirror Like crystal ball but with sound and scent instead of sight
4 3 Create Exhaustion Target takes 50% more damage than the damage he's taken so far (RSW save for 25%)
5 1 Anti-Magic Jar Exorcism and Remove Domination/Charm/Magic Jar on 1 target, or the target drops an item that's Ego Dominating him (no resistance)
5 2 Anti-Magic Shell (one SL) Pick one SL. Turns off magical spells and effects of exactly that SL (lower or higher is not affected)
5 3 Shadow Anti-Magic CLd6 dmg (pick a normal or para element) to a group, Int check for half damage
6 1 Anti-Anti-Magic Shell Turns off anti-magical spells and effects of spell levels 0-5
6 2 Demi-Shadow Anti-Magic CLd8 dmg (pick a normal, para, or quasi element) to a group, Int check for half damage
6 3 Create DMZ Create a DMZ (Dispel Magic Zone), a x1 Special on the room
7 1 First Level Anti-Magic-User Spells (DM1) Cast any four 1st level Anti-Magic spells simultaneously when it is cast.
7 2 First Level Anti-Magic-User Spells (DM2) Can cast one 1st Level Anti-Magic spell per round as Z action
7 3
8 1
8 2
8 3
9 1 Megaskin CL/4 Megaskins. Each Megaskin lets you ignore one energy based attack.
9 2 Round Stop The current round will end after the end of this segment (the rest of the segments this round will not occur)
9 3
10 1 Anti-Anti-Dispel Magic Shell Lower an Anti-Dispel Magic Shell
10 2 Anti-Dispel Anti-Magic Shell Your effects are immune to low MF, Instantaneous, Look at Me I'm the DCI
10 3

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 10- --- ---
3 5 20- --- ---
4 10 200 --- ---
5 20 200 0-- ---
6 40 300 0-- ---
7 60 300 0-- ---
8 80 320 0-- ---
9 125 431 0-- ---
10 200 432 10- ---
11 350 433 20- ---
12 650 433 210 ---
13 950 443 220 ---
14 1250 444 330 ---
15 1550 444 431 0--
16 1850 554 442 0--
17 2150 555 442 10-
18 2450 555 543 20-
19 2750 555 554 210
20 3050 555 555 320
21 3350 555 555 321
22 3650 555 555 332
23 3950 555 555 443
24 4250 655 555 554
25 4550 666 665 555
26 4850 776 666 666
27 5150 777 777 777
28 5450 877 777 777
29 5750 887 777 777
30 6050 888 777 777
31 6350 888 877 777
32 6650 888 887 777
33 6950 888 888 777
34 7250 888 888 877
35 7550 888 888 887
36 7850 888 888 888
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Con 10, Int 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: S&S2
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Does not require spellbooks, may cast any Wizard spell that is known. If this is done, there is a (101-Int*5-CL*2)% chance of spell failure.
Level 1: If Dex is 15 or more, can 2nd edition specialize in Alteration (pick an opposite school).
Level 1: Identify potions, medicines, poison.
Level 1: For a potion: Can increase duration by 100% or effect by 50%. Each potion can be improved in this way only once.
Level 1: Can build a lab. It costs 1000 gp to build a level 1 lab, an additional 2000 gp to build a level 2 lab, an additional 3000 gp to build a level 3 lab, etc. If the lab is higher level than your Apothecary2 level, treat it as your Apothecary2 level.
Level 1: [If a lab is available] 8 hours of actions: Brew potion, make a lab level check, if successful, roll a random potion. If power score, roll twice, picking better result. If fail, there is a minor explosion or some other annoyance (chemical burn, blindness for a day, etc.).
Level 1: [If a lab is available] Each reset, add to memorization 1 Alteration spell per spell level up to (lab level)/2, round up.
Level 1: [If a lab is available] 1 hour of actions: Roll a (your CL)+(lab CL) check, if success: Make a concoction, some effects follow Aphrodisiac, Beauty Cream (+1 Chr for 1d), Chemical Light, Emetic (causes vomiting), Healing Salve (1d4), Painkiller, Poison (1 use, CLd4 damage or death at CL=9), Poison Antidote, Relaxant, Stimulant

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Arcane Alchemist

KXP Wizard/Priest
123 456 789

1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 1.5 2-- --- --- +0
3 4.8 30- --- --- +0
4 9 41- --- --- +1
5 15 421 --- --- +1
6 27.75 432 --- --- +1
7 45 433 1-- --- +2
8 75 443 21- --- +2
9 112.5 444 22- --- +2
10 165 444 221 --- +3
11 300 444 332 --- +3
12 570 444 443 --- +3
13 840 444 444 0-- +4
14 960 544 444 1-- +4
15 1230 554 444 2-- +4
16 1500 555 444 3-- +5
17 1770 555 544 40- +5
18 2040 555 554 41- +5
19 2310 555 555 42- +6
20 2580 555 555 53- +6
21 2850 555 555 54- +6
22 3120 555 555 550 +7
23 3390 655 555 551 +7
24 3660 665 555 552 +7
25 3930 666 555 553 +8
26 4200 666 655 554 +8
27 4470 666 665 555 +8
28 4740 666 666 555 +9
29 5010 666 666 655 +9
30 5280 666 666 665 +9
31 5550 666 666 666 +10
32 5820 777 666 666 +10
33 6090 777 777 666 +10
34 6360 777 777 777 +11
35 6630 888 777 777 +11
36 6900 888 888 777 1 +11
37 13800 888 888 777 2 +12
38 20700 888 888 777 3 +12
39 27600 888 888 777 4 +12
45 69000 888 888 888 7 +14
54 131100 999 999 988 81 +17
63 193200 999 999 999 88 +20
72 255300 AAA AAA 999 991 +23
Requisites: Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12,
  Class Slots 2
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Priest
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+4
Reflex: level+0
Will: level+3
Gets spell progression additionally in potions per day (without Wis bonus). These potions have DL instead of SL ratings. For example, at level 4, besides having four 1st and one 2nd level spell in your progression, you also get four DL=1 and one DL=2 potion each day.
Potions have 10 doses each. If you give or feed potions to other party members (or sell them), you need to spend an extra dose (so giving someone 3 doses at once actually costs you 4).
If you have a "0" in a SL in your progression, you may make one potion with half the number of doses.
It costs 1V action to drink a potion, or to feed it to someone else.
Level 1: Identify potions and poisons by sight.
Level 1: Considered specialized in Enchantment/Charm (no opposite).
Level 4: May "Frugal" potions, except for the ones you make. Frugal-ed potions give x1.5 the number of doses (round down), and cannot be Frugal-ed again or sold.
Level 9 ¶: Your potions have LVL+2 doses instead of 10.
Level 9 ¶: During reset time, N research points: Research a DL=N potion to add to what you can create with this class. It may or may not be permanently added to the list (at DM's discretion).
New Spells:
Refill Potion (SL=N): Refill a DL=N potion to it's max (or +10 doses, whichever is smaller). This spell cannot be channelled or material componented. If a potion has no DL rating, take it's (XP value)/200, rounded up.
Level 11: It costs only ˝V action to drink a potion.
Level 13: It costs only ˝V action to feed a potion to someone else (it still costs 2 doses though).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Arcane Alchemist Potions

DL # Potion Effect
1 1 Cure 10 Cures 10 hp
2 Fire Aura Fire Shield (50%) for 1 turn (each additional dose is +10%)
3 Fire Breath You breathe fire (=current hp, BW save for 1/2; 1 breath per dose)
4 Giant Strength Set Str 20+LVL for 1 turn (each additional dose is +1 Set Str)
5 Invulnerability +10/+10 protection (AC/saves) for 1 turn (each additional dose is +1/+1)
6 Poison Poison CL^2 dmg (can throw to do this effect, need not hit, "splashes" rest of group for CL dmg)
2 1 Cure 40 Cures 40 hp
2 2 Displacement Displaced (+2 AC)
2 3 Elemental Immunity Immune to one Element for 1 turn
2 4 Lesser Restoration Cure CL ability score damage or 1 negative level
2 5 Speed +3A actions (counts as your Haste) (each additional dose is +3" movement rate)
2 6 Stone Skins S.S. 4+CL*2 (each additional dose is +3 S.S.)
3 1 Cure 90 Cures 90 hp; "vile" dmg costs 10 each
3 2 Oil of Disenchantment Dispel Radiation, Magic, Psi, or Innate (1 effect per dose, may use multiple doses at once)
3 3 Dissolve Destroy one magic item or do CL Hdmg (Hull dmg) to an inanimate object
3 4 Free Action Free Action
3 5 Monster Control You have "1M: Charm Monster (Spell save)" for 1 turn.
3 6 Remove Status Effect Removes one [C8] Status Effect (the "easier effects" from SL=1 to SL=4 only)
4 1 Cure 160 Cures 160 hp; "vile" dmg costs 5 each
4 2 Dust of Disappearance Dust of Disappearance (+8 AC)
4 3 Dust of Tracelessness Cannot be targetted, detected, located, or tracked/trailed
4 4 Iron Skins I.S. 6+CL (each additional dose is +2 I.S.)
4 5 Oil of Etherealness Enemies need +1 weapon to hit you (+1 more per extra dose); for 3 doses can use Ethereal Projection
4 6 True Seeing True Seeing
5 1 Abyssal Water Abyssal Water (DM has table; does a random effect, usually permanent, can be good or bad or both.)
5 2 Create Any Monster Creates a DL=1d6+4 monster of random type (loyal to you; doesn't use a summon slot)
5 3 Cure 250 Cures 250 hp; "vile" dmg costs 2 each
5 4 Oil of Timelessness Immune unnatural Aging, Time, Chronomancy effects for 1 turn
5 5 Spell Potion 5 When created, spend a SL 1-4 spell slot. This potion is of that effect.
6 1 Duplicate Potion Duplicates another potion you have (this potion has only LVL/3 doses)
6 2 Harm Harm (can throw to do this effect, need not hit target, "splashes" rest of group for 25% of current)
6 3 Heal Heal
6 4 Stat Point [Choose a stat point when making potion] +1 to that stat permanently, up to a max of LVL
7 1 Ambrosia Considered a x2 being this round
7 2 Cureall Cureall
7 3 Universal Solvent Can throw to do this effect, need not hit, CL^3 dmg, does CL^2 splash dmg to rest of group
8 1 Fix Fix
8 2 Wish Wish (SL 0-8 effect Wizard or Priest)
9 1 Artificial Reset Artificial Reset

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Arcane Wizard

Level KXP Arcane Wizard
123 456 789 A
1 0 1-- --- --- -
2 5 20- --- --- -
3 10 21- --- --- -
4 20 320 --- --- -
5 40 321 --- --- -
6 80 432 0-- --- -
7 120 432 1-- --- -
8 180 543 20- --- -
9 270 543 21- --- -
10 500 654 320 --- -
11 750 654 321 --- -
12 1500 765 432 0-- -
13 2250 765 432 1-- -
14 3000 776 543 20- -
15 3750 776 543 21- -
16 4500 777 654 320 -
17 5250 777 654 321 -
18 6000 777 765 432 -
19 6750 777 776 543 -
20 7500 777 777 654 -
21 8250 777 777 765 -
22 9000 777 777 776 -
23 9750 777 777 777 -
24 10500 888 877 777 -
25 11250 888 888 877 -
26 12000 888 888 888 -
27 12750 888 888 888 b
28 13500 888 888 888 0
29 14250 888 888 888 1
30 15000 888 888 888 2
31 15750 888 888 888 3
32 16500 888 888 888 4
33 17250 888 888 888 5
34 18000 888 888 888 6
35 18750 888 888 888 7
36 19500 888 888 888 8
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Gets Int bonus to spell progression.
Has access only to Wizard Minor Schools that have been written in the Collective. This class is 0.1 of a Collective edition "behind" in what Schools it knows, for example in Collective 3.9 this class knows Collective 3.8 minor Schools (and earlier). When Collective 4.0 comes out, this class will know Collective 3.9 minor Schools.
This class cannot cast normal Wizard spells at all. If you generate a "wishoid" effect that emulates a Wizard (or Priest) spell, you may pick only "common" spells (those with source RC0, PH1, UA1, PH2, or PH3). You may "wishoid" for other Arcane Wizard spells, of course. Wishoids for psionic effects are limited to Psi1, Psi2, or Psi3; source PH1, PHBR5, or PsiHB3 only.
May specialize in a minor School, if you do, choose an opposite minor School.
Wizard Schools that are cross-listed with Concordant group (e.g. Aspirant, Henchman) can be cast by this class, but at a +1 SL penalty. Spells of SL=10 and above do not suffer this penalty and are not adjusted.
Does not get Wizard of the Coast class MTG G (Green) and MTG W (White) spells, since they are specifically noted to be Priest Spheres (not Wizard Schools).
As of Collective 3.9, this class knows the following Schools (number of spells in parentheses):
Anti-Magic (33), Aspirant/Lich (102), Bovinomancy (12), Chronomancy (54), Cthulhu (114), Delusion/Illusion (42), Eelemental (72), Force (54), Henchman/Villain (72), Incantatrix (42), Logic (10), Metamagic (6), MTG B (7), MTG U (15), MTG R (9), Ovinomancy (12), Poultrymancy (12), Quintessential (2), Technology (9)
Total number of spells = 668.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Arcane Wizard Spells

SL # Spell School Effect
0 1 Candle Communication Cthulhu Can communicate to someone you know (across planes) if they are running this spell too
0 2 Detect Life Cthulhu Detect Life
0 3 Elder Sign Cthulhu Outer planar creatures cannot cross the line
0 4 Message Cthulhu Message
1 1 Anti-Magic Armor Anti-Magic Armor has +1/+1 AC/saves for 1t
1 2 Anti-Magic Missile Anti-Magic (L+1)/2 missiles; 1d4+1 dmg gravity (no save)
1 3 Anti-Magic Mouth Anti-Magic Mouth that moves around (like Wizard Eye), can speak through it
1 4 Augury Cthulhu Augury
1 5 Bind Enemy Cthulhu Choose a target. You can't attack or target him, and vice versa.
1 6 Chant of Thoth Cthulhu +CL Int checks
1 7 Charm Chicken Poultrymancy Charm all chickens in a group (no save).
1 8 Charm Cow Bovinomancy Charm all cows in a group (no save).
1 9 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=1 Eelemental
1 10 Charm Sheep Ovinomancy Charm all sheep in a group (no save).
1 11 Chicken Person Poultrymancy Person becomes lethargic and loses all actions for CL rounds.
1 12 Chicken Swarm Summoning Poultrymancy Summons CL*10 chickens. They are DL 0 monsters, and don't do much, but they suck up a lot of damage.
1 13 Cloud Memory Cthulhu Forget (Will save)
1 14 Communication Logic Allows communication with any creature with Int 1+
1 15 Contact Human Cthulhu Contact a specific person
1 16 Control Weather Cthulhu Control Weather
1 17 Counter Wishoid Incantatrix 1bM: Counter a Wishoid or Miracle (need not be magical in nature)
1 18 Cow Person Bovinomancy Person becomes lethargic and loses all actions for CL rounds.
1 19 Cow Swarm Summoning Bovinomancy Summons CL*10 cows. They are DL 0 monsters, and don't do much, but they suck up a lot of damage.
1 20 Create Bad-Corpse Dust Cthulhu Create a line that Undead cannot cross
1 21 Create Technological Item 1 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 1 (duration 1 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
1 22 Darkness MTG B 1bM: Immune to a P attack from someone
1 23 Deflect Harm Cthulhu Deflect next CL physical attacks on you, but each causes 2 Int dmg to you
1 24 Delay Image Chronomancy +2 AC, +1 saves
1 25 Detect Chaos Logic Detects all Chaotic creatures within 360'
1 26 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 10 feet, ID within sight
1 27 Detect Magic Cthulhu Detect Magic
1 28 Detect Temporal Anomaly Chronomancy Detect Temporal Anomaly
1 29 Detect/Identify Anti-Magic Anti-Magic Detect/Identify Anti-Magic
1 30 Detect/Locate Chicken Poultrymancy Detects and Locates chickens within CL miles.
1 31 Detect/Locate Cow Bovinomancy Detects and Locates cows within CL miles.
1 32 Detect/Locate Sheep Ovinomancy Detects and Locates sheep within CL miles.
1 33 Determine Operation of Mechanism Logic Can use a tech level object of less than or equal to LVL
1 34 Dispel Abjuration/Protection Incantatrix Dispels an Abjuration or Protection effect
1 35 Dispel Illusion/Metamagic Incantatrix Dispels an Illusion or Metamagic effect
1 36 Dominate Animal Cthulhu Dominate Animal (save)
1 37 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd1 dmg to a group, no save, EE=1
1 38 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=1
1 39 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=1 Eelemental
1 40 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 1 Mirror Images, each has 1 hp to be detected as such
1 41 Eibon’s Wheel of Mist Cthulhu Your group is Invisible
1 42 Fly 3" Force Fly at 3" (F)
1 43 Force Ball 1 Force CL*2 force dmg to one group (no save)
1 44 Force Feather Fall Force Feather Fall (or) Immune to TK or falling dmg this segment (can cast using 1bM action)
1 45 Foul Potions Anti-Magic Foul (Destroy) 10*CL doses of magical Potions in someone's inventory (no save), the potions can be fixed out of combat if done within the hour
1 46 Haste A1 Chronomancy +1A action
1 47 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 4% of max hp
1 48 Invisibility Purge Cthulhu Dispel Invisibility
1 49 Know Time Chronomancy Know date and day
1 50 Lightning Bolt MTG R Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
1 51 Magic Resistance Incantatrix MR CL*10%
1 52 Memory Protection Incantatrix Immune to one memory/action/spell stealing effect (lasts until used)
1 53 Mind Games MTG U Target loses his next action (Spell save)
1 54 Mirror of Tarkhun Atep Cthulhu Creates a mirror
1 55 Nightmare Cthulhu Target sleeping person has a nightmare
1 56 Nystul's Anti-Magic Aura Anti-Magic Makes an object radiate anti-magic; considered a +0 weapon on the damage side
1 57 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 25% (EE=1)
1 58 Order Objects Logic Arrange group of small objects by some order (or) count a group of objects (or) weigh an object
1 59 Pose Mundane Cthulhu Illusion: Room appears to be normal/ordinary (x1 Trick)
1 60 Power of Nyambe Cthulhu +2d6 SL's added to your current progression for today; -1 Con (permanent)
1 61 Precognitive Sense Chronomancy Precognition
1 62 Remove Magical Snare Incantatrix Removes a Magical Snare, a Glyph, or a Symbol (does not cover Magical Traps in general, see SL 3)
1 63 Seal of Isis Cthulhu Object will make it's next item saving throw
1 64 Shatter x0 Force Destroys a x0 item
1 65 Sheep Person / Ovinize Ovinomancy Person becomes lethargic and loses all actions for CL rounds.
1 66 Sheep Swarm Summoning Ovinomancy, MTG U Summons CL*10 sheep. They are DL 0 monsters, and don't do much, but they suck up a lot of damage.
1 67 Slow Metabolism Chronomancy Need not eat/drink
1 68 Snare Dreamer Cthulhu Dispel a Somniomancy effect
1 69 TK Push 1 Force Size M target is pushed CL*10' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
1 70 TK Shield 1 Force AC +8+CL; +1 saves vs. anything that causes damage
1 71 True Strike Cthulhu Next attack at +20 TH
1 72 Unmask Demon Cthulhu Dispel a Change Self or Alter Appearance effect
1 73 View Gate Cthulhu Can see through a Gate to other side clearly
1 74 Voice of Ra Cthulhu +1d6+1 Chr
1 75 Warding the Eye Cthulhu Immune to the "Evil Eye" spell (on this list)
2 1 Accelerate Plant Growth Chronomancy Plant Growth
2 2 Animate Dead MTG B Animates a dead monster as your summon (1 DL lower)
2 3 Anti-Magic Resistance Anti-Magic aMR 50+CL*5% [duration 2 hours]
2 (1+1) 4 Aspirant 1-1 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th level Wizard spell
2 (1+1) 5 Aspirant 1-2 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th level Priest spell
2 (1+1) 6 Aspirant 1-3 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th level psionic effect (Psi1, Psi2, or Psi3 only)
2 (1+1) 7 Aspirant 1-4 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Turn Undead at CL=LVL
2 (1+1) 8 Aspirant 1-5 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Speak with Dead or Undead; 1M: Capital E Explain to Dead or Undead
2 (1+1) 9 Aspirant 1-6 Aspirant/Lich +10*LVL% WR
2 (1+1) 10 Aspirant 1-7 Aspirant/Lich Mask Undead status; Turn as if double HD
2 (1+1) 11 Aspirant 1-8 Aspirant/Lich Detect Magic Items; 1M: Identify Magic Item
2 (1+1) 12 Aspirant 1-9 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/d: Gain +1 XP
2 (1+1) 13 Aspirant 1-10 Aspirant/Lich 1P: Create x1 Trap 15*LVL%
2 (1+1) 14 Aspirant 1-11 Aspirant/Lich Material componenting costs ˝V action
2 (1+1) 15 Aspirant 1-12 Aspirant/Lich +LVL V actions, or +LVL M actions that can be used only for Proto-Lich spells
2 (1+1) 16 Aspirant 1-13 Aspirant/Lich Cold LVL dmg by touch
2 (1+1) 17 Aspirant 1-14 Aspirant/Lich +1 Research Point (or drawn sheet) per reset (see [P12])
2 (1+1) 18 Aspirant 1-15 Aspirant/Lich 1F or 1X, 1/d: Duplicate any level 1 Proto-Lich spell, it has (at most) duration LVL turns
2 19 Aura of Dominion MTG U Target can use 2M this segment.
2 20 Blank Anti-Magic [1Z to cast] Counter a Blink effect
2 21 Bring Pestilence Cthulhu Disease (1d4 stat dmg to Str, Dex, or Con) (Fort save)
2 22 Cast Out Shan Cthulhu Dismiss a DL I-II Insect or Undead
2 23 Cause Fear Cthulhu Fear (Will save)
2 24 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=2 Eelemental
2 25 Chickenskin Poultrymancy Get 6+CL chickenskins. Each chickenskin is a DL 20/- effect vs. one attack.
2 26 Circle of Nausea Cthulhu Nausea to one group (Fort save)
2 27 Command Logic As per priest spell but can use 2 words
2 28 Confusion Incantatrix One target is confused (save)
2 29 Contact Creature Cthulhu Contact a specific creature type
2 30 Countermagic Incantatrix 1bM: Counter a magical spell or magic item activation.
2 31 Cowskin Bovinomancy Get 6+CL cowskins. Each cowskin is a DL 20/- effect vs. one attack.
2 32 Create Technological Item 2 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 2 (duration 2 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
2 33 Darkness Cthulhu Darkness
2 34 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 100 feet, ID within sight
2 35 Detect/Dispel Charm/Ego Incantatrix Detects/Dispels Charm or Ego Domination (for 1s, lets you drop the item)
2 36 Dismissal Cthulhu Dismiss an outer planar creature (save)
2 37 Dispel Magic Incantatrix Dispel Magic
2 38 Dispel Magic (one effect) Anti-Magic Dispels one magic effect (no option to dispel an area like normal Dispel Magic)
2 39 Disrupt Concentration Incantatrix Target cannot heavy concentrate (no save)
2 40 Dominate Person Cthulhu Dominate Person (save)
2 41 Drain Charges Anti-Magic Target magic item loses 10*CL charges (no save)
2 42 Dread Curse of Azathoth Cthulhu 1d3 Chr dmg
2 43 Echoing Ruin MTG R Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
2 44 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd2 dmg to a group, no save, EE=2
2 45 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=2
2 46 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=2 Eelemental
2 47 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 2 Mirror Images, each has 4 hp to be detected as such
2 48 Enchant Item Cthulhu Add a half plus to an item (for 1 hour)
2 49 Evil Eye Cthulhu Curse: -4 TH, checks, saves (save)
2 50 Fast-Talking Logic All targets must save vs. spell at a penalty equal to 2*CL or believe what he is saying as true
2 51 Find Gate Cthulhu Detect Gates
2 52 Fist of Yog-Sothoth Cthulhu CLd6 force dmg to one target (no save)
2 53 Flesh Ward Cthulhu DR 10/+1
2 54 Fly 9" Force Fly at 9" (E)
2 55 Force Ball 2 Force CL*4 force dmg to one group (no save)
2 56 Force Spike Metamagic, MTG U 1 bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another spell/psionic slot to it.
2 57 Frozen Tracks Cthulhu Stop (save)
2 58 Grasp of Cthulhu Cthulhu Target takes 2d6 dmg /r (save)
2 59 Haste A2 Chronomancy +2A or +1B actions
2 60 Healing Touch Cthulhu Touch to cure 1d8+CL hp and 1 stat point dmg
2 61 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 9% of max hp
2 (1+1) 62 Henchman 1-1 Henchman/Villain 1P, 1/d: Create a MINIATURE GIANT ROBOT, a DL (CL+3)/2 Golem or Technological monster (treat as a summon)
2 (1+1) 63 Henchman 1-2 Henchman/Villain 0, 1/d: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero or Sidekick.
2 (1+1) 64 Henchman 1-3 Henchman/Villain 1M: Monster Summoning (CL+1)/2
2 (1+1) 65 Henchman 1-4 Henchman/Villain You adjust all BlahR by -5*level%
2 (1+1) 66 Henchman 1-5 Henchman/Villain +10% XP in Henchman, if this is your only class (if you are single classed and getting x2 XP, you'll get x2.1 XP now)
2 (1+1) 67 Henchman 1-6 Henchman/Villain You ignore one level of Resist Elements on other people (Immune -> Double Resist, Double Resist -> Resist, Resist -> nothing)
2 (1+1) 68 Henchman 1-7 Henchman/Villain You ignore one level of Resist Hold/Stun/Para. on other people
2 (1+1) 69 Henchman 1-8 Henchman/Villain You ignore one level of Resist Action/Memory/Other Stealing on other people
2 (1+1) 70 Henchman 1-9 Henchman/Villain 1V, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
2 (1+1) 71 Henchman 1-10 Henchman/Villain 1bM: Counter an Avoid Fate or Energy Control (Psi1/Psi2)
2 (1+1) 72 Henchman 1-11 Henchman/Villain 1bF: Counter a counterspell effect.
2 (1+1) 73 Henchman 1-12 Henchman/Villain You can have two summons (same group).
2 74 Hide from the Eye Cthulhu Invisibility
2 75 Hypnotism Cthulhu Hypnosis (save)
2 76 Identify Spirit Cthulhu Detect Possession
2 77 Insect Plague Cthulhu Area effect 1 dmg /s insects
2 78 Levitate Cthulhu Levitate
2 79 Life Sounding Chronomancy Know target's age and how many years of natural lifespan is left
2 80 Locate Object Cthulhu Locate Object
2 81 Magic Weapon Cthulhu Weapon gets +1/+1 for 1 turn
2 82 Mass Feather Fall Force Feather Fall any number of targets within sight (each gets a save)
2 83 Mind Blank Incantatrix Mind Blank
2 84 Obscuring Mist Cthulhu Wall of Fog
2 85 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 50% (EE=1)
2 86 Preserve Chronomancy Target object is preserved and will not spoil/rot
2 87 Protection from Chaos Logic As per Pro.Evil but against Chaotic creatures
2 88 Rope Trap Anti-Magic Create a x1 magical trap of Maze
2 89 Sekhmenkenhep's Words Cthulhu Convince people that what you're saying is true (save)
2 90 Shatter x1 Force Destroys a x0 to x1 item
2 91 Sheepskin Ovinomancy Get 6+CL sheepskins. Each sheepskin is a DL 20/- effect vs. one attack.
2 92 Skin of Sedefkar Cthulhu +CL/5 AC
2 93 Song of Hastur Cthulhu Target takes 2d6 dmg /r (save)
2 94 Soul Trap Cthulhu Speak with Dead but you had to be the one who killed him
2 95 Spectral Mouth Anti-Magic Can have a breath effect start from a remote location
2 96 Spectral Razor Cthulhu Magical blade that's 2d6 dmg and counts as a +5 weapon
2 97 Suggestion Cthulhu Suggestion (save)
2 98 Time Stop Object Chronomancy Time stops an inanimate object for 1-3 rounds
2 99 Timeslip Chronomancy (can cast in response to being attacked) You disappear from the combat until next round.
2 100 TK Push 2 Force Size M target is pushed CL*20' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
2 101 TK Shield 2 Force AC +7+CL*4/3; +3 saves vs. anything that causes damage
2 102 Voorish Sign Cthulhu The next spell you cast will be at +3 CL
2 103 Wandering Soul Cthulhu Dream Travel
2 104 Ward against Pyschics Cthulhu Psionic Feats cannot be used in the room (x1 Special)
3 1 Anti-Magic Circle Against T/N/S/J/A/Nil Anti-Magic As "Protection from [alignment]" spells, against one of T/N/S/J/A/Nil
3 2 Articus's Melee Manager Chronomancy Target gets +CL/5 melee attacks per P action for 2*CL rounds
3 (2+1) 3 Aspirant 2-1 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-1st level Wizard spell
3 (2+1) 4 Aspirant 2-2 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-1st level Priest spell
3 (2+1) 5 Aspirant 2-3 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-1st level psionic effect (Psi1, Psi2, or Psi3 only)
3 (2+1) 6 Aspirant 2-4 Aspirant/Lich Immune Turning
3 (2+1) 7 Aspirant 2-5 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Control Undead (as per Turn Undead)
3 (2+1) 8 Aspirant 2-6 Aspirant/Lich +10*LVL% RaRR
3 (2+1) 9 Aspirant 2-7 Aspirant/Lich Detect Concordant Beings; 1M: Legend Lore Concordant Being
3 (2+1) 10 Aspirant 2-8 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Create x1 Trick 15*LVL%
3 (2+1) 11 Aspirant 2-9 Aspirant/Lich Can convert Wiz <-> Pri spells (2 SL shift: Wiz5=Pri3)
3 (2+1) 12 Aspirant 2-10 Aspirant/Lich +LVL/3 M actions
3 (2+1) 13 Aspirant 2-11 Aspirant/Lich 1M, Touch: Energy Drain 2 levels
3 (2+1) 14 Aspirant 2-12 Aspirant/Lich Duplicate any SL 1 Concordant group spell (i.e. non-Concordant SL 1)
3 15 Attrition MTG B Sacrifice a summon: Target is slain (PPD save)
3 16 Black Binding Cthulhu Animate a dead corpse as a DL III Undead
3 17 Breath of the Deep Cthulhu Target is drowning (Fort save per segment or 2d6 dmg)
3 18 Charisma MTG U Your attacks are charm branded (Will save)
3 19 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=3 Eelemental
3 20 Chromatic Blast Delusion/Illusion Chromatic Orb for a group, don't need to roll to hit
3 21 Contact Deity Cthulhu Contact a specific deity 50+CL%; caster becomes insane (Will save)
3 22 Create Technological Item 3 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 3 (duration 3 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
3 23 Curse of the Stone Cthulhu Target cannot act (save) as long as you heavy concentrate (can't use M actions)
3 24 Delay Life Anti-Magic [1bM to cast] Counter a Raise effect (Resurrection still works), or Turn off someone's Regen Buffer
3 25 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 1,000 feet, ID within sight
3 26 Displacement I Delusion/Illusion Displaced (AC +2, first attack misses)
3 27 Divination Cthulhu Divination
3 28 Drainheal Incantatrix Drain the local MF by 1: Heal self.
3 29 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd3 dmg to a group, no save, EE=3
3 30 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=3
3 31 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=3 Eelemental
3 32 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 3 Mirror Images, each has 9 hp to be detected as such
3 33 Fervor MTG R You and your summons are not summoning sick.
3 34 Flowform Anti-Magic Enter the nearby border Phlogiston plane
3 35 Fly 18" Force Fly at 18" (D)
3 36 Force Ball 3 Force CL*6 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 37 Fowl Play Poultrymancy, MTG U Target gets polymorphed into a chicken (PP save). If save missed target gains the mentality of a chicken (Will save).
3 38 Greater Anti-Magic Armor Anti-Magic Armor has +CL/3 AC and +CL/3 saves for 1t
3 39 Haste A3 Chronomancy +3A, +2B, or +1C actions
3 40 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 16% of max hp
3 (2+1) 41 Henchman 2-1 Henchman/Villain 1V: Twist (Remove an effect on a person)
3 (2+1) 42 Henchman 2-2 Henchman/Villain 1P, 1/d: Slay someone with the Sidekick class (PPD save)
3 (2+1) 43 Henchman 2-3 Henchman/Villain 1M, 1/d: Contact Other Plane, Ask the Local Lord a question, or reverse Tempus Lawfulness
3 (2+1) 44 Henchman 2-4 Henchman/Villain 1M, 1/r: Causeall one target.
3 (2+1) 45 Henchman 2-5 Henchman/Villain Pick a psionic power you have. +1M a round only for that psionic power, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
3 (2+1) 46 Henchman 2-6 Henchman/Villain Pick a spell you have. It is "material componented" for range for free, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
3 (2+1) 47 Henchman 2-7 Henchman/Villain All your innate abilities can be used one extra time per day (e.g. 3/d becomes 4/d). Your Innates require 2 saves to avoid.
3 (2+1) 48 Henchman 2-8 Henchman/Villain +1 minor in a psionic progression you have.
3 (2+1) 49 Henchman 2-9 Henchman/Villain 1P, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any P actions on his next segment.
3 (2+1) 50 Henchman 2-10 Henchman/Villain 1M, #bM, only on your segment: Dispel # effects on one target (max #=LVL, you can borrow a lot here)
3 (2+1) 51 Henchman 2-11 Henchman/Villain 1F, 1/d: Lower the "Time Reality Stability" ability on another person (PP save)
3 (2+1) 52 Henchman 2-12 Henchman/Villain May wear two suits of armor, your AT sources fully stack
3 53 Hold Monster Logic As per Enc/Cha spell, save at -2*CL
3 54 Illusion Summoning III Delusion/Illusion Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IV, defends as a DL II
3 55 Imprison Mind Cthulhu Target spirit / life essence cannot leave the body it's in (save)
3 56 Life Tether Chronomancy You know when in time the target is at all times, when time travelling can use the target as anchor
3 57 Maladweomer Incantatrix Target has minimum effect with spells (others have +4 saves) for 1t, this can be reversed (Empradweomer)
3 58 Mana Leak Metamagic, MTG U 1 bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another 3 spell/psionic slots to it.
3 59 Mindblast Cthulhu Insanity (save)
3 60 Mini Globe of Invulnerability Incantatrix Immune to SL 0-2 spells
3 61 Minor Paradox Chronomancy Counter an effect that just occured last segment (it is undone)
3 62 Mirror Image III Delusion/Illusion 6 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
3 63 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 75% (EE=1)
3 64 Personal Illusion Logic Makes an exact illusion (all senses) of a creature
3 65 Phantom Shield Delusion/Illusion AC +CL*2; saves +CL; MDeflection CL*10%
3 66 Polymorph to Cow Bovinomancy Target gets polymorphed into a cow (PP save). If save missed target gains the mentality of a cow (Will save).
3 67 Polymorph to Sheep Ovinomancy Target gets polymorphed into a sheep (PP save). If save missed target gains the mentality of a sheep (Will save).
3 68 Pro. from Magic Armor Anti-Magic You ignore the AC plusses from magic armor for 1t
3 69 Pro. from Shields Anti-Magic Ignore damaging shield effects
3 70 Raise Night Fog Cthulhu Fog
3 71 Red Sign of Shudde M'ell Cthulhu Group takes 1d6+LVL dmg (no save)
3 72 Remove Curse Incantatrix Remove Curse
3 73 Remove Magical Trap Incantatrix Removes a Magical Trap; you have 100+CL*5% chance in it (minus the usual FRTraps shift)
3 74 Shatter x2 Force Destroys a x0 to x2 item
3 75 Shriveling Cthulhu CLd4 dark energy dmg to one target (no save)
3 76 Siren's Song Cthulhu Charm 2*CL HD of creatures (save)
3 77 Slow Chronomancy Slow (save)
3 78 Steal Magical Enchantment Incantatrix Steal a magical effect someone is running; it is on you now, you need to maintain it
3 79 Summon/Bind Creature Cthulhu Summons a DL 1d4 Outer creature
3 80 Time Snare Chronomancy Target will do the same actions it did last time it acted (Spell save each round until made)
3 81 TK Push 3 Force Size M target is pushed CL*30' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
3 82 TK Shield 3 Force AC +6+CL*5/3; +6 saves vs. anything that causes damage
3 83 True Darkness Delusion/Illusion Total Darkness, Infravision / See in Darkness / Truesight doesn't work
3 84 Wall of Force Force Wall of Force (not solid)
3 85 Wave of Oblivion Cthulhu If near a body of water, creates a large wave (CLd4 water dmg, no save)
3 86 Wither Limb Cthulhu Sharpness a random limb (save)
3 87 Wrack Cthulhu Pain (-2 all rolls) (save)
4 1 AEther Flash MTG R Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
4 2 Airskin Anti-Magic 4+CL/2 Airskins. Each Airskin halves the damage from an energy-based attack. Can use 1Z to have a second Airskin halve it again.
4 3 Animal Form Cthulhu Polymorph Self into a specific animal
4 4 Anti-Chicken Shell Poultrymancy You are completely immune to anything a chicken might do to you. You can still affect them normally.
4 5 Anti-Cow Shell Bovinomancy You are completely immune to anything a cow might do to you. You can still affect them normally.
4 6 Anti-Magic Mirror Anti-Magic Like crystal ball but with sound and scent instead of sight
4 7 Anti-Sheep Shell Ovinomancy You are completely immune to anything a sheep might do to you. You can still affect them normally.
4 (3+1) 8 Aspirant 3-1 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-2nd level Wizard spell
4 (3+1) 9 Aspirant 3-2 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-2nd level Priest spell
4 (3+1) 10 Aspirant 3-3 Aspirant/Lich 1M, LVL/d: Grant Undead Status
4 (3+1) 11 Aspirant 3-4 Aspirant/Lich +10*LVL MR
4 (3+1) 12 Aspirant 3-5 Aspirant/Lich 1F: Create x1 Special 5*LVL%
4 (3+1) 13 Aspirant 3-6 Aspirant/Lich 0, Gaze: Life Trapping (as per Mirror) (save)
4 (3+1) 14 Aspirant 3-7 Aspirant/Lich Immune to Twilight
4 (3+1) 15 Aspirant 3-8 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Imprisonment (save)
4 (3+1) 16 Aspirant 3-9 Aspirant/Lich 1M: LVLd10 Colorless Fire dmg to one target (no save)
4 (3+1) 17 Aspirant 3-10 Aspirant/Lich Troll-like Regen LVL hp /s
4 (3+1) 18 Aspirant 3-11 Aspirant/Lich Double the memorization of 1 SL (Wizard or Priest)
4 (3+1) 19 Aspirant 3-12 Aspirant/Lich Duplicate any SL 2 Concordant group spell (i.e. non-Concordant SL 2)
4 20 Bind Loup-Garou Cthulhu Force Shapechange and Dispel a Psi14 effect
4 21 Bind Soul Cthulhu Put someone's soul in a receptacle (Will save)
4 22 Blur Zone Delusion/Illusion Nothing can be targetting in the room (x1 Special)
4 23 Breeding Pit MTG B Once per round, get a DL I Thrull as a summon (limit=LVL)
4 24 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=4 Eelemental
4 25 Charm Lawful Creature Logic Target Lawful creature is charmed (no save)
4 26 Cloak of Fire Cthulhu +1d4+1 Dex; +3" move rate; Fire damaging shield (1d8 fire dmg /hit); You take 1 dmg /r
4 27 Coastal Piracy MTG U Whenever you kill a creature, restore 1 SL in memorization
4 28 Counterspell Metamagic, MTG U 1 bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect.
4 29 Create Exhaustion Anti-Magic Target takes 50% more damage than the damage he's taken so far (RSW save for 25%)
4 30 Create Scrying Window Cthulhu Postcognition
4 31 Create Technological Item 4 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 4 (duration 4 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
4 32 Curse of the Putrid Husk Cthulhu Curse: Insanity (save)
4 33 Curse of the Rat-thing Cthulhu Animate a dead corpse as a DL IV Undead
4 34 Dark Resurrection Cthulhu Raise Dead
4 35 Deflection Incantatrix 1bM: Redirect a magical spell or magic item activation to hit a different target.
4 36 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 10,000 feet, ID within sight
4 37 Disrupt Undead Incantatrix Each segment for 4 segments, choose a group of undead: <= Shadow is D(usted), <= Lich takes CLd6 dmg
4 38 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd4 dmg to a group, no save, EE=4
4 39 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=4
4 40 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=4 Eelemental
4 41 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 4 Mirror Images, each has 16 hp to be detected as such
4 42 Fly 30" Force Fly at 30" (C)
4 43 Force Ball 4 Force CL*8 force dmg to one group (no save)
4 44 Fork Metamagic, MTG R 1 bM or 1 OppM: Copy target magical/psionic effect.
4 45 Hands of Colubra Cthulhu Your arms turn into snakes that deal 1d6 dmg + 1d6 Str dmg
4 46 Haste A4 Chronomancy +4A, +3B, or +2C actions
4 47 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 25% of max hp
4 (3+1) 48 Henchman 3-1 Henchman/Villain You can have three summons (same group).
4 (3+1) 49 Henchman 3-2 Henchman/Villain You can have one familiar. This spell does the "Find Familiar" effect when you take it.
4 (3+1) 50 Henchman 3-3 Henchman/Villain 1M: Fascinate a group (Will save)
4 (3+1) 51 Henchman 3-4 Henchman/Villain 0, 1/t: Counter a chosen die roll (they have to roll it now) or rerolled die roll
4 (3+1) 52 Henchman 3-5 Henchman/Villain 1M, 1/d: Set (reverse Reset) one target.
4 (3+1) 53 Henchman 3-6 Henchman/Villain You ignore one level of Resist Elements and Eelements on other people (stacks with the lower level version of this)
4 (3+1) 54 Henchman 3-7 Henchman/Villain 1M, 1/r: Dispel a Haste effect. New Haste effects cannot be used in the room (this counts as a x1 Special).
4 (3+1) 55 Henchman 3-8 Henchman/Villain 1M, 1/d: Segment 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
4 (3+1) 56 Henchman 3-9 Henchman/Villain 1M, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any M actions on his next segment.
4 (3+1) 57 Henchman 3-10 Henchman/Villain 1M: Drop an Anti-Magic Shell, Anti-Psionic Shell, or Anti-Innate Shell
4 (3+1) 58 Henchman 3-11 Henchman/Villain Anti-Sidekick shell SL 0-3 (Sidekick effects of SL 0-3 cannot be used within 20'r)
4 (3+1) 59 Henchman 3-12 Henchman/Villain 1F, 1/d: Multiply an effect you do by x1+LVL/10.
4 60 Hold Illusion Delusion/Illusion Next Illusion spell you cast requires no maintained, doesn't drop if you drop
4 61 Illusion Summoning IV Delusion/Illusion Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL VI, defends as a DL II
4 62 Locate Creature Cthulhu Locate a specific creature
4 63 Look to the Future Cthulhu Can see into the future
4 64 Maintain Dampen Incantatrix Everyone in the room gets -CL to their # of maintained effects (treat as a x1 Special), or affect just one target
4 65 Mind Transfer Cthulhu Switch bodies with someone (save)
4 66 Mirror Image IV Delusion/Illusion 8 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
4 67 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 100% (EE=1)
4 68 Pipes of Madness Cthulhu Insanity to a group (save)
4 69 Prophecy Chronomancy Improved Precognition
4 70 Ray of Oblivion Incantatrix Target forgets how to cast CL spells by name (the spell slots are not regained until next reset)
4 71 Return to Rest Cthulhu Destroy an undead (save)
4 72 Rope Trap Delusion/Illusion Target is ejected to Astral and Heavily Stunned (PP save)
4 73 Shatter x3 Force Destroys a x0 to x3 item
4 74 Soul Singing Cthulhu Illusion: Target sees and hears what you wish, no one else affected (save)
4 75 Speak with Dead Cthulhu Speak with Dead
4 76 Steal Mental Incantatrix Target loses 1M from his remaining mentals (or owes one), you gain 1M (target saves vs. Spell)
4 77 Steal Summon Incantatrix Steal someone's summon (your summon slot needs to be open to do this)
4 78 Summon Time Elemental Chronomancy Summons a normal (non-special) DL IV Time Elemental
4 79 Teleport Force Teleport
4 80 Temporal Push Chronomancy Target is thrown CL+1 rounds into the future (Will save)
4 81 Timeheal Chronomancy Heal (as spell), 5*N% chance of failure, where N is the number of rounds before now the target was at full health
4 82 TK Push 4 Force Size M target is pushed CL*40' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
4 83 TK Shield 4 Force AC +5+CL*2; +10 saves vs. anything that causes damage
4 84 Unspeakable Oath Cthulhu Get a random minor magic item (50%) or +1 Int (50%) for 1 turn
4 85 Wesley's Temporal Disjunction Chronomancy -1 to #Att, always loses initiative for 1d10+5 days (Spell save)
4 86 X-ray Vision Delusion/Illusion X-ray Vision
5 1 Accelerate Animal Growth Chronomancy Age a creature CL months, is at half number of attacks for CL turns (RSW save)
5 2 Anti-Magic Jar Anti-Magic Exorcism and Remove Domination/Charm/Magic Jar on 1 target, or the target drops an item that's Ego Dominating him (no resistance)
5 3 Anti-Magic Shell (one SL) Anti-Magic Pick one SL. Turns off magical spells and effects of exactly that SL (lower or higher is not affected)
5 4 Anti-Magic Shell 5 Incantatrix Spells of SL 0-4 don't work in your group
5 5 Articus's Devolutionary Warrior Chronomancy Target gets +1d6 Str/Dex/Con and -3d6 Int/Wis/Chr (minimum 1) (Spell save)
5 (4+1) 6 Aspirant 4-1 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-3rd level Wizard spell
5 (4+1) 7 Aspirant 4-2 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-3rd level Priest spell
5 (4+1) 8 Aspirant 4-3 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any psionic minor (Psi1, Psi2, or Psi3 only)
5 (4+1) 9 Aspirant 4-4 Aspirant/Lich +10*LVL PaPR
5 (4+1) 10 Aspirant 4-5 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Dispel Innate or Racial ability effect
5 (4+1) 11 Aspirant 4-6 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/d: Reset
5 (4+1) 12 Aspirant 4-7 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/d: Contact Alternate Reality
5 (4+1) 13 Aspirant 4-8 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/d: Create Any DL 4 Monster
5 (4+1) 14 Aspirant 4-9 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Steal all spells (save)
5 (4+1) 15 Aspirant 4-10 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Lose LVLd4 stat pts
5 (4+1) 16 Aspirant 4-11 Aspirant/Lich 1bF: Fork
5 (4+1) 17 Aspirant 4-12 Aspirant/Lich Duplicate any SL 3 Concordant group spell (i.e. non-Concordant SL 3)
5 18 Banishment of Yde Etad Cthulhu Banish an outer planar creature to home plane (Will save)
5 19 Blind/Deafen Cthulhu Blind and Deafen target (Fort save on each)
5 20 Cast Out Devil Cthulhu Exorcise
5 21 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=5 Eelemental
5 22 Chicken Life Poultrymancy 0 action to cast, consume a chicken in your group: Heal self.
5 23 Chickening Doom Poultrymancy Like a Creeping Doom, but it's Rabid Dire Chickens. You get CL*3 chickens, each with 10 hp/dmg.
5 24 Cow Life Bovinomancy 0 action to cast, consume a cow in your group: Heal self.
5 25 Cowing Doom Bovinomancy Like a Creeping Doom, but it's Rabid Dire Cows. You get CL*3 cows, each with 10 hp/dmg.
5 26 Create Barrier of Naach-Tith Cthulhu Wall: Spells cannot pass, Str check (DC 40) to pass
5 27 Create Slipgate Chronomancy Create a temporal gate
5 28 Create Technological Item 5 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 5 (duration 5 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
5 29 Deflection Metamagic, MTG U 1 bM or 1 OppM: Redirect target magical/psionic effect to another target.
5 30 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 100,000 feet, ID within sight
5 31 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd5 dmg to a group, no save, EE=5
5 32 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=5
5 33 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=5 Eelemental
5 34 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 5 Mirror Images, each has 25 hp to be detected as such
5 35 Evacuation MTG U A group of summons is unsummoned
5 36 Extinction MTG B Slay all creatures of one race in a group (PPD save)
5 37 False Skin Delusion/Illusion CL*3/2+5 False Skins (F.S.), each causes enemy to roll a natural "2" TH
5 38 Fissure MTG R Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
5 39 Fly 45" Force Fly at 45" (B)
5 40 Force Ball 5 Force CL*10 force dmg to one group (no save)
5 41 Gravity Wave Force Increase/decrease gravity in area by +/- CL G's (treat as a x1 Special)
5 42 Haste A5 Chronomancy +5A, +4B, or +3C actions
5 43 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 36% of max hp
5 (4+1) 44 Henchman 4-1 Henchman/Villain 5F, Marry the SIDEKICK'S SWEETHEART: The Sidekick in question is Pixelated.
5 (4+1) 45 Henchman 4-2 Henchman/Villain You can't be targetted until your summons are destroyed.
5 (4+1) 46 Henchman 4-3 Henchman/Villain 1M: But wait, the other Henchman over there FORGOT ONE SMALL THING and he is Crapped and Slain. (save for each)
5 (4+1) 47 Henchman 4-4 Henchman/Villain Pick a spell you have. It costs ˝M to use.
5 (4+1) 48 Henchman 4-5 Henchman/Villain Pick a psionic power you have. It costs ˝M to use.
5 (4+1) 49 Henchman 4-6 Henchman/Villain Pick an innate ability you have. It costs ˝M to use.
5 (4+1) 50 Henchman 4-7 Henchman/Villain 1M, 1/d: Segments 9 and 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
5 (4+1) 51 Henchman 4-8 Henchman/Villain +1 Opposing action. (Remember you can translate 1Opp -> 1F, so this still does something even if Opposings aren't available)
5 (4+1) 52 Henchman 4-9 Henchman/Villain 1F, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any F or S actions on his next segment.
5 (4+1) 53 Henchman 4-10 Henchman/Villain 1bM: Counter a Limited Wish, Alter Reality, or Miracle 0-7
5 (4+1) 54 Henchman 4-11 Henchman/Villain -1 actions of all types to everyone in the room (x1 Special)
5 (4+1) 55 Henchman 4-12 Henchman/Villain 1F, 1/d: +1 to your multiplier for 1 round
5 56 Illusion Summoning V Delusion/Illusion Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL VIII, defends as a DL II
5 57 Magic Jar Cthulhu Magic Jar
5 58 Mirror Image V Delusion/Illusion 10 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
5 59 N-ray Vision Delusion/Illusion N-ray Vision (pick an element it's blocked by)
5 60 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 125% (EE=1)
5 61 Power Word Feeblemind Incantatrix Target with <= 80 hp is Feebleminded (no save)
5 62 Quash Incantatrix 1bM: Counter a magical spell or magic item activation. This cannot be responded to (except by Capital I Insist). This spell or item activation cannot be used again by that person for 1 turn.
5 63 Remove Magical Trap Incantatrix Removes a Magical Trap; you have 50+CL*10% chance in it (minus the usual FRTricks shift)
5 64 Shadow Anti-Magic Anti-Magic CLd6 dmg (pick a normal or para element) to a group, Int check for half damage
5 65 Shadow Magic Delusion/Illusion Wishoid for a SL 0-5 Wizard spell, has only 50% effect
5 66 Shatter x4 Force Destroys a x0 to x4 item
5 67 Sheep Life Ovinomancy 0 action to cast, consume a sheep in your group: Heal self.
5 68 Sheeping Doom Ovinomancy Like a Creeping Doom, but it's Rabid Dire Sheep. You get CL*3 sheep, each with 10 hp/dmg.
5 69 Spell Shield Incantatrix +CL saves vs. magic effects; +CL saves vs. mental effects (they do stack)
5 70 Steal Enchantment Incantatrix Steal an effect (not necessarily magical) someone is running; it is on you now, you need to maintain it
5 71 Steal Illusion Delusion/Illusion Gain control of an Illusion effect (no save, ER to resist)
5 72 Temporal Wall Chronomancy Anyone touching wall is double slowed and Wesley's Temporal Disjunction
5 73 Tempus Fugit Chronomancy Tempus Fugit
5 74 TK Push 5 Force Size M target is pushed CL*50' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
5 75 TK Shield 5 Force AC +4+CL*7/3; +15 saves vs. anything that causes damage
6 1 *Remove Curse* Incantatrix Remove Heavy Curse
6 2 Anti-Anti-Magic Shell Anti-Magic Turns off anti-magical spells and effects of spell levels 0-5
6 (5+1) 3 Aspirant 5-1 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-4th level Wizard spell
6 (5+1) 4 Aspirant 5-2 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-4th level Priest spell
6 (5+1) 5 Aspirant 5-3 Aspirant/Lich +10*LVL aMR
6 (5+1) 6 Aspirant 5-4 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Project Image
6 (5+1) 7 Aspirant 5-5 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Teleport
6 (5+1) 8 Aspirant 5-6 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Contact Other Plane
6 (5+1) 9 Aspirant 5-7 Aspirant/Lich Conduct M actions through psi link (range sight)
6 (5+1) 10 Aspirant 5-8 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Drain all psionic pools (save)
6 (5+1) 11 Aspirant 5-9 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Slay Living (save)
6 (5+1) 12 Aspirant 5-10 Aspirant/Lich 1F: Get 2M you can use this segment
6 (5+1) 13 Aspirant 5-11 Aspirant/Lich +LVL/5 QM actions
6 (5+1) 14 Aspirant 5-12 Aspirant/Lich Duplicate any SL 4 Concordant group spell (i.e. non-Concordant SL 3)
6 15 Become Spectral Hunter Cthulhu You take on the stats of a random DL VII Weird monster, will be Crapped in CL rounds
6 16 Body Warping of Gorgoroth Cthulhu Polymorph Self into a creature of +/- 1 size, you get it's Str/Dex/Con
6 17 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=6 Eelemental
6 18 Clutch of Nyogtha Cthulhu Paralysis (Will save) for as long as you heavy concentrate (can't use M actions)
6 19 Conceal Temporal Anomaly Chronomancy Hides an Anomaly and reduces it's effects
6 20 Cow Machine Bovinomancy Like Cow Person, but no save. You don't see anything if you look at the target.
6 21 Create DMZ Anti-Magic Create a DMZ (Dispel Magic Zone), a x1 Special on the room
6 22 Create Gate Cthulhu Gate
6 23 Create Monster VI Quintessential Create a DL=1 monster, it's loyal, it's not a summon slot {Soulforger}
6 24 Create Technological Item 6 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 6 (duration 6 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
6 25 Curse of the Chaugnar Faugn Cthulhu *Curse* (subject loses 1d4 Chr per day and cannot Reset) (save)
6 26 Dark Offering MTG B Slay a creature (PPD save), you gain it's hp to current hp
6 27 Demi-Shadow Anti-Magic Anti-Magic CLd8 dmg (pick a normal, para, or quasi element) to a group, Int check for half damage
6 28 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 1,000,000 feet, ID within sight
6 29 Disenchant an Item Incantatrix Item loses 1 multiplier; x(-1) means the item is destroyed
6 30 Dispel Possession Incantatrix Dispels possession, magic jar, control actions, etc.
6 31 Displacement II Delusion/Illusion Double Displaced (AC +4, first-second attacks miss)
6 32 Dragon Roost MTG R Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
6 33 Dust of Disappearance Delusion/Illusion Dust of Disappearance (AC +8)
6 34 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd6 dmg to a group, no save, EE=6
6 35 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=6
6 36 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=6 Eelemental
6 37 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 6 Mirror Images, each has 36 hp to be detected as such
6 38 Eldritch Fire Shield Quintessential Eldritch Fire damaging Shield (200% back) {Sun Mage}
6 39 Eyes of the Zombie Cthulhu See through the eyes of a zombie (that you control)
6 40 Fire Maze Delusion/Illusion Like Maze but the subject takes 1 cumulative dmg per segment (no resist)
6 41 Fly 63" Force Fly at 63" (A)
6 42 Force Ball 6 Force CL*12 force dmg to one group (no save)
6 43 Haste A6 Chronomancy +6A, +5B, or +4C actions
6 44 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 49% of max hp
6 (5+1) 45 Henchman 5-1 Henchman/Villain You have AN EVEN BIGGER BOSS THAN YOU, which is any same-aligned god, you Automatic Divine Intervention 1/d.
6 (5+1) 46 Henchman 5-2 Henchman/Villain You have a MOST ANNOYING CONSULTANT, you can "take back" an action once per round and try something else.
6 (5+1) 47 Henchman 5-3 Henchman/Villain 10F, tell an enemy Sidekick your MASTER PLAN: Components of your Master Plan is affected by a X4 Grand (x2 effect)
6 (5+1) 48 Henchman 5-4 Henchman/Villain You see the ERROR OF YOUR WAYS, drop Henchman class (and can never return), gain Sidekick with x1.5 your Sidekick XP.
6 (5+1) 49 Henchman 5-5 Henchman/Villain 1M: You ONE-UP a MYTH and LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH, all Myth abilities in your group do not function for 1t.
6 (5+1) 50 Henchman 5-6 Henchman/Villain 1F: Charm or Dominate target x0 or x1 creature (save)
6 (5+1) 51 Henchman 5-7 Henchman/Villain You adjust all AllR by -5*level% (this stacks with the lower level version of this)
6 (5+1) 52 Henchman 5-8 Henchman/Villain 1V, 1/d: Ignore an Immunity to something.
6 (5+1) 53 Henchman 5-9 Henchman/Villain 0, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use Zero or Opposing actions this segment.
6 (5+1) 54 Henchman 5-10 Henchman/Villain 1M: All x1 and lower effects on one target are dispelled.
6 (5+1) 55 Henchman 5-11 Henchman/Villain Lockdown X actions continuous in your group
6 (5+1) 56 Henchman 5-12 Henchman/Villain 1V, LVL/d: You ignore one level of Resist to something
6 57 Illusion Summoning VI Delusion/Illusion Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IX, defends as a DL III
6 58 Magic Manager Chronomancy May use 2M /s for casting spells, after spell ends (in CL/2 rounds), you must rest for 2 rounds
6 59 Mind's Desire MTG U You can cast 1d6 spells of SL=1d6 next segment as 1M
6 60 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 150% (EE=1)
6 61 Paradox Chronomancy Duplicate a Wizard spell of SL 0-5 or a Priest spell of SL 0-4.
6 62 Power Drain Cthulhu Target loses 1d6 stat points (save), you temporarily gain the amount he lost
6 63 Quash Metamagic, MTG U 1 bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect. That person cannot use that effect for the rest of the day.
6 64 Rope Special Delusion/Illusion Entire room gets Rope Tricked (x1 Special, unwilling get RSW save)
6 65 Shatter x5 Force Destroys a x0 to x5 item
6 66 Sheep Machine Ovinomancy Like Sheep Person, but no save. You don't see anything if you look at the target.
6 67 Solid Wall of Force Force Wall of Force (solid)
6 68 Spell Reflection Incantatrix iMReflection CL*5%
6 69 Steal Item Incantatrix Pick Pockets CL*20% (-5% per LVL of target or -2% per HD of target)
6 70 Stealcharge Incantatrix Target item loses CL charges, one of your items gains 1 charge (you may reduce CL down to a minimum of 2)
6 71 Tempus Lawfulness Chronomancy Fixes temporal anomolies in area
6 72 Tempus Vere Fugit Delusion/Illusion Like Tempus Fugit but x10 speed
6 73 TK Push 6 Force Size M target is pushed CL*60' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 74 TK Shield 6 Force AC +3+CL*8/3; +21 saves vs. anything that causes damage
6 75 Unaging Chronomancy You do not age this day (Duration 1 day)
6 76 Undead Robotic Chicken Poultrymancy True time travel across barriers
7 1 *Dispel Magic* Incantatrix Dispels a Prismatic Wall/Sphere (in one spell), an Anti-Dispel Magic Shell, or an entire Chain Contingency chain
7 (6+1) 2 Aspirant 6-1 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-5th level Wizard spell
7 (6+1) 3 Aspirant 6-2 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-5th level Priest spell
7 (6+1) 4 Aspirant 6-3 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any psionic major (Psi1, Psi2, or Psi3 only)
7 (6+1) 5 Aspirant 6-4 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-4th level Warrior, Rogue, or Monster spell
7 (6+1) 6 Aspirant 6-5 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Teleport without Error
7 (6+1) 7 Aspirant 6-6 Aspirant/Lich +10*LVL IR
7 (6+1) 8 Aspirant 6-7 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Steal a random powers for 1 round (no save)
7 (6+1) 9 Aspirant 6-8 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Erase Truename (must know their Truename first)
7 (6+1) 10 Aspirant 6-9 Aspirant/Lich Troll-like regen LVL hp (including vile) /s
7 (6+1) 11 Aspirant 6-10 Aspirant/Lich Conduct effects through psi link (within sight)
7 (6+1) 12 Aspirant 6-11 Aspirant/Lich +LVL/10 number of segments per round
7 (6+1) 13 Aspirant 6-12 Aspirant/Lich Duplicate any SL 5 Concordant group spell (i.e. non-Concordant SL 3)
7 14 Blatant Thievery MTG U Pick Pockets LVL*10% on each target in a group
7 15 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=7 Eelemental
7 16 Commune with Time of Legends Chronomancy Commune with Time of Legends
7 17 Create Self-Ward Cthulhu DR 10/+1; Resist Aging
7 18 Create Technological Item 7 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 7 (duration 7 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
7 19 Create Time Gate Cthulhu Create a Time Gate 10^(N-4) years
7 20 Delusion Delusion/Illusion Potion of Delusion, works as real XPV LVL*100 potion unless disbelieved
7 21 Demi-Shadow Door Delusion/Illusion Plane Shift up to CL/3 planes distance or to any Inner plane, no redirection
7 22 Demi-Shadow Magic Delusion/Illusion Wishoid for a SL 0-7 Wizard spell, has only 50% effect
7 23 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 10,000,000 feet, ID within sight
7 24 Disjoin Exhaustion Delusion/Illusion Cure all damage taken; Get +1P and +1V action this round
7 25 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd7 dmg to a group, no save, EE=7
7 26 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=7
7 27 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=7 Eelemental
7 28 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 7 Mirror Images, each has 49 hp to be detected as such
7 29 First Level Anti-Magic-User Spells (DM1) Anti-Magic Cast any four 1st level Anti-Magic spells simultaneously when it is cast.
7 30 First Level Anti-Magic-User Spells (DM2) Anti-Magic Can cast one 1st Level Anti-Magic spell per round as Z action
7 31 Flame Wave MTG R CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
7 32 Fly 84" Force Fly at 84" (AA)
7 33 Force Ball 7 Force CL*14 force dmg to one group (no save)
7 34 Haste A7 Chronomancy +7A, +6B, or +5C actions
7 35 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 64% of max hp
7 36 Hyperkinetic Haste A Force CL A Action Haste (party); The caster (not everyone in the Haste) can convert 2V->1QV, 2P->1QP, 2QV->1QQV, 2QP->2QQP, etc.
7 37 Illusion Summoning VII Delusion/Illusion Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IX, defends as a DL V
7 38 Incurse Chronomancy Target being or object is Rewritten out of time (i.e. Incursed) (RSW save)
7 39 Mordenkainen's Disjunction Incantatrix Mordenkainen's Disjunction
7 40 Nightmare Delusion/Illusion Group affected by a random SL 1d4+2 Psi10 effect (will be harmful, no save)
7 41 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 175% (EE=1)
7 42 Remove Magical Special Incantatrix Removes a Magical Special; you have CL*15% chance in it (minus the usual FRSpecials shift)
7 43 Sands of Time Chronomancy Reverse the effect of time on objects.
7 44 Shatter x6 Force Destroys a x0 to x6 item
7 45 Steal Life Cthulhu Drain 1 stat point per segment from target and add to you temporarily (save per segment)
7 46 Stealspell Incantatrix Target loses CL unused spell slots in memorization, you gain 1 of them (target saves vs. Spell) (you may reduce CL down to a minimum of 2)
7 47 Temporal Eye Chronomancy Can scry into other times at this location
7 48 TK Push 7 Force Size M target is pushed CL*70' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
7 49 TK Shield 7 Force AC +2+CL*3; +28 saves vs. anything that causes damage
7 50 Unbinding Incantatrix Hold, Stun, Guards and Wards, Temporal Stasis, Imprisonment, Time Stop, Wizard Lock, Wall of Force, Cube of Force, Forcecage, Maze all end immediately (no effect) if comes into contact with your group. Your group walks around as a mobile DMZ.
7 51 Unfamiliar Incantatrix Target loses a familiar (the familiar is returned to the Plane of Familiars) (save vs. Spells)
7 52 Wesley's Delayed Damage Chronomancy Whenever you take damage, you take only half, the rest is delayed until the spell ends (in 10+1d10 rounds)
7 53 Word of Recall Cthulhu Word of Recall
8 1 Accelerate Lifeline Chronomancy Target ages CL years (Spell save)
8 (7+1) 2 Aspirant 7-1 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-6th level Wizard spell
8 (7+1) 3 Aspirant 7-2 Aspirant/Lich 1M, 1/r: Any 0th-6th level Wizard spell
8 (7+1) 4 Aspirant 7-3 Aspirant/Lich +10*LVL EaER
8 (7+1) 5 Aspirant 7-4 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Annihilation (save)
8 (7+1) 6 Aspirant 7-5 Aspirant/Lich 1M, touch: Incursion (save)
8 (7+1) 7 Aspirant 7-6 Aspirant/Lich Duplicate any SL 6 Concordant group spell (i.e. non-Concordant SL 3)
8 8 Beacon of Tomorrows MTG U You get an extra segment this round (segment 11 at end)
8 9 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=8 Eelemental
8 10 Consume Likeness Cthulhu Alter Appearance to someone specific who recently died (it's very convincing)
8 11 Continuous Illusion Delusion/Illusion Next Illusion spell you cast is Continuous
8 12 Create Technological Item 8 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 8 (duration 8 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
8 13 Death by Flames Cthulhu Target takes 1d10 fire dmg /s (no save)
8 14 Decree of Pain MTG B Slay all creatures in two groups (PPD save) or one group (no save)
8 15 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 100,000,000 feet, ID within sight
8 16 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd8 dmg to a group, no save, EE=8
8 17 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=8
8 18 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=8 Eelemental
8 19 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 8 Mirror Images, each has 64 hp to be detected as such
8 20 Eye of Light & Darkness Cthulhu All outer planar creatures take 1 Wis dmg per segment (x1 Special)
8 21 First Level Priest Spells Delusion/Illusion 0, 1/r: Cast a 1st level Priest spell
8 22 Fly 108" Force Fly at 108" (SF)
8 23 Force Ball 8 Force CL*16 force dmg to one group (no save)
8 24 Haste A8 Chronomancy +8A, +7B, or +6C actions
8 25 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 81% of max hp
8 26 Hyperkinetic Haste B Force CL B Action Haste (party); The caster (not everyone in the Haste) cannot have his hV, hP, bV, bP actions locked down
8 27 Illusion Summoning VIII Delusion/Illusion Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL X, defends as a DL VI
8 28 Insurrection MTG R Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)
8 29 Item Supercharger Chronomancy A magic item can be used twice as often (per turn or day) or it's effects has twice duration
8 30 Mass Mirage Arcana Delusion/Illusion As Mirage Arcana but covers CL sq. miles
8 31 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 200% (EE=1)
8 32 Planar Displacement Delusion/Illusion Planar Displacement
8 33 Prismatic Beam Delusion/Illusion Like Prismatic Spray but they take all 7 colors
8 34 Protection from Time Chronomancy Immune to and can't use temporal effects
8 35 Shatter x7 Force Destroys a x0 to x7 item
8 36 Time/Reality Stability Chronomancy Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save)
8 37 Timereaver Chronomancy Time Travel Other +/- 5*CL years (Spell save)
8 38 TK Push 8 Force Size M target is pushed CL*80' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
8 39 TK Shield 8 Force AC +1+CL*10/3; +36 saves vs. anything that causes damage
9 1 Change Reality Delusion/Illusion Wishoid for a SL 0-9 Wizard spell, has only 75% effect
9 2 Charm Eelemental N Eelemental, Enc. Charm a DL=9 Eelemental
9 3 Create Technological Item 9 Technology Creates a technological item of TechL = 9 (duration 9 turns; material componenting may be used to double the TechL or duraton).
9 4 Detect Eelementals N Eelemental, Div. Detect all Eelementals within 1,000,000,000 feet, ID within sight
9 5 Disbelieve Reality Delusion/Illusion Can disbelieve something that's real (Incursion - PP save)
9 6 Displacement III Delusion/Illusion Triple Displaced (AC +6, first-third attacks miss)
9 7 Eelemental Ball N Eelemental, Inv. CLd9 dmg to a group, no save, EE=9
9 8 Eelemental Form N Eelemental, Alt. Become an Eelemental of EE=9
9 9 Eelemental Summoning N Eelemental, Cnj. Summon a DL=9 Eelemental
9 10 Eelusionary Double N Eelemental, Ill. 9 Mirror Images, each has 81 hp to be detected as such
9 11 Effects Bubble Delusion/Illusion Your effects protect each other (and themselves); ER +CL*10%
9 12 Fly 135" Force Fly at 135" (SW)
9 13 Force Ball 9 Force CL*18 force dmg to one group (no save)
9 14 Haste A9 Chronomancy +9A, +8B, or +7C actions
9 15 Heel N Eelemental, Nec. Cures 100% of max hp
9 16 Hyperkinetic Haste C Force CL C Action Haste (party); The caster (not everyone in the Haste) cannot have his OppV, OppP actions locked down
9 17 Illusion Summoning IX Delusion/Illusion Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL X, defends as a DL VIII
9 18 Major Paradox Chronomancy Wish (as spell)
9 19 Megaskin Anti-Magic CL/4 Megaskins. Each Megaskin lets you ignore one energy based attack.
9 20 Moo Bovinomancy Does a Moo on one target ([C] section effect)
9 21 Ooze Shieeld N Eelemental, Abj. Eelemental damage shield 225% (EE=1)
9 22 Round Stop Anti-Magic The current round will end after the end of this segment (the rest of the segments this round will not occur)
9 23 Second Level Priest Spells Delusion/Illusion 0, 1/r: Cast a 2nd level Priest spell
9 24 Sever Lifeline Chronomancy You do not have or require a silver cord. Immune to aging.
9 25 Shatter x8 Force Destroys a x0 to x8 item
9 26 Stampede of Rabid Chickens Poultrymancy Like a Meteor Swarm, but damage is of type Chicken and Poison instead of Eldritch Earth and Eldritch Fire. "Chicken" is an EE=3 Eelement. "Poison" is an E=3 Element (Alcohol+Negative).
9 27 Stampede of Rabid Sheep Ovinomancy Like a Meteor Swarm, but damage is of type Sheep and Poison instead of Eldritch Earth and Eldritch Fire. "Sheep" is an EE=3 Eelement. "Poison" is an E=3 Element (Alcohol+Negative).
9 28 Temporal Shell Chronomancy Immune time
9 29 Temporal Stasis Chronomancy The flow of time stops for the subject, he ceases to grow older, he is in suspended animation. The reverse can free the creature.
9 30 Time Stop Chronomancy Stops time for 1d4 rounds
9 31 TK Push 9 Force Size M target is pushed CL*90' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
9 32 TK Shield 9 Force AC +CL*11/3; +45 saves vs. anything that causes damage
10 1 Anti-Anti-Dispel Magic Shell Anti-Magic Lower an Anti-Dispel Magic Shell
10 2 Anti-Dispel Anti-Magic Shell Anti-Magic Your effects are immune to low MF, Instantaneous, Look at Me I'm the DCI
10 3 Aspirant 10-1 Aspirant/Lich 0, 1/r: Any 0th-5th level Wizard spell
10 4 Aspirant 10-2 Aspirant/Lich 0, 1/r: Any 0th-4th level Priest spell
10 5 Aspirant 10-3 Aspirant/Lich 0, 1/r: Any psionic cantrip (Psi1, Psi2, or Psi3 only)
10 6 Aspirant 10-4 Aspirant/Lich +5*(Lich level)% WR (not irreducible) that can't be ignored
10 7 Aspirant 10-5 Aspirant/Lich Resist Turning (you are double the rating)
10 8 Aspirant 10-6 Aspirant/Lich 0: Create Snare 20*(Lich level)% (obvious trap, auto detected, needs to be removed to bypass)
11 1 Aspirant 11-1 Aspirant/Lich 0, 1/r: Any 1st-6th level Wizard spell
11 2 Aspirant 11-2 Aspirant/Lich 0, 1/r: Any 1st-5th level Priest spell
11 3 Aspirant 11-3 Aspirant/Lich 0, 1/r: Any psionic minor (Psi1, Psi2, or Psi3 only)
11 4 Aspirant 11-4 Aspirant/Lich 1M: Banish Undead
11 5 Aspirant 11-5 Aspirant/Lich Speak with Dead & Undead (cont.); 1M: Capital E Extract from Dead & Undead
11 6 Aspirant 11-6 Aspirant/Lich +10*(Lich level)% iWR that can't be ignored
11 7 Aspirant 11-7 Aspirant/Lich Mask Undead status; Can't be turned
11 8 Aspirant 11-8 Aspirant/Lich Detect Artifacts; 1M: Legend Lore Artifact
11 9 Aspirant 11-9 Aspirant/Lich 1M, (lich level)/d: Gain +10 XP
11 10 Aspirant 11-10 Aspirant/Lich 0: Create Traps 15*(Lich level)%
11 11 Aspirant 11-11 Aspirant/Lich All spells cost 0 P actions; Material componenting does not cost 1 V action
11 12 Aspirant 11-12 Aspirant/Lich +(Lich level) OppV or QM actions
11 13 Aspirant 11-13 Aspirant/Lich Negative Cold (Lich level)d10 dmg by touch
11 14 Aspirant 11-14 Aspirant/Lich +(Lich level) Research Points per reset (see [P12])
11 15 Aspirant 11-15 Aspirant/Lich 1F or 1X: Duplicate any level 0 Concordant spell
11 16 Call Deity Cthulhu Summons the material form of the god of your choice (remember this is only a x1 effect by itself)
11 17 Dismiss Deity Cthulhu Dismisses the material form of a god (remember this is only a x1 effect by itself)
11 18 Henchman 11-1 Henchman/Villain 1/d: Create a GIANT ROBOT (a DL 10 Golem, you may make requests but exact statistics are determined by the DM).
11 19 Henchman 11-2 Henchman/Villain 1/r: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero.
11 20 Henchman 11-3 Henchman/Villain You have an ANNOYING HENCHMAN of half your Villain Level who always ESCAPES and causes trouble for the enemy.
11 21 Henchman 11-4 Henchman/Villain You adjust all irreducible BlahR by -5*level% and all reducible BlahR to 0%.
11 22 Henchman 11-5 Henchman/Villain +10% XP in all your non-Concordant classes.
11 23 Henchman 11-6 Henchman/Villain You ignore other people's Immunity to Inner Elements (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
11 24 Henchman 11-7 Henchman/Villain You ignore other people's Immunity to Hold/Stun/Para (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
11 25 Henchman 11-8 Henchman/Villain You ignore other people's Immunity to Action/Memory/Other Stealing (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
11 26 Henchman 11-9 Henchman/Villain 0, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
11 27 Henchman 11-10 Henchman/Villain The "Avoid Fate" ability cannot be used by any other creature (friendly or not) within 100 yards of you.
11 28 Henchman 11-11 Henchman/Villain NF, may borrow: Counter a level N Concordant ability.
11 29 Henchman 11-12 Henchman/Villain xVL number of henchmen, followers, summons, familiars

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.5 2-- --- ---
3 4.8 3-- --- ---
4 9 41- --- ---
5 15 421 --- ---
6 27.75 432 --- ---
7 45 433 1-- ---
8 75 443 21- ---
9 112.5 444 22- ---
10 165 444 221 ---
11 300 444 332 ---
12 570 444 443 ---
13 840 444 444 ---
14 960 544 444 1--
15 1230 554 444 2--
16 1500 555 444 3--
17 1770 555 544 4--
18 2040 555 554 41-
19 2310 555 555 42-
20 2580 555 555 53-
21 2850 555 555 54-
22 3120 555 555 55-
23 3390 655 555 551
24 3660 665 555 552
25 3930 666 555 553
26 4200 666 655 554
27 4470 666 665 555
28 4740 666 666 555
29 5010 666 666 655
30 5280 666 666 665
31 5550 666 666 666
32 5820 777 666 666
33 6090 777 777 666
34 6360 777 777 777
35 6630 888 777 777
36 6900 888 888 777
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Str 10, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 11
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: +2 Non-weapon proficiencies per level.
Level 1: Read Languages.
Level 1: Identify minerals by sight.
Level 1: Identify potions and poisons by sight.
Level 1: Considered specialized in Enchantment/Charm (no opposite).
Level 1: Identify plants by sight.
Level 1: For a potion: Can increase duration by 100% or effect by 50%. Each potion can be improved in this way only once.
Level 1: Can build a lab. It costs 1000 gp to build a level 1 lab, an additional 2000 gp to build a level 2 lab, an additional 3000 gp to build a level 3 lab, etc. If the lab is higher level than your level, treat it as your level.
Level 1: [If a lab is available] 8 hours of actions: Brew potion, make a lab level check, if successful, roll a random potion. If power score, roll twice, picking better result. If fail, there is a minor explosion or some other annoyance (chemical burn, blindness for a day, etc.).
Level 1: [If a lab is available] Each reset, add to memorization 1 Alteration spell per spell level up to (lab level)/2, round up.
Level 1: Brew Potions: 10F, 1/reset: Create 100*LVL XP value in potions.
Level 2: Identify animals by sight.
Level 3: Considered specialized in Alteration (no opposites still).
Level 4: Predict miscibility (Level-3)*10%.
Level 4: Identify any non-artifact magic item by sight.
Level 5: Identify non-immortal monsters by sight.
Level 6: Can specialize in (third) school; if this is done, select an opposite.
Level 9: Fast-Create Potions: 1F, lose N SL=N spells in memorization: Make a potion of a SL=N effect
Known Spells:
Foul Potions (SL=1, Anti-Magic): Foul (Destroy) 10*CL doses of magical Potions in someone's inventory (no save), the potions can be fixed out of combat if done within the hour
Potion Ball (SL=3, Invocation): Spend a potion while casting: Do a "ball" of that effect.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- --
2 5 31˝ --- --- --
3 10 421 --- --- --
4 20 532 ˝-- --- --
5 40 643 1˝- --- --
6 80 754 21- --- --
7 120 865 32˝ --- --
8 180 976 43˝ --- --
9 270 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 500 A98 652 1-- --
11 750 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 1500 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 2250 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 3000 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 3750 AAA AA7 621 --
16 4500 AAA AA8 732 --
17 5250 AAA AA9 843 --
18 6000 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 6750 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 7500 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 8250 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 9000 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 9750 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 10500 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 11250 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 12000 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 12750 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 13500 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 14250 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 15000 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 15750 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 16500 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 17250 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 18000 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 18750 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 19500 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
-1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+0  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+0  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+0  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+0  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+0  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+1  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+1  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+1  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+1 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+1 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+1 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+2 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+2 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+2 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+2 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+2 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Con 12, Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/9
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Each level, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ of a spell to cast. This isn't cumulative with school specialization.
Level 1: All spells do not have the 1P action requirement. If the spell would not have required 1P action to cast in the first place, one instance of Material Componenting is gained. Does NOT get free Material Componenting for all spells as per Mage/Robe classes, this is used instead. If you have Arch-Mage and another Wizard class, this rule has priority.
Level 1: MR adjustment is -5*level% instead of +60-5*level%.
Level 1: Can specialize in 1 school for free. Can specialize in another school, but then must pick an opposite. Specialization may be either "Collective type" (1/2 cost on spells) or "2nd edition type" (+1 spell of the school each level).
Level 1: Does not suffer ill effects of casting a spell above his normal casting ability due to the Arch-Mage being too low level. If the Arch-Mage's Knowledge score isn't high enough to cast the spell, he suffers the normal effects as per a normal Wizard.
Level 4: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 2 saving throws, if either is failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 9: When modifying an existing spell using spell research [S5], the base time is in days instead of weeks, and CL (Caster level) is 2 times Arch-Mage's level (for this rule only).
Level 9: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 3 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 11: Each level starting at 11th, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ the number of Mental actions to cast.
Level 16: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 4 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 21: Each level starting at 21st, pick one spell. That spell offers no saving throw (even with Scarab of Protection) and MR cannot be used against it, even irreducible MR. If the target is immune to a spell's effect (Fireball vs. a Red Dragon), the spell still has no effect.
Level 25: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 5 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 31: Each level starting at 31st, pick one spell. That spell can be cast as a 0 action.
Level 36: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 6 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- --
2 3.75 31˝ --- --- --
3 7.5 421 --- --- --
4 15 532 ˝-- --- --
5 30 643 1˝- --- --
6 60 754 21- --- --
7 120 865 32˝ --- --
8 225 976 43˝ --- --
9 450 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 675 A98 652 1-- --
11 900 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 1125 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 1350 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 1575 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 1800 AAA AA7 621 --
16 2025 AAA AA8 732 --
17 2250 AAA AA9 843 --
18 2475 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 2700 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 2925 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 3150 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 3375 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 3600 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 3825 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 4050 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 4275 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 4500 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 4725 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 4950 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 5175 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 5400 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 5625 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 5850 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 6075 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 6300 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 6525 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 20, Dex 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Hold M actions. You may convert 2M -> 1QM.
Level N (every level): +1M action

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- --
2 5 31˝ --- --- --
3 10 421 --- --- --
4 20 532 ˝-- --- --
5 40 643 1˝- --- --
6 80 754 21- --- --
7 120 865 32˝ --- --
8 180 976 43˝ --- --
9 270 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 500 A98 652 1-- --
11 750 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 1050 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 1350 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 1650 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 1950 AAA AA7 621 --
16 2250 AAA AA8 732 --
17 2550 AAA AA9 843 --
18 2850 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 3150 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 3450 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 3750 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 4050 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 4350 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 4650 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 4950 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 5250 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 5550 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 5850 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 6150 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 6450 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 6750 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 7050 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 7350 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 7650 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 7950 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 8250 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+3  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+3  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+3  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+4  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+5 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+5 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+5 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+5 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+6 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+7 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+7 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+7 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Con 12, Int 22
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/8
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Arch-Mage}
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Divination. Can specialize in another school, if you do, choose an opposite major school.
Level 1: Each level, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ of a spell to cast. This isn't cumulative with school specialization.
Level 1: All spells do not have the 1P action requirement. If the spell would not have required 1P action to cast in the first place, one instance of Material Componenting is gained. Does NOT get free Material Componenting for all spells as per Mage/Robe classes, this is used instead. If you have Arch-Sage and another Wizard class, this rule has priority.
Level 1: MR adjustment is -5*level% instead of +60-5*level%.
Level 1: Does not suffer ill effects of casting a spell above his normal casting ability due to the Arch-Sage being too low level. If the Arch-Sage's Knowledge score isn't high enough to cast the spell, he suffers the normal effects as per a normal Wizard.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action. If you use 1V action, you get double material componenting.
Level N (every level): +4 Nonweapon proficiencies.
Level 4: When modifying an existing spell using spell research [S5], the base time is in hours instead of weeks, and CL (Caster level) is 3 times Arch-Sage's level (for this rule only).
Level 5: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 2 saving throws, if either is failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 11: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 3 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 12: Each level starting at 12th, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ the number of Mental actions to cast.
Level 19: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 4 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 23: Each level starting at 23rd, pick one spell. That spell offers no saving throw (even with Scarab of Protection) and MR cannot be used against it, even irreducible MR. If the target is immune to a spell's effect (Fireball vs. a Red Dragon), the spell still has no effect.
Level 29: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 5 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 34: Each level starting at 34th, pick one spell. That spell can be cast as a 0 action.
Level 41: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 6 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Divination spells from Sage0 class:
True Lore (SL=1): Get a +20 on your next Int stat check (or Int-based proficiency or skill check).
Eagle Eye Vision (SL=2): Gives Eagle Eye Vision (far distance vision); reverse gives Fine/Telescopic Vision
Planar Locate Person/Object (SL=3): Tells you which plane a person or object is in (but not where in that plane).
Tap Psionic Link (SL=4): Taps a psionic link so you can listen in. At least one of the people in the link must be within sight.
No Friendly Fire (SL=5): While this effect is running, you know exactly how to center your area effects (even the huge ones) so you hit no friendly people.
Predict Chaos (SL=6): You can predict the outcome of the next chaotic effect (Wand of Wonder, Magical Pool, Deck of Many Things, etc.). This spell has a 37-LVL% (unadjustible) chance of causing you to be Spent and gain 1 insanity.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 1-- --- --- --
2 10 2-- --- --- --
3 15 21- --- --- --
4 22 12- --- --- --
5 33 021 --- --- --
6 49 012 --- --- --
7 73 102 1-- --- --
8 109 201 2-- --- --
9 163 310 21- --- --
10 244 410 12- --- --
11 366 521 021 --- --
12 549 621 012 --- --
13 823 731 102 1-- --
14 1234 832 101 2-- --
15 1851 942 110 21- --
16 2776 A42 110 12- --
17 4164 B53 211 021 --
18 6400 C53 211 012 --
19 6800 D63 211 102 1-
20 7200 E64 221 101 2-
21 7600 F74 321 110 21
22 8000 G74 321 110 32
23 8400 H85 322 111 32
24 8800 I85 322 111 33
25 9200 J95 432 111 43
26 9600 K96 432 211 43
27 10000 LA6 432 211 44
28 10400 NA6 432 211 44
29 10800 OB7 533 221 54
30 11200 PB7 543 221 54
31 11600 QC7 543 221 55
32 12000 RC8 543 222 55
33 12400 SD8 643 322 55
34 12800 TD8 643 322 65
35 13200 UE9 653 322 65
36 13600 VE9 653 322 66
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+2  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+3  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+4  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+5  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+6  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+7  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+8  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Str 9, Con 11, Int 20, Chr 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/5
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Enchantment; pick an opposite.
Level 1: All your items are considered x2 items.
Level 1: Identify Artifacts by sight.
Level 1: May material component a spell by spending 1V action. See [S0] for effects of material componenting. Generally, you will can pick from: double effect, double level for purposes of MR shift, double duration, or double range ("0" going to "touch" and "touch" going to 10 feet).
Level 1: Allowed to use 1st edition illusionist spells (in PH1, UA1, etc.) as if they were normal wizard spells; you don't have to be an illusionist to use them.
Level N: May cast spells of spell level N/3 (round down) without using a P action, if you are specialized in that school.
Level N: May cast spells of spell level N/4 (round down) without using a P action.
Level 1: 1F, (max of level times per day): Create a temporary artifact which lasts for level rounds.
Level 9: Know How to Destroy Artifacts by sight.
Artificers also have the following ability:
1F, (max of level times per day): Create a temporary artifact which lasts for level rounds. For each level, roll once on the table below (e.g. If the Artificer is level 10 you would roll 8 times on the first column and 2 times on the second column).
Then determine a random power of that type (Conc = Concordant Spell, Ioun = Ioun Stone, DMG1 Art = DMG1 Artifact Table,
Rog Abil = Rogue Ability at level*50%, MD&D = Master's Set Artifact Table). None of these rolls may be modified.
Caster Level
d12 1-8 9-17 18-26 27-35 36+
1 Wiz SL 1-3 Wiz SL 4-6 Wiz 7-9 Wiz 10-12 Wiz 13-15
2 Pri SL 1-2 Pri SL 3-5 Pri SL 6-7 Pri SL 8-10 Pri SL 11-12
3 Conc SL 1 Conc SL 2 Conc SL 3 Conc SL 4 Conc SL 5
4 Psi Minor * Psi Major * Psi Grand * Psi Super * Psi Ultra *
5 Psi Minor * Psi Major * Psi Grand * Psi Super * Psi Ultra *
6 Familiar Normal Familiar Super Familiar Super Familiar Ultra Familiar Ultra
7 Ioun Normal Ioun Don Ioun Don Ioun Super Ioun Super
8 DMG1 Art Minor DMG1 Art Major DMG1 Art Prime DMG1 Art Prime DMG1 Art Prime
9 DL 1-2 item DL 3-4 item DL 5-6 item DL 7-8 item DL 9-10 item
10 DL 1-2 item DL 3-4 item DL 5-6 item DL 7-8 item DL 9-10 item
11 Rog Abil 1-8 Rog Abil 9-17 Rog Abil 18-26 Rog Abil 27-35 Rog Abil 36
12 MD&D 0-25 PP MD&D 30-50 PP MD&D 55-75 PP MD&D 80-95 PP MD&D 100 PP
* For Psionics, roll 1d30 for frequency number.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard/Psi24
123 456 789 AB
1 0 1-- --- --- --
2 10 2-- --- --- --
3 15 21- --- --- --
4 22 12- --- --- --
5 33 021 --- --- --
6 49 012 --- --- --
7 73 102 1-- --- --
8 109 201 2-- --- --
9 163 310 21- --- --
10 244 410 12- --- --
11 366 521 021 --- --
12 549 621 012 --- --
13 823 731 102 1-- --
14 1234 832 101 2-- --
15 1851 942 110 21- --
16 2776 A42 110 12- --
17 4164 B53 211 021 --
18 6400 C53 211 012 --
19 6800 D63 211 102 1-
20 7200 E64 221 101 2-
21 7600 F74 321 110 21
22 8000 G74 321 110 32
23 8400 H85 322 111 32
24 8800 I85 322 111 33
25 9200 J95 432 111 43
26 9600 K96 432 211 43
27 10000 LA6 432 211 44
28 10400 NA6 432 211 44
29 10800 OB7 533 221 54
30 11200 PB7 543 221 54
31 11600 QC7 543 221 55
32 12000 RC8 543 222 55
33 12400 SD8 643 322 55
34 12800 TD8 643 322 65
35 13200 UE9 653 322 65
36 13600 VE9 653 322 66
TH Saves
+0  5  3  8  2  3  1  1  1
+0  5  4  8  2  3  1  1  2
+1  6  4  8  3  4  2  2  2
+1  6  5  8  4  4  2  2  3
+2  7  5  9  5  4  3  2  3
+2  8  6  9  6  5  3  3  4
+3  8  6  9  7  5  4  3  4
+3  9  7  9  8  6  4  4  5
+4 10  8 10  9  7  5  4  5
+4 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  6
+5 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  6
+5 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  7
+6 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  7
+6 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  8
+7 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  8
+7 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  9
+8 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  9
+8 15 13 14 14 12  9  8 10
Requisites: Str 8, Con 10, Int 25, Chr 8
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/3
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Wiz/Psi
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Psionicist, Technology
Specialized in Enchantment; pick an opposite.
See [Q24] for rules and powers. DM Note: This is not the same as the previous Psi24 (Class-based psionics), this was moved to [X24].
For this class only, Psi24 minors are SL=1, majors are SL=3, grands are SL=5, supers are SL=8, and ultras are SL=11.
Can convert S -> E actions. You can use E actions as a person; if you do, it takes the place of your M or P action for the segment.
Psi24 powers cost 1E action to use.
Level 1: All your items are considered x2 items.
Level 1: Identify Artifacts by sight.
Level 1: Allowed to use 1st edition illusionist spells (in PH1, UA1, etc.) as if they were normal wizard spells; you don't have to be an illusionist to use them.
Level 1: 1F, (max of level times per day): Create a temporary artifact which lasts for level rounds (see table).
Level 1 ¶: You can use E actions on items that you wield for your own Psi24 powers (essentially turning every intelligent item you possess into a "Beanie of +1E Action" for you).
Level 1 ¶: 1E: Lend an E action to a magic item. At level 4, you do not need to be touching the item; it can be elsewhere in the party. At level 9, you can lend another Psi24 character an E action with this ability.
Level 1 ¶: xLVL Personality score.
Level 9: Know How to Destroy Artifacts by sight.
Caster Level
d12 1-6 7-13 14-20 21-27 28+
1 Wiz SL 1-3 Wiz SL 4-6 Wiz 7-9 Wiz 10-12 Wiz 13-15
2 Pri SL 1-2 Pri SL 3-5 Pri SL 6-7 Pri SL 8-10 Pri SL 11-12
3 Conc SL 1 Conc SL 2 Conc SL 3 Conc SL 4 Conc SL 5
4 Psi Minor * Psi Major * Psi Grand * Psi Super * Psi Ultra *
5 Psi Minor * Psi Major * Psi Grand * Psi Super * Psi Ultra *
6 Familiar Normal Familiar Super Familiar Super Familiar Ultra Familiar Ultra
7 Ioun Normal Ioun Don Ioun Don Ioun Super Ioun Super
8 DMG1 Art Minor DMG1 Art Major DMG1 Art Prime DMG1 Art Prime DMG1 Art Prime
9 DL 1-2 item DL 3-4 item DL 5-6 item DL 7-8 item DL 9-10 item
10 DL 1-2 item DL 3-4 item DL 5-6 item DL 7-8 item DL 9-10 item
11 Rog Abil 1-8 Rog Abil 9-17 Rog Abil 18-26 Rog Abil 27-35 Rog Abil 36
12 MD&D 0-25 PP MD&D 30-50 PP MD&D 55-75 PP MD&D 80-95 PP MD&D 100 PP
* For Psionics, roll 1d50 for frequency number:
[1-10:] --2, -40, -17, -15, -12, -9, -6, -5, -3, -2,
[11-20:] -1, 0, 0.01, 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 5, 6, 7,
[21-30:] 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
[31-40:] 23, 27, 29, 30, 36, 45, 48, 54, 60, 72,
[41-50:] 81, 100, ∞, X-7, X4, X7, X14, X21, X24, roll 1d100-30

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.4] Intelligent Item Psionics - Minor

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d77
10 ranks in Bluff 5000 DMG3.5? 1
10 ranks in Decipher Script 5000 DMG3.5? 2
10 ranks in Diplomacy 5000 DMG3.5? 3
10 ranks in Intimidate 5000 DMG3.5? 4
10 ranks in Knowledge (choose category) 5000 DMG3.5? 5
10 ranks in Listen 5000 DMG3.5? 6
10 ranks in Search 5000 DMG3.5? 7
10 ranks in Sense Motive 5000 DMG3.5? 8
10 ranks in Spellcraft 5000 DMG3.5? 9
10 ranks in Spot 5000 DMG3.5? 10
1E: activate zone of truth 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 11
1E: bless its allies 3/day 1000 DMG3.5? 12
1E: cure moderate wounds (2d8+3) on wielder 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 13
1E: darkness 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 14
1E: daze monster 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 15
1E: detect magic at will 3600 DMG3.5? 16
1E: faerie fire 3/day 1100 DMG3.5? 17
1E: hold person on an enemy 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 18
1E: locate object 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 19
1E: major image 1/day 5400 DMG3.5? 20
1E: minor image 1/day 2200 DMG3.5? 21
Anti-Magic 10% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 22
Bless(R60',DR6T,EF20'sq, + 1ML/Hit/Dmg; X5) 0D&D-Master 23
Blight' (R 60', DR 6T, EF 20'sq, -1 ML/Hit/Dmg; X5) 0D&D-Master 24
Bouyancy, to 10,000 cn (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 25
Cause Fear* (R 120', DR 2T; X5) 0D&D-Master 26
Cause Wounds, Light* (EF 7 hp; X5) 0D&D-Master 27
Change Odors (EF 30' cube) 0D&D-Master 28
Change Tastes (EF 40 meals or 20 cu.ft.) 0D&D-Master 29
Climb Walls, 70% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 30
ConfuseAlignment*(R Touch, DR 40T; 0D&D-Master 31
Container, to 5,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 32
Cure Wounds (EF 7 hp; B26) 0D&D-Master 33
Darkness*(R 120', DR46T, EF30' dia; X11) 0D&D-Master 34
deathwatch continually active 2700 DMG3.5? 35
detect elevator/shifting rooms/walls in a 10' radius DMG1 36
Detect Evil (DR 6T, EF R 60'; B41) 0D&D-Master 37
detect evil/good in a 10' radius DMG1 38
detect gems, kind, and number in a 10' radius DMG1 39
detect invisible objects in a 10' radius DMG1 40
Detect Magic (DR 6T, EF R 60'; B39) 0D&D-Master 41
detect magic in a 10' radius DMG1 42
Detect New Construction (R 60', DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 43
detect precious metals, kind, and amount in a 20' radius DMG1 44
detect secret doors in a 5' radius DMG1 45
Detect Slopes (R 30', DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 46
detect sloping passages in a 10' radius DMG1 47
detect traps of large size in a 10' radius DMG1 48
Find Traps, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 49
FloatingDisc(DR 6T, EF 5,000 cn; B39) 0D&D-Master 50
HoldAnimal(R 180', DR 40T, EF one type, 4 cr; C15) 0D&D-Master 51
Levitate (DR 46T; B41) 0D&D-Master 52
locate object in a 120' radius DMG1 53
Magic Missile (EF 5 missiles, ld6 + 1D each; B40) 0D&D-Master 54
Memorize + 1 bonus spell level 0D&D-Master 55
Mindmask (R Touch, DR 12T; X11) 0D&D-Master 56
Open Locks, 60% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 57
Predict Weather(DR 12 hours, EF 40 miles; C 15) 0D&D-Master 58
Produce Fire (DR 2T; C15) 0D&D-Master 59
Protection from Evil (DR 6T; B40) 0D&D-Master 60
Purify Food and Water (R lo', EF 6 waterskins or 12 food; B27) 0D&D-Master 61
Read Languages (DR 6T; B40) 0D&D-Master 62
Read Magic (DR 3T; B40) 0D&D-Master 63
Remove Fear (DR 3T, EF +6 SAve; B27) 0D&D-Master 64
Repair normal objects (EF up to 1,000 0D&D-Master 65
Resist Cold (DR 12T, EF + 2ST, -l/die D, 30'; B27) 0D&D-Master 66
Resist Fire (DR 6T, EF + 2ST, -1ldie D; 0D&D-Master 67
Shield (DR 6T; B40) 0D&D-Master 68
Sleep (R 240', DR 20 T, EF up to 20 HD, 40' sq; B40) 0D&D-Master 69
Speak with Animals (R 30', DR 6T; X6) 0D&D-Master 70
Timekeeping (DR to 24 hours from 1 mark) 0D&D-Master 71
Tree movement (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 72
Ventriloquism (R go', DR 3T; B40) 0D&D-Master 73
Warp Wood(R240', EF40 arrows; C15) 0D&D-Master 74
Water Breathing (R30', DR 1 day; X12) 0D&D-Master 75
Weapon damage bonus + 2 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 76
Web (R lo'cu, DR 48T; B42) 0D&D-Master 77

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.5] Intelligent Item Psionics - Major

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d259
10 ranks in Sense Motive ELH3? 1
10 ranks in Survival ELH3? 2
1E: arcane eye 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 3
1E: cause fear in an enemy at will 7200 DMG3.5? 4
1E: clairvoyance 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 5
1E: create daylight 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 6
1E: create deeper darkness 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 7
1E: create magic circle against (opposing alignment) at will 16000 DMG3.5? 8
1E: detect (opposing alignment) at will 7200 DMG3.5? 9
1E: detect thoughts at will 44000 DMG3.5? 10
1E: detect undead at will 7200 DMG3.5? 11
1E: dimensional anchor on a foe 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 12
1E: dismissal on a foe 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 13
1E: fear against foes 3/day 30000 DMG3.5? 14
1E: gust of wind 3/day 11000 DMG3.5? 15
1E: haste on its owner 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 16
1E: invisibility purge (30 ft. range) 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 17
1E: lesser globe of invulnerability 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 18
1E: locate creature 3/day 30000 DMG3.5? 19
1E: quench on fires 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 20
1E: slow on its enemies 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 21
Ability Score bonus (DR 6T, EF 1 random score) 0D&D-Master 22
Ability Score bonus (DR 6T, EF 2 random scores) 0D&D-Master 23
AC bonus -2 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 24
AC bonus -4 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 25
Adds 1 point to possessor’s maior attribute DMG1 26
Animate dead (1 figure) (by touch) - 7 times/week DMG1 27
Anti-Animal Shell (DR 40T C16) 0D&D-Master 28
Anti-Magic 20% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 29
Anti-Plant Shell (DR 6T; Cl6) 0D&D-Master 30
Audible glamer upon command - 3 times/day DMG1 31
Bearhug (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 32
Bless (by touch) DMG1 33
Bug Repellant (DR 40T, + 4 ST) 0D&D-Master 34
Buoyancy, to 20,000 cn (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 35
Buoyancy, to 40,000 cn (DR 18T) 0D&D-Master 36
Calm Others (R 120', EF up to 40 HD) 0D&D-Master 37
Cause Disease*(R 30'; X6) 0D&D-Master 38
Cause Wounds, Critical* (EF 21 hp; 0D&D-Master 39
Cause Wounds, Serious* (EF 14 hp; 0D&D-Master 40
Charm Monster(R 120', EF 18 at 3 HD or 1 at 3 + HD; X13) 0D&D-Master 41
Charm Person (R 120'; B39) 0D&D-Master 42
charm person on contact - 3 times/day DMG1 43
Charm Plant (R 120', DR 3 mon, EF 1/6/12/24 plants; C21) 0D&D-Master 44
Choose Best Option (R lT, EF 1 choice) 0D&D-Master 45
Clairaudience (when touched to the ear) DMG1 46
clairoudience, 30' range-3 times/day 1 round per use DMG1 47
Clairvoyance (when touched to the eyes) DMG1 48
Clairvoyance(R 60', DR 12T; X11) 0D&D-Master 49
clairvoyance, 30' range - 3 times/day, 1 round per use DMG1 50
Climb Walls, 100% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 51
Climb Walls, 80% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 52
Climb Walls, 90% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 53
Cloudkill (R l', DR 6T, EF 1 pth, 5HD or less Save vs. Poison, 30' x 20'; X14) 0D&D-Master 54
Color spray - 3 times/day DMG1 55
Communication (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 56
Comprehend languages when held DMG1 57
Confusion (R 120', DR 12r, EF up to 18 cr in 30' rad; X13) 0D&D-Master 58
Container, to 10,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 59
Container, to 20,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 60
Container. to 15,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 61
Continual Darkness* (R 120', EF 30' rad; X6) 0D&D-Master 62
continuous detect scrying effect 10000 DMG3.5? 63
Control Plants (R all in 30' x 30', DR 20T; X61) 0D&D-Master 64
Control Temperature 10' radius (DR 40T, EF 50 degrees; C 15) 0D&D-Master 65
Create Food (R lo', EF 400 men 30 Control Winds (DR 40T, EF 400'; C16) 0D&D-Master 66
Create food and water - 1 time/day DMG1 67
Create magic aura (R 120', DR 3T, EF 40' cube) 0D&D-Master 68
Create Normal Animals (R 30', DR lOT, EF 1-6 cr; C12) 0D&D-Master 69
Create Normal Monsters (R 30', DR 2T, EF 40 HD total; C22) 0D&D-Master 70
Create Poison * (R Touch; X8) 0D&D-Master 71
Create Water (RDR 6T, EF 50 gallons; X7) 0D&D-Master 72
Cure Blindness (R Touch; X6) 0D&D-Master 73
Cure Disease (R 30 ' ; X6) 0D&D-Master 74
Cure light wounds (1d8+5) on wielder 1/day ELH3? 75
Cure light wounds- 7 times/week DMG1 76
Cure Wounds, Critical(EF 21 hp; C12) 0D&D-Master 77
Cure Wounds, Serious (EF 14 hp; X7) 0D&D-Master 78
Curse* (R Touch; EF limited, see X14) 0D&D-Master 79
Darkness (5', 10', or 15‘ radius) - 3 times/day DMG1 80
Detect [opposing alignment] at will ELH3? 81
Detect charm - 3 times/day DMG1 82
Detect Danger (R 200 ' , DR 6T; M4) 0D&D-Master 83
Detect evil/good when held or ordered DMG1 84
Detect invisibility when held and ordered DMG1 85
Detect Invisible (R 400', DR 6T; B41) 0D&D-Master 86
Detect magic - 3 times/day DMG1 87
Detect magic at will ELH3? 88
Detect secret doors at will ELH3? 89
determine directions and depth - 2 times/day DMG1 90
Dimension Door (R lo', DR lr, EF 360'; X13) 0D&D-Master 91
Disarm Attack (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 92
Dispel Evil (R 30', DR 1T; X8) 0D&D-Master 93
Dissolve (R 120', DR 3-18 days, EF 3,000 sq.ft. x 10'; C20) 0D&D-Master 94
Dodge normal missiles (DR lT, EF Save vs. wands) 0D&D-Master 95
Elasticity (DR 12T, EF 1/2 Dmg blunt weapons) 0D&D-Master 96
ESP (30’-60' range) - 3 times/day DMG1 97
ESP(R 60', DR 12T; B41) 0D&D-Master 98
ESP, 30' range - 3 times/day 1 round per use DMG1 99
Feather fall on wielder 1/day ELH3? 100
Feather fall when grasped and ordered DMG1 101
Feeblemind (R 240', EF -4S?, INT 2; 0D&D-Master 102
Find Secret Doors (R lo', DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 103
Find traps - 3 times/day DMG1 104
Find Traps (DR 2T, EF 30' ; X5) 0D&D-Master 105
Find traps at will ELH3? 106
Find Traps, 60% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 107
Find Traps, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 108
Find Traps, 80% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 109
Fly (DR 40 + ld6T, MV 360'; X12) 0D&D-Master 110
Fly when held and ordered - 1 time/day DMG1 111
flying, 12" - 1 hour/day DMG1 112
fnfravision when held or worn DMG1 113
Free Monster* (R 120', EF up to 4 cr; X15) 0D&D-Master 114
Free Person* (R 120', EF up to 4 cr; 0D&D-Master 115
Gaseous Form (DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 116
Growth of Animal (R 120', DR 12T, EF 0D&D-Master 117
Growth of Plants (R 120', EF 3,000 0D&D-Master 118
Hallucinatory Terrain (R 240'; X13) 0D&D-Master 119
Harden* (R 120', EF 3,000 sq.ft. X 0D&D-Master 120
Haste (R 240', DR 3T, EF 24 cr in 60'; 0D&D-Master 121
heal - 1 time/day DMG1 122
Hear Noise, 50% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 123
Heat Metal (R 30', DR 7r; M4) 0D&D-Master 124
Hide in Shadows, 30% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 125
Hide in Shadows, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 126
Hit points bonus + 1 per Hit Die (DR 0D&D-Master 127
Hit rolls bonus + 2 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 128
Hit rolls bonus + 3 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 129
Hit rolls bonus + 4 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 130
Hold Monster (R 120', DR 46T, EF up to 4 cr; X15) 0D&D-Master 131
Hold Person (R 120 I , DR 40T, EF up to 4 cr; X12) 0D&D-Master 132
Hold Portal (DR 12T; B39) 0D&D-Master 133
Hypnotic pattern (when moved) - 3 times/day DMG1 134
Ice, Storm (R 120', EF 20d6 D, 20' cube; X13) 0D&D-Master 135
Ice, Wall (R 120', DR 12T, EF 1200 sq.ft.; X13) 0D&D-Master 136
illusion, 120' range - 2 times/day, as the wand DMG1 137
Immune to Disease (R Touch, DR 18T) 0D&D-Master 138
Immune to Paralysis (R Touch, DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 139
Immune to Poison (DR 18T, EF self 0D&D-Master 140
Infravision (R Touch, DR 1 day, EF see 60'; X12) 0D&D-Master 141
Invisibility (B41) 0D&D-Master 142
Invisibility (improved) - 3 times/day DMG1 143
Invisibility lO'radius(R 120'; X12) 0D&D-Master 144
Item creates wall of fire in a ring with the wielder at the center 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 145
Jump for 20 minutes on wielder 1/day ELH3? 146
Knock (R 60'; B41) 0D&D-Master 147
Know Alignment (DR lr, EF R 30; X5) 0D&D-Master 148
Know alignment when held and ordered - 1 time/day DMG1 149
Leap to 30', + 2 Hit roll bonus (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 150
Levitate when held and ordered - 3 times/day DMG1 151
levitation, 1 turn duration - 3 times/day ot 6th level of magic DMG1 152
Light (R 120', DR 46T, EF 30' dia; B40) 0D&D-Master 153
Light-7 time/week DMG1 154
Locate object in a 120-ft. radius ELH3? 155
Locate Object(DR 6T, EF 120'; X6) 0D&D-Master 156
Lower Water (R 240', DR lOT, EF 1/2 height; X16) 0D&D-Master 157
Magic Door (R lo', DR 7 uses; C22) 0D&D-Master 158
Massmorph (R 240', EF 100 mansize; X13) 0D&D-Master 159
Memorize + 2 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 160
Memorize + 3 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 161
Memorize + 4 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 162
Merging (DR 18T, EF 7 cr) 0D&D-Master 163
Mind blank - 3 times/day DMG1 164
MirrorImage(DR 6T, EF 5 false images; B42) 0D&D-Master 165
Move Silently, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 166
Neutralize Poison (R Touch; X8) 0D&D-Master 167
Obscure (DR 40T, EF 400fsq/40'high; C15) 0D&D-Master 168
Obscurement- 1 time/day DMG1 169
Open Locks, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 170
Open Locks, 80% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 171
Parry (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 172
Pass Plant (EF 300-600 yards; C16) 0D&D-Master 173
Pass without trace - 1 time/day DMG1 174
Pass-Wall(R 60', DR 6T, EF 5' X 10'; C22) 0D&D-Master 175
Pick Pockets, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 176
Plant Door(DR 40T; C15) 0D&D-Master 177
Polymorph Other(R 60', up to 2x HD; X13) 0D&D-Master 178
Possessor immune to disease DMG1 179
Possessor immune to fear DMG1 180
Possessor immune to gas of any type DMG1 181
Possessor need neither eat nor drink for up to 1 week DMG1 182
Protection +2 when held or worn DMG1 183
Protection from Evil IO' Radius (DR 12T, EF + 1 ST; X8) 0D&D-Master 184
Protection from Lightning (R Touch, DR 40T, EF 40 dice D; C 15) 0D&D-Master 185
Protection from many creatures (DR 6T, EF up to 15HD) 0D&D-Master 186
Protection from Normal Missiles (R 30', DR 12T X12) 0D&D-Master 187
Protection from Poison (R Touch, DR 40T, EF + 4 vs. breath; M5) 0D&D-Master 188
Protection from some creatures (DR 6T, EF up to 5 HD) 0D&D-Master 189
Remove fear by touch DMG1 190
Remove Geas* (R 30'; X16) 0D&D-Master 191
Remove Traps, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 192
Repair temporary magical object (1 obj) 0D&D-Master 193
Sanctuary when held or worn - 1 time/day DMG1 194
Saving Throws bonus + 2 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 195
Security (EF Trap 5 items, alarm only) 0D&D-Master 196
Set normal Trap, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 197
Set normal Trap, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 198
Shelter 0D&D-Master 199
Shield, when held or worn, upon command - 3 times/day DMG1 200
Shrink Plants* (R 120', EF 3,000 sq.ft.; 0D&D-Master 201
Silence15'radius(R 180', DR 12T; X6) 0D&D-Master 202
Size Control (DR 6T, 3' to 18') 0D&D-Master 203
Slow* (R 240', DR 3T, EF up to 24 cr, 30' radius; X12) 0D&D-Master 204
Speak with animals- 3 timedday DMG1 205
Speak with dead- 1 timelday DMG1 206
Speak with plants - 7 times/week DMG1 207
Speak with Plants(R 30', DR 3T; X8) 0D&D-Master 208
Speak with the Dead (R 30', EF 3 questions; X7) 0D&D-Master 209
Spell damage bonus, + l/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 210
Spider climb for 20 minutes on wielder 1/day ELH3? 211
status effect, usable at will 11000 DMG3.5? 212
strength - 1 time/day (upon wielder only) DMG1 213
Striking (R 30', DR lT, EF + ld6 D; 0D&D-Master 214
Summon Animals (R 360', DR 3T; M5) 0D&D-Master 215
Telekinesis (R 120', DR 6r, EF 8000 cn, MV 20'/r; C20) 0D&D-Master 216
telekinesis, 2,500 g.p. wt. maximum - 2 times/day, 1 round each DMG1 217
telepathy, 60' range - 2 times/day DMG1 218
teleportation - 1 time/day 6,000 g.p. wt. maximum, 2 segments DMG1 219
Tongues when held or worn and commanded DMG1 220
Tracking (DR 6 hours, EF 90% outdoor, 50% indoor) 0D&D-Master 221
Transport Through Plants (EF +2 cr;C16) 0D&D-Master 222
Turn Undead as Cleric L12 (DR 2T) 0D&D-Master 223
Turn Undead as Cleric L6 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 224
Turn undead bonus + 2 to roll, + 1d6 HD (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 225
Turn undead bonus + 4 to roll, + 2d6 HD (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 226
Turn Wood(R 30', DR 40T, EF 120' X 60'; M5) 0D&D-Master 227
Ultravision when held or worn DMG1 228
Ventriloquism upon command - 3 times/day DMG1 229
Wall of Stone (R 60', EF 1,000 cu.ft.; X15) 0D&D-Master 230
Wall ofFire(R 60', DRConc., EF 1200 sq.ft.; X14) 0D&D-Master 231
Water breathing upon command DMG1 232
Water walking ability DMG1 233
Weapon damage bonus + 3 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 234
Weapon damage bonus + 4 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 235
Weapon damage bonus + 5 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 236
Weapon strength bonus + 1 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 237
Weapon strength bonus + 2 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 238
Wearer immune ta charm or hold spells DMG1 239
Wearer immune to magic missiles DMG1 240
Web- 1 time/day DMG1 241
Web movement (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 242
Wielder can use see invisibility at will ELH3? 243
Wielder does not need to breathe ELH3? 244
Wielder does not need to sleep ELH3? 245
Wielder has free use of Blind-Fight ELH3? 246
Wielder has free use of Combat Expertise ELH3? 247
Wielder has free use of Combat Reflexes ELH3? 248
Wielder has free use of evasion ELH3? 249
Wielder has free use of Improved Initiative ELH3? 250
Wielder has free use of Improved Sunder ELH3? 251
Wielder has free use of Mobility ELH3? 252
Wielder has free use of uncanny dodge (as a 5th-level barbarian) ELH3? 253
Wizard lock - 7 time/week DMG1 254
Wizard Lock (R 10'; B42) 0D&D-Master 255
WizardEye (R 240', DR 6I', MV 120'; X14) 0D&D-Master 256
Write - 1 time/day DMG1 257
X-ray vision, 40' range - 2 times/day 1 turn per use DMG1 258
Zombie animation - 1 time/week DMG1 259

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.6] Intelligent Item Psionics - Grand

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d209
+2 to armor class of possessor or AC 20, whichever is better DMG1 1
1E: 10d6 fireball 60000 DMG3.5? 2
1E: 10d6 lightning bolt 60000 DMG3.5? 3
1E: 15d6 greater shout 3/day 130000 DMG3.5? 4
1E: Clairaudience/clairvoyance (100-ft. range, 1 minute per use) ELH3? 5
1E: confusion 50000 DMG3.5? 6
1E: contagion (heightened to 4th level) as touch attack 56000 DMG3.5? 7
1E: crushing despair 50000 DMG3.5? 8
1E: dimension door on itself and wielder 50000 DMG3.5? 9
1E: Finger of death (100 ft. range, DC 171) ELH3? 10
1E: Globe of invulnerability ELH3? 11
1E: Heal ELH3? 12
1E: ice storm 50000 DMG3.5? 13
1E: Lightning bolt (8d6 points of damage, 200-ft. range, DC 131) ELH3? 14
1E: Magic missile (200-ft. range, 3 missiles) ELH3? 15
1E: mass inflict light wounds 81000 DMG3.5? 16
1E: phantasmal killer 50000 DMG3.5? 17
1E: poison (heightened to 4th level) as touch attack 56000 DMG3.5? 18
1E: prying eyes 81000 DMG3.5? 19
1E: rusting grasp as touch attack 56000 DMG3.5? 20
1E: song of discord 81000 DMG3.5? 21
1E: Stoneskin (wielder only, 10 minutes per use) ELH3? 22
1E: Summon monster III ELH3? 23
1E: Summon monster VI ELH3? 24
1E: Telekinesis (250 lb. maximum, 1 minute each use) ELH3? 25
1E: Teleport, 600 lb. maximum ELH3? 26
1E: true resurrection on wielder, once per month 200000 DMG3.5? 27
1E: Wall of force ELH3? 28
1E: waves of exhaustion 164000 DMG3.5? 29
Ability Score bonus (DR 6T, EF 3 random scores) 0D&D-Master 30
AC bonus -6 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 31
Acid Breath (EF 30' X 5') 0D&D-Master 32
Animal summoning (II or III)-2 times/day DMG1 33
Animate object upon command- 1 time/day DMG1 34
Animate Objects (R 60', DR 6T, EF 4,000 cn; X9) 0D&D-Master 35
AnimateDead(R60', EF40 HD; X14) 0D&D-Master 36
Anti-Magic 30% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 37
Anti-Magic 40% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 38
Anti-Magic Shell (DR 12T; X15) 0D&D-Master 39
Appear+ (R 240', DR lT, EF 20'cube; 0D&D-Master 40
Babble* (R 60', DR 40T; X9) 0D&D-Master 41
Barrier (R 60', DR 12T, EF 7-70 D; 0D&D-Master 42
blindness brand (2-12 rounds) DMG1 43
Bull’s strength (wielder only) ELH3? 44
Buoyancy, any weight (DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 45
Buoyancy, to 80,000 cn (DR 24T) 0D&D-Master 46
Burrowing (DR 6T, MV lo', 30', or60 ' ) 0D&D-Master 47
Cat’s grace (wielder only) ELH3? 48
Cause serious wounds by touch DMG1 49
Charm monster-2 time/day DMG1 50
Charm person (DC 111) on contact ELH3? 51
Charm person -7 times/week DMG1 52
Climb Walls, 110% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 53
Climb Walls, 120% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 54
Cone of cold (9-12 dice) -2 times/day DMG1 55
Confusion - 1 time/day DMG1 56
confusion brand (2-12 rounds) DMG1 57
Container, to 25,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 58
Container, to 30,000 cn (DR 6 hours) + mounts; X8) 0D&D-Master 59
Container, to 35,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 60
Control Animals (DR 20T, EF up to 40HD, 20 cr) 0D&D-Master 61
Control Lesser Undead (DR 20T, EF up to 7 HD, 20 HD, 10 cr) 0D&D-Master 62
Create normal objects (EF up to 1,000 0D&D-Master 63
Cure blindness by touch DMG1 64
Cure disease by touch DMG1 65
Dance (R Touch, DR 8r, EF -4STIAC; C24) 0D&D-Master 66
Death Spell (R 240', EF 32 HD in 60' cube, to HD 7 + ; X16) 0D&D-Master 67
Defeat/slay a particular creature type (see the bane special ability for choices) DMG3.5? 68
Defeat/slay a particular race or kind of creature DMG3.5? 69
Defeat/slay all (other than the item and the wielder) DMG3.5? 70
Defeat/slay arcane spellcasters (including spellcasting monsters and those that use spell-like abilities) DMG3.5? 71
Defeat/slay diametrically opposed alignment DMG3.5? 72
Defeat/slay divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors) DMG3.5? 73
Defeat/slay nonspellcasters DMG3.5? 74
Defeat/slay the servants of a specific deity DMG3.5? 75
Defend a particular race or kind of creature DMG3.5? 76
Defend the servants and interests of a specific deity DMG3.5? 77
Delayed Blast Fire Ball (R 240 ' , DR 0-60r, EF 20d6 D; C22) 0D&D-Master 78
Detect thoughts (100-ft. range, 1 minute per use) ELH3? 79
Dimension door- 2 times/day DMG1 80
Disintegrate - 1 time/day DMG1 81
disintegrate brand DMG1 82
Dispel illusion upon command - 2 times/day DMG1 83
Dispel magic upon command- 2 timeslday DMG1 84
DispelMagic(R 120', EF 20'cube; X8) 0D&D-Master 85
Dodge any missiles (DR lT, EF Save vs. Wands) 0D&D-Master 86
Dodge directional attacks (DR lT, EF Save vs. Wands) 0D&D-Master 87
Double movement speed (on foot) DMG1 88
Double weapon damage (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 89
Emotion - 2 times/day DMG1 90
Exorcise - 1 timelmonth DMG1 91
Explosive Cloud (R l', DR 6T, EF 20' x 30' x 30', 20hplr; C24) 0D&D-Master 92
fear brand (1-4 rounds) DMG1 93
Fear by touch or gaze DMG1 94
Feeblemind by touch ELH3? 95
Find Traps, 100 % (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 96
Find Traps, 110% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 97
Find Traps, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 98
Finger ofDeath*(R 60'; X9, C12) 0D&D-Master 99
Fire Ball (R 240', EF 20d6 D; X11) 0D&D-Master 100
Fire Breath (EF 30' x 10' D = hp) 0D&D-Master 101
Fire shield- 2 times/day DMG1 102
Fireball (9-12 dice) - 2 times/day DMG1 103
Flesh to Stone* (R 120', EF 1 cr or 10' cube; X16) 0D&D-Master 104
Fly (30 minutes per use) ELH3? 105
Geas Another (R 30'; X16) 0D&D-Master 106
Giant strength (determine type) for 2 turns DMG1 107
Haste - 1 time/day DMG1 108
Haste (wielder only, 10 rounds) ELH3? 109
Heal - 1 time/day DMG1 110
Hear Noise, 140% (DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 111
Hear Noise, 90% (DR 24T) 0D&D-Master 112
Hide in Shadows, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 113
Hit points bonus + 2 per Hit Die (DR 0D&D-Master 114
Hit rolls bonus + 5 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 115
Hit rolls bonus + 6 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 116
Hold animal - 1 time/day DMG1 117
Hold monster- 1 time/day DMG1 118
Hold person - 1 time/day DMG1 119
Ice Breath (EF 30' x 10' D = hp) 0D&D-Master 120
Immune to Aging attacks (R Touch, DR 0D&D-Master 121
insanity brand (1-4 rounds) DMG1 122
Invisibility (wielder only, up to 30 minutes per use) ELH3? 123
Leap to 60', + 4 Hit roll bonus (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 124
Leap to go', + 6 Hit roll bonus (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 125
Levitation (wielder only, 10 minute duration) ELH3? 126
Lie Detection (R 120', DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 127
Life Drain' (R Touch; EF Drains 1 level; C13) 0D&D-Master 128
Lightning bolt (9-12 dice) -2 times/day DMG1 129
Lightning Bolt (R 180', EF 20d6 D, 0D&D-Master 130
Lore (DR 1T or 1 day; C22) 0D&D-Master 131
Magic Lock*(R lo', DR 7 uses, EF 10' 0D&D-Master 132
Mapmaking (DR lT, EF Sense 60' range) 0D&D-Master 133
Mass Charm (R 120', EF 30HD, -2 Save; C24) 0D&D-Master 134
MassInvisibility(R 240', EF 60'sq, 300 man-size; C22) 0D&D-Master 135
Memorize + 5 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 136
Memorize + 6 spell bonus levels 0D&D-Master 137
Memorize + 7 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 138
Minor globe of invulnerability - 1 time/day DMG1 139
Move Earth (R 240', DR 6T C21) 0D&D-Master 140
Move Silently, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 141
Move Silently, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 142
Open Locks, 100% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 143
Open Locks, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 144
paralysis brand (1-4 rounds) DMG1 145
Paralyzation by touch DMG1 146
Passwall ELH3? 147
Passwall-2 times/day DMG1 148
Phantasmal killer- 1 time/day DMG1 149
PhantasmalForce(R 240', EF 40'cube; B42) 0D&D-Master 150
Pick Pockets, 75% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 151
Plane Travel (self only, 1 shift) 0D&D-Master 152
Poison gas breath (DR 3r, EF 20') 0D&D-Master 153
Polymorph Any Object (R 240', DR 40-240T, EF l0'cube; C25) 0D&D-Master 154
Polymorph Self (DR 46T; X14) 0D&D-Master 155
Polymorph self-7 timeslweek DMG1 156
Power Word Stun (R 120', DR up to 35hp = 12r, up to 70hp = 6r; C22) 0D&D-Master 157
Projected Image (R 240', DR 6T; X16) 0D&D-Master 158
Protection from most creatures (DR 6T, EF up to 15 HD) 0D&D-Master 159
Raise Dead (R 120', EF 132 days dead; 0D&D-Master 160
Regenerate 2 h.p./turn (but not if killed) DMG1 161
Remove Barrier*(R 60'; C12) 0D&D-Master 162
Remove Charm* (R 120', EF up to X12) 0D&D-Master 163
Remove curse by touch - 7 times/week DMG1 164
Remove Traps, 75% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 165
Repair permanent magical object (1 obj) 0D&D-Master 166
Reverse Gravity (R go', EF 30'cube; 0D&D-Master 167
Rulership (EF + 10 to + 50 Confidence) 0D&D-Master 168
Saving Throws bonus + 4 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 169
Saving Throws bonus + 6 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 170
Set normal Trap, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 171
Shield on wielder ELH3? 172
Slow- 1 time/day DMG1 173
Speak with monster- 2 times/day DMG1 174
Speak with Monsters (DR 6T; X9) 0D&D-Master 175
Spell damage bonus, + 2/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 176
Statue (DR 80T, EF + 2 Init; C23) 0D&D-Master 177
Stone to flesh - 1 time/day DMG1 178
Stone to Flesh (R 120', EF l0'cube; X16) 0D&D-Master 179
Suggestion - 2 times/day DMG1 180
Summon Weather (DR 240T, EF 30 miles; C 16) 0D&D-Master 181
Survival (DR 48 hours; M3) 0D&D-Master 182
Sword(R 30', DR 40r, EF as 2-Handed, 2 atWr; C24) 0D&D-Master 183
Telekinesis (1,000-6,000 g.p. weight) -- 2 times/day DMG1 184
Telepathy (100 ft. range) ELH3? 185
Teleport (no error) - 2 times/day DMG1 186
Teleport (R 10'; X15) 0D&D-Master 187
Tracking (DR 6 hours, EF 90% anywhere) 0D&D-Master 188
Transmute rock to mud - 2 times/day DMG1 189
Treasure Finding (DR 6T, EF 400') 0D&D-Master 190
True seeing ELH3? 191
True seeing - 1 time/day DMG1 192
Truesight (DR 5T, EF 120'; '212) 0D&D-Master 193
Turn Undead as Cleric L24 (DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 194
Turn Undead bonus +6 to roll, +3d6 HD (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 195
Turn wood- 1 time/day DMG1 196
Victory (EF +25 CR Roll, on CRT worst 91-100) 0D&D-Master 197
Wall of fire - 2 time/day DMG1 198
Wall of ice - 2 times/day DMG1 199
Wall of Iron (R120', EF500sq. ft.;C21) 0D&D-Master 200
Wall of thorns - 2 times/day DMG1 201
Weapon damage is +2 hit points DMG1 202
Weapon strength bonus + 3 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 203
Weapon strength bonus + 4 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 204
Wielder gets +2 luck bonus on attacks, saves, and checks 80000 DMG3.5? 205
Wind walk - 1 time/day DMG1 206
Wizard eye - 2 times/day DMG1 207
Word of recall - 1 time/day DMG1 208
X-ray vision - 2 times/day DMG1 209

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.7] Intelligent Item Psionics - Super

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d170
1E: Chain lightning (enhanced; 20d6 damage; DC 161) ELH3? 1
1E: Finger of death (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) ELH3? 2
1E: Gate ELH3? 3
1E: Greater teleport ELH3? 4
1E: Mass heal ELH3? 5
1E: Meteor Swarm (DC 191) ELH3? 6
1E: Phase Door ELH3? 7
1E: Prismatic Sphere (DC 191) ELH3? 8
1E: Summon monster IX ELH3? 9
1E: Sunburst (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) ELH3? 10
Ability Scores bonus (DR 6T, EF 4 random scores) 0D&D-Master 11
Ability Scores bonus (DR 6T, EF all scores) 0D&D-Master 12
AC bonus -10 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 13
AC bonus -8 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 14
All of possessor's ability totals permanently raised 2 points each upon pronouncement of a command word (18 maximum) DMG1 15
All of possessor's ability totals raised to 18 each upon pronouncement of a command word DMG1 16
Anti-Magic 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 17
Anti-Magic Ray (DR lT, EF 100%) 0D&D-Master 18
Astral projection ELH3? 19
Bear’s endurance (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Constitution) ELH3? 20
Blasting (EF 60' x 20', 2d6 + deafen) 0D&D-Master 21
Blend with surroundings (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 22
Bones/exoskeleton/cartilage of opponent turned to jelly - 1 time/day DMG1 23
Bull’s strength (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Strength) ELH3? 24
Cacodemon-like power summons a demon lord, arch-devil, or nycadaemon - 1 time/month DMG1 25
Cat’s grace (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Dexterity) ELH3? 26
Clone (R 10'; M6) 0D&D-Master 27
Close Gate*(R 30'; C26) 0D&D-Master 28
Container, to 40,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 29
Container, to 50,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 30
Control Dragons (DR ZOT, EF one type, 3 Small or 1 Large) 0D&D-Master 31
Control Giants (DR 20T, EF one type, 4 0D&D-Master 32
Control Greater Undead (DR ZOT, EF any, 40 HD, 20 cr) 0D&D-Master 33
Control Humans (DR 20T, EF up to 7 HD, 40 HD total, 20 cr) 0D&D-Master 34
Create Magical Monsters (R 60', DR 3T, EF 40 HD total; M7) 0D&D-Master 35
CreateAnyMonster(R go', DR 4T, EF 40 HD; M8) 0D&D-Master 36
Creeping doom callable- 1 time/day DMG1 37
Death spell power of 110%-200% effectiveness with respect to number of levels affected - 1 time/day DMG1 38
Deoth ray equal to a finger of death with no saving throw - 1 time/day DMG1 39
Disintegrate (R 60', EF 1 cr; X16) 0D&D-Master 40
Dominate monster (DC 191) on contact ELH3? 41
Earthquake (R 120 yards, DR lT, EF 175'sq; C13) 0D&D-Master 42
Energy drain (DC 191) on contact ELH3? 43
Find the Path (DR 46T; XU) 0D&D-Master 44
Force Field (R 120', DR 6T, EF 5000 sq.ft.; M8) 0D&D-Master 45
Foresight (wielder only) ELH3? 46
Gate (R 30', DR 1T or d%T; C26) 0D&D-Master 47
Gate spell power, 100% effective - 1 time/day DMG1 48
Greater invisibility (wielder only; extended; 40-minute duration) ELH3? 49
Haste (wielder only; extended; 40-round duration) ELH3? 50
Heal (R Touch; M9) 0D&D-Master 51
Hit points bonus +3 per Hit Die (DR 0D&D-Master 52
Immune to Breath Weapons (R Touch, DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 53
Immune to Energy Drain (R Touch, DR 0D&D-Master 54
Immunity (DR 40T, EF blocks L1 -3 spells and half effect of magic weapons + L4,L5; M9) 0D&D-Master 55
Imprisonment spell power - 1 time/week DMG1 56
Inertia control (DR 4 hours, 1 obj) 0D&D-Master 57
Legend lore, commune, or contact higher plane (7th-10th) - 1 time/week DMG1 58
Life Trapping 0D&D-Master 59
Luck (DR lT, EF Choose result of 1 roll) 0D&D-Master 60
Magical resistance of 50%-75% for possessor upon command word- 1 time/day DMG1 61
Major attribute permanently raised to 19 upon command word DMG1 62
Maze (R 60', DR 6T to 4r; C26) 0D&D-Master 63
Memorize + 10 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 64
Memorize + 8 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 65
Memorize + 9 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 66
Metal to Wood (R 120', EF 2,000 cn; C16) 0D&D-Master 67
Meteor Swarm (R 240', EF 4 for 8d6 + 8d6 or 8 for 4d6 + 4d6; C26) 0D&D-Master 68
Meteorswarm - 1 time/day DMG1 69
Mind Barrier (R lo', DR 48 hours, EF + 8 ST; C24) 0D&D-Master 70
Monster summoning VIII- 2 times/day DMG1 71
Obliterate* (R 60', EF kill 7 HD; to 12 HD ST at -4, 12 + HD 6d10; C13) 0D&D-Master 72
Open Locks, 110% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 73
Open Locks, 120% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 74
Open Mind' (R Touch, EF -8ST; C24) 0D&D-Master 75
Permanence (R 10'; C25) 0D&D-Master 76
Pick Pockets, 100% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 77
Plane shift- 1 time/day DMG1 78
Polymorph any object- 1 time/day DMG1 79
Power word blind/kill/stun - 1 time/day DMG1 80
Power Word Kill (R 120', EF kill 60 hp, stun 61-100 hp, DR 4T; C26) 0D&D-Master 81
Power WordBlind(R 120', DR up to 40 hp = 4 days, up to 80 hp = 2d4 hrs; C25) 0D&D-Master 82
Premonition of death or serious harm to possessor DMG1 83
Prismatic spray- 1 time/day DMG1 84
Prismatic Wall (R 60', DR 6T, EF 10'radius or 500 sq.ft.; M9) 0D&D-Master 85
Protection from all creatures (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 86
Protection from Magical Detection (DR 6T, EF self + items) 0D&D-Master 87
Raise Dead Fully (R 60', EF up to 8 years dead; C 13) 0D&D-Master 88
Random Avangion2 spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 89
Random Avangion2 spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 90
Random Avangion2 spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 91
Random Bug spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 92
Random Bug spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 93
Random Bug spell, CSL=9, CCL=1 (see [PC7]) DM 94
Random Clerical Elemental2 spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 95
Random Clerical Elemental2 spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 96
Random Clerical Elemental2 spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 97
Random Hero spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 98
Random Hero spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 99
Random Hero spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 100
Random Hero spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 101
Random Hero spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 102
Random Immortal0 spell, CSL=9, CCL=1 (see [PC7]) DM 103
Random Legend spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 104
Random Legend spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 105
Random Legend spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 106
Random Legend spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 107
Random Legend spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 108
Random Legend spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 109
Random Legend spell, CSL=7, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 110
Random Legend spell, CSL=8, CCL=2 (see [PC7]) DM 111
Random Lich spell, CSL=0, CCL=10 (see [PC7]) DM 112
Random Lich spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 113
Random Lich spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 114
Random Lich spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 115
Random Lich spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 116
Random Lich spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 117
Random Lich spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 118
Random Lich spell, CSL=7, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 119
Random Lich spell, CSL=8, CCL=2 (see [PC7]) DM 120
Random Psi14 super, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 121
Random Psi14 ultra, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 122
Random Psi14 ultra+1, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 123
Random Psi7 super, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 124
Random Psi7 ultra, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 125
Random Psi7 ultra+1, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 126
Random Villain spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 127
Random Villain spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 128
Random Villain spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 129
Random Villain spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 130
Random Villain spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 131
Random Villain spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 132
Random Warlord spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 133
Random Warlord spell, CSL=8, CCL=2 (see [PC7]) DM 134
Regeneration (EF 3hP'r for IT) 0D&D-Master 135
Remove Traps, 100% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 136
Restoration - 1 time/day DMG1 137
Resurrection - 7 times/week DMG1 138
Shades - 2 times/day DMG1 139
Shape change - 2 times/day DMG1 140
Shapechange (DR 40T, EF any cr or obj 40'/4000cn; M9) 0D&D-Master 141
Smash attack (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 142
Spell absorption, 19-24 levels- 1 time/week DMG1 143
Spell damage bonus, + 3/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 144
Spell damage bonus,-+ 4/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 145
Stoneskin (wielder only; extended; 400-minute duration) ELH3? 146
Summon 1 of each type of elemental, 16 hit dice each, no need for control - 1 time/week DMG1 147
Summon diinn or efreet lord (8 h.p./die, f 2 "to hit" and +4 damage) for 1 day of service- 1 time/week DMG1 148
Super sleep spell affects double the number of creatures plus up to 2 5th or 6th and 1 7th or 8th level creature DMG1 149
Teleport any Object (EF 1 cr/obj/lO' cube or seif safe, -2 save other; C24) 0D&D-Master 150
Temporal stasis, no saving throw, upon touch - 1 time/month DMG1 151
Time stop of twice normal duration - 1 time/week DMG1 152
Timestop (DR 1 + ld4r; M10) 0D&D-Master 153
Total fire/heat resistance for all creatures within 20' of the item DMG1 154
Total immunity from all forms of cold DMG1 155
Total immunity from all forms of mental and psionic attacks DMG1 156
Trap the soul with 90% effectiveness- 1 time/month DMG1 157
Travel(DR 40T, MV 360'/720'gaseous; 0D&D-Master 158
Triple weapon damage (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 159
Turn Undead as Cleric L36 (DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 160
User can cast combination spells (if a spell caster) as follows (d4): DMG1 161
Vanish -2 timeslday DMG1 162
Vision - 1 time/day DMG1 163
Weapon strength bonus + 5 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 164
Weather Control (DR Conc., EF 240 yards; C16) 0D&D-Master 165
Wish - 1 time/day DMG1 166
Wish (M10) 0D&D-Master 167
Word of Recall (X9) 0D&D-Master 168
X-Ray Vision (R 30', DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 169
Youth restored to creature touched - 1 time/month DMG1 170

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 75 2˝- --- --- --
2 550 31˝ --- --- --
3 1025 421 --- --- --
4 1500 532 ˝-- --- --
5 1975 643 1˝- --- --
6 2450 754 21- --- --
7 2925 865 32˝ --- --
8 3400 976 43˝ --- --
9 3875 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 4350 A98 652 1-- --
11 4825 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 5300 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 5775 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 6250 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 6725 AAA AA7 621 --
16 7200 AAA AA8 732 --
17 7675 AAA AA9 843 --
18 8150 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 8625 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 9100 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 9575 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 10050 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 10525 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 11000 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 11475 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 11950 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 12425 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 12900 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 13375 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 13850 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 14325 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 14800 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 15275 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 15750 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 16225 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 16700 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
Mon  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
+1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
Requisites: Int 20, Wis 12, Chr 8
Alignment: any E
HD/level: +&d6
Weapon Prof.: 0+level/2
To Hit Table: ˝xMon
Save Table: Mon
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Concordant (x1)
This gets the abilities (and spell progression) of Death Master1 and ArchMage.
In addition, each level Aspirant gains 1 spell level for Lich spells. This spell level may be spent immediately (for a 1st level Lich spell) or saved for a larger spell. The Aspirant's Lich "progression" must be decreasing, so the soonest the Aspirant could gain a 6th level Lich spell would be level 21 (progression = 111111).
DM Note: Note that Aspirant is cheaper than ArchMage at high levels.
Level 1: Each level, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ of a spell to cast. This isn't cumulative with school specialization.
Level 1: All spells do not have the 1P action requirement. If the spell would not have required 1P action to cast in the first place, one instance of Material Componenting is gained. Does NOT get free Material Componenting for all spells as per Mage/Robe classes, this is used instead. If you have Arch-Mage and another Wizard class, this rule has priority.
Level 1: MR adjustment is -5*level% instead of +60-5*level%.
Level 1: Can specialize in 1 school for free. Can specialize in another school, but then must pick an opposite. Specialization may be either "Collective type" (1/2 cost on spells) or "2nd edition type" (+1 spell of the school each level).
Level 1: Does not suffer ill effects of casting a spell above his normal casting ability due to the Arch-Mage being too low level. If the Arch-Mage's Knowledge score isn't high enough to cast the spell, he suffers the normal effects as per a normal Wizard.
Level 1: Have their own language called "The Language of Death".
Level 1: +1 XP for each grave dug; +2 XP for each stolen body.
Level 1: Potion of Undead Control and Ring of Regeneration has double effect.
Level 1: Undead must save vs. (8+DM's level) to attack the Death Master.
Level 1: 5% per level resistance to Charm spells.
Level 2: +2 XP for putting a body to rest.
Level 3: +3 XP for a properly embalmed body.
Level 4: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 2 saving throws, if either is failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 4: Speak with Undead at will.
Level 7: Speak with Dead 1/d.
Level 9: Immune to Paralysis, Hold, and any undead touch effect.
Level 9: When modifying an existing spell using spell research [S5], the base time is in days instead of weeks, and CL (Caster level) is 2 times Arch-Mage's level (for this rule only).
Level 9: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 3 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 11: Each level starting at 11th, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ the number of Mental actions to cast.
Level 11: Immune to all Energy/Stat drains.
Level 16: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 4 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 21: Each level starting at 21st, pick one spell. That spell offers no saving throw (even with Scarab of Protection) and MR cannot be used against it, even irreducible MR. If the target is immune to a spell's effect (Fireball vs. a Red Dragon), the spell still has no effect.
Level 25: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 5 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 31: Each level starting at 31st, pick one spell. That spell can be cast as a 0 action.
Level 36: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 6 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Astral PhysAdept

Level KXP Psi30 SL's
123 456 789 A
1 0 3-- --- --- -
2 10 6-- --- --- -
3 20 61- --- --- -
4 30 62- --- --- -
5 40 63- --- --- -
6 50 631 --- --- -
7 100 932 --- --- -
8 200 963 --- --- -
9 300 963 1-- --- -
10 400 993 2-- --- -
11 500 996 3-- --- -
12 1000 996 31- --- -
13 1500 999 32- --- -
14 2000 999 63- --- -
15 2500 999 631 --- -
16 3000 999 932 --- -
17 3500 999 963 --- -
18 4000 999 963 1-- -
19 4500 999 993 2-- -
20 5000 999 996 3-- -
21 5500 999 996 31- -
22 6000 999 999 32- -
23 6500 999 999 63- -
24 7000 999 999 631 -
25 7500 999 999 632 -
26 8000 999 999 963 -
27 8500 999 999 964 -
28 9000 999 999 965 -
29 9500 999 999 966 -
30 10000 999 999 976 -
31 10500 999 999 977 -
32 11000 999 999 987 -
33 11500 999 999 988 -
34 12000 999 999 998 -
35 12500 999 999 999 -
36 13000 999 999 999 1
TH Saves
+0  5  3  8  2  3  1  0  1
+0  5  4  8  2  3  1  0  2
+0  6  4  8  3  4  2  0  2
+1  6  5  8  3  4  2  1  3
+1  6  5  9  3  4  2  1  3
+1  6  6  9  4  5  3  1  4
+2  7  6  9  4  5  3  2  4
+2  7  7  9  4  5  4  2  5
+2  7  7 10  5  6  4  2  5
+3  7  8 10  5  6  4  3  6
+3  8  8 10  5  6  5  3  6
+3  8  9 10  6  7  5  3  7
+4  8  9 11  6  7  6  4  7
+4  8 10 11  6  7  6  4  8
+4  9 10 11  7  8  6  4  8
+5  9 11 11  7  8  7  5  9
+5  9 11 12  7  9  7  5  9
+5  9 12 12  8  9  8  5 10
Requisites: Int 12, Wis 12, Chr 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Psi
Reference: Shadowrun
Groups: Wizard, Psionicist
This is a mage which casts Shadowrun powers as if they were spells. AstralPA cannot cast normal Wizard spells.
Take the Drain Code of the power, and convert it to a spell level, as follows:
Letter of Drain Code   (so an S5 is spell level 6)
L M S D X Spell Level AstralPA cannot use Material Componenting at all, instead, you may burn extra spells from your memorization to get that number of times effect (e.g. if you burn five 1st level spells for one spell, you get x5 effect). This costs no extra actions.
1 - - - - 0 (1/4 of a 1st level spell) Your number of "successes" equals your level (unless you multiply the effect, of course).
2-3 1 - - - 1 Level 1: May use astral perception.
4-6 2 1 - - 2 Level 9: May use astral projection.
7-10 3 2 1 - 3
11-15 4 3 2 1 4
16-21 5 4 3 - 5
22-28 6-7 5 4 2 6
29+ 8-9 6 3 - 7
- 10+ 7 6 3 8
- - 8+ 7 - 9
- - - 8+ 4 10
- - - - 5+ 11 (you can't normally get this because it's not on the spell progression)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Minor Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Armor Manip L3 30 +CL/2 AC; -CL dmg per physical attack
2 Combat Sense (personal) Detect L2 20 +CL initiative; +CL saves
3 Detect Psionics Detect L2 20 Gives freq. & field of psi
4 Enhanced Hearing Detect L1 10 10*CL% Detect Noise
5 Entertainment Illus L1 10 Two D'lusion (as spell)
6 Invisibility Illus L2 20 Invisibility (+2 AC)
7 Levitate Item Manip L2 20 Caster controls up+down
8 Spectacle Illus L2 20 Entertainment power with sound
9 Stun Touch Combat L1 10 Touch: Target is at -CL all actions
10 Treat Light Wounds Health L1 10 Heals 10% max hp (material componenting gives 20%)
11 Treat Mental Drain Health L34 340 Regain 10*CL PSPs in one pool
12 X-ray Gem Detect L2 20 Gem of X-ray vision (CL feet)
13 (new) Combine Construct L6 60 Combine two groups of enemies into one group (no save).
14 (new) Erase Question Mark Construct L6 60 Lock a door [or] Erase a "?".
15 (new) Twist Construct L3 30 Twist an effect on a target (use ER to resist)

Psi30 Simplified Major Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Air Bridge Manip M2 40 Beam of Air than can walk on
2 Animate Manip M2 40 Animate Object (as spell), can be used as a DL=CL/2 Golem summon
3 Antidote Toxin Health M3 60 Neutralize Poison (as spell)
4 Astral Psi Fingers Manip M2 40 Telekinesis; Str=CL, Dex=CL with it
5 Blackout Illus M2 40 Blast:Cause Blindness(as spell)
6 Clairaudience Detect M1 20 Clairaudience,can move
7 Clairvoyance Detect M1 20 Clairvoyance,can move
8 Death Touch Combat M3 60 Touch: 10*CL necromantic dmg
9 Detect Life Detect M1 20 Detect Life
10 Dimension Door Manip M4 80 Dimension Door
11 Flight Manip M1 20 Fly at 3*CL"
12 Improved Invisibility Illus M2 40 Improved Invisibility (+2 AC)
13 Know Exit Detect M2 40 Know dir./dist. to nearest exit
14 Lock/Unlock Manip M1 20 Locks/Unlocks (nonmagical lock)
15 Mana Touch Combat M2 40 Touch: 10*CL astral dmg
16 Mind Link Detect M1 20 Psionic Link
17 Petrify/Reverse Petrify Manip M6 120 Flesh to Stone, Fort save
18 Physical Mask Illus M1 20 Changes appearance physically
19 Ram Touch Combat M2 40 CL hull damage (physical) to one target
20 Stun Bolt Combat M1 20 One target: -CL all actions (max -10); (CL-10)*10 astral dmg
21 Treat Moderate Wounds Health M1 20 Heals 30% max hp (material componenting gives 60%)
22 Tri-D Spectacle Illus M3 60 Tri-D Enter. power with sound
23 (new) Become Insubstantial Construct M6 120 Become Insubstantial; pass through objects/walls (including Wall spells, but not Wards)
24 (new) Remove BlahR Construct M3 60 Remove a BlahR [or] Halve the irrBlahR from 1 target
25 (new) Stop Construct M6 120 One group Stopped (cannot move or use V actions) (InnR to resist)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Grand Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Acid Bolt Manip S4 120 1 target: CL*10 acid dmg
2 Air Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 air dmg
3 Analyze Device Detect S2 60 How to use object & its use
4 Analyze Truth Detect S2 60 Detect Lie
5 Bind Manip S2 60 1 target: Stopped and CL/2 Str dmg
6 Confusion Illus S1 30 Confusion (as spell)
7 Control Actions Manip S4 120 Caster controls next CL/3 P actions (Str check at -CL)
8 Control Movement Manip S2 60 Caster controls next CL/2 V actions (Str check at -CL)
9 Cure Disease Health S3 90 Cure Disease (as spell)
10 Death Bolt Combat S3 90 1 target: CL*5 vile necromantic dmg
11 Detect Enemies Detect S1 30 Detect Enemies
12 Detect Planar Energy Detect S1 30 Gives color of planar cord
13 Dimension Walk Manip S3 90 Dimension Walk
14 Earth Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 earth dmg
15 Fire Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 fire dmg
16 Flame Shield Manip S2 60 Protection from Fire
17 Grease Blast Manip S3 90 Grease & area Fumble (as spell)
18 Healthy Glow Health S2 60 +CL Cml; Clean cantrip
19 Ice Bolt Manip S4 120 1 target: CL*10 ice dmg
20 Incr./Decr. Movements Health S7 210 ±CL/2 V actions (save is Dex check at -CL)
21 Lightning Bolt Manip S4 120 1 target: CL*10 lightning dmg
22 Luck Detect S2 60 Gains +CL (+5*CL%) on 1 action (once)
23 Mana Bolt Combat S2 60 1 target: CL*10 astral dmg
24 Mind Probe Detect S1 30 Ps2P "Probe", 1 question/succ
25 Movement Manip S3 90 Gives +1V action
26 Nightvision Detect S1 30 Can see in magical/psi darkness
27 Prophylaxis Health S3 90 Double Resist Poison and Drugs
28 Psi Sword Combat S2 60 Considered +CL weapon; base dmg=10*CL; cannot critical
29 Resist Allergy Health S3 90 For 1 turn, remove a Vulnerability or reduce Severe Allergy -> Vulnerability
30 Shapechange (Personal) Manip S3 90 Shapechange (self; can material component to hit someone else)
31 Spherical Vision Detect S2 60 All-Around Sight
32 Stabilize Health S1 30 Death's Door (target at negative hp goes to 1 hp)
33 Sterilize Combat S1 30 Removes bacteria, bugs, etc. (will destroy a Creeping Doom)
34 Stun Blast Combat S1 30 1 group: -CL all actions (max -10); (CL-10)*10 astral dmg
35 Treat Serious Wounds Health S1 30 Heals 60% max hp (material componenting gives 120%)
36 Turn to Goo Manip S6 180 Polymorphs target to sludge (PPD save)
37 Warpsense Detect S3 90 Infravision; Ultravision
38 Water Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 water dmg
39 Weather Guard Manip S3 90 Protection from Weather
40 (new) Remove Racial Ability/Immunity Construct S3 90 Remove a racial ability or immunity from a group (ER to resist).
41 (new) Restore BlahF Construct S6 180 Restore the MF/PF/TF/PsiF/TechF in area, Repair other forms of discontinuities/tears
42 (new) Time Stop Construct S6 180 Time Stop (as spell, use InnR to resist)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Super Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Acid Blast /Toxic Wave Manip D4 160 1 group: CL*10 acid dmg
2 Air Blast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 air dmg
3 Barrier Manip D2 80 Solid Wall of Force (as spell)
4 Control Thoughts Manip D4 160 Caster controls next CL/4 M actions (Int check at -CL)
5 Death Blast Combat D3 120 1 group: CL*5 vile necromantic dmg
6 Decrease Charisma Health D2 80 CL Chr dmg (no save)
7 Decrease Constitution Health D2 80 CL Con dmg (no save)
8 Decrease Dexterity Health D2 80 CL Dex dmg (no save)
9 Decrease Intelligence Health D2 80 CL Int dmg (no save)
10 Decrease Strength Health D2 80 CL Str dmg (no save)
11 Decrease Wisdom Health D2 80 CL Wis dmg (no save)
12 Earth Blast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 earth dmg
13 Fire Blast /Hellblast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 unholy fire dmg
14 Ice Blast Manip D4 160 1 group: CL*10 ice dmg
15 Ice Sheet Manip D4 160 Wall of Ice (CL*10 ice dmg)
16 Incr./Decr. Physicals Health D7 280 ±CL/3 P actions (save is Str check at -CL)
17 Increase Charisma Health D2 80 +CL Chr
18 Increase Constitution Health D2 80 +CL Con
19 Increase Dexterity Health D2 80 +CL Dex
20 Increase Intelligence Health D2 80 +CL Int
21 Increase Strength Health D2 80 +CL Str
22 Increase Wisdom Health D2 80 +CL Wis
23 Influence Manip D2 80 Command (no save); Suggestion (Will save); Demand (Will save)
24 Lightning Blast Manip D4 160 1 group: CL*10 lightning dmg
25 Mana Barrier Manip D3 120 Wall: Psionics (all freq.) cannot pass through
26 Mana Blast Combat D2 80 1 group: CL*10 astral dmg
27 Mirage Arcana Illus D5 200 (no PsiR) Even vs. those immune
28 Omniscience Detect D2 80 Divination 1 question/succ
29 Probability Travel Manip D4 160 Probability Travel
30 Ram Blast /Urban Renewal Combat D2 80 1 group of objects (or 30'x30' area): CL*10 hull dmg (inanimate objects only)
31 Resist Stun Health D1 40 Resist Stun (including Capital S Stun)
32 Slay Combat D3 120 1 target: CL*10 vile necromantic dmg
33 Spell Barrier Manip D5 200 Wall: Magic (all types) cannot pass through
34 Teleportation Manip D3 120 Teleport, no error, up to 1 plane
35 Temporary Insanity Manip D2 80 CL targets (may multi-target): Insanity (Will save for each)
36 Thunderclap Manip D5 200 1 group: CL*10 sound dmg
37 Treat Deadly Wounds Health D1 40 Heals 100% max hp (material componenting gives 200%)
38 Unhealthy Glow Health D2 80 CL Cml dmg (no save); Dirty cantrip
39 Water Blast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 water dmg
40 (new) Fork Construct D6 240 1bM: Fork (can be used on up to a x8 multiplier effect)
41 (new) Defile BlahF Construct D6 240 Defile the MF/PF/TF/PsiF/TechF in area; Tempus Chaos
42 (new) Remove Class Ability/Immunity Construct D3 120 Remove a class ability or immunity from an element (affects 1 group).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Ultra Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Annihilation Bolt Combat X10 500 1 group: CL*100 annihilation dmg [or] 1 idmg; Annihilated (PsiR; no save)
2 HyperGate Manip X2 100 Gate, no summoning sickness, up to CL planes removed
3 Incr./Decr. Mentals Health X7 350 ±CL/4 M actions (save is Int check at -CL)
4 Solid Stun Blast Combat X1 50 1 group: -CL*10 all actions; (CL-10)*100 astral dmg
5 Super Luck Detect X3 150 Choose result on next die roll
6 (new) Become Immaterial Construct X6 300 Insubstantial (see Major power); Immune to matter & energy; Can't be targetted.
7 (new) Halving Construct X3 150 Halve the hp on up to (CL-7)/3 targets (no save, IR to resist, may multi-target one target)
8 (new) Lock Down Construct X3 150 Lock down one action type in the room.
9 (new) Power Magnet Construct X6 300 Whenever someone targets a spell or psi effect in the room, it is redirected to you (treat as a x1 Special).
10 (new) Remove Terrain Feature Construct X6 300 Remove a Terrain Feature (-275+25*LVL%) (-100% per multiplier beyond x1).
11 (new) Set Off Triggers Construct X6 300 Cause all triggers on target to trigger prematurely, and target cannot use his next Clone (no save, ER to resist)
12 (new) Temporary Artifact Construct X9 450 Create a temporary artifact as if an Artificer of equal level, or create a Casting Cost LVL/3 or less MTG Artifact that lasts for 1 turn (see Planeswalker Artificer).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Basic Psi30 Information

P30Ps = Int + Wis + Chr - 36 +level*6.
Treat Wild Talents as level 0 for this calculation, elsewhere (for CL and ML) use level/2 (round up).
1 P30P = 10 PSPs (Psi1 or Psi2) for conversion purposes.
Drain Code: L M S D X
Type of Power: Minor Major Grand Super Ultra
P30P multiplier: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
Multiply the P30P multiplier by the Drain Staging to get P30P cost.
For example, "Air Bolt" is an S3, so it's a Grand that costs 9 P30Ps.
(DM Note: The modern version of the power tables includes P30P costs for you.)
# Successes = Your level (or level/2 if wild talent).
Powers that do damage do 10% of max hp per success, with a save for half damage.
In the power progression, you may "three for one trade" upwards (3 Minors can be replaced with 1 Major, even at level 1).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Minor Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Armor Manip 3 Phys L3 3 Melee:+˝ AC,-1dmg per hit/succ
Combat Sense (personal) Detect 2 Phys L2 2 +1 initiative,+1 saves/succ
Control Emotion Manip Chr Ment L4 4 Emotion:-1/succ on actions
Detect Psionics Detect R-1 Ment L2 2 Gives freq. & field of psi
Enhanced Hearing Detect 4 Ment L1 1 10%/succ Detect Noise
Entertainment Illus 2 Ment L1 1 Two D'lusion (as spell)
Hibernate Manip Con Phys L2 2 Feign Death & Suspend Animation
Invisibility Illus Int Ment L2 2 As spell, each creature resists
Levitate Item Manip W Phys L2 2 Caster controls up+down
Mask Illus Cml Ment L1 1 Alters appearance, Chr resists
Mental Armor Manip 9 Ment L6 6 -˝ hit/succ per mental attack
Mob Mood Manip Int Ment L8 8 Control Emotions Blast
Object Mask Illus Cml Ment L2 2 Alters appearance, Chr resists
Spectacle Illus 3 Ment L2 2 Entertainment power with sound
Stun Touch Combat Wis Ment L1 1 Astral stunning
Treat Light Wounds Health Con Phys L1 1 Heals 10% max hp (1 succ)
Treat Mental Drain Health 7 Ment L34 34 regain 10*succ% Psi (all freq)
X-ray Gem Detect 3 Phys L2 2 Gem of X-ray vision (1'/succ)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Major Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
[creature type] Form Manip W Phys M3 6 Polymorph Self (as spell)
Air Bridge Manip 4 Phys M2 4 Beam of Air than can walk on
Animate Manip W Phys M2 4 Animate Object (as spell)
Antidote Toxin Health Con Phys M3 6 Neutralize Poison (as spell)
Anti-Missile Barrier Manip 4 Phys M2 4 Ranged:+˝ AC,-1dmg per hit/succ
Astral Psi Fingers Manip 4 Phys M2 4 1 Str,1 Dex/succ
Blackout Illus Int Ment M2 4 Blast:Cause Blindness(as spell)
Clairaudience Detect R+1 Ment M1 2 Clairaudience,can move
Clairvoyance Detect R+2 Ment M1 2 Clairvoyance,can move
Clout Manip 3 Phys M2 4 TK punch:roll TH, dmg=˝*ä(succ)
Combat Sense Detect 3 Phys M2 4 +1 initiative,+1 saves/succ
Control Animal Manip Str Ment M4 8 Caster controls ˝P action/succ
Death Touch Combat Wis Phys M3 6 Necromantic damage
Detect [creature type] Detect R Ment M2 4 Int resists,mult.targets
Detect [Object] Detect R Ment M2 4 Locates Object (dir./dist.)
Detect Life Detect R+2 Ment M1 2 Chr resists,mult.targets
Detect Psionics (ext.) Detect R-3 Ment M3 6 Gives freq. & field of psi
Dimension Door Manip R-2 Phys M4 8 Ps1N "Dimension Door"
Enlarge/Reduce Manip Str Phys M3 6 ń10%/succ size
Existential Blues Manip Chr Ment M1 2 Depresses target (-˝/succ)
Fashion Manip 3 Phys M1 2 Makes clothes look better
Flight Manip 3 Ment M1 2 Fly at 3"/succ
Ignite Manip W+4 Phys M4 8 Item save:magical fire+4-1/succ
Improved Invisibility Illus Int Ment M2 4 As spell, each creature resists
Know Exit Detect R+1 Ment M2 4 Know dir./dist. to nearest exit
Levitate Person Manip W+2 Phys M2 4 Caster controls, Str resists
Light/Darkness Manip 3 Phys M1 2 Modifies light in area
Lock/Unlock Manip 4 Phys M1 2 Locks/Unlocks (nonmagical lock)
Makeover Manip Cml Phys M1 2 Fixes hair,makeup,fingernails
Mana Touch Combat Int Phys M2 4 Astral damage
Mind Link Detect Int Ment M1 2 Ps2P "Mindlink", 1 target
Nausea Blast Health Con Phys M2 4 Area effect Nausea (-˝TH/succ)
Object Physical Mask Illus Cml Phys M2 4 Changes appearance physically
Oxygenate Health Con Phys M3 6 +˝ Con/succ vs. suffocation
Pathfinder Manip Dex Phys M3 6 Ps1N "Body Equilibrium"
Petrify/Reverse Petrify Manip Str Phys M6 12 Flesh to Stone, Con resists
Physical Mask Illus Cml Phys M1 2 Changes appearance physically
Power Touch Combat Con Phys M1 2 Astral damage
Ram Touch Combat Con Phys M2 4 1 hull point damage/succ
Seal Manip 5 Phys M2 4 Hold Portal (as spell)
Stimulation Illus Wis Ment M1 2 Euphoria:+˝ (mental)hit/succ
Stun Beam Combat Wis Ment M2 4 Astral stunning
Stun Bolt Combat Wis Ment M1 2 Astral stunning
Treat Moderate Wounds Health Con Phys M1 2 Heals 30% max hp (2 succ)
Tri-D Entertainment Illus 4 Phys M2 4 Phantasmal Force with touch
Tri-D Spectacle Illus 5 Phys M3 6 Tri-D Enter. power with sound
Use [Prof.] Fingers Manip 5 Phys M4 8 Can use prof. over Psi Fingers
Warplight Manip 8 Phys M3 6 Object seen with Infra/Ultra

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Grand Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Acid Bolt Manip 4 Phys S4 12 Acid damage, Con resists
Air Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Air damage, Dex resists
Analyze Device Detect C Ment S2 6 How to use object & its use
Analyze Psionic Item Detect C Ment S1 3 How to use item & its use
Analyze Truth Detect Wis Ment S2 6 Detects Lies,1 target
Bind Manip Dex Phys S2 6 Stopped & -˝ Str/succ
Chaos Illus Int Ment S2 6 Distract:-1 TH/succ,1target
Clairaudience (ext.) Detect R-2 Ment S2 6 Clairaudience,can move
Clairvoyance (ext.) Detect R Ment S2 6 Clairvoyance,can move
Confusion Illus Int Phys S1 3 Confusion (as spell)
Control Actions Manip Str Ment S4 12 Caster controls ˝P action/succ
Control Movement Manip Str Ment S2 6 Caster controls ˝V action/succ
Cure Disease Health Con Phys S3 9 Cure Disease (as spell)
Death Beam Combat Wis Phys S4 12 Necromantic damage
Death Bolt Combat Wis Phys S3 9 Necromantic damage
Detect [cr. type] (ext.) Detect R-2 Ment S3 9 Int resists,mult.targets
Detect [Object] (ext.) Detect R-2 Ment S3 9 Locates Object (dir./dist.)
Detect Enemies Detect R+1 Ment S1 3 Wis resists,mult.targets
Detect Life (ext.) Detect R Ment S2 6 Chr resists,mult.targets
Detect Planar Energy Detect Chr Ment S1 3 Gives color of planar cord
Dimension Walk Manip 6 Phys S3 9 Ps1N "Dimension Walk"
Earth Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Earth damage,Con resist
Eyes of the Pack Detect Int Ment S1 3 Blast:can see through eyes
Fire Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Fire damage,Con resist
Flame Shield Manip 4 Phys S2 6 Protection from Fire
Grease Blast Manip 4 Phys S3 9 Grease & area Fumble (as spell)
Healthy Glow Health Cml Phys S2 6 +1 Cml/succ, Clean cantrip
Ice Bolt Manip 4 Phys S4 12 Ice damage, Con resists
Incr./Decr. Movements Health 8 Phys S7 21 ±1 V action /r per 2 successes
Lightning Bolt Manip 4 Phys S4 12 Lightning damage, Dex resists
Luck Detect 4 Ment S2 6 Gains +1(+5%)/succ on 1 action
Mana Beam Combat Int Phys S3 9 Astral damage
Mana Bolt Combat Int Phys S2 6 Astral damage
Mind Probe Detect Int Ment S1 3 Ps2P "Probe", 1 question/succ
Mob Rush Manip Str Ment S6 18 Control Movement Blast
Mob Scene Manip Str Ment S8 24 Control Actions Blast
Movement Manip Dex Phys S3 9 Gives +1V action
Nightvision Detect 4 Ment S1 3 Can see in magical/psi darkness
Overstimulation Illus Wis Ment S1 3 Massive Euphoria:+1 hit/succ
Poltergeist Manip 4 Phys S2 6 Objects fly around, 1 dmg/succ
Power Beam Combat Con Phys S2 6 Astral damage
Power Bolt Combat Con Phys S1 3 Astral damage
Prophylaxis Health Con Phys S3 9 +˝ Con/succ vs. poison,drugs
Psi Sword Combat 5 Ment S2 6 Roll TH (+succ), dmg=ä(succ)
Psi Sword II Combat 6 Ment S3 9 As Psi Sword, can hit nonliving
Ram Beam /Wrecker Combat Con Phys S3 9 1 hull point damage/succ
Ram Bolt Combat Con Phys S2 6 1 hull point damage/succ
Resist Allergy Health * Phys S3 9 Remove -1 penalty/succ
Resist Pain Health Con Phys S1 3 Resists physical pain
Shadow (Personal) Manip Chr Phys S1 3 Polymorph & go to Shadow plane
Shapechange (Personal) Manip W Phys S3 9 Polymorph to any monster
Spark Manip W+5 Phys S4 12 Item save:lightning+2-1/succ
Spherical Vision Detect 4 Ment S2 6 All-Around Sight
Stabilize Health -hp Phys S1 3 Target at 1 hp (Target#=-hp/3)
Sterilize Combat 3 Phys S1 3 Removes bacteria,bugs,etc.
Stink Illus Con Phys S2 6 Stinking Cloud effect
Stun Blast /Sleep Combat Wis Ment S1 3 Astral stunning
Treat Serious Wounds Health Con Phys S1 3 Heals 60% max hp (3 succ)
Turn to Goo Manip Con Phys S6 18 Polymorphs target to sludge
Warpsense Detect R+1 Phys S3 9 Can see with Infra/Ultra
Water Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Water damage,Str resist
Weather Guard Manip C Phys S3 9 Protection from Weather

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Super Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Acid Blast /Toxic Wave Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Acid damage, Con resists
Air Blast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Air damage, Dex resists
Astral Hearing Detect 9 Ment D1 4 Clairaudience to Astral Plane
Astral Static/Fog Manip 6 Ment D3 12 +1 target#/succ penalty in area
Barrier Manip 5 Phys D2 8 Solid Wall of Force (as spell)
Chaotic World Illus Int Ment D2 8 Chaos Blast
Control Thoughts Manip Int Ment D4 16 Caster controls ˝M action/succ
Death Blast Combat Wis Phys D3 12 Necromantic damage
Decrease Charisma Health Chr Ment D2 8 -1 Chr/succ
Decrease Constitution Health Con Phys D2 8 -1 Con/succ
Decrease Dexterity Health Dex Phys D2 8 -1 Dex/succ
Decrease Intelligence Health Int Ment D2 8 -1 Int/succ
Decrease Strength Health Str Phys D2 8 -1 Str/succ
Decrease Wisdom Health Wis Ment D2 8 -1 Wis/succ
Detect Enemies (ext.) Detect R-1 Ment D2 8 Wis resists,mult.targets
Earth Blast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Earth damage,Con resist
Fire Blast /Hellblast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Fire damage,Con resist
Foresight Detect 4 Ment D2 8 Augury of next 1r/succ
Heal Health Con Phys D2 8 Cures 1=10%,2=30%,3=60%,4=100%
Ice Blast Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Ice damage, Con resists
Ice Sheet Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Wall:Ice damage, Con resists
Incr./Decr. Physicals Health 12 Phys D7 28 ±1 P action /r per 3 successes
Increase Charisma Health Chr Ment D2 8 +1 Chr/succ
Increase Constitution Health Con Phys D2 8 +1 Con/succ
Increase Dexterity Health Dex Phys D2 8 +1 Dex/succ
Increase Intelligence Health Int Ment D2 8 +1 Int/succ
Increase Strength Health Str Phys D2 8 +1 Str/succ
Increase Wisdom Health Wis Ment D2 8 +1 Wis/succ
Influence Manip Chr Ment D2 8 1=Command,2=Suggestion,4=Demand
Lightning Blast Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Lightning damage, Dex resists
Mana Barrier Manip 6 Ment D3 12 Wall:Dead Psionics (all freq.)
Mana Blast Combat Int Phys D2 8 Astral damage
Mirage Arcana Illus 5 Ment D5 20 (no PsiR) Even vs. those immune
Mob Mind Manip Int Ment D8 32 Control Thoughts Blast (yuck!)
Omniscience Detect 4 Ment D2 8 Divination 1 question/succ
Power Blast Combat Con Phys D1 4 Astral damage
Preserve Health 5 Phys D5 20 Ps1N "Preservation", ˝ lvl/succ
Probability Travel Manip 6+# Phys D4 16 Ps1N "Probability Travel"
Ram Blast /Urban Renewal Combat Con Phys D2 8 1 hull point damage/succ
Resist Stun Health Wis Ment D1 4 Resist -1TH/succ from hits
Slay [creature type] Combat R Phys D3 12 Necro. damage,1 target,Wis
Spell Barrier Manip 7 Ment D5 20 Wall:Dead Magic (all types)
Teleportation Manip 4+# Phys D3 12 No error,up to 1plane,#=#people
Temporary Insanity Manip Wis Ment D2 8 1 insanity [DMG1]/succ
Thunderclap Manip 5 Phys D5 20 Blast:Sound damage, Con resists
Transform Manip W+W Phys D3 12 Polymorph Other, Str resists
Treat Deadly Wounds Health Con Phys D1 4 Heals 100% max hp (4 succ)
Unhealthy Glow Health Cml Phys D2 8 -1 Cml/succ, Dirty cantrip
Water Blast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Water damage,Str resist

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Ultra Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Annihilation Bolt Combat 20 Phys X10 50 (Str+Int) resists, Annihilation
HyperGate Manip N*3 Phys X2 10 Gate, no stun, N = # of planes
Incr./Decr. Mentals Health 16 Ment X7 35 ±1 M action /r per 4 successes
Solid Stun Blast Combat Wis Ment X1 5 Astral stunning, x2 normal succ
Super Luck Detect 5 Ment X3 15 Choose result on next die roll

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Astral Shaman

Level KXP Psi30 SL's
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 10 2-- --- ---
3 20 21- --- ---
4 30 22- --- ---
5 40 221 --- ---
6 50 222 --- ---
7 60 222 1-- ---
8 100 222 2-- ---
9 200 222 21- ---
10 300 222 22- ---
11 400 322 22- ---
12 500 332 221 ---
13 600 333 222 ---
14 1000 333 322 ---
15 1600 333 332 ---
16 2200 433 333 1--
17 2800 443 333 2--
18 3400 444 333 3--
19 4000 444 433 3--
20 4600 444 443 3--
21 5200 444 444 31-
22 5800 444 444 42-
23 6400 444 444 43-
24 7000 444 444 44-
25 7600 544 444 44-
26 8200 554 444 44-
27 8800 555 444 441
28 9400 555 544 442
29 10000 555 554 443
30 10600 555 555 444
31 11200 555 555 544
32 11800 555 555 554
33 12400 555 555 555
34 13000 666 555 555
35 13600 666 666 555
36 14200 666 666 666
TH Saves
+0  5  3  8  2  3  1  0  1
+1  5  4  8  2  3  1  0  2
+1  6  4  8  3  4  2  0  2
+2  6  5  8  3  4  2  1  3
+3  6  5  9  3  4  2  1  3
+3  6  6  9  4  5  3  1  4
+4  7  6  9  4  5  3  2  4
+5  7  7  9  4  5  4  2  5
+5  7  7 10  5  6  4  2  5
+6  7  8 10  5  6  4  3  6
+7  8  8 10  5  6  5  3  6
+7  8  9 10  6  7  5  3  7
+8  8  9 11  6  7  6  4  7
+9  8 10 11  6  7  6  4  8
+9  9 10 11  7  8  6  4  8
+10  9 11 11  7  8  7  5  9
+11  9 11 12  7  9  7  5  9
+11  9 12 12  8  9  8  5 10
Requisites: Int 9, Wis 9, Chr 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Psi
Reference: Shadowrun
Groups: Wizard, Psionicist
This is an Astral PA, with the following modifications:
Spell progression (for Shadowrun powers) uses the Witch Doctor table.
Cannot multiply effects by burning extra spells.
Level 1: 1M, level/d: Summon a (normal element) elemental of 4*level HD.
Level 1: 1V, sacrifice an elemental you control: Add (the elemental's HD)/4 spell levels to your memorization, or add (the elemental's HD)/2 to the caster level of your next spell.
Level 7: You may summon para elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).
Level 13: You may summon quasi elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).
Level 19: You may summon semi elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).
Level 25: You may summon chemical elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Minor Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Armor Manip L3 30 +CL/2 AC; -CL dmg per physical attack
2 Combat Sense (personal) Detect L2 20 +CL initiative; +CL saves
3 Detect Psionics Detect L2 20 Gives freq. & field of psi
4 Enhanced Hearing Detect L1 10 10*CL% Detect Noise
5 Entertainment Illus L1 10 Two D'lusion (as spell)
6 Invisibility Illus L2 20 Invisibility (+2 AC)
7 Levitate Item Manip L2 20 Caster controls up+down
8 Spectacle Illus L2 20 Entertainment power with sound
9 Stun Touch Combat L1 10 Touch: Target is at -CL all actions
10 Treat Light Wounds Health L1 10 Heals 10% max hp (material componenting gives 20%)
11 Treat Mental Drain Health L34 340 Regain 10*CL PSPs in one pool
12 X-ray Gem Detect L2 20 Gem of X-ray vision (CL feet)
13 (new) Combine Construct L6 60 Combine two groups of enemies into one group (no save).
14 (new) Erase Question Mark Construct L6 60 Lock a door [or] Erase a "?".
15 (new) Twist Construct L3 30 Twist an effect on a target (use ER to resist)

Psi30 Simplified Major Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Air Bridge Manip M2 40 Beam of Air than can walk on
2 Animate Manip M2 40 Animate Object (as spell), can be used as a DL=CL/2 Golem summon
3 Antidote Toxin Health M3 60 Neutralize Poison (as spell)
4 Astral Psi Fingers Manip M2 40 Telekinesis; Str=CL, Dex=CL with it
5 Blackout Illus M2 40 Blast:Cause Blindness(as spell)
6 Clairaudience Detect M1 20 Clairaudience,can move
7 Clairvoyance Detect M1 20 Clairvoyance,can move
8 Death Touch Combat M3 60 Touch: 10*CL necromantic dmg
9 Detect Life Detect M1 20 Detect Life
10 Dimension Door Manip M4 80 Dimension Door
11 Flight Manip M1 20 Fly at 3*CL"
12 Improved Invisibility Illus M2 40 Improved Invisibility (+2 AC)
13 Know Exit Detect M2 40 Know dir./dist. to nearest exit
14 Lock/Unlock Manip M1 20 Locks/Unlocks (nonmagical lock)
15 Mana Touch Combat M2 40 Touch: 10*CL astral dmg
16 Mind Link Detect M1 20 Psionic Link
17 Petrify/Reverse Petrify Manip M6 120 Flesh to Stone, Fort save
18 Physical Mask Illus M1 20 Changes appearance physically
19 Ram Touch Combat M2 40 CL hull damage (physical) to one target
20 Stun Bolt Combat M1 20 One target: -CL all actions (max -10); (CL-10)*10 astral dmg
21 Treat Moderate Wounds Health M1 20 Heals 30% max hp (material componenting gives 60%)
22 Tri-D Spectacle Illus M3 60 Tri-D Enter. power with sound
23 (new) Become Insubstantial Construct M6 120 Become Insubstantial; pass through objects/walls (including Wall spells, but not Wards)
24 (new) Remove BlahR Construct M3 60 Remove a BlahR [or] Halve the irrBlahR from 1 target
25 (new) Stop Construct M6 120 One group Stopped (cannot move or use V actions) (InnR to resist)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Grand Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Acid Bolt Manip S4 120 1 target: CL*10 acid dmg
2 Air Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 air dmg
3 Analyze Device Detect S2 60 How to use object & its use
4 Analyze Truth Detect S2 60 Detect Lie
5 Bind Manip S2 60 1 target: Stopped and CL/2 Str dmg
6 Confusion Illus S1 30 Confusion (as spell)
7 Control Actions Manip S4 120 Caster controls next CL/3 P actions (Str check at -CL)
8 Control Movement Manip S2 60 Caster controls next CL/2 V actions (Str check at -CL)
9 Cure Disease Health S3 90 Cure Disease (as spell)
10 Death Bolt Combat S3 90 1 target: CL*5 vile necromantic dmg
11 Detect Enemies Detect S1 30 Detect Enemies
12 Detect Planar Energy Detect S1 30 Gives color of planar cord
13 Dimension Walk Manip S3 90 Dimension Walk
14 Earth Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 earth dmg
15 Fire Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 fire dmg
16 Flame Shield Manip S2 60 Protection from Fire
17 Grease Blast Manip S3 90 Grease & area Fumble (as spell)
18 Healthy Glow Health S2 60 +CL Cml; Clean cantrip
19 Ice Bolt Manip S4 120 1 target: CL*10 ice dmg
20 Incr./Decr. Movements Health S7 210 ±CL/2 V actions (save is Dex check at -CL)
21 Lightning Bolt Manip S4 120 1 target: CL*10 lightning dmg
22 Luck Detect S2 60 Gains +CL (+5*CL%) on 1 action (once)
23 Mana Bolt Combat S2 60 1 target: CL*10 astral dmg
24 Mind Probe Detect S1 30 Ps2P "Probe", 1 question/succ
25 Movement Manip S3 90 Gives +1V action
26 Nightvision Detect S1 30 Can see in magical/psi darkness
27 Prophylaxis Health S3 90 Double Resist Poison and Drugs
28 Psi Sword Combat S2 60 Considered +CL weapon; base dmg=10*CL; cannot critical
29 Resist Allergy Health S3 90 For 1 turn, remove a Vulnerability or reduce Severe Allergy -> Vulnerability
30 Shapechange (Personal) Manip S3 90 Shapechange (self; can material component to hit someone else)
31 Spherical Vision Detect S2 60 All-Around Sight
32 Stabilize Health S1 30 Death's Door (target at negative hp goes to 1 hp)
33 Sterilize Combat S1 30 Removes bacteria, bugs, etc. (will destroy a Creeping Doom)
34 Stun Blast Combat S1 30 1 group: -CL all actions (max -10); (CL-10)*10 astral dmg
35 Treat Serious Wounds Health S1 30 Heals 60% max hp (material componenting gives 120%)
36 Turn to Goo Manip S6 180 Polymorphs target to sludge (PPD save)
37 Warpsense Detect S3 90 Infravision; Ultravision
38 Water Bolt Manip S3 90 1 target: CL*10 water dmg
39 Weather Guard Manip S3 90 Protection from Weather
40 (new) Remove Racial Ability/Immunity Construct S3 90 Remove a racial ability or immunity from a group (ER to resist).
41 (new) Restore BlahF Construct S6 180 Restore the MF/PF/TF/PsiF/TechF in area, Repair other forms of discontinuities/tears
42 (new) Time Stop Construct S6 180 Time Stop (as spell, use InnR to resist)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Super Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Acid Blast /Toxic Wave Manip D4 160 1 group: CL*10 acid dmg
2 Air Blast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 air dmg
3 Barrier Manip D2 80 Solid Wall of Force (as spell)
4 Control Thoughts Manip D4 160 Caster controls next CL/4 M actions (Int check at -CL)
5 Death Blast Combat D3 120 1 group: CL*5 vile necromantic dmg
6 Decrease Charisma Health D2 80 CL Chr dmg (no save)
7 Decrease Constitution Health D2 80 CL Con dmg (no save)
8 Decrease Dexterity Health D2 80 CL Dex dmg (no save)
9 Decrease Intelligence Health D2 80 CL Int dmg (no save)
10 Decrease Strength Health D2 80 CL Str dmg (no save)
11 Decrease Wisdom Health D2 80 CL Wis dmg (no save)
12 Earth Blast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 earth dmg
13 Fire Blast /Hellblast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 unholy fire dmg
14 Ice Blast Manip D4 160 1 group: CL*10 ice dmg
15 Ice Sheet Manip D4 160 Wall of Ice (CL*10 ice dmg)
16 Incr./Decr. Physicals Health D7 280 ±CL/3 P actions (save is Str check at -CL)
17 Increase Charisma Health D2 80 +CL Chr
18 Increase Constitution Health D2 80 +CL Con
19 Increase Dexterity Health D2 80 +CL Dex
20 Increase Intelligence Health D2 80 +CL Int
21 Increase Strength Health D2 80 +CL Str
22 Increase Wisdom Health D2 80 +CL Wis
23 Influence Manip D2 80 Command (no save); Suggestion (Will save); Demand (Will save)
24 Lightning Blast Manip D4 160 1 group: CL*10 lightning dmg
25 Mana Barrier Manip D3 120 Wall: Psionics (all freq.) cannot pass through
26 Mana Blast Combat D2 80 1 group: CL*10 astral dmg
27 Mirage Arcana Illus D5 200 (no PsiR) Even vs. those immune
28 Omniscience Detect D2 80 Divination 1 question/succ
29 Probability Travel Manip D4 160 Probability Travel
30 Ram Blast /Urban Renewal Combat D2 80 1 group of objects (or 30'x30' area): CL*10 hull dmg (inanimate objects only)
31 Resist Stun Health D1 40 Resist Stun (including Capital S Stun)
32 Slay Combat D3 120 1 target: CL*10 vile necromantic dmg
33 Spell Barrier Manip D5 200 Wall: Magic (all types) cannot pass through
34 Teleportation Manip D3 120 Teleport, no error, up to 1 plane
35 Temporary Insanity Manip D2 80 CL targets (may multi-target): Insanity (Will save for each)
36 Thunderclap Manip D5 200 1 group: CL*10 sound dmg
37 Treat Deadly Wounds Health D1 40 Heals 100% max hp (material componenting gives 200%)
38 Unhealthy Glow Health D2 80 CL Cml dmg (no save); Dirty cantrip
39 Water Blast Manip D3 120 1 group: CL*10 water dmg
40 (new) Fork Construct D6 240 1bM: Fork (can be used on up to a x8 multiplier effect)
41 (new) Defile BlahF Construct D6 240 Defile the MF/PF/TF/PsiF/TechF in area; Tempus Chaos
42 (new) Remove Class Ability/Immunity Construct D3 120 Remove a class ability or immunity from an element (affects 1 group).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Simplified Ultra Powers

# Name Field Drain PSPs Notes
1 Annihilation Bolt Combat X10 500 1 group: CL*100 annihilation dmg [or] 1 idmg; Annihilated (PsiR; no save)
2 HyperGate Manip X2 100 Gate, no summoning sickness, up to CL planes removed
3 Incr./Decr. Mentals Health X7 350 ±CL/4 M actions (save is Int check at -CL)
4 Solid Stun Blast Combat X1 50 1 group: -CL*10 all actions; (CL-10)*100 astral dmg
5 Super Luck Detect X3 150 Choose result on next die roll
6 (new) Become Immaterial Construct X6 300 Insubstantial (see Major power); Immune to matter & energy; Can't be targetted.
7 (new) Halving Construct X3 150 Halve the hp on up to (CL-7)/3 targets (no save, IR to resist, may multi-target one target)
8 (new) Lock Down Construct X3 150 Lock down one action type in the room.
9 (new) Power Magnet Construct X6 300 Whenever someone targets a spell or psi effect in the room, it is redirected to you (treat as a x1 Special).
10 (new) Remove Terrain Feature Construct X6 300 Remove a Terrain Feature (-275+25*LVL%) (-100% per multiplier beyond x1).
11 (new) Set Off Triggers Construct X6 300 Cause all triggers on target to trigger prematurely, and target cannot use his next Clone (no save, ER to resist)
12 (new) Temporary Artifact Construct X9 450 Create a temporary artifact as if an Artificer of equal level, or create a Casting Cost LVL/3 or less MTG Artifact that lasts for 1 turn (see Planeswalker Artificer).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Basic Psi30 Information

P30Ps = Int + Wis + Chr - 36 +level*6.
Treat Wild Talents as level 0 for this calculation, elsewhere (for CL and ML) use level/2 (round up).
1 P30P = 10 PSPs (Psi1 or Psi2) for conversion purposes.
Drain Code: L M S D X
Type of Power: Minor Major Grand Super Ultra
P30P multiplier: x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
Multiply the P30P multiplier by the Drain Staging to get P30P cost.
For example, "Air Bolt" is an S3, so it's a Grand that costs 9 P30Ps.
(DM Note: The modern version of the power tables includes P30P costs for you.)
# Successes = Your level (or level/2 if wild talent).
Powers that do damage do 10% of max hp per success, with a save for half damage.
In the power progression, you may "three for one trade" upwards (3 Minors can be replaced with 1 Major, even at level 1).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Minor Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Armor Manip 3 Phys L3 3 Melee:+˝ AC,-1dmg per hit/succ
Combat Sense (personal) Detect 2 Phys L2 2 +1 initiative,+1 saves/succ
Control Emotion Manip Chr Ment L4 4 Emotion:-1/succ on actions
Detect Psionics Detect R-1 Ment L2 2 Gives freq. & field of psi
Enhanced Hearing Detect 4 Ment L1 1 10%/succ Detect Noise
Entertainment Illus 2 Ment L1 1 Two D'lusion (as spell)
Hibernate Manip Con Phys L2 2 Feign Death & Suspend Animation
Invisibility Illus Int Ment L2 2 As spell, each creature resists
Levitate Item Manip W Phys L2 2 Caster controls up+down
Mask Illus Cml Ment L1 1 Alters appearance, Chr resists
Mental Armor Manip 9 Ment L6 6 -˝ hit/succ per mental attack
Mob Mood Manip Int Ment L8 8 Control Emotions Blast
Object Mask Illus Cml Ment L2 2 Alters appearance, Chr resists
Spectacle Illus 3 Ment L2 2 Entertainment power with sound
Stun Touch Combat Wis Ment L1 1 Astral stunning
Treat Light Wounds Health Con Phys L1 1 Heals 10% max hp (1 succ)
Treat Mental Drain Health 7 Ment L34 34 regain 10*succ% Psi (all freq)
X-ray Gem Detect 3 Phys L2 2 Gem of X-ray vision (1'/succ)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Major Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
[creature type] Form Manip W Phys M3 6 Polymorph Self (as spell)
Air Bridge Manip 4 Phys M2 4 Beam of Air than can walk on
Animate Manip W Phys M2 4 Animate Object (as spell)
Antidote Toxin Health Con Phys M3 6 Neutralize Poison (as spell)
Anti-Missile Barrier Manip 4 Phys M2 4 Ranged:+˝ AC,-1dmg per hit/succ
Astral Psi Fingers Manip 4 Phys M2 4 1 Str,1 Dex/succ
Blackout Illus Int Ment M2 4 Blast:Cause Blindness(as spell)
Clairaudience Detect R+1 Ment M1 2 Clairaudience,can move
Clairvoyance Detect R+2 Ment M1 2 Clairvoyance,can move
Clout Manip 3 Phys M2 4 TK punch:roll TH, dmg=˝*ä(succ)
Combat Sense Detect 3 Phys M2 4 +1 initiative,+1 saves/succ
Control Animal Manip Str Ment M4 8 Caster controls ˝P action/succ
Death Touch Combat Wis Phys M3 6 Necromantic damage
Detect [creature type] Detect R Ment M2 4 Int resists,mult.targets
Detect [Object] Detect R Ment M2 4 Locates Object (dir./dist.)
Detect Life Detect R+2 Ment M1 2 Chr resists,mult.targets
Detect Psionics (ext.) Detect R-3 Ment M3 6 Gives freq. & field of psi
Dimension Door Manip R-2 Phys M4 8 Ps1N "Dimension Door"
Enlarge/Reduce Manip Str Phys M3 6 ń10%/succ size
Existential Blues Manip Chr Ment M1 2 Depresses target (-˝/succ)
Fashion Manip 3 Phys M1 2 Makes clothes look better
Flight Manip 3 Ment M1 2 Fly at 3"/succ
Ignite Manip W+4 Phys M4 8 Item save:magical fire+4-1/succ
Improved Invisibility Illus Int Ment M2 4 As spell, each creature resists
Know Exit Detect R+1 Ment M2 4 Know dir./dist. to nearest exit
Levitate Person Manip W+2 Phys M2 4 Caster controls, Str resists
Light/Darkness Manip 3 Phys M1 2 Modifies light in area
Lock/Unlock Manip 4 Phys M1 2 Locks/Unlocks (nonmagical lock)
Makeover Manip Cml Phys M1 2 Fixes hair,makeup,fingernails
Mana Touch Combat Int Phys M2 4 Astral damage
Mind Link Detect Int Ment M1 2 Ps2P "Mindlink", 1 target
Nausea Blast Health Con Phys M2 4 Area effect Nausea (-˝TH/succ)
Object Physical Mask Illus Cml Phys M2 4 Changes appearance physically
Oxygenate Health Con Phys M3 6 +˝ Con/succ vs. suffocation
Pathfinder Manip Dex Phys M3 6 Ps1N "Body Equilibrium"
Petrify/Reverse Petrify Manip Str Phys M6 12 Flesh to Stone, Con resists
Physical Mask Illus Cml Phys M1 2 Changes appearance physically
Power Touch Combat Con Phys M1 2 Astral damage
Ram Touch Combat Con Phys M2 4 1 hull point damage/succ
Seal Manip 5 Phys M2 4 Hold Portal (as spell)
Stimulation Illus Wis Ment M1 2 Euphoria:+˝ (mental)hit/succ
Stun Beam Combat Wis Ment M2 4 Astral stunning
Stun Bolt Combat Wis Ment M1 2 Astral stunning
Treat Moderate Wounds Health Con Phys M1 2 Heals 30% max hp (2 succ)
Tri-D Entertainment Illus 4 Phys M2 4 Phantasmal Force with touch
Tri-D Spectacle Illus 5 Phys M3 6 Tri-D Enter. power with sound
Use [Prof.] Fingers Manip 5 Phys M4 8 Can use prof. over Psi Fingers
Warplight Manip 8 Phys M3 6 Object seen with Infra/Ultra

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Grand Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Acid Bolt Manip 4 Phys S4 12 Acid damage, Con resists
Air Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Air damage, Dex resists
Analyze Device Detect C Ment S2 6 How to use object & its use
Analyze Psionic Item Detect C Ment S1 3 How to use item & its use
Analyze Truth Detect Wis Ment S2 6 Detects Lies,1 target
Bind Manip Dex Phys S2 6 Stopped & -˝ Str/succ
Chaos Illus Int Ment S2 6 Distract:-1 TH/succ,1target
Clairaudience (ext.) Detect R-2 Ment S2 6 Clairaudience,can move
Clairvoyance (ext.) Detect R Ment S2 6 Clairvoyance,can move
Confusion Illus Int Phys S1 3 Confusion (as spell)
Control Actions Manip Str Ment S4 12 Caster controls ˝P action/succ
Control Movement Manip Str Ment S2 6 Caster controls ˝V action/succ
Cure Disease Health Con Phys S3 9 Cure Disease (as spell)
Death Beam Combat Wis Phys S4 12 Necromantic damage
Death Bolt Combat Wis Phys S3 9 Necromantic damage
Detect [cr. type] (ext.) Detect R-2 Ment S3 9 Int resists,mult.targets
Detect [Object] (ext.) Detect R-2 Ment S3 9 Locates Object (dir./dist.)
Detect Enemies Detect R+1 Ment S1 3 Wis resists,mult.targets
Detect Life (ext.) Detect R Ment S2 6 Chr resists,mult.targets
Detect Planar Energy Detect Chr Ment S1 3 Gives color of planar cord
Dimension Walk Manip 6 Phys S3 9 Ps1N "Dimension Walk"
Earth Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Earth damage,Con resist
Eyes of the Pack Detect Int Ment S1 3 Blast:can see through eyes
Fire Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Fire damage,Con resist
Flame Shield Manip 4 Phys S2 6 Protection from Fire
Grease Blast Manip 4 Phys S3 9 Grease & area Fumble (as spell)
Healthy Glow Health Cml Phys S2 6 +1 Cml/succ, Clean cantrip
Ice Bolt Manip 4 Phys S4 12 Ice damage, Con resists
Incr./Decr. Movements Health 8 Phys S7 21 ±1 V action /r per 2 successes
Lightning Bolt Manip 4 Phys S4 12 Lightning damage, Dex resists
Luck Detect 4 Ment S2 6 Gains +1(+5%)/succ on 1 action
Mana Beam Combat Int Phys S3 9 Astral damage
Mana Bolt Combat Int Phys S2 6 Astral damage
Mind Probe Detect Int Ment S1 3 Ps2P "Probe", 1 question/succ
Mob Rush Manip Str Ment S6 18 Control Movement Blast
Mob Scene Manip Str Ment S8 24 Control Actions Blast
Movement Manip Dex Phys S3 9 Gives +1V action
Nightvision Detect 4 Ment S1 3 Can see in magical/psi darkness
Overstimulation Illus Wis Ment S1 3 Massive Euphoria:+1 hit/succ
Poltergeist Manip 4 Phys S2 6 Objects fly around, 1 dmg/succ
Power Beam Combat Con Phys S2 6 Astral damage
Power Bolt Combat Con Phys S1 3 Astral damage
Prophylaxis Health Con Phys S3 9 +˝ Con/succ vs. poison,drugs
Psi Sword Combat 5 Ment S2 6 Roll TH (+succ), dmg=ä(succ)
Psi Sword II Combat 6 Ment S3 9 As Psi Sword, can hit nonliving
Ram Beam /Wrecker Combat Con Phys S3 9 1 hull point damage/succ
Ram Bolt Combat Con Phys S2 6 1 hull point damage/succ
Resist Allergy Health * Phys S3 9 Remove -1 penalty/succ
Resist Pain Health Con Phys S1 3 Resists physical pain
Shadow (Personal) Manip Chr Phys S1 3 Polymorph & go to Shadow plane
Shapechange (Personal) Manip W Phys S3 9 Polymorph to any monster
Spark Manip W+5 Phys S4 12 Item save:lightning+2-1/succ
Spherical Vision Detect 4 Ment S2 6 All-Around Sight
Stabilize Health -hp Phys S1 3 Target at 1 hp (Target#=-hp/3)
Sterilize Combat 3 Phys S1 3 Removes bacteria,bugs,etc.
Stink Illus Con Phys S2 6 Stinking Cloud effect
Stun Blast /Sleep Combat Wis Ment S1 3 Astral stunning
Treat Serious Wounds Health Con Phys S1 3 Heals 60% max hp (3 succ)
Turn to Goo Manip Con Phys S6 18 Polymorphs target to sludge
Warpsense Detect R+1 Phys S3 9 Can see with Infra/Ultra
Water Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 Ele.Water damage,Str resist
Weather Guard Manip C Phys S3 9 Protection from Weather

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Super Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Acid Blast /Toxic Wave Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Acid damage, Con resists
Air Blast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Air damage, Dex resists
Astral Hearing Detect 9 Ment D1 4 Clairaudience to Astral Plane
Astral Static/Fog Manip 6 Ment D3 12 +1 target#/succ penalty in area
Barrier Manip 5 Phys D2 8 Solid Wall of Force (as spell)
Chaotic World Illus Int Ment D2 8 Chaos Blast
Control Thoughts Manip Int Ment D4 16 Caster controls ˝M action/succ
Death Blast Combat Wis Phys D3 12 Necromantic damage
Decrease Charisma Health Chr Ment D2 8 -1 Chr/succ
Decrease Constitution Health Con Phys D2 8 -1 Con/succ
Decrease Dexterity Health Dex Phys D2 8 -1 Dex/succ
Decrease Intelligence Health Int Ment D2 8 -1 Int/succ
Decrease Strength Health Str Phys D2 8 -1 Str/succ
Decrease Wisdom Health Wis Ment D2 8 -1 Wis/succ
Detect Enemies (ext.) Detect R-1 Ment D2 8 Wis resists,mult.targets
Earth Blast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Earth damage,Con resist
Fire Blast /Hellblast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Fire damage,Con resist
Foresight Detect 4 Ment D2 8 Augury of next 1r/succ
Heal Health Con Phys D2 8 Cures 1=10%,2=30%,3=60%,4=100%
Ice Blast Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Ice damage, Con resists
Ice Sheet Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Wall:Ice damage, Con resists
Incr./Decr. Physicals Health 12 Phys D7 28 ±1 P action /r per 3 successes
Increase Charisma Health Chr Ment D2 8 +1 Chr/succ
Increase Constitution Health Con Phys D2 8 +1 Con/succ
Increase Dexterity Health Dex Phys D2 8 +1 Dex/succ
Increase Intelligence Health Int Ment D2 8 +1 Int/succ
Increase Strength Health Str Phys D2 8 +1 Str/succ
Increase Wisdom Health Wis Ment D2 8 +1 Wis/succ
Influence Manip Chr Ment D2 8 1=Command,2=Suggestion,4=Demand
Lightning Blast Manip 4 Phys D4 16 Lightning damage, Dex resists
Mana Barrier Manip 6 Ment D3 12 Wall:Dead Psionics (all freq.)
Mana Blast Combat Int Phys D2 8 Astral damage
Mirage Arcana Illus 5 Ment D5 20 (no PsiR) Even vs. those immune
Mob Mind Manip Int Ment D8 32 Control Thoughts Blast (yuck!)
Omniscience Detect 4 Ment D2 8 Divination 1 question/succ
Power Blast Combat Con Phys D1 4 Astral damage
Preserve Health 5 Phys D5 20 Ps1N "Preservation", ˝ lvl/succ
Probability Travel Manip 6+# Phys D4 16 Ps1N "Probability Travel"
Ram Blast /Urban Renewal Combat Con Phys D2 8 1 hull point damage/succ
Resist Stun Health Wis Ment D1 4 Resist -1TH/succ from hits
Slay [creature type] Combat R Phys D3 12 Necro. damage,1 target,Wis
Spell Barrier Manip 7 Ment D5 20 Wall:Dead Magic (all types)
Teleportation Manip 4+# Phys D3 12 No error,up to 1plane,#=#people
Temporary Insanity Manip Wis Ment D2 8 1 insanity [DMG1]/succ
Thunderclap Manip 5 Phys D5 20 Blast:Sound damage, Con resists
Transform Manip W+W Phys D3 12 Polymorph Other, Str resists
Treat Deadly Wounds Health Con Phys D1 4 Heals 100% max hp (4 succ)
Unhealthy Glow Health Cml Phys D2 8 -1 Cml/succ, Dirty cantrip
Water Blast Manip 3 Phys D3 12 Ele.Water damage,Str resist

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi30 Ultra Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P30Ps Notes
Annihilation Bolt Combat 20 Phys X10 50 (Str+Int) resists, Annihilation
HyperGate Manip N*3 Phys X2 10 Gate, no stun, N = # of planes
Incr./Decr. Mentals Health 16 Ment X7 35 ±1 M action /r per 4 successes
Solid Stun Blast Combat Wis Ment X1 5 Astral stunning, x2 normal succ
Super Luck Detect 5 Ment X3 15 Choose result on next die roll

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2 20- --- ---
3 4 21- --- ---
4 8 220 --- ---
5 16 221 --- ---
6 32 222 0-- ---
7 64 322 1-- ---
8 128 332 20- ---
9 256 333 21- ---
10 656 333 320 ---
11 1056 433 321 ---
12 1456 444 321 ---
13 1856 444 322 ---
14 2256 444 432 0--
15 2656 544 432 1--
16 3056 555 432 2--
17 3456 655 443 20-
18 3856 655 443 21-
19 4256 655 543 22-
20 4656 655 544 320
21 5056 655 544 321
22 5456 665 554 322
23 5856 666 654 332
24 6256 776 655 432
25 6656 776 655 443
26 7056 777 665 543
27 7456 777 665 554
28 7856 887 666 654
29 8256 887 776 655
30 8656 888 777 665
31 9056 888 777 766
32 9456 988 887 776
33 9856 999 888 777
34 10256 999 988 887
35 10656 999 999 888
36 11056 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 15, Wis 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
If you reset within real (not magical) sight of the sky, you get Wisdom bonus for spells.
Level 1: Fly at (level*3)" rate.
Level 1: If within sight of the sky, can cast spells as if the MF was 1 higher.
Level 1: 1 full reset: On the following reset, your spell progression in your Astrologer class is doubled.
Level 2: 1 full reset studying a person (who must be present): All spells you cast on that person are at x(level+1)/2 effect. You are assumed to have already "studied yourself" when you reach level 3.
Level 3: 1 full reset: Cast a spell you know; it has permanent duration.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Beast Arch-Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 ABC
1 0 0b- --- --- ---
2 4.5 00c --- --- ---
3 9 000 d-- --- ---
4 18 000 0e- --- ---
5 39 000 00f --- ---
6 82.5 000 000 g-- ---
7 165 000 000 0h- ---
8 330 111 111 1f- ---
9 675 111 111 10i ---
10 1350 111 111 100 j--
11 2025 222 222 211 h--
12 2700 222 222 211 0k-
13 3375 333 333 322 1i-
14 4050 444 444 433 2g-
15 4725 444 444 433 20l
16 5400 555 555 544 31j
17 6075 666 666 655 42h
18 6750 666 666 655 420
19 7425 777 777 766 531
20 8100 777 777 777 652
21 8775 777 777 777 763
22 9450 777 777 777 774
23 10125 777 777 777 775
24 10800 777 777 777 776
25 11475 777 777 777 777
26 12150 877 777 777 777
27 12825 887 777 777 777
28 13500 888 777 777 777
29 14175 888 877 777 777
30 14850 888 887 777 777
31 15525 888 888 777 777
32 16200 888 888 877 777
33 16875 888 888 887 777
34 17550 888 888 888 777
35 18225 888 888 888 877
36 18900 888 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+2  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+3  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+3  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+4  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+4  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+5 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+5 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+6 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+6 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+7 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+7 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+8 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+8 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Dex 16, Int 26; Class slots 2
Alignment: any
HD/level: d7
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Gets Int bonus to spell progression.
Gets +1 familiar per level (including level 1).
Level 1: Each level, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ of a spell to cast. This isn't cumulative with school specialization.
Level 1: Free material componenting. Can double material component if 1V is spent.
Level 1: MR adjustment is -5*level% instead of +60-5*level%.
Level 1: Can specialize in 1 school for free. Can specialize in another school, but then must pick an opposite. Specialization may be either "Collective type" (1/2 cost on spells) or "2nd edition type" (+1 spell of the school each level).
Level 1: Does not suffer ill effects of casting a spell above his normal casting ability due to the Arch-Mage being too low level. If the Arch-Mage's Knowledge score isn't high enough to cast the spell, he suffers the normal effects as per a normal Wizard.
Level 4: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 2 saving throws, if either is failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 9: When modifying an existing spell using spell research [S5], the base time is in days instead of weeks, and CL (Caster level) is 2 times Arch-Mage's level (for this rule only).
Level 9: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 3 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 11: Each level starting at 11th, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ the number of Mental actions to cast.
Level 15: That's an "l" (lower case "L") in 12th's, i.e. -12 (before bonus).
Level 16: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 4 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 21: Each level starting at 21st, pick one spell. That spell offers no saving throw (even with Scarab of Protection) and MR cannot be used against it, even irreducible MR. If the target is immune to a spell's effect (Fireball vs. a Red Dragon), the spell still has no effect.
Level 25: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 5 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.
Level 31: Each level starting at 31st, pick one spell. That spell can be cast as a 0 action.
Level 36: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 6 saving throws, if any are failed, the target is treated as having not saved.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Beast Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 ˝-- --- ---
2 2.5 ˝˝- --- ---
3 5 ˝˝˝ --- ---
4 10 ˝˝˝ ˝-- ---
5 20 ˝˝˝ ˝˝- ---
6 40 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ---
7 80 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝--
8 160 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝-
9 320 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
10 570 1˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
11 820 11˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
12 1070 111 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
13 1320 111 1˝˝ ˝˝˝
14 1570 111 11˝ ˝˝˝
15 1820 111 111 ˝˝˝
16 2320 111 111 1˝˝
17 2570 111 111 11˝
18 3070 111 111 111
19 3570 221 111 111
20 4070 222 211 111
21 4570 222 222 111
22 5070 222 222 221
23 5570 222 222 222
24 6070 333 222 222
25 6570 333 333 222
26 7070 333 333 333
27 8070 444 433 333
28 9070 444 444 443
29 10070 444 444 444
30 11070 555 554 444
31 12070 555 555 555
32 13070 666 666 555
33 14070 666 666 666
34 15070 777 777 766
35 16070 777 777 777
36 18070 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialization is allowed (and suggested due to all the ˝'s on the spell progression).
This class does get the free Material Componenting of Mage.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Black Robe1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 2.5 1-- --- ---
2 5 2-- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 17 32- --- ---
5 35 421 --- ---
6 45 422 --- ---
7 80 432 1-- ---
8 135 433 2-- ---
9 290 433 21- ---
10 375 443 221 ---
11 500 444 321 ---
12 650 444 421 1--
13 800 555 432 111
14 1000 555 442 111
15 1200 555 552 111
16 1400 555 553 211
17 1650 555 554 321
18 1900 555 554 321
19 2150 555 554 322
20 2400 555 554 333
21 2650 555 554 444
22 2900 555 555 555
23 3150 666 666 666
24 3400 776 666 666
25 3650 777 766 666
26 3900 777 776 666
27 4150 777 777 666
28 4400 777 777 776
29 4650 777 777 777
30 4900 887 777 777
31 5150 888 777 777
32 5400 888 877 777
33 5650 888 887 777
34 5900 888 888 777
35 6150 888 888 877
36 6400 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DLA1
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Necromancy. Has Divination and Abjuration as opposite schools.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 22- --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 222 --- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 332 2-- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 432 ---
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 655 443 2--
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 544 32-
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 16, Dex 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Can specialize in Invocation, if you do, pick a major opposite school.
When you material component one of the new spells below, replace "One target" with "CL targets". You cannot material component to hit a group at all. You are allowed to hit 2 targets at level 1.
New Invocation spells for Blaster0 class:
Acid Blast (all SL's): One target takes CL*SL Vile Acid dmg (no save, cannot be regenerated)
Force Throw (all SL's): One target is thrown backwards 5*CL*SL feet (no save, takes falling dmg as normal, leaves it's group)
Glass Shards (all SL's): One target takes CL*SL Glass dmg (no save) and is Sharped (BW save)
Time Beam (all SL's): One target takes CL*SL Time dmg (no save) and is Slowed for SL s (RSW save)
Void Zone (all SL's): One target is disintegrated (PP save with DC=CL*SL, yes it's an easy save at low level)
Wood Spikes (all SL's): One target takes 2*CL*SL Wood dmg (no save)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Boros Crossmage (MTG R/W)

Level KXP Wizard/PriHea
123 456 789
1 0 2-- --- ---
2 4.125 21- --- ---
3 8.25 22- --- ---
4 16.5 221 --- ---
5 33 222 --- ---
6 66 322 1-- ---
7 132 332 2-- ---
8 264 333 21- ---
9 528 333 32- ---
10 1056 433 321 ---
11 1584 444 321 ---
12 2112 444 322 ---
13 2640 444 432 ---
14 3168 544 432 1--
15 3696 555 432 2--
16 4224 655 443 2--
17 4752 655 443 21-
18 5280 655 543 22-
19 5808 655 544 32-
20 6336 655 544 321
21 6864 665 554 322
22 7392 666 654 332
23 7920 776 655 432
24 8448 776 655 443
25 8976 777 665 543
26 9504 777 665 554
27 10032 887 666 654
28 10560 887 776 655
29 11088 888 777 665
30 11616 888 777 766
31 12144 988 887 776
32 12672 999 888 777
33 13200 999 988 887
34 13728 999 999 888
35 14256 999 999 998
36 14784 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 16, Dex 14, Chr 14
Alignment: NG, CG, CN, or LE
HD/level: others +0d+4  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Hit Dice: "others +0d+4" means you add 4 to all your other classes' HD types. This class directly gives 0 hp. Exception: If this is your only class, you get 1d4 per level. (You cannot take this option if you have more than one class.)
Example: Multiclassed Fighter1 level 1 / Boros Crossmage11 level 1, with +2 Con bonus. The fighter gives 16 hp (1d14+2). The crossmage gives 0 hp. The character has 8 hp (16+0 divided by 2).
Exceptional Int bonus.
Specialized in Wizard Invocation school.
Turn Undead as a Priest of 3 levels lower.
Level 1: May cast Priest Healing sphere spells as if they were Wizard spells of the same level.
Level 2: 1M: Remove "summoning sickness" and/or "teleport sickness" from target.
Level 2: 1M: You will win initiative next segment.
Level 4, 8, 12, etc.: Choose a Priest sphere. May cast spells of that sphere as if they were Wizard spells of the same level.
Level 9: Specialized in Priest Healing sphere spells.
Level 9: 1M: Target gains Free Action until end of turn.
Level 9: Gains a Specialty Priest pick. May replace "sphere" with "school" in the effect if desired.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Boros Swiftblade (MTG R/W)


123 456 789

1 0 2-- --- --- +0
2 5.125 21- --- --- +1
3 10.25 22g --- --- +2
4 20.5 221 g-- --- +3
5 41 222 f-- --- +4
6 82 322 1f- --- +5
7 164 332 2e- --- +6
8 328 333 21e --- +7
9 656 333 32d --- +8
10 1312 433 321 --- +9
11 1968 444 321 --- +10
12 2624 444 322 d-- +11
13 3280 444 432 c-- +12
14 3936 544 432 1-- +13
15 4592 555 432 2c- +14
16 5248 655 443 2b- +15
17 5904 655 443 21- +16
18 6560 655 543 22b +17
19 7216 655 544 32a +18
20 7872 655 544 321 +19
21 8528 665 554 322 +20
22 9184 666 654 332 +21
23 9840 776 655 432 +22
24 10496 776 655 443 +23
25 11152 777 665 543 +24
26 11808 777 665 554 +25
27 12464 887 666 654 +26
28 13120 887 776 655 +27
29 13776 888 777 665 +28
30 14432 888 777 766 +29
31 15088 988 887 776 +30
32 15744 999 888 777 +31
33 16400 999 988 887 +32
34 17056 999 999 888 +33
35 17712 999 999 998 a +34
36 18368 999 999 999 1 +35
37 36736 999 999 999 2 +36
38 55104 999 999 999 3 +37
39 73472 999 999 999 4 +38
45 183680 A99 999 999 9 +44
54 348992 AAA AAA AAA 91 +53
63 514304 AAA AAA AAA A9 +62
72 679616 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +71
Requisites: Str 14, Dex 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Chr 14,
  Class Slots 2
Alignment: NG, CG, CN, or LE
HD/level: d8 (or Others +0d+6)
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Reference: DM
Groups: Warrior, Wizard, Priest
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+5
RSW: level+5
PP: level+5
BW: level+5
Spell: level+8
Fort: level+2
Reflex: level+5
Will: level+5
Hit Dice: "Others +0d+6" means you add 6 to all your other classes' HD types.
Specialized in Wizard Invocation school. Grand in Priest Healing Sphere.
Level 3: 1M: Remove "summoning sickness" and/or "teleport sickness" from target.
Level 4: 1M: You will win initiative next segment.
Level 9: 1M: Target gains Free Action until end of turn.
New MTG Spells (count as Wizard Invocation, Priest Healing, or Psi11R/W):
Duergar Assailant (SL=1): Summon CL Dwarves of DL I; As each one dies, it deals 10 dmg or 1 rdmg to one target.
Double Cleave (SL=2): One target does double physical damage this segment (this spell has duration 1 segment)
Lightning Helix (SL=2): Deal 30 fire dmg to one target, cure another target 30 hp.
Energy Bolt N (SL=N, min SL=3): Deal 10*(N-2) magic dmg to one group, cure that amount to another target
Glory of Warfare (SL=4): Your subordinates get +2 offensive DL on the top of each segment, and +2 defensive DL on the bottom of each segment.
Master Warcraft (SL=4): 1bM: A group of monsters changes their mind who they attack (you decide who, but it must be one of their enemies).
Brightflame N (SL=N, min SL=5): Deal 10*(N-4) dmg to a group, you cure the total amount of damage done (to all creatures) to one target.
Reflect Damage (SL=5): 1bM: Reflect all damage done by one effect to one target.
Waves of Aggression (SL=5): Your subordinates can use 2S+1V actions this segment (this spell has duration 1 segment)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Cancer Mage3

Level KXP
1 Rog4/Pri2 (none)
2 10 (none)
3 30 (none)
4 60 (none)
5 100 (none)
6 150 (none)
7 210 (none)
8 280 (none)
9 360 (none)
10 450 (none)
11 550 (none)
12 660 (none)
13 780 (none)
14 910 (none)
15 1050 (none)
16 1200 (none)
17 1360 (none)
18 1530 (none)
19 1710 (none)
20 1900 (none)
21 2100 (none)
22 2310 (none)
23 2530 (none)
24 2760 (none)
25 3000 (none)
26 3250 (none)
27 3510 (none)
28 3780 (none)
29 4060 (none)
30 4350 (none)
31 4650 (none)
32 4960 (none)
33 5280 (none)
34 5610 (none)
35 5950 (none)
36 6300 (none)
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+2  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+3  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+3  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+4  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+5  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+6  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+6  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+7  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+8  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+9  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+9  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+10  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+11  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+12  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+12  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+13  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+/9
To Hit Table: +level*3/4
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: BoVD3-52
Groups: Wizard

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP
1 0 (special)
2 1.25 (special)
3 2.5 (special)
4 4.5 (special)
5 9 (special)
6 17.5 (special)
7 35 (special)
8 60 (special)
9 90 (special)
10 140 (special)
11 200 (special)
12 400 (special)
13 600 (special)
14 800 (special)
15 1000 (special)
16 1200 (special)
17 1400 (special)
18 1600 (special)
19 1800 (special)
20 2000 (special)
21 2200 (special)
22 2400 (special)
23 2600 (special)
24 2800 (special)
25 3000 (special)
26 3200 (special)
27 3400 (special)
28 3600 (special)
29 3800 (special)
30 4000 (special)
31 4200 (special)
32 4400 (special)
33 4600 (special)
34 4800 (special)
35 5000 (special)
36 5200 (special)
TH Saves
+0  5  4  6  2  3  0  2  0
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+0  6  5  6  3  4  1  3  0
+1  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+1  6  6  7  3  5  2  4  1
+1  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+2  7  7  7  4  6  3  5  2
+2  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+2  7  8  8  4  7  3  6  2
+3  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+3  8  9  8  5  8  4  7  3
+3  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+4  8 10  9  5  9  5  8  4
+4  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+4  9 11  9  6 10  6  9  4
+5  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+5  9 12 10  6 11  7 10  5
+5 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
Requisites: Dex 10, Int 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Rog
Reference: S&S2
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Gain your CL in spell levels in memorization. The maximum spell level = (your CL)/2, round up. All spell levels at maximum spell level or lower are assumed to be at least a "0" for purposes of specialization. You may put a "˝ " in a spell level (it costs half). Example: A 10th level Cartographer can have a 0, 1˝, 0, ˝, 1 progression.
Level 1: May specialize (either edition) in Divination, pick an opposite school. May specialize in Divination using *both* editions at the same time, in this case, pick a total of three opposite schools.
Level 1: Free Cartography and Forgery proficiencies. A free Read/Write language proficiency per level.
Level 1: Detect False Maps. This lets you know if a map is generally (over 50%) correct. See "Know Detail on Map" below for abuses of this ability.
Level 1: Can map any area he's ever been to by memory.
Level 1: Distance Sense (can estimate the distance to anything, error is less than 1%).
Level 1: Can copy a non-magical map in 1 hour.
Level 1: There is a 5*CL% chance you "just happen to have" a rough map to any given location you go to, assuming your race has visited this place before. These maps are usually incomplete and crude, but may have a clue or two.
Level 1: Gain CL^2 gp per day you spend sitting around making maps for people. (DM Note: Lots of other classes should have a similar ability to this.)
Level 2: Know Detail on Map. If you make a Forgery roll, you can tell if a minor detail on a map is possible or not (if you don't specify which detail, the DM will point out something interesting about the map). This ability does not allow you to detect the future or whether an individual is in a specific place (e.g. if the map says "Blue Dragon Sizzle lives here", this ability says nothing other than whether a dragon *could* live here). You generally cannot sit down and imagine up maps (or have your friend do it), hoping that some random map you draw gives you information.
Level 4: Can map any area he's scrying into (via Crystal Ball or whatever).
Level 5: Gain one 1st level apprentice per level. (Two per level starting at level 9)
Level 9: May specialize (either edition) in a school of magic, pick an opposite school. If you pick Divination, you get an additional 2nd edition (+1 per SL) source, not 1st edition.
Level 9: 1M, 1/t: Map dungeon level. This maps the entire DL, up to 1 mile in diameter. Exact details are not given, just rooms, doors, stairs, and vague features. Major features such as statues, altars, and pools may or may not be included at the DM's whim. Individual isolated sections of underground (not connected to the current dungeon) at the same depth probably will not be included. Certain rooms might be shielded in various ways (generally x2 multiplier effects), and might get omitted. If the map cannot be drawn in a 2 dimensional space, the map will probably have errors. If the map cannot be drawn in a 3 dimensional space, it will probably be a jumble of uselessness in the non-mappable sections. This ability can be used in a building; it maps that level of the building.
Level 12: 1M, 1/h: Map wildnerness. This maps 100 yards diameter in wildnerness or 100 feet diameter in a town/city. Interiors of buildings and cliffs and such are given. This ability can be used underground, it maps 100 feet diameter even through solid rock (and to unconnected underground areas).
Level 12: Gain a level (CL/2, round down) apprentice per level.
Level 18: Once per day can modify a map into an Updating Map. Updating Maps change whenever the area they're mapping changes. The amount of detail on the map stays constant, as long as all details on the map when it was made Updating were true. Thus, if you know Blue Dragon Sizzle is sitting on 5 magic items, and make a Updating Map of his room, the map will change whenever Sizzle moves (and it will tell you where he is if he's still on the map). If he gains or loses any magic items, it will tell you how many. If you specifically gave the properties of each magic item, each new item would also be identified, unless it was of a multiplier higher than the person who created the Updating Map.
Level 27: Once per day can modify an Updating Map into a Temporal Map. Temporal Maps have a "date & time" indicator on them, this can be changed once per turn, and the map changes to reflect that date and time.
Level 36: Once per day can modify an Updating (or Temporal) Map into a Moving Map. Moving Maps can be "scrolled" in any of the 3 dimensions (up/down, north/south, east/west), the map changes to reflect the change. The Moving Map can "move" any amount of distance once per turn, but it suddenly changes to the new map (if you move the map 100 miles east, you don't get to see it scroll by real fast, it simply switches to the new location).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Cartographer2 Improved


Example Prog.
123 456 789 A

1 0 2-- --- --- - +0
2 1.375 4-- --- --- - +0
3 2.75 03- --- --- - +0
4 4.95 04- --- --- - +1
5 9.9 103 --- --- - +1
6 19.25 004 --- --- - +1
7 38.5 010 3-- --- - +2
8 66 000 4-- --- - +2
9 99 001 03- --- - +2
10 154 000 04- --- - +3
11 220 000 103 --- - +3
12 440 000 004 --- - +3
13 660 000 010 3-- - +4
14 880 000 000 4-- - +4
15 1100 000 001 03- - +4
16 1320 000 000 04- - +5
17 1540 000 000 103 - +5
18 1760 000 000 004 - +5
19 1980 000 000 010 3 +6
20 2200 000 000 000 4 +6
21 2420 010 000 000 4 +6
22 2640 000 100 000 4 +7
23 2860 000 001 000 4 +7
24 3080 000 000 010 4 +7
25 3300 000 000 000 5 +8
26 3520 010 000 000 5 +8
27 3740 000 100 000 5 +8
28 3960 000 001 000 5 +9
29 4180 000 000 010 5 +9
30 4400 000 000 000 6 +9
31 4620 010 000 000 6 +10
32 4840 000 100 000 6 +10
33 5060 000 001 000 6 +10
34 5280 000 000 010 6 +11
35 5500 000 000 000 7 +11
36 5720 010 000 000 71 +11
37 11440 110 000 000 71 +12
38 17160 111 000 000 71 +12
39 22880 111 100 000 71 +12
45 57200 211 111 111 71 +14
54 108680 222 222 222 711 +17
63 160160 333 333 322 722 +20
72 211640 444 433 333 733 1 +23
Requisites: Dex 15, Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/5
Reference: S&S2
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:
PPD: level+5 Fort: level+0
RSW: level+4 Reflex: level+4
PP: level+6 Will: level+0
BW: level+2
Spell: level+3
The spell progression is variable; You get your LVL*2 in spell levels in memorization. The maximum spell level = (your CL)/2, round up, with a maximum of SL=10. All spell levels at maximum spell level or lower are assumed to be at least a "0" for purposes of specialization. You may put a "˝ " in a spell level (it costs half). The spell progression given is just an example; tries to maximimize the highest SL possible.
Level 1: Free specializion (either edition) in Cartography. May specialize in Cartography using *both* editions at the same time, in this case, pick an opposite school.
Level 1: Free Cartography and Forgery proficiencies. A free Read/Write language proficiency per level.
Level 1: Detect False Maps. This lets you know if a map is generally (over 50%) correct. See "Know Detail on Map" below for abuses of this ability.
Level 1: Can map any area he's ever been to by memory.
Level 1: Distance Sense (can estimate the distance to anything, error is less than 1%).
Level 1: Gain LVL^3 gp per day you spend sitting around making maps for people. (DM Note: Lots of other classes should have a similar ability to this.)
Cartography spells:
Map the Dungeon (SL=1): Maps the current dungeon level in 100*CL' radius (the DM will map only a section if it is very large). Exact details are not given, just rooms, doors, stairs, and vague features. Major features such as statues, altars, and pools may or may not be included at the DM's whim. Individual isolated sections of underground (not connected to the current dungeon) at the same depth probably will not be included. Certain rooms might be shielded in various ways (generally x2 multiplier effects), and might get omitted. If the map cannot be drawn in a 2 dimensional space, the map will probably have errors. This spell can be used in a building; it maps that level of the building.
Erase Question Mark (SL=1): Erases a "?" in the dungeon. This must be material componented for range to function (otherwise you would erase a "?" in the current room, not very useful). Can be reversed to Create a "?", if for some bizarre reason you wanted to do that.
Create Door (SL=2): Creates or destroys a door in the current DL (must have line of site to the door).
Create Staircase (SL=2+N): Creates or destroys a staircase that goes up or down N DL's. Note that going up a staircase to leave a dungeon does not violate the "leaving a fight during combat time" rule.
Create Trap (SL=3): Creates a Trap in the room (like the Trapper0 class, see list below). Only affects enemies.
Map the Wildnerness (SL=4): This maps 100 yards diameter in wildnerness or 100 feet diameter in a town/city. Interiors of buildings and cliffs and such are given. This ability can be used underground, it maps 100 feet diameter even through solid rock (and to unconnected underground areas).
Create Trick (SL=5): Creates a Trick in the room. Only affects enemies. It will be randomly generated by the DM.
Create Wall (SL=5): Wall of Iron, Stone, Force, or Prismatic of one color; or you can summon a DL V Living Wall as a summon.
Tessermap (SL=5): Teleport the party to some known place in the current DL; no summoning sickness; there is a 1s delay if you are currently fighting (before the teleport).
Create Corridor (SL=6): Creates (or destroys) 10*CL' of corridor in the dungeon.
Updating Map (SL=6): Update a map; this effect lasts for 1 turn. Updated Maps change whenever the area they're mapping changes. The amount of detail on the map stays constant, as long as all details on the map when it was made Updating were true.
Relocate (SL=7): Moves an "N" (NPC party), "SB" (Subboss), or any non-letter ("?", "!", etc.) symbol in the current DL up to CL/7 rooms distant from where it was. Does not affect "B" (Bosses).
Temporal Map (SL=8): Update a map to a Temporal Map. Temporal Maps have a "date & time" indicator on them, this can be changed once per turn, and the map changes to reflect what was there at that date and time.
Moving Map (SL=9): Update a map to a Moving Map. Moving Maps can be "scrolled" in any of the 3 dimensions (up/down, north/south, east/west), the map changes to reflect the change. The Moving Map can "move" any amount of distance once per turn, but it suddenly changes to the new map (if you move the map 100 miles east, you don't get to see it scroll by real fast, it simply switches to the new location).
Looporal Map (SL=10): Like Temporal Map, except you can adjust the Loop (Timeline) as well.
Erase B (SL=10+N): Erase a "B" (Boss) from the dungeon, N is the DL you're on. Can be reversed to create a B, if you feel insane today.
Trapper Traps (these affect a group; the effect given is per target):
Arrows: Get attacked by one arrow with TH bonus +LVL^2 and dmg=LVL^2; natural 20 = Poison (PPD save or death)
Falling Block: Get automatically hit by one block for LVLd4 dmg (ignores skins)
Gas: PPD save or (roll 1d8): 1=Blind, 2=Fear, 3=Feeblemind, 4=Nausea, 5=Poison (death in 1 round), 6=Sleep, 7=Slow, 8=Weakness
Net: You cannot move or physically attack until you use 1V and make a Str check at -LVL.
Pit: Fall LVL*10' (no save); 1 in 6 chance you fall on a spike for LVL^2 dmg
Surge: Take a SL=LVL/2 random magical effect (never beneficial, save applies if the effect has a save)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 90 111 --- ---
2 180 222 --- ---
3 270 222 1-- ---
4 360 333 2-- ---
5 450 444 21- ---
6 540 444 31- ---
7 630 444 32- ---
8 720 444 321 ---
9 900 555 332 ---
10 1800 555 432 1--
11 2700 555 433 2--
12 3600 555 543 21-
13 4500 555 543 22-
14 5400 555 543 221
15 6300 555 544 222
16 7200 555 554 322
17 8100 555 555 322
18 9000 555 555 332
19 9900 555 555 432
20 10800 555 555 433
21 11700 555 555 543
22 12600 555 555 554
23 13500 555 555 555
24 14400 666 666 555
25 15300 666 666 666
26 16200 777 777 666
27 17100 777 777 777
28 18000 888 888 777
29 18900 888 888 888
30 19800 999 999 888
31 20700 999 999 999
32 21600 AAA AAA 999
33 22500 AAA AAA AAA
34 23400 BBB BBB AAA
35 24300 BBB BBB BBB
36 25200 CCC CCC CCC
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+6  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+6 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+7 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+7 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+8 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+8 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
Requisites: Dex 11, Int 13, Chr 19
Alignment: non-L
HD/level: 2d2
Weapon Prof.: -1+level*2
To Hit Table: 1˝xWiz
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
This is a powerful version of Illusionist1.
Specialized in Illusion, pick an opposite.
Level 10: With a 7th level spell, you can create an illusion of a monster so real that persons fighting it actually gain XP from the "monster" if it is killed. Of course the illusion is capable of damaging it's enemy, as if it was a real version of the monster (any attempt to defeat this causes you to gain no XP from the encounter).
Level 20: With a 9th level spell, you can create illusionary potions which actually affect the persons drinking them. There is a 1% (non-adjustable) chance the drinker will somehow not be affected by the potion. In this case, the person will no longer be able to believe this power (or the Level 10 one, either). The person cannot control this in any way. The only way to avoid this result is with the Avoid Fate power. This power cannot be done earlier in the Challenger's career (even though he has 9th level spells at level 14).
Level 30: Any illusionary effect you create is in fact real. There is no way to distinguish the created item from a "real" one, except by using Psi14. Note that duplicating unique persons or items can be disastrous (due to Clone Insanity and Truename issues).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Charm Crafter

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 ˝-- --- ---
2 1 1-- --- ---
3 2.5 2˝- --- ---
4 6.5 31- --- ---
5 15 42˝ --- ---
6 40 531 --- ---
7 100 642 ˝-- ---
8 250 753 1-- ---
9 600 864 2˝- ---
10 1000 975 31- ---
11 1400 A86 42˝ ---
12 1800 B97 531 ---
13 2200 CA8 642 ˝--
14 2600 DB9 753 1--
15 3000 ECA 864 2˝-
16 3400 FDB 975 31-
17 3800 GEC A86 42˝
18 4200 HFD B97 531
19 4600 IGE CA8 642
20 5000 JHF DB9 753
21 5400 KIG ECA 864
22 5800 LJH FDB 975
23 6200 MKI GEC A86
24 6600 NLJ HFD B97
25 7000 OMK IGE CA8
26 7400 PNL JHF DB9
27 7800 QOM KIG ECA
28 8200 RPN LJH FDB
29 8600 SQO MKI GEC
30 9000 TRP NLJ HFD
31 9400 USQ OMK IGE
32 9800 VTR PNL JHF
33 10200 WUS QOM KIG
34 10600 XVT RPN LJH
35 11000 YWU SQO MKI
36 11400 ZXV TRP NLJ
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+0  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+1  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+1  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+2  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+2  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+2  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+3  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+3 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+3 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+4 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+4 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+4 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+5 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+5 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+5 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Int 8, Chr 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: +d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Always 1M+1P to cast spells. The 1M action is used to set up the spell in a temporary item (called a Charm). Any number of spells of a single spell level may be placed into the Charm. The Charm may be saved until used up to 1 month later. Until then, the spell memorization put into the Charm is not regained, even at a Reset. The 1P is used to set off the Charm. The effect of the Charm is a cast spell of the appropriate level (determined when the spell is used). The magnitude of the spell is multiplied by the number of spells stored in the Charm.
Cannot use material componenting; they effectively use their own special form of that.
Level 1: May specialize in Enchantment/Charm; pick an opposite if you do this.
Level 1: Can use multiple charges at once from magic items; the effect is multiplied by the number of charges used.
Level 2: All of your items automatically make all item saving throws.
Level 4: May specialize in Abjuration; pick an opposite if you do this.
Level 9: Your magical effects do not turn off in Anti-Magic of any multiplier.
Level 9: 1M: Your Reason, Intuition, or Leadership becomes (level+9) for this round only.
Level 9: May specialize in a school of your choice; pick an opposite if you do this.
Level 18: Your magical effects cannot be dispelled by Dispel Magic of any multiplier.
Level 27: Any of your spells may have duration "Permanent" if desired.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1 2-- --- ---
3 3 2˝- --- ---
4 6 21- --- ---
5 10 22- --- ---
6 20 33- --- ---
7 30 33˝ --- ---
8 50 331 --- ---
9 100 332 --- ---
10 150 332 ˝-- ---
11 200 332 1-- ---
12 400 332 2-- ---
13 600 333 3-- ---
14 800 333 3˝- ---
15 1000 333 31- ---
16 1200 333 32- ---
17 1400 333 32˝ ---
18 1600 333 321 ---
19 1800 333 322 ---
20 2000 333 333 ---
21 2200 333 333 ˝--
22 2400 333 333 1--
23 2600 333 333 2--
24 2800 333 333 2˝-
25 3000 333 333 21-
26 3200 333 333 22-
27 3400 333 333 33-
28 3600 333 333 33˝
29 3800 333 333 331
30 4000 333 333 332
31 4200 333 333 333
32 4400 444 443 333
33 4600 444 444 444
34 4800 555 554 444
35 5000 555 555 555
36 5200 666 666 666
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 14, Wis 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Technology
Level 1: Identify Psionic Items (level*10)%
Level 1: +1 Knowledge proficiency per level.
Level 1: Decipher Code (47+level*3)%
Level 2: Identify Object's chemical makeup by sight.
Level 3: Specialization in Alteration gained.
Level 3: Periodic Table elements are considered Semi for you.
Level 4: Create Chemical Mixture of (level) Complexity Level (see next page; also Tinker Gnome).
Level 5: Periodic Table elements are considered Quasi for you.
Level 6: Can write scrolls.
Level 7: Specialization in Conjuration gained.
Level 8: Identify Technological item, function, and (at a -50% penalty) function (level-7)*10%
Level 9: Identify non-unique monsters by sight.
Level 9: Periodic Table elements are considered Para for you.
Level 17: Periodic Table elements are considered normal for you.
Sample Complexity Levels of Chemicals:
Complexity Substance
1 Smoke Bombs, Low Glues (good old Elmer's), Simple Poisons (Class A/B)
2 Stink Bombs, Medium Glues (superglue), Alcohol, Matches
3 Poison Gas Bombs, High Glues, Acetone, Poison Antidote, Food Preservatives
4 Simple Medicinal Products (aspirin), Water Purification Products
5 Slippery Physical Liquids (oil), Simple SubAttribute Boosters, Flash Powder
6 Low Acids, Basic Fire Retardants, Greek Fire
7 Medium Acids, Ultimate Fire Retardants, Smoke Powder
8 Gunpowder, Chemical Welding Agents
9 Bombs (simple explosive), Stone Dissolving Agents
10 Highly Sophisticated Poisons (Class F), Metal Burning Agents
11 Potions, Cold Bombs, High Acids, Viruses of the order of the Common Cold
12 Combination Bombs, Lightning Bombs, Stone Gas Bombs
13 Potions of x2 strength, Liquid Electronics (!)
14 Dynamite, Combination Time Bombs, Viruses of the order of AIDS/Ebola
15 Rocket Propulsion (up to ˝ the speed of light)
16 Plastic Explosives, Airborne versions of previous liquids
17 Real-burning Gasoline, Tornadium D-19
18 Nuclear Fission, Metal Dissolving Agents

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 ˝-- --- ---
2 3 1-- --- ---
3 6 2˝- --- ---
4 12 21- --- ---
5 24 32˝ --- ---
6 48 321 --- ---
7 72 332 ˝-- ---
8 105 432 1-- ---
9 160 433 2˝- ---
10 285 443 21- ---
11 425 443 32˝ ---
12 850 544 321 ---
13 1235 544 332 ˝--
14 1610 554 432 1--
15 1985 554 433 2˝-
16 2370 555 443 21-
17 2755 655 443 32˝
18 3140 655 544 321
19 3525 665 544 332
20 3910 665 554 432
21 4295 666 554 433
22 4680 666 555 443
23 5065 766 655 443
24 5450 766 655 544
25 5835 776 665 544
26 6220 776 665 554
27 6605 777 666 554
28 6990 777 666 555
29 7375 777 766 655
30 7760 877 766 655
31 8145 877 776 665
32 8530 887 776 665
33 8915 887 777 666
34 9300 888 777 666
35 9685 888 777 766
36 10070 888 877 766
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+2  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+3  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+4  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+5  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+6  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+7  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+8  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 17, Wis 16
Alignment: L any or T any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: Chrono2
Groups: Wizard
Specialization in Chromancy; pick one opposite school.
Chronomancy spells are not generally available to regular Wizards. Even if a regular Wizard gets access to Chronomancy spells, each Chronomancy spell costs a regular Wizard two spell slots each.
Level 3: Time/Reality Stability.
Level 5: Immune to haste and slow (this immunity may be lowered).
Level 11: +LVL-10 segments per round. Thus a level 25 Chronomancer has 25 segments.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Chronomancy Spells

Level # Spell Effect
1 1 Delay Image +2 AC, +1 saves
1 2 Detect Temporal Anomaly Detect Temporal Anomaly
1 3 Haste A1 +1A action
1 4 Know Time Know date and day
1 5 Precognitive Sense Precognition
1 6 Slow Metabolism Need not eat/drink
2 1 Accelerate Plant Growth Plant Growth
2 2 Haste A2 +2A or +1B actions
2 3 Life Sounding Know target's age and how many years of natural lifespan is left
2 4 Preserve Target object is preserved and will not spoil/rot
2 5 Time Stop Object Time stops an inanimate object for 1-3 rounds
2 6 Timeslip (can cast in response to being attacked) You disappear from the combat until next round.
3 1 Articus's Melee Manager Target gets +CL/5 melee attacks per P action for 2*CL rounds
3 2 Haste A3 +3A, +2B, or +1C actions
3 3 Life Tether You know when in time the target is at all times, when time travelling can use the target as anchor
3 4 Minor Paradox Counter an effect that just occured last segment (it is undone)
3 5 Slow Slow (save)
3 6 Time Snare Target will do the same actions it did last time it acted (Spell save each round until made)
4 1 Haste A4 +4A, +3B, or +2C actions
4 2 Prophecy Improved Precognition
4 3 Summon Time Elemental Summons a normal (non-special) DL IV Time Elemental
4 4 Temporal Push Target is thrown CL+1 rounds into the future (Will save)
4 5 Timeheal Heal (as spell), 5*N% chance of failure, where N is the number of rounds before now the target was at full health
4 6 Wesley's Temporal Disjunction -1 to #Att, always loses initiative for 1d10+5 days (Spell save)
5 1 Accelerate Animal Growth Age a creature CL months, is at half number of attacks for CL turns (RSW save)
5 2 Articus's Devolutionary Warrior Target gets +1d6 Str/Dex/Con and -3d6 Int/Wis/Chr (minimum 1) (Spell save)
5 3 Create Slipgate Create a temporal gate
5 4 Haste A5 +5A, +4B, or +3C actions
5 5 Temporal Wall Anyone touching wall is double slowed and Wesley's Temporal Disjunction
5 6 Tempus Fugit Tempus Fugit
6 1 Conceal Temporal Anomaly Hides an Anomaly and reduces it's effects
6 2 Haste A6 +6A, +5B, or +4C actions
6 3 Magic Manager May use 2M /s for casting spells, after spell ends (in CL/2 rounds), you must rest for 2 rounds
6 4 Paradox Duplicate a Wizard spell of SL 0-5 or a Priest spell of SL 0-4.
6 5 Tempus Lawfulness Fixes temporal anomolies in area
6 6 Unaging You do not age this day (Duration 1 day)
7 1 Commune with Time of Legends Commune with Time of Legends
7 2 Haste A7 +7A, +6B, or +5C actions
7 3 Incurse Target being or object is Rewritten out of time (i.e. Incursed) (RSW save)
7 4 Sands of Time Reverse the effect of time on objects.
7 5 Temporal Eye Can scry into other times at this location
7 6 Wesley's Delayed Damage Whenever you take damage, you take only half, the rest is delayed until the spell ends (in 10+1d10 rounds)
8 1 Accelerate Lifeline Target ages CL years (Spell save)
8 2 Haste A8 +8A, +7B, or +6C actions
8 3 Item Supercharger A magic item can be used twice as often (per turn or day) or it's effects has twice duration
8 4 Protection from Time Immune to and can't use temporal effects
8 5 Time/Reality Stability Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save)
8 6 Timereaver Time Travel Other +/- 5*CL years (Spell save)
9 1 Haste A9 +9A, +8B, or +7C actions
9 2 Major Paradox Wish (as spell)
9 3 Sever Lifeline You do not have or require a silver cord. Immune to aging.
9 4 Temporal Shell Immune time
9 5 Temporal Stasis The flow of time stops for the subject, he ceases to grow older, he is in suspended animation. The reverse can free the creature.
9 6 Time Stop Stops time for 1d4 rounds

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Color Mage


123 456 789

1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 3 2-- --- --- +0
3 6 21- --- --- +0
4 12 32- --- --- +1
5 27 421 --- --- +1
6 48 422 --- --- +1
7 72 432 1-- --- +2
8 108 433 2-- --- +2
9 162 433 21- --- +2
10 300 443 22- --- +3
11 450 444 33- --- +3
12 900 444 441 --- +3
13 1350 555 442 --- +4
14 1800 555 442 1-- +4
15 2250 555 552 1-- +4
16 2700 555 553 21- +5
17 3150 555 553 32- +5
18 3600 555 553 321 +5
19 4050 555 553 331 +6
20 4500 555 554 332 +6
21 4950 555 554 442 +6
22 5400 555 555 443 +7
23 5850 555 555 553 +7
24 6300 555 555 554 +7
25 6750 555 555 555 +8
26 7200 666 655 555 +8
27 7650 666 666 655 +8
28 8100 666 666 666 +9
29 8550 777 766 666 +9
30 9000 777 777 766 +9
31 9450 777 777 777 +10
32 9900 888 877 777 +10
33 10350 888 888 877 +10
34 10800 888 888 888 +11
35 11250 999 988 888 +11
36 11700 999 999 999 1 +11
37 23400 999 999 999 2 +12
38 35100 999 999 999 3 +12
39 46800 999 999 999 4 +12
45 117000 A99 999 999 9 +14
54 222300 AAA AAA AAA 91 +17
63 327600 AAA AAA AAA A9 +20
72 432900 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +23
Requisites: Dex 10, Int 16, Cml 20
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+3
Will: level+0
Specializated in Color Magic (see list on next page); no opposite.
Gets Dex or Cml bonus to spell progression (your choice).
Level 1: 1V: Ignore someone's immunity to Chromatic or Color.
Level 4: 1V: Ignore someone's immunity to Metallic.
Level 9: 1V: Ignore someone's immunity to Prismatic.
Chromatic effects:
CL=1: Pearly (1d4 dmg; light in area; save or blinded for CL r or until leaves area)
CL=2: Ruby (1d6 dmg; save or -1 Str and -1 Dex for 1 r)
CL=3: Flame (1d8 dmg; save or 2 fire dmg)
CL=4: Amber (1d10 dmg; save or blinded 1d4+4 r)
CL=5: Emerald (1d12 dmg; save or nauseated until leaves area)
CL=6: Turquoise (2d8 dmg; save or magnetised 3d4 r)
CL=7: Sapphire (2d4 dmg; save or paralyzed 5d4 r)
CL=10: Amethyst (slowed 2d4 r (no save); save or petrified)
CL=12: Ashen (paralyzed 1d4+1 r (no save); save or slain)
Metallic effects:
CL=1: Lead (1d6 dmg; -3 to base movement rate (save))
CL=2: Tin (1d8 dmg; Chill L r (save))
CL=3: Bronze (1d10 dmg; Cold 2'r, dmg=1d6 (save:0))
CL=4: Copper (1d12 dmg; Hypnotism L r (save))
CL=6: Silver (2d6 dmg; -2 Con 1 d (no save); Stun L r (save))
CL=8: Electrum (2d8 dmg; -20% MR 1 d (no save); -10% RR 1 d (no save); Feeblemind (save))
CL=9: Gold (2d10 dmg; Weakness (no save); Dispel E/N/G(save))
CL=11: Steel (2d12 dmg; Color Spray; Prismatic Spray)
CL=13: Platinum (3d8 dmg; Maze (no save); Imprisonment (save))
See next page for more.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Color Mage (cont.)

Prismatic effects (7 colors; roll d8 for Spray):
#1. Red: Blocks non-magical missiles; Inflicts 10 dmg (no save); Negated by Cone of Cold
#2. Orange: Blocks magical missiles; Inflicts 20 dmg (no save); Negated by Gust of Wind
#3. Yellow: Blocks poisons, gases, petrification; Inflicts 40 dmg (no save); Negated by Disintegrate
#4. Green: Blocks breath weapons; Poisoned (slain, PPD save) or 20 dmg; Negated by Passwall
#5. Blue: Blocks location/detection, psionics; Petrified (PP save); Negated by Magic Missile
#6. Indigo: Blocks magic; Insane (RSW save); Negated by Continual Light
#7. Violet: Blocks physical (Solid Force Field); Sent to Another Plane (Spell save); Negated by Dispel Magic
#8. Roll again twice
MultiPrismatic effects (24 colors; roll d30 for Spray):
#1. Red: Stops all missiles; Inflicts 12 dmg (no save); Negated by Ice Storm
#2. Blue: Stops all priest spells; Flesh to Stone (PP save); Negated by Disintegrate
#3. Green: Stops all detections; Poison (PPD save); Negated by Passwall
#4. Yellow: Stops all breath weapons; 6d10 dmg (no save); Negated by Magic Missile
#5. Orange: Stops all death spells; 2d12 dmg (no save); Negated by Thunder or Lightning of at least 8 dice
#6. Purple: Stops disintegration; 1d100 dmg (no save); Negated by Fire of at least 8 dice
#7. Magenta: Stops all time oriented spells; 3d12 dmg (no save); Negated by Sound dmg of at least 8 dice
#8. Cyan: Stops all undead; Wrench (no save); Negated by a Turn Undead vs. rating=CL
#9. Pink: Stops all lycanthropes; Disintegrate (PP save); Negated by a touch from Wolfsbane
#10. Silver: Stops all devils; Plane Shift to Hell (RSW save); Negated by 1 vial of Holy Water
#11. Bronze: Stops all magic item activations; One magic item is destroyed (Spell save); Negated by Dispel Magic
#12. Copper: Stops all psionic item activations; One psionic item is destroyed (Spell save); Negated by Dispel Psionics
#13. Gold: Stops all demons; Plane Shift to Abyss (RSW save); Negated by Erase (reverse of Write)
#14. Indigo: Solid Force Field; Frozen Solid (PP save); Negated by Dispel Magic and Disintegrate simulataneously
#15. Violet: Anti-Magic shell; Insanity (Will save); Negated by priest Continual Light
#16. Rose: Stops all fire; 5d10 dmg (no save); Negated by Cold of at least 8 dice
#17. Lavendar: Stops all cold; 4d12 dmg (no save); Negated by Gust of Wind or Cyclone
#18. Black: A wall of time stop; Time Stop (Level check); A demon summon can lower it, but is destroyed in the process
#19. Black & Silver: Stops all psychic activity / psionics; Mind Wipe (Level check); Negated by Remember
#20. Black & Gold: Golem destruction field; Unsummons a summon (no save); Negated by Turn Golem vs. rating=CL/2
#21. Red & Blue: Stops all liquids, acid, slime; Desiccate (halve current hp; no save); Negated by Create Water
#22. Green & Yellow: Stops all dragon attacks; Paralysis (PP save); Negated by Contingency
#23. Purple & Silver: Stops ethereal, gaseous, non-corporeal; 10d10 dmg (no save); Negated by Hold Vapor
#24. Green & Gold: Can be keyed to stop any one type of attack; 6d10 vile dmg (no save); Negated by Fork
#25-#27. Roll 1d24 twice
#28-#29. Roll 1d24 once and 1d30 once
#30. Roll 1d30 twice

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Color Mage Spells

SL # Spell Effect
N 1 Prismatic Sphere N (min SL=3) Prismatic Sphere with N-2 colors (random, no repeats until all 7 picked)
2 Prismatic Spray N (min SL=7) (Area) Prismatic Spray with N-6 colors
3 Prismatic Wall N (min SL=2) Prismatic Wall with N-1 colors (random, no repeats until all 7 picked)
1 1 Chromatic Orb Chromatic effect to one target (material component gives 2 targets, not area)
2 Cloak of Color AC +CL; Immune Color and Chromatic
3 Color Spray (Area) Unconscious if HDCL+2 (for all three save if HD>6)
4 Faerie Fire (3) Target gets -2 AC [or] Dispel darkness, blur, displacement, or invisibility
2 1 Chromatic Spray Chromatic effect to one group, at 1/2 your CL (round down)
2 Cloak of Metal Saves +CL; Immune Metallic and Rusting
3 Metallic Orb Metallic effect to one target (material component gives 2 targets, not area)
4 Painter's Servant (x1 Special) Name an element. All damaging effects in the room are of that element in addition to their other types.
3 1 Chromatic Armor AT +CL; Immune to 1 element; 1bM, 1/t: Change the element; (can wear this with physical armor)
2 Cloak of Many Colors CL*10% distributed among RMPIR; Immune Prismatic
3 Metallic Spray Metallic effect to one group, at 1/2 your CL (round down)
4 Ward of Lights 1bM: Target becomes immune to an element for the rest of the round.
4 1 Prismatic Circle Name a summon type. 1N, take DL dmg: Be immune to a creature of that summon type this segment.
2 Prismatic Wardrobe Slay a creature that is of a summon type that is not amongst our summons (PPD save)
3 Rainbow Create a rainbow bridge CL*30' long [or] Deal CLd8 rainbow dmg to one target (no save)
4 Rainbow Pattern 24 HD of monsters cannot physically attack or look away (no save)
5 1 Chromatic Wall Wall of all the Chromatic colors; take effect of all of them if touched; blocks line of sight: effects can't target through the wall
2 Prismatic Orb Prismatic effect (1 random) to one target (material component gives 2 targets, not area)
3 Shifting Sky Shapechange a group of Elementals into another element of E=CL/2 or less (no save)
4 Teferi's Moat Choose a summon type. Creatures of that summon type cannot attack you unless they have flying.
6 1 Chromatic Star Convert one SL=5 (or less) spell slot so it can cast a Priest spell. You are "Grand" in Light and Sun.
2 Color Pool Create or destroy a Color Pool (acts as a Gate)
3 Metallic Wall Wall of all the Metallic colors; take effect of all of them if touched; blocks metal: metal cannot pass through the wall
4 Swirl the Mists (Maintained) Choose an element or summon type on a race or class ability in the party. Change it to another element or summon type.
7 1 MultiPrismatic Orb MultiPrismatic effect to one target (material component gives 2 targets, not area)
2 Rainbow Silver Rainbow Silver effect CL times on one target (must spend an action to get spirit back in body) (PPD save for each)
8 1 Cloak of Multiple Colors CL*10% distributed among CENWR; Immune MultiPrismatic
2 MultiPrismatic Spray Do a MultiPrismatic Spray to 1 group; 1 roll of 1d30
9 1 Prismatic Floor (x1 Special) Everyone in the room that is touching the floor takes a Prismatic Spray per segment.
2 Rain of Colorless Fire CL/9 groups are hit with Colorless Fire (1 idmg each, no save)
10 1 MultiPrismatic Wall MultiPrismatic Wall, all 24 colors
11 1 MultiPrismatic Sphere MultiPrismatic Sphere, all 24 colors

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Companion Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 2-- --- ---
3 6 3-- --- ---
4 12 4˝- --- ---
5 24 41- --- ---
6 48 42- --- ---
7 96 43- --- ---
8 192 44˝ --- ---
9 384 441 --- ---
10 750 542 --- ---
11 1500 643 --- ---
12 2000 744 ˝-- ---
13 2500 744 1-- ---
14 3000 754 2-- ---
15 3500 764 3-- ---
16 4000 774 4˝- ---
17 4500 774 41- ---
18 5000 775 42- ---
19 5500 776 43- ---
20 6000 777 44˝ ---
21 6500 777 441 ---
22 7000 777 542 ---
23 7500 777 643 ---
24 8000 777 744 ˝--
25 8500 777 744 1--
26 9000 777 754 2--
27 9500 777 764 3--
28 10000 777 774 4˝-
29 10500 777 774 41-
30 11000 777 775 42-
31 11500 777 776 43-
32 12000 777 777 44˝
33 12500 777 777 441
34 13000 777 777 542
35 13500 777 777 643
36 14000 777 777 744
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9, Chr 19, Cml 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Pet Mage}
Groups: Wizard, Monster, Alternate
Specialized in Enchantment; Normal in Abjuration; all other schools are Opposite.
Can have 1 animal companion per level.
Your animal companions have (10+LVL)% of your base XP.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Conjurer2 / Summoner

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Con 15, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Crosis Purger (MTG B/U/R) (Dimir/Izzet/Rakdos)

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 ˝˝- --- ---
2 4.375 11- --- ---
3 8.75 21˝ --- ---
4 17.5 221 --- ---
5 35 321 ˝-- ---
6 70 332 1-- ---
7 140 432 1˝- ---
8 280 443 21- ---
9 560 543 21˝ ---
10 1120 554 321 ---
11 1680 654 321 ˝--
12 2240 665 432 1--
13 2800 765 432 1˝-
14 3360 776 543 21-
15 3920 876 543 21˝
16 4480 876 543 211
17 5040 876 543 221
18 5600 876 543 321
19 6160 876 544 321
20 6720 876 554 321
21 7280 876 654 321
22 7840 877 654 321
23 8400 887 654 321
24 8960 987 654 321
25 9520 987 654 322
26 10080 987 654 332
27 10640 987 654 432
28 11200 987 655 432
29 11760 987 665 432
30 12320 987 765 432
31 12880 988 765 432
32 13440 998 765 432
33 14000 998 765 433
34 14560 998 765 443
35 15120 998 765 543
36 15680 998 766 543
TH Saves
+2  5  7  8  3  6  1  2  1
+2  6  7  8  3  7  1  3  2
+3  6  8  8  4  7  2  3  2
+3  6  8  8  4  7  2  4  3
+4  6  9  9  4  8  2  4  3
+4  7  9  9  5  8  3  5  4
+5  7 10  9  5  9  3  5  4
+5  7 10  9  6  9  4  6  5
+6  7 10 10  6  9  4  6  5
+6  8 11 10  6 10  4  7  6
+7  8 11 10  7 10  5  7  6
+7  8 12 10  7 11  5  8  7
+8  8 12 11  8 11  6  8  7
+8  9 13 11  8 11  6  9  8
+9  9 13 11  8 12  6  9  8
+9  9 13 11  9 12  7 10  9
+10  9 14 12  9 13  7 10  9
+10 10 14 12 10 13  8 11 10
Requisites: Dex 22, Int 21, Wis 15, 3 class slots
Alignment: LN
HD/level: d30
Weapon Prof.: 7+level/2
To Hit Table: Rog +4 levels
Save Table: Wiz/Rog/Psi
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Rogue
Extra Barbarian Dex bonus [bonus = (Dex-16)*5/2]. Barbarian Int bonus.
Has 135+55*LVL Rogue points.
Some of this class's rogue abilities duplicate psionic powers. The number of PSPs being used (if this is needed, for effects like Cell Adjustment) is equal to the amount the roll is made by. The limit on how many PSPs can be spent is still obeyed. This class counts as 1 level higher for purposes of twilighting. You will twilight if you use a psionic power that is too high SL for you.
Channeling. Int bonus to spells. Specialized in Wizard Metamagic school.
Moving costs you only ˝V action. (This effectively doubles your movement rate.)
Level 1: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 1: 1M: Summon a kobold (AC 10, hp 10, TH +1, dmg 1). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
Level 3: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell you cast this segment.
Level 4: 1V: +1 QV next segment.
Level 4: 1V: Target cannot use V actions next segment (no save; aIR to avoid).
Level 4: 2M+˝V: Target gets -4*LVL TH, dmg, AC, and saves until end of round.
Level 4: 1M: Summon a goblin (AC 20, hp 10, TH +20, dmg 20). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
Level 5: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 9: 1P: +1 QP next segment.
Level 9: 1P: Target cannot use P actions next segment (no save; aIR to avoid).
Level 9: For HD/level, this class copies the cumulative (&) modifier (if it's there on the class you're copying). This applies to all dice (even those below level 9).
Level 9: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell someone else cast.
Level 9: +1 Q borrowed M action per round.
Level 9: 1M: Summon a ball lightning (AC 20, hp 10, TH +60, dmg 60). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
New spells:
Force Spike (Metamagic, SL 2): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another spell/psionic slot to it.
Mana Leak (Metamagic, SL 3): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another 3 spell/psionic slots to it.
Counterspell (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect.
Fork (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Copy target magical/psionic effect.
Deflection (Metamagic, SL 5): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Redirect target magical/psionic effect to another target.
Quash (Metamagic, SL 6): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect. That person cannot use that effect for the rest of the day.
Lvl Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 +rating/50 A actions /r this turn || B actions || C actions 1F 0 Dex-20 Dex-25
1 Controlled Blink | Controlled Blink 10'r (unwilling get PP save) ˝V 50 Wis-14 Wis-14
1 Do rating/50 physical attacks with one weapon ˝P 50 Str-10 Str-18
1 Duplicate a Psi1 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Duplicate a Psi2 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Con-9 Con-12
1 Duplicate a Psi3 SL=1 | SL=2 | SL=3 | etc. 1M 0 Any-18 Any-24
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
2 Duplicate a Psi10 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Int+Wis-24 Int+Wis-32
2 Any Rogue Level 2 ability - - - -
3 Duplicate a Psi5 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Chr-15 Chr-20
3 Any Rogue Level 3 ability - - - -
4 Any Rogue Level 4 ability - - - -
4 Any Rogue Level 4 ability - - - -
5 Any Rogue Level 5 ability - - - -
5 Any Rogue Level 5 ability - - - -
6 Any Rogue Level 6 ability - - - -
6 Any Rogue Level 6 ability - - - -
7 Any Rogue Level 7 ability - - - -
7 Any Rogue Level 7 ability - - - -
8 Any Rogue Level 8 ability - - - -
8 Any Rogue Level 8 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Cross Mage

Level KXP Wizard/Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1 20- --- ---
3 3 21- --- ---
4 9 320 --- ---
5 27 421 --- ---
6 81 422 0-- ---
7 243 432 1-- ---
8 486 433 20- ---
9 972 433 21- ---
10 1458 443 22- ---
11 1944 444 330 ---
12 2430 444 441 ---
13 2916 555 442 0--
14 3402 555 442 1--
15 3888 555 552 10-
16 4374 555 553 21-
17 4860 555 553 320
18 5346 555 553 321
19 5832 555 553 331
20 6318 555 554 332
21 6804 555 554 442
22 7290 555 555 443
23 7776 555 555 553
24 8262 555 555 554
25 8748 555 555 555
26 9234 666 655 555
27 9720 666 666 655
28 10206 666 666 666
29 10692 777 766 666
30 11178 777 777 766
31 11664 777 777 777
32 12150 888 877 777
33 12636 888 888 877
34 13122 888 888 888
35 13608 999 988 888
36 14094 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 10, Wis 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4+d8
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/2
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Priest
The save entry means "take the better of Wizard and Priest for each category".
You may cast either Wizard or Priest spells from your memorization.
Priest spells for this class use schools, not spheres, and any Priest spell falling under a school of your specialization (if any) is considered specialized.
Cross Mage also gets the Wisdom bonus to spells.
Gets "Channeling" [P4.9] for free.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Cthulhu Investigator5

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- --
2 4.5 31˝ --- --- --
3 14 421 --- --- --
4 33 532 ˝-- --- --
5 70 643 1˝- --- --
6 145 754 21- --- --
7 294 865 32˝ --- --
8 593 976 43˝ --- --
9 1001 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 1410 A98 652 1-- --
11 1819 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 2228 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 2637 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 3046 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 3455 AAA AA7 621 --
16 3864 AAA AA8 732 --
17 4273 AAA AA9 843 --
18 4682 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 5091 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 5500 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 5909 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 6318 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 6727 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 7136 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 7545 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 7954 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 8363 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 8772 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 9181 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 9590 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 9999 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 10408 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 10817 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 11226 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 11635 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 12044 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+6  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+7 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+8 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+8 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
+9 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+10 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+11 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 18
+11 16 17 16 16 17 15 15 18
+12 16 17 16 16 17 17 16 18
+13 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 18
+14 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 18
Requisites: Dex 12+level, Int 4+2*level
Alignment: L any (or) W any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/6
To Hit Table: 2˝xWiz
Save Table: 2˝xWiz
Reference: CoC3 {Planeshifted Cthulhoid Horror5)
Groups: Wizard, Alternate, Planar
For abilities, see next page.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Cthulhu Investigator5 Abilities

The stat requirements for this class is Dex 12+LVL and Int 4+2*LVL. If you gain enough XP to raise in level and do not have the stat requirement, you still go up in level, but you "owe" stat points (can spend stat points only to Dex or Int until you fill the requirements). You cannot add this class unless you have Dex 13 and Int 6 (what you need to be level 1).
Specialized in Cthulhu school, pick an opposite. Other Wizards cannot access Cthulhu school at all unless they "know" your class; even then, they need to spend 2 slots each for them. DM Note: These spells are listed in the [PC2] section.
May weapon specialize using the "Spec Non-War" column for number of attacks.
Levels 1-3: Pick one of these per level:
   A. 1M: Dismiss a Ooze or Demon 10*LVL%
   B. 1M: LVL instances of Resist Insanity
   C. Immune Goo and Gray Goo
   D. 1bM, 1/r: Counter a Wild Surge or High-Frequency Sample
   E. Immune to tentacle damage.
Level 4: Pick two Cthulhoid Investigator5 Level 1-3, one Occultist5 Level 1-3, or one Alien Cultist5 Level 1-3
Levels 5-7: Pick one of these per level:
   F. 1P, 1/r: +1QM next segment.
   G. Immune head blown off, drowning (i.e. you have Water Breathing), falling (i.e. you levitate / feather fall at will)
   H. 1M+1P: Cure a Potion or Magical Pool effect that occured within the last round.
   I. 1M+1P: Contact Higher Plane
   J. 2M: Close a Gate or Dimension Door. Your room has a x1 Special of Proof against Teleportation.
Level 8: Pick two Cthulhu Investigator5 Level 5-7, one Occultist5 Level 5-7, or one Alien Cultist5 Level 5-7
Levels 9-11: Pick one of these per level:
   K. Capital S Slay is treated as (lower-case) slay for you
   L. Immune Clone Insanity, Mirror of Opposition
   M. 2F, 1/t: Cure Capital C Crapped on someone.
   N. 8F, 1/d: Cure someone's Erased Truename (you Un-Erase his Truename)
   O. 1F: Restore Multiplier; Remove Multiplier damage (incl. Vile Multiplier damage)
Level 12: Pick two Cthulhu Investigator5 Level 9-11, one Occultist5 Level 9-11, or one Alien Cultist5 Level 9-11

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Cthulhu School Spells

Name SL Effect
Candle Communication 0 Can communicate to someone you know (across planes) if they are running this spell too
Detect Life 0 Detect Life
Elder Sign 0 Outer planar creatures cannot cross the line
Message 0 Message
Augury 1 Augury
Bind Enemy 1 Choose a target. You can't attack or target him, and vice versa.
Chant of Thoth 1 +CL Int checks
Cloud Memory 1 Forget (Will save)
Contact Human 1 Contact a specific person
Control Weather 1 Control Weather
Create Bad-Corpse Dust 1 Create a line that Undead cannot cross
Deflect Harm 1 Deflect next CL physical attacks on you, but each causes 2 Int dmg to you
Detect Magic 1 Detect Magic
Dominate Animal 1 Dominate Animal (save)
Eibon’s Wheel of Mist 1 Your group is Invisible
Invisibility Purge 1 Dispel Invisibility
Mirror of Tarkhun Atep 1 Creates a mirror
Nightmare 1 Target sleeping person has a nightmare
Pose Mundane 1 Illusion: Room appears to be normal/ordinary (x1 Trick)
Power of Nyambe 1 +2d6 SL's added to your current progression for today; -1 Con (permanent)
Seal of Isis 1 Object will make it's next item saving throw
Snare Dreamer 1 Dispel a Somniomancy effect
True Strike 1 Next attack at +20 TH
Unmask Demon 1 Dispel a Change Self or Alter Appearance effect
View Gate 1 Can see through a Gate to other side clearly
Voice of Ra 1 +1d6+1 Chr
Warding the Eye 1 Immune to the "Evil Eye" spell (on this list)
Bring Pestilence 2 Disease (1d4 stat dmg to Str, Dex, or Con) (Fort save)
Cast Out Shan 2 Dismiss a DL I-II Insect or Undead
Cause Fear 2 Fear (Will save)
Circle of Nausea 2 Nausea to one group (Fort save)
Contact Creature 2 Contact a specific creature type
Darkness 2 Darkness
Dismissal 2 Dismiss an outer planar creature (save)
Dominate Person 2 Dominate Person (save)
Dread Curse of Azathoth 2 1d3 Chr dmg
Enchant Item 2 Add a half plus to an item (for 1 hour)
Evil Eye 2 Curse: -4 TH, checks, saves (save)
Find Gate 2 Detect Gates
Fist of Yog-Sothoth 2 CLd6 force dmg to one target (no save)
Flesh Ward 2 DR 10/+1
Frozen Tracks 2 Stop (save)
Grasp of Cthulhu 2 Target takes 2d6 dmg /r (save)
Healing Touch 2 Touch to cure 1d8+CL hp and 1 stat point dmg
Hide from the Eye 2 Invisibility
Hypnotism 2 Hypnosis (save)
Identify Spirit 2 Detect Possession
Insect Plague 2 Area effect 1 dmg /s insects
Levitate 2 Levitate
Locate Object 2 Locate Object
Magic Weapon 2 Weapon gets +1/+1 for 1 turn
Obscuring Mist 2 Wall of Fog
Sekhmenkenhep's Words 2 Convince people that what you're saying is true (save)
Skin of Sedefkar 2 +CL/5 AC
Song of Hastur 2 Target takes 2d6 dmg /r (save)
Soul Trap 2 Speak with Dead but you had to be the one who killed him
Spectral Razor 2 Magical blade that's 2d6 dmg and counts as a +5 weapon
Suggestion 2 Suggestion (save)
Voorish Sign 2 The next spell you cast will be at +3 CL
Wandering Soul 2 Dream Travel
Ward against Pyschics 2 Psionic Feats cannot be used in the room (x1 Special)
Black Binding 3 Animate a dead corpse as a DL III Undead
Breath of the Deep 3 Target is drowning (Fort save per segment or 2d6 dmg)
Contact Deity 3 Contact a specific deity 50+CL%; caster becomes insane (Will save)
Curse of the Stone 3 Target cannot act (save) as long as you heavy concentrate (can't use M actions)
Divination 3 Divination
Imprison Mind 3 Target spirit / life essence cannot leave the body it's in (save)
Mindblast 3 Insanity (save)
Raise Night Fog 3 Fog
Red Sign of Shudde M'ell 3 Group takes 1d6+LVL dmg (no save)
Shriveling 3 CLd4 dark energy dmg to one target (no save)
Siren's Song 3 Charm 2*CL HD of creatures (save)
Summon/Bind Creature 3 Summons a DL 1d4 Outer creature
Wave of Oblivion 3 If near a body of water, creates a large wave (CLd4 water dmg, no save)
Wither Limb 3 Sharpness a random limb (save)
Wrack 3 Pain (-2 all rolls) (save)
Animal Form 4 Polymorph Self into a specific animal
Bind Loup-Garou 4 Force Shapechange and Dispel a Psi14 effect
Bind Soul 4 Put someone's soul in a receptacle (Will save)
Cloak of Fire 4 +1d4+1 Dex; +3" move rate; Fire damaging shield (1d8 fire dmg /hit); You take 1 dmg /r
Create Scrying Window 4 Postcognition
Curse of the Putrid Husk 4 Curse: Insanity (save)
Curse of the Rat-thing 4 Animate a dead corpse as a DL IV Undead
Dark Resurrection 4 Raise Dead
Hands of Colubra 4 Your arms turn into snakes that deal 1d6 dmg + 1d6 Str dmg
Locate Creature 4 Locate a specific creature
Look to the Future 4 Can see into the future
Mind Transfer 4 Switch bodies with someone (save)
Pipes of Madness 4 Insanity to a group (save)
Return to Rest 4 Destroy an undead (save)
Soul Singing 4 Illusion: Target sees and hears what you wish, no one else affected (save)
Speak with Dead 4 Speak with Dead
Unspeakable Oath 4 Get a random minor magic item (50%) or +1 Int (50%) for 1 turn
Banishment of Yde Etad 5 Banish an outer planar creature to home plane (Will save)
Blind/Deafen 5 Blind and Deafen target (Fort save on each)
Cast Out Devil 5 Exorcise
Create Barrier of Naach-Tith 5 Wall: Spells cannot pass, Str check (DC 40) to pass
Magic Jar 5 Magic Jar
Become Spectral Hunter 6 You take on the stats of a random DL VII Weird monster, will be Crapped in CL rounds
Body Warping of Gorgoroth 6 Polymorph Self into a creature of +/- 1 size, you get it's Str/Dex/Con
Clutch of Nyogtha 6 Paralysis (Will save) for as long as you heavy concentrate (can't use M actions)
Create Gate 6 Gate
Curse of the Chaugnar Faugn 6 *Curse* (subject loses 1d4 Chr per day and cannot Reset) (save)
Eyes of the Zombie 6 See through the eyes of a zombie (that you control)
Power Drain 6 Target loses 1d6 stat points (save), you temporarily gain the amount he lost
Create Self-Ward 7 DR 10/+1; Resist Aging
Create Time Gate 7 Create a Time Gate 10^(N-4) years
Steal Life 7 Drain 1 stat point per segment from target and add to you temporarily (save per segment)
Word of Recall 7 Word of Recall
Consume Likeness 8 Alter Appearance to someone specific who recently died (it's very convincing)
Death by Flames 8 Target takes 1d10 fire dmg /s (no save)
Eye of Light & Darkness 8 All outer planar creatures take 1 Wis dmg per segment (x1 Special)
Call Deity 11 Summons the material form of the god of your choice (remember this is only a x1 effect by itself)
Dismiss Deity 11 Dismisses the material form of a god (remember this is only a x1 effect by itself)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Dancing Potion Bottle1



1 0 1-- --
2 2.8 2-- --
3 5.6 2-- --
4 11.2 3-- --
5 22.4 3-- --
6 44.8 31- --
7 89.6 32- --
8 179.2 32- --
9 350 33- --
10 520 33- --
11 690 331 --
12 860 332 --
13 1030 332 --
14 1200 432 --
15 1370 433 --
16 1540 433 --
17 1710 443 --
18 1880 443 1-
19 2050 443 2-
20 2220 443 3-
21 2390 443 3-
22 2560 444 3-
23 2730 444 3-
24 2900 444 4-
25 3070 444 4-
26 3240 444 4-
27 3410 544 4-
28 3580 544 4-
29 3750 554 41
30 3920 554 42
31 4090 555 43
32 4260 555 44
33 4430 555 54
34 4600 555 54
35 4770 555 55
36 4940 665 551
37 5110 665 552
38 5280 665 553
39 5450 665 554
45 6470 766 666
54 8000 888 877
63 9530 A99 999
72 11060 BBB AAA 1
Requisites: Int 10, Wis 12
Alignment: non-L
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Reference: Wiz
Groups: Psionicist, Wizard, Monster, PC Designed
Complexity: CF=5
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level-1
Reflex: level+0
Will: level+0
You count as a potion for effects that refer to potions.
Divide the cost of potions by LVL.
Gets +1E action, can use 1S+1E+1V per segment.
Level 1: Identify potions by sight.
Level 1: For a potion, can increase duration by 100% or effect by 50%. Each potion may be improved only once.
Level 1: 1M: Otto's Irresistable Dance (1 creature, no save)
Level 1: 0, while drinking a potion: Do a "sip" on the potion, which might identify it. Then the rest of the potion resolves. You may reverse the effect of the entire potion of yourself (Harm -> Heal, Poison -> Neutralize Poison or Sweet Water, etc.). This works even if the sip was lethal.
Level 3: 1V, while drinking a potion: "Material Component" a potion's effect, so it does double effect on you.
Level 4: Can create potions in 1/(level-3) the normal time.
Level 5: Brew Potions: 10F, 1/reset: Create 100*LVL XP value in potions.
Level 5: Can "Frugal" potions (+50% to number of uses).
Level 5: 1M: Otto's Irresistable Dance (1 group, no save)
Level 5: 1M+1P: Brew Space-Mead, a potion that when drank does Astral Spell and an Abyssal Water effect.
Level 5: 1M+1P: Cure a Potion effect that occured within the last round.
Level 5: 1M: Potion ball (of a potion you have, the potion is used)
Level 7: 0, 1/r: Recharge one of your magic items by 1 charge (even a potion)
Level 10: 1F, while drinking two potions, 1/reset: The mixing of the potions creates a special effect -- one of the potions chosen at random fails to work, but the other has its effects made permanent on the drinker. The potions's effect becomes a spell-like abilitiy that is always on for the drinker.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.4] Intelligent Item Psionics - Minor

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d77
10 ranks in Bluff 5000 DMG3.5? 1
10 ranks in Decipher Script 5000 DMG3.5? 2
10 ranks in Diplomacy 5000 DMG3.5? 3
10 ranks in Intimidate 5000 DMG3.5? 4
10 ranks in Knowledge (choose category) 5000 DMG3.5? 5
10 ranks in Listen 5000 DMG3.5? 6
10 ranks in Search 5000 DMG3.5? 7
10 ranks in Sense Motive 5000 DMG3.5? 8
10 ranks in Spellcraft 5000 DMG3.5? 9
10 ranks in Spot 5000 DMG3.5? 10
1E: activate zone of truth 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 11
1E: bless its allies 3/day 1000 DMG3.5? 12
1E: cure moderate wounds (2d8+3) on wielder 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 13
1E: darkness 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 14
1E: daze monster 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 15
1E: detect magic at will 3600 DMG3.5? 16
1E: faerie fire 3/day 1100 DMG3.5? 17
1E: hold person on an enemy 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 18
1E: locate object 3/day 6500 DMG3.5? 19
1E: major image 1/day 5400 DMG3.5? 20
1E: minor image 1/day 2200 DMG3.5? 21
Anti-Magic 10% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 22
Bless(R60',DR6T,EF20'sq, + 1ML/Hit/Dmg; X5) 0D&D-Master 23
Blight' (R 60', DR 6T, EF 20'sq, -1 ML/Hit/Dmg; X5) 0D&D-Master 24
Bouyancy, to 10,000 cn (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 25
Cause Fear* (R 120', DR 2T; X5) 0D&D-Master 26
Cause Wounds, Light* (EF 7 hp; X5) 0D&D-Master 27
Change Odors (EF 30' cube) 0D&D-Master 28
Change Tastes (EF 40 meals or 20 cu.ft.) 0D&D-Master 29
Climb Walls, 70% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 30
ConfuseAlignment*(R Touch, DR 40T; 0D&D-Master 31
Container, to 5,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 32
Cure Wounds (EF 7 hp; B26) 0D&D-Master 33
Darkness*(R 120', DR46T, EF30' dia; X11) 0D&D-Master 34
deathwatch continually active 2700 DMG3.5? 35
detect elevator/shifting rooms/walls in a 10' radius DMG1 36
Detect Evil (DR 6T, EF R 60'; B41) 0D&D-Master 37
detect evil/good in a 10' radius DMG1 38
detect gems, kind, and number in a 10' radius DMG1 39
detect invisible objects in a 10' radius DMG1 40
Detect Magic (DR 6T, EF R 60'; B39) 0D&D-Master 41
detect magic in a 10' radius DMG1 42
Detect New Construction (R 60', DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 43
detect precious metals, kind, and amount in a 20' radius DMG1 44
detect secret doors in a 5' radius DMG1 45
Detect Slopes (R 30', DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 46
detect sloping passages in a 10' radius DMG1 47
detect traps of large size in a 10' radius DMG1 48
Find Traps, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 49
FloatingDisc(DR 6T, EF 5,000 cn; B39) 0D&D-Master 50
HoldAnimal(R 180', DR 40T, EF one type, 4 cr; C15) 0D&D-Master 51
Levitate (DR 46T; B41) 0D&D-Master 52
locate object in a 120' radius DMG1 53
Magic Missile (EF 5 missiles, ld6 + 1D each; B40) 0D&D-Master 54
Memorize + 1 bonus spell level 0D&D-Master 55
Mindmask (R Touch, DR 12T; X11) 0D&D-Master 56
Open Locks, 60% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 57
Predict Weather(DR 12 hours, EF 40 miles; C 15) 0D&D-Master 58
Produce Fire (DR 2T; C15) 0D&D-Master 59
Protection from Evil (DR 6T; B40) 0D&D-Master 60
Purify Food and Water (R lo', EF 6 waterskins or 12 food; B27) 0D&D-Master 61
Read Languages (DR 6T; B40) 0D&D-Master 62
Read Magic (DR 3T; B40) 0D&D-Master 63
Remove Fear (DR 3T, EF +6 SAve; B27) 0D&D-Master 64
Repair normal objects (EF up to 1,000 0D&D-Master 65
Resist Cold (DR 12T, EF + 2ST, -l/die D, 30'; B27) 0D&D-Master 66
Resist Fire (DR 6T, EF + 2ST, -1ldie D; 0D&D-Master 67
Shield (DR 6T; B40) 0D&D-Master 68
Sleep (R 240', DR 20 T, EF up to 20 HD, 40' sq; B40) 0D&D-Master 69
Speak with Animals (R 30', DR 6T; X6) 0D&D-Master 70
Timekeeping (DR to 24 hours from 1 mark) 0D&D-Master 71
Tree movement (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 72
Ventriloquism (R go', DR 3T; B40) 0D&D-Master 73
Warp Wood(R240', EF40 arrows; C15) 0D&D-Master 74
Water Breathing (R30', DR 1 day; X12) 0D&D-Master 75
Weapon damage bonus + 2 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 76
Web (R lo'cu, DR 48T; B42) 0D&D-Master 77

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.5] Intelligent Item Psionics - Major

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d259
10 ranks in Sense Motive ELH3? 1
10 ranks in Survival ELH3? 2
1E: arcane eye 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 3
1E: cause fear in an enemy at will 7200 DMG3.5? 4
1E: clairvoyance 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 5
1E: create daylight 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 6
1E: create deeper darkness 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 7
1E: create magic circle against (opposing alignment) at will 16000 DMG3.5? 8
1E: detect (opposing alignment) at will 7200 DMG3.5? 9
1E: detect thoughts at will 44000 DMG3.5? 10
1E: detect undead at will 7200 DMG3.5? 11
1E: dimensional anchor on a foe 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 12
1E: dismissal on a foe 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 13
1E: fear against foes 3/day 30000 DMG3.5? 14
1E: gust of wind 3/day 11000 DMG3.5? 15
1E: haste on its owner 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 16
1E: invisibility purge (30 ft. range) 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 17
1E: lesser globe of invulnerability 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 18
1E: locate creature 3/day 30000 DMG3.5? 19
1E: quench on fires 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 20
1E: slow on its enemies 3/day 16000 DMG3.5? 21
Ability Score bonus (DR 6T, EF 1 random score) 0D&D-Master 22
Ability Score bonus (DR 6T, EF 2 random scores) 0D&D-Master 23
AC bonus -2 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 24
AC bonus -4 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 25
Adds 1 point to possessor’s maior attribute DMG1 26
Animate dead (1 figure) (by touch) - 7 times/week DMG1 27
Anti-Animal Shell (DR 40T C16) 0D&D-Master 28
Anti-Magic 20% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 29
Anti-Plant Shell (DR 6T; Cl6) 0D&D-Master 30
Audible glamer upon command - 3 times/day DMG1 31
Bearhug (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 32
Bless (by touch) DMG1 33
Bug Repellant (DR 40T, + 4 ST) 0D&D-Master 34
Buoyancy, to 20,000 cn (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 35
Buoyancy, to 40,000 cn (DR 18T) 0D&D-Master 36
Calm Others (R 120', EF up to 40 HD) 0D&D-Master 37
Cause Disease*(R 30'; X6) 0D&D-Master 38
Cause Wounds, Critical* (EF 21 hp; 0D&D-Master 39
Cause Wounds, Serious* (EF 14 hp; 0D&D-Master 40
Charm Monster(R 120', EF 18 at 3 HD or 1 at 3 + HD; X13) 0D&D-Master 41
Charm Person (R 120'; B39) 0D&D-Master 42
charm person on contact - 3 times/day DMG1 43
Charm Plant (R 120', DR 3 mon, EF 1/6/12/24 plants; C21) 0D&D-Master 44
Choose Best Option (R lT, EF 1 choice) 0D&D-Master 45
Clairaudience (when touched to the ear) DMG1 46
clairoudience, 30' range-3 times/day 1 round per use DMG1 47
Clairvoyance (when touched to the eyes) DMG1 48
Clairvoyance(R 60', DR 12T; X11) 0D&D-Master 49
clairvoyance, 30' range - 3 times/day, 1 round per use DMG1 50
Climb Walls, 100% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 51
Climb Walls, 80% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 52
Climb Walls, 90% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 53
Cloudkill (R l', DR 6T, EF 1 pth, 5HD or less Save vs. Poison, 30' x 20'; X14) 0D&D-Master 54
Color spray - 3 times/day DMG1 55
Communication (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 56
Comprehend languages when held DMG1 57
Confusion (R 120', DR 12r, EF up to 18 cr in 30' rad; X13) 0D&D-Master 58
Container, to 10,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 59
Container, to 20,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 60
Container. to 15,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 61
Continual Darkness* (R 120', EF 30' rad; X6) 0D&D-Master 62
continuous detect scrying effect 10000 DMG3.5? 63
Control Plants (R all in 30' x 30', DR 20T; X61) 0D&D-Master 64
Control Temperature 10' radius (DR 40T, EF 50 degrees; C 15) 0D&D-Master 65
Create Food (R lo', EF 400 men 30 Control Winds (DR 40T, EF 400'; C16) 0D&D-Master 66
Create food and water - 1 time/day DMG1 67
Create magic aura (R 120', DR 3T, EF 40' cube) 0D&D-Master 68
Create Normal Animals (R 30', DR lOT, EF 1-6 cr; C12) 0D&D-Master 69
Create Normal Monsters (R 30', DR 2T, EF 40 HD total; C22) 0D&D-Master 70
Create Poison * (R Touch; X8) 0D&D-Master 71
Create Water (RDR 6T, EF 50 gallons; X7) 0D&D-Master 72
Cure Blindness (R Touch; X6) 0D&D-Master 73
Cure Disease (R 30 ' ; X6) 0D&D-Master 74
Cure light wounds (1d8+5) on wielder 1/day ELH3? 75
Cure light wounds- 7 times/week DMG1 76
Cure Wounds, Critical(EF 21 hp; C12) 0D&D-Master 77
Cure Wounds, Serious (EF 14 hp; X7) 0D&D-Master 78
Curse* (R Touch; EF limited, see X14) 0D&D-Master 79
Darkness (5', 10', or 15‘ radius) - 3 times/day DMG1 80
Detect [opposing alignment] at will ELH3? 81
Detect charm - 3 times/day DMG1 82
Detect Danger (R 200 ' , DR 6T; M4) 0D&D-Master 83
Detect evil/good when held or ordered DMG1 84
Detect invisibility when held and ordered DMG1 85
Detect Invisible (R 400', DR 6T; B41) 0D&D-Master 86
Detect magic - 3 times/day DMG1 87
Detect magic at will ELH3? 88
Detect secret doors at will ELH3? 89
determine directions and depth - 2 times/day DMG1 90
Dimension Door (R lo', DR lr, EF 360'; X13) 0D&D-Master 91
Disarm Attack (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 92
Dispel Evil (R 30', DR 1T; X8) 0D&D-Master 93
Dissolve (R 120', DR 3-18 days, EF 3,000 sq.ft. x 10'; C20) 0D&D-Master 94
Dodge normal missiles (DR lT, EF Save vs. wands) 0D&D-Master 95
Elasticity (DR 12T, EF 1/2 Dmg blunt weapons) 0D&D-Master 96
ESP (30’-60' range) - 3 times/day DMG1 97
ESP(R 60', DR 12T; B41) 0D&D-Master 98
ESP, 30' range - 3 times/day 1 round per use DMG1 99
Feather fall on wielder 1/day ELH3? 100
Feather fall when grasped and ordered DMG1 101
Feeblemind (R 240', EF -4S?, INT 2; 0D&D-Master 102
Find Secret Doors (R lo', DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 103
Find traps - 3 times/day DMG1 104
Find Traps (DR 2T, EF 30' ; X5) 0D&D-Master 105
Find traps at will ELH3? 106
Find Traps, 60% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 107
Find Traps, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 108
Find Traps, 80% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 109
Fly (DR 40 + ld6T, MV 360'; X12) 0D&D-Master 110
Fly when held and ordered - 1 time/day DMG1 111
flying, 12" - 1 hour/day DMG1 112
fnfravision when held or worn DMG1 113
Free Monster* (R 120', EF up to 4 cr; X15) 0D&D-Master 114
Free Person* (R 120', EF up to 4 cr; 0D&D-Master 115
Gaseous Form (DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 116
Growth of Animal (R 120', DR 12T, EF 0D&D-Master 117
Growth of Plants (R 120', EF 3,000 0D&D-Master 118
Hallucinatory Terrain (R 240'; X13) 0D&D-Master 119
Harden* (R 120', EF 3,000 sq.ft. X 0D&D-Master 120
Haste (R 240', DR 3T, EF 24 cr in 60'; 0D&D-Master 121
heal - 1 time/day DMG1 122
Hear Noise, 50% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 123
Heat Metal (R 30', DR 7r; M4) 0D&D-Master 124
Hide in Shadows, 30% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 125
Hide in Shadows, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 126
Hit points bonus + 1 per Hit Die (DR 0D&D-Master 127
Hit rolls bonus + 2 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 128
Hit rolls bonus + 3 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 129
Hit rolls bonus + 4 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 130
Hold Monster (R 120', DR 46T, EF up to 4 cr; X15) 0D&D-Master 131
Hold Person (R 120 I , DR 40T, EF up to 4 cr; X12) 0D&D-Master 132
Hold Portal (DR 12T; B39) 0D&D-Master 133
Hypnotic pattern (when moved) - 3 times/day DMG1 134
Ice, Storm (R 120', EF 20d6 D, 20' cube; X13) 0D&D-Master 135
Ice, Wall (R 120', DR 12T, EF 1200 sq.ft.; X13) 0D&D-Master 136
illusion, 120' range - 2 times/day, as the wand DMG1 137
Immune to Disease (R Touch, DR 18T) 0D&D-Master 138
Immune to Paralysis (R Touch, DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 139
Immune to Poison (DR 18T, EF self 0D&D-Master 140
Infravision (R Touch, DR 1 day, EF see 60'; X12) 0D&D-Master 141
Invisibility (B41) 0D&D-Master 142
Invisibility (improved) - 3 times/day DMG1 143
Invisibility lO'radius(R 120'; X12) 0D&D-Master 144
Item creates wall of fire in a ring with the wielder at the center 1/day 10000 DMG3.5? 145
Jump for 20 minutes on wielder 1/day ELH3? 146
Knock (R 60'; B41) 0D&D-Master 147
Know Alignment (DR lr, EF R 30; X5) 0D&D-Master 148
Know alignment when held and ordered - 1 time/day DMG1 149
Leap to 30', + 2 Hit roll bonus (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 150
Levitate when held and ordered - 3 times/day DMG1 151
levitation, 1 turn duration - 3 times/day ot 6th level of magic DMG1 152
Light (R 120', DR 46T, EF 30' dia; B40) 0D&D-Master 153
Light-7 time/week DMG1 154
Locate object in a 120-ft. radius ELH3? 155
Locate Object(DR 6T, EF 120'; X6) 0D&D-Master 156
Lower Water (R 240', DR lOT, EF 1/2 height; X16) 0D&D-Master 157
Magic Door (R lo', DR 7 uses; C22) 0D&D-Master 158
Massmorph (R 240', EF 100 mansize; X13) 0D&D-Master 159
Memorize + 2 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 160
Memorize + 3 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 161
Memorize + 4 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 162
Merging (DR 18T, EF 7 cr) 0D&D-Master 163
Mind blank - 3 times/day DMG1 164
MirrorImage(DR 6T, EF 5 false images; B42) 0D&D-Master 165
Move Silently, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 166
Neutralize Poison (R Touch; X8) 0D&D-Master 167
Obscure (DR 40T, EF 400fsq/40'high; C15) 0D&D-Master 168
Obscurement- 1 time/day DMG1 169
Open Locks, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 170
Open Locks, 80% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 171
Parry (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 172
Pass Plant (EF 300-600 yards; C16) 0D&D-Master 173
Pass without trace - 1 time/day DMG1 174
Pass-Wall(R 60', DR 6T, EF 5' X 10'; C22) 0D&D-Master 175
Pick Pockets, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 176
Plant Door(DR 40T; C15) 0D&D-Master 177
Polymorph Other(R 60', up to 2x HD; X13) 0D&D-Master 178
Possessor immune to disease DMG1 179
Possessor immune to fear DMG1 180
Possessor immune to gas of any type DMG1 181
Possessor need neither eat nor drink for up to 1 week DMG1 182
Protection +2 when held or worn DMG1 183
Protection from Evil IO' Radius (DR 12T, EF + 1 ST; X8) 0D&D-Master 184
Protection from Lightning (R Touch, DR 40T, EF 40 dice D; C 15) 0D&D-Master 185
Protection from many creatures (DR 6T, EF up to 15HD) 0D&D-Master 186
Protection from Normal Missiles (R 30', DR 12T X12) 0D&D-Master 187
Protection from Poison (R Touch, DR 40T, EF + 4 vs. breath; M5) 0D&D-Master 188
Protection from some creatures (DR 6T, EF up to 5 HD) 0D&D-Master 189
Remove fear by touch DMG1 190
Remove Geas* (R 30'; X16) 0D&D-Master 191
Remove Traps, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 192
Repair temporary magical object (1 obj) 0D&D-Master 193
Sanctuary when held or worn - 1 time/day DMG1 194
Saving Throws bonus + 2 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 195
Security (EF Trap 5 items, alarm only) 0D&D-Master 196
Set normal Trap, 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 197
Set normal Trap, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 198
Shelter 0D&D-Master 199
Shield, when held or worn, upon command - 3 times/day DMG1 200
Shrink Plants* (R 120', EF 3,000 sq.ft.; 0D&D-Master 201
Silence15'radius(R 180', DR 12T; X6) 0D&D-Master 202
Size Control (DR 6T, 3' to 18') 0D&D-Master 203
Slow* (R 240', DR 3T, EF up to 24 cr, 30' radius; X12) 0D&D-Master 204
Speak with animals- 3 timedday DMG1 205
Speak with dead- 1 timelday DMG1 206
Speak with plants - 7 times/week DMG1 207
Speak with Plants(R 30', DR 3T; X8) 0D&D-Master 208
Speak with the Dead (R 30', EF 3 questions; X7) 0D&D-Master 209
Spell damage bonus, + l/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 210
Spider climb for 20 minutes on wielder 1/day ELH3? 211
status effect, usable at will 11000 DMG3.5? 212
strength - 1 time/day (upon wielder only) DMG1 213
Striking (R 30', DR lT, EF + ld6 D; 0D&D-Master 214
Summon Animals (R 360', DR 3T; M5) 0D&D-Master 215
Telekinesis (R 120', DR 6r, EF 8000 cn, MV 20'/r; C20) 0D&D-Master 216
telekinesis, 2,500 g.p. wt. maximum - 2 times/day, 1 round each DMG1 217
telepathy, 60' range - 2 times/day DMG1 218
teleportation - 1 time/day 6,000 g.p. wt. maximum, 2 segments DMG1 219
Tongues when held or worn and commanded DMG1 220
Tracking (DR 6 hours, EF 90% outdoor, 50% indoor) 0D&D-Master 221
Transport Through Plants (EF +2 cr;C16) 0D&D-Master 222
Turn Undead as Cleric L12 (DR 2T) 0D&D-Master 223
Turn Undead as Cleric L6 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 224
Turn undead bonus + 2 to roll, + 1d6 HD (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 225
Turn undead bonus + 4 to roll, + 2d6 HD (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 226
Turn Wood(R 30', DR 40T, EF 120' X 60'; M5) 0D&D-Master 227
Ultravision when held or worn DMG1 228
Ventriloquism upon command - 3 times/day DMG1 229
Wall of Stone (R 60', EF 1,000 cu.ft.; X15) 0D&D-Master 230
Wall ofFire(R 60', DRConc., EF 1200 sq.ft.; X14) 0D&D-Master 231
Water breathing upon command DMG1 232
Water walking ability DMG1 233
Weapon damage bonus + 3 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 234
Weapon damage bonus + 4 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 235
Weapon damage bonus + 5 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 236
Weapon strength bonus + 1 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 237
Weapon strength bonus + 2 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 238
Wearer immune ta charm or hold spells DMG1 239
Wearer immune to magic missiles DMG1 240
Web- 1 time/day DMG1 241
Web movement (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 242
Wielder can use see invisibility at will ELH3? 243
Wielder does not need to breathe ELH3? 244
Wielder does not need to sleep ELH3? 245
Wielder has free use of Blind-Fight ELH3? 246
Wielder has free use of Combat Expertise ELH3? 247
Wielder has free use of Combat Reflexes ELH3? 248
Wielder has free use of evasion ELH3? 249
Wielder has free use of Improved Initiative ELH3? 250
Wielder has free use of Improved Sunder ELH3? 251
Wielder has free use of Mobility ELH3? 252
Wielder has free use of uncanny dodge (as a 5th-level barbarian) ELH3? 253
Wizard lock - 7 time/week DMG1 254
Wizard Lock (R 10'; B42) 0D&D-Master 255
WizardEye (R 240', DR 6I', MV 120'; X14) 0D&D-Master 256
Write - 1 time/day DMG1 257
X-ray vision, 40' range - 2 times/day 1 turn per use DMG1 258
Zombie animation - 1 time/week DMG1 259

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.6] Intelligent Item Psionics - Grand

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d209
+2 to armor class of possessor or AC 20, whichever is better DMG1 1
1E: 10d6 fireball 60000 DMG3.5? 2
1E: 10d6 lightning bolt 60000 DMG3.5? 3
1E: 15d6 greater shout 3/day 130000 DMG3.5? 4
1E: Clairaudience/clairvoyance (100-ft. range, 1 minute per use) ELH3? 5
1E: confusion 50000 DMG3.5? 6
1E: contagion (heightened to 4th level) as touch attack 56000 DMG3.5? 7
1E: crushing despair 50000 DMG3.5? 8
1E: dimension door on itself and wielder 50000 DMG3.5? 9
1E: Finger of death (100 ft. range, DC 171) ELH3? 10
1E: Globe of invulnerability ELH3? 11
1E: Heal ELH3? 12
1E: ice storm 50000 DMG3.5? 13
1E: Lightning bolt (8d6 points of damage, 200-ft. range, DC 131) ELH3? 14
1E: Magic missile (200-ft. range, 3 missiles) ELH3? 15
1E: mass inflict light wounds 81000 DMG3.5? 16
1E: phantasmal killer 50000 DMG3.5? 17
1E: poison (heightened to 4th level) as touch attack 56000 DMG3.5? 18
1E: prying eyes 81000 DMG3.5? 19
1E: rusting grasp as touch attack 56000 DMG3.5? 20
1E: song of discord 81000 DMG3.5? 21
1E: Stoneskin (wielder only, 10 minutes per use) ELH3? 22
1E: Summon monster III ELH3? 23
1E: Summon monster VI ELH3? 24
1E: Telekinesis (250 lb. maximum, 1 minute each use) ELH3? 25
1E: Teleport, 600 lb. maximum ELH3? 26
1E: true resurrection on wielder, once per month 200000 DMG3.5? 27
1E: Wall of force ELH3? 28
1E: waves of exhaustion 164000 DMG3.5? 29
Ability Score bonus (DR 6T, EF 3 random scores) 0D&D-Master 30
AC bonus -6 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 31
Acid Breath (EF 30' X 5') 0D&D-Master 32
Animal summoning (II or III)-2 times/day DMG1 33
Animate object upon command- 1 time/day DMG1 34
Animate Objects (R 60', DR 6T, EF 4,000 cn; X9) 0D&D-Master 35
AnimateDead(R60', EF40 HD; X14) 0D&D-Master 36
Anti-Magic 30% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 37
Anti-Magic 40% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 38
Anti-Magic Shell (DR 12T; X15) 0D&D-Master 39
Appear+ (R 240', DR lT, EF 20'cube; 0D&D-Master 40
Babble* (R 60', DR 40T; X9) 0D&D-Master 41
Barrier (R 60', DR 12T, EF 7-70 D; 0D&D-Master 42
blindness brand (2-12 rounds) DMG1 43
Bull’s strength (wielder only) ELH3? 44
Buoyancy, any weight (DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 45
Buoyancy, to 80,000 cn (DR 24T) 0D&D-Master 46
Burrowing (DR 6T, MV lo', 30', or60 ' ) 0D&D-Master 47
Cat’s grace (wielder only) ELH3? 48
Cause serious wounds by touch DMG1 49
Charm monster-2 time/day DMG1 50
Charm person (DC 111) on contact ELH3? 51
Charm person -7 times/week DMG1 52
Climb Walls, 110% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 53
Climb Walls, 120% (DR 12T) 0D&D-Master 54
Cone of cold (9-12 dice) -2 times/day DMG1 55
Confusion - 1 time/day DMG1 56
confusion brand (2-12 rounds) DMG1 57
Container, to 25,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 58
Container, to 30,000 cn (DR 6 hours) + mounts; X8) 0D&D-Master 59
Container, to 35,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 60
Control Animals (DR 20T, EF up to 40HD, 20 cr) 0D&D-Master 61
Control Lesser Undead (DR 20T, EF up to 7 HD, 20 HD, 10 cr) 0D&D-Master 62
Create normal objects (EF up to 1,000 0D&D-Master 63
Cure blindness by touch DMG1 64
Cure disease by touch DMG1 65
Dance (R Touch, DR 8r, EF -4STIAC; C24) 0D&D-Master 66
Death Spell (R 240', EF 32 HD in 60' cube, to HD 7 + ; X16) 0D&D-Master 67
Defeat/slay a particular creature type (see the bane special ability for choices) DMG3.5? 68
Defeat/slay a particular race or kind of creature DMG3.5? 69
Defeat/slay all (other than the item and the wielder) DMG3.5? 70
Defeat/slay arcane spellcasters (including spellcasting monsters and those that use spell-like abilities) DMG3.5? 71
Defeat/slay diametrically opposed alignment DMG3.5? 72
Defeat/slay divine spellcasters (including divine entities and servitors) DMG3.5? 73
Defeat/slay nonspellcasters DMG3.5? 74
Defeat/slay the servants of a specific deity DMG3.5? 75
Defend a particular race or kind of creature DMG3.5? 76
Defend the servants and interests of a specific deity DMG3.5? 77
Delayed Blast Fire Ball (R 240 ' , DR 0-60r, EF 20d6 D; C22) 0D&D-Master 78
Detect thoughts (100-ft. range, 1 minute per use) ELH3? 79
Dimension door- 2 times/day DMG1 80
Disintegrate - 1 time/day DMG1 81
disintegrate brand DMG1 82
Dispel illusion upon command - 2 times/day DMG1 83
Dispel magic upon command- 2 timeslday DMG1 84
DispelMagic(R 120', EF 20'cube; X8) 0D&D-Master 85
Dodge any missiles (DR lT, EF Save vs. Wands) 0D&D-Master 86
Dodge directional attacks (DR lT, EF Save vs. Wands) 0D&D-Master 87
Double movement speed (on foot) DMG1 88
Double weapon damage (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 89
Emotion - 2 times/day DMG1 90
Exorcise - 1 timelmonth DMG1 91
Explosive Cloud (R l', DR 6T, EF 20' x 30' x 30', 20hplr; C24) 0D&D-Master 92
fear brand (1-4 rounds) DMG1 93
Fear by touch or gaze DMG1 94
Feeblemind by touch ELH3? 95
Find Traps, 100 % (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 96
Find Traps, 110% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 97
Find Traps, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 98
Finger ofDeath*(R 60'; X9, C12) 0D&D-Master 99
Fire Ball (R 240', EF 20d6 D; X11) 0D&D-Master 100
Fire Breath (EF 30' x 10' D = hp) 0D&D-Master 101
Fire shield- 2 times/day DMG1 102
Fireball (9-12 dice) - 2 times/day DMG1 103
Flesh to Stone* (R 120', EF 1 cr or 10' cube; X16) 0D&D-Master 104
Fly (30 minutes per use) ELH3? 105
Geas Another (R 30'; X16) 0D&D-Master 106
Giant strength (determine type) for 2 turns DMG1 107
Haste - 1 time/day DMG1 108
Haste (wielder only, 10 rounds) ELH3? 109
Heal - 1 time/day DMG1 110
Hear Noise, 140% (DR 36T) 0D&D-Master 111
Hear Noise, 90% (DR 24T) 0D&D-Master 112
Hide in Shadows, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 113
Hit points bonus + 2 per Hit Die (DR 0D&D-Master 114
Hit rolls bonus + 5 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 115
Hit rolls bonus + 6 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 116
Hold animal - 1 time/day DMG1 117
Hold monster- 1 time/day DMG1 118
Hold person - 1 time/day DMG1 119
Ice Breath (EF 30' x 10' D = hp) 0D&D-Master 120
Immune to Aging attacks (R Touch, DR 0D&D-Master 121
insanity brand (1-4 rounds) DMG1 122
Invisibility (wielder only, up to 30 minutes per use) ELH3? 123
Leap to 60', + 4 Hit roll bonus (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 124
Leap to go', + 6 Hit roll bonus (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 125
Levitation (wielder only, 10 minute duration) ELH3? 126
Lie Detection (R 120', DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 127
Life Drain' (R Touch; EF Drains 1 level; C13) 0D&D-Master 128
Lightning bolt (9-12 dice) -2 times/day DMG1 129
Lightning Bolt (R 180', EF 20d6 D, 0D&D-Master 130
Lore (DR 1T or 1 day; C22) 0D&D-Master 131
Magic Lock*(R lo', DR 7 uses, EF 10' 0D&D-Master 132
Mapmaking (DR lT, EF Sense 60' range) 0D&D-Master 133
Mass Charm (R 120', EF 30HD, -2 Save; C24) 0D&D-Master 134
MassInvisibility(R 240', EF 60'sq, 300 man-size; C22) 0D&D-Master 135
Memorize + 5 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 136
Memorize + 6 spell bonus levels 0D&D-Master 137
Memorize + 7 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 138
Minor globe of invulnerability - 1 time/day DMG1 139
Move Earth (R 240', DR 6T C21) 0D&D-Master 140
Move Silently, 70% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 141
Move Silently, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 142
Open Locks, 100% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 143
Open Locks, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 144
paralysis brand (1-4 rounds) DMG1 145
Paralyzation by touch DMG1 146
Passwall ELH3? 147
Passwall-2 times/day DMG1 148
Phantasmal killer- 1 time/day DMG1 149
PhantasmalForce(R 240', EF 40'cube; B42) 0D&D-Master 150
Pick Pockets, 75% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 151
Plane Travel (self only, 1 shift) 0D&D-Master 152
Poison gas breath (DR 3r, EF 20') 0D&D-Master 153
Polymorph Any Object (R 240', DR 40-240T, EF l0'cube; C25) 0D&D-Master 154
Polymorph Self (DR 46T; X14) 0D&D-Master 155
Polymorph self-7 timeslweek DMG1 156
Power Word Stun (R 120', DR up to 35hp = 12r, up to 70hp = 6r; C22) 0D&D-Master 157
Projected Image (R 240', DR 6T; X16) 0D&D-Master 158
Protection from most creatures (DR 6T, EF up to 15 HD) 0D&D-Master 159
Raise Dead (R 120', EF 132 days dead; 0D&D-Master 160
Regenerate 2 h.p./turn (but not if killed) DMG1 161
Remove Barrier*(R 60'; C12) 0D&D-Master 162
Remove Charm* (R 120', EF up to X12) 0D&D-Master 163
Remove curse by touch - 7 times/week DMG1 164
Remove Traps, 75% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 165
Repair permanent magical object (1 obj) 0D&D-Master 166
Reverse Gravity (R go', EF 30'cube; 0D&D-Master 167
Rulership (EF + 10 to + 50 Confidence) 0D&D-Master 168
Saving Throws bonus + 4 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 169
Saving Throws bonus + 6 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 170
Set normal Trap, 90% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 171
Shield on wielder ELH3? 172
Slow- 1 time/day DMG1 173
Speak with monster- 2 times/day DMG1 174
Speak with Monsters (DR 6T; X9) 0D&D-Master 175
Spell damage bonus, + 2/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 176
Statue (DR 80T, EF + 2 Init; C23) 0D&D-Master 177
Stone to flesh - 1 time/day DMG1 178
Stone to Flesh (R 120', EF l0'cube; X16) 0D&D-Master 179
Suggestion - 2 times/day DMG1 180
Summon Weather (DR 240T, EF 30 miles; C 16) 0D&D-Master 181
Survival (DR 48 hours; M3) 0D&D-Master 182
Sword(R 30', DR 40r, EF as 2-Handed, 2 atWr; C24) 0D&D-Master 183
Telekinesis (1,000-6,000 g.p. weight) -- 2 times/day DMG1 184
Telepathy (100 ft. range) ELH3? 185
Teleport (no error) - 2 times/day DMG1 186
Teleport (R 10'; X15) 0D&D-Master 187
Tracking (DR 6 hours, EF 90% anywhere) 0D&D-Master 188
Transmute rock to mud - 2 times/day DMG1 189
Treasure Finding (DR 6T, EF 400') 0D&D-Master 190
True seeing ELH3? 191
True seeing - 1 time/day DMG1 192
Truesight (DR 5T, EF 120'; '212) 0D&D-Master 193
Turn Undead as Cleric L24 (DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 194
Turn Undead bonus +6 to roll, +3d6 HD (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 195
Turn wood- 1 time/day DMG1 196
Victory (EF +25 CR Roll, on CRT worst 91-100) 0D&D-Master 197
Wall of fire - 2 time/day DMG1 198
Wall of ice - 2 times/day DMG1 199
Wall of Iron (R120', EF500sq. ft.;C21) 0D&D-Master 200
Wall of thorns - 2 times/day DMG1 201
Weapon damage is +2 hit points DMG1 202
Weapon strength bonus + 3 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 203
Weapon strength bonus + 4 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 204
Wielder gets +2 luck bonus on attacks, saves, and checks 80000 DMG3.5? 205
Wind walk - 1 time/day DMG1 206
Wizard eye - 2 times/day DMG1 207
Word of recall - 1 time/day DMG1 208
X-ray vision - 2 times/day DMG1 209

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

[Q24.7] Intelligent Item Psionics - Super

Effect gp cost (3E) Source d170
1E: Chain lightning (enhanced; 20d6 damage; DC 161) ELH3? 1
1E: Finger of death (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) ELH3? 2
1E: Gate ELH3? 3
1E: Greater teleport ELH3? 4
1E: Mass heal ELH3? 5
1E: Meteor Swarm (DC 191) ELH3? 6
1E: Phase Door ELH3? 7
1E: Prismatic Sphere (DC 191) ELH3? 8
1E: Summon monster IX ELH3? 9
1E: Sunburst (heightened to 9th level; DC 191) ELH3? 10
Ability Scores bonus (DR 6T, EF 4 random scores) 0D&D-Master 11
Ability Scores bonus (DR 6T, EF all scores) 0D&D-Master 12
AC bonus -10 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 13
AC bonus -8 (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 14
All of possessor's ability totals permanently raised 2 points each upon pronouncement of a command word (18 maximum) DMG1 15
All of possessor's ability totals raised to 18 each upon pronouncement of a command word DMG1 16
Anti-Magic 50% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 17
Anti-Magic Ray (DR lT, EF 100%) 0D&D-Master 18
Astral projection ELH3? 19
Bear’s endurance (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Constitution) ELH3? 20
Blasting (EF 60' x 20', 2d6 + deafen) 0D&D-Master 21
Blend with surroundings (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 22
Bones/exoskeleton/cartilage of opponent turned to jelly - 1 time/day DMG1 23
Bull’s strength (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Strength) ELH3? 24
Cacodemon-like power summons a demon lord, arch-devil, or nycadaemon - 1 time/month DMG1 25
Cat’s grace (wielder only; intensified; +10 enhancement bonus to Dexterity) ELH3? 26
Clone (R 10'; M6) 0D&D-Master 27
Close Gate*(R 30'; C26) 0D&D-Master 28
Container, to 40,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 29
Container, to 50,000 cn (DR 6 hours) 0D&D-Master 30
Control Dragons (DR ZOT, EF one type, 3 Small or 1 Large) 0D&D-Master 31
Control Giants (DR 20T, EF one type, 4 0D&D-Master 32
Control Greater Undead (DR ZOT, EF any, 40 HD, 20 cr) 0D&D-Master 33
Control Humans (DR 20T, EF up to 7 HD, 40 HD total, 20 cr) 0D&D-Master 34
Create Magical Monsters (R 60', DR 3T, EF 40 HD total; M7) 0D&D-Master 35
CreateAnyMonster(R go', DR 4T, EF 40 HD; M8) 0D&D-Master 36
Creeping doom callable- 1 time/day DMG1 37
Death spell power of 110%-200% effectiveness with respect to number of levels affected - 1 time/day DMG1 38
Deoth ray equal to a finger of death with no saving throw - 1 time/day DMG1 39
Disintegrate (R 60', EF 1 cr; X16) 0D&D-Master 40
Dominate monster (DC 191) on contact ELH3? 41
Earthquake (R 120 yards, DR lT, EF 175'sq; C13) 0D&D-Master 42
Energy drain (DC 191) on contact ELH3? 43
Find the Path (DR 46T; XU) 0D&D-Master 44
Force Field (R 120', DR 6T, EF 5000 sq.ft.; M8) 0D&D-Master 45
Foresight (wielder only) ELH3? 46
Gate (R 30', DR 1T or d%T; C26) 0D&D-Master 47
Gate spell power, 100% effective - 1 time/day DMG1 48
Greater invisibility (wielder only; extended; 40-minute duration) ELH3? 49
Haste (wielder only; extended; 40-round duration) ELH3? 50
Heal (R Touch; M9) 0D&D-Master 51
Hit points bonus +3 per Hit Die (DR 0D&D-Master 52
Immune to Breath Weapons (R Touch, DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 53
Immune to Energy Drain (R Touch, DR 0D&D-Master 54
Immunity (DR 40T, EF blocks L1 -3 spells and half effect of magic weapons + L4,L5; M9) 0D&D-Master 55
Imprisonment spell power - 1 time/week DMG1 56
Inertia control (DR 4 hours, 1 obj) 0D&D-Master 57
Legend lore, commune, or contact higher plane (7th-10th) - 1 time/week DMG1 58
Life Trapping 0D&D-Master 59
Luck (DR lT, EF Choose result of 1 roll) 0D&D-Master 60
Magical resistance of 50%-75% for possessor upon command word- 1 time/day DMG1 61
Major attribute permanently raised to 19 upon command word DMG1 62
Maze (R 60', DR 6T to 4r; C26) 0D&D-Master 63
Memorize + 10 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 64
Memorize + 8 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 65
Memorize + 9 bonus spell levels 0D&D-Master 66
Metal to Wood (R 120', EF 2,000 cn; C16) 0D&D-Master 67
Meteor Swarm (R 240', EF 4 for 8d6 + 8d6 or 8 for 4d6 + 4d6; C26) 0D&D-Master 68
Meteorswarm - 1 time/day DMG1 69
Mind Barrier (R lo', DR 48 hours, EF + 8 ST; C24) 0D&D-Master 70
Monster summoning VIII- 2 times/day DMG1 71
Obliterate* (R 60', EF kill 7 HD; to 12 HD ST at -4, 12 + HD 6d10; C13) 0D&D-Master 72
Open Locks, 110% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 73
Open Locks, 120% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 74
Open Mind' (R Touch, EF -8ST; C24) 0D&D-Master 75
Permanence (R 10'; C25) 0D&D-Master 76
Pick Pockets, 100% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 77
Plane shift- 1 time/day DMG1 78
Polymorph any object- 1 time/day DMG1 79
Power word blind/kill/stun - 1 time/day DMG1 80
Power Word Kill (R 120', EF kill 60 hp, stun 61-100 hp, DR 4T; C26) 0D&D-Master 81
Power WordBlind(R 120', DR up to 40 hp = 4 days, up to 80 hp = 2d4 hrs; C25) 0D&D-Master 82
Premonition of death or serious harm to possessor DMG1 83
Prismatic spray- 1 time/day DMG1 84
Prismatic Wall (R 60', DR 6T, EF 10'radius or 500 sq.ft.; M9) 0D&D-Master 85
Protection from all creatures (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 86
Protection from Magical Detection (DR 6T, EF self + items) 0D&D-Master 87
Raise Dead Fully (R 60', EF up to 8 years dead; C 13) 0D&D-Master 88
Random Avangion2 spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 89
Random Avangion2 spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 90
Random Avangion2 spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 91
Random Bug spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 92
Random Bug spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 93
Random Bug spell, CSL=9, CCL=1 (see [PC7]) DM 94
Random Clerical Elemental2 spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 95
Random Clerical Elemental2 spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 96
Random Clerical Elemental2 spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 97
Random Hero spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 98
Random Hero spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 99
Random Hero spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 100
Random Hero spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 101
Random Hero spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 102
Random Immortal0 spell, CSL=9, CCL=1 (see [PC7]) DM 103
Random Legend spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 104
Random Legend spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 105
Random Legend spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 106
Random Legend spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 107
Random Legend spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 108
Random Legend spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 109
Random Legend spell, CSL=7, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 110
Random Legend spell, CSL=8, CCL=2 (see [PC7]) DM 111
Random Lich spell, CSL=0, CCL=10 (see [PC7]) DM 112
Random Lich spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 113
Random Lich spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 114
Random Lich spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 115
Random Lich spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 116
Random Lich spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 117
Random Lich spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 118
Random Lich spell, CSL=7, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 119
Random Lich spell, CSL=8, CCL=2 (see [PC7]) DM 120
Random Psi14 super, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 121
Random Psi14 ultra, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 122
Random Psi14 ultra+1, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 123
Random Psi7 super, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 124
Random Psi7 ultra, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 125
Random Psi7 ultra+1, CCL=3 (see [PC7]) DM 126
Random Villain spell, CSL=1, CCL=9 (see [PC7]) DM 127
Random Villain spell, CSL=2, CCL=8 (see [PC7]) DM 128
Random Villain spell, CSL=3, CCL=7 (see [PC7]) DM 129
Random Villain spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 130
Random Villain spell, CSL=5, CCL=5 (see [PC7]) DM 131
Random Villain spell, CSL=6, CCL=4 (see [PC7]) DM 132
Random Warlord spell, CSL=4, CCL=6 (see [PC7]) DM 133
Random Warlord spell, CSL=8, CCL=2 (see [PC7]) DM 134
Regeneration (EF 3hP'r for IT) 0D&D-Master 135
Remove Traps, 100% (DR 6T) 0D&D-Master 136
Restoration - 1 time/day DMG1 137
Resurrection - 7 times/week DMG1 138
Shades - 2 times/day DMG1 139
Shape change - 2 times/day DMG1 140
Shapechange (DR 40T, EF any cr or obj 40'/4000cn; M9) 0D&D-Master 141
Smash attack (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 142
Spell absorption, 19-24 levels- 1 time/week DMG1 143
Spell damage bonus, + 3/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 144
Spell damage bonus,-+ 4/die (DR 1 spell) 0D&D-Master 145
Stoneskin (wielder only; extended; 400-minute duration) ELH3? 146
Summon 1 of each type of elemental, 16 hit dice each, no need for control - 1 time/week DMG1 147
Summon diinn or efreet lord (8 h.p./die, f 2 "to hit" and +4 damage) for 1 day of service- 1 time/week DMG1 148
Super sleep spell affects double the number of creatures plus up to 2 5th or 6th and 1 7th or 8th level creature DMG1 149
Teleport any Object (EF 1 cr/obj/lO' cube or seif safe, -2 save other; C24) 0D&D-Master 150
Temporal stasis, no saving throw, upon touch - 1 time/month DMG1 151
Time stop of twice normal duration - 1 time/week DMG1 152
Timestop (DR 1 + ld4r; M10) 0D&D-Master 153
Total fire/heat resistance for all creatures within 20' of the item DMG1 154
Total immunity from all forms of cold DMG1 155
Total immunity from all forms of mental and psionic attacks DMG1 156
Trap the soul with 90% effectiveness- 1 time/month DMG1 157
Travel(DR 40T, MV 360'/720'gaseous; 0D&D-Master 158
Triple weapon damage (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 159
Turn Undead as Cleric L36 (DR 3T) 0D&D-Master 160
User can cast combination spells (if a spell caster) as follows (d4): DMG1 161
Vanish -2 timeslday DMG1 162
Vision - 1 time/day DMG1 163
Weapon strength bonus + 5 (DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 164
Weather Control (DR Conc., EF 240 yards; C16) 0D&D-Master 165
Wish - 1 time/day DMG1 166
Wish (M10) 0D&D-Master 167
Word of Recall (X9) 0D&D-Master 168
X-Ray Vision (R 30', DR 1T) 0D&D-Master 169
Youth restored to creature touched - 1 time/month DMG1 170

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Death Master1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456
1 0 --- ---
2 1.33 --- ---
3 2.66 --- ---
4 5.33 1-- ---
5 13.3 2-- ---
6 26.6 21- ---
7 53.3 211 ---
8 113 221 1--
9 233 222 2--
10 466 333 2--
11 933 333 31-
12 1877 443 32-
13 3333 444 431
14 3666 444 432
15 3999 444 433
16 4333 444 444
17 4666 555 444
18 4999 555 554
19 5333 555 555
20 5666 666 555
21 5999 666 665
22 6333 666 666
23 6666 777 666
24 6999 777 776
25 7333 777 777
26 7666 888 777
27 7999 888 887
28 8333 888 888
29 8666 999 888
30 8999 999 998
31 9333 999 999
32 9666 AAA 999
33 9999 AAA AA9
34 10332 AAA AAA
35 10665 BBB AAA
36 10998 BBB BBB
TH Saves
+0  8  4  5  2  3  0  0  2
+0  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+1  9  5  6  3  4  0  1  3
+1  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+2 10  6  7  4  5  1  1  4
+2 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+3 11  7  8  5  6  2  2  5
+3 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+4 12  7  9  6  7  3  3  6
+4 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+5 13  8 10  7  8  4  3  7
+5 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+6 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+6 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+7 14 10 11  8  9  5  5  9
+7 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+8 15 11 12  9 10  6  5 10
+8 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 13
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d4+1
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Pri
Reference: BoD4
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Have their own language called "The Language of Death".
Level 1: +1 XP for each grave dug; +2 XP for each stolen body.
Level 1: Potion of Undead Control and Ring of Regeneration has double effect.
Level 1: Undead must save vs. (8+DM's level) to attack the Death Master.
Level 1: 5% per level resistance to Charm spells.
Level 2: +2 XP for putting a body to rest.
Level 3: +3 XP for a properly embalmed body.
Level 4: Speak with Undead at will.
Level 7: Speak with Dead 1/d.
Level 9: Immune to Paralysis, Hold, and any undead touch effect.
Level 11: Immune to all Energy/Stat drains.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.75 2-- --- ---
3 3.5 21- --- ---
4 7 32- --- ---
5 14 421 --- ---
6 28 422 --- ---
7 42 432 1-- ---
8 63 433 2-- ---
9 94.5 433 21- ---
10 180 443 221 ---
11 270 444 321 ---
12 540 444 421 1--
13 820 555 432 111
14 1080 555 442 111
15 1350 555 552 111
16 1620 555 553 211
17 1890 555 554 321
18 2160 555 554 321
19 2430 555 554 322
20 2700 555 554 333
21 2970 555 554 444
22 3240 555 555 555
23 3510 666 666 666
24 3780 776 666 666
25 4050 777 766 666
26 4320 777 776 666
27 4590 777 777 666
28 4860 777 777 776
29 5130 777 777 777
30 5400 887 777 777
31 5670 888 777 777
32 5940 888 877 777
33 6210 888 887 777
34 6480 888 888 777
35 6750 888 888 877
36 7020 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any E
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DS2
Groups: Wizard
Gets Wisdom bonus as bonus Wizard spells. This bonus is in addition to any Wisdom bonus for Priests.
Level 1: 1M,1P: Steal Strength from the Land (100 yard radius). This gives you back 1 spell level and lowers the local PF and MF by 1 each.
[Spell progression as Black Robe for now, this may change]

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Delusionist1 / ArchIllusionist1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 3.375 20- --- -
3 6.75 21- --- -
4 13.5 32a --- -
5 27 421 --- -
6 52.5 431 f-- -
7 90 432 b-- -
8 142.5 432 1-- -
9 217.5 533 2c- -
10 330 543 21- -
11 660 543 32d -
12 990 554 321 -
13 1320 554 322 e
14 1650 554 322 1
15 1980 554 422 2
16 2310 555 432 2
17 2640 555 532 2
18 2970 555 533 2
19 3300 555 543 2
20 3630 555 543 3
21 3960 555 554 3
22 4290 555 555 4
23 4620 555 555 5
24 4950 666 655 5
25 5280 666 666 6
26 5610 777 766 6
27 5940 777 777 7
28 6270 888 877 7
29 6600 888 888 8
30 6930 999 988 8
31 7260 999 999 9
32 7590 AAA A99 9
33 7920 AAA AAA A
34 8250 BBB BAA A
35 8580 BBB BBB B
36 8910 CCC CCC C
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 24, Int 23
Alignment: any
HD/level: d1
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
This class treats all spells listed for Illusionist1 in Unearthed Arcana (1st Edition) as Illusion spells.
Specialized in Illusion, no opposite.
Double Sphere Robed in Illusion: Illusion spells are 2 SL lower for you. This never causes Twilighting.
Illusion spells cost ˝M to cast.
Free Material Componenting for Illusion spells. You may Double Material Component (x3 effect) for ˝V action. You may Triple Material Component (x4 effect) for another ˝V action.
Gets Dex bonus to spells.
Level 1: +LVL to number of maintained effects.
Level 1: You continuously disbelive all Illusions, and automatically power score your check.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Delusionist1 / ArchIllusionist1 Spells

SL # Spell Effect
3 1 Chromatic Blast Chromatic Orb for a group, don't need to roll to hit
2 Displacement I Displaced (AC +2, first attack misses)
3 Illusion Summoning III Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IV, defends as a DL II
4 Mirror Image III 6 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
5 Phantom Shield AC +CL*2; saves +CL; MDeflection CL*10%
6 True Darkness Total Darkness, Infravision / See in Darkness / Truesight doesn't work
4 1 Blur Zone Nothing can be targetting in the room (x1 Special)
2 Hold Illusion Next Illusion spell you cast requires no maintained, doesn't drop if you drop
3 Illusion Summoning IV Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL VI, defends as a DL II
4 Mirror Image IV 8 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
5 Rope Trap Target is ejected to Astral and Heavily Stunned (PP save)
6 X-ray Vision X-ray Vision
5 1 False Skin CL*3/2+5 False Skins (F.S.), each causes enemy to roll a natural "2" TH
2 Illusion Summoning V Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL VIII, defends as a DL II
3 Mirror Image V 10 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
4 N-ray Vision N-ray Vision (pick an element it's blocked by)
5 Shadow Magic Wishoid for a SL 0-5 Wizard spell, has only 50% effect
6 Steal Illusion Gain control of an Illusion effect (no save, ER to resist)
6 1 Displacement II Double Displaced (AC +4, first-second attacks miss)
2 Dust of Disappearance Dust of Disappearance (AC +8)
3 Fire Maze Like Maze but the subject takes 1 cumulative dmg per segment (no resist)
4 Illusion Summoning VI Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IX, defends as a DL III
5 Rope Special Entire room gets Rope Tricked (x1 Special, unwilling get RSW save)
6 Tempus Vere Fugit Like Tempus Fugit but x10 speed
7 1 Delusion Potion of Delusion, works as real XPV LVL*100 potion unless disbelieved
2 Demi-Shadow Door Plane Shift up to CL/3 planes distance or to any Inner plane, no redirection
3 Demi-Shadow Magic Wishoid for a SL 0-7 Wizard spell, has only 50% effect
4 Disjoin Exhaustion Cure all damage taken; Get +1P and +1V action this round
5 Illusion Summoning VII Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IX, defends as a DL V
6 Nightmare Group affected by a random SL 1d4+2 Psi10 effect (will be harmful, no save)
8 1 Continuous Illusion Next Illusion spell you cast is Continuous
2 First Level Priest Spells 0, 1/r: Cast a 1st level Priest spell
3 Illusion Summoning VIII Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL X, defends as a DL VI
4 Mass Mirage Arcana As Mirage Arcana but covers CL sq. miles
5 Planar Displacement Planar Displacement
6 Prismatic Beam Like Prismatic Spray but they take all 7 colors
9 1 Change Reality Wishoid for a SL 0-9 Wizard spell, has only 75% effect
2 Disbelieve Reality Can disbelieve something that's real (Incursion - PP save)
3 Displacement III Triple Displaced (AC +6, first-third attacks miss)
4 Effects Bubble Your effects protect each other (and themselves); ER +CL*10%
5 Illusion Summoning IX Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL X, defends as a DL VIII
6 Second Level Priest Spells 0, 1/r: Cast a 2nd level Priest spell

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456
1 Wiz5 1-- ---
2 10 11- ---
3 30 211 ---
4 60 221 1--
5 100 322 1--
6 150 332 2--
7 210 333 2--
8 280 433 3--
9 360 443 3--
10 450 444 3--
11 550 444 4--
12 660 544 4--
13 780 544 41-
14 910 544 42-
15 1050 544 43-
16 1200 544 44-
17 1360 554 44-
18 1530 555 44-
19 1710 555 54-
20 1900 555 55-
21 2100 655 55-
22 2310 665 55-
23 2530 666 55-
24 2760 666 65-
25 3000 666 66-
26 3250 666 661
27 3510 666 662
28 3780 666 663
29 4060 666 664
30 4350 666 665
31 4650 666 666
32 4960 766 666
33 5280 776 666
34 5610 777 666
35 5950 777 766
36 6300 777 776
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+2  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+3  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+5  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+7  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+8  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+9  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Chr 0 (10)
Alignment: CE
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+/9
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: BoVD3-54
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Charm Demon: 1M, 1/d: Charm a demon, ignores SR/MR.
Level 2: Quasit Familiar: Gain a Quasit as a familiar, will replace a previous familiar.
Level 3: Summoning Mastery: Whenever a summon monster spell is cast, it is 2 SL higher and will always get a CE monster.
Level 4: Acid resistance 10, Cold resistance 10, Fire resistance 10, Electricity resistance 20.
Level 5: Immune to Poison.
Level 6: Summoning Mastery (see Level 3) is 3 SL higher instead of 2.
Level 7: Hold Demon: 1M, 1/d: Hold a demon, ignores SR/MR.
Level 8: Can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100'.
Level 9: Summoning Mastery (see Level 3) is 4 SL higher instead of 2.
Level 10: Dominate Demon: 1M, 1/d: Dominate a demon, ignores SR/MR.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
1 Wiz5 +1 ML
2 10 +2 ML
3 30 +3 ML
4 60 +4 ML
5 100 +5 ML
6 150 +6 ML
7 210 +7 ML
8 280 +8 ML
9 360 +9 ML
10 450 +10 ML
11 550 +11 ML
12 660 +12 ML
13 780 +13 ML
14 910 +14 ML
15 1050 +15 ML
16 1200 +16 ML
17 1360 +17 ML
18 1530 +18 ML
19 1710 +19 ML
20 1900 +20 ML
21 2100 +21 ML
22 2310 +22 ML
23 2530 +23 ML
24 2760 +24 ML
25 3000 +25 ML
26 3250 +26 ML
27 3510 +27 ML
28 3780 +28 ML
29 4060 +29 ML
30 4350 +30 ML
31 4650 +31 ML
32 4960 +32 ML
33 5280 +33 ML
34 5610 +34 ML
35 5950 +35 ML
36 6300 +36 ML
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+2  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+3  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+5  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+7  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+8  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+9  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Alignment: LE
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: BoVD3-56
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: +1 to memorization level in another Wizard class per level. (Diabloist3 does not get a spell progression of it's own.)
Level 1: Diabolism: 0, 1+level/3 per day: A damaging spell you cast does +1d6 damage and is considered unholy.
Level 2: Imp Familiar: Gain an Imp as a familiar, will replace a previous familiar.
Level 5: The Diabolism power (see Level 1) does another +1d6 damage (total +2d6).
Level 8: Vile Diabolism: 0: Do half damage with a spell, all of the damage is Vile damage (cannot be healed until next reset).
Level 10: The Diabolism power (see Level 1) does another +1d6 damage (total +3d6).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group



123 456 789 A

1 9.2 (owe) 00- --0 --- - -1
2 12.8 10- --0 --- - +0
3 16.4 100 --0 --- - +0
4 23.6 110 --0 --- - +0
5 38 210 0-0 --- - +0
6 66 211 0-0 --- - +0
7 122 211 000 --- - +0
8 234 221 100 --- - +1
9 468 221 110 0-- - +1
10 920 222 111 0-- - +1
11 1380 222 111 00- - +1
12 1840 222 211 10- - +1
13 2300 222 221 100 - +1
14 2760 222 222 110 - +2
15 3220 222 222 211 - +2
16 3680 222 222 211 0 +2
17 4140 222 222 211 1 +2
18 4600 222 222 221 1 +2
19 5060 222 222 222 1 +2
20 5520 222 222 222 2 +3
21 5980 333 222 222 2 +3
22 6440 333 333 222 2 +3
23 6900 333 333 333 2 +3
24 7360 333 333 333 3 +3
25 7820 444 333 333 3 +3
26 8280 444 444 333 3 +4
27 8740 444 444 444 3 +4
28 9200 444 444 444 4 +4
29 9660 555 444 444 4 +4
30 10120 555 555 444 4 +4
31 10580 555 555 555 4 +4
32 11040 555 555 555 5 +5
33 11500 666 555 555 5 +5
34 11960 666 666 555 5 +5
35 12420 666 666 666 5 +5
36 12880 666 666 666 61 +5
37 25760 666 666 666 62 +5
38 38640 666 666 666 63 +6
39 51520 666 666 666 64 +6
45 128800 777 766 666 66 +7
54 244720 877 777 777 771 +8
63 360640 888 877 777 777 +10
72 476560 888 888 888 888 1 +11
Requisites: Int 20, Chr 14,
  Class Slots 2
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Reference: JF
Groups: Wizard, PC Designed
Complexity: CF=5
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+5
PP: level+2
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+4
Reflex: level+4
Will: level+5
Barbarian Int bonus.
Simplified Int bonus to spell progression.
Free (0 action) Material Componenting for spells.
Knows the original Spellshaper5 spells.
+1 summon slot for Undead.
+1 Familiar slot.
Level N (each level): Pick a spell, it costs ˝M to cast.
Level N (each level): +1 Int.
New spell:
Summon Undead (SL=N): Summon an Undead of DL=N.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Disintegrator3 (Original Spellshaper spells)

SL Name School Effect
0 Charming 0 Enc Charms a monster, gets a new save every segment
0 Delayed Blast Meta You next spell has a chosen time delay (max 1 day)
0 Detect/Identify Radiation Div Detect Radiation; 1M, 1/t: Identify Radioative Item/Effect
0 Natural/Necromancy Resistance Abj NaNR 70+CL*5% [duration 15 minutes]
0 Ray of Heat {reverse: Ray of Ooze} Evo CLd2 heat {ooze} damage, area 1 target, no save
1 Charming I Enc Charms a monster, gets a new save every round
1 Create Item I Cnj Creates an item of <= CL gp value, lasts for 2 turns
1 Detect/Identify Magic Div Detect Magic; 1M, 1/t: Identify Magic Item/Effect
1 Inaudibility Ill Make no sound when walking (reduces wandering monsters)
1 Monster Swarm Summoning I Cnj Summons CL*4.5 (round down) DL 0 monsters
1 Poisonous Claws Nec Natural fighting has poison (CL*4 dmg, save for CL)
1 Prepared Blast Meta Your next spell has -CL saves, -CL*5% MR +CL/2 to CL
1 Radiation Resistance Abj RR 60+CL*5% [duration 1 hour]
1 Scales Abj DR (CL*2)/+(CL/2) [duration 1 day]
1 Shock Bolt {reverse: Grave Bolt} Evo CLd4 lightning {grave} damage, area 30' line, no save
2 Charming II Enc Charms up to 2 monsters, gets a new save every turn
2 Cone of Eldritch Shards {Acid} Evo CLd6 eldritch shards {acid} damage, area 40' cone, no save
2 Create Item II Cnj Creates an item of <= CL^2 gp value, lasts for 4 turns
2 Detect/Identify Psionics Div Detect Psionics; 1M, 1/t: Identify Psionic Item/Effect
2 Fluid Movement Abj +CL Reflex saves
2 Magic Resistance Abj MR 50+CL*5% [duration 2 hours]
2 Mask Alignment & Blend In Ill You appear to be another alignment / part of enemy's group
2 Monster Swarm Summoning II Cnj Summons CL*4 DL I monsters
2 Notched Blast Meta Your next spell is "held" (release as 0), no spells until released
2 Remove Scent Ill You (or 1 target) has no scent (reduces wandering monsters)
2 Tail Alt Grow an extra tail [lose spell slot while running]
3 Charming III Enc Charms up to 3 monsters, gets a new save every hour
3 Create Item III Cnj Creates an item of <= CL^3 gp value, lasts for 8 turns
3 Detect/Identify Innates Div Detect Innates; 1M, 1/t: Identify Innate Item/Effect
3 Monster Swarm Summoning III Cnj Summons CL*3.5 (round down) DL II monsters
3 Psionic Resistance Abj PsiR 40+CL*5% [duration 3 hours]
3 Skullcap Abj +CL Will saves; +CL*2 Personality/Ego score
3 Spellshaping I Meta Move a spell effect on target to yourself (they get save)
3 Sphere of Composition Evo CLd8 dmg, picks normal/para/quasi most vuln to, 50' sphere
3 Steal Breath Nec Target living creature loses 50% hp (save to lose 10% hp)
3 Third Arm Growth Alt Grow an extra arm or leg [lose spell slot while running]

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Diviner2 / Visionist

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9, Wis 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 10 +1 ML to one class
3 30 +1 ML to one class
4 60 +2 ML to one class
5 100 +2 ML to one class
6 150 +3 ML to one class
7 210 +3 ML to one class
8 280 +4 ML to one class
9 360 +4 ML to one class
10 450 +5 ML to one class
11 550 +5 ML to one class
12 660 +6 ML to one class
13 780 +6 ML to one class
14 910 +7 ML to one class
15 1050 +7 ML to one class
16 1200 +8 ML to one class
17 1360 +8 ML to one class
18 1530 +9 ML to one class
19 1710 +9 ML to one class
20 1900 +10 ML to one class
21 2100 +10 ML to one class
22 2310 +11 ML to one class
23 2530 +11 ML to one class
24 2760 +12 ML to one class
25 3000 +12 ML to one class
26 3250 +13 ML to one class
27 3510 +13 ML to one class
28 3780 +14 ML to one class
29 4060 +14 ML to one class
30 4350 +15 ML to one class
31 4650 +15 ML to one class
32 4960 +16 ML to one class
33 5280 +16 ML to one class
34 5610 +17 ML to one class
35 5950 +17 ML to one class
36 6300 +18 ML to one class
TH Saves
& +1 & +1 (all)
& +1 & +2 (all)
& +1 & +3 (all)
& +1 & +4 (all)
& +2 & +5 (all)
& +2 & +6 (all)
& +2 & +7 (all)
& +2 & +8 (all)
& +3 & +9 (all)
& +3 & +10 (all)
& +3 & +11 (all)
& +3 & +12 (all)
& +4 & +13 (all)
& +4 & +14 (all)
& +4 & +15 (all)
& +4 & +16 (all)
& +5 & +17 (all)
& +5 & +18 (all)
Requisites: Int 0, (Wizard 7)
Alignment: any
HD/level: & d5
Weapon Prof.: & (3+level)/4
To Hit Table: & +(3+level)/4
Save Table: & +level
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Doomguard3}
Groups: Wizard, Planar, Alternate
Gets Exceptional Int.
Level 1 ¶: +1 Research point per Reset for new spells.
Level 1 ¶: +1 Specialty school.
Level 1 ¶: +LVL to your Wizard CL (in your other Wizard classes)
Level 1: Blasting: x2 effect with Invocation spells and effects (this becomes x3 total when material componenting).
Level 2: Arcane Expertise: LVL-1 slots in Spellcraft proficiency; 1M, 1/d: Legend Lore
Level 3: Shadow Adaptation: Immune Shadow. (You can pick Positive or Negative instead if you prefer.)
Level 4: Snap or Reply: +LVL-3 stat points distributed among Dex or Int.
Level 7: Unmaking Natural: 1 attack or ˝M: Dispel Natural
Level 9: Spell Gate: 1M: Spell Gate
Planar Feats:
Your 1 feat per level from this class can be used on these Planar feats, or can be used as regular feats.
Air Heritage: Immune Air; Flying 12"; +2 Dex checks
Discern Planar Location: You know what plane you're on at all times. You also know the MF, PF, TF, PsiF, TechF, and LoopF.
Earth Heritage: Immune Earth; Immune Overbear, Trip; +1 dmg w/ attacks
Elemental Spellcasting: Can shift spells you know to a lower E rating element. +1 CL with Elemental spells.
Fire Heritage: Immune Fire; Fire Shield (50%); +2 dmg with unarmed attacks
Hide in Plane [plane]: Specify a whole plane (not a layer). You do not generate "?" marks in that plane; monsters generally don't initiate combat with you (even if they see you).
Hold Plane: You are immune to any effect which would change which plane you're on (can lower this at will).
Hold Sanity: Sustain Sanity; Resist Raw Logrus; Immune to ESP, Insanity, Capital E Extract
Natural Heavyweight: Immune Gravity
Natural Lightweight: Immune TK or falling dmg (choose one per instance of this feat)
Negative Heritage: Immune Negative; Sustain Chr; (Take this feat twice: Hold XP, Life)
Outer Summoning Specialist: +1 summon slot for Outer; 1M: Summon a DL=(LVL+2)/3 Outer creature.
Planar Coloring: 0, 1/r: Add "Holy", "Eldritch" or "Unholy" as an adjective to one your Elemental spells or effects.
Planar Survival [plane]: Specify a whole plane (not a layer). You are immune to the environment of that plane.
Planar Touchstone: Gain a Psi-12, Psi-6, Psi6, or Psi12 minor (must match alignment)
Portal Feel: LVL*10% chance to know where a portal/gate/dim-door/painting/etc. goes to.
Shadow Heritage: Immune Shadow; Sustain Str; Hide in Shadows 75%
Water Heritage: Immune Water; Water Breathing; Swim 18"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Dragon Mage

Level KXP Dragon Mage
123 456 789 A
1 0 1-- --- --- -
2 5 20- --- --- -
3 10 21- --- --- -
4 20 320 --- --- -
5 40 321 --- --- -
6 80 432 0-- --- -
7 120 432 1-- --- -
8 180 543 20- --- -
9 270 543 21- --- -
10 500 654 320 --- -
11 750 654 321 --- -
12 1500 765 432 0-- -
13 2250 765 432 1-- -
14 3000 776 543 20- -
15 3750 776 543 21- -
16 4500 777 654 320 -
17 5250 777 654 321 -
18 6000 777 765 432 -
19 6750 777 776 543 -
20 7500 777 777 654 -
21 8250 777 777 765 -
22 9000 777 777 776 -
23 9750 777 777 777 -
24 10500 888 877 777 -
25 11250 888 888 877 -
26 12000 888 888 888 -
27 12750 888 888 888 b
28 13500 888 888 888 0
29 14250 888 888 888 1
30 15000 888 888 888 2
31 15750 888 888 888 3
32 16500 888 888 888 4
33 17250 888 888 888 5
34 18000 888 888 888 6
35 18750 888 888 888 7
36 19500 888 888 888 8
TH Saves
+1  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+2  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+3  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+4  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+5  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+6  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+7  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+8  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+9  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+10  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+11  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+12  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+13  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+14  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+15  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+16  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+17  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+18  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Str 13, Int 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/2
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Gets your choice of Str or Int bonus to spell progression.
Specialized in Dragon Magic (AKA Dracomancy) minor school (see next page). Can cast normal Wizard spells. May specialize in Elemental school, if you do, pick an opposite major school.
Level 1: 2V: You may ride a charmed, subdued, or summoned dragon as your mount. In this case, it functions as a Beast Rider mount. If it is a summon, it is no longer a summon and doesn't use a summon slot (it uses your "mount" slot).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Dragon Mage Spells

SL # Spell School Effect
1 1 Charm Dragon Dragon, Cha. Charm a Dragon (Will save, Wis bonus, missed save by 10 = "Subdued" and no more saves)
2 Claws Dragon, Alt. Your claw damage is CLd4
3 Resist Dragon Breath Dragon, Abj. Resist Dragon Breath
4 Summon Dragon I Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL I Dragon
2 1 Bite Dragon, Alt. Your bite damage is CLd6
2 Immune Fear Dragon, Abj. Immune Fear
3 Scales Dragon, Abj. AT +CL*4; MR +CL*10%
4 Summon Dragon II Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL II Dragon
3 1 Double Resist Dragon Breath Dragon, Abj. Double Resist Dragon Breath
2 Locate Dragon Dragon, Div. Locate nearest dragon (may specify type or an individual dragon)
3 Summon Dragon III Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL III Dragon
4 Wings Dragon, Alt. Fly at CL*6" (D)
4 1 Breath Weapon Dragon, Alt. You have a breath weapon, pick a E=CL/4 element, 3/d or 1/3r, =current hp (BW save:˝)
2 Clairnasience Dragon, Div. You gain Clairnasience
3 Summon Dragon IV Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL IV Dragon
4 Tail Dragon, Alt. Grow a tail, damage is CLd5
5 1 Dragon Slaying Dragon, Enc. Your party does x2 damage (of all types) against dragons
2 Immune Dragon Breath Dragon, Abj. Immune Dragon Breath
3 Polymorph Dragon Armor Dragon, Alt. Turn a dragon armor into another type (<= gp value)
4 Summon Dragon V Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL V Dragon
6 1 Anti-Psi15 Shell Dragon, Abj. Immune to Psi15 and Psi-15 effects; Resist all Elements/Eelements
2 Drolem Dragon, Enc. Raise a dead dragon as a DL=Age/2+4 Drolem (Undead Golem), +1 Revive slot
3 Gravity Sphere Dragon, MTG R No one can fly or levitate in the area (x1 Special) (fliers in room take falling dmg when cast)
4 Summon Dragon VI Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL VI Dragon
7 1 Dragonskin Dragon, Abj. Get 8+CL/3 Dragonskins, each Dragonskin ignores a limb's worth of attacks (no leak)
2 Harm Dragon Dragon, Nec. This is a Harm that actually works on Dragons (puts a dragon to 1 hp, no halving of hp)
3 Immune Breath Weapons Dragon, Abj. Immune Breath Weapons (even non-dragon)
4 Summon Dragon VII Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL VII Dragon
8 1 Dragonlancing Dragon, Enc. Add you or your mount's current hp (if it's a dragon) to your melee dmg
2 Lernaean Dragon, Nec. Choose one of your limbs (or your head), it is Lernaean
3 Shapechange Dragon Dragon, Alt. You Shapechange into a dragon (or) Shapechange Other on a dragon
4 Summon Dragon VIII Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL VIII Dragon
9 1 Control Dragon Dragon, Cha. *Charm* (Subdue) a Dragon (no save, use CR at 1/10 rating, no MR)
2 Dragoncasting Dragon, Meta-Magic Add you or your mount's current hp (if it's a dragon) to your damaging spell effects
3 Immune Area Innates Dragon, Abj. Immune to area Innate abilities unless directly targetted
4 Summon Dragon IX Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL IX Dragon
10 1 Anti-Dragon Shell Dragon, Abj. Hedges out all Dragons in your group; Immune to all Dragon damage and effects
2 Dispel Innates Zone Dragon, Anti-Magic Creates a DIZ (Dispel Innates Zone) (x1 Special)
3 Dragon of Tyr Dragon, Defil. 2F actions to cast, 1/d: Duplicate a 1st level Dragon of Tyr2 spell
4 Summon Dragon X Dragon, Summ. Summons a DL X Dragon

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 --- --- ---
2 3 --- --- ---
3 6 1-- --- ---
4 12 2-- --- ---
5 24 3-- --- ---
6 48 41- --- ---
7 96 421 --- ---
8 192 432 --- ---
9 350 433 1-- ---
10 700 443 21- ---
11 1050 444 22- ---
12 1400 444 221 ---
13 1750 444 332 ---
14 2100 444 443 ---
15 2450 444 444 ---
16 2800 544 444 1--
17 3150 554 444 2--
18 3500 555 444 3--
19 3850 555 544 4--
20 4200 555 554 41-
21 4550 555 555 42-
22 4900 555 555 53-
23 5250 555 555 54-
24 5600 555 555 55-
25 5950 655 555 551
26 6300 665 555 552
27 6650 666 555 553
28 7000 666 655 554
29 7350 666 665 555
30 7700 666 666 555
31 8050 666 666 655
32 8400 666 666 665
33 8750 666 666 666
34 9100 777 666 666
35 9450 777 777 666
36 9800 777 777 777
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 15, Int 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5-1
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Eelemental school, pick an opposite.
Eelemental spells:
Spell Schools Effect
Ooze Shieeld N Abj/Eel Eelemental damage shield 25*N% (EE=1)
Eelemental Form N Alt/Eel Become an Eelemental of EE=N
Eelemental Summoning N Cnj/Eel Summon a DL=N Eelemental
Detect Eelementals N Div/Eel Detect all Elementals within 10^N feet, ID within sight
Charm Eelemental N Enc/Eel Charm a DL=N Eelemental
Eelusionary Double N Ill/Eel N Mirror Images, each has N^2 hp to be detected as such
Eelemental Ball N Inv/Eel CLdN dmg to a group, no save, EE=N
Heel N Nec/Eel Cures (N+1)^2% of max hp

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Elemental Wizard1JG

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7
1 0 2-- --- -
2 2 21- --- -
3 4 321 --- -
4 8 422 --- -
5 16 432 --- -
6 32 432 1-- -
7 64 443 1-- -
8 128 443 2-- -
9 256 543 21- -
10 656 543 32- -
11 1056 553 321 -
12 1456 554 432 1
13 1856 655 543 2
14 2256 666 654 3
15 2656 666 666 6
16 3056 666 666 6
17 3456 666 666 6
18 3856 666 666 6
19 4256 666 666 6
20 4656 666 666 6
21 5056 666 666 6
22 5456 666 666 6
23 5856 666 666 6
24 6256 766 666 6
25 6656 776 666 6
26 7056 777 666 6
27 7456 777 766 6
28 7856 777 776 6
29 8256 777 777 6
30 8656 777 777 7
31 9056 888 777 7
32 9456 888 887 7
33 9856 888 888 8
34 10256 999 888 8
35 10656 999 998 8
36 11056 999 999 9
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Wis 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: +d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Spell progression as per Druid1, with Wisdom bonus, but casts Wizard spells (not Priest).
Specialized in Elemental spells.
Level 1: 1F, 2/d: Polymorph into a normal or para elemental for (level) rounds. Your punching damage is (level)d4.
Level 1: 1V, 2/d: Fly for (level) rounds.
Level 1: 1V, 2/d: Pass Earth for (level) rounds.
Level 1: 1V, 2/d: Water Breathing and no hampered movement in water for (level) rounds.
Level 1: 1V, 2/d: Immune to fire for (level) rounds.
Level 1: 1M, 1/d: Summon Normal or Para Elemental, (Int+Wis+Con)% chance, has (level*4) or 32 HD (whichever is lower).
Level 1: Cannot destroy woodlands, avoid slaying wild animals
Level 1: Speak Druid language
Level 3: Identify Plant type; Identify Animal type; Identify pure water.
Level 3: Pass through overgrown areas without trace and at full movement rate.
Level 3: Gain 1 woodland language per level starting at 3rd. (centaur,dryad,elf,faun,gnome,green dragon,hill giant,lizard man,manticore,nixie,pixie,sprite,treant,etc.) Yes, you can use these as nonweapon proficiencies instead.
Level 7: Immunity to woodland Charms.
Level 7: Shape Change to Reptile/Fish, Bird, Mammal (each 1/day) 1M action, must be size T-L, heal 10%-60% hp
Level 12: Only 9 druids of this level in any region. If 9 of this level and advance, must fight one in spell/hand-to-hand combat, winner stays at 12th, loser goes to beginning of 11th.
Level 12: Gain three 1st to 9th level followers.
Level 13: Only 3 druids of this level in any region.
Level 14: Only 1 druid of this level in any region.
Level 14: Gain nine 11th level followers.
Level 15: Gain three 13th level followers, each has 4 bonus spell levels.
Level 15: 6 bonus spell levels, lost when advance to Level 16.
Level 16: Immunity to all poisons.
Level 16: Add level*10 to max age, considered "Young Adult" at all ages.
Level 16: Alter Appearance (NO action to use, at will). Cannot be detected by True Seeing or the like.
Level 17: Hibernate; Suspend Animation up to level*10 years.
Level 17: Enter Elemental plane of Earth; Conjure Water Elemental at will; Immune to all earth and water based effects.
Level 18: Enter Elemental plane of Fire; Conjure Air Elemental at will; Immune to all fire and air based effects.
Level 19: Enter Elemental plane of Water; Conjure Magma/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 20: Enter Elemental plane of Air; Conjure Ice/Ooze Para-Elemental.
Level 21: Enter Para-Elemental planes.
Level 22: Enter plane of Shadow; immune to Shadow-based effects.
Level 23: Enter any Inner plane; Roam Inner Plane Probability Lines (7th dim.); Enter Concordant Opposition; immune to Quasi-Elemental effects and Positive and Negative energy.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 4 2-- --- ---
3 8 21- --- ---
4 16 22- --- ---
5 32 221 --- ---
6 64 222 --- ---
7 120 322 1-- ---
8 250 332 2-- ---
9 400 333 21- ---
10 600 333 32- ---
11 850 433 321 ---
12 1100 444 321 ---
13 1350 444 322 ---
14 1600 444 432 ---
15 1850 544 432 1--
16 2100 555 432 2--
17 2350 655 443 2--
18 2600 655 443 21-
19 2850 655 543 22-
20 3100 655 544 32-
21 3350 655 544 321
22 3600 665 554 322
23 3850 666 654 332
24 4100 776 655 432
25 4350 776 655 443
26 4600 777 665 543
27 4850 777 665 554
28 5100 887 666 654
29 5350 887 776 655
30 5600 888 777 665
31 5850 888 777 766
32 6100 988 887 776
33 6350 999 888 777
34 6600 999 988 887
35 6850 999 999 888
36 7100 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  6  5  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  6  5  5  4  3  0  1  1
+2  6  5  5  4  4  0  2  1
+3 10  8  8  7  7  1  2  2
+3 10  8  8  8  7  1  2  2
+4 10  8  8  8  8  2  3  2
+5 14 11 11 11 11  2  3  3
+5 14 12 11 11 11  2  4  3
+6 14 12 12 11 11  3  4  3
+7 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+7 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+8 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+9 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+9 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+10 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+11 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+11 16 14 14 15 15  3  5  4
+12 16 14 14 15 15  4  5  4
Requisites: Str 9, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Elf0
Reference: RC0-25
Groups: Warrior, Wizard
Cannot specialize.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Level 1: +1 slot in Weapon Mastery per level.
Level 1: Fighting Withdrawal: 2V: Disengage melee combat without receiving a parting shot.
Level 9: Smash: 0: Get -5 to hit, but add an additional Str bonus to damage.
Level 9: Parry: +N AC for each weapon you are wielding (N=0 for small, N=1 for medium, N=4 for large).
Level 9: Disarm: 0: An attack you do does no damage, roll 1d20+(your Dex)-(target's Dex)*2, if greater than 0 he is disarmed.
Level 10: +8 HNCL (this can't be picked)
Level 12: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it twice for each attack.
Level 24: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it three times for each attack.
Level 36: If you need a 2 or less to hit a target, you may attack it four times for each attack.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Enchanter2 / Mesmeriser

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9, Chr 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Epic Wizard3

Level KXP Wizard (x1 SL's)
1 360 1-- --- ---
2 730 2-- --- ---
3 1110 21- --- ---
4 1500 22- --- ---
5 1900 221 --- ---
6 2310 222 --- ---
7 2730 222 1-- ---
8 3160 222 2-- ---
9 3600 222 21- ---
10 4050 222 22- ---
11 4510 222 221 ---
12 4980 222 222 ---
13 5460 222 222 1--
14 5950 222 222 2--
15 6450 222 222 21-
16 6960 222 222 22-
17 7480 222 222 221
18 8010 222 222 222
19 8550 322 222 222
20 9100 332 222 222
21 14100 333 222 222
22 19100 333 322 222
23 24100 333 332 222
24 29100 333 333 222
25 34100 333 333 322
26 39100 333 333 332
27 44100 333 333 333
28 49100 433 333 333
29 54100 443 333 333
30 59100 444 333 333
31 64100 444 433 333
32 69100 444 443 333
33 74100 444 444 333
34 79100 444 444 433
35 84100 444 444 443
36 89100 444 444 444
TH Saves
+22 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
+24 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
+26 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
+28 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
+30 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23
+32 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
+34 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
+36 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
+38 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27
+40 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
+42 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
+44 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
+46 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
+48 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
+50 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
+52 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
+54 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
+56 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36
Requisites: Wizard 21 or HNCL 30,
Int 57
Alignment: any
HD/level: & d4
Weapon Prof.: & level
To Hit Table: Conc
Save Table: Conc
Reference: ELH3
Groups: Concordant (x2), Wizard
[X] Section stats
ihp +2
iTH +1
P Save -1
M Save +0
War -1
Rog -1
PPsi -1
Wiz +6
Pri +1
MPsi +2
Gets 1X action per round.
Can use 2M+1V+1X per segment if desired.
Gets Massive Barb Int [bonus = (Stat-26)*5].
Epic Wizard3 spells are resisted using SR (but not MR).
You may N-ary material component spells, using 1Z+1V+1QV+1QQV+1QQQV+...
You may convert 2M to 1IM (Instantaneous Mental).
Level N (every level): +1 Epic Feat.
Level N (every level): +1 Q^(LVL) M action. (At level 1 you get 1 QM, at level 2 you get 1 QQM, ...)
DM Note 1: The Epic Wizard3 spells are normal Wizard spells, but other Wizards must spend 4 spells per spell slot to cast these (x2 because it's on an odd list, and x2 because it's Concordant).
DM Note 2: Conversion of Epic Spells to Collective SL: SL = (DC)^0.5 *2
DC 23-30=SL 10, DC 31-35=SL 11, DC 36-42=SL 12, DC 43-48=SL 13, DC 49-56=SL 14, DC 57-63=SL 15, DC 64-72=SL 16, DC 73-80=SL 17, DC 81-90=SL 18.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Epic Wizard3 Spells

SL # Spell School Effect
10 1 Dreamscape Div Plane Shift to any plane you've ever heard of (even if no direct connection to it)
10 2 Peripety Abj iunWReflection 100% vs. missile attacks
10 3 Ruin Inv One target takes (20*CCL)d6 vile dmg (no save) and a Disintegrate (no save)
11 1 Mummy Dust Nec Summon 2*CCL DL X Undead
11 2 Vengeful Gaze Ill One target takes 305d6 Venderant Nelaborong dmg (no save)
11 3 Verdigris Wave Alt 2 groups each take 40d6 Verdant dmg (no save), all Plant monsters in the groups gain +1 DL
12 1 Dragon Knight Cnj +1 summon slot and Summon a DL X Dragon (when the dragon is killed/unsummoned, the slot is removed too)
12 2 Eclipse Alt x2 Terrain Feature: the Sun is Eclipsed, Fear /s to anyone outside (Will save), outside is in Capital D Darkness
12 3 Origin Of Species Nec Create a DL=CCL/4 Humanoid
13 1 Epic Mage Armor Abj AC +20*CCL, or iAT CCL/2
13 2 Greater Spell Resistance Meta SR 35*CCL
13 3 Let Go Of Me Cnj Damaging shield, take 20x (2000%) the dmg back whenever hit (melee or range) (no resistance)
14 1 Animus Blast Inv 4 groups take (10*CCL)d6 cold dmg (no resistance), plus animate up to 20 corpses as DL=CCL/4 Undead.
14 2 Contingent Resurrection Nec Capital F Fix and Artificial Reset upon death (this cannot be triggered prematurely or dispelled while it's on the stack)
14 3 Crown Of Vermin Cnj Summon 1000 Creeping Dooms or DL=CCL/6 Insects.
15 1 Create Living Vault Enc Create a x2 Artifact container that is undetectable, indestructible, has infinite space inside, and can be Capital H Hidden.
15 2 Greater Ruin Inv One target takes (35*CCL)d6 permanent dmg (no resistance) and a Disintegrate (no resistance)
15 3 Nailed To The Sky Alt Teleport someone into deep space and they become Stopped/Immovable and cannot Teleport (no resistance)
16 1 Epic Counterspell Meta Counterspell, Capital O Object, or Really Object
16 2 Epic Spell Reflection Abj iunMReflection 100% vs. SL 0-9 spells
16 3 Safe Time Chrono Contingency Capital E Escape with Time Travel for yourself or someone else (can be used with other contingency effects)
17 1 Demise Unseen Ill Capital S Slay one target (no resistance), animate him as a DL=CCL/3 Undead, do a Mirage Arcana to make him seem alive
17 2 Eidolon Nec Create a level 21 copy of yourself that can act normally (no Clone Insanity, but is summoning sick for 1 full round)
17 3 Enslave Enc Mental Dominate one target (no resistance, effect is undetectable, his allies do no know this has happened)
18 1 Damnation Cnj 1N, 1/t: Send someone to Hell (no resistance, no response)
18 2 Dire Winter Alt x2 Terrain Feature of extreme cold ((2*CL)d6 dmg /s), this cannot be countered or Capital O Objected to
18 3 Eternal Freedom Abj Immune to CCL spells, elements, or [C] section effects (your choice)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Ethereal Shaman60

Level KXP Psi60
1 0 1-- --
2 10 2-- --
3 20 2-- --
4 30 2-- --
5 40 21- --
6 50 22- --
7 60 22- --
8 100 22- --
9 200 221 --
10 300 222 --
11 400 322 --
12 500 322 --
13 600 332 --
14 1000 332 --
15 1600 333 --
16 2200 433 1-
17 2800 433 2-
18 3400 443 3-
19 4000 443 3-
20 4600 444 3-
21 5200 444 3-
22 5800 444 4-
23 6400 444 4-
24 7000 444 4-
25 7600 544 4-
26 8200 544 4-
27 8800 554 41
28 9400 554 42
29 10000 555 43
30 10600 555 44
31 11200 555 54
32 11800 555 54
33 12400 555 55
34 13000 665 55
35 13600 666 55
36 14200 666 66
TH Saves
+0  5  3  8  2  3  1  0  1
+1  5  4  8  2  3  1  0  2
+1  6  4  8  3  4  2  0  2
+2  6  5  8  3  4  2  1  3
+3  6  5  9  3  4  2  1  3
+3  6  6  9  4  5  3  1  4
+4  7  6  9  4  5  3  2  4
+5  7  7  9  4  5  4  2  5
+5  7  7 10  5  6  4  2  5
+6  7  8 10  5  6  4  3  6
+7  8  8 10  5  6  5  3  6
+7  8  9 10  6  7  5  3  7
+8  8  9 11  6  7  6  4  7
+9  8 10 11  6  7  6  4  8
+9  9 10 11  7  8  6  4  8
+10  9 11 11  7  8  7  5  9
+11  9 11 12  7  9  7  5  9
+11  9 12 12  8  9  8  5 10
Requisites: Str 9, Int 9, Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Psi
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Astral Shaman30}
Groups: Wizard, Psionicist, Alternate
Gets Psi60 powers, see [Q60]
Level 1: 1M, level/d: Summon a (normal element) elemental of 4*level HD.
Level 1: 1V, sacrifice an elemental you control: Add (the elemental's HD)/4 spell levels to your memorization, or add (the elemental's HD)/2 to the caster level of your next spell.
Level 7: You may summon para elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).
Level 13: You may summon quasi elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).
Level 19: You may summon semi elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).
Level 25: You may summon chemical elementals using the summon ability (Level 1).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Basic Psi60 Information

P60Ps = Str + Int + Wis - 36 +level*6.
Treat Wild Talents as level 0 for this calculation, elsewhere (for CL and ML) use level/2 (round up).
1 P60P = 10 PSPs (Psi1 or Psi2) for conversion purposes.

Psi60 Minor Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P60Ps Notes
Armor Manip 3 Phys L3 3 Melee:+LVL AC, -LVL/2 dmg per hit
Combat Sense (personal) Detect 2 Phys L2 2 +LVL move rate, +LVL TH
Cure Light Wounds Health Con Phys L1 1 Cure 1d8+LVL hp
Detect Psionics Detect R-1 Ment L2 2 Gives freq. & field of psi
Enhanced Touching Detect 4 Ment L1 1 +LVL foot reach
Ethereal Perception Detect 0 Ment L0 0 Ethereal Perception
Inaudibility Illus Int Ment L2 2 Move Silently 25*LVL%
N-ray Gem Detect 3 Phys L2 2 Gem of N-ray vision (LVL')
Person Mask Illus Cml Ment L2 2 Alters appearance, Chr resists
Slide Item Manip W Phys L2 2 Caster controls left+right
Stun Touch Combat Wis Ment L1 1 LVL*5 dmg + stun (save)
Treat Mental Drain Health 7 Ment L34 34 regain 10*succ% Psi (all freq)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi60 Major Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P60Ps Notes
Anti-Missile Barrier Manip 4 Phys M2 4 Ranged: +LVL/2 AC, -LVL dmg per hit/succ
Avoid Trap Manip 4 Phys M1 2 You avoid a trap (doesn't include others)
Blink Manip R-2 Phys M4 8 Blink (controlled)
Clairnasience Detect R+1 Ment M1 2 Clairnasience,can move
Combat Sense Detect 3 Phys M2 4 +LVL move rate, +LVL TH to group
Control Undead Manip Str Ment M4 8 Caster controls ˝P action/succ
Cure Moderate Wounds Health Con Phys M1 2 Cure 3d8+3*LVL hp
Detect Life Detect R+2 Ment M1 2 Chr resists,mult.targets
Ethereal Projection Health 0 Ment M0 0 Ethereal Projection
Ethereal Psi Fingers Manip 4 Phys M2 4 1 Str,1 Dex/succ
Ethereal Touch Combat Int Phys M2 4 LVL random stat damage
Gaseous/Reverse Gaseous Manip Str Phys M6 12 Gaseous Form (or Hold Vapor)
Grayout Illus Int Ment M2 4 Blast:Cause Deafness(as spell)
Light/Darkness Manip 3 Phys M1 2 Modifies light in area
Passwall Manip 3 Ment M1 2 Passwall
Toxin Health Con Phys M3 6 Poison (as spell)

Psi60 Grand Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P60Ps Notes
AEther Bolt Manip 4 Phys S4 12 LVL*10 dmg AEther, ignores PsiR
Cure Insanity Health Con Phys S3 9 Cure Insanity
Cure Serious Wounds Health Con Phys S1 3 Cure 6d8+6*LVL hp
Deathly Glow Health Cml Phys S2 6 LVL Cml damage, other people think target is Undead
Detect [cr. type] (ext.) Detect R-2 Ment S3 9 Int resists,mult.targets
Detect Life (ext.) Detect R Ment S2 6 Chr resists,mult.targets
Detect Positive Energy Detect Chr Ment S1 3 Detect Positive Energy
Dimension Walk Manip 6 Phys S3 9 Ps1N "Dimension Walk"
Insanity Illus Int Phys S1 3 Cause Insanity (save)
Luck Detect 4 Ment S2 6 Gains +1(+5%)*LVL on 1 action
Movement Manip Dex Phys S3 9 Gives +1V action
Nether Bolt Manip 3 Phys S3 9 LVL*10 dmg Nether, vile damage
Nightvision Detect 4 Ment S1 3 Can see in magical/psi darkness
Poltergeist Manip 4 Phys S2 6 Objects fly around, LVL dmg /s
Turn to Smoke Manip Con Phys S6 18 Polymorphs target to smoke (save)
Wraithform Manip Chr Phys S1 3 Wraithform

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi60 Super Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P60Ps Notes
Ethereal Seeing Detect 9 Ment D1 4 Clairvoyance to Ethereal Plane
Ethereal Static/Fog Manip 6 Ment D3 12 -LVL to all actions in area
Barrier Manip 5 Phys D2 8 Wall that blocks psionics (1 way)
Decrease Comeliness Health Cml Ment D1 4 -LVL Cml to target
Decrease Luck Health Luck Phys D3 12 -LVL Luck to target, each beyond Luck=0 is -1 all actions
Decrease HNCL Health HNCL Phys D5 20 -LVL HNCL to target, each beyond HNCL=0 is -0.1 to Multiplier
Detect Friends (ext.) Detect R-1 Ment D2 8 Locates closest friendly person (not in party)
Cureall Health Con Phys D2 8 Cureall
Increase Comeliness Health Cml Ment D1 4 +LVL Cml to target
Increase Luck Health Luck Phys D3 12 +LVL Luck to target
Increase HNCL Health HNCL Phys D5 20 +LVL HNCL and +LVL/2 CL to target
Phantasmagoria Illus 5 Ment D5 20 as spell
Probability Travel Manip 6+# Phys D4 16 Ps1N "Probability Travel"
Telekinesis Manip 4+# Phys D3 12 TK LVL*10' falling damage area
Treat Deadly Wounds Health Con Phys D1 4 Cure 10d6+10*LVL hp (can go up to 60+10*LVL above max)

Psi60 Ultra Powers

Name Field Targ Type Drain P60Ps Notes
Creation Bolt Combat 20 Phys X10 50 (Str+Int) resists, Creation
SpellGate Manip N*3 Phys X2 10 SpellGate (can cast spells through it, but it's 2-way)
Super Unluck Detect 5 Ment X3 15 Choose result on next die roll on enemy

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Evoker2 / Invoker

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Con 16, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Familiar Mage / Petmaster


123 456 789 ABC

1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 3 2-- --- --- +0
3 6 21- --- --- +0
4 12 32- --- --- +1
5 24 421 --- --- +1
6 48 422 --- --- +1
7 96 432 1-- --- +2
8 192 433 2-- --- +2
9 384 433 21- --- +2
10 750 443 22- --- +3
11 1500 444 33- --- +3
12 2000 444 441 --- +3
13 2500 555 442 --- +4
14 3000 555 442 1-- +4
15 3500 555 552 1-- +4
16 4000 555 553 21- +5
17 4500 555 553 32- +5
18 5000 555 553 321 +5
19 5500 555 553 331 +6
20 6000 555 554 332 +6
21 6500 555 554 442 +6
22 7000 555 555 443 +7
23 7500 555 555 553 +7
24 8000 555 555 554 +7
25 8500 555 555 555 +8
26 9000 666 655 555 +8
27 9500 666 666 655 +8
28 10000 666 666 666 +9
29 10500 777 766 666 +9
30 11000 777 777 766 +9
31 11500 777 777 777 +10
32 12000 888 877 777 +10
33 12500 888 888 877 +10
34 13000 888 888 888 +11
35 13500 999 988 888 +11
36 14000 999 999 999 1 +11
37 28000 999 999 999 2 +12
38 42000 999 999 999 3 +12
39 56000 999 999 999 4 +12
45 140000 A99 999 999 9 +14
54 266000 AAA AAA AAA 91 +17
63 392000 AAA AAA AAA A9 +20
72 518000 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +23
Requisites: Int 13, Chr 19, Cml 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+0
Will: level+0
Specialized in Conjuration; Normal in Abjuration; all other schools are Opposite.
Gets Int bonus to spell progression.
Can have 1 familiar per level. These function like "Wand of Find Familiar". You may cast it normally or at a (non-hostile) monster. In either case you will get a familiar type which has not existed before. You cannot generate familiars that are actually on the [S10] Familiar List.
1/reset: Add a familiar type you have permanently to the [S10] Familiar List.
Level 9: As a 5th level spell, you can find a special Mount, which will be a new type. Each such mount occupies one familiar slot.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Force Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 2-- --- ---
3 6 21- --- ---
4 12 32- --- ---
5 27 421 --- ---
6 48 422 --- ---
7 72 432 1-- ---
8 108 433 2-- ---
9 162 433 21- ---
10 300 443 22- ---
11 450 444 33- ---
12 900 444 441 ---
13 1350 555 442 ---
14 1800 555 442 1--
15 2250 555 552 1--
16 2700 555 553 21-
17 3150 555 553 32-
18 3600 555 553 321
19 4050 555 553 331
20 4500 555 554 332
21 4950 555 554 442
22 5400 555 555 443
23 5850 555 555 553
24 6300 555 555 554
25 6750 555 555 555
26 7200 666 655 555
27 7650 666 666 655
28 8100 666 666 666
29 8550 777 766 666
30 9000 777 777 766
31 9450 777 777 777
32 9900 888 877 777
33 10350 888 888 877
34 10800 888 888 888
35 11250 999 988 888
36 11700 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+1  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+2  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+2  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+2  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+3  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+3  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+3  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+4  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+4 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+4 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+5 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+5 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+5 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
Requisites: Con 10, Int 15, Wis 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specializated in Force Magic (see list on next page); no opposite.
Gets Con or Wis bonus to spells (your choice).
Note the TK Push spells can be reversed, to bring someone towards you.
Similarly, the TK Shield spells can be reversed to lower someone's AC.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Force Mage Spells

SL # Spell Effect
1 1 Fly 3" Fly at 3" (F)
2 Force Feather Fall Feather Fall (or) Immune to TK or falling dmg this segment (can cast using 1bM action)
3 Force Ball 1 CL*2 force dmg to one group (no save)
4 Shatter x0 Destroys a x0 item
5 TK Push 1 Size M target is pushed CL*10' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 TK Shield 1 AC +8+CL; +1 saves vs. anything that causes damage
2 1 Fly 9" Fly at 9" (E)
2 Force Ball 2 CL*4 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Mass Feather Fall Feather Fall any number of targets within sight (each gets a save)
4 Shatter x1 Destroys a x0 to x1 item
5 TK Push 2 Size M target is pushed CL*20' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 TK Shield 2 AC +7+CL*4/3; +3 saves vs. anything that causes damage
3 1 Fly 18" Fly at 18" (D)
2 Force Ball 3 CL*6 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Shatter x2 Destroys a x0 to x2 item
4 TK Push 3 Size M target is pushed CL*30' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
5 TK Shield 3 AC +6+CL*5/3; +6 saves vs. anything that causes damage
6 Wall of Force Wall of Force (not solid)
4 1 Fly 30" Fly at 30" (C)
2 Force Ball 4 CL*8 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Shatter x3 Destroys a x0 to x3 item
4 TK Push 4 Size M target is pushed CL*40' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
5 TK Shield 4 AC +5+CL*2; +10 saves vs. anything that causes damage
6 Teleport Teleport
5 1 Fly 45" Fly at 45" (B)
2 Force Ball 5 CL*10 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Gravity Wave Increase/decrease gravity in area by +/- CL G's (treat as a x1 Special)
4 Shatter x4 Destroys a x0 to x4 item
5 TK Push 5 Size M target is pushed CL*50' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 TK Shield 5 AC +4+CL*7/3; +15 saves vs. anything that causes damage
6 1 Fly 63" Fly at 63" (A)
2 Force Ball 6 CL*12 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Shatter x5 Destroys a x0 to x5 item
4 Solid Wall of Force Wall of Force (solid)
5 TK Push 6 Size M target is pushed CL*60' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 TK Shield 6 AC +3+CL*8/3; +21 saves vs. anything that causes damage
7 1 Fly 84" Fly at 84" (AA)
2 Force Ball 7 CL*14 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Hyperkinetic Haste A CL A Action Haste (party); The caster (not everyone in the Haste) can convert 2V->1QV, 2P->1QP, 2QV->1QQV, 2QP->2QQP, etc.
4 Shatter x6 Destroys a x0 to x6 item
5 TK Push 7 Size M target is pushed CL*70' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 TK Shield 7 AC +2+CL*3; +28 saves vs. anything that causes damage

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Force Mage Spells (continued)

SL # Spell Effect
8 1 Fly 108" Fly at 108" (SF)
2 Force Ball 8 CL*16 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Hyperkinetic Haste B CL B Action Haste (party); The caster (not everyone in the Haste) cannot have his hV, hP, bV, bP actions locked down
4 Shatter x7 Destroys a x0 to x7 item
5 TK Push 8 Size M target is pushed CL*80' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 TK Shield 8 AC +1+CL*10/3; +36 saves vs. anything that causes damage
9 1 Fly 135" Fly at 135" (SW)
2 Force Ball 9 CL*18 force dmg to one group (no save)
3 Hyperkinetic Haste C CL C Action Haste (party); The caster (not everyone in the Haste) cannot have his OppV, OppP actions locked down
4 Shatter x8 Destroys a x0 to x8 item
5 TK Push 9 Size M target is pushed CL*90' (takes falling damage), ×/÷ 2 for each size difference
6 TK Shield 9 AC +CL*11/3; +45 saves vs. anything that causes damage

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Fortune Teller10

Level KXP Wizard++Psi10
123 456 789 A
1 0 1-- --- --- -
2 2.5 20- --- --- -
3 5 21- --- --- -
4 10 320 --- --- -
5 25 321 --- --- -
6 50 432 0-- --- -
7 100 432 1-- --- -
8 250 543 20- --- -
9 500 543 21- --- -
10 1000 654 320 --- -
11 1500 654 321 --- -
12 2000 765 432 0-- -
13 2500 765 432 1-- -
14 3000 776 543 20- -
15 3500 776 543 21- -
16 4000 777 654 320 -
17 4500 777 654 321 -
18 5000 777 765 432 0
19 5250 777 776 543 1
20 5500 777 777 654 2
21 5750 777 777 765 3
22 6000 777 777 776 4
23 6250 777 777 777 5
24 6500 777 777 777 6
25 6750 777 777 777 7
26 7000 888 877 777 7
27 7250 888 888 877 7
28 7500 888 888 888 7
29 7750 888 888 888 8
30 8000 999 988 888 8
31 8250 999 999 988 8
32 8500 999 999 999 8
33 8750 999 999 999 9
34 9000 AAA A99 999 9
35 9250 AAA AAA A99 9
36 9500 AAA AAA AAA A
TH Saves
-1  5  3  8  2  3  1  1  1
-1  5  4  8  2  3  1  1  2
-1  6  4  8  3  4  2  2  2
-1  6  5  8  4  4  2  2  3
+0  7  5  9  5  4  3  2  3
+0  8  6  9  6  5  3  3  4
+0  8  6  9  7  5  4  3  4
+0  9  7  9  8  6  4  4  5
+1 10  8 10  9  7  5  4  5
+1 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  6
+1 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  6
+1 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  7
+2 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  7
+2 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  8
+2 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  8
+2 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  9
+3 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  9
+3 15 13 14 14 12  9  8 10
Requisites: Int 15, Wis 10, Chr 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Psi
Save Table: Wiz/Psi
Reference: DM, Roger
Groups: Wizard, Psionicist, PCDesigned
Casts Wizard spells or Psi10 powers. You get this progression twice, once for Wizard, once for Psi10. It is not one shared progression.
The Wizard progression gets Int bonus. Specialized in Enchantment/Charm (no opposite). Can cast Priest Numbers or Thought spells as if they were Wizard spells.
The Psi10 progression gets Chr bonus. Specialized in Empathy discipline. Psi10 PSPs = (LVL+Int+Wis+Chr-25)*5. Can "material component" Psi10 powers, by using 1V action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Basic Psi10 Information

Psi10 (class) PSPs = (LVL+Int+Wis-20)*5
Psi10 (wild) PSPs = (LVL+Int+Wis-13)*2
1 Psi10 PSP = 2 Psi1 PSPs. Points are regained at (Int+Wis)/2 per hour, or (total multipliers of beings within 100') per hour
Disciplines: Empa = Empathy, Pyro = Pyromancy, Somn = Somniomancy, Telep = Telepathy, TK = Telekinetics
Powers marked with an asterisk ( * ) can be used as a 0 action.
Level requirement for SL's for Wild Talents:
SL1=1, SL2=4, SL3=8, SL4=12, SL5=17, SL6=22
Wild Talent Progression:
Int+Wis+level Psi10
123 456
14-18 2-- ---
19-21 4-- ---
22-24 6-- ---
25-30 71- ---
31-35 82- ---
36-40 93- ---
41-45 A31 ---
46-50 A42 ---
51-55 A53 ---
56-60 A63 1--
61-65 A64 2--
66-70 A74 3--
71-75 A84 31-
76-80 A85 32-
81-85 A85 43-
86-90 A95 431
91-95 A96 432

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi10 First Level Powers (minors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Affect Normal Fires Pyro 1/r Affect Normal Fires RAPsi
2 Awaken Somn 2 Wakes someone up (removes a sleep effect) RAPsi
3 Detect Evil Empa 3 Detect Evil 3r RAPsi
4 Detect Lie * Telep 2/r Detect Lie RAPsi
5 Detect Lie II * Empa 3 Detect Lie 1r, Undetectable Lie doesn't work, instead gives save (at +5 bonus) RAPsi
6 Dispel Exhaustion Telep 5 Target heals 25% of damage taken RAPsi
7 Distract Telep 5/r Target cannot cast spells (save vs. spell) RAPsi
8 Dream Interpretation Somn 2 Interprets a dream; gives some insight RAPsi
9 Extrasensory Scan Telep 2/r Detect Life, Detect Psionics RAPsi
10 Feather Fall * TK 2/r Feather Fall RAPsi
11 Heat I Pyro 1/r Target takes 1d4 dmg /r RAPsi
12 Hide Emotion * Telep 3/r Undetectable emotion; immune ESP; +3 saves vs. emotion-changing effects RAPsi
13 Ignite Pyro 4 Burns an object (item save vs. fire) RAPsi
14 Instant Sleep Somn 1 Caster goes to sleep; gets x1.5 benefit per unit time RAPsi
15 Lift TK w*S/r TK up/down only; w = ln(weight in lbs.); S = ln(speed in ") RAPsi
16 Light Pyro 3/r Light RAPsi
17 Manipulate TK D/r Fine-control TK; max weight = CL lbs.; D = Dex score desired (max = Wis) RAPsi
18 Melt Pyro 5/r Melts an object (item save vs. fire), metal armors get -2 AT RAPsi
19 Resistance to Sleep Somn 2/h Immune Sleep RAPsi
20 Sleeping Awareness Somn 1/h Aware of surroundings while sleeping RAPsi
21 Sleeping Levitation Somn 1/h Levitate while sleeping (do not need to sleep on ground) RAPsi
22 Slide TK ˝*w*S/r TK horizontal across floor only (max incline = CL*5°); same w and S as Lift RAPsi
23 Spook Telep 5 Fear (save vs. spell at -CL/3) RAPsi
24 Suggest Telep 8 Suggestion (save) RAPsi
25 Tongues * Telep 3/r Tongues RAPsi
26 Wakefulness Somn 1/d Need not sleep; doesn't gain natural resets while not sleeping RAPsi

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi10 Second Level Powers (minors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Active Telepathy Telep 5/r Telepathy RAPsi
2 Beam of Light Pyro 5/r Line of Blindness (all in area save vs. spell or blinded) RAPsi
3 Bend TK ˝*S/r Bend an object; S = Str score desired (max = Int) RAPsi
4 Break TK S/r Break an object (item save); S = Str score desired (max = Int) RAPsi
5 Chameleon * Telep 7/r +4 set Chr RAPsi
6 Confuse Telep 14 Confusion (save) RAPsi
7 Contingency Awaken Somn 3 Set a contingency for conditions to wake up RAPsi
8 Cool * Pyro 8/r Keeps object at a normal temperature; Imm. to increase temperature change RAPsi
9 Darkness Pyro 7/r Darkness (can target someone to blind them, they get a save) RAPsi
10 Detect Charm * Empa 8 Detect Charm,Suggestion,Domination,Control Actions,Magic Jar,Geas,Quest RAPsi
11 Detect Motive * Telep 10 Gives motive for why someone is asking the way he is RAPsi
12 Dream Somn 3 Sleeping target has a dream (caster has no control) RAPsi
13 Emotion Read Telep 10 Read emotional state RAPsi
14 Empathy Empa 10 Sense needs, drives, emotions of target RAPsi
15 Enforced Sleep Somn 2/target Sleep 3*CL r (save vs. spell); max HD affected /target = CL RAPsi
16 Extinguish Pyro 10 Puts out a fire, or dispel a fire-based spell (Wall of Fire, Fire Shield, etc.) RAPsi
17 False Emotion * Telep 7/r Give off a false emotional state, true emotion is undetectable RAPsi
18 Fear Telep 17 Fear (save vs. spell at -CL/3); Fumble (save vs. spell) RAPsi
19 Feeblemind Telep 10 Feeblemind (save) RAPsi
20 Fire Protection * Pyro 8/r Resist Fire RAPsi
21 Floating Disc TK w/r Floating Disc; w = log(weight in lbs.) RAPsi
22 Healing Empa 15 Take X dmg, which regen at 1 hp/r: Target is cured X hp (max X = 24) RAPsi
23 Homeostasis * Pyro 1/r Resist non-magical Heat and Cold RAPsi
24 Intensify Fire * Pyro 10/r Doubles the damage of an existing fire effect RAPsi
25 Jump * TK J Jump J" (max J = CL*4) RAPsi
26 Know Alignment * Telep 12 Know Alignment RAPsi
27 Levitate TK 5/r Levitation RAPsi
28 Message Somn 4 Sends a message; same plane RAPsi
29 Mind Read * Telep 20/r Read surface thoughts of target RAPsi
30 Pain Erase Telep 8/r Target heals 25% of damage taken; Take only 75% of damage received RAPsi
31 Pillar of Fire Pyro 10/r Makes a column of fire (10' wide by 10*CL' high), 1d10 dmg RAPsi
32 Prolonged Wakefulness Somn 2/d Need not sleep; only 1 natural reset per 2 days while not sleeping RAPsi
33 Push TK ˝*S/r Push an object; S = Str score desired (max = Int) RAPsi
34 Remove Fear Telep 8 Remove Fear RAPsi
35 Shield * TK A/r AT +10+A source (max A = CL) RAPsi
36 Talk in Sleep Somn 4 Sleeping target talks in his sleep (presumably about his dream) RAPsi
37 Troubled Sleep Somn 4/h Fear (save vs. spell); if sleeping, target has nightmares RAPsi
38 Untroubled Sleep Somn 2/h Cannot be targetted by Somniomancy effects while sleeping RAPsi
39 Warmth * Pyro 8/r Keeps object at a normal temperature; Imm. to decrease temperature change RAPsi
40 Wind TK 3/r Gust of Wind RAPsi

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi10 Third Level Powers (majors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Accelerated Sleep Somn 4/h While sleeping/resting, get x(CL+4)/5 benefit per unit time RAPsi
2 Alertness Somn 3/h Target has half chances of surprise RAPsi
3 Animal Communication * Telep 12/r Speak with Animals RAPsi
4 Automaton Telep 21/r Control target's V actions (save) RAPsi
5 Burn Pyro 13 Target takes (4+CL/3)d6 fire dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
6 Chill Metal Pyro 11 Chill Metal RAPsi
7 Clairvoyant Dreaming Somn 10 Clairvoyance (caster is sleeping while doing this) RAPsi
8 Comprehend Languages Empa 7/r Comprehend Languages RAPsi
9 Confound * Telep 15/r Telepathy/ESP/etc. on you give false set of thoughts RAPsi
10 Control Telep 30/r Control target's P actions (save); Caster cannot use M actions RAPsi
11 Crush TK 10 Crush an item (item save vs. crushing blow) RAPsi
12 Detect Invisible Creatures Telep 15/r Detect Life; Detect Invisibility; Detect Dust of Disappearance RAPsi
13 Dream Protection Somn 5/h Immune to Somniomancy effects while sleeping RAPsi
14 Emotion Write Telep 9/r Change target's emotional state (save) RAPsi
15 Enforced Wakefulness Somn 1/3t Target cannot sleep (and does not get natural resets) RAPsi
16 Fire Curtain Pyro 9/r Circular wall of fire around caster, 3d6 dmg RAPsi
17 Fire Missiles Pyro 10 Shoot (CL-2)/2 fire missiles, each does 1d4+1 fire dmg RAPsi
18 Freeze Pyro 13 Target takes (4+CL/3)d6 cold dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
19 Ground * Pyro 8/r Immune Lightning, must be touching the ground RAPsi
20 Heat Metal Pyro 11 Heat Metal RAPsi
21 Heat Ray Pyro 12 Line, all in area CLd6 heat dmg (save:˝), immunity to non-magical heat works RAPsi
22 Hold Telep 5/r Hold Monster (save) RAPsi
23 Identification Somn 15 Identify any x1 item (magic, psi, techonology, etc.) RAPsi
24 Impact TK 12 (CL+3)d8 telekinetic dmg; one target; no save RAPsi
25 Insanity Telep 16/r Target gets Int set to 3; Insanity (save for each) RAPsi
26 Know Alignment II * Empa 17 Know Alignment, Unknowable Alignment doesn't work, instead gives a save RAPsi
27 Locale Somn 12 Gives Local Area Knowledge (as per proficiency) in unknown area RAPsi
28 Masks * Telep 20/r Immune Telepathy/ESP/etc. RAPsi
29 Pain Block Telep 15/r Target heals 50% of damage taken; Take only 50% of damage received RAPsi
30 Rapport Telep 10/r Telepathy, can read target's memories RAPsi
31 Remote Sensing Telep 17/r Have access to all senses of the target RAPsi
32 Remove Fear II Empa 8 Remove Fear, target is immune to fear for 1 turn RAPsi
33 Shatter TK 6 Crush an item (item save vs. crushing blow); only vs. size S or smaller items RAPsi
34 Sleeping Automaton Somn 15 Control P and V actions on a sleeping target RAPsi
35 Static Charge Pyro 10 Target takes (2+CL/3)d4 lightning dmg, this effect can be Delayed Blasted RAPsi
36 Throw TK 8 Throw a small object to deal (CL+4)d6 dmg to a target (don't need to roll to hit) RAPsi
37 Ventriloquism * Telep 18/r Ventriloquism RAPsi
38 Wall of Fire Pyro 13 Wall of Fire, 3d6 dmg RAPsi

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi10 Fourth Level Powers (majors)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Agony Telep 10/r -3 Int, -4 Wis, -3 saves, -3 TH, -3 dmg, can't use magic/psi, slow (save each) RAPsi
2 Chill TK w*T/r Lower temperature in object; w = ln(weight in lbs.); T = ln(change °F) RAPsi
3 Dream Projection Somn 10 Can control details of a sleeping target's dream RAPsi
4 Dream Reading Somn 6/r Can view the dreams of sleeping target RAPsi
5 Dream Suggestion Somn 18 Suggestion (CL/2 saves vs.spell) RAPsi
6 Energy Armor * Pyro 7/r AT +10 source, destroy any weapon that strikes you (save vs. lightning) RAPsi
7 Fire Stream Pyro 18/r Choose 1 target within 120' per segment, it takes 6d6 fire dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
8 Forerunners Somn 16 Precognition (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
9 Friends * Empa 15 Set Chr 19 for CL/3 turns RAPsi
10 Heat II TK w*T/r Raise temperature in object; w = ln(weight in lbs.); T = ln(change °F) RAPsi
11 Kinetic Wall TK 8/r Immobile wall that blocks missile and melee weapons; must spend 1V to pass RAPsi
12 Masquerade Empa 1/h Caster has the mind-set and thought patterns of another RAPsi
13 Memory Read Telep 8/r Read memories of target RAPsi
14 Memory Protection * Telep 5/r Immune to Memory stealing, mind reading, Capital E Extract RAPsi
15 Mental Erasure Telep 30 Forget (save at -5-CL/3) RAPsi
16 Mental Guard Somn 12/h Imm. Charm,Confusion,Fear,Feeblemind,Possession,Soul Trap,Suggestion RAPsi
17 Nightmare Somn 18 Target does not gain next natural reset, takes 1d10 dmg (save vs. spell) RAPsi
18 Power Shift * Telep 1/d Your psionic powers appear to be a different form of energy (magic, innate, etc.) to Detection effects DM
19 Scare Empa 15 Fear 1d3+CL/2 r, target must save every round (even if made previous saves) RAPsi
20 Sensitivity to Psychic Imp. Empa 20 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions RAPsi
21 Sleep of Healing Somn 21 Target sleeps this segment, cure CL/2 hp, disease, blind, feeblemind, insanity RAPsi
22 Slow TK 3/r Slow; -1P action (save for each) RAPsi
23 Stasis * Somn 18 Feign Death (can be used on willing others) RAPsi
24 Static Discharge Pyro 35 All in caster's group (except caster) take (10+CL/3)d6 lightning dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
25 Waking Nightmare * Somn 5/r Target is immune to emotion changes and hallucinations RAPsi
26 Walking Sleep Somn 10/h Target is fully aware and can use Z and V actions while asleep RAPsi

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi10 Fifth Level Powers (grands)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Charm Person Empa 15 Charm Person (make CL saves) RAPsi
2 Cleave * TK N/r Mental weapon: Use 1M to get #Att=2, dmg=1dN, considered +N/5 wpn RAPsi
3 Dream of Communion Somn 30 Contact other Plane (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
4 Dream Quest Somn 30 Quest/Geas (save vs. spell) RAPsi
5 Dream Travel Somn 50 Teleport (same plane) (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
6 Fire Blast Pyro 26 One group takes (8+CL/5)d6 fire dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
7 Fire Strands Pyro 22 Web spell, everyone within takes Xd6 dmg /r, X is # sizes larger than size T RAPsi
8 Fly * TK S/r Fly at S*3" RAPsi
9 Hypnotism Empa 20 Hypnosis (make CL saves) RAPsi
10 Kinetic Dome TK 10/r Kinetic Wall (see above) but is a hemisphere RAPsi
11 Lightning Bolt Pyro 24 Lightning Bolt, CLd6 dmg (save:˝) RAPsi
12 Madness Somn 35 Nightmare (see above); Target gains 1 insanity (save vs. spell) RAPsi
13 Memory Write Telep 65 Change a memory in a target (save) RAPsi
14 Mind Block Telep 17/h Can't be mentally targetted; auto make Will/Mental saves; can't be scryed RAPsi
15 Mindreave Telep 70 Target gets Int set to 3; Insanity; lose all spells; lose all PSPs (save for each) RAPsi
16 Object Reading Empa 35 Object Reading RAPsi
17 Plane Shift Somn 55 Plane Shift (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
18 Prescient Dream Somn 62 Precognition about a person or item, more exact information than Forerunners RAPsi
19 Resistance Shift * Empa 1/d Your psionic powers are resisted using a different resistance (MR, IR, etc., but not anti's or GR/XR) DM
20 Sleep Guard Somn 15 Contigency Awaken, wake up and do a Psi10 power (chosen ahead of time) RAPsi
21 Suggestion Empa 17 Suggestion (make CL saves) RAPsi
22 Transportation Somn 50+15P Teleport (same plane) (P=# of people) (all in the effect are sleeping this seg.) RAPsi

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi10 Sixth Level Powers (grands)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Animate Fire Pyro 15/r Turn fire into 2^(X+1) HD fire elemental, where X is the # sizes beyond size T RAPsi
2 Astral Dreaming Somn 55+15P Astral spell (P=# of people) (all in the effect are sleeping this segment) RAPsi
3 Compress TK 10/r Target gets -1 size (max weight affected = 2^CL pounds) RAPsi
4 Disintegrate TK 15 Disintegrate (save) RAPsi
5 Dream of Death Somn 55 Death Spell 5d20 HD (save vs. Death Magic), sleeping targets get no save RAPsi
6 Energy Quench Pyro 40 Death Spell 4d20 HD (save vs. Death Magic), works on undead and golems RAPsi
7 Enlarge TK 10/r Target gets +1 size (max weight affected = 2^CL pounds) RAPsi
8 Group Mind * Telep 15/r Group has each other's proficiencies, feats, kits, memories, thoughts RAPsi
9 Mind Quench Telep 51 Death Spell 3d20 HD (save vs. Death Magic), creatures w/ Int 1-8 get no save RAPsi
10 Mindwipe Telep 65 Wipe all memories in target (save) RAPsi
11 Sleeping Wish Somn 60 Duplicate a SL 1-5 Psi10 power (caster is sleeping this segment) RAPsi
12 Summon Fire Elemental Pyro 40+5/r Summons a 12 HD Fire Elemental, or gain control of someone's Fire Ele. RAPsi
13 Telempathic Projection Empa 21 All others around you can sense your thoughts, feelings, emotions RAPsi
14 Telepathy Empa 10/r Telepathy (across planes) RAPsi
15 Trigger Telep 70 Delayed Blast Mind Quench, only 1 target, will go off on a set condition RAPsi

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi10 Seventh Level Powers (grands)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Chain Contingency Somn 70 Chain Contingency for Psi10 powers DM
2 Improved Sleep Somn 70 Sleep a group (no save, CR to resist) DM
3 Magnify Fire * Pyro 35 xCL dmg to a fire effect being cast DM
4 Remove Charm Empa 35 Remove Charm,Suggestion,Domination,Control Actions,Magic Jar,Geas,Quest DM
5 Spirit Chameleon Telep 70 +1 permanent Int, Wis, or Chr (max=LVL*2) DM
6 Super Push TK 35 Target takes CL*20' falling damage DM

Psi10 Eighth Level Powers (supers)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Automaton II Telep 40 Control all actions (save) DM
2 Falsename * Telep 80 You give off a false Truename (it's someone else's) DM
3 Fire Protection * Pyro 80 Immune any element with a fire component DM
4 Improved Rest Somn 80 Get 2 resets per reset DM
5 Mass Impact TK 40 (CL+4)d10 TK dmg to a group (no save) DM
6 Predict and Counter * Empa 40 Predict what someone is about to do, can counter it DM

Psi10 Ninth Level Powers (supers)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Fire Armor * Pyro 90 AT +CL*5 source; Disintegration shield (100% dmg back) DM
2 Mass Agony Telep 45 Group takes CL Int and Wis dmg (no save) DM
3 Mass Suggestion Somn 45 Group is Suggested (CL saves to avoid) DM
4 Megaslow * TK 45 Target loses next CL P actions (save for each) DM
5 Static Blast Pyro 90 (11+CL)d8 Electricity dmg to a group (no save) DM
6 True Friends * Empa 90 Mirage Arcana that you are the monster's friends DM

Psi10 Tenth Level Powers (supers)

# Name Disc. PSPs Effect Source
1 Annihilate TK 100 Target is Annihilated (save) DM
2 Between Somn 100 Between (teleport across planes ignoring defenses) DM
3 Cleaver * TK 50 Mental weapon; #Att=CL; dmg=1dCL DM
4 Fire Prison Pyro 50 Imprisonment; Takes 1 vile dmg /s (no resistance) DM
5 Irresistable Charm Empa 100 Charm (no save, CR to resist) DM
6 Mindrape Telep 50 Capital E Extract; Set Int 2 (no save) DM

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Frost Wizard1JG

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.2 2-- --- ---
3 2.4 3-- --- ---
4 4.8 31- --- ---
5 9.6 32- --- ---
6 19.2 33- --- ---
7 38.4 331 --- ---
8 76.8 332 --- ---
9 153.6 333 --- ---
10 393.6 333 1-- ---
11 633.6 333 2-- ---
12 873.6 333 3-- ---
13 1113.6 333 31- ---
14 1353.6 333 32- ---
15 1593.6 333 33- ---
16 1833.6 333 331 ---
17 2073.6 333 332 ---
18 2313.6 333 333 ---
19 2553.6 333 333 1--
20 2793.6 333 333 2--
21 3033.6 333 333 3--
22 3273.6 333 333 31-
23 3513.6 333 333 32-
24 3753.6 333 333 33-
25 3993.6 333 333 331
26 4233.6 333 333 332
27 4473.6 333 333 333
28 4713.6 444 333 333
29 4953.6 444 444 333
30 5193.6 444 444 444
31 5433.6 555 444 444
32 5673.6 555 555 444
33 5913.6 555 555 555
34 6153.6 666 555 555
35 6393.6 666 666 555
36 6633.6 666 666 666
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+2  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+3  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+4  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+5  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+6  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+7  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+8  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Con 14, Wis 14
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: May choose a specialty god as if a priest (see [PC3]). The god chosen must be of weather, travellers, or some other connection to cold.
Level 1: Cold Flame: 1M, 3+LVL /week: Reverse Burning Hands for LVLd8 (save:˝), "Immunity to Cold" is reduced to "Resist Cold" (Resist Cold is not reduced).
Level 1: Resist cold continuous. 1M, 1/d: Immune to cold for 1 turn.
Level 1: Any weapon does double damage/effect with a cold-based attack (e.g. Frost Brand).
Level 2: +LVL/2 damage.
Level 3: +LVL/3 AC.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Generic Wizard

1 0
2 2.5
3 5
4 10
5 20
6 40
7 60
8 90
9 135
10 250
11 375
12 750
13 1125
14 1500
15 1875
16 2250
17 2625
18 3000
19 3375
20 3750
21 4125
22 4500
23 4875
24 5250
25 5625
26 6000
27 6375
28 6750
29 7125
30 7500
31 7875
32 8250
33 8625
34 9000
35 9375
36 9750
ML Wizard
123 456 789
1 1-- --- --- 0
2 2-- --- --- 1.25
3 21- --- --- 2.5
4 32- --- --- 5
5 321 --- --- 10
6 332 --- --- 20
7 432 1-- --- 30
8 433 2-- --- 45
9 443 21- --- 67.5
10 443 32- --- 125
11 444 321 --- 187.5
12 444 332 --- 375
13 444 432 1-- 562.5
14 444 433 2-- 750
15 444 443 21- 937.5
16 444 443 32- 1125
17 444 444 321 1312.5
18 444 444 332 1500
19 444 444 433 1687.5
20 444 444 444 1875
21 544 444 444 2062.5
22 554 444 444 2250
23 555 444 444 2437.5
24 555 544 444 2625
25 555 554 444 2812.5
26 555 555 444 3000
27 555 555 544 3187.5
28 555 555 554 3375
29 555 555 555 3562.5
30 655 555 555 3750
31 665 555 555 3937.5
32 666 555 555 4125
33 666 655 555 4312.5
34 666 665 555 4500
35 666 666 555 4687.5
36 666 666 655 4875
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 4
5 8
6 16
7 24
8 36
9 54
10 100
11 150
12 300
13 450
14 600
15 750
16 900
17 1050
18 1200
19 1350
20 1500
21 1650
22 1800
23 1950
24 2100
25 2250
26 2400
27 2550
28 2700
29 2850
30 3000
31 3150
32 3300
33 3450
34 3600
35 3750
36 3900
1 0
2 0.5
3 1
4 2
5 4
6 8
7 12
8 18
9 27
10 50
11 75
12 150
13 225
14 300
15 375
16 450
17 525
18 600
19 675
20 750
21 825
22 900
23 975
24 1050
25 1125
26 1200
27 1275
28 1350
29 1425
30 1500
31 1575
32 1650
33 1725
34 1800
35 1875
36 1950

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Generic Wizard (page 2)

HD TH Wpn / NW
1 1d4 +0 1+0 / 1  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1 0
2 2d4 +0 1+0 / 2  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1 0.25
3 3d4 +0 1+0 / 3  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2 0.5
4 4d4 +1 1+0 / 4  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2 1
5 5d4 +1 1+1 / 5  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3 2
6 6d4 +1 1+1 / 6  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3 4
7 7d4 +2 1+1 / 7  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4 6
8 8d4 +2 1+1 / 8  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4 9
9 9d4 +2 1+1 / 9  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5 13.5
10 10d4 +3 1+2 / 10  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5 25
11 11d4 +3 1+2 / 11  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6 37.5
12 12d4 +3 1+2 / 12  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6 75
13 13d4 +4 1+2 / 13  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7 112.5
14 14d4 +4 1+2 / 14  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7 150
15 15d4 +4 1+3 / 15  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8 187.5
16 16d4 +5 1+3 / 16  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8 225
17 17d4 +5 1+3 / 17  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9 262.5
18 18d4 +5 1+3 / 18  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9 300
19 19d4 +6 1+3 / 19  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10 337.5
20 20d4 +6 1+4 / 20  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10 375
21 21d4 +6 1+4 / 21 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11 412.5
22 22d4 +7 1+4 / 22 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11 450
23 23d4 +7 1+4 / 23 10 15 13 12 15  8  9 12 487.5
24 24d4 +7 1+4 / 24 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12 525
25 25d4 +8 1+5 / 25 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13 562.5
26 26d4 +8 1+5 / 26 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13 600
27 27d4 +8 1+5 / 27 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14 637.5
28 28d4 +9 1+5 / 28 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14 675
29 29d4 +9 1+5 / 29 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15 712.5
30 30d4 +9 1+6 / 30 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15 750
31 31d4 +10 1+6 / 31 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16 787.5
32 32d4 +10 1+6 / 32 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16 825
33 33d4 +10 1+6 / 33 14 17 16 15 16 12 13 17 862.5
34 34d4 +11 1+6 / 34 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17 900
35 35d4 +11 1+7 / 35 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 18 937.5
36 36d4 +11 1+7 / 36 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18 975
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Custom
Gets Int bonus to spell progression.
You may spend your XP in 8 categories for this class. You may spend XP unevenly (e.g. all towards ML). Note that level 1 in all categories costs 0 XP.
50% category: ML
40% category: CL
20% category: Stat Points *
10% categories: Hit Dice **, To Hit *, Proficiencies *, Saves
* These categories are not cumulative with other classes; you treat this as any other class. For example, if you are level 8 in ML and level 1 in Stat Pts, and level 4 in another (normal) class, you have 4 stat points (your highest level), not 4+1=5. (Using the "highest class" rule, the Generic Wizard class here counts as only level 1 for Stat Pts.)
** If multi-classed, you still need to divide by number of classes, even if all this class gives is 1 hit die. Hit Dice listed is the total.
The "Overall Level" is given so you know what level you are for purposes of energy drain and HNCL.
Note that it costs 150% (2.25 KXP for 2nd level) to actually raise all of these categories at the same time, so this class is less "efficient" than a normal Wizard class.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Ioun Stones
nds cu
1 0 1-- --
2 1.8 2-- --
3 3.6 3-- --
4 7.2 31- --
5 14.4 32- --
6 28.8 33- --
7 57.6 44- --
8 115.2 441 --
9 230.4 442 --
10 590.4 443 --
11 950.4 444 --
12 1310.4 555 --
13 1670.4 555 1-
14 2030.4 555 2-
15 2390.4 555 3-
16 2750.4 555 4-
17 3110.4 555 5-
18 3470.4 666 6-
19 3830.4 666 61
20 4190.4 666 62
21 4550.4 666 63
22 4910.4 666 64
23 5270.4 666 65
24 5630.4 666 66
25 5990.4 766 66
26 6350.4 776 66
27 6710.4 777 66
28 7070.4 777 76
29 7430.4 777 77
30 7790.4 877 77
31 8150.4 887 77
32 8510.4 888 77
33 8870.4 888 87
34 9230.4 888 88
35 9590.4 988 88
36 9950.4 998 88
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: +++d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/2
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Geo-Sages create Ioun Stones. Geo-Sages get no actual spells. The "spell progression" shows which "Open Stone" slots you have each reset:
n = Normal ioun stone, or stone-based item of 300 XP or less value, or a stone which holds 1 SL 0-1 spell (use once).
d = Don ioun stone, or stone-based item of 1000 XP or less value, or a stone which holds 1 SL 2-3 spell (use once).
s = Super ioun stone, or stone-based item of 3000 XP or less value, or a stone which holds 1 SL 4-5 spell (use once).
c = Congenio ioun stone, or stone-based item of 10000 XP or less value, or a stone which holds 1 SL 6-7 spell (use once).
u = Ultra ioun stone, or stone-based item of 30000 XP or less value, or a stone which holds 1 SL 8-9 spell (use once).
The ioun stone progression is downgradable at 2 per 1 (so 1u ® 2c ® 4s ® 8d ® 16n), so you can have a lot of normals.
If spell-storing stones are used, the spell effect must be a Wizard spell and cannot be material componented.
Once a stone is filled (no longer an Open Slot), that stone is fixed until the next reset. All stones "empty" at next reset (none of these stones are permanent). It is possible to "use up" an ioun stone (or spell stone), it then reverts to a dull grey stone (holding psionic PSPs) until next reset.
Level 1: Can use +LVL ioun stones at the same time, beyond the normal limit. (DM note: If you exceed this limit, remember you can create "Y-cable" ioun stones on the fly with "d" picks)
Level 1: 1M: Identify an item constructed of stone.
Level 1: 1M, 1/d: Locate a specific ioun stone type 5*LVL%.
Level 3: +LVL/3 damage.
Level 9: Can create one normal ioun stone per day, which is permanent.
Level 18: Can create one ioun Don stone per day, which is permanent.
Level 27: Can create one super ioun stone per day, which is permanent.
Level 36: Can create one Congenio ioun stone per day, which is permanent.
Level 45: Can create one Ultra ioun stone per day, which is permanent.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Gravity Wizard


Wizard      111
123 456 789 012

1 0 1-- --- --- +1
2 3 2-- --- --- +2
3 6 21- --- --- +3
4 12 32- --- --- +4
5 27 421 --- --- +5
6 48 422 --- --- +6
7 72 432 1-- --- +7
8 108 433 2-- --- +8
9 162 433 21- --- +9
10 300 443 22- --- +10
11 450 444 33- --- +11
12 900 444 441 --- +12
13 1350 555 442 --- +13
14 1800 555 442 1-- +14
15 2250 555 552 1-- +15
16 2700 555 553 21- +16
17 3150 555 553 32- +17
18 3600 555 553 321 +18
19 4050 555 553 331 +19
20 4500 555 554 332 +20
21 4950 555 554 442 +21
22 5400 555 555 443 +22
23 5850 555 555 553 +23
24 6300 555 555 554 +24
25 6750 555 555 555 +25
26 7200 666 655 555 +26
27 7650 666 666 655 +27
28 8100 666 666 666 +28
29 8550 777 766 666 +29
30 9000 777 777 766 +30
31 9450 777 777 777 +31
32 9900 888 877 777 +32
33 10350 888 888 877 +33
34 10800 888 888 888 +34
35 11250 999 988 888 +35
36 11700 999 999 999 1 +36
37 23400 999 999 999 2 +37
38 35100 999 999 999 3 +38
39 46800 999 999 999 4 +39
45 117000 A99 999 999 9 +45
54 222300 AAA AAA AAA 91 +54
63 327600 AAA AAA AAA A9 +63
72 432900 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +72
Requisites: Str 10, Con 10, Int 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: & 4d2
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/4
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=4
Saving Throws:
PPD: level+4 Fort: level+4
RSW: level+7 Reflex: level-1
PP: level+5 Will: level+0
BW: level+3
Spell: level+6
Exceptional Con.
Specializated in Gravity Magic (see list on next page); no opposite.
Gets Str or Con bonus to spell progression (your choice).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Gravity Wizard Spells

SL # Spell Effect
1 1 Gravity Ball 1 1 group: Gravity dmg of 10% current hp (x0.9), no save. Material comp. is 19% (x0.81)
2 Light Tread You don't actually touch the floor as you walk; Leave no tracks; Don't trigger ground traps
3 Lighten Burden Divide you encumbrance by 2 [or] One item's weight is divided by CL
2 1 Gravity Ball 2 1 group: Gravity dmg of 20% current hp (x0.8), no save. Material comp. is 36% (x0.64)
2 No Falling Entire party takes no falling damage for 1 turn
3 Wall Walker Can walk up walls at full movement rate; Can walk across ceilings at 1/3 movement rate
3 1 Alter Gravity I [x1 Special] Alter gravity in room by +/- CL G [or] has 0G gravity
2 Gravity Ball 3 1 group: Gravity dmg of 30% current hp (x0.7), no save. Material comp. is 51% (x0.49)
3 Mass Levitation Entire party can levitate for 1 hour
4 1 Gravity Ball 4 1 group: Gravity dmg of 40% current hp (x0.6), no save. Material comp. is 64% (x0.36)
2 Gravity Tolerance Entire party is immune to natural gravity of area, and artificial changes in gravity
3 Pseudo-Strength +CL Str
5 1 Alter Gravity II [x1 Special, can be Enemy Special] Room has reversed gravity for 1s (fall upwards 10*CL', then fall downwards next segment) [or] has sideways gravity
2 Gravity Ball 5 1 group: Gravity dmg of 50% current hp (x0.5), no save. Material comp. is 75% (x0.25)
3 Gravity Elemental Summons a DL=6 Gravity Elemental
6 1 Defy Gravity Immune Gravity; Resist Force
2 Gravity Ball 6 1 group: Gravity dmg of 60% current hp (x0.4), no save. Material comp. is 84% (x0.16)
3 Gravity Well [x1 Enemy Special] 0, 1/s: Up to CL/3 groups of monsters is merged into the Gravity Well's group
7 1 Alter Matter Wishoid for a SL 0-6 Alteration spell (or) two SL 0-3 Alteration spells (cast at same time)
2 Gravity Ball 7 1 group: Gravity dmg of 70% current hp (x0.3), no save. Material comp. is 91% (x0.09)
3 Gravity Crush Target is Crushed (CL*100 G's) (Fort save to take CL*30 dmg instead)
8 1 Alter Force Wishoid for a SL 0-6 Force Mage spell (it's SL 0-7 if you also have the Force Mage class)
2 Gravity Ball 8 1 group: Gravity dmg of 80% current hp (x0.2), no save. Material comp. is 96% (x0.04)
3 Gravity Kinetic Shield Stops 4*CL dmg per physical attack
9 1 Gravbolt Does 2^CL gravity dmg to one target (no save). Material comp. is 2 bolts (not area)
2 Gravity Ball 9 1 group: Gravity dmg of 90% current hp (x0.1), no save. Material comp. is 99% (x0.01)
3 Gravity Warp Travel at CL^2 c (speed of light). Allows travel between crystal spheres (like a spelljamming helm)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Gruul Grave-Troll (MTG G/R)

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 2-- --- ---
3 7 3-- --- ---
4 15 31- --- ---
5 31 32- --- ---
6 63 43- --- ---
7 127 431 --- ---
8 255 432 --- ---
9 510 543 --- ---
10 1020 543 1-- ---
11 1531 543 2-- ---
12 2041 654 3-- ---
13 2552 654 31- ---
14 3062 654 32- ---
15 3572 765 43- ---
16 4083 765 431 ---
17 4593 765 432 ---
18 5104 876 543 ---
19 5614 876 543 1--
20 6124 876 543 2--
21 6635 987 654 3--
22 7145 987 654 31-
23 7656 987 654 32-
24 8166 A98 765 43-
25 8676 A98 765 431
26 9187 A98 765 432
27 9697 A98 765 433
28 10208 A98 765 444
29 10718 A98 765 555
30 11228 A98 766 666
31 11739 A98 777 777
32 12249 A98 888 888
33 12760 A99 999 999
34 13270 AAA AAA AAA
35 13780 BBB BBB BBB
36 14291 CCC CCC CCC
TH Saves
+4  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+5  4  7  5  3  7  1  1  1
+6  4  8  5  4  7  1  1  2
+7  4  8  6  4  7  2  2  2
+8  5  9  6  4  8  2  2  3
+9  5  9  7  5  8  3  3  3
+10  5 10  7  5  9  3  3  4
+11  6 10  7  6  9  4  4  4
+12  6 10  8  6  9  4  4  5
+13  6 11  8  6 10  5  5  5
+14  7 11  9  7 10  5  5  6
+15  7 12  9  7 11  6  6  6
+16  7 12  9  8 11  6  6  7
+17  7 13 10  8 11  7  7  7
+18  8 13 10  8 12  7  7  8
+19  8 13 11  9 12  8  8  8
+20  8 14 11  9 13  8  8  9
+21  9 14 11 10 13  9  9  9
Requisites: Str 14, Con 16, Int 14
Alignment: CG, CN, CE, or TN
HD/level: 1e6  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/6
To Hit Table: Mon+3
Save Table: Wiz/Mon
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Golgari Brute22 / Troll}
Groups: Wizard, Monster, Alternate
Hit Dice: "1e6" is an open-ended d6's. If using "Max hp per HD" rule: You automatically roll a "6" once, then get the average (3.5) on the second roll (the max hp rule is not "deep"). So you get 9.5 hp per level (plus Con bonus).
Exceptional Con bonus.
Each time you kill a monster, you get +1 TH and +1 dmg for the rest of the fight (1 turn).
Level 1: You are immune to "summoning sickness" and "teleport sickness".
Level 1: +1 Con per level. This bonus cannot be used to qualify for this class, and you can't 2 for 1 trade it away.
Level 3: Barbarian Con bonus.
Level 5: 1M: Target takes 3*LVL*LVL fire dmg (BW save for 1/2; MR to avoid). The floor at your feet takes LVL Hull dmg.
Level 10: Your "fire dmg" ability at level 5 gives no saving throw.
Level 11: Free Action cont.
Level 12: Extra Barbarian Con bonus; i.e. bonus is (Con-16)*5/2, round down.
Level 24: Super Barbarian Con bonus; i.e. bonus is (Con-18)*3.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard++Priest
123 456 789
1 3.6 (owe) 1-- --- ---
2 7.2 20- --- ---
3 10.8 21- --- ---
4 14.4 220 --- ---
5 28.8 221 --- ---
6 57.6 222 0-- ---
7 115.2 322 1-- ---
8 216 332 20- ---
9 432 333 21- ---
10 648 333 320 ---
11 864 433 321 ---
12 1080 444 321 ---
13 1296 444 322 ---
14 1512 444 432 0--
15 1728 544 432 1--
16 1944 555 432 2--
17 2160 655 443 20-
18 2376 655 443 21-
19 2592 655 543 22-
20 2808 655 544 320
21 3024 655 544 321
22 3240 665 554 322
23 3456 666 654 332
24 3672 776 655 432
25 3888 776 655 443
26 4104 777 665 543
27 4320 777 665 554
28 4536 887 666 654
29 4752 887 776 655
30 4968 888 777 665
31 5184 888 777 766
32 5400 988 887 776
33 5616 999 888 777
34 5832 999 988 887
35 6048 999 999 888
36 6264 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+4  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+5  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+6  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+7  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+8  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+9  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+10  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+11  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+12  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+13  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+14  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+15  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+16  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+17 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+18 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Requisites: Int 12, Wis 16
Alignment: any E
HD/level: ++d6
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: Mon +3 levels
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Priest, Monster
Gets Barbarian Int and Wis.
Level N (each level) ¶: +1 Int and +1 Wis. This bonus cannot be used to qualify for the Hag0 class itself, and you can't 2 for 1 trade it away.
Casts Wizard and Priest spells. Gets the listed progression twice, once for Wizard (with Int bonus), and once for Priest (with Wis bonus).
Level 1 ¶: All items that cost <= LVL*3 gp cost 0 gp for you. This means you can have "Enough" or "Plenty" of those items.
Level 1: Occult Knowledge: Legend Lore 45+5*LVL%
Level 1: Sorcery: Can spend ˝M+˝V instead of 1M to cast spells
Level 1: (Green Hag) MPIRR LVL*10%.
Level 2: (Brine Hag) Can lose Green Hag, you gain: Curse shield (enemies take a curse each time they hit you; Spell save)
Level 3: (Scarwood Hag) Can lose Green or Brine Hag, gain: 1M: Unsummon a group of summons, or cause a group of henchmen to check morale.
Level 4: (Night Hag) Can lose Green, Brine, or Scarwood Hag, gain: 1M: Contact Outer Plane; and 1F, LVL/d: You Gate in a Larva, and it is under your control.
Ogre/Hag Clans:
Choose one Ogre/Hag Clan at levels 1, 9, 18, 27, and 36. [The names of these clans come from World of Warcraft.] Note that these differ from their Ogre0 class descriptions.
Bladespire: Specify a species enemy (broad monster type such as Dragons). Get x2 CL vs. that enemy.
Bloodmaul: The "LVL*3 gp costing 0" power becomes LVL*12 gp instead.
Boulderfist: MPIRR +LVL*5%.
Crushridge: +1/3 Size; +1 Int; +2 Wis; If you become a Scarwood Hag the Unsummon ability costs 1V instead of 1M.
Deadwind: +2 Int; 1M: Summon a DL=(LVL+1)/2 creature of Monster Type = 1d20+20.
Dreadmaul: Extra-Barbarian Int bonus.
Dunemaul: Immune Fire, Heat, Sand, Colorless Fire.
Duskbelch: Mouth's P or Mouth's M, 3/d: Breathe Darkness (1 group, dmg = half current hp, no save)
Dustbelcher: Mouth's P or Mouth's M, 1/h: Breathe Dust (1 group, dmg = half current hp, no save)
Firegut: +1 Henchman slot that you can fill will 3 DL=(LVL+3)/2 Ogres during reset time for free.
Gordok: +3 Int; Sustain Int.
Gordunni: Resist Priest Magic, Resist Negative
Laughing Skull: +1 Henchman slot that you can fill will 30 DL=(LVL+4)/3 Ogres during reset time for free.
Mo'grosh: You can't be targetted by NPC Parties. You ignore MR, SR, MReflection.
Mok'Nathal: +3 HNCL.
Mosh'ogg: +1 Chr; If you are an Brine Hag you get +1M action.
Spirestone: +(LVL+2)/3 Normal Ioun Stones for free.
Splinter Fist: +3 saves; You do not generate "?" in underground caves/dungeons.
Stonemaul: x2 CL with Invocation spells.
Stonegullet: Resist Acid; 1M: Summon a (DL+1)/2 Black Dragon or Drake.
Torchbelcher: When you read a scroll, if it has more than one spell on it, they all resolve at once.
Urok: Use d10's instead of d6's for Hit Dice.
Warmaul: +1 Henchman slot, can use War Priest/Meat Helm's Henchmen table, no reduction in cost though

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Hench. Villain
123 45 [1]
1 0 1-- -- [-]
2 6.5 2-- -- [-]
3 13 3-- -- [-]
4 26 31- -- [-]
5 52 32- -- [-]
6 104 42- -- [-]
7 208 421 -- [-]
8 416 431 -- [-]
9 825 432 -- [-]
10 1650 432 1- [-]
11 3300 542 1- [-]
12 3800 543 2- [-]
13 4300 543 21 [-]
14 4800 543 22 [-]
15 5300 543 32 [-]
16 5800 543 33 [-]
17 6300 544 33 [-]
18 6800 544 43 [-]
19 7300 544 44 [-]
20 7800 554 44 [-]
21 8300 555 44 [-]
22 8800 555 54 [-]
23 9300 555 55 [-]
24 9800 655 55 [-]
25 10300 665 55 [-]
26 10800 666 55 [-]
27 11300 666 65 [1]
28 11800 666 66 [1]
29 12300 766 66 [2]
30 12800 776 66 [2]
31 13300 777 66 [3]
32 13800 777 76 [3]
33 14300 777 77 [4]
34 14800 877 77 [4]
35 15300 887 77 [5]
36 15800 888 77 [5]
TH Saves
+1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
+2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+3  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+4  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+5  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+6  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+7  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+8  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+9  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+10  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+11  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+12  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+13  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+14  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+15  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+16  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+17  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+18  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
Requisites: Dex 19, Int 17
Alignment: any E
HD/level: 3d6 (no Con bonus)
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/2
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: Mon
Reference: MTG {Reduced Villain}
Groups: Wizard, Concordant (x1)
Does not get any Con bonus at all on it's Hit Dice, and Con bonuses cannot be bought for this class in any way.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Henchman Spells

Level # Spell
1 1 1P, 1/d: Create a MINIATURE GIANT ROBOT, a DL (CL+3)/2 Golem or Technological monster (treat as a summon)
1 2 0, 1/d: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero or Sidekick.
1 3 1M: Monster Summoning (CL+1)/2
1 4 You adjust all BlahR by -5*level%
1 5 +10% XP in Henchman, if this is your only class (if you are single classed and getting x2 XP, you'll get x2.1 XP now)
1 6 You ignore one level of Resist Elements on other people (Immune -> Double Resist, Double Resist -> Resist, Resist -> nothing)
1 7 You ignore one level of Resist Hold/Stun/Para. on other people
1 8 You ignore one level of Resist Action/Memory/Other Stealing on other people
1 9 1V, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
1 10 1bM: Counter an Avoid Fate or Energy Control (Psi1/Psi2)
1 11 1bF: Counter a counterspell effect.
1 12 You can have two summons (same group).
2 1 1V: Twist (Remove an effect on a person)
2 2 1P, 1/d: Slay someone with the Sidekick class (PPD save)
2 3 1M, 1/d: Contact Other Plane, Ask the Local Lord a question, or reverse Tempus Lawfulness
2 4 1M, 1/r: Causeall one target.
2 5 Pick a psionic power you have. +1M a round only for that psionic power, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
2 6 Pick a spell you have. It is "material componented" for range for free, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
2 7 All your innate abilities can be used one extra time per day (e.g. 3/d becomes 4/d). Your Innates require 2 saves to avoid.
2 8 +1 minor in a psionic progression you have.
2 9 1P, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any P actions on his next segment.
2 10 1M, #bM, only on your segment: Dispel # effects on one target (max #=LVL, you can borrow a lot here)
2 11 1F, 1/d: Lower the "Time Reality Stability" ability on another person (PP save)
2 12 May wear two suits of armor, your AT sources fully stack
3 1 You can have three summons (same group).
3 2 You can have one familiar. This spell does the "Find Familiar" effect when you take it.
3 3 1M: Fascinate a group (Will save)
3 4 0, 1/t: Counter a chosen die roll (they have to roll it now) or rerolled die roll
3 5 1M, 1/d: Set (reverse Reset) one target.
3 6 You ignore one level of Resist Elements and Eelements on other people (stacks with the lower level version of this)
3 7 1M, 1/r: Dispel a Haste effect. New Haste effects cannot be used in the room (this counts as a x1 Special).
3 8 1M, 1/d: Segment 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
3 9 1M, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any M actions on his next segment.
3 10 1M: Drop an Anti-Magic Shell, Anti-Psionic Shell, or Anti-Innate Shell
3 11 Anti-Sidekick shell SL 0-3 (Sidekick effects of SL 0-3 cannot be used within 20'r)
3 12 1F, 1/d: Multiply an effect you do by x1+LVL/10.
4 1 5F, Marry the SIDEKICK'S SWEETHEART: The Sidekick in question is Pixelated.
4 2 You can't be targetted until your summons are destroyed.
4 3 1M: But wait, the other Henchman over there FORGOT ONE SMALL THING and he is Crapped and Slain. (save for each)
4 4 Pick a spell you have. It costs ˝M to use.
4 5 Pick a psionic power you have. It costs ˝M to use.
4 6 Pick an innate ability you have. It costs ˝M to use.
4 7 1M, 1/d: Segments 9 and 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
4 8 +1 Opposing action. (Remember you can translate 1Opp -> 1F, so this still does something even if Opposings aren't available)
4 9 1F, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any F or S actions on his next segment.
4 10 1bM: Counter a Limited Wish, Alter Reality, or Miracle 0-7
4 11 -1 actions of all types to everyone in the room (x1 Special)
4 12 1F, 1/d: +1 to your multiplier for 1 round
5 1 You have AN EVEN BIGGER BOSS THAN YOU, which is any same-aligned god, you Automatic Divine Intervention 1/d.
5 2 You have a MOST ANNOYING CONSULTANT, you can "take back" an action once per round and try something else.
5 3 10F, tell an enemy Sidekick your MASTER PLAN: Components of your Master Plan is affected by a X4 Grand (x2 effect)
5 4 You see the ERROR OF YOUR WAYS, drop Henchman class (and can never return), gain Sidekick with x1.5 your Sidekick XP.
5 5 1M: You ONE-UP a MYTH and LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH, all Myth abilities in your group do not function for 1t.
5 6 1F: Charm or Dominate target x0 or x1 creature (save)
5 7 You adjust all AllR by -5*level% (this stacks with the lower level version of this)
5 8 1V, 1/d: Ignore an Immunity to something.
5 9 0, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use Zero or Opposing actions this segment.
5 10 1M: All x1 and lower effects on one target are dispelled.
5 11 Lockdown X actions continuous in your group
5 12 1V, LVL/d: You ignore one level of Resist to something
Villain 1 (11) 1 1/d: Create a GIANT ROBOT (a DL 10 Golem, you may make requests but exact statistics are determined by the DM).
Villain 1 (11) 2 1/r: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero.
Villain 1 (11) 3 You have an ANNOYING HENCHMAN of half your Villain Level who always ESCAPES and causes trouble for the enemy.
Villain 1 (11) 4 You adjust all irreducible BlahR by -5*level% and all reducible BlahR to 0%.
Villain 1 (11) 5 +10% XP in all your non-Concordant classes.
Villain 1 (11) 6 You ignore other people's Immunity to Inner Elements (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain 1 (11) 7 You ignore other people's Immunity to Hold/Stun/Para (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain 1 (11) 8 You ignore other people's Immunity to Action/Memory/Other Stealing (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain 1 (11) 9 0, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
Villain 1 (11) 10 The "Avoid Fate" ability cannot be used by any other creature (friendly or not) within 100 yards of you.
Villain 1 (11) 11 NF, may borrow: Counter a level N Concordant ability.
Villain 1 (11) 12 xVL number of henchmen, followers, summons, familiars

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

High Mage


123 456 789 ABC DEF

1 0 111 --- --- --- -1
2 2.5 111 1-- --- --- +0
3 5 111 11- --- --- +0
4 10 111 111 --- --- +0
5 20 211 111 --- --- +0
6 40 221 111 1-- --- +0
7 60 222 111 1-- --- +0
8 90 222 211 11- --- +1
9 135 222 221 11- --- +1
10 250 222 222 111 --- +1
11 375 322 222 211 --- +1
12 750 332 222 221 --- +1
13 1125 333 222 222 1-- +1
14 1500 333 322 222 2-- +2
15 1875 333 332 222 2-- +2
16 2250 333 333 222 21- +2
17 2625 433 333 322 22- +2
18 3000 443 333 332 22- +2
19 3375 444 333 333 22- +2
20 3750 444 433 333 321 +3
21 4125 444 433 333 322 +3
22 4500 444 433 333 332 +3
23 4875 444 433 333 333 +3
24 5250 444 443 333 333 +3
25 5625 444 444 333 333 +3
26 6000 444 444 433 333 +4
27 6375 444 444 443 333 +4
28 6750 444 444 444 333 +4
29 7125 444 444 444 433 +4
30 7500 444 444 444 443 +4
31 7875 444 444 444 444 +4
32 8250 544 444 444 444 +5
33 8625 554 444 444 444 +5
34 9000 555 444 444 444 +5
35 9375 555 544 444 444 +5
36 9750 555 554 444 444 1 +5
37 19500 555 554 444 444 2 +5
38 29250 555 554 444 444 3 +6
39 39000 555 554 444 444 4 +6
45 97500 555 555 555 554 4 +7
54 185250 666 666 555 555 51 +8
63 273000 666 666 666 665 55 +10
72 360750 777 776 666 666 661 +11
Requisites: Int 25
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/11
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+0
Will: level+0
Can never specialize in a school of magic.
Cannot use "weird list" or "weird sheet" or "sheets that you know" spells at all, unless you spend 1 research point per spell on them. If you do, the spell is 1 spell slot (not the normal 2 or 3).
Can never get a stat bonus to spell progression.
Can never use ML adders, even "Limited ML". Level books (and other sources of full levels) do function normally.
Level 1: Gets Int bonus as an additional save penalty.
Level 1: 0, 1/d: Reset your spell memorization in High Mage.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 --- --- ---
2 1.5 ˝-- --- ---
3 3 1-- --- ---
4 6 2-- --- ---
5 12 3˝- --- ---
6 24 41- --- ---
7 48 52- --- ---
8 96 63˝ --- ---
9 192 741 --- ---
10 492 852 --- ---
11 792 963 ˝-- ---
12 1092 A74 1-- ---
13 1392 B85 2-- ---
14 1692 C96 3˝- ---
15 1992 DA7 41- ---
16 2292 EB8 52- ---
17 2592 FC9 63˝ ---
18 2892 GDA 741 ---
19 3192 HEB 852 ---
20 3492 IFC 963 ˝--
21 3792 JGD A74 1--
22 4092 KHE B85 2--
23 4392 LIF C96 3˝-
24 4692 MJG DA7 41-
25 4992 NKH EB8 52-
26 5292 OLI FC9 63˝
27 5592 PMJ GDA 741
28 5892 QNK HEB 852
29 6192 ROL IFC 963
30 6492 SPM JGD A74
31 6792 TQN KHE B85
32 7092 URO LIF C96
33 7392 VSP MJG DA7
34 7692 WTQ NKH EB8
35 7992 XUR OLI FC9
36 8292 YVS PMJ GDA
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 12, Int 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Gets the Bard rogue ability table, with 40 points per level.
Level 1: +LVL Nonweapon proficiencies, must be Int-based.
Level 3: +LVL-2 Secondary skills, must be Int-based.
Level 3: +LVL/3 damage.
Level 6: +LVL-5 Feats, must be Int-based.
Level 9: +LVL-8 Kits, must be Int-based.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.2 1-- --- ---
3 2.4 2-- --- ---
4 4.8 2-- --- ---
5 9.5 21- --- ---
6 19 21- --- ---
7 38 32- --- ---
8 76 32- --- ---
9 150 421 --- ---
10 300 421 --- ---
11 450 422 --- ---
12 600 422 --- ---
13 750 432 1-- ---
14 900 432 1-- ---
15 1050 433 2-- ---
16 1200 433 2-- ---
17 1350 433 21- ---
18 1500 433 21- ---
19 1650 443 22- ---
20 1800 443 22- ---
21 1950 444 33- ---
22 2100 444 33- ---
23 2250 444 441 ---
24 2400 444 441 ---
25 2550 555 442 ---
26 2700 555 442 ---
27 2850 555 442 1--
28 3000 555 442 1--
29 3150 555 552 1--
30 3300 555 552 1--
31 3450 555 553 21-
32 3600 555 553 21-
33 3750 555 553 32-
34 3900 555 553 32-
35 4050 555 553 321
36 4200 555 553 321
TH Saves
+0  5  4  6  2  3  0  2  0
+0  6  4  6  3  4  1  3  0
+1  6  5  6  3  4  1  3  0
+1  6  5  7  3  5  1  4  1
+2  6  6  7  3  5  2  4  1
+2  7  6  7  4  6  2  5  1
+3  7  7  7  4  6  3  5  2
+3  7  7  8  4  7  3  6  2
+4  7  8  8  4  7  3  6  2
+4  8  8  8  5  8  4  7  3
+5  8  9  8  5  8  4  7  3
+5  8  9  9  5  9  5  8  3
+6  8 10  9  5  9  5  8  4
+6  9 10  9  6 10  5  9  4
+7  9 11  9  6 10  6  9  4
+7  9 11 10  6 11  6 10  5
+8  9 12 10  6 11  7 10  5
+8 10 12 10  7 12  7 11  5
Requisites: Int 12, Wis 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Rog
Save Table: Rog
Reference: S&S2
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: +1 slot in every "History" proficiency per level.
Level 2: Legend Lore | Identify Magic/Psi item | Identify Innate item | Identify Technological Item | Identify Artifact = 50*(LVL-1)%.
Level 3: Time-Reality Stability.
Level 4: Resist Time/Chronomancy and Anti-Time.
Level 5: 1M, 1/t: Locate a specific history book (same plane).
Level 9: 1M, 1/d: Summon a Time Elemental (any existant type).
Level 12: 1M, 1/t: Locate a specific history book (same multiverse).
Level 16: 1M, 1/t: Time Travel any distance (up to a temporal barrier).
Level 17: Immune Time/Chronomancy and Anti-Time.
Level 18: 1M, 1/d: Summon a Time Elemental, Anti-Time Elemental, or Time Elemental Grue (any existant or non-existant type).
Level 21: 1M, 1/t: Locate a specific history book (same omniverse).
Level 25: 1M, 1/t: Time Travel any distance (can cross one natural temporal barrier).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard       Psi-17
123 456 789  mMG S
1 0 1-- --- ---  1-- -
2 2 2-- --- ---  2-- -
3 14 21- --- ---  3-- -
4 36 32- --- ---  4-- -
5 68 421 --- ---  5-- -
6 110 422 --- ---  51- -
7 162 432 1-- ---  52- -
8 224 433 2-- ---  53- -
9 296 433 21- ---  54- -
10 378 443 22- ---  55- -
11 470 444 33- ---  65- -
12 572 444 441 ---  651 -
13 684 555 442 ---  652 -
14 806 555 442 1--  653 -
15 938 555 552 1--  654 -
16 1080 555 553 21-  655 -
17 1232 555 553 32-  665 -
18 1394 555 553 321  666 -
19 1566 555 553 331  766 -
20 1748 555 554 332  776 -
21 1940 555 554 442  777 -
22 2142 555 555 443  877 -
23 2354 555 555 553  887 -
24 2576 555 555 554  887 1
25 2808 555 555 555  887 2
26 3050 666 655 555  887 3
27 3302 666 666 655  887 4
28 3564 666 666 666  887 5
29 3836 777 766 666  887 6
30 4118 777 777 766  887 7
31 4410 777 777 777  888 7
32 4712 888 877 777  888 8
33 5024 888 888 877  988 8
34 5346 888 888 888  998 8
35 5678 999 988 888  999 8
36 6020 999 999 999  999 9
TH Saves
-12 -10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10
-11 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9
-10 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8 -8
-9 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7
-8 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6
-7 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
-6 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4
-5 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 -3
-4 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
-3 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
-2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
-1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+0  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+1  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+2  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+3  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+4  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+5  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
Requisites: Wis 18
Alignment: C*
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 5+level
To Hit Table: +level-13 (d30)
Save Table: +level-11 (d30)
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Logician17}
Groups: Wizard, Psionicist, Alternate
Rolls d30's to hit and saves. Automakes (autohits) on 27-30. Automisses on 1-3.
Spec. Schools: Invocation, Reversed Logic (see below)
Opp. Schools: Abjuration, Divination
Can cast spells from Priest Chaos and Priest Astral Spheres
Level 1: +˝M Action
Level 1: +1 extra Knowledge Prof/level
Level 1: Specialized spells cost only ˝M to cast
Level 1: Can "burn" 1 hp/spell level to cast extra spells
Here's some sample "Logic" spells, until a better version is added to the Collective.
This class would cast the opposite of these.
Logic Spells, Level 1:
Communication: Allows communication with any creature with Int 1+
Detect Chaos: Detects all Chaotic creatures within 360'
Determine Operation of Mechanism: Can use a tech level object of less than or equal to Logician's level
Order Objects: Arrange group of small objects by some order (or) count a group of objects (or) weigh an object
Logic Spells, Level 2:
Command: As per priest spell but can use 2 words
Fast-Talking: All targets must save vs. spell at a penalty equal to double of Logician's level or believe what he is saying as true
Protection from Chaos: As per Pro.Evil but against Chaotic creatures
Logic Spells, Level 3:
Hold Monster: As per Enc/Cha spell, save at -(2*Logician's level)
Personal Illusion: Makes an exact illusion (all senses) of a creature
Logic Spells, Level 4:
Charm Lawful Creature: Target Lawful creature is charmed (no save)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Psi-17 Minor Powers

# Effect
1 Chaos Ball your group (incl. yourself) for LVLd6 dmg
2 Create a LVL*10' Wall of Stone with random orientation in the room
3 Create a random trap (only enemies trigger it)
4 Darkness to all senses (infravision doesn't work)
5 Destroy door (item save vs. disintegrate)
6 Gain a random Psi9 or Psi-9 minor (use this 1/d)
7 Sleep your entire group (incl. yourself) (save)
8 Wand of Wonder effect

Psi-17 Major Powers

# Effect
1 Chain Lightning: as spell, but jumps randomly (not closest person), can hit someone more than once
2 Confusion shield (whoever hits you saves or is Confused)
3 Create a random trick (only enemies trigger it)
4 Fist of Force (LVLd8 force dmg to one target)
5 Polymorph Randomly: Target is polymorphed into a DL=LVL/3 monster (save)
6 Teleport Other Away

Psi-17 Grand Powers

# Effect
1 Call Chaos: LVL random groups take 75 Chaos dmg (include PC in possibilities)
2 Chaos Branding: Rearranges a magic item's properties (loses old properties, becomes a random Intelligent Magic Item of next lower XP value)
3 Create a random special (only enemies trigger it)
4 Earthquake your group (incl. yourself) for LVLd20 dmg, flying doesn't help

Psi-17 Super Powers

# Effect
1 Invoke Logrus: 66*LVL Vile Eldritch Chaos to a group (no save)
2 Word of Destruction: Room shape is rearranged, everyone in room (incl. PCs) take a slay (save) and a blind (no save), each object in room has 50% chance of shattering

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 2.25 2-- --- -
3 4.5 21- --- -
4 9 32- --- -
5 18 421 --- -
6 35 431 --- -
7 60 432 --- -
8 95 432 1-- -
9 145 533 2-- -
10 220 543 21- -
11 440 543 32- -
12 660 554 321 -
13 880 554 322 -
14 1100 554 322 1
15 1320 554 422 2
16 1540 555 432 2
17 1760 555 532 2
18 1980 555 533 2
19 2200 555 543 2
20 2420 555 543 3
21 2640 555 554 3
22 2860 555 555 4
23 3080 555 555 5
24 3300 666 655 5
25 3520 666 666 6
26 3740 777 766 6
27 3960 777 777 7
28 4180 888 877 7
29 4400 888 888 8
30 4620 999 988 8
31 4840 999 999 9
32 5060 AAA A99 9
33 5280 AAA AAA A
34 5500 BBB BAA A
35 5720 BBB BBB B
36 5940 CCC CCC C
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 16, Int 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH1-26
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"
Level 1: Can consider any 1st edition illusionist spell (in PH1, UA1, etc.) as "Illusion" school.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Illusionist2 / Phantasmist

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 16, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7+
1 0 2-- --- -
2 3 21- --- -
3 6 22- --- -
4 12 32˝ --- -
5 24 421 --- -
6 48 531 --- -
7 96 542 --- -
8 200 652 ˝-- -
9 400 663 ˝˝- -
10 600 664 1˝- -
11 800 665 2˝˝ -
12 1000 666 31˝ ˝
13 1200 666 42˝ ˝
14 1400 666 53˝ ˝
15 1600 666 641 ˝
16 1800 666 652 ˝
17 2200 666 663 1
18 2600 666 664 2
19 3000 666 665 3
20 3400 666 666 4
21 3800 666 666 5
22 4200 666 666 6
23 4600 766 666 6
24 5000 776 666 6
25 5400 777 666 6
26 5800 777 766 6
27 6200 777 776 6
28 6600 777 777 6
29 7000 777 777 7
30 7400 877 777 7
31 7800 887 777 7
32 8200 888 777 7
33 8600 888 877 7
34 9000 888 887 7
35 9400 888 888 7
36 9800 888 888 8
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9, Wis 9
Alignment: non-L
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: Dragon
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Incantatrix. Opposite schools are Conjuration and Invocation (you may instead choose 3 opposites).
Can cast normal Wizard spells. Anti-Magic-User spells cost 2 slots each for you. Other specialist Wizard spells cost 4 slots each for you.
Anti-Magic-Users may cast Incantatrix spells for 2 slots each. Other Wizards may cast Incantatrix spells for 4 (not 2) slots each.
Incantatrix spells are Anti-Magical in nature, and are resisted using aMR instead of MR.
Level 3: Can see ethereal, astral, and out-of-phase creatures.
Level 4: Can attack ethereal, astral, and out-of-phase creatures as if they were on the same plane (including spells). This ability may reduce the number of plusses needed to hit that creature.
Level 5: 1V: Remove LVL-4 plusses of a "need +N weapon to hit" requirement.
Level 6: Hold Life. Immune Negative.
Level 8: Continuous Spellcraft and Dwoemercraft checks (assumed die roll is "1").
Level 14: 1M+1V, drain N charges from items you are touching: Heal (2*N)d4 hp, even above max.
Level 18: You may cast SL 8 spells out of your SL 7 spell slots.
Level 27: You may cast SL 9 spells out of your SL 7 spell slots.
Level 36: You may cast SL 10 spells out of your SL 7 spell slots, and SL 11 spells out of your SL 8 slots.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Incantatrix1 Spells

SL # Spell Effect
1 1 Counter Wishoid 1bM: Counter a Wishoid or Miracle (need not be magical in nature)
2 Dispel Abjuration/Protection Dispels an Abjuration or Protection effect
3 Dispel Illusion/Metamagic Dispels an Illusion or Metamagic effect
4 Magic Resistance MR CL*10%
5 Memory Protection Immune to one memory/action/spell stealing effect (lasts until used)
6 Remove Magical Snare Removes a Magical Snare, a Glyph, or a Symbol (does not cover Magical Traps in general, see SL 3)
2 1 Confusion One target is confused (save)
2 Countermagic 1bM: Counter a magical spell or magic item activation.
3 Detect/Dispel Charm/Ego Detects/Dispels Charm or Ego Domination (for 1s, lets you drop the item)
4 Dispel Magic Dispel Magic
5 Disrupt Concentration Target cannot heavy concentrate (no save)
6 Mind Blank Mind Blank
3 1 Drainheal Drain the local MF by 1: Heal self.
2 Maladweomer Target has minimum effect with spells (others have +4 saves) for 1t, this can be reversed (Empradweomer)
3 Mini Globe of Invulnerability Immune to SL 0-2 spells
4 Remove Curse Remove Curse
5 Remove Magical Trap Removes a Magical Trap; you have 100+CL*5% chance in it (minus the usual FRTraps shift)
6 Steal Magical Enchantment Steal a magical effect someone is running; it is on you now, you need to maintain it
4 1 Deflection 1bM: Redirect a magical spell or magic item activation to hit a different target.
2 Disrupt Undead Each segment for 4 segments, choose a group of undead: <= Shadow is D(usted), <= Lich takes CLd6 dmg
3 Maintain Dampen Everyone in the room gets -CL to their # of maintained effects (treat as a x1 Special), or affect just one target
4 Ray of Oblivion Target forgets how to cast CL spells by name (the spell slots are not regained until next reset)
5 Steal Mental Target loses 1M from his remaining mentals (or owes one), you gain 1M (target saves vs. Spell)
6 Steal Summon Steal someone's summon (your summon slot needs to be open to do this)
5 1 Anti-Magic Shell 5 Spells of SL 0-4 don't work in your group
2 Power Word Feeblemind Target with <= 80 hp is Feebleminded (no save)
3 Quash 1bM: Counter a magical spell or magic item activation. This cannot be responded to (except by Capital I Insist). This spell or item activation cannot be used again by that person for 1 turn.
4 Remove Magical Trap Removes a Magical Trap; you have 50+CL*10% chance in it (minus the usual FRTricks shift)
5 Spell Shield +CL saves vs. magic effects; +CL saves vs. mental effects (they do stack)
6 Steal Enchantment Steal an effect (not necessarily magical) someone is running; it is on you now, you need to maintain it
6 1 Disenchant an Item Item loses 1 multiplier; x(-1) means the item is destroyed
2 Dispel Possession Dispels possession, magic jar, control actions, etc.
3 *Remove Curse* Remove Heavy Curse
4 Spell Reflection iMReflection CL*5%
5 Steal Item Pick Pockets CL*20% (-5% per LVL of target or -2% per HD of target)
6 Stealcharge Target item loses CL charges, one of your items gains 1 charge (you may reduce CL down to a minimum of 2)
7 1 *Dispel Magic* Dispels a Prismatic Wall/Sphere (in one spell), an Anti-Dispel Magic Shell, or an entire Chain Contingency chain
2 Mordenkainen's Disjunction Mordenkainen's Disjunction
3 Remove Magical Special Removes a Magical Special; you have CL*15% chance in it (minus the usual FRSpecials shift)
4 Stealspell Target loses CL unused spell slots in memorization, you gain 1 of them (target saves vs. Spell) (you may reduce CL down to a minimum of 2)
5 Unbinding Hold, Stun, Guards and Wards, Temporal Stasis, Imprisonment, Time Stop, Wizard Lock, Wall of Force, Cube of Force, Forcecage, Maze all end immediately (no effect) if comes into contact with your group. Your group walks around as a mobile DMZ.
6 Unfamiliar Target loses a familiar (the familiar is returned to the Plane of Familiars) (save vs. Spells)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Instantaneous Chaining Wizard

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 A
1 0 ˝c- --- --- -
2 7 10e --- --- -
3 14 2˝c g-- --- -
4 28 310 ei- --- -
5 56 42˝ cgk --- -
6 112 531 0ei m-- -
7 168 642 ˝cg ko- -
8 252 753 10e imq -
9 378 864 2˝c gko -
10 700 975 310 eim -
11 1050 986 42˝ cgk -
12 2100 997 531 0ei -
13 3150 998 642 ˝cg z
14 4200 999 753 10e x
15 5250 999 864 2˝c v
16 6300 999 975 310 t
17 7350 A99 986 42˝ r
18 8400 A99 997 531 p
19 9450 AA9 998 642 n
20 10500 AA9 999 753 l
21 11550 AAA 999 864 j
22 12600 AAA 999 975 h
23 13650 AAA A99 986 f
24 14700 BAA A99 997 d
25 15750 BAA AA9 998 b
26 16800 BBA AA9 999 ˝
27 17850 BBA AAA 999 1
28 18900 BBB AAA 999 2
29 19950 BBB AAA A99 3
30 21000 BBB BAA A99 4
31 22050 CBB BAA AA9 5
32 23100 CBB BBA AA9 6
33 24150 CCB BBA AAA 7
34 25200 CCB BBB AAA 8
35 26250 CCC BBB AAA 9
36 27300 CCC BBB BAA 9
TH Saves
-1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
-1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
-1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+0  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+0  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+0  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+0  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+0  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+0  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+0  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+0 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+0 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+0 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+0 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+0 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+1 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+1 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+1 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Dex 20, Int 35, Wis 20
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/8
To Hit Table: ĽxWiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Quick Chaining Wizard}
Groups: Wizard, Concordant (x1)
Never has Channeling (or Semi-Channeling), and can never gain Channeling (or Semi-Channeling). This uses old style D&D spellcasting, once you cast a spell slot, it's gone until you reset.
Int bonus to spell progression.
This class has "Instantaneous Chaining": Whenever you cast a spell, you get 1IM (Instantaneous Mental) action to use before the end of the round. Exceptions: If you spent 1Z to cast the spell, you don't get any action back. If you spent ˝M to cast the spell, you get ˝IM back.
DM Note: IM actions are not "Quick"; if you use an IM in a segment, you cannot use an M in the same segment. If you material component a spell using 1IM+1V as your actions, the resultant spell is not Instantaneous and can be responded to.
Level 1: You may specialize in Red, and you "know" the Red Wizard class spells. If you do this, pick a major opposite school.
Level 3: You can convert 1IM -> 1IV action, as often as you like.
Level 4: Whenever you use 1M action to activate a wand, you get 1M action (not 1IM) to use before the end of the round.
Level 5: 0, lose 1 of your remaining IM actions, 1/t: Fork.
Level 9: +LVL-8 IZ actions.
Level 9: 1F, 1/reset: Reset Self (Artificial of course).
Level 21: 1F, 1/reset: Step Out of It.
Level 24: You can benefit from LVL-22 Artificial Resets per Natural Reset.
Level 27: Instantaneous Instantaneous Chaining: For SL=1 to (LVL-27)/2 spells, you get 1JM back instead of 1IM. J actions are instantaneous even to I, X, and G actions (they are the "same level" as H actions).
New spell:
Lend Instantaneous Mental (SL=7): You lose 1IM action, target gains 1IM for this round.
MTG Red spells from Red Wizard class:
Earthbind (SL=1): Target loses flying and takes double normal falling damage (no save).
False Orders (SL=1): (1bM to cast) Force a monster to attack someone else (he will only attack his enemies)
Raging River (SL=2): Create a (water based) moat that is CL*30' long and CL*10' feet wide, which lasts for CL r.
Shatter (SL=2): Destroy or turn off one magic item for CL turns (no save) (if turned off, you can drop the turned off effect).
Stone Rain (SL=3): Deal CL Hull dmg to one inanimate object (no save)
Orcish Oriflamme (SL=4): All your subordinates get +1 offensive DL.
Old MTG Red spells from Wizard of the Coast class (you can use these):
Lightning Bolt (SL=1): Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
Echoing Ruin (SL=2): Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
Fervor (SL=3): You and your summons are not summoning sick.
AEther Flash (SL=4): Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
Fissure (SL=5): Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
Dragon Roost (SL=6): Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
Flame Wave (SL=7): CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
Insurrection (SL=8): Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Instantaneous Mentaler0

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- -- +1
2 4.75 31˝ --- --- -- +1
3 9.5 421 --- --- -- +1
4 19 532 ˝-- --- -- +1
5 38 643 1˝- --- -- +2
6 76 754 21- --- -- +3
7 152 865 32˝ --- -- +3
8 285 976 43˝ --- -- +3
9 570 A87 541 ˝-- -- +3
10 855 A98 652 1-- -- +4
11 1140 AA9 763 2˝- -- +5
12 1425 AAA 874 3˝- -- +5
13 1710 AAA 985 4˝- -- +5
14 1995 AAA A96 51˝ -- +5
15 2280 AAA AA7 621 -- +6
16 2565 AAA AA8 732 -- +7
17 2850 AAA AA9 843 -- +7
18 3135 AAA AAA 954 ˝- +7
19 3420 AAA AAA A65 ˝- +7
20 3705 AAA AAA A76 1- +8
21 3990 AAA AAA A87 1- +9
22 4275 AAA AAA A98 2- +9
23 4560 AAA AAA AA9 2- +9
24 4845 AAA AAA AAA 3- +9
25 5130 BBB BBB BBB 3- +10
26 5415 BBB BBB BBB 4- +11
27 5700 CCC CCC CCC 4˝ +11
28 5985 CCC CCC CCC 5˝ +11
29 6270 DDD DDD DDD 5˝ +11
30 6555 DDD DDD DDD 51 +12
31 6840 DDD DDD DDD 61 +13
32 7125 EEE EEE EEE 61 +13
33 7410 EEE EEE EEE 71 +13
34 7695 FFF FFF FFF 71 +13
35 7980 FFF FFF FFF 81 +14
36 8265 FFF FFF FFF 821 +15
37 16530 FFF FFF FFF 822 +15
38 24795 FFF FFF FFF 832 +15
39 33060 FFF FFF FFF 833 +15
45 82650 FFF FFF FFF 866 +18
54 157035 FFF FFF FFF A99 1 +21
63 231420 FFF FFF FFF AA9 9 +25
72 305805 FFF FFF FFF CCB B1 +29
Requisites: Int 30, Dex 26
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=5
Saving Throws:  
PPD: 4+level
RSW: 3+level
PP: 4+level
BW: 1+level
Spell: 2+level
Fort: 0+level
Reflex: 7+level
Will: 0+level
Hold M actions. You may convert 2M -> 1 IM (Instantaneous Mental). Instantaneous Mentals cannot be responded to except by J actions (or better).
Level N (every level): +1M action
Level 6: When using an IM action, your spells that offer a Reflex-based saving throw give no saving throw instead.
Level 9 ¶: You may convert 4M -> 1JM. You may convert 2 IM -> 1 IQM.
Level 12: When using an IM action, your spells that offer a Will-based saving throw give no saving throw instead.
Level 15: When using an IM action, your spells that offer a Fort-based saving throw give no saving throw instead.
Level 18 ¶: You may convert 8M -> 1KM. You may convert 2JM -> 1JQM.
Level 21: When using an IM action, your spells that offer a saving throw give no saving throw instead.
Level 27 ¶: You may convert 2KM -> 1KQM. You may convert 2scrM -> 1 IscrM. (scrM = Script Mental)
Level 36 ¶: You may convert 16M -> 1LM. You may convert 2X -> 1 IX.
Old spell (from Instantaneous Chaining Wizard class):
Lend Instantaneous Mental (SL=7, Metamagic): You lose 1 IM action, target gains 1 IM for this round.
New spells:
Lend J Mental (SL=9, Metamagic): You lose 1JM action, target gains 1JM for this round.
Lend K Mental (SL=11, Metamagic): You lose 1KM action, target gains 1KM for this round.
Lend L Mental (SL=13, Metamagic): You lose 1LM action, target gains 1LM for this round.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 22- --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 222 --- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 332 2-- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 432 ---
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 655 443 2--
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 544 32-
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 16, Wis 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Can specialize in Enchantment, if you do, pick a major opposite school.
Each reset (including the first reset before the game starts), you create 1 magic item of your choice from the list on the following pages.
Potions you create have LVL doses each. Scrolls you create have double your CL, but do not "Blow Your Head Off".
These are normal magic items in every way, and can be sold (at half value), or given to other PCs at no penalty.
You may "split your level up" into several items, for example at level 8 you could make a level 5, a level 2, and a level 1 item.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Itemizer0 Items

Level Item gp Value XP Value
1 Potion of Poison (save @ -6 for Death/40) 1000 100
1 Potion of Healing (70 hp total of healing) 2000 200
2 Potion of Agility (Dex becomes 18, or +1 to Dex) 3000 300
2 Potion of Bug Repellant (Resist Bugs) 3000 300
2 Potion of Ethereality (Become ethereal at will) 3000 300
2 Potion of Flying 3000 300
2 Potion of Human Control (Human Control) 3000 300
2 Potion of Speed (+1 P, +1 V) 3000 300
2 Potion of Water Breathing 3000 300
2 Scroll of Pro.Elementals 3000 300
2 Scroll of Pro.Lycanthropes 3000 300
3 Potion of Dragon Control (Dragon Control (any type)) 4000 400
3 Potion of Fortitude (Con becomes 18 or +1 to Con) 4000 400
3 Potion of Giant Control (Giant Control (any type)) 4000 400
3 Potion of Growth (Double base damage) 4000 400
3 Potion of Invulnerability (+2/+2 protection) 4000 400
3 Potion of Polymorph Self 4000 400
3 Potion of Antidote (Neutralize Poison, Immune to Poison) 5000 500
3 Potion of Defense (+5/+0 protection) 5000 500
3 Potion of Freedom (Free Action) 5000 500
3 Potion of Heroism (+(11-(highest War level))/3,round up War lvl) 5000 500
3 Scroll of Pro.Magic 5000 500
3 Staff/Command (Command) 5000 500
3 Potion of Elemental Form (Normal elements only) 6000 600
3 Potion of Giant Strength (Str becomes 24) 6000 600
3 Potion of Undead Control 6000 600
3 Scroll of Pro.Undead 6000 600
3 Scroll of Shelter (1 M, 1/d: Rope Trick) 6000 600
4 Potion of Merging (Can merge up to 7 PCs into 1 body) 7000 700
4 Potion of Sight (Immune Blindness; True Sight) 7000 700
4 Potion of Super-Healing (580 hp total of healing) 7000 700
4 Ring of Holiness (+1 Turn Undead roll; +1 Clr spell of SLs 1-3) 7000 700
5 Bag of Holding (10000 lbs.) 10000 1000
5 Elven Cloak (can backstab 1/r) 10000 1000
5 Potion of Longevity (-10 yrs to age) 10000 1000
5 Potion of Luck (Choose 1 die roll) 10000 1000
5 Ring of Plant Control (Plant Control) 10000 1000
5 Ring of Regeneration (Troll-like regen 1 hp/r) 10000 1000
5 Ring of Spell Storing (N=10= # SL's, max N = 54, max SL = 9) 10000 1000
5 Rod/Domination (Psi1 Domination) 10000 1000
5 Scroll of Trapping (2V: Create 1 mechanical trap) 10000 1000
5 Slate of Identification (1 V,1 M: Identify) 10000 1000
5 Scroll of Mages (1V: Spellcraft & Dweomercraft 1 effect) 12000 1200
5 Scroll of Seeing (1V, 1/d: Detect Life (type & number) 100'r) 12000 1200
6 Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Str 18; +3 TH when unarmed) 13000 1300
6 Scroll of Questioning (1 M, 3/d: Ask inanimate object a question) 13000 1300
6 Scroll of Repetition (1 M, 1/d: Repeat a spell cast last segment) 15000 1500
6 Wand/Negation (Dispel Magic @ 24th CL) 15000 1500
7 Scroll of Portals (1V, 2/d: Passwall) 16000 1600
7 Staff/Snake (+1/+1; staff can turn into snake) 16000 1600
7 Ring of Quickness (0, 1/d: +1 P, +1V for it, stacks with Haste) 18000 1800
7 Scroll of Creation (1V, 1/d: Major Creation) 18000 1800
7 Ring of Life Protection (+1/+1 pro; 1M,l/d: Neg.Plane Prot) 19000 1900
7 Boots of Speed (x2 move rate. +1 V) 20000 2000
7 Girdle of Giant Strength (Str 19) 20000 2000
7 Ring of Animal Control 20000 2000
7 Ring of Safety (0,1 ch: Make a save you missed [has 4 ch]) 20000 2000
7 Ring of Telekinesis (1 M: TK 2000 lbs.) 20000 2000
7 Scroll of Communication (2 Scrolls: message on one appears on other) 20000 2000
7 Scroll of Delay (1M, 1/d: Delay the next spell for 1r.) 20000 2000
7 Wand/Polymorph (Poly Self or Other) 20000 2000
8 Ring of Remedies (0,1 ch: Do any 'cure' or 'remove' spell) 21000 2100
8 Scroll of Mapping (1V, lid: Map current dungeon level) 21000 2100
8 Ring of Djinni Summ. (1M,1/d: Summon 1 Djinni; Resist 1 Ele.; Breathe & Free Action in Ele.) 24000 2400
9 Wand/Cold (Cone of cold 12d12 dmg (save: 1/2)) 25000 2500
9 Wand/Fireballs (Fireball 24d6 dmg (save: 1/2)) 25000 2500
9 Wand/L.Bolts (Lightning bolt 18d8 dmg (save: 1/2)) 25000 2500
9 Wand/Trap Det. (Detect ALL traps within 20') 25000 2500
9 Scroll of Spell Catching (1V (can borrow): Catch a spell cast at you) 26000 2600
9 Potion of Create Any Monster 30000 3000
9 Scroll of Spell Catching 30000 3000
9 Amulet of Protection vs. Crystal Balls and ESP (& Scyring) 30000 3000
9 Flying Carpet 30000 3000
9 Ring of Human Control 30000 3000
9 Ring of Memory (1M,1/d: Recast a spell you cast within last t) 30000 3000
9 Ring of Wishes (N=#ofwishes,maxN=4) 30000 3000
9 Staff/Withering (Age target by 10 yrs) 30000 3000
11 Displacer Cloak (1st attack misses. +2/+2 protection) 40000 4000
11 Ring of Fire Resistance (Resist Fire; -1 per die from Fire) 40000 4000
11 Ring of Survive (Don't need food, water, air) 40000 4000
11 Staff/Dispelling (Dispel Magic/Psi/Innate @ 15th CL) 40000 4000
12 Rod/Cancellation (Mordenkainen's Disjunction) 45000 4500
13 Bowl Commanding Water Elementals 50000 5000
13 Ring of Seeing (True Sight) 50000 5000
13 Scarab of Protection (Immune Curse; Immune Finger/Death) 50000 5000
13 Rod/Inertia (+3/+3; Stop one target) 55000 5500
13 Staff/Power (TK 2400 lbs. or CL 24 SL 6 wacky ball) 55000 5500
14 Staff/Druids (+3/+3: +1 Druid spell per SL) 58000 5800
14 Crystal Ball with Clairaudience, Clairnasience, ESP 60000 6000
14 Rod/Health (heal 100 hp + restore all stats and XP) 60000 6000
14 Staff/Striking (+1/+1; 1 ch: +3/+3) 60000 6000
14 Wheel of Fortune (similar to Deck of Many Things) 60000 6000
15 Quill of Copying (copy 1 scroll per day) 70000 7000
15 Ring of Spell Turning (50% iMReflection) 70000 7000
15 Staff/Element (Resist 1 Ele; Summ.8 HD Ele; 16d6 Ele ball) 70000 7000
16 Rod/Wyrm (+5/+5: staff can turn into age 1 dragon) 74000 7400
16 Rod/Parrying (+5/+5; +5/+0 protection) 75000 7500
17 Staff/Harming (70 dmg + Blindness, Disease, Poison) 85000 8500
17 Staff/Healing (heal 70 hp + Blindness. Disease, Poison) 85000 8500
18 Staff/Wizardry (+1/+1; passwall; conjure 24 HD elemental or CL 27 SL7 wacky ball) 95000 9500

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Izzet Evoker (MTG U/R)

Level KXP Spells
123 456 789
1 0 ˝˝- --- ---
2 3.875 11- --- ---
3 7.75 21˝ --- ---
4 15.5 221 --- ---
5 31 321 ˝-- ---
6 62 332 1-- ---
7 124 432 1˝- ---
8 248 443 21- ---
9 496 543 21˝ ---
10 992 554 321 ---
11 1488 654 321 ˝--
12 1984 665 432 1--
13 2480 765 432 1˝-
14 2976 776 543 21-
15 3472 876 543 21˝
16 3968 876 543 211
17 4464 876 543 221
18 4960 876 543 321
19 5456 876 544 321
20 5952 876 554 321
21 6448 876 654 321
22 6944 877 654 321
23 7440 887 654 321
24 7936 987 654 321
25 8432 987 654 322
26 8928 987 654 332
27 9424 987 654 432
28 9920 987 655 432
29 10416 987 665 432
30 10912 987 765 432
31 11408 988 765 432
32 11904 998 765 432
33 12400 998 765 433
34 12896 998 765 443
35 13392 998 765 543
36 13888 998 766 543
TH Saves
+0  5  3  8  2  3  1  1  1
+0  5  4  8  2  3  1  1  2
+0  6  4  8  3  4  2  2  2
+1  6  5  8  4  4  2  2  3
+1  7  5  9  5  4  3  2  3
+1  8  6  9  6  5  3  3  4
+2  8  6  9  7  5  4  3  4
+2  9  7  9  8  6  4  4  5
+2 10  8 10  9  7  5  4  5
+3 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  6
+3 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  6
+3 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  7
+4 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  7
+4 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  8
+4 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  8
+5 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  9
+5 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  9
+5 15 13 14 14 12  9  8 10
Requisites: Int 20, Dex 14
Alignment: CG, CN, CE, or LN
HD/level: copy other class  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz/Psi
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Hit Dice: "copy other class" means you exactly copy the HD/level of one of your other classes (including bonuses). This class does not copy the "cumulative" (&) modifier. If you have no other classes, this class gets 1d2 per level.
You may copy a class that itself is a modifier (such as Boros Crossmage11). If all your classes are just modifiers, use the "no other classes" rule for each, then apply mods afterwards.
Barbarian Int bonus.
Int bonus to spells.
Specialized in Wizard Metamagic school.
Level 1: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 3: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell you cast this segment.
Level 5: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 9: For HD/level, this class copies the cumulative (&) modifier (if it's there on the class you're copying). This applies to all dice (even those below level 9).
Level 9: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell someone else cast.
Level 9: +1 Q borrowed M action per round.
New spells:
Force Spike (Metamagic, SL 2): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another spell/psionic slot to it.
Mana Leak (Metamagic, SL 3): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another 3 spell/psionic slots to it.
Counterspell (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect.
Fork (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Copy target magical/psionic effect.
Deflection (Metamagic, SL 5): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Redirect target magical/psionic effect to another target.
Quash (Metamagic, SL 6): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect. That person cannot use that effect for the rest of the day.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Jedi0 / Sith0

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 --- --- ---
2 2.5 1-- --- ---
3 5 2-- --- ---
4 10 21- --- ---
5 20 22- --- ---
6 40 221 --- ---
7 80 322 --- ---
8 160 322 1-- ---
9 320 332 2-- ---
10 500 332 21- ---
11 875 433 22- ---
12 1250 433 221 ---
13 1625 443 322 ---
14 2000 443 322 1--
15 2375 544 332 2--
16 2750 544 332 21-
17 3125 554 433 22-
18 3500 554 433 221
19 3875 655 443 322
20 4250 655 443 322
21 4625 665 544 332
22 5000 665 544 332
23 5375 766 554 433
24 5750 766 554 433
25 6125 776 655 443
26 6500 776 655 443
27 6875 877 665 544
28 7250 877 665 544
29 7625 887 766 554
30 8000 887 766 554
31 8375 988 776 655
32 8750 988 776 655
33 9125 998 877 665
34 9500 998 877 665
35 9875 999 887 766
36 10250 999 887 766
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+2  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+3  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+3  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+4  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+5  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+5  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+6  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+7  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+7  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+8  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+9  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+9 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+10 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+11 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+11 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+12 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Str 18, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 20, Chr 25
Alignment: any G (Jedi0) (or) any E (Sith0)
HD/level: d20
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: Star Wars
Groups: Warrior, Wizard
Generic "Level:" abilities as per Warrior. Note this class is Wizard group, not Warrior group.
Gets Wizard spells; there is a SL adjustment (positive numbers are bad), as follows:
Abj=+1, Alt=+0, Cnj=+3, Div=-1, Enc=+0, Ill=+2, Inv=+2, Nec=+2
For example, a Jedi0 can use a SL=5 slot to cast a SL=2 Conjuration spell (it's a +3 penalty "School Robe").
Level 1: Assumed to always have a light-saber. Base light-saber damage is 1d20.
Level 9: Base light-saber damage is 2d20.
Level 18: Base light-saber damage is 3d20.
Level 27: Base light-saber damage is 4d20.
Level 36+: Base light-saber damage is (LVL/36, round down)d100.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Lex Luthor

Level KXP Hen/GR Villain
123 45 [1]
1 0 1-- -- [-] +1
2 3.3 2-- -- [-] +2
3 6.6 21- -- [-] +3
4 13.2 31- -- [-] +4
5 26.4 32- -- [-] +5
6 52.8 321 -- [-] +6
7 106 322 -- [-] +7
8 212 332 -- [-] +8
9 424 332 1- [-] +9
10 660 432 1- [-] +10
11 990 532 2- [-] +11
12 1320 542 21 [-] +12
13 1650 543 21 [-] +13
14 1980 543 22 [-] +14
15 2310 543 32 [-] +15
16 2640 543 33 [-] +16
17 2970 544 33 [-] +17
18 3300 544 43 [-] +18
19 3630 544 44 [-] +19
20 3960 554 44 [-] +20
21 4290 555 44 [-] +21
22 4620 555 54 [-] +22
23 4950 555 55 [-] +23
24 5280 655 55 [-] +24
25 5610 665 55 [-] +25
26 5940 666 55 [1] +26
27 6270 666 65 [1] +27
28 6600 666 66 [1] +28
29 6930 766 66 [2] +29
30 7260 776 66 [2] +30
31 7590 777 66 [3] +31
32 7920 777 76 [3] +32
33 8250 777 77 [4] +33
34 8580 877 77 [4] +34
35 8910 887 77 [5] +35
36 9240 888 77 [51] +36
37 18480 888 77 [52] +37
38 27720 888 77 [53] +38
39 36960 888 77 [54] +39
45 92400 888 87 [77] +45
54 175560 999 99 [881] +54
63 258720 999 99 [998] +63
72 341880 AAA AA [AA9 1] +72
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
-1 -1 +3 +8 +0 +3 +0 +0 +0 +0 ÷1
Requisites: Con 10, Int 24, Chr 10,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 2
Alignment: any E
HD/level: 4d6 (no Con bonus)
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/2
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: 4xMon
Reference: DM {Reduced Villain}
Groups: Wizard, Concordant (x1), Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level*2+0
RSW: level*2+0
PP: level*2+0
BW: level*2+0
Spell: level*2+0
Fort: level*2+0
Reflex: level*2+0
Will: level*2+0
Considered a "Human" race.
Does not get any Con bonus at all on it's Hit Dice, and Con bonuses cannot be bought for this class in any way.
Can manipulate an object with TechF equal to your level or less.
Level 1 ¶: Can use "2 for 1" ability score trading.
Level 1: +1 Technological proficiency slot per level (see [P8.8]).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Lex Luthor (Henchman / Giant Robot Spells)

Level # Spell
1 1 +10% XP in Lex Luthor, if this is your only class (if you are single classed and getting x2 XP, you'll get x2.1 XP now)
1 2 +10% XP in Lex Luthor, if this is your only class [Yes there are two of the same spell here]
1 3 0, 1/d: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero or Sidekick.
1 4 1bF: Counter a counterspell effect.
1 5 1bM: Counter an Avoid Fate or Energy Control (Psi1/Psi2)
1 6 1M: Monster Summoning (CL+1)/2
1 7 1P, 1/d: Create a MINIATURE GIANT ROBOT, a DL (CL+3)/2 Golem or Technological monster (treat as a summon)
1 8 1P, LVL/d: Create (LVL+1)/2 MINIATURE GIANT ROBOTS, which are DL=(LVL+1)/2 Golems (treat as a summon)
1 9 1V, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
1 10 MPIRR 5*LVL%
1 11 Resist Action/Memory/Ability Stealing
1 12 Resist all Elements
1 13 Resist Hold/Stun/Para. (you become -5 / -25% on all actions if "half" stunned/held/paralyzed)
1 14 You adjust all BlahR by -5*level%
1 15 You can have two summons (same group).
1 16 You ignore one level of Resist Action/Memory/Other Stealing on other people
1 17 You ignore one level of Resist Elements on other people (Immune -> Double Resist, Double Resist -> Resist, Resist -> nothing)
1 18 You ignore one level of Resist Hold/Stun/Para. on other people
2 1 +1 limb (in a new set of limbs) [if this is taken more than once they are all in the same set]
2 2 +1 minor in a psionic progression you have.
2 3 +1 minor in a psionic progression you have.
2 4 1F, 1/d: Lower the "Time Reality Stability" ability on another person (PP save)
2 5 1M, #bM, only on your segment: Dispel # effects on one target (max #=LVL, you can borrow a lot here)
2 6 1M, 1/d: Contact Other Plane, Ask the Local Lord a question, or reverse Tempus Lawfulness
2 7 1M, 1/r: Causeall one target.
2 8 1M, 1/t: Cureall one Robot or Golem target (can use on yourself).
2 9 1P, 1/d: Slay someone with the Sidekick class (PPD save)
2 10 1P, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any P actions on his next segment.
2 11 1V: Twist (Remove an effect on a person)
2 12 All your innate abilities can be used one extra time per day (e.g. 3/d becomes 4/d). Your Innates require 2 saves to avoid.
2 13 All your innate abilities can be used twice as many times per unit time (e.g. 3/d becomes 6/d).
2 14 ER 5*LVL%
2 15 May wear two suits of armor, your AT sources fully stack
2 16 Pick a psionic power you have. +1M a round only for that psionic power, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
2 17 Pick a psionic power you have. It has double effect. [Pick a different power each time you pick this]
2 18 Pick a spell you have. It is "material componented" for range for free, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
3 1 +LVL C Actions
3 2 0, 1/t: Counter a chosen die roll (they have to roll it now) or rerolled die roll
3 3 0, 1/t: Reroll a die roll
3 4 1F, 1/d: Multiply an effect you do by x1+LVL/10.
3 5 1F, 1/d: Reset one Golem or Robot target (can use on yourself).
3 6 1M, 1/d: Segment 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
3 7 1M, 1/d: Set (reverse Reset) one target.
3 8 1M, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any M actions on his next segment.
3 9 1M, 1/r: Dispel a Haste effect. New Haste effects cannot be used in the room (this counts as a x1 Special).
3 10 1M: Drop an Anti-Magic Shell, Anti-Psionic Shell, or Anti-Innate Shell
3 11 1M: Fascinate a group (Will save)
3 12 1M: Hypnotize a group (Will save)
3 13 Anti-Sidekick shell SL 0-3 (Sidekick effects of SL 0-3 cannot be used within 20'r)
3 14 Resist all Eelements and Unusual Materials
3 15 You can have one familiar. This spell does the "Find Familiar" effect when you take it.
3 16 You can have three summons (same group).
3 17 You get +1 segment per round (starting at segment 11).
3 18 You ignore one level of Resist Elements and Eelements on other people (stacks with the lower level version of this)
4 1 +1 Bug action. (1QQS or 1OppS only for technological effects)
4 2 +1 Opposing action. (Remember you can translate 1Opp -> 1F, so this still does something even if Opposings aren't available)
4 3 -1 actions of all types to everyone in the room (x1 Special)
4 4 1bM: Counter a Limited Wish, Alter Reality, or Miracle 0-7
4 5 1F, 1/d: +1 to your multiplier for 1 round
4 6 1F, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any F or S actions on his next segment.
4 7 1F, 1/t: Target loses 1 to his multiplier for 1 round (no save, TechR)
4 8 1F: Choose one creature. He is Stopped, and cannot use any 0 or V actions on his next segment.
4 9 1M, 1/d: Segments 9 and 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
4 10 1M: But wait, the other Henchman over there FORGOT ONE SMALL THING and he is Crapped and Slain. (save for each)
4 11 1M: But wait, the other Robot or Golem over there FORGOT ONE SMALL THING and he is Crapped and Slain. (save for each)
4 12 5F, Marry the SIDEKICK'S SWEETHEART: The Sidekick in question is Pixelated.
4 13 Pick a psionic power you have. It costs ˝M to use.
4 14 Pick a spell you have. It costs ˝M to use.
4 15 Pick an innate ability you have. It costs ˝M to use.
4 16 You can convert 1M -> 1QM only for psionic powers.
4 17 You can't be targetted until your summons are destroyed.
4 18 Your summons can't be targetted.
5 1 0, 1/d: Gain an Immunity to something for the rest of the day (must be a narrow effect like a spell/psi power name)
5 2 0, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use Zero or Opposing actions this segment.
5 3 10F, tell an enemy Sidekick your MASTER PLAN: Components of your Master Plan is affected by a X4 Grand (x2 effect)
5 4 1F: Charm or Dominate target x0 or x1 creature (save)
5 5 1F: Remove Charm, Domination, Ego Domination, Control Actions, or Magic Jar on one target.
5 6 1M: All x1 and lower effects on one target are dispelled.
5 7 1M: You ONE-UP a MYTH and LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH, all Myth abilities in your group do not function for 1t.
5 8 1V, 1/d: Ignore an Immunity to something.
5 9 1V, LVL/d: You ignore one level of Resist to something
5 10 AllR 5*LVL%
5 11 Lockdown X actions continuous in your group
5 12 You adjust all AllR by -5*level% (this stacks with the lower level version of this)
5 13 You have a MOST ANNOYING CONSULTANT, you can "take back" an action once per round and try something else.
5 14 You have a MOST ANNOYING CONSULTANT: 0, 1/t: Fork one of your actions.
5 15 You have AN EVEN BIGGER BOSS THAN YOU, which is any same-aligned god, you Automatic Divine Intervention 1/d.
5 16 You have and may use 2Z actions per half-segment.
5 17 You see the ERROR OF YOUR WAYS, drop Lex Luthor class (and can never return), gain Brass Gnat with x1.5 your Lex Luthor XP.
5 18 You see the ERROR OF YOUR WAYS, drop Lex Luthor class (and can never return), gain Sidekick with x1.5 your Lex Luthor XP.
Villain 1 (11) 1 1/d: Create a GIANT ROBOT (a DL 10 Golem, you may make requests but exact statistics are determined by the DM).
Villain 1 (11) 2 1/r: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero.
Villain 1 (11) 3 You have an ANNOYING HENCHMAN of half your Villain Level who always ESCAPES and causes trouble for the enemy.
Villain 1 (11) 4 You adjust all irreducible BlahR by -5*level% and all reducible BlahR to 0%.
Villain 1 (11) 5 +10% XP in all your non-Concordant classes.
Villain 1 (11) 6 You ignore other people's Immunity to Inner Elements (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain 1 (11) 7 You ignore other people's Immunity to Hold/Stun/Para (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain 1 (11) 8 You ignore other people's Immunity to Action/Memory/Other Stealing (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain 1 (11) 9 0, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
Villain 1 (11) 10 The "Avoid Fate" ability cannot be used by any other creature (friendly or not) within 100 yards of you.
Villain 1 (11) 11 NF, may borrow: Counter a level N Concordant ability.
Villain 1 (11) 12 xVL number of henchmen, followers, summons, familiars

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Life Master1

Level KXP Wizard/Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.77 2-- --- ---
3 3.54 21- --- ---
4 7 211 --- ---
5 14 221 1-- ---
6 28 222 2-- ---
7 56 333 2-- ---
8 112 333 31- ---
9 224 443 32- ---
10 448 444 431 ---
11 896 444 432 ---
12 1792 444 433 ---
13 3584 444 444 ---
14 3777 555 444 1--
15 4111 555 554 2--
16 4444 555 555 3--
17 4777 666 555 31-
18 5111 666 665 32-
19 5444 666 666 43-
20 5777 777 666 431
21 6111 777 776 432
22 6444 777 777 443
23 6777 888 777 444
24 7111 888 887 544
25 7444 888 888 554
26 7777 999 888 555
27 8111 999 998 655
28 8444 999 999 665
29 8777 AAA 999 666
30 9111 AAA AA9 766
31 9444 AAA AAA 776
32 9777 BBB AAA 777
33 10111 BBB BBB 877
34 10444 CCC BBB 887
35 10777 CCC CCC 888
36 11111 CCC CCC 999
TH Saves
+0  8  4  5  2  3  0  0  2
+0  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+0  9  5  6  3  4  0  1  3
+1  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+1 10  6  7  4  5  1  1  4
+1 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+2 11  7  8  5  6  2  2  5
+2 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+2 12  7  9  6  7  3  3  6
+3 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+3 13  8 10  7  8  4  3  7
+3 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+4 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+4 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+4 14 10 11  8  9  5  5  9
+5 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+5 15 11 12  9 10  6  5 10
+5 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 12, Int 15, Wis 13, Chr 14
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d1+4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Death Master1}
Groups: Wizard, Priest, Alternate
Does not get Wis bonus to spells.
Limited spell selection: Gets access to one School and one Sphere per level. The School at level 1 must be Abjuration and the Sphere at level 1 must be Healing.
Level 1: Have their own language called "The Language of Life".
Level 1: +1 XP for each grave blessed; +2 XP for each buried body.
Level 1: +1d12 undead turned when successfully roll Turn Undead.
Level 1: Immune Unlive.
Level 1: 5% per level resistance to Necromancy spells.
Level 2: +2 XP for assisting in a child birth.
Level 4: Speak with anyone with Int > 10 at will.
Level 7: Locate Person 1/d.
Level 9: Immune to Stun, reversed healing, and any undead touch effect.
Level 11: Immune to all Energy/Stat drains.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2 2-- --- ---
3 14 21- --- ---
4 36 32- --- ---
5 68 421 --- ---
6 110 422 --- ---
7 162 432 1-- ---
8 224 433 2-- ---
9 296 433 21- ---
10 378 443 22- ---
11 470 444 33- ---
12 572 444 441 ---
13 684 555 442 ---
14 806 555 442 1--
15 938 555 552 1--
16 1080 555 553 21-
17 1232 555 553 32-
18 1394 555 553 321
19 1566 555 553 331
20 1748 555 554 332
21 1940 555 554 442
22 2142 555 555 443
23 2354 555 555 553
24 2576 555 555 554
25 2808 555 555 555
26 3050 666 655 555
27 3302 666 666 655
28 3564 666 666 666
29 3836 777 766 666
30 4118 777 777 766
31 4410 777 777 777
32 4712 888 877 777
33 5024 888 888 877
34 5346 888 888 888
35 5678 999 988 888
36 6020 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 18
Alignment: L*
HD/level: d0+10
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: StarTrek
Groups: Wizard
(spell progression may change later)
Spec. Schools: Divination, Logic (see below)
Opp. Schools: Necromancy, Wild Magic
Can cast spells from Priest Law and Priest Numbers Spheres
Level 1: +˝M Action
Level 1: +1 extra Knowledge Prof/level
Level 1: All spells cost only 1M to cast
Level 1: Can "burn" 1 hp/spell level to cast extra spells
Here's some sample "Logic" spells, until a better version is added to the Collective.
Logic Spells, Level 1:
Communication: Allows communication with any creature with Int 1+
Detect Chaos: Detects all Chaotic creatures within 360'
Determine Operation of Mechanism: Can use a tech level object of less than or equal to Logician's level
Order Objects: Arrange group of small objects by some order (or) count a group of objects (or) weigh an object
Logic Spells, Level 2:
Command: As per priest spell but can use 2 words
Fast-Talking: All targets must save vs. spell at a penalty equal to double of Logician's level or believe what he is saying as true
Protection from Chaos: As per Pro.Evil but against Chaotic creatures
Logic Spells, Level 3:
Hold Monster: As per Enc/Cha spell, save at -(2*Logician's level)
Personal Illusion: Makes an exact illusion (all senses) of a creature
Logic Spells, Level 4:
Charm Lawful Creature: Target Lawful creature is charmed (no save)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
1 Wiz5 +1 ML
2 10 +2 ML
3 30 +3 ML
4 60 +4 ML
5 100 +5 ML
6 150 +6 ML
7 210 +7 ML
8 280 +8 ML
9 360 +9 ML
10 450 +10 ML
11 550 +11 ML
12 660 +12 ML
13 780 +13 ML
14 910 +14 ML
15 1050 +15 ML
16 1200 +16 ML
17 1360 +17 ML
18 1530 +18 ML
19 1710 +19 ML
20 1900 +20 ML
21 2100 +21 ML
22 2310 +22 ML
23 2530 +23 ML
24 2760 +24 ML
25 3000 +25 ML
26 3250 +26 ML
27 3510 +27 ML
28 3780 +28 ML
29 4060 +29 ML
30 4350 +30 ML
31 4650 +31 ML
32 4960 +32 ML
33 5280 +33 ML
34 5610 +34 ML
35 5950 +35 ML
36 6300 +36 ML
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+2  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+3  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+5  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+7  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+8  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+9  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 0+level/3
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DMG3-34
Groups: Wizard
No spell progression; gives "+1 memorization level to a Wizard class" per level. If you have no other Wizard classes, use Wizard3 progression with base level 0 (i.e. use your Loremaster3 level on the Wizard3 chart).
Level 1: Instant mastery: 4 ranks of a skill in which the character has no ranks
Level 2: Secret health: +3 hp
Level 2: Legend Lore | Identify Magic/Psi item | Identify Innate item | Analyze Dweomer | Identify Artifact = 40*LVL%.
Level 3: Secrets of inner strength: +1 Will saves
Level 4: Lore of true stamina: +1 Fort saves
Level 4: +1 language slot
Level 5: Secret knowledge of avoidance: +1 Reflex saves
Level 6: Weapon trick: +1 to hit
Level 7: Dodge trick: +1 AC
Level 8: Applicable knowledge: +1 feat
Level 8: +1 language slot
Level 9: Newfound arcana: +1 first level spell in any one memorization (even non-Wizard) per day
Level 10: More newfound arcana: +1 second level spell in any one memorization (even non-Wizard) per day

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
May specialize as seen in the beginning of the [PC2] section.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Magical Pool Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 A
1 0 1-- --- --- -
2 2.25 20- --- --- -
3 4.5 21- --- --- -
4 9 320 --- --- -
5 18 421 --- --- -
6 35 431 a-- --- -
7 60 432 0b- --- -
8 95 432 1ac --- -
9 145 533 20b d-- -
10 220 543 21a ce- -
11 440 543 320 bdf -
12 660 554 321 ace -
13 880 554 322 0bd -
14 1100 554 322 1ac -
15 1320 554 422 20b -
16 1540 555 432 21a -
17 1760 555 532 210 -
18 1980 555 533 211 g
19 2200 555 543 221 f
20 2420 555 543 321 e
21 2640 555 554 321 d
22 2860 555 555 432 c
23 3080 555 555 532 b
24 3300 666 655 532 a
25 3520 666 666 642 0
26 3740 777 766 643 1
27 3960 777 777 743 1
28 4180 888 877 753 1
29 4400 888 888 853 1
30 4620 999 988 854 1
31 4840 999 999 964 2
32 5060 AAA A99 964 2
33 5280 AAA AAA A64 2
34 5500 BBB BAA A75 2
35 5720 BBB BBB B75 2
36 5940 CCC CCC C75 3
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 14, Con 9, Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Mirror, Planar
Specialized in Magical Pools, no opposite.
Gets Int bonus to spells.
Level 1: Identify Tricks and Magical Pools by sight.
Level 1: Swimming proficiency. Free Action underwater.
Level 4: 1F: Restore the local MF by 1. (This may be done multiple times.)
Level 9 ¶: When drinking from a magical pool, roll 2 results and pick the better.
Level 9: 1F: Restore the local PF by 1. (This may be done multiple times.)
Level 12: 1F, 1/reset: Make a Magical Pool permanent, infinite charges, and it's effects no longer count against your limit of maintains.
Level 16: 1F: Restore the local TF by 1. (This may be done multiple times.)
Level 25: 1F: Restore the local LoopF by 1. (This may be done multiple times.)
Magical Pool spells:
Note 1: Magical Pools have CL charges, each charge being a "drink" from the pool. Each person may drink from a Magical Pool only once (using 1V action). If at least one person drinks from a pool, all of that pool's effects together count as 1 effect against your limit of maintains until the next reset. If the pool effect is permanent, after the reset you no longer need to maintain the effect. Only 1 magical pool may be created in a room each reset.
Note 2: These spells are only a start. There are likely variants to these spells, such as a high level Healing Pool. Research Points may be spent here.
Abjuration Pool (SL=1): Magical Pool. The effect (when drank) is a random SL=1d4 defensive effect from [MC1] Monster Collective, Spells.
Create Water (SL=1): Creates a non-magical pool of ordinary water.
Healing Pool (SL=1): Magical Pool. The effect (when drank) is a random SL=1d4 Priest Healing spell.
Protection Pool (SL=2): Magical Pool. The effect (when drank) is a random SL=1d4 defensive effect from [MC2] Monster Collective, Psionics.
Reflecting Pool (SL=2): Magical Pool. Acts as a scrying device. Has only 1 charge, if drank, gives a random Divination effect of SL=1d6.
Wonder (SL=2): Does the Wand of Wonder effect on one target.
Acid Pool (SL=3): Creates a non-magical pool of nasty acid (1d100 dmg, no save). Can be left behind as a (-50%) Trap. Can be created "through" someone (damaging them).
Exploding Pool (SL=3): Hits a group, does a random SL=1d6+1 Invocation effect to the group. Does not count as a Magical Pool.
Remove Trick (SL=3): Removes a Trick in the room (can be reversed to create a random Trick).
Defensive Pool (SL=4): Magical Pool. The effect (when drank) is a random SL=1d8 defensive effect from [MC1] Monster Collective, Spells.
Transport via Water (SL=4): Teleport from one body of water to another.
Remove Special (SL=5): Removes a Special in the room (can be reversed to create a random Special).
Color Pool (SL=5): Creates a temporary Color Pool (treat as a Gate spell). Does not count as a Magical Pool.
Enhance Pool (SL=6): Adds CL charges to an existing Magical Pool. The reverse will destroy a Magical Pool.
Monster Pool (SL=6): Magical pool. Each segment, 1 charge is automatically used, and a DL=1d6+4 monster appears. The monster is not a summon, but will not attack the party, and will attack the party's enemies.
Enhancement Pool (SL=7): Magical Pool. Items put into the pool (using a charge) gain a small benefit (DM will roll a random 1d1000 item XP flag, or a half-plus). These effects are permanent but each item can be enhanced only once per reset.
Disjuncting Pool (SL=8): Magical Pool. An item placed in the pool is Disjuncted, with no Artifact Destruction or Retributive Strike effect. The item will absorb N*N charges from the pool, where N is it's multiplier. If the pool has insufficient charges, the item is unaffected. Can alternatively remove a x1 Terrain Feature completely.
Escape Pool (SL=9): Magical Pool. The effect (when drank) is to Escape to a safe location (home or a safe city/town). The effect is instantaneous (no delay).
Concordant Sampler Pool (SL=10): Magical Pool. The effect (when drank) is a random CSL=1d4-1 Concordant spell.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 22- --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 222 --- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 332 2-- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 432 ---
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 655 443 2--
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 544 32-
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: RC0-19
Groups: Wizard
Cannot specialize.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 22.5 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH1-25
Groups: Wizard
May specialize as seen in the beginning of the [PC2] section.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 20a c-- --- --
2 6 310 bc- --- --
3 24 421 ab- --- --
4 60 532 0ac --- --
5 120 643 10b --- --
6 210 754 21a c-- --
7 336 865 320 b-- --
8 504 976 430 ac- --
9 720 A87 541 0b- --
10 990 A98 652 1a- --
11 1320 AA9 763 20c --
12 1716 AAA 874 30b --
13 2184 AAA 985 40a --
14 2730 AAA A96 510 --
15 3360 AAA AA7 621 c-
16 4080 AAA AA8 732 b-
17 4880 AAA AA9 843 a-
18 5680 AAA AAA 954 0-
19 6480 AAA AAA A65 0-
20 7280 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 8080 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 8880 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 9680 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 10480 AAA AAA AAA 3c
25 11280 BBB BBB BBB 3b
26 12080 BBB BBB BBB 4a
27 12880 CCC CCC CCC 40
28 13680 CCC CCC CCC 50
29 14480 DDD DDD DDD 50
30 15280 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 16080 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 16880 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 17680 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 18480 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 19280 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 20080 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 10, Int 20, Wis 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d30/4
Weapon Prof.: 0+level*2
To Hit Table: Wiz(d30)
Save Table: Wiz(d30)
Reference: (wizards)
Groups: Wizard, Futureshifted
Gets only 1/4 of a HD per level, so you get only 1/4 your Con bonus. Best way to calculate this is (30+Con bonus)*LVL/4, round up.
Rolls 1d30 to hit and for saves. Automatically hits (succeeds) on a natural 29-30. Automatically misses on a 1.
Gets Int bonus to spell progression.
Gets free material componenting, and can do double material componenting (x3 effect in one category or x2 in two categories) if 1V is spent.
All dice in all spells is replaced by d30 (so Magic Missile is 1d30+1, wacky balls are always d30 regardless of SL, etc.)
Rolls 1d30-10 for proficiency checks.
Level N (every level): +1 school of specialization (no opposite)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2 2-- --- ---
3 4 21- --- ---
4 8 32- --- ---
5 16 421 --- ---
6 32 422 --- ---
7 64 432 1-- ---
8 128 433 2-- ---
9 256 433 21- ---
10 656 443 22- ---
11 1056 444 33- ---
12 1456 444 441 ---
13 1856 555 442 ---
14 2256 555 442 1--
15 2656 555 552 1--
16 3056 555 553 21-
17 3456 555 553 32-
18 3856 555 553 321
19 4256 555 553 331
20 4656 555 554 332
21 5056 555 554 442
22 5456 555 555 443
23 5856 555 555 553
24 6256 555 555 554
25 6656 555 555 555
26 7056 666 655 555
27 7456 666 666 655
28 7856 666 666 666
29 8256 777 766 666
30 8656 777 777 766
31 9056 777 777 777
32 9456 888 877 777
33 9856 888 888 877
34 10256 888 888 888
35 10656 999 988 888
36 11056 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Cannot specialize.
Level 12: Each level, roll an INT*2% check with no modifiers. If you make it, your familiar (if any) has it's familiar abilities of all levels (i.e. you get Level 18 and 27 abilities now).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Master Wizard

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 A.:
1 0 20- --- --- ---
2 4 31- --- --- ---
3 8 320 --- --- ---
4 16 431 --- --- ---
5 32 432 0-- --- ---
6 64 443 1-- --- ---
7 128 543 20- --- ---
8 256 544 31- --- ---
9 512 554 320 --- ---
10 800 654 431 --- ---
11 1200 655 432 0-- ---
12 1600 665 443 1-- ---
13 2000 765 543 20- ---
14 2400 766 544 31- ---
15 2800 776 554 32- ---
16 3200 876 654 430 ---
17 3600 877 655 431 ---
18 4000 887 665 442 ---
19 4400 987 765 543 ---
20 4800 988 766 543 0--
21 5200 998 776 554 1--
22 5600 A98 876 654 2--
23 6000 A99 877 654 3--
24 6400 AA9 887 665 3--
25 6800 BA9 987 765 40-
26 7200 BAA 988 765 41-
27 7600 BBA 998 776 42-
28 8000 CBA A98 876 53-
29 8400 CBB A99 876 53-
30 8800 CCB AA9 887 54-
31 9200 DCB BA9 987 640
32 9600 DCC BAA 987 641
33 10000 DDC BBA 998 652
34 10400 EDC CBA A98 753
35 10800 EDD CBB A98 753
36 11200 EED CCB AA9 764
TH Saves
+0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
+0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+0  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+1  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+1  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+1  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+2  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+2  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+2  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+3  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+3  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+3  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+4  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+4 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
+5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
+5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
+5 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Requisites: Str 9, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 9, Chr 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4+1
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 1˝xMon
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
In the spell progression, "." means SL=10+1 (level 10 plus 1 level of feats) and ":" means 10+2 (level 10 plus 2 levels of feats).
Get Int bonus to spell progression. Can specialize in a school; pick an opposite.
Every Level: This class gets a "Level:" pick from other Wizard classes. Take the XP for that Master Wizard-DM level, look it up on the other class's XP chart, and that is the level of the pick you get in the other class. See LordDM for an example.
If the other class has a level requirement, treat it as an additional 2^(L-1) KXP requirement, where L is the level needed. For example, if a class requires level 5 in another class, that would be treated as an additional 16 KXP requirement.
You may combine two (or more) picks together to get one pick, in which case you add the XP values together before referencing the other class. Again the pick cannot exceed your Master Wizard-DM level. This lets you pick from a very expensive class.
Level 9: Choose "Priest", "Psionicist", or "Custom". You may now use picks on classes from that group, but your picks of that group get only half the KXP.
Level 18: Choose "Priest", "Psionicist", or "Custom" with effects as per Level 9. If you choose the same group twice, your picks of that group are at full KXP instead of halving.
Level 27: Choose any group other than "Concordant" with effects as per Level 9. Choosing a group three times or choosing "Wizard" has no effect.
Level 36: Choose any group other than "Concordant" with effects as per Level 9. With this choice only, if you choose a group three times or choose "Wizard", your picks in that group are at double KXP (limited still by your Master Wizard-DM level).
Now to *really* confuse things, note that Master Wizard-DM can pick "Level:" abilities from it's own class, which would give it more group choices (did you follow that?).
If you end up with one Rogue ability, you get 10*LVL rogue points. If you end up with two, you get 20*LVL points. If you end up with three or more, you get 30*LVL points (the maximum).
Level 9: All other people in your group get a "256 KXP" Wizard pick, using the Master Wizard-DM rules above. (You do not get this in addition to your normal Level 9 pick). This ability cannot itself be picked.
Level 9: 0, 1/r: Lend Action (any type)
Level 9: Gets Chr bonus to spells in addition to Int bonus.
Level 18: All other people in your group get a "3600 KXP" Wizard pick, using the Master Wizard-DM rules above. (You do not get this in addition to your normal Level 18 pick). This ability cannot itself be picked.
Level 18: Free wild talent in one of the following psi frequencies: -12L/T, -9, -6 (any), 6 (any), 10, 11W, 12L/T, 18, 19 (any)
Level 18: 1F, 1/reset: Choose a (willing) ally. You can see/speak/hear through that ally's eyes. At double action cost, you may use your abiltiies through that person (e.g. you can cast a material componented spell through him with 2M+2V). When you use an action through him, he cannot use actions of the same type that segment.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 --˝ --- --- --
2 3.125 --1 --- --- --
3 6.25 --1 ˝-- --- --
4 12.5 -˝2 1-- --- --
5 25 -12 1˝- --- --
6 50 ˝23 21- --- --
7 100 123 21˝ --- --
8 200 123 321 --- --
9 400 234 321 ˝-- --
10 700 334 432 1-- --
11 1100 444 432 1˝- --
12 1500 544 432 21- --
13 1900 554 432 21˝ --
14 2300 555 432 221 --
15 2700 555 433 221 --
16 3100 555 433 321 --
17 3500 555 433 322 --
18 3900 555 433 332 ˝-
19 4300 555 443 332 ˝-
20 4700 555 444 332 ˝-
21 5100 555 444 432 ˝-
22 5500 555 544 432 1-
23 5900 555 554 432 1-
24 6300 555 555 432 1-
25 6700 555 555 432 2-
26 7100 555 555 433 2-
27 7500 555 555 443 2˝
28 7900 555 555 543 2˝
29 8300 555 555 543 3˝
30 8700 555 555 544 3˝
31 9100 555 555 554 3˝
32 9500 555 555 554 41
33 9900 555 555 555 41
34 10300 555 555 555 42
35 10700 555 555 555 43
36 11100 555 555 555 44
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specializes in a school; you do not pick an opposite.
Each level, get one "5th edition" pick from the choices below.
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A +LVL nonweapon proficiencies
C +LVL*2 stat points for purposes of qualifying for classes
D Can trade nonweapon <-> weapon proficiencies 1 per 1
E +1 specialty school
Level 4: Pick any Wizard5 class level 1-3
Level 5-7: F +LVL-4 kits
G Can have 2 groups of the same summon
H Can have 2 of the same familiar using only 1 familiar slot
I +LVL saves
J Can convert 3M -> 1 OppM
Level 8: Pick any Wizard5 class level 5-7
Level 9-12: K
L Can have 3 groups of the same summon
M Can have 3 of the same familiar using only 1 familiar slot
N 0, 1/d: Immune to one [C] section effect for this day
Level 13: Pick any Wizard5 class level 9-12
Level 14-18: P
Level 18: Pick any Wizard5 class level 14-18
Level 20-26: U
Level 27-36: Pick any Wizard5 class level 20-26

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Meat Head

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 ABC
1 0 0b- --- --- ---
2 9 00c --- --- ---
3 18 000 d-- --- ---
4 36 000 0e- --- ---
5 72 000 00f --- ---
6 144 000 000 g-- ---
7 288 000 000 0h- ---
8 576 111 111 1f- ---
9 1000 111 111 10i ---
10 1450 111 111 100 j--
11 1900 222 222 211 h--
12 2350 222 222 211 0k-
13 2800 333 333 322 1i-
14 3250 444 444 433 2g-
15 3700 444 444 433 20l
16 4150 555 555 544 31j
17 4600 666 666 655 42h
18 5050 666 666 655 420
19 5500 777 777 766 531
20 5950 777 777 777 652
21 6400 777 777 777 763
22 6850 777 777 777 774
23 7300 777 777 777 775
24 7750 777 777 777 776
25 8200 777 777 777 777
26 8650 877 777 777 777
27 9100 887 777 777 777
28 9550 888 777 777 777
29 10000 888 877 777 777
30 10450 888 887 777 777
31 10900 888 888 777 777
32 11350 888 888 877 777
33 11800 888 888 887 777
34 12250 888 888 888 777
35 12700 888 888 888 877
36 13150 888 888 888 887
TH Saves
& +0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
& +1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
& +1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
& +2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
& +3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
& +3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
& +4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
& +5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
& +5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
& +6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
& +7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
& +7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
& +8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
& +9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
& +9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
& +10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
& +11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
& +11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 30, Class Slots 3
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: & 2+level/3
To Hit Table: & Wiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Alternate
This class may multi-class (or dual-class) with the other Meat classes, the combined two classes are only 4 class slots (total).
You get your (Int bonus)*LVL for bonus number of SL's in progression. For example, if you are level 6, have Ultra Bar Int, with an Int of 30, you would have 32*6 = 192 bonus SL's. If you spent all of it on SL=7 spells, you would have 192/7 = 27 bonus 7th's. Since you start with "g" (-7) 7th's, you actually get 27-7 = 20 of them.
Level 1: Sustain Int
Level 1: When casting (or choosing to channel) a spell, you may spend N spells of that SL to get N times the effect, with a maximum multiplier of LVL. Halve the N in cost if you are specialized in the school.
Level N (every level): +1 instance of Exc Int for this class. This is not optional, you must take this, even if your Int bonus would go down. Bonuses for Int levels are in the table below. Your number of Nonweapon proficiencies is (Int score)*((# Exc Int instances)+2)/2.
# Name Bonus Int 20 Int 30 Int 40 Int 50 Int 60 Int 70 Int 80 Int 90 Int 100
1 Exc (Int-12) +8 +18 +28 +38 +48 +58 +68 +78 +88
2 Bar (Int-14)*2 +12 +32 +52 +72 +92 +112 +132 +152 +172
3 Extra Bar (Int-16)*5/2 +10 +35 +60 +85 +110 +135 +160 +185 +210
4 Super Bar (Int-18)*3 +6 +36 +66 +96 +126 +156 +186 +216 +246
5 Mega Bar (Int-20)*7/2 +0 +35 +70 +105 +140 +175 +210 +245 +280
6 Ultra Bar (Int-22)*4 -8 +32 +72 +112 +152 +192 +232 +272 +312
7 Ancillary Bar (Int-24)*9/2 -18 +27 +72 +117 +162 +207 +252 +297 +342
8 Massive Bar (Int-26)*5 -30 +20 +70 +120 +170 +220 +270 +320 +370
9 Giga Bar (Int-28)*11/2 -44 +11 +66 +121 +176 +231 +286 +341 +396
10 Extreme Bar (Int-30)*6 -60 +0 +60 +120 +180 +240 +300 +360 +420
11 Tera Bar (Int-32)*13/2 -78 -13 +52 +117 +182 +247 +312 +377 +442
12 Utmost Bar (Int-34)*7 -98 -28 +42 +112 +182 +252 +322 +392 +462
13 Excessive Bar (Int-36)*15/2 -120 -45 +30 +105 +180 +255 +330 +405 +480
14 Exorbitant Bar (Int-38)*8 -144 -64 +16 +96 +176 +256 +336 +416 +496
15 Outlandish Bar (Int-40)*17/2 -170 -85 +0 +85 +170 +255 +340 +425 +510
16 Ultimate Bar (Int-42)*9 -198 -108 -18 +72 +162 +252 +342 +432 +522
17 Inordinate Bar (Int-44)*19/2 -228 -133 -38 +57 +152 +247 +342 +437 +532
18 Uber Bar (Int-46)*10 -260 -160 -60 +40 +140 +240 +340 +440 +540
+ ? (Int-N*2-10)*(N/2+1)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 25 (none)
3 50 (none)
4 100 (none)
5 200 (none)
6 400 (none)
7 800 (none)
8 1600 (none)
9 3200 (none)
10 4000 (none)
11 4800 (none)
12 5600 (none)
13 6400 (none)
14 7200 (none)
15 8000 (none)
16 8800 (none)
17 9600 (none)
18 10400 (none)
19 11200 (none)
20 12000 (none)
21 12800 (none)
22 13600 (none)
23 14400 (none)
24 15200 (none)
25 16000 (none)
26 16800 (none)
27 17600 (none)
28 18400 (none)
29 19200 (none)
30 20000 (none)
31 20800 (none)
32 21600 (none)
33 22400 (none)
34 23200 (none)
35 24000 (none)
36 24800 (none)
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+1  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+2  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+2  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+2  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+3  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+3  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+3  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+4  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+4 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+4 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+5 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+5 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+5 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
Requisites: Str 9, Dex 20, Int 20
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2dLVL
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/9
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
This is a normal Mage using [P4.9] Channeling, except you do not have to pick which spells you have memorized until you cast them.
Level 9: 1M, 1/t: Mental Fury: Cast 1 instance of each spell you have all at the same time.
Level 18: 1M, 1/t: Step Out of It: Cast any number of instances of 1 spell you have all at the same time. You must select targets for all your effects before you resolve any of them (the effect isn't "deep" in any way). After the effect resolves, you lose that spell from your memorization until next reset, and you suffer 1 damage for each instance you cast.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 22- --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 222 --- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 332 2-- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 432 ---
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 655 443 2--
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 544 32-
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 15, Dex 14
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Hold M actions. You may convert 2M -> 1QM.
Level 3: +1M action (total +1)
Level 6: +1M action (total +2)
Level 9: +1M action (total +3)
Level 12: +1M action (total +4)
Level 15: +1M action (total +5)
Level 18: +1M action (total +6)
Level 21: +1M action (total +7)
Level 24: +1M action (total +8)
Level 27: +1M action (total +9)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Middle-Earth Istari

Level KXP Wizard
1 0 1 --- --- --- -
2 500 2 1-- --- --- -
3 1500 3 2-- --- --- -
4 3000 3 21- --- --- -
5 5000 4 321 --- --- -
6 7500 5 432 --- --- -
7 10000 5 432 1-- --- -
8 15000 6 543 21- --- -
9 20000 7 654 32- --- -
10 25000 7 654 321 --- -
11 30000 8 765 432 1-- -
12 35000 9 876 543 2-- -
13 40000 9 876 543 21- -
14 45000 A 987 654 321 -
15 50000 A A98 765 432 -
16 55000 A A98 765 432 1
17 60000 A A98 765 432 2
18 65000 A A98 765 433 2
19 70000 A A98 765 433 3
20 75000 A A98 765 443 3
21 80000 A A98 765 444 3
22 85000 A A98 765 444 4
23 90000 A A98 765 544 4
24 95000 A A98 765 554 4
25 100000 A A98 765 555 4
26 105000 A A98 765 555 5
27 110000 A A98 766 555 5
28 115000 A A98 766 655 5
29 120000 A A98 766 665 5
30 125000 A A98 766 666 5
31 130000 A A98 766 666 6
32 135000 A A98 776 666 6
33 140000 A A98 777 666 6
34 145000 A A98 777 766 6
35 150000 A A98 777 776 6
36 155000 A A98 777 777 61
37 310000 A A98 777 777 62
38 465000 A A98 777 777 63
39 620000 A A98 777 777 64
45 1550000 A A98 887 777 77
54 2945000 A A99 988 888 881
63 4340000 A A99 999 888 888
72 5735000 A AAA 999 999 999 1
Requisites: Wizard 15 or HNCL 24, Race Slots 2,
  Con 15, Int 35, Chr 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d12
Weapon Prof.: 0+level*2
To Hit: +level*2+18
Saves: +level*2+18
Reference: Lord of the Rings
Groups: Concordant (x2), Paradigm (Concordant Archetype),
[X] Section stats Race Adj.
ihp +3 Str +2
iTH +3 Dex +0
P Save +1 Con +8
M Save +1 Int +13
War +1 Wis +3
Rog -2 Chr +2
PPsi -1 Cml +0
Wiz +5 AT +0
Pri +0 hp +100
MPsi +1 TH +0
    Size M
Gets +1H action per round.
When you material component a spell through your staff (taking the usual +1V action), you do xLVL effect instead of x2.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Minion (Arch-Henchman)

Level KXP Hench./Acc.
123 45 [1]
1 0 1-- -- [-]
2 7.5 2-- -- [-]
3 15 21- -- [-]
4 30 31- -- [-]
5 60 32- -- [-]
6 120 321 -- [-]
7 240 421 -- [-]
8 480 431 -- [-]
9 960 431 1- [-]
10 1560 432 1- [-]
11 2160 542 1- [-]
12 2760 542 21 [-]
13 3360 543 21 [-]
14 3960 543 22 [-]
15 4560 543 32 [-]
16 5160 543 33 [-]
17 5760 544 33 [-]
18 6360 544 43 [-]
19 6960 544 44 [-]
20 7560 554 44 [-]
21 8160 555 44 [-]
22 8760 555 54 [-]
23 9360 555 55 [-]
24 9960 655 55 [-]
25 10560 665 55 [1]
26 11160 666 55 [1]
27 11760 666 65 [2]
28 12360 666 66 [2]
29 12960 766 66 [3]
30 13560 776 66 [3]
31 14160 777 66 [4]
32 14760 777 76 [4]
33 15360 777 77 [5]
34 15960 877 77 [5]
35 16560 887 77 [6]
36 17160 888 77 [6]
TH Saves
+5  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+6  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+7  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+8  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+9  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+10  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+11  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+12  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+13  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
+14 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
+15 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
+16 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
+17 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
+18 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
+19 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
+20 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
+21 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
+22 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Requisites: Str 16, Dex 19, Int 25, Logic 7; Class slots 3
Alignment: any E
HD/level: 2d13 (no Con bonus)
Weapon Prof.: 6+level
To Hit Table: 4+level
Save Table: 2xMon
Reference: DM {Reduced Villain/Anti-Hero}
Groups: Wizard, Rogue, Concordant (x1)
Does not get any Con bonus at all on it's Hit Dice, and Con bonuses cannot be bought for this class in any way.
Can cast Henchman or Accomplice spells.
Gets Exc Str, Dex, and Int.
Can weapon specialize and uses the "Ranger" line for number of attacks.
Gets 80 Rogue points per level. Gets an "Any Rogue" pick each level.
Level 25: Can cast Villain or Anti-Hero spells. Your CCL is your (CL-23)/2.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Minion (Arch-Henchman) Spells

Class Level # Spell
Henchman 1 1 1P, 1/d: Create a MINIATURE GIANT ROBOT, a DL (CL+3)/2 Golem or Technological monster (treat as a summon)
Henchman 1 2 0, 1/d: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero or Sidekick.
Henchman 1 3 1M: Monster Summoning (CL+1)/2
Henchman 1 4 You adjust all BlahR by -5*level%
Henchman 1 5 +10% XP in Henchman, if this is your only class (if you are single classed and getting x2 XP, you'll get x2.1 XP now)
Henchman 1 6 You ignore one level of Resist Elements on other people (Immune -> Double Resist, Double Resist -> Resist, Resist -> nothing)
Henchman 1 7 You ignore one level of Resist Hold/Stun/Para. on other people
Henchman 1 8 You ignore one level of Resist Action/Memory/Other Stealing on other people
Henchman 1 9 1V, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
Henchman 1 10 1bM: Counter an Avoid Fate or Energy Control (Psi1/Psi2)
Henchman 1 11 1bF: Counter a counterspell effect.
Henchman 1 12 You can have two summons (same group).
Accomplice 1 13 10*CL% iaIR
Accomplice 1 14 +10% XP in Accomplice, if this is your only class (if you are single classed and getting x2 XP, you'll get x2.1 XP now)
Accomplice 1 15 1M: LVLd6 dmg, E=1 element, one target, no save
Accomplice 1 16 1M: Target is paralyzed (PPD save)
Accomplice 1 17 1M: Steal an action or memory (Will save)
Accomplice 1 18 +CL/2 QV actions
Accomplice 1 19 +LVL SL's in one spell progression (Wizard or Priest)
Accomplice 1 20 +2 CL with psionics
Accomplice 1 21 +1 Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, and Chr
Henchman 2 1 1V: Twist (Remove an effect on a person)
Henchman 2 2 1P, 1/d: Slay someone with the Sidekick class (PPD save)
Henchman 2 3 1M, 1/d: Contact Other Plane, Ask the Local Lord a question, or reverse Tempus Lawfulness
Henchman 2 4 1M, 1/r: Causeall one target.
Henchman 2 5 Pick a psionic power you have. +1M a round only for that psionic power, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
Henchman 2 6 Pick a spell you have. It is "material componented" for range for free, and it requires 2 saves to avoid.
Henchman 2 7 All your innate abilities can be used one extra time per day (e.g. 3/d becomes 4/d). Your Innates require 2 saves to avoid.
Henchman 2 8 +1 minor in a psionic progression you have.
Henchman 2 9 1P, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any P actions on his next segment.
Henchman 2 10 1M, #bM, only on your segment: Dispel # effects on one target (max #=LVL, you can borrow a lot here)
Henchman 2 11 1F, 1/d: Lower the "Time Reality Stability" ability on another person (PP save)
Henchman 2 12 May wear two suits of armor, your AT sources fully stack
Accomplice 2 13 10*CL% iaMR
Accomplice 2 14 1M, 2/d: Causeall
Accomplice 2 15 +CL/3 QP actions
Accomplice 2 16 Pick a psionic power you have. It does not give a saving throw.
Accomplice 2 17 1M: Remove one Resist to something (no save, use ER)
Accomplice 2 18 10*CL% ER
Accomplice 2 19 0, 3/d: Counter a counterspell
Accomplice 2 20 0, 2/r: Force an extra saving throw an effect (doesn't have to be your effect; choose the worst)
Accomplice 2 21 0, 2/r: Force an extra to hit roll on someone is attacking (choose the worst)
Henchman 3 1 You can have three summons (same group).
Henchman 3 2 You can have one familiar. This spell does the "Find Familiar" effect when you take it.
Henchman 3 3 1M: Fascinate a group (Will save)
Henchman 3 4 0, 1/t: Counter a chosen die roll (they have to roll it now) or rerolled die roll
Henchman 3 5 1M, 1/d: Set (reverse Reset) one target.
Henchman 3 6 You ignore one level of Resist Elements and Eelements on other people (stacks with the lower level version of this)
Henchman 3 7 1M, 1/r: Dispel a Haste effect. New Haste effects cannot be used in the room (this counts as a x1 Special).
Henchman 3 8 1M, 1/d: Segment 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
Henchman 3 9 1M, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use any M actions on his next segment.
Henchman 3 10 1M: Drop an Anti-Magic Shell, Anti-Psionic Shell, or Anti-Innate Shell
Henchman 3 11 Anti-Sidekick shell SL 0-3 (Sidekick effects of SL 0-3 cannot be used within 20'r)
Henchman 3 12 1F, 1/d: Multiply an effect you do by x1+LVL/10.
Accomplice 3 13 10*CL% iaPR
Accomplice 3 14 +1 per damage die on your physical attacks; Enemies get --1 to hit you
Accomplice 3 15 0, 2/d: Set one target (Fort save, if they make it their hit points halve)
Accomplice 3 16 1M: LVLd12 dmg, E=3 element, one target, no save
Accomplice 3 17 0, 2/d: Incurse one target (Will save, if they make it they lose 3M actions)
Accomplice 3 18 +CL/4 QM actions
Accomplice 3 19 1M: Sporacle a group (a random [C] section effect)
Accomplice 3 20 1V: Lend a V action to someone
Henchman 4 1 5F, Marry the SIDEKICK'S SWEETHEART: The Sidekick in question is Pixelated.
Henchman 4 2 You can't be targetted until your summons are destroyed.
Henchman 4 3 1M: But wait, the other Henchman over there FORGOT ONE SMALL THING and he is Crapped and Slain. (save for each)
Henchman 4 4 Pick a spell you have. It costs ˝M to use.
Henchman 4 5 Pick a psionic power you have. It costs ˝M to use.
Henchman 4 6 Pick an innate ability you have. It costs ˝M to use.
Henchman 4 7 1M, 1/d: Segments 9 and 10 will not occur this round (beings with Time/Reality Stability can ignore this effect).
Henchman 4 8 +1 Opposing action. (Remember you can translate 1Opp -> 1F, so this still does something even if Opposings aren't available)
Henchman 4 9 1F, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any F or S actions on his next segment.
Henchman 4 10 1bM: Counter a Limited Wish, Alter Reality, or Miracle 0-7
Henchman 4 11 -1 actions of all types to everyone in the room (x1 Special)
Henchman 4 12 1F, 1/d: +1 to your multiplier for 1 round
Accomplice 4 13 Pick a spell you have. It costs half the number of actions it normally requires.
Accomplice 4 14 Pick a psionic power you have. It costs half the number of actions it normally requires.
Accomplice 4 15 +1 to number of segments per round (i.e. you get a segment 11)]
Accomplice 4 16 +1 Opp action (remember you can trade 1Opp -> 1F, if Opposing actions aren't useful for you)
Henchman 5 1 You have AN EVEN BIGGER BOSS THAN YOU, which is any same-aligned god, you Automatic Divine Intervention 1/d.
Henchman 5 2 You have a MOST ANNOYING CONSULTANT, you can "take back" an action once per round and try something else.
Henchman 5 3 10F, tell an enemy Sidekick your MASTER PLAN: Components of your Master Plan is affected by a X4 Grand (x2 effect)
Henchman 5 4 You see the ERROR OF YOUR WAYS, drop Henchman class (and can never return), gain Sidekick with x1.5 your Sidekick XP.
Henchman 5 5 1M: You ONE-UP a MYTH and LIE THROUGH YOUR TEETH, all Myth abilities in your group do not function for 1t.
Henchman 5 6 1F: Charm or Dominate target x0 or x1 creature (save)
Henchman 5 7 You adjust all AllR by -5*level% (this stacks with the lower level version of this)
Henchman 5 8 1V, 1/d: Ignore an Immunity to something.
Henchman 5 9 0, 1/r: Choose one creature. He cannot use Zero or Opposing actions this segment.
Henchman 5 10 1M: All x1 and lower effects on one target are dispelled.
Henchman 5 11 Lockdown X actions continuous in your group
Henchman 5 12 1V, LVL/d: You ignore one level of Resist to something
Accomplice 5 13 10*CL% aER
Accomplice 5 14 +CL/5 Q0 actions
Accomplice 5 15 Pick an action type. You are immune to actions of that type being locked down.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 1 1/d: Create a GIANT ROBOT (a DL 10 Golem, you may make requests but exact statistics are determined by the DM).
Villain CSL 1 (11) 2 1/r: You MYSTERIOUSLY ESCAPE (even past all barriers) from enemies, one of the enemies must be a Hero.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 3 You have an ANNOYING HENCHMAN of half your Villain Level who always ESCAPES and causes trouble for the enemy.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 4 You adjust all irreducible BlahR by -5*level% and all reducible BlahR to 0%.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 5 +10% XP in all your non-Concordant classes.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 6 You ignore other people's Immunity to Inner Elements (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain CSL 1 (11) 7 You ignore other people's Immunity to Hold/Stun/Para (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain CSL 1 (11) 8 You ignore other people's Immunity to Action/Memory/Other Stealing (unless it comes from a x3 or greater source)
Villain CSL 1 (11) 9 0, 1/s: Choose one creature. He cannot use any V actions on his next segment.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 10 The "Avoid Fate" ability cannot be used by any other creature (friendly or not) within 100 yards of you.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 11 NF, may borrow: Counter a level N Concordant ability.
Villain CSL 1 (11) 12 xVL number of henchmen, followers, summons, familiars
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 13 10*CCL% uWR (unadjustable WR, does shift, can't be lowered/halved)
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 14 1M: LVLd60 dmg, E=CCL element, one target (no save, use XR to resist)
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 15 1M: Target is Capital P Paralyzed (no save, use XR to resist)
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 16 1M: Capital E Extract, or steal actions of one type (no save, use XR to resist)
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 17 +1 QX action
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 18 +CCL to Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Chr, Cml, Luck
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 19 1M: Target takes an Ego Domination attack with Ego=20*CCL (if he fails he is Dominated by you)
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 20 Duplicate a Level: ability of a non-Concordant class
Anti-Hero CSL 1 (11) 21 Free wild talent in Psi81, PSPs=40*CCL, use ML=9+CCL in the Psi81 class.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2*- --- --- -- +0
2 5 31* --- --- -- +0
3 10 421 --- --- -- +1
4 20 532 ˝-- --- -- +1
5 40 643 1˝- --- -- +2
6 80 754 21- --- -- +2
7 120 865 32˝ --- -- +3
8 180 976 43˝ --- -- +3
9 270 A87 541 ˝-- -- +4
10 500 A98 652 1-- -- +4
11 750 AA9 763 2˝- -- +5
12 1500 AAA 874 3˝- -- +5
13 2250 AAA 985 4˝- -- +6
14 3000 AAA A96 51˝ -- +6
15 3750 AAA AA7 621 -- +7
16 4500 AAA AA8 732 -- +7
17 5250 AAA AA9 843 -- +8
18 6000 AAA AAA 954 ˝- +8
19 6750 AAA AAA A65 ˝- +9
20 7500 AAA AAA A76 1- +9
21 8250 AAA AAA A87 1- +10
22 9000 AAA AAA A98 2- +10
23 9750 AAA AAA AA9 2- +11
24 10500 AAA AAA AAA 3- +11
25 11250 BBB BBB BBB 3- +12
26 12000 BBB BBB BBB 4- +12
27 12750 CCC CCC CCC 4˝ +13
28 13500 CCC CCC CCC 5˝ +13
29 14250 DDD DDD DDD 5˝ +14
30 15000 DDD DDD DDD 51 +14
31 15750 DDD DDD DDD 61 +15
32 16500 EEE EEE EEE 61 +15
33 17250 EEE EEE EEE 71 +16
34 18000 FFF FFF FFF 71 +16
35 18750 FFF FFF FFF 81 +17
36 19500 FFF FFF FFF 821 +17
37 20250 FFF FFF FFF 822 +18
38 21000 FFF FFF FFF 832 +18
39 21750 FFF FFF FFF 833 +19
45 26250 FFF FFF FFF 866 +22
54 33000 FFF FFF FFF A99 1 +26
63 39750 FFF FFF FFF AA9 9 +31
72 46500 FFF FFF FFF CCB B1 +35
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
-2 +1 +2 +10 +2 +5 +2 +0 +0 +0 ÷1
Requisites: Dex 12, Con 14, Int 25,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 3
Alignment: L any [or] any G
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/8
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Concordant (x1), Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:
PPD: level*2+2 Fort: level*2+3
RSW: level*2+10 Reflex: level*2+3
PP: level*2+6 Will: level*2+3
BW: level*2+0
Spell: level*2+15
CF=3 or less: The *'s on the spell progression are - (dash).
CF=4 or more: The *'s on the spell progression are ˝ (half).
Barbarian Int bonus.
Gets 2*(Int Score) bonus to spell progression (double your Int score, then look on the table).
Gets Normal Int bonus to CL, with a maximum bonus of +LVL.
Specialized in LVL Schools with no opposite.
Gets +1 familiar per level (including level 1).
Gets +1 research point per level (including level 1). Can research spells from the Arcane Wizard class at 1 spell per research point.
Level N (Each level): Pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ of a spell to cast. This isn't cumulative with school specialization.
Level N (Each level): Pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ the number of M actions to cast.
Level 1: Free material componenting. Can double material component if 1V is spent.
Level 1: MR adjustment is -5*level% instead of +60-5*level%.
Level 1: No ill effects for casting a spell above normal casting ability due to being too low level.
Level 3: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 2 saving throws.
Level 7: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 3 saving throws.
Level 9: When modifying an existing spell using spell research [S5], the base time is in days instead of weeks, and CL (Caster level) is 3*LVL (for this rule only).
Level 9: Each level starting at 9th, pick one spell. That spell offers no saving throw (even with Scarab of Protection) and MR cannot be used against it, even irreducible MR. If the target is immune to a spell's effect (Fireball vs. a Red Dragon), the spell still has no effect.
Level 12: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 4 saving throws.
Level 18: Each level starting at 18th, pick one spell. That spell can be cast as a 0 action.
Level 18: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 5 saving throws.
Level 25: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 6 saving throws. They also require 2 MSaves instead of 1 if using the [X] section rules.
Level 27: For spells with multiple saves, for each save that is missed, the target gets another instance of that effect on himself.
Level 33: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 7 saving throws. They also require 3 MSaves instead of 1 if using the [X] section rules.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2˝- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32˝ --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 ˝-- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2˝- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33˝ ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ˝--
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1˝-
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32˝
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Str 7, Dex 5, Con 6, Int 9
Alignment: L any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized and School Robed (-1 SL) in Myrmecology (Ants).
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 1: +1+(LVL/3) summon slots, only for Ants, Formians, or Myr.
Level 4: +1 Familiar, Animal Companion, or Beast Rider Mount slot in Giant Ant. (Level 1: +1 Str; Level 9: x2 PSPs for Psi2; Level 18: 1F: Heal.)
Level 8: You are considered a WereAnt and may polymorph yourself into a Giant Ant for 1V action. You have 6 limbs (the 2 extra limbs can be considered either arms or legs).
Myrmecology Spells:
Ant Doom N (SL=N): Creeping Doom of Ants, (1d4+6)*(SL^3) dmg
Ant Shield N (SL=N): Damaging shield of type Ant (Insect), SL*25%
Fire Ant N (SL=N): Deals CLd(SL*2) Fiery Insect dmg (no save) plus Blindness (Reflex save) to a group
Summon Ant N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL+1 Giant Winged Ant or (11-SL)^2 DL=SL Giant Ants (type Insect)
Summon Formian N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL Formian (type Outer from Arcadia/Nirvana). They count as Ants for other spells.
Summon Myr N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL Myr (type Golem from MTG). These do not count as Ants. See list below.
Wall of Ants (SL=N): Creates a Wall of Ants, anyone passing through takes (SL*2)d(SL*2) dmg.
Ant (SL=0): Summons a normal DL 0 Ant.
Speak with Ants (SL=1): You can speak with Ants and ask them questions, which they will give reasonable answers to.
Army Ants (SL=3): Earthquake (as spell)
Construction (SL=3): Your Ant summons can build a large building/structure or tunnel in a short amount of time. Every DL of Ants is 1 Hull point per S action they have.
Polymorph into Ant (SL=3): Polymorphs target into a (normal) Ant (PP save)
Carrion Ants (SL=4): Add +1 DL to your Ant summons (can repeat this spell up to DL X)
Saber Ants (SL=4): Whenever one of your Ant summons is killed by damage, get another Ant to replace it.
Yavimaya Ants (SL=4): Your Ant summons have haste.
Queen Ant (SL=6): Summons a DL VI Queen Ant. It adds a DL I Ant every segment to it's summon group (up to a max of 100).
Giant Ant Colony (SL=9): Summons a Fuckton (1000000) of DL I Giant Ants. They are in 100 groups of Plenty (10000) Giant Ants, but all together it counts as only one summon slot.
Giant Ant Empire (SL=10): Summons CL Fucktons (CL*1000000) of DL II Giant Flying Ants. They are in CL*100 groups of Plenty (10000) Giant Flying Ants, but all together it counts as only one summon slot. Alternatively, you can have a single group of 1 Metric Fuckton (100000000) of DL III Giant Flying Saber Ants.
(More spells will be added if this class is actively being played.)
Myr Types (for reference; this doesn't count monster templates):
DL=1: Myr Mindservant, Myr Moonvessel, Myr Servitor; DL=2: Alpha Myr, Copper Myr, Coretapper, Gold Myr, Iron Myr, Leaden Myr, Myr Retriever, Omega Myr, Silver Myr; DL=3: Myr Adapter, Myr Landshaper, Suntouched Myr; DL=4: Lodestone Myr, Myr Quadropod, Sarcomite Myr; DL=5: Myr Prototype; DL=7: Myr Enforcer

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 1.8 2-- --- -
3 3.6 21- --- -
4 7.2 32- --- -
5 14.4 421 --- -
6 28.8 431 --- -
7 57.6 432 --- -
8 115.2 432 1-- -
9 230.4 533 2-- -
10 590.4 543 21- -
11 950.4 543 32- -
12 1310.4 554 321 -
13 1670.4 554 322 -
14 2030.4 554 322 1
15 2390.4 554 422 2
16 2750.4 555 432 2
17 3110.4 555 532 2
18 3470.4 555 533 2
19 3830.4 555 543 2
20 4190.4 555 543 3
21 4550.4 555 554 3
22 4910.4 555 555 4
23 5270.4 555 555 5
24 5630.4 666 655 5
25 5990.4 666 666 6
26 6350.4 777 766 6
27 6710.4 777 777 7
28 7070.4 888 877 7
29 7430.4 888 888 8
30 7790.4 999 988 8
31 8150.4 999 999 9
32 8510.4 AAA A99 9
33 8870.4 AAA AAA A
34 9230.4 BBB BAA A
35 9590.4 BBB BBB B
36 9950.4 CCC CCC C
TH Saves
+0  8  4  5  2  3  0  0  2
+0  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+0  9  5  6  3  4  0  1  3
+1  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+1 10  6  7  4  5  1  1  4
+1 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+2 11  7  8  5  6  2  2  5
+2 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+2 12  7  9  6  7  3  3  6
+3 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+3 13  8 10  7  8  4  3  7
+3 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+4 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+4 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+4 14 10 11  8  9  5  5  9
+5 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+5 15 11 12  9 10  6  5 10
+5 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Dex 14, Int 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Pri
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Necromancy; pick an opposite.
Level 1: 1F, LVL /week: Animate a dead body; it becomes a type of undead equal to the HD/Level of the original creature (referencing the chart in [C6] Turning Undead; so a 9 HD creature animates as a Spectre). Your chance of control is 100% + LVL*5% - (HD of Undead)*5%. Even if you don't control it, the undead will not attack you or your party.
Level 5: 1V, (LVL-4)/d: Cure LVLd4 hp.
Level 8: 1M, (LVL-7)/d: Summon a spirit, it is a DL = (LVL/2) creature.
Level 10: +(LVL-9) AC.
Level 10: Detect Undead continuous. Detect Life continuous.
Level 13: May pick a specialty god as per a priest, must be of death, undeath, necromancy, etc.
Level 15: Detect Unlive continuous.
Level 17: 1M: Raise Dead or Slay Living
Level 23: 1M: Raise Dead Fully or Slay Living Fully

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Necromancer2 / Apparitionist

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9, Wis 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Nicol Bolas (MTG B/U/R) (Dimir/Izzet/Rakdos)

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- --
2 5.625 31˝ --- --- --
3 11.25 421 --- --- --
4 22.5 532 ˝-- --- --
5 45 643 1˝- --- --
6 90 754 21- --- --
7 180 865 32˝ --- --
8 360 976 43˝ --- --
9 720 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 1440 A98 652 1-- --
11 2160 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 2880 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 3600 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 4320 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 5040 AAA AA7 621 --
16 5760 AAA AA8 732 --
17 6480 AAA AA9 843 --
18 7200 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 7920 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 8640 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 9360 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 10080 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 10800 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 11520 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 12240 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 12960 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 13680 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 14400 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 15120 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 15840 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 16560 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 17280 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 18000 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 18720 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 19440 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 20160 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
+2 10 14 16  6 12  2  4  2
+3 12 14 16  6 14  2  6  4
+3 12 16 16  8 14  4  6  4
+4 12 16 16  8 14  4  8  6
+4 12 18 18  8 16  4  8  6
+5 14 18 18 10 16  6 10  8
+5 14 20 18 10 18  6 10  8
+6 14 20 18 12 18  8 12 10
+6 14 20 20 12 18  8 12 10
+7 16 22 20 12 20  8 14 12
+7 16 22 20 14 20 10 14 12
+8 16 24 20 14 22 10 16 14
+8 16 24 22 16 22 12 16 14
+9 18 26 22 16 22 12 18 16
+9 18 26 22 16 24 12 18 16
+10 18 26 22 18 24 14 20 18
+10 18 28 24 18 26 14 20 18
+11 20 28 24 20 26 16 22 20
Requisites: Dex 28, Int 26, Wis 17, 4 class slots
Alignment: LN
HD/level: d40
Weapon Prof.: 8+level
To Hit Table: Rog +5 levels
Save Table: (Wiz/Rog/Psi)*2
Reference: DM {Arch- Crosis Purger}
Groups: Wizard, Rogue, Monster
Super Barbarian Dex bonus [bonus = (Dex-18)*3]. Extra-Barbarian Int bonus.
Has 155+65*LVL Rogue points.
Some of this class's rogue abilities duplicate psionic powers. The number of PSPs being used (if this is needed, for effects like Cell Adjustment) is equal to the amount the roll is made by. The limit on how many PSPs can be spent is still obeyed. This class counts as 1 level higher for purposes of twilighting. You will twilight if you use a psionic power that is too high SL for you.
Channeling. Int bonus to spells. Specialized in Wizard Metamagic school.
Moving costs you only ˝V action. (This effectively doubles your movement rate.)
Level 1: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 1: 1M: Summon a kobold (AC 10, hp 10, TH +1, dmg 1). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
Level 3: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell you cast this segment.
Level 4: 1V: +1 QV next segment.
Level 4: 1V: Target cannot use V actions next segment (no save; aIR to avoid).
Level 4: 2M+˝V: Target gets -4*LVL TH, dmg, AC, and saves until end of round.
Level 4: 1M: Summon a goblin (AC 20, hp 10, TH +20, dmg 20). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
Level 5: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 9: 1P: +1 QP next segment.
Level 9: 1P: Target cannot use P actions next segment (no save; aIR to avoid).
Level 9: For HD/level, this class copies the cumulative (&) modifier (if it's there on the class you're copying). This applies to all dice (even those below level 9).
Level 9: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell someone else cast.
Level 9: +1 Q borrowed M action per round.
Level 9: 1M: Summon a ball lightning (AC 20, hp 10, TH +60, dmg 60). It is a summon but does not use a summon slot. It does not have summoning sickness. At end of round, it is automatically unsummoned.
New spells:
Force Spike (Metamagic, SL 2): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another spell/psionic slot to it.
Mana Leak (Metamagic, SL 3): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another 3 spell/psionic slots to it.
Counterspell (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect.
Fork (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Copy target magical/psionic effect.
Deflection (Metamagic, SL 5): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Redirect target magical/psionic effect to another target.
Quash (Metamagic, SL 6): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect. That person cannot use that effect for the rest of the day.
Lvl Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 +rating/50 A actions /r this turn || B actions || C actions 1F 0 Dex-20 Dex-25
1 Controlled Blink | Controlled Blink 10'r (unwilling get PP save) ˝V 50 Wis-14 Wis-14
1 Do rating/50 physical attacks with one weapon ˝P 50 Str-10 Str-18
1 Duplicate a Psi1 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Chr-9 Chr-12
1 Duplicate a Psi2 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Con-9 Con-12
1 Duplicate a Psi3 SL=1 | SL=2 | SL=3 | etc. 1M 0 Any-18 Any-24
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
1 Any Rogue Level 1 ability - - - -
2 Duplicate a Psi10 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Int+Wis-24 Int+Wis-32
2 Any Rogue Level 2 ability - - - -
3 Duplicate a Psi5 minor ||| major ||| grand ||| super 1M 0 Chr-15 Chr-20
3 Any Rogue Level 3 ability - - - -
4 Any Rogue Level 4 ability - - - -
4 Any Rogue Level 4 ability - - - -
5 Any Rogue Level 5 ability - - - -
5 Any Rogue Level 5 ability - - - -
6 Any Rogue Level 6 ability - - - -
6 Any Rogue Level 6 ability - - - -
7 Any Rogue Level 7 ability - - - -
7 Any Rogue Level 7 ability - - - -
8 Any Rogue Level 8 ability - - - -
8 Any Rogue Level 8 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -
9 Any Rogue Level 9 ability - - - -

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Numot Devastator (MTG U/R/W) (Azorius/Boros/Izzet)

Level KXP Wizard      / Psi
123 456 789 / mMGS
1 0 2˝- --- --- / 2---
2 5.175 32- --- --- / 3---
3 10.35 43˝ --- --- / 40--
4 20.7 442 --- --- / 41--
5 41.4 543 ˝-- --- / 42--
6 82.8 654 2-- --- / 43--
7 165.6 764 3˝- --- / 53a-
8 331.2 776 42- --- / 540-
9 662.4 876 53˝ --- / 541-
10 1324.8 987 642 --- / 542-
11 1987.2 A98 642 ˝-- / 543-
12 2649.6 AA9 754 1-- / 544-
13 3312 BA9 864 1˝- / 554-
14 3974.4 CBA 975 31- / 555-
15 4636.8 DCB 975 41˝ / 655b
16 5299.2 ECB 986 411 / 665a
17 5961.6 ECB 986 431 / 6660
18 6624 ECB A86 541 / 6661
19 7286.4 ECB A88 641 / 6662
20 7948.8 ECB A98 642 / 6663
21 8611.2 EDB BA8 643 / 6664
22 9273.6 EDD CA8 653 / 6665
23 9936 FFD CA9 753 / 6666
24 10598.4 GFD CA9 764 / 7666
25 11260.8 GFE CB9 865 / 7766
26 11923.2 GFE CB9 886 / 7776
27 12585.6 HGE CBA A86 / 7777
28 13248 HGE DCB A87 / 8777
29 13910.4 HGF DDC A97 / 8877
30 14572.8 HGF EDC B98 / 8887
31 15235.2 IGG FEC BA8 / 8888
32 15897.6 IIH FED BA9 / 9888
33 16560 IIH GED CBA / 9988
34 17222.4 IIH GFE CCB / 9998
35 17884.8 IIH GFE EDB / 9999
36 18547.2 IIH GFF EDC / A999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  8  3  6  1  1  2
+1  8  7  8  3  7  1  1  3
+1  9  8  8  4  7  2  1  3
+2  9  8  8  4  7  2  2  4
+3 10  9  9  4  8  2  2  4
+3 10  9  9  5  8  3  3  5
+4 11 10  9  5  9  3  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  4  3  6
+5 12 10 10  6  9  4  4  6
+6 12 11 10  6 10  4  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  5  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  5  5  8
+8 13 12 11  8 11  6  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  6  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  6  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  7  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  7  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  8  7 11
Requisites: Dex 18, Int 30, Chr 24,
Class Slots 3
Alignment: LN, NG, CG, or CN
HD/level: 3d4 (Normal Chr bonus)
Weapon Prof.: 4+level
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri/Psi
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Psionicist, Monster
Extra-Barbarian Int bonus; stat bonus=(Int-16)*5/2. Barbarian Chr bonus (except for hit points, which uses Normal Chr bonus).
Int bonus to spell progression. Chr bonus to psionic progression, with their SLs shifted down by 1 (m=1, M=4, G=7, S=10).
Specialized in Wizard Invocation and Wizard Metamagic schools.
Has access to any 2 psionic frequencies.
PSPs = (Chr*2+Int)*LVL
Any psionic power that cures hp or removes baneful effects costs only ˝M to use, costs ˝ the number of PSPs, and is only ˝ a memorization slot.
Turn Undead as a Priest of 3 levels lower.
Level 1: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 1: May cast Priest Healing sphere spells as if they were Wizard spells of the same level.
Level 2: 1M: Remove "summoning sickness" and/or "teleport sickness" from target.
Level 2: 1M: You will win initiative next segment.
Level 3: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell you cast this segment.
Level 3: 1M: Target loses LVL worth of C actions from his remaining number of actions. (e.g. if he has 2P+1V+1M remaining, and you're level 3, he can choose to lose 1P+1V or 1M.)
Level 3: 1M: Counter an effect from an item.
Level 4: Has access to another psionic frequency (pick one).
Level 4, 8, 12, etc.: Choose a Priest sphere. May cast spells of that sphere as if they were Wizard spells of the same level.
Level 5: +1 borrowed M action per round.
Level 9: For HD/level, this class gains the cumulative (&) modifier. This applies to all dice (even those below level 9).
Level 9: -1 to number of remaining M or borrowed M actions remaining this round: Copy a spell someone else cast.
Level 9: +1 Q borrowed M action per round.
Level 9: NM: Counter an effect from a xN item. This is a xN effect.
Level 9: Specialized in Priest Healing sphere spells.
Level 9: 1M: Target gains Free Action until end of turn.
Level 9: Gains a Specialty Priest pick. May replace "sphere" with "school" in the effect if desired.
Izzet Metamagic spells:
Force Spike (Metamagic, SL 2): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another spell/psionic slot to it.
Mana Leak (Metamagic, SL 3): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another 3 spell/psionic slots to it.
Counterspell (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect.
Fork (Metamagic, SL 4): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Copy target magical/psionic effect.
Deflection (Metamagic, SL 5): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Redirect target magical/psionic effect to another target.
Quash (Metamagic, SL 6): 1 borrowed M or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect. That person cannot use that effect for the rest of the day.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group



123 456 789

1 0 ˝-- --- --- +0
2 3 ˝˝- --- --- +1
3 6 ˝˝˝ --- --- +1
4 12 ˝˝˝ ˝-- --- +2
5 24 ˝˝˝ ˝˝- --- +3
6 48 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ --- +3
7 96 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝-- +4
8 192 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝- +5
9 350 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ +5
10 600 1˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ +6
11 850 11˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ +7
12 1100 111 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ +7
13 1350 111 1˝˝ ˝˝˝ +8
14 1600 111 11˝ ˝˝˝ +9
15 1850 111 111 ˝˝˝ +9
16 2100 111 111 1˝˝ +10
17 2350 111 111 11˝ +11
18 2600 111 111 111 +11
19 2850 221 111 111 +12
20 3100 222 211 111 +13
21 3350 222 222 111 +13
22 3600 222 222 221 +14
23 3850 222 222 222 +15
24 4100 333 222 222 +15
25 4350 333 333 222 +16
26 4600 333 333 333 +17
27 4850 444 433 333 +17
28 5100 444 444 443 +18
29 5350 444 444 444 +19
30 5600 555 554 444 +19
31 5850 555 555 555 +20
32 6100 666 666 555 +21
33 6350 666 666 666 +21
34 6600 777 777 766 +22
35 6850 777 777 777 +23
36 7100 888 888 887 1 +23
37 14200 888 888 887 2 +24
38 21300 888 888 887 3 +25
39 28400 888 888 887 4 +25
45 71000 988 888 888 8 +30
54 134900 999 999 999 81 +36
63 198800 999 999 999 99 +42
72 262700 AAA AAA AA9 991 +48
Requisites: Dex 12, Int 18, Chr 18,
  Class Slots 2
Alignment: any
HD/level: ++d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Rogue
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:
PPD: level+4 Fort: level+4
RSW: level+4 Reflex: level+4
PP: level+4 Will: level+4
BW: level+4
Spell: level+4
Gets 60 Rogue points per level
Specialized in a School, no opposite.
+1 summon slot.
+1 henchmen slot, and can use special henchmen.
Lvl Overseer Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
1 Avoid Trap (entire party): Mech. | Magic/Psi | OutPhase V 10 Int-10 Int-16
1 Blend in (everyone believes OK that you're here) - 50 Chr-12 Chr-14
1 Charm/Influence Reaction M 10 Chr-8 Chr-12
1 iunPR || iunaPR || iunaaPR 0 10 Chr-15 Chr-20
1 Legend Lore | Identify ||| Know how to defeat a god or destroy an artifact 0 | M ||| F 0 Int-15 Int-16
1 Resources: Gain LVL*Chr*10 gp per reset.
1 Spying | ESP (without him knowing) || Capital E Extract - 10 Int-11 Int-14
1 Connected: You know a friend in every city, for shelter and/or locating a shop/person
1 Detect Lie or Undetectable Lie (1 at a time, cont.)
1 Versatility: x(1+LVL/10) Nonweapon proficiencies.
2 Deeppockets | Vanish | Rope Trick ||| I'm Gone (to my own Pocket Plane) M 0 Int-8 Int-20
2 Friends (no save, affects anything) F 5 Chr-17 Chr-20
3 Song of Courage (+1 Morale per 5% roll made) P*M 10 Chr-13 Chr-18
3 Song of Fear (Fear a group, Will save target # = rating) mouth'sP 10 Int-17 Int-21
4 Leadership (+1 per 20% made to Leadership) M 0 Int-9 Int-12
4 Presence (+1 per 20% made to Presence) M 0 Int-9 Int-12
5 Avoid Trick (entire party): Mech.|Magic/Psi|OutPhase - 5 Int-12 Int-18
5 Plausible Deniability: You can never be "guilty" of a crime according to the law.
6 Hypnosis/Command M 25 Chr-13 Chr-15
6 Suggestion | Domination | Eyebite M 10 Int-10 Int-14
7 iunCR || iunaCR || iunaaCR 0 20 Wis+Chr-28 Wis+Chr-38
7 Can buy property or businesses at half cost {Businessman}
8 Sending | Demand M 10 Int-9 Int-12
8 Teleport | Teleport without Error || Teleport Other to Self (no save) M 5 Int-16 Int-17
9 Ask the Local Lord | Highest Lvl in Plane | Chosen God | Ultraplanar | DM a question VM 0 Chr-11 Chr-21
9 Avoid Special (entire party): x1 | x2 | x3 etc. - 0 Int-16 Int-22
10 Locate (anything unique) Across Planes | Clairvoyance there | TWE there M 0 Int-12 Int-15
12 Avoid Spirit/Conc Effect (entire party): x1 || x2 || x3 etc. - -5 Int-22 Int-30
15 Smooth Talker: As long as you and your friends are not hostile, enemies will not attack you 90% (1 check /min)
18 Control Movements | Control Physicals | Control Mentals MM 0 Chr-18 Chr-20
21 Be a x2 being on defense ||||| x3 ||||||| x4 ||||||||| x5 etc. 0 -150 Luck-5 Luck-10
24 Destruction/Mordenkainen's Disjunction ||| Put Target Down a Hole PMM 0 Int-19 Int-25
27 LimWish(#=1)| AlterReality(#=2)| Wish(#=3)| ChangeReality(#=4)| UnlimWish(#=5) #F 0 Int-21 Int-26

Overseer (Henchmen Adjectives)

Name gp /day Notes
Greater x1.5 +1 DL (can take this only once)
Hardy x1.25 +1 defensive DL (can take this only once)
Lesser x0.75 -1 DL (can take this only once)
More than Enough x1.1 Ability to buy 1000 of these (rather than 100 or 10000), this is called "More than Enough"
Tough x1.1 +1 rhp (can take this multiple times, each costs x+0.1)
Vicious x1.25 +1 offensive DL (can take this only once)

Overseer (Henchmen)

Name gp /day Effective DL Notes
Cloistered Cleric 3 DL I They throw Cure (or Cause) Lights, once a round.
Hobbit 5 DL I They have the standard 8 Thief abilities (FRT, OL, etc.)
Muscle Sliver 30 DL I (or more) DL=cube root of (number of Muscle Slivers); Have no real "special" abilities
Musketeer 4 DL II If killed in melee, they explode on their enemy for 1d4 Tech dmg.
Bulette of Xvim 9 DL II (attack as III) Don't have to pay them after the first day, as long as there's plenty of corpses to eat.
Rogue Invisible Stalker 12 DL III Have level 1-8 Rogue-like abilities
Cambion 20 DL III Psi6 / Psi12 Minor and Major abilities (choose alignment)
Hound of Ill Omen 50 DL IV Shift enemies' die rolls out of their favor
Luck Cat 100 DL IV Adjust 1 die roll per round
Faerie 65 DL IV (defend as VI) |AC| 18; area effects kill only 1 of them
Mind Flayer Mercenary 150 DL V Lots of Grand psionic effects. This is the closest you're gonna get to Astral Constructs on this table.
SFB Prime Team 200 DL V Like a mini NPC party. Not as clever as the PCs, but they can operate on their own if given orders.
Henchman 400 DL VI As in the x1 Concordant class. Sidekicks cost the same amount.
Rakshasa Mercenary 900 DL VII Lots of SL 5-8 spell effects
Proto-Lich 1600 DL VIII Nasty Higher Undead. Looking for that last haul before retiring to Lichdom.
Small Game Hunter 6000 DL IX Looking for something to smash.
Big Game Hunter 15000 DL X Kill All.
Big Game Faerie 22000 DL X (defend as XI) Big Game Hunter with Faerie abilities.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Ovinomancer / Bovinomancer / Poultrymancer

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 22.5 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Con 7, Int 9, Chr 8
Alignment: T any (or) any N
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/7
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: MTG, DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Ovinomancy.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 3: +1 Familiar, Animal Companion, or Beast Rider Mount slot in Sheep. (The Sheep Familiar and Mount's abilities aren't currently defined, but will be, as need warrants.)
Level 5: You are considered a WereSheep and may polymorph yourself into a sheep for 1V action.
Level 9: Has knowledge of and may specialize in Bovinomancy or Poultrymancy (see below).
Ovinomancy Spells:
Charm Sheep (SL=1): Charm all sheep in a group (no save).
Detect/Locate Sheep (SL=1): Detects and Locates sheep within CL miles.
Sheep Person (SL=1): Person becomes lethargic and loses all actions for CL rounds.
Sheep Swarm Summoning (SL=1): Summons CL*10 sheep. They are DL 0 monsters, and don't do much, but they suck up a lot of damage.
Sheepskin (SL=2): Get 6+CL sheepskins. Each sheepskin is a DL 20/- effect vs. one attack.
Polymorph to Sheep (SL=3): Target gets polymorphed into a sheep (PP save). If save missed target gains the mentality of a sheep (Will save).
Anti-Sheep Shell (SL=4): You are completely immune to anything a sheep might do to you. You can still affect them normally.
Sheep Life (SL=5): 0 action to cast, consume a sheep in your group: Heal self.
Sheeping Doom (SL=5): Like a Creeping Doom, but it's Rabid Dire Sheep. You get CL*3 sheep, each with 10 hp/dmg.
Sheep Machine (SL=6): Like Sheep Person, but no save. You don't see anything if you look at the target.
Stampede of Rabid Sheep (SL=9): Like a Meteor Swarm, but damage is of type Sheep and Poison instead of Eldritch Earth and Eldritch Fire. "Sheep" is an EE=3 Eelement. "Poison" is an E=3 Element (Alcohol+Negative).
(More spells will be added if this class is actively being played.)
Specialized in Bovinomancy.
Requires Str 7 instead of Con 7. Other data same as Ovinomancer.
Replace "Sheep" with "Cow" in all the spell descriptions.
There is no "Stampede of Rabid Cow", add "Moo" as a 9th level spell, does a Moo on one target ([C] section effect).
Specialized in Poultrymancy.
Requires Dex 7 instead of Con 7. Other data same as Ovinomancer.
Replace "Sheep" with "Chicken" in all the spell descriptions.
There is no "Chicken Machine", add "Undead Robotic Chicken" as a 6th level spell, which allows true time travel across barriers.
Replace "Polymorph to Chicken" with "Fowl Play" (same effect, it's just renamed).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard/Psi19
123 456 789 ABC
1 0 0-- --- --- +1
2 2.5 1-- --- --- +3
3 5 2a- --- --- +5
4 10 21- --- --- +7
5 20 22b --- --- +9
6 40 221 --- --- +11
7 80 322 c-- --- +13
8 160 322 1-- --- +15
9 320 332 2d- --- +17
10 500 332 21- --- +19
11 875 433 22e --- +21
12 1250 433 221 --- +23
13 1625 443 322 f-- +25
14 2000 443 322 1-- +27
15 2375 544 332 2g- +29
16 2750 544 332 21- +31
17 3125 554 433 22h +33
18 3500 554 433 221 +35
19 3875 655 443 322 +37
20 4250 655 443 322 +39
21 4625 665 544 332 +41
22 5000 665 544 332 +43
23 5375 766 554 433 +45
24 5750 766 554 433 +47
25 6125 776 655 443 +49
26 6500 776 655 443 +51
27 6875 877 665 544 +53
28 7250 877 665 544 +55
29 7625 887 766 554 +57
30 8000 887 766 554 +59
31 8375 988 776 655 +61
32 8750 988 776 655 +63
33 9125 998 877 665 +65
34 9500 998 877 665 +67
35 9875 999 887 766 +69
36 10250 999 887 766 1 +71
37 2041 999 887 766 2 +73
38 2408 999 887 766 3 +75
39 2775 999 887 766 4 +77
45 4977 999 888 777 7 +89
54 8280 999 999 988 81 +107
63 11583 999 999 999 88 +125
72 14886 AAA AAA 999 991 +143
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
+5 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +4 +0 +0 +0 ÷1
Requisites: Str 18, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 21, Chr 26,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 2
Alignment: any G (or) any E
HD/level: d20
Weapon Prof.: & 7+level/2
To Hit Table: 2xWar
Save Table: 2xPri
Reference: DM
Groups: Warrior, Wizard, Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level*2+6
RSW: level*2+2
PP: level*2+4
BW: level*2+1
Spell: level*2+2
Fort: level*2-2
Reflex: level*2-2
Will: level*2+1
Is a "1st Edition" class and doesn't double XP cost beyond level 36.
Gets Exceptional Dex and Con. CF=4: Gets Barbarian Dex and Con.
Uses the Barbarian line for number of attacks. CF=4: Uses the Barbarian line for number of attacks at double level.
Can cast Wizard spells or Psi19 powers. For this class, Psi19 uses the following SL's: Minor=1, Major=3, Grand=6, Super=9.
Specialized in Chronomancy (no opposite).
PSPs = (Wis+Chr)*Level*2.
Level 1: 1 reset of actions: Create a light-saber. You may have at most one light-saber at a time. It is a size M weapon, 1 pound weight, damage 1d10/1d20, and a crit range of 19 for x2 and 20 for x3. Pick "blue" or "green"; blue light-sabers have +LVL*3/2 TH (round down) and +LVL/2 dmg (round down) in plusses; green light-sabers have +LVL TH and +LVL dmg. It has the sharpness flag with range 20, the range improves by 1 per 7 levels. You must still hit the target in order for the sharpness flag to trigger.
Level 1: There is also the 0 edition light-saber you can have instead. It is 1d20 dmg at level 1, 2d20 at level 9, plus an additional 1d20 dmg every 9 levels after that. It has the normal 20+/x2 critical and no special powers.
Level 1: 1V, may borrow from the future: May parry up to LVL attacks this segment. Use your total attack bonus with the weapon (or you can use your bare hands, in case add Str+Dex+2 as usual), this is the amount of damage is reduced from the attack. You may parry each attack only once.
Level 1: 0, 1 attack: Attempt to disarm your opponent. Roll to hit and damage normally, but you do no damage, instead, keep track of this pseudo-damage. When it exceeds the target's Dex+HNCL (treating Warrior as double level and Psi19 classes as triple level), the target is disarmed and the weapon flies off (1d10)*10' in a random direction.
Level 3: Time/Reality Stability.
Level 5: Immune to haste and slow (this immunity may be lowered).
Level 8: Immune to gas.
Level 9: If your Wis is at least 20, you may parry each attack twice (reducing damage by twice your attack bonus).
Level 11: +LVL-10 segments per round.
Level 16: Immune to poison.
Level 18: If your Wis is at least 40, you may parry each attack three times (reducing damage by thrice your attack bonus).
Level 27: Can create a "purple" light-saber instead of "blue" or "green". This has a crit range of 19-20 for x3; +LVL*3/2 TH (round down) and +LVL dmg. It is vorpal instead of sharpness, with one less range than the sharpness flag.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Ozla (Chronomancy Spells)

Level # Spell Effect
1 1 Delay Image +2 AC, +1 saves
1 2 Detect Temporal Anomaly Detect Temporal Anomaly
1 3 Haste A1 +1A action
1 4 Know Time Know date and day
1 5 Precognitive Sense Precognition
1 6 Slow Metabolism Need not eat/drink
2 1 Accelerate Plant Growth Plant Growth
2 2 Haste A2 +2A or +1B actions
2 3 Life Sounding Know target's age and how many years of natural lifespan is left
2 4 Preserve Target object is preserved and will not spoil/rot
2 5 Time Stop Object Time stops an inanimate object for 1-3 rounds
2 6 Timeslip (can cast in response to being attacked) You disappear from the combat until next round.
3 1 Articus's Melee Manager Target gets +CL/5 melee attacks per P action for 2*CL rounds
3 2 Haste A3 +3A, +2B, or +1C actions
3 3 Life Tether You know when in time the target is at all times, when time travelling can use the target as anchor
3 4 Minor Paradox Counter an effect that just occured last segment (it is undone)
3 5 Slow Slow (save)
3 6 Time Snare Target will do the same actions it did last time it acted (Spell save each round until made)
4 1 Haste A4 +4A, +3B, or +2C actions
4 2 Prophecy Improved Precognition
4 3 Summon Time Elemental Summons a normal (non-special) DL IV Time Elemental
4 4 Temporal Push Target is thrown CL+1 rounds into the future (Will save)
4 5 Timeheal Heal (as spell), 5*N% chance of failure, where N is the number of rounds before now the target was at full health
4 6 Wesley's Temporal Disjunction -1 to #Att, always loses initiative for 1d10+5 days (Spell save)
5 1 Accelerate Animal Growth Age a creature CL months, is at half number of attacks for CL turns (RSW save)
5 2 Articus's Devolutionary Warrior Target gets +1d6 Str/Dex/Con and -3d6 Int/Wis/Chr (minimum 1) (Spell save)
5 3 Create Slipgate Create a temporal gate
5 4 Haste A5 +5A, +4B, or +3C actions
5 5 Temporal Wall Anyone touching wall is double slowed and Wesley's Temporal Disjunction
5 6 Tempus Fugit Tempus Fugit
6 1 Conceal Temporal Anomaly Hides an Anomaly and reduces it's effects
6 2 Haste A6 +6A, +5B, or +4C actions
6 3 Magic Manager May use 2M /s for casting spells, after spell ends (in CL/2 rounds), you must rest for 2 rounds
6 4 Paradox Duplicate a Wizard spell of SL 0-5 or a Priest spell of SL 0-4.
6 5 Tempus Lawfulness Fixes temporal anomolies in area
6 6 Unaging You do not age this day (Duration 1 day)
7 1 Commune with Time of Legends Commune with Time of Legends
7 2 Haste A7 +7A, +6B, or +5C actions
7 3 Incurse Target being or object is Rewritten out of time (i.e. Incursed) (RSW save)
7 4 Sands of Time Reverse the effect of time on objects.
7 5 Temporal Eye Can scry into other times at this location
7 6 Wesley's Delayed Damage Whenever you take damage, you take only half, the rest is delayed until the spell ends (in 10+1d10 rounds)
8 1 Accelerate Lifeline Target ages CL years (Spell save)
8 2 Haste A8 +8A, +7B, or +6C actions
8 3 Item Supercharger A magic item can be used twice as often (per turn or day) or it's effects has twice duration
8 4 Protection from Time Immune to and can't use temporal effects
8 5 Time/Reality Stability Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save)
8 6 Timereaver Time Travel Other +/- 5*CL years (Spell save)
9 1 Haste A9 +9A, +8B, or +7C actions
9 2 Major Paradox Wish (as spell)
9 3 Sever Lifeline You do not have or require a silver cord. Immune to aging.
9 4 Temporal Shell Immune time
9 5 Temporal Stasis The flow of time stops for the subject, he ceases to grow older, he is in suspended animation. The reverse can free the creature.
9 6 Time Stop Stops time for 1d4 rounds

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group



123 456 789

1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 2.5 2˝- --- --- +0
3 5 21- --- --- +0
4 10 32˝ --- --- +1
5 20 421 --- --- +1
6 40 422 ˝-- --- +1
7 60 432 1-- --- +2
8 90 433 2˝- --- +2
9 135 433 21- --- +2
10 250 443 22- --- +3
11 375 444 33˝ --- +3
12 750 444 441 --- +3
13 1125 555 442 ˝-- +4
14 1500 555 442 1-- +4
15 1875 555 552 1˝- +4
16 2250 555 553 21- +5
17 2625 555 553 32˝ +5
18 3000 555 553 321 +5
19 3375 555 553 331 +6
20 3750 555 554 332 +6
21 4125 555 554 442 +6
22 4500 555 555 443 +7
23 4875 555 555 553 +7
24 5250 555 555 554 +7
25 5625 555 555 555 +8
26 6000 666 655 555 +8
27 6375 666 666 655 +8
28 6750 666 666 666 +9
29 7125 777 766 666 +9
30 7500 777 777 766 +9
31 7875 777 777 777 +10
32 8250 888 877 777 +10
33 8625 888 888 877 +10
34 9000 888 888 888 +11
35 9375 999 988 888 +11
36 9750 999 999 999 1 +11
37 19500 999 999 999 2 +12
38 29250 999 999 999 3 +12
39 39000 999 999 999 4 +12
45 97500 A99 999 999 9 +14
54 185250 AAA AAA AAA 91 +17
63 273000 AAA AAA AAA A9 +20
72 360750 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +23
Requisites: Str 14, Con 12, Int 9
Alignment: any N
HD/level: d12
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Myrmecologist}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate, Lost
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+4
RSW: level+7
PP: level+5
BW: level+3
Spell: level+6
Fort: level+3
Reflex: level-1
Will: level-1
Specialized and School Robed (-1 SL) in Paleontology (Dinosaurs).
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 1: +1+(LVL/3) summon slots, only for Dinosaurs.
Level 4: +1 Brontosaurus Familiar (gives x2 hp; Level 9: x2 dmg), Animal Companion, or Mount (DL I; 200 hp; +1 DL and x3 hp every odd level thereafter)
Level 8: You are considered a WereDinosaur and may polymorph yourself into a Dinosaur for 1V action. You are Size F.
Paleontology Spells:
Flatten N (SL=N): Drops a Dinosaur on one target (material component for two), target takes 5^SL dmg, Dinosaur disappears afterwards
Dino Scale Armor N (SL=N): +CL*N AC; +CL*N saves; +CL*N*10 hp Armor spell
Trog Chili Pepper N (SL=N): You and your Dinosaurs breathe fire (increase offensive DL by +N-1).
Summon Dinosaur N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL+2 Dinosaur
Summon Reptile N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL+1 Reptile. It counts as a Dinosaur for other spells.
Summon Dragon N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL Dragon. It does not count as a Dinosaur.
Wall of Dinosaur (SL=N): Creates a Wall of Dinosaur, anyone passing through takes (SL*2)d(SL*2) dmg.
Dino Egg (SL=0): Summons a DL 0 Dino Egg. It has a 1% chance per reset of hatching into a DL I Dinosaur.
Speak with Dinosaurs (SL=1): You can speak with Dinosaurs and ask them questions, which they will give reasonable answers to.
Pterodactyl (SL=2): Your Dinosaur summons Fly at CL".
Stampede (SL=3): Earthquake (as spell)
Deconstruction (SL=3): Your Dinosaur summons can destroy large building/structures in a short amount of time. Each Dinosaur does 4^DL Hull dmg per S action.
Polymorph into Dinosaur (SL=3): Polymorphs target into a Dinosaur (PP save). It is now Size F and its AC and movement rate halves.
Trog Red Root (SL=4): Your Dinosaur summons get a +2S+2V action Haste.
Magmasaur (SL=4): 0 action, whenever one of your Dinosaur summons is killed by damage: Deal 10*(DL^3) magma dmg to one target.
Dino Generator (SL=6): Creates a DL VI Monster Generator for Dinosaurs (one DL VI per segment). These are not summons, but they will only attack enemies.
Megasaur (SL=9): Summons a DL X Dinosaur with 2^CL rhp.
Trog Golden Pineapple (SL=9): One of your Dinosaur summons has irhp instead of rhp (at 1 irhp to 10 rhp).
Megasaur Generator (SL=10): Creates a DL X Monster Generator for Megasaurs (see above).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Permission Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3.75 2-- --- ---
3 7.5 21- --- ---
4 15 32- --- ---
5 33.75 421 --- ---
6 60 422 --- ---
7 90 432 1-- ---
8 135 433 2-- ---
9 202.5 433 21- ---
10 375 443 22- ---
11 562.5 444 33- ---
12 1125 444 441 ---
13 1687.5 555 442 ---
14 2250 555 442 1--
15 2812.5 555 552 1--
16 3375 555 553 21-
17 3937.5 555 553 32-
18 4500 555 553 321
19 5062.5 555 553 331
20 5625 555 554 332
21 6187.5 555 554 442
22 6750 555 555 443
23 7312.5 555 555 553
24 7875 555 555 554
25 8437.5 555 555 555
26 9000 666 655 555
27 9562.5 666 666 655
28 10125 666 666 666
29 10687.5 777 766 666
30 11250 777 777 766
31 11812.5 777 777 777
32 12375 888 877 777
33 12937.5 888 888 877
34 13500 888 888 888
35 14062.5 999 988 888
36 14625 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 18, Wis 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4+1
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialization in Permission school (Counter-Magic); no opposite.
In combat, you act on the bottom of the segment (with the monsters) instead of the top of the segment with the rest of the PCs. If the party isn't in combat, is moving (using V actions) and encounters monsters, you cannot act again (beyond finishing moving your V action) until the bottom of the segment.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Permission Mage Spells

Level # Spell Effect
1 1 Foul Charges Foul (Destroy) 5*CL doses of potions or charges on items in someone's inventory (no save), the items can be fixed out of combat if done within the hour
1 2 Lapse Effect is countered unless they lose an additional action from their remaining actions this round (action must be of same type used to cast the effect).
1 3 Specific Counter When you choose this spell, choose a specific spell/power by name. This spell counters that spell or power.
2 1 Fast Specific Counter [1Z to cast] When you choose this spell, choose a specific spell/power by name. This spell counters that spell or power.
2 2 Counterspell Counterspell
2 3 Twist Dispels one effect
3 1 Absorb/Undermine [you may cast this spell even if you are as low as -29 hp] Counterspell, you are cured 30 hp, caster takes 30 dmg
3 2 Borrowed Borrowed Haste +1bbS action per round (counts as your Haste). bbS actions may be used during the PC's half of the segment.
3 3 Fork Fork
4 1 Deflection Deflects an effect so it hits a different target than what the caster intended
4 2 Mana Drain Counterspell, you gain a spell slot equal to the SL of the countered effect (Twilighting still applies)
4 3 Splice Cast four SL's of Permission Mage spells this segment (max SL=3, each costs 1N to use).
5 1 Anti-Magic Shell Turns off magical spells and effects of SL 0 to CL/2 in your group, Hole in the Middle for you.
5 2 Mass Twist Twist up to CL effects on one target, or twist every instance of one effect in a group.
5 3 Radiate An effect just cast hits every other target it could possibly target. You and the original caster both get your Head Blown Off.
6 1 Create D_Z Create a DMZ, DPZ, DIZ, DRZ, DTechZ, or DNZ (treat as a x1 Special on the room, cannot be dispelled, must be Remove Special-ed at)
6 2 Erase Symbol Erases a "?", "!", or other symbol in the dungeon, or makes the party immune to the next segment's Wandering Monster check, or counter someone's moving (with a V) action.
6 3 Quick Borrowed Borrowed Haste +1bbQS action per round (counts as your Haste, but can be combined with Borrowed Borrowed Haste). bbQS actions may be used during the PC's half of the segment.
7 1 Capital O Object Capital O Object (this spell cannot be channeled unless you are a Permission Mage)
7 2 Look at Me I'm the DCI Banhammer one effect in the room (treat this as a x1 Special on the room, cannot be dispelled, must be Remove Special-ed at)
7 3 Split Second Your next action that you use for a Permission school effect gets the "I" (Instantaneous, cannot be responded to) flag.
8 1 Capital I Insist Capital I Insist (this spell cannot be channeled unless you are a Permission Mage)
8 2 Multiply Your next Permission school effect will be at xCL^(1/2) multiplier.
8 3 Mutual Lockdown You and one target have all actions locked down for CL segments
9 1 Quick Quick Borrowed Borrowed Haste +1bbQQS action per round (counts as your Haste, but can be combined with the lower versions). bbQQS actions may be used during the PC's half of the segment.
9 2 Really O Object Really O Object (this spell cannot be channeled unless you are a Permission Mage)
9 3 Round Stop The current round will end after the end of this segment (the rest of the segments this round will not occur)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Pet Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3 2-- --- ---
3 6 3-- --- ---
4 12 4˝- --- ---
5 24 41- --- ---
6 48 42- --- ---
7 96 43- --- ---
8 192 44˝ --- ---
9 384 441 --- ---
10 750 542 --- ---
11 1500 643 --- ---
12 2000 744 ˝-- ---
13 2500 744 1-- ---
14 3000 754 2-- ---
15 3500 764 3-- ---
16 4000 774 4˝- ---
17 4500 774 41- ---
18 5000 775 42- ---
19 5500 776 43- ---
20 6000 777 44˝ ---
21 6500 777 441 ---
22 7000 777 542 ---
23 7500 777 643 ---
24 8000 777 744 ˝--
25 8500 777 744 1--
26 9000 777 754 2--
27 9500 777 764 3--
28 10000 777 774 4˝-
29 10500 777 774 41-
30 11000 777 775 42-
31 11500 777 776 43-
32 12000 777 777 44˝
33 12500 777 777 441
34 13000 777 777 542
35 13500 777 777 643
36 14000 777 777 744
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 10, Chr 18, Cml 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Conjuration; Normal in Abjuration; all other schools are Opposite.
Can have 1 familiar per level, and what types of familiars you can have are accelerated (see Familiars in section [S]).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1 2-- --- ---
3 3 2˝- --- ---
4 6 21- --- ---
5 10 22- --- ---
6 20 33- --- ---
7 30 33˝ --- ---
8 50 331 --- ---
9 100 332 --- ---
10 150 332 ˝-- ---
11 200 332 1-- ---
12 400 332 2-- ---
13 600 333 3-- ---
14 800 333 3˝- ---
15 1000 333 31- ---
16 1200 333 32- ---
17 1400 333 32˝ ---
18 1600 333 321 ---
19 1800 333 322 ---
20 2000 333 333 ---
21 2200 333 333 ˝--
22 2400 333 333 1--
23 2600 333 333 2--
24 2800 333 333 2˝-
25 3000 333 333 21-
26 3200 333 333 22-
27 3400 333 333 33-
28 3600 333 333 33˝
29 3800 333 333 331
30 4000 333 333 332
31 4200 333 333 333
32 4400 444 443 333
33 4600 444 444 444
34 4800 555 554 444
35 5000 555 555 555
36 5200 666 666 666
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Con 10, Int 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Chemist}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate, Technology
Level 1: Identify Technological Items and how to use them (level*10)%
Level 1: +1 Knowledge proficiency per level.
Level 1: Resist Gravity, Telekinesis, falling damage
Level 2: Identify Object/Person's weight, home plane, home multiverse (quantum signature) by sight.
Level 3: Specialization in Enchantment gained.
Level 3: Immune distance distortion, teleport/plane-shifting traps/tricks/specials
Level 4: 1/d: Create Technological item of TechL=LVL
Level 5: Unusual materials are considered elements of E=S for your spells.
Level 6: Can create ioun stones as a GeoSage of 5 levels lower.
Level 7: Specialization in Alteration gained.
Level 8: Identify Alchemical/Chemical item and (at a -50% penalty) function (level-7)*10%
Level 9: Identify plane and multiverse by sight.
Sample Technology Levels (copied from [A10]):
0 -10X No basic tools
1 -9X Basic tools; Basic shelter; Basic herbal medicine; Cultivation of plants; Recognition of seasons
2 -8Xe Wheel; Use of fire; Star recognition; Constellations; Basic metallurgy; Pulleys; Levers; Basic anatomy; Alchemy
3 -8Xs Basic astronomy and navigation; Windmills; Water wheels; Microscope/Magnifying Lens; Animal husbandry
4 -8Xl Recognition of other planets; Basic mechanics; Flood control; Cell theory; Classification of compounds
5 -7X Solar system mechanics; Steam power; Crude weather prediction; Geologic history; Fossils
6 -6Xe Detailed anatomy; Crude surgery (leeches!)
7 -6Xs Simple chemistry
8 -6Xl Simple atomic theory; Organic chemistry
9 -5X Hydroelectric power; Light-bulbs; Radio; X-rays
10 -4Xe Celestial mechanics; Heating and cooling systems; Heavy machinery; Tanks; Basic genetics/microbiology
11 -4Xs Stellar evolution; Transistors and Basic electronics; Theory of diseases (bacteriology); Earthquake prediction
12 -4Xl Radio astronomy; Solid state electronics; Telephones; Basic artificial limbs; Microwave theory
13 -3X Relativity; Internal combustion; Simple Computers; DNA/gene research; Basic artificial organs; Organ transplants
14 -2Xe Basic astronautics (planet to moon); Unmanned space probes; Simple internet; Fission; Lasers
15 -2Xs Manned spaceflight (planet to planet); Environmental suits; Simple cyberware/bioware; Fusion
16 -2Xl Unmanned interstellar probes; Advanced cyberware/bioware; Clones; Cold fusion
17 -1X Impulse; Manner interstellar travel; Gene surgery; Weather modification; Antimatter reactors
18 0Xe SemiWarp; Basic subspace mechanics; Micromolecular circuitry; Gravity control; Replicators; Phasers
19 0Xs Warp; Dilithium; Deflector shields; Transporters; Tractor beams; Tricorders; Positional Stabilizer
20 0Xl MicroWarp; Automation control systems; SFG; Cloaking Device; Temporal / alternate timeline theory

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Planeswalker Artificer

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 AB
1 0 1-- --- --- --
2 10 2-- --- --- --
3 15 21- --- --- --
4 22 12- --- --- --
5 33 021 --- --- --
6 49 012 --- --- --
7 73 102 1-- --- --
8 109 201 2-- --- --
9 163 310 21- --- --
10 244 410 12- --- --
11 366 521 021 --- --
12 549 621 012 --- --
13 823 731 102 1-- --
14 1234 832 101 2-- --
15 1851 942 110 21- --
16 2776 A42 110 12- --
17 4164 B53 211 021 --
18 6400 C53 211 012 --
19 6800 D63 211 102 1-
20 7200 E64 221 101 2-
21 7600 F74 321 110 21
22 8000 G74 321 110 32
23 8400 H85 322 111 32
24 8800 I85 322 111 33
25 9200 J95 432 111 43
26 9600 K96 432 211 43
27 10000 LA6 432 211 44
28 10400 NA6 432 211 44
29 10800 OB7 533 221 54
30 11200 PB7 543 221 54
31 11600 QC7 543 221 55
32 12000 RC8 543 222 55
33 12400 SD8 643 322 55
34 12800 TD8 643 322 65
35 13200 UE9 653 322 65
36 13600 VE9 653 322 66
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Str 9, Con 12, Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: MTG / DM
Groups: Wizard, Lost, Demigod (x1)
Gets Int bonus to progression. Specialized in Enchantment/Charm and Conjuration/Summoning.
Casts normal Wizard spells, not MTG spells. Could cast MTG spells at 2 slots each if they are known.
Can have up to LVL MTG magic items. The maximum CC (Casting Cost, treat as SL) for each is (LVL+2)/3.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Planeswalker Artificer Items

CC (SL) # Magic Item Effect
1 1 AEther Vial 0, 1/r: Cast a Conjuration/Summoning spell.
1 2 Ivory Tower Regenerate 3 hp/s.
1 3 Skullclamp Your summons get +CL TH/dmg, -CL AC/saves/rhp
1 4 Sol Ring +2 SL in progression.
1 5 Soul Net Whenever you kill someone with a spell, cure 1 hp.
1 6 Voltaic Key 1V: An item gets 1E action this segment.
2 1 Chaos Orb 1V, 1/reset: Destroy a magic item, effect, or creature (creature gets PPD save)
2 2 Helm of Awakening All spells in the room are school/sphere robed (x1 Special)
2 3 Illusionary Mask Your summons are Dust of Disappearanced
2 4 Lightning Greaves Your summons are not summoning sick
2 5 Scythe of the Wretched +1 summon slot; 1M: Animate Dead a creature you killed (it's your summon, -1 DL)
2 6 Sun Droplet Regenerate 10 hp/s.
3 1 Ashnod's Altar 0, sacrifice a summon: Get back 2 SL in progression
3 2 Blasting Station 1N, sacrifice a summon: Deal 10 dmg to one target (no save, TechR to resist)
3 3 Caltrops 10 damage damaging shield (no save, TechR to resist)
3 4 Fireshrieker One of your summons deals double damage
3 5 Forcefield Damage Threshold 10 from physical attacks
3 6 Loxodon Warhammer Vampiric Regen. (can be used on one of your summons)
4 1 Giant Fan 1V: Move an effect from one person to another (aER to resist)
4 2 Icy Manipulator 1S: Target loses his next action.
4 3 Jester's Cap Target forgets how to cast 3 spells or effects by name
5 1 Al-Abara's Carpet Immune to attackers unless they are flying
5 2 Coat of Arms Your summons get +N AC/saves/rhp/TH/dmg for each other summon of same race
5 3 Mirari 1bM, lose a SL=5 spell in memorization: Fork
6 1 Joven's Tools 1M: Target creature ignores all defenses with one attack
6 2 Mindslaver 1M, 1/reset: Domination for 1 segment (no save, TechR to resist)
6 3 Mirror Universe 1M, 1/reset: Switch current hp with target (no save, TechR to resist)
7 1 Legacy Weapon 1M: *Destroy* (or Capital S Slay) an item, effect, or creature (TechR to resist)
8 1 Aladdin's Ring 1M: 40 damage to one target (no resistance)
9 1 Darksteel Forge Your items are indestructible.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP MTG Wiz/Pri
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 5 20- --- --- +1
3 10 21- --- --- +1
4 20 320 --- --- +2
5 40 421 --- --- +3
6 80 422 0-- --- +3
7 160 432 1-- --- +4
8 250 433 20- --- +5
9 500 433 21- --- +5
10 700 443 22- --- +6
11 900 444 330 --- +7
12 1100 444 441 --- +7
13 1300 555 442 0-- +8
14 1500 555 442 1-- +9
15 1700 555 552 10- +9
16 1900 555 553 21- +10
17 2100 555 553 320 +11
18 2300 555 553 321 +11
19 2500 555 553 331 +12
20 2700 555 554 332 +13
21 2900 555 554 442 +13
22 3100 555 555 443 +14
23 3300 555 555 553 +15
24 3500 555 555 554 +15
25 3700 555 555 555 +16
26 3900 666 655 555 +17
27 4100 666 666 655 +17
28 4300 666 666 666 +18
29 4500 777 766 666 +19
30 4700 777 777 766 +19
31 4900 777 777 777 +20
32 5100 888 877 777 +21
33 5300 888 888 877 +21
34 5500 888 888 888 +22
35 5700 999 988 888 +23
36 5900 999 999 999 1 +23
37 11800 999 999 999 2 +24
38 17700 999 999 999 3 +25
39 23600 999 999 999 4 +25
45 59000 A99 999 999 9 +29
54 112100 AAA AAA AAA 91 +35
63 165200 AAA AAA AAA A9 +41
72 218300 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +47
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
-5 +0 +0 +7 +3 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 ÷1
Requisites: Int 25, Wis 9,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 2
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: MTG / DM
Groups: Wizard, Priest, Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+0
Will: level+0
Gets Int bonus to progression.
Has access to the following Schools/Spheres:
Artifact (Wizard School and Concordant School)
Black (Wizard School and Priest Sphere)
Blue (Wizard School and Psionic Discipline)
Gold (Wizard School, Priest Sphere, and Psionic Discipline)
Green (Priest Sphere)
Red (Wizard School)
White (Priest Sphere)
Spells are on the following pages. Can cast normal Wizard or Priest spells; they cost 2 spells each.
Artifact spells are generally cast once, then the effect lasts for the day.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Plator (MTG Spells)

School/Sphere SL # Spell Effect
Artifact 1 1 AEther Vial 0, 1/r: Cast a Conjuration/Summoning spell.
Artifact 1 2 Ivory Tower Regenerate 3 hp/s.
Artifact 1 3 Skullclamp Your summons get +CL TH/dmg, -CL AC/saves/rhp
Artifact 1 4 Sol Ring +2 SL in progression.
Artifact 1 5 Soul Net Whenever you kill someone with a spell, cure 1 hp.
Artifact 1 6 Summon Myr 1 Summon a DL=1 Myr
Artifact 1 7 Voltaic Key 1V: An item gets 1E action this segment.
Black 1 1 Darkness 1bM: Immune to a P attack from someone
Black 1 2 Paralyze Target is paralyzed (PP save)
Black 1 3 Unholy Strength Get +2 TH and dmg (considered magical plusses), and +1 AC and saves.
Blue 1 1 Ancestral Recall This spell can be cast only once per turn. Target regains 3 SL's in memorization.
Blue 1 2 Flight Target flies at 12" (C).
Blue 1 3 Mind Games Target loses his next action (Spell save)
Green 1 1 Awaken Removes sleep/fatigue effect on up to CL targets
Green 1 2 Berserk Attacking creature does x2 dmg and is slain this segment (not 1bM)
Green 1 3 Force of Nature I Summon a Plant Elemental: AC 20, hp 20, #Att 1/1, TH +10, dmg 10
Green 1 4 Giant Growth Target gets +3 TH, dmg, AC, and saves this round.
Green 1 5 Instill Energy You get +1S action per round for CL r (counts as your haste).
Green 1 6 Natural Healing Target is cured equal to his Con score in hp
Green 1 7 Nature’s Lore Know direction & distance to an object or person (if they are touching the ground)
Red 1 1 Earthbind Target loses flying and takes double normal falling damage (no save).
Red 1 2 False Orders (1bM to cast) Force a monster to attack someone else (he will only attack his enemies)
Red 1 3 Lightning Bolt Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
White 1 1 Angel's Grace 1bM: Damage that would put you below 1 hp this segment puts you at 1 hp
White 1 2 Death Ward 1bM, cannot act next segment: Avoid a slay effect on someone.
White 1 3 Healing Salve One target is cured 30 hp, or (1bM action) prevent the next 30 dmg to a target.
Artifact 2 1 Chaos Orb 1V, 1/reset: Destroy a magic item, effect, or creature (creature gets PPD save)
Artifact 2 2 Helm of Awakening All spells in the room are school/sphere robed (x1 Special)
Artifact 2 3 Illusionary Mask Your summons are Dust of Disappearanced
Artifact 2 4 Lightning Greaves Your summons are not summoning sick
Artifact 2 5 Scythe of the Wretched +1 summon slot; 1M: Animate Dead a creature you killed (it's your summon, -1 DL)
Artifact 2 6 Summon Myr 2 Summon a DL=2 Myr
Artifact 2 7 Sun Droplet Regenerate 10 hp/s.
Black 2 1 Animate Dead Animates a dead monster as your summon (1 DL lower)
Black 2 2 Simulacrum 1bM: Redirect any amount of damage from you to one of your subordinates.
Black 2 3 Terror Target is slain (PPD save, does not affect Undead or Golems, or things without souls)
Blue 2 1 Aura of Dominion Target can use 2M this segment.
Blue 2 2 Force Spike 1bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another spell/psionic slot to it.
Blue 2 3 Invisibility Improved Invisibility.
Blue 2 4 Time Walk This spell can be cast only once per turn. You get an extra segment this round (segment 11 at end).
Gold 2 1 Angelic Shield All your summons get +1 rhp. You get 10 current hp. 0, sacrifice this effect: Unsummon (no save).
Gold 2 2 Azorius First-Wing Summon a DL II Griffin, it flies, and can remove bad effects on people.
Gold 2 3 Azorius Guildmage Summon a DL II Vedalken Wizard, it can Stop someone, and can dispel Contingency effects.
Gold 2 4 Crystalline Sliver Summon a DL II Sliver, it can't be targetted.
Gold 2 5 Energy Arc 1bM: In your group, weapon damage does not occur this half-segment and your next half-segment.
Gold 2 6 Galina's Knight Summon a DL II Merfolk Knight, it is immune to area effect damaging spells/psi.
Gold 2 7 Meddling Mage Summon a DL II Human Wizard, he Banhammers one spell or psi effect of SL 0-3 in the room [x1 Special]
Gold 2 8 Overrule 1bM, spend N additional SL's: Counterspell, unless they spend 10*N SL's, and you are cured 10*N hp.
Gold 2 9 Pride of the Clouds Summon a DL II Elemental Cat, he flies, he has rhp = number of flying summons you control.
Gold 2 10 Prismatic Boon Choose a school, sphere, or psionic frequency. A group is immune to that for 1s.
Gold 2 11 Sygg, River Guide Summon a DL II Merfolk Wizard, he can give someone Water Breathing, and can counter one effect.
Gold 2 12 Wings of Aesthir Target gets +CL TH/dmg and flying 12" for 1t.
Gold 2 13 Wings of Hope Target gets +1 TH/dmg, +3 AC/saves, and flying 12" for 1t.
Green 2 1 Bind 1bM: Counter an item ability.
Green 2 2 Earth Bolt Deal CLd10 Eldritch Earth dmg to one target (no save)
Green 2 3 Gaea’s Bounty Regain one first-level Plant/Animal spell to memorization
Green 2 4 Gaea’s Cradle One of your summoned creatures is dispelled; Add it's hp/10 in SL to your memorization
Green 2 5 Gaea’s Might Target gains +N AC/saves/TH/dmg; N is number of groups of classes you have
Green 2 6 Lifeforce 1bM: Counter a MTG Black, Necromancy/Necromantic, or Psi7 power.
Green 2 7 Naturalize Dispel one non-natural effect (or) Turn off one non-natural item for 1 turn
Green 2 8 Regeneration You regenerate at CL hp/s. 0, this effect drops and you lose the spell slot: Avoid a slay effect.
Green 2 9 Soothing Word Removes fear/horror effect on up to CL targets
Green 2 10 Spiritual Energy +LVL Con
Red 2 1 Echoing Ruin Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
Red 2 2 Raging River Create a (water based) moat that is CL*30' long and CL*10' feet wide, which lasts for CL r.
Red 2 3 Shatter Destroy or turn off one magic item for CL turns (no save) (if turned off, you can drop the turned off effect).
White 2 1 Abeyance Target cannot use M actions this segment (Will save)
White 2 2 Circle of Protection When cast, name a school/sphere/psi freq. Lose 1 spell slot: Immune to 1 effect of that school/sphere/psi freq.
White 2 3 Disenchant Dispel an effect.
Artifact 3 1 Ashnod's Altar 0, sacrifice a summon: Get back 2 SL in progression
Artifact 3 2 Blasting Station 1N, sacrifice a summon: Deal 10 dmg to one target (no save, TechR to resist)
Artifact 3 3 Brass Gnat 3-1 1M or 1T: 10 dmg 15' radius (Annihilation, centered on you, hole in the middle, no save). Taking this power more than once increases the damage by 10 each time.
Artifact 3 4 Brass Gnat 3-2 +(LVL+1)/2 T actions per round, only for technological effects (including Brass Gnat spells). This cannot be picked more than once, but different SL versions of this same effect exist, which can be picked (once each).
Artifact 3 5 Brass Gnat 3-3 1bV+1bP or 1bT+1bP: Get a full P action of attacks against someone you are getting a parting shot against (or) Get a parting shot against someone who is immune to parting shots, or who is blinking away / leaving the group instantaneously. This cannot be picked more than once.
Artifact 3 6 Brass Gnat 3-4 Charm Resistance (CR) = CL*15%. Picking this a second time gives aCR or NR, a third time gives aCR or NR (the other that you didn't pick), and the fourth time gives aNR.
Artifact 3 7 Brass Gnat 3-5 When you take this power, pick Radiation, Magic, Psi, or Innate. 1M or 1T: Dispel an effect of the type chosen. Picking this more than once gives you another pick.
Artifact 3 8 Brass Gnat 3-6 Resist "Chaos", "Colorless", "Wild", and "Wonder" elements/effects (Colorless Fire, Colorless Time, Black Ice, Wild Magic Zones, etc.). Picking this twice gives Double Resist, but third and further picks do nothing.
Artifact 3 9 Brass Gnat 3-7 Resist Polymorph, Clone, Domination, Teleport Other. Picking this a second time gives Immunity.
Artifact 3 10 Brass Gnat 3-8 1M or 1T: Duplicate a Psi8 minor ability. (This is resisted using TechR, not PsiR). Picking this twice lets you duplicate Psi16 minors.
Artifact 3 11 Brass Gnat 3-9 1M or 1T, LVL/d: Raise or lower the Physical Factor (PF) of the area by 1 (min PF = 0, max PF = 11), even if current PF=0. This cannot be picked more than once.
Artifact 3 12 Brass Gnat 3-10 1M or 1T: Raise or lower the Tech Level of an object by 1 (max Tech Level = N+LVL, where N is the number of times you pick this power).
Artifact 3 13 Brass Gnat 3-11 When you take this power, pick Radiation, Magic, Psi, or Innate. 1bM or 1bT: Counter an effect of the type chosen. Picking this more than once gives you another pick.
Artifact 3 14 Brass Gnat 3-12 "Luck" effects doesn't work for anyone within sight. This cannot be picked more than once.
Artifact 3 15 Brass Gnat 3-13 1N, 1/t: Immune to Head Blown Off or Summoning Sickness. Picking this more than once lets you use this power an additional time per turn.
Artifact 3 16 Brass Gnat 3-14 When you take this power, pick Radiation, Magic, Psi, or Innate. 1M or 1T: Reverse an effect of the type chosen. (Can cast the effect's reverse within 1 round, even if the reverse is not known.) Picking this more than once gives you another pick.
Artifact 3 17 Brass Gnat 3-15 1M or 1T: Summon a DL=CL (max DL=6) Alley creature, it has a DL% chance of becoming uncontrolled per segment. Picking this more than once increases the max DL by 1, but never beyond DL=9 in any case.
Artifact 3 18 Caltrops 10 damage damaging shield (no save, TechR to resist)
Artifact 3 19 Fireshrieker One of your summons deals double damage
Artifact 3 20 Forcefield Damage Threshold 10 from physical attacks
Artifact 3 21 Loxodon Warhammer Vampiric Regen. (can be used on one of your summons)
Artifact 3 22 Summon Myr 3 Summon a DL=3 Myr
Black 3 1 Attrition Sacrifice a summon: Target is slain (PPD save)
Black 3 2 Gloom [x1 Special] Priest spells cost triple spell slots to cast.
Blue 3 1 Charisma Your attacks are charm branded (Will save)
Blue 3 2 Mana Leak 1bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect unless its user devotes another 3 spell/psionic slots to it.
Blue 3 3 Psionic Blast Target takes 40 psionic dmg, you take 20 psionic dmg (no save) (PR to resist)
Gold 3 1 Absorb 1bM: Counterspell, and be cured 30 hp.
Gold 3 2 Azorius AEthermage Summon a DL III Human Wizard, it can refresh some of your spell/psi progressions.
Gold 3 3 Chromatic Armor Choose a school, sphere, or psionic frequency. Target is immune to that for 1t.
Gold 3 4 Daring Leap One creature flies and gets +10 TH/dmg/AC/saves this segment.
Gold 3 5 Demand (Supply/Demand) Wishoid for a SL 2 Psi11U/W spell
Gold 3 6 Guiding Spirit Summon a DL III Angel, it flies, and makes your Summon Psi11U/W powers cost only ˝M each.
Gold 3 7 Hanna, Ship's Navigator Summon a DL III Human Artificer, he can rebuild dispelled effects or magic items.
Gold 3 8 Leering Gargoyle Summon a DL III Gargoyle, it flies, and it can become very tough (+20 rhp) but then cannot physically attack.
Gold 3 9 Minister of Impediments Summon a DL III Human Advisor, he can lockdown one enemy's actions (Bosses and the like get a Will save).
Gold 3 10 Opaline Sliver Summon a DL III Sliver, if this Sliver dies due to enemy combat, you get one SL=2 spell added to your progression for 1t.
Gold 3 11 Phantatog Summon a DL III Atog, it dispels spell/psi effects, you can spend spell slots to increase it's DL.
Gold 3 12 Plumes of Peace Target creature is Slowed (Reflex save) and prevent his next P action (Will save)
Gold 3 13 Reparations Whenever an enemy targets you, gain 2 SL's back in Psi11U/W progression.
Gold 3 14 Riptide Crab Summon a DL III Crab, when he dies, you get ˝M you can use before the end of the round.
Gold 3 15 Samite Archer Summon a DL III Human Cleric Archer, he cures 30 hp to one target and causes 30 hp to another target per action.
Gold 3 16 Silver Drake When casting, sacrifice a summon: Summon a DL IV Drake, it flies.
Gold 3 17 Sky Spirit Summon a DL III Spirit, it flies.
Gold 3 18 Spectral Shield Target gets a 20 hp Armor spell (stacks with other Armor spells), and he can't be targetted.
Gold 3 19 Tempest Drake Summon a DL III Drake, he flies and can Interpose to protect someone from being attacked.
Green 3 1 Adaptation NaNR +CL*10%; Immune to Hostile Environment; Need not breathe
Green 3 2 Ancestral Mask Target gets +LVL/+LVL TH/dmg for each other of same race in room
Green 3 3 Force of Nature II Summon a Wood Elemental: AC 40, hp 80, #Att 2/1, TH +30, dmg 30
Green 3 4 Gaea’s Skyfolk Winged flight CL^2"
Green 3 5 Nature’s Chosen +1S action
Green 3 6 Tranquility Dispel all effects on one target (use the 50% +/- 5% per CL difference rules)
Red 3 1 Fervor You and your summons are not summoning sick.
Red 3 2 Stone Rain Deal CL Hull dmg to one inanimate object (no save)
White 3 1 Arenson's Aura 0, sacrifice a maintained effect: Dispel a maintained effect.
White 3 2 Reverse Damage 1bM: One effect that's damaging you heals you for that amount instead.
Artifact 4 1 Giant Fan 1V: Move an effect from one person to another (aER to resist)
Artifact 4 2 Icy Manipulator 1S: Target loses his next action.
Artifact 4 3 Jester's Cap Target forgets how to cast 3 spells or effects by name
Artifact 4 4 Summon Myr 4 Summon a DL=4 Myr
Black 4 1 Breeding Pit Once per round, get a DL I Thrull as a summon (limit=LVL)
Black 4 2 Lich Cast a 1st level Lich spell. You go to 0 max and current hp for 1 turn.
Blue 4 1 Coastal Piracy Whenever you kill a creature, restore 1 SL in memorization
Blue 4 2 Control Magic Charm Monster (Will save)
Blue 4 3 Counterspell 1bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect.
Gold 4 1 AEthermage's Touch Get a temporary extra Summon slot this segment, summon a DL=1d4 creature, it disappears at end of segment.
Gold 4 2 Ayesha Tanaka Summon a DL IV Human Artificer, it can group monsters together, and counter magic item abilities.
Gold 4 3 Azorius Ploy One creature deals no damage on his next P action; and one creature has all melee damage prevented to him for 1s.
Gold 4 4 Cloud Cover Whenever someone dispels one of your spell/psi effects, you can recast that effect for ˝M within the next round.
Gold 4 5 Glaciers x1 Special on room: Wacky balls cure instead of damage people. Spend a SL=2 spell slot each round to upkeep this.
Gold 4 6 Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Summon a DL IV Human Advisor, he spell robes for you one Psi11U/W power for -1 SL, he also casts Psi11U/W powers.
Gold 4 7 Harbor Guardian Summon a DL IV Gargoyle, he has near-infinite reach upwards.
Gold 4 8 Hazerider Drake Summon a DL IV Drake, it is immune to area effect damaging spells/psi.
Gold 4 9 Kangee, Aerie Keeper Summon a DL IV Bird Soldier, he flies, and makes your other Bird summons +3 DL's higher.
Gold 4 10 Meddling Kids Summon a DL IV Human Child, he Banhammers one spell or psi effect of SL 4-5 (not lower) in the room [x1 Special]
Gold 4 11 Reviving Vapors Up to 3 targets are cured (1d10+CL)*10 hp
Gold 4 12 Sawtooth Loon When summoning, sacrifice a summon: Summon a DL V Bird, he isn't sick and can cast Psi11U/W powers.
Gold 4 13 Stand // Deliver Unsummon a summon or dispel one effect, and cure one target 80 hp.
Gold 4 14 Trial (Trial/Error) Unsummon all creatures in a group, at least one of your summons must be in that group.
Gold 4 15 Vanish into Memory Unsummon a creature. You gain 2*N-R SL's in your Psi11U/W progression, where N is it's DL and R is it's remaining rhp's.
Green 4 1 Aluren You may cast SL 0-3 Conjuration/Summoning spells as a 0 action.
Green 4 2 Earth Storm Deal CLd12 Eldritch Earth dmg 40' radius (no save)
Green 4 3 Gaea’s Balance You may transfer SLs & PSPs between your magic & psi pools; use [Q11] type conversion
Green 4 4 Gaea’s Blessing Reconstruct up to three effects which were dispelled/twisted within the last turn
Green 4 5 Gaea’s Touch +1QM only for Pixie Queen spells
Green 4 6 Harmony of Nature 0, 1/s, one of your summoned critters loses & can't use 1P this segment: You gain +1QP
Green 4 7 Living Lands Summon CL Treefolk (DL=2), together they occupy 1 summon slot.
Green 4 8 Nature’s Blessing +CL distributed among AC/saves/TH/dmg as you like
Red 4 1 AEther Flash Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
Red 4 2 Fork 1bM or 1 OppM: Copy target magical/psionic effect.
Red 4 3 Orcish Oriflamme All your subordinates get +1 offensive DL.
White 4 1 Congregate Target gains 10*N hp, where N is the number of people in the party+summons
White 4 2 Resurrection Resurrect someone who's been killed within the past CL s.
Artifact 5 1 Al-Abara's Carpet Immune to attackers unless they are flying
Artifact 5 2 Coat of Arms Your summons get +N AC/saves/rhp/TH/dmg for each other summon of same race
Artifact 5 3 Mirari 1bM, lose a SL=5 spell in memorization: Fork
Artifact 5 4 Summon Myr 5 Summon a DL=5 Myr
Black 5 1 Extinction Slay all creatures of one race in a group (PPD save)
Blue 5 1 Deflection 1bM or 1 OppM: Redirect target magical/psionic effect to another target.
Blue 5 2 Evacuation A group of summons is unsummoned
Gold 5 1 Armored Guardian Summon a DL V Cat Warrior, it can make people untargetable, and prevent damage.
Gold 5 2 Hunding Gjornersen Summon a DL V Human Warrior, he is good at attacking single groups with lots of monsters in it.
Gold 5 3 Isperia the Inscrutable Summon a DL V Sphinx, it flies and it gives you an extra summon slot for itself (max=1 of these at a time).
Gold 5 4 Ordered Migration Summon CL/6 DL I Birds
Gold 5 5 Palliation Accord Whenever one of your summons physically attacks, you are cured N hp, where N is their DL.
Gold 5 6 Sky Hussar Summon a DL V Human Knight, he hastes you and all your summons by +1S action.
Gold 5 7 Swift Silence The entire "stack" of spells is countered. You get +1sM action (Slow Mental, you can use it on segment 10)
Gold 5 8 Teferi's Moat Specify a summon type. Creature of that type can't attack you unless they fly. You can't fly while running this.
Gold 5 9 Tobias Andrion Summon a DL V Human, he beats things.
Gold 5 10 Windreaver Summon a DL V Elemental, it flies, can interpose, if it doesn't attack it gets +10 rhp, and it can blink.
Green 5 1 Brute For the next turn, you get: -1M, +1P, -CL Int, +CL Str, -CL saves, +CL dmg; can't drop this
Green 5 2 Call of the Wild Summon any real-world animal (your choice), you get CL/DL of them (round up)
Green 5 3 Doubling Season Whenever you summon a creature, you get 2 instead (+1 slot too)
Green 5 4 Force of Nature III Summon a Root Elemental: AC 60, hp 180, #Att 3/1, TH +50, dmg 50
Green 5 5 Gaea’s Embrace Target gains +3 AC/saves/TH/dmg and Troll-like regen CL hp/r
Green 5 6 Life Essence If target has less than CL*CL current hp, it is cured so it has CL*CL hp
Red 5 1 Fissure Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
White 5 1 Angelic Chorus Whenever you summon a creature, cure it's hp on yourself
Artifact 6 1 Brass Gnat 6-1 1M or 1T: Lower the CL on all effects by 2 in 30' radius (no save, can use ER). Picking this more than once increases the reduction by 2.
Artifact 6 2 Brass Gnat 6-2 +(LVL+1)/2 T actions per round, only for technological effects (including Brass Gnat spells). This cannot be picked more than once, but different SL versions of this same effect exist, which can be picked (once each).
Artifact 6 3 Brass Gnat 6-3 Anti-x0/x1 Shell, SL 0-1: Immune to and cannot use 0th-1st SL x0-x1 effects.
Artifact 6 4 Brass Gnat 6-4 Effects Resistance (ER) = CL*10%. Picking this a second time gives you aER.
Artifact 6 5 Brass Gnat 6-5 Every other "Going Down a Hole" offense you do not actually go down the Hole. This cannot be picked more than once. (If you somehow get this effect twice, you immediately do down the Deeper Hole.)
Artifact 6 6 Brass Gnat 6-6 1N, 1/t: Immune to Twilight or draining the MF/PF/TF. Picking this more than once lets you use this an additional time per turn.
Artifact 6 7 Brass Gnat 6-7 1M or 1T: Duplicate a Psi8 major or Psi16 minor ability. (This is resisted using TechR, not PsiR). Picking this twice lets you duplicate Psi16 majors.
Artifact 6 8 Brass Gnat 6-8 1bM or 1bT: Counter a x0 or x1 effect. This cannot be picked more than once.
Artifact 6 9 Brass Gnat 6-9 1bM or 1bT: Counter a counterspell. Picking this a second time gives you "2bM or 2bT: Insist an effect.". This cannot be picked more than twice.
Artifact 6 10 Brass Gnat 6-10 You shift TechR by CL*5%, not (CL-12)*5%. Your SL=3 Brass Gnat spells do not give TechR at all (but iTechR can be used at half percentage). This cannot be picked more than once.
Artifact 6 11 Joven's Tools 1M: Target creature ignores all defenses with one attack
Artifact 6 12 Mindslaver 1M, 1/reset: Domination for 1 segment (no save, TechR to resist)
Artifact 6 13 Mirror Universe 1M, 1/reset: Switch current hp with target (no save, TechR to resist)
Black 6 1 Dark Offering Slay a creature (PPD save), you gain it's hp to current hp
Blue 6 1 Mind's Desire You can cast 1d6 spells of SL=1d6 next segment as 1M
Blue 6 2 Quash 1bM or 1 OppM: Counter target magical/psionic effect. That person cannot use that effect for the rest of the day.
Gold 6 1 Dovescape x1 Special on room: Everyone has +1 summon slot for Birds; All spells and psi are countered, get N DL I Bird summons instead, where N=SL.
Gold 6 2 Kasimir the Lone Wolf Summon a DL VI Human Warrior, he beats things down.
Gold 6 3 Rasputin Dreamweaver Summon a DL VI Human Wizard, he can restore up to 6 SL's of your Psi11U/W progression, he also casts Psi11U/W powers.
Green 6 1 Desert Twister Destroy something (PP save, like a Disintegrate spell)
Green 6 2 Gaea’s Herald When your summoned creatures go below -10 hp, they don't disappear (you can cure)
Green 6 3 Nature’s Cloak +CL*10 Rogue points; Any Level=CL/2 (or less) Rogue pick
Red 6 1 Dragon Roost Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
Red 6 2 Gravity Sphere No one can fly or levitate in the area (x1 Special) (fliers in room take falling dmg when cast)
White 6 1 Beacon of Immortality Double current hp (like a Tenser's, but a different source)
Artifact 7 1 Legacy Weapon 1M: *Destroy* (or Capital S Slay) an item, effect, or creature (TechR to resist)
Artifact 7 2 Summon Myr 7 Summon a DL=7 Myr
Blue 7 1 Blatant Thievery Pick Pockets LVL*10% on each target in a group
Gold 7 1 Gosta Dirk Summon a DL VII Human Warrior, he is not sick, and can Part/Lower Water.
Gold 7 2 Iridescent Angel Summon a DL VII Angel, it is immune to magic, psi, innates, and radiation.
Gold 7 3 Ith, High Arcanist Summon a DL VII Human Wizard, he can save/rescue a creature from being in a nasty group of monsters.
Gold 7 4 Jedit Ojanen Summon a DL VII Cat Warrior, he really beats things down.
Green 7 1 Force of Nature IV Summon a Thicket Elemental: AC 80, hp 320, #Att 4/1, TH +70, dmg 70
Green 7 2 Nature’s Wrath Turn all undead/outer-planar creatures within 80' (no turn roll, instead make Will saves)
Green 7 3 One with Nature For every 10 points of damage you deal in unarmed combat, add 1 SL to your memorization
Green 7 4 Seeds of Life 1 sq. mile area is restored, CL trees grow instantly, removes Defiled status
Green 7 5 Tooth and Nail Summon DL VII, can pick type, or can pick creature within type
Red 7 1 Flame Wave CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
White 7 1 Look at Me, I'm the DCI An effect is banned from the room (x1 Special)
Artifact 8 1 Aladdin's Ring 1M: 40 damage to one target (no resistance)
Black 8 1 Decree of Pain Slay all creatures in two groups (PPD save) or one group (no save)
Blue 8 1 Beacon of Tomorrows You get an extra segment this round (segment 11 at end)
Green 8 1 Biorhythm Each person in a group's current hp = (Number of summons)*10
Green 8 2 Dual Nature Whenever you summon or create creatures, you get twice as many of them
Green 8 3 Force of Nature V Summon a Fungus Elemental: AC 100, hp 500, #Att 5/1, TH +90, dmg 90
Green 8 4 Gaea’s Avenger Immune to x5 and lower artifact effects that you (or your party) do not control
Red 8 1 Insurrection Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)
White 8 1 Reverse the Sands Switch current hp totals with someone (no save)
Artifact 9 1 Brass Gnat 9-1 1M or 1T: 100 dmg 15' radius (UltraBlack damage, centered on you, hole in the middle, no save), followed by a Put Out of Misery. Taking this power more than once increases the damage by 100 each time, (or) you can use a pick to have the effect followed by Really Put Out of Misery (and again for Beast of Xvim).
Artifact 9 2 Brass Gnat 9-2 1M, 1/t: Do the T-Bear "Randomly pull an item from 20th century Earth" effect. Each time you use this power, previously pulled items disappear. Picking this more than once lets you do it an extra time per turn (and lets you have an additional item kept at the same time).
Artifact 9 3 Brass Gnat 9-3 Immune to NPC status. 1M or 1T: Dust of Disappearance or Dust of Appearance.
Artifact 9 4 Brass Gnat 9-4 1Z, eat a Larva, TechL 18+ item you control, or a DL 9+ item you control: Reset.
Artifact 9 5 Brass Gnat 9-5 When you take this power, pick Radiation, Magic, Psi, or Innate. 1bM or 1bT: Capital O Object an effect of the type chosen. Picking this more than once gives you another pick.
Artifact 9 6 Brass Gnat 9-6 You may convert 2T -> 1QT as much a you like. Picking this more than once lets you convert to quicker types (second pick: 2QT -> 1QQT; third pick: 2QQT -> 1QQQT; etc.).
Artifact 9 7 Brass Gnat 9-7 1M or 1T: Duplicate a Psi8 grand or Psi16 major ability. (This is resisted using TechR, not PsiR). Picking this twice lets you duplicate Psi16 grands.
Artifact 9 8 Darksteel Forge Your items are indestructible.
Green 9 1 Child of Gaea Target becomes Int=3, Wis=3, Chr=3, CL=0 (no save) for CL days
Green 9 2 Everhome Your home plane is every plane; when this effect ends, your home plane = current plane
Green 9 3 Force of Nature VI Summon a Thorn Elemental: AC 120, hp 720, #Att 6/1, TH +110, dmg 110
Green 9 4 Gaea’s Liege Your max hp is CL^3 (and/or) Your TH bonus is +CL^2 (no other adj. can be added)
White 9 1 Blessed Wind Target's current hp becomes 200.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard/Psi30
123 456 789 ABC
1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 2.25 2˝- --- --- +0
3 4.5 21- --- --- +0
4 9 32˝ --- --- +1
5 18 421 --- --- +1
6 36 422 ˝-- --- +1
7 54 432 1-- --- +2
8 81 433 2˝- --- +2
9 121.5 433 21- --- +2
10 225 443 22- --- +3
11 337.5 444 33˝ --- +3
12 675 444 441 --- +3
13 1000 555 442 ˝-- +4
14 1325 555 442 1-- +4
15 1650 555 552 1˝- +4
16 1975 555 553 21- +5
17 2300 555 553 32˝ +5
18 2625 555 553 321 +5
19 2950 555 553 331 +6
20 3275 555 554 332 +6
21 3600 555 554 442 +6
22 3925 555 555 443 +7
23 4250 555 555 553 +7
24 4575 555 555 554 +7
25 4900 555 555 555 +8
26 5225 666 655 555 +8
27 5550 666 666 655 +8
28 5875 666 666 666 +9
29 6200 777 766 666 +9
30 6525 777 777 766 +9
31 6850 777 777 777 +10
32 7175 888 877 777 +10
33 7500 888 888 877 +10
34 7825 888 888 888 +11
35 8150 999 988 888 +11
36 8475 999 999 999 1 +11
37 16950 999 999 999 2 +12
38 25425 999 999 999 3 +12
39 33900 999 999 999 4 +12
45 84750 A99 999 999 9 +14
54 161025 AAA AAA AAA 91 +17
63 237300 AAA AAA AAA A9 +20
72 313575 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +23
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
+2 +1 +2 +4 -1 -1 -2 +0 +0 +0 ÷1
Requisites: Str 7, Dex 5, Con 6, Int 12,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 2
Alignment: C any
HD/level: & d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz+1
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, PC Designed, Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+4
RSW: level+7
PP: level+5
BW: level+3
Spell: level+6
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+1
Will: level+1
Counts as a "Human" race.
Specialized in Alteration and Myrmecology.
May use Psi30 powers as if they were spells with the following SL's: 2=Minor, 4=Major, 6=Grand, 8=Super, 10=Ultra. Your "successes" are equal to your CL.
Level 1 ¶: Can use "2 for 1" ability score trading.
Level 1 ¶: "Polymorph Other" is a 1st level spell for you. You may choose the general summon type (1-40) of what the target will turn into.
Level 1 ¶: May use Astral Perception and Astral Projection.
Level 9 ¶: 1F, 1/d: Target x0 being becomes a x1 being permanently.
Myrmecology Spells:
Ant Doom N (SL=N): Creeping Doom of Ants, (1d4+6)*(SL^3) dmg
Ant Shield N (SL=N): Damaging shield of type Ant (Insect), SL*25%
Fire Ant N (SL=N): Deals CLd(SL*2) Fiery Insect dmg (no save) plus Blindness (Reflex save) to a group
Summon Ant N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL+1 Giant Winged Ant or (11-SL)^2 DL=SL Giant Ants (type Insect)
Summon Formian N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL Formian (type Outer from Arcadia/Nirvana). They count as Ants for other spells.
Summon Myr N (SL=N): Summon a DL=SL Myr (type Golem from MTG). These do not count as Ants. See list below.
Wall of Ants (SL=N): Creates a Wall of Ants, anyone passing through takes (SL*2)d(SL*2) dmg.
Ant (SL=0): Summons a normal DL 0 Ant.
Speak with Ants (SL=1): You can speak with Ants and ask them questions, which they will give reasonable answers to.
Army Ants (SL=3): Earthquake (as spell)
Construction (SL=3): Your Ant summons can build a large building/structure or tunnel in a short amount of time. Every DL of Ants is 1 Hull point per S action they have.
Polymorph into Ant (SL=3): Polymorphs target into a (normal) Ant (PP save)
Carrion Ants (SL=4): Add +1 DL to your Ant summons (can repeat this spell up to DL X)
Saber Ants (SL=4): Whenever one of your Ant summons is killed by damage, get another Ant to replace it.
Yavimaya Ants (SL=4): Your Ant summons have haste.
Queen Ant (SL=6): Summons a DL VI Queen Ant. It adds a DL I Ant every segment to it's summon group (up to a max of 100).
Giant Ant Colony (SL=9): Summons a Fuckton (1000000) of DL I Giant Ants. They are in 100 groups of Plenty (10000) Giant Ants, but all together it counts as only one summon slot.
Giant Ant Empire (SL=10): Summons CL Fucktons (CL*1000000) of DL II Giant Flying Ants. They are in CL*100 groups of Plenty (10000) Giant Flying Ants, but all together it counts as only one summon slot. Alternatively, you can have a single group of 1 Metric Fuckton (100000000) of DL III Giant Flying Saber Ants.
(More spells will be added if this class is actively being played.)
Myr Types (for reference; this doesn't count monster templates):
DL=1: Myr Mindservant, Myr Moonvessel, Myr Servitor; DL=2: Alpha Myr, Copper Myr, Coretapper, Gold Myr, Iron Myr, Leaden Myr, Myr Retriever, Omega Myr, Silver Myr; DL=3: Myr Adapter, Myr Landshaper, Suntouched Myr; DL=4: Lodestone Myr, Myr Quadropod, Sarcomite Myr; DL=5: Myr Prototype; DL=7: Myr Enforcer

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 20- --- ---
2 2.5 21- --- ---
3 5 220 --- ---
4 10 321 --- ---
5 15 432 0-- ---
6 25 432 1-- ---
7 50 543 20- ---
8 75 543 21- ---
9 100 654 320 ---
10 150 654 321 ---
11 200 665 432 0--
12 300 665 432 1--
13 750 666 543 2--
14 1000 666 654 3--
15 1250 666 665 4--
16 1500 666 666 5--
17 1750 666 666 60-
18 2000 666 666 61-
19 2500 666 666 62-
20 3000 666 666 63-
21 3500 666 666 640
22 4000 666 666 651
23 4500 666 666 662
24 5000 666 666 663
25 5500 666 666 664
26 6000 666 666 665
27 6500 666 666 666
28 7000 766 666 666
29 7500 776 666 666
30 8000 777 666 666
31 8500 777 766 666
32 9000 777 776 666
33 9500 777 777 666
34 10000 777 777 766
35 10500 777 777 776
36 11000 777 777 777
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 9, Chr 9
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DS2
Groups: Wizard
Gets Wisdom bonus as bonus Wizard spells. This bonus is in addition to any Wisdom bonus for Priests.
Level 1: 1M,1P: Give Strength to a Land (level/6 mile radius). This allows Druids to recover their spells, animals to live there, etc. It may take several uses of this ability if the local land is particularly hostile or has been completely drained.
Level 3: May cast Priest spells of Necromancy & Healing spheres as if they are 2 spell levels higher.
Level 4: 3M,3P: Restore PF of local area by 1 to a maximum of 10.
Level 9: 6M,6P: Restore MF of local area by 1 to a maximum of 10.
Level 9: May cast Priest spells of Necromancy & Healing spheres as if they are 1 spell level higher.
Level 16: 10M,10P: Restore TF of local area by 1 to a maximum of 10.
Level 27: May cast Priest spells of Necromancy & Healing spheres at the same spell level.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Protector Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3.5 2-- --- ---
3 7 21- --- ---
4 14 32- --- ---
5 28 421 --- ---
6 56 422 --- ---
7 84 432 1-- ---
8 126 433 2-- ---
9 189 433 21- ---
10 350 443 22- ---
11 525 444 33- ---
12 1050 444 441 ---
13 1575 555 442 ---
14 2100 555 442 1--
15 2625 555 552 1--
16 3150 555 553 21-
17 3675 555 553 32-
18 4200 555 553 321
19 4725 555 553 331
20 5250 555 554 332
21 5775 555 554 442
22 6300 555 555 443
23 6825 555 555 553
24 7350 555 555 554
25 7875 555 555 555
26 8400 666 655 555
27 8925 666 666 655
28 9450 666 666 666
29 9975 777 766 666
30 10500 777 777 766
31 11025 777 777 777
32 11550 888 877 777
33 12075 888 888 877
34 12600 888 888 888
35 13125 999 988 888
36 13650 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Summoner Mage}
Groups: Wizard, Alternate
Multiply your maximum number of maintained effects by (LVL+1)/2.
Level 1: May have 2 instances of abjuration spells running on others, that stack (so you can give people 2 Armor spells, 2 Stoneskin spells, etc.)
Level 1: May material component abjuration spells for 2 effects of the same type, and at the same time increase range 0 to range touch.
Level 1: Specialized in abjuration with no opposite school.
Level 1: School robed in abjuration (each abjuration spell is 1 SL lower for you)
Level 1: 0, LVL/d: An abjuration effect does not require a maintenance slot (it can still be dropped with a 0 action).
Level 3: Your abjurations can't be dispelled or twisted.
Level 5: (Single) material componenting for abjuration spells is free.
Level 9: May have 3 instances of abjuration spells running on others, that stack.
Level 9: May double material component abjuration spells (costing a total of 1M+1V) for 3 effects of the same type (range 0 -> 30').
Level 9: Can hold abjuration effects across resets between sessions.
Level 12: 1bM: If a monster randomly rolls to attack someone, you can have it attack you instead.
Level 13: May have 4 instances of abjuration spells running on others, that stack.
Level 13: May triple material component abjuration spells (costing a total of 1M+2V) for 4 effects of the same type (range 0 -> sight).
Level 13: 1M: Steal someone else's abjuration effect. The other spellcaster (the person who created the effect, not necessarily the target) makes a Reflex save to resist this.
Level 21: May have 5 instances of abjuration spells running on others, that stack.
Level 21: May quadruple material component abjuration spells (costing a total of 1M+3V) for 5 effects of the same type (range 0 -> same plane in psi link).
Level 27: Your abjurations cannot be disjoined or instantaneous-ed.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Quick Chaining Wizard

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 A
1 0 ˝a- --- --- -
2 5 10c --- --- -
3 10 2˝a e-- --- -
4 20 310 cg- --- -
5 40 42˝ aei --- -
6 80 531 0cg k-- -
7 120 642 ˝ae im- -
8 180 753 10c gko -
9 270 864 2˝a eim -
10 500 975 310 cgk -
11 750 A86 42˝ aei -
12 1500 B97 531 0cg z
13 2250 CA8 642 ˝ae x
14 3000 DB9 753 10c v
15 3750 ECA 864 2˝a t
16 4500 FDB 975 310 r
17 5250 GEC A86 42˝ p
18 6000 HFD B97 531 n
19 6750 IGE CA8 642 l
20 7500 JHF DB9 753 j
21 8250 KIG ECA 864 h
22 9000 LJH FDB 975 f
23 9750 MKI GEC A86 d
24 10500 NLJ HFD B97 b
25 11250 OMK IGE CA8 0
26 12000 PNL JHF DB9 ˝
27 12750 QOM KIG ECA 1
28 13500 RPN LJH FDB 2
29 14250 SQO MKI GEC 3
30 15000 TRP NLJ HFD 4
31 15750 USQ OMK IGE 5
32 16500 VTR PNL JHF 6
33 17250 WUS QOM KIG 7
34 18000 XVT RPN LJH 8
35 18750 YWU SQO MKI 9
36 19500 ZXV TRP NLJ A
TH Saves
-1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+0  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+0  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+0  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+0  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+0  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+1  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+1  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+1  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+1 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+1 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+1 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+2 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+2 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+2 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+2 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+2 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Dex 15, Int 30, Wis 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/7
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Never has Channeling (or Semi-Channeling), and can never gain Channeling (or Semi-Channeling). This uses old style D&D spellcasting, once you cast a spell slot, it's gone until you reset.
Int bonus to spell progression.
This class has "Quick Chaining": Whenever you cast a spell, you get 1QM action to use before the end of the round. Exceptions: If you spent 1Z to cast the spell, you don't get any action back. If you spent ˝M to cast the spell, you get ˝QM back.
DM Note: While you are using this 1QM action to cast a spell, you probably won't be able to material component it, unless you have QV actions, or a source of free material componenting (with QZ actions!).
Level 1: You may specialize in Chronomancy, and you "know" the Chronomancer class spells. If you do this, pick a major opposite school.
Level 2: During the normal (non-quick) half of the segment: 1M+1QM: Cast a spell at x2 CL. You get no actions back from this casting. You may material component this (going to x3 CL if you material component for CL).
Level 3: You can convert 1QM -> 1QV action, as often as you like.
Level 4: Whenever you use 1M action to read a scroll, you get 1M action (not 1QM) to use before the end of the round. (Before level 5 you get nothing because reading a scroll is not casting a spell in the normal sense.)
Level 5: 0, lose 1 of your remaining QM actions, 1/t: Counterspell.
Level 6: You may material component spells for a Z action. (You can use 1M+1V for the first spell, then 1QM+1Z for the second spell, if you haven't used your zero action; or alternatively you could do 1M+1Z then 1QM+1QV).
Level 7: +LVL-6 QZ actions.
Level 8: Whenever you use 1M to use a wand/rod/staff and the effect used charges, you get 1M action (not 1QM) to use before the end of the round. If the wand fired itself using it's 1E action, the wand gets 1E action instead of the 1M.
Level 9: 1F, 1/reset: Reset Self (Artificial of course).
Level 10: During the normal (non-quick) half of the segment: 1M+1QM+1V+1Z: Cast a spell at x5 CL. You get no actions back from this casting. You cannot material component this.
Level 11: If one of your spells is countered, and if you have the same action type available (either 1M or 1QM), you can spend that action and cast the spell again immediately (ignoring the rules about how often you can use actions on a given partial segment).
Level 12: You may material component spells for an N action (i.e. it costs no actions at all to material component).
Level 18: Quick Quick Chaining: For SL=1 to LVL-17 spells, you get 1QQM back instead of 1QM.
Level 21: 1F, 1/reset: Step Out of It.
Level 24: You can benefit from LVL-22 Artificial Resets per Natural Reset.
New spell:
Lend Quick Mental (SL=5): You lose 1QM action, target gains 1QM for this round.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Quintessential Mage6

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 A.:
1 0 20- --- --- ---
2 6 31- --- --- ---
3 18 320 --- --- ---
4 36 431 --- --- ---
5 60 432 0-- --- ---
6 90 443 1-- --- ---
7 126 543 20- --- ---
8 168 544 31- --- ---
9 216 554 320 --- ---
10 486.4 654 431 --- ---
11 729.6 655 432 0-- ---
12 972.8 665 443 1-- ---
13 1216 765 543 20- ---
14 1459.2 766 544 31- ---
15 1702.4 776 554 32- ---
16 1945.6 876 654 430 ---
17 2188.8 877 655 431 ---
18 2432 887 665 442 ---
19 2675.2 987 765 543 ---
20 2918.4 988 766 543 0--
21 3161.6 998 776 554 1--
22 3404.8 A98 876 654 2--
23 3648 A99 877 654 3--
24 3891.2 AA9 887 665 3--
25 4134.4 BA9 987 765 40-
26 4377.6 BAA 988 765 41-
27 4620.8 BBA 998 776 42-
28 4864 CBA A98 876 53-
29 5107.2 CBB A99 876 53-
30 5350.4 CCB AA9 887 54-
31 5593.6 DCB BA9 987 640
32 5836.8 DCC BAA 987 641
33 6080 DDC BBA 998 652
34 6323.2 EDC CBA A98 753
35 6566.4 EDD CBB A98 753
36 6809.6 EDD CBB A98 764
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 20
Alignment: any
HD/level: d10
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/9
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: Quintessential Wizard3
Groups: Wizard
Gets Int bonus to spells.
In the spell progression, "." means SL=10+1 (level 10 plus 1 level of feats) and ":" means 10+2 (level 10 plus 2 levels of feats).
Levels 1-5:
A. Add your Chr bonus to your saves, or to the DC of your spells' saves {Knight of the Staff}
B. All magic items cost x0.9 normal price for you {Arcane Craftsman}
C. Can cast Priest Animal and Plant sphere spells {Hedge Wizard}
D. Can cast Priest Divination sphere spells {Investigator}
E. Detect possession, magic jar, ego domination, etc. {Exorcist}
F. 1F: Duplicate a 1st level Rogue ability at LVL*10% {Entertainer}
G. Extra summon slot only for Air Elementals; "Summon Air Elemental N" is a spell. {Wind Mage}
H. Legend Lore / Sage Knowledge LVL*10% {Academic}
I. 0: Shift the elemental composition of a spell you're casting to Earth {Geomancer}
J. +1 spell per SL, only for fire-based spells {Pyromancer}
K. 1 attack that hits: Steal a spell from memorization, add to yours (Spell save, aMR) {Spelleater}
L. Water Breathing, freedom of movement in water, cast spells in water normally {Sea Mage}
Level 6: Pick two from: Quintessential level 1-5 or 5th edition level 1-3
Levels 7-11:
M. Brew Potions: 10F, 1/reset: Create 100*LVL XP value in potions. {Alchemist}
N. Choose species enemy (see Strider1), your spells do x2 effect vs. them {Arcane Avenger}
O. Contingency is a SL=4 spell for you; can have 2 Contingencies at same time {Tattoo Mage}
P. 1F: Duplicate a Psi10 1st-3rd level ability {Fortune Teller}
Q. Dust of Disappearance cont. {Gutter Mage}
R. Get a Specialty Priest pick {Theologian}
S. +1 Research Point per day; 0,1/r: Add +1 SL metamagic to a spell for free {Theoretician}
T. Resist Priest spells {Society of Atheists}
U. Write Scrolls: 10F, 1/reset: Create 100*LVL XP value in scrolls. {normal ability}
Level 12: Pick two from: Quintessential level 1-11 or 5th edition level 1-7
Levels 13-17:
V. Affect +1 group with area damaging spells; Material componenting is ˝V {War Mage}
W. Create Monster VI (SL=6): Create a DL=1 monster, it's loyal, it's not a summon slot {Soulforger}
X. Eldritch Fire Shield (SL=6): Eldritch Fire damaging Shield (200% back) {Sun Mage}
Y. iMR LVL*5%; 1bM: Counter a Wizard spell {Wizard Hunter}
Z. "Power Word" spells have double hp range and affect an entire group {Wordbearer}
AA. Spells on "weird lists" are only 1 spell slot each (still need to know them) {Arcane Avatar}
Level 18: Pick two from: Quintessential level 1-17 or 5th edition level 1-11

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Red Robe1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 2.5 1-- --- ---
2 5 2-- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 18 321 --- ---
5 36 431 --- ---
6 50 432 --- ---
7 90 432 1-- ---
8 180 433 2-- ---
9 350 433 21- ---
10 500 543 221 ---
11 700 544 332 ---
12 900 544 342 1--
13 1100 555 442 11-
14 1300 555 442 21-
15 1500 655 452 211
16 1750 655 553 211
17 2000 655 553 321
18 2250 665 553 322
19 2500 665 554 332
20 2750 665 554 433
21 3000 665 554 444
22 3250 665 555 544
23 3500 665 555 555
24 3750 666 655 555
25 4000 666 666 555
26 4250 666 666 665
27 4500 666 666 666
28 4750 776 666 666
29 5000 777 766 666
30 5250 777 777 666
31 5500 777 777 776
32 5750 777 777 777
33 6000 887 777 777
34 6250 888 877 777
35 6500 888 888 777
36 6750 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: C* or *N
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DLA1
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Invocation. Has Enchantment and Necromancy as opposite schools.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Red Wizard

Level KXP Wizard/Red
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 22- --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 222 --- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 332 2-- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 432 ---
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 655 443 2--
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 544 32-
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 16, Dex 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM, MTG
Groups: Wizard
May specialize in MTG Red school, if you do, pick a major opposite school.
Can cast Wizard or MTG Red spells.
New MTG Red spells for Red Wizard class:
Earthbind (SL=1): Target loses flying and takes double normal falling damage (no save).
False Orders (SL=1): (1bM to cast) Force a monster to attack someone else (he will only attack his enemies)
Raging River (SL=2): Create a (water based) moat that is CL*30' long and CL*10' feet wide, which lasts for CL r.
Shatter (SL=2): Destroy or turn off one magic item for CL turns (no save) (if turned off, you can drop the turned off effect).
Stone Rain (SL=3): Deal CL Hull dmg to one inanimate object (no save)
Orcish Oriflamme (SL=4): All your subordinates get +1 offensive DL.
Old MTG Red spells from Wizard of the Coast class (you can use these):
Lightning Bolt (SL=1): Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
Echoing Ruin (SL=2): Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
Fervor (SL=3): You and your summons are not summoning sick.
AEther Flash (SL=4): Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
Fissure (SL=5): Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
Dragon Roost (SL=6): Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
Flame Wave (SL=7): CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
Insurrection (SL=8): Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 --- --- ---
2 2.75 ˝-- --- ---
3 5.5 1-- --- ---
4 11 2-- --- ---
5 22 3˝- --- ---
6 44 41- --- ---
7 88 52- --- ---
8 176 63˝ --- ---
9 352 741 --- ---
10 627 852 --- ---
11 902 963 ˝-- ---
12 1177 A74 1-- ---
13 1452 B85 2-- ---
14 1727 C96 3˝- ---
15 2002 DA7 41- ---
16 2552 EB8 52- ---
17 2827 FC9 63˝ ---
18 3377 GDA 741 ---
19 3927 HEB 852 ---
20 4477 IFC 963 ˝--
21 5027 JGD A74 1--
22 5577 KHE B85 2--
23 6127 LIF C96 3˝-
24 6677 MJG DA7 41-
25 7227 NKH EB8 52-
26 7777 OLI FC9 63˝
27 8877 PMJ GDA 741
28 9977 QNK HEB 852
29 11077 ROL IFC 963
30 12177 SPM JGD A74
31 13277 TQN KHE B85
32 14377 URO LIF C96
33 15477 VSP MJG DA7
34 16577 WTQ NKH EB8
35 17677 XUR OLI FC9
36 19877 YVS PMJ GDA
TH Saves
Wiz  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+0  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+0  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+0  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+0  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+0  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+1  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+1  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+1  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+1 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+1 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+1 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+2 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+2 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+2 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+2 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+2 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Int 12, Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2d1
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/8
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: +1 Knowledge nonweapon proficiency per level, and another +1 nonweapon proficiency per level.
Level 1: Legend Lore (as the spell). This takes (XP value of item or creature) / (your level) rounds to research, but the result is always 100% correct (assuming the knowledge can be known at all).
Level 2: Divination spells are 1 spell level lower for you.
Level 9: Spell research [S5] takes half the normal amount of time, and has +level% to the chance of success.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 1˝- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 21˝ --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 221 ˝-- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 322 1˝- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 322 ˝--
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 555 432 2˝-
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 543 22˝
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Divination. Can specialize in another school, if you do, choose an opposite major school.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action. If you use 1V action, you get double material componenting.
Level N (every level): +3 Nonweapon proficiencies.
New Divination spells for Sage0 class:
True Lore (SL=1): Get a +20 on your next Int stat check (or Int-based proficiency or skill check).
Eagle Eye Vision (SL=2): Gives Eagle Eye Vision (far distance vision); reverse gives Fine/Telescopic Vision
Planar Locate Person/Object (SL=3): Tells you which plane a person or object is in (but not where in that plane).
Tap Psionic Link (SL=4): Taps a psionic link so you can listen in. At least one of the people in the link must be within sight.
No Friendly Fire (SL=5): While this effect is running, you know exactly how to center your area effects (even the huge ones) so you hit no friendly people.
Predict Chaos (SL=6): You can predict the outcome of the next chaotic effect (Wand of Wonder, Magical Pool, Deck of Many Things, etc.). This spell has a 37-LVL% (unadjustible) chance of causing you to be Spent and gain 1 insanity.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 3-- --- ---
4 10 31- --- ---
5 25 32- --- ---
6 50 43- --- ---
7 80 431 --- ---
8 115 532 --- ---
9 155 543 --- ---
10 205 543 1-- ---
11 280 553 2-- ---
12 380 654 3-- ---
13 500 654 31- ---
14 700 755 32- ---
15 900 765 43- ---
16 1100 765 431 ---
17 1300 775 532 ---
18 1500 875 543 ---
19 1700 876 543 1--
20 1900 976 553 2--
21 2100 987 654 3--
22 2300 987 654 31-
23 2500 997 755 32-
24 2700 997 765 43-
25 2900 998 765 431
26 3100 998 775 532
27 3300 999 876 543
28 3500 999 877 553
29 3700 999 987 654
30 3900 999 988 664
31 4100 999 998 765
32 4300 999 999 765
33 4500 999 999 876
34 4700 999 999 887
35 4900 999 999 998
36 5100 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 16, Int 15, Wis 14
Alignment: any
HD/level: &0
Weapon Prof.: 0+level/9
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: Dragon
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Read Languages (25+5*level)%.
Level 1: Legend Lore (15+5*level)%.
Level 1: Immune to detrimental effects from reading magical/psionic tomes.
Level 1: Read/Write/Speak 1 language, plus 1 more every 4 levels.
Level 1: One knowledge non-weapon proficiency per level for free. Can instead (for each slot) add 20% to Read Languages or 10% to Legend Lore.
Level 1: +(level/2, round up) on all knowledge-based proficiency checks.
Level 1: Considered specialized in the school of Divination. You may select an additional school to be specialized; in this case, you must also select an opposite school.
Level 9: Object Reading 1/d.
Level 10: Truename 1/w.
Level 12: Contact Other Plane 1/d.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Scarlet Necromancer

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.7 20- --- ---
3 5.4 21- --- ---
4 10.8 320 --- ---
5 21.6 421 --- ---
6 43.2 422 0-- ---
7 86.4 432 1-- ---
8 172.8 433 20- ---
9 345.6 433 210 ---
10 885.6 443 221 ---
11 1425.6 444 321 0--
12 1965.6 444 421 10-
13 2505.6 555 432 110
14 3045.6 555 442 111
15 3585.6 555 552 111
16 4125.6 555 553 211
17 4665.6 555 554 321
18 5205.6 555 554 321
19 5745.6 555 554 322
20 6285.6 555 554 333
21 6825.6 555 554 444
22 7365.6 555 555 555
23 7905.6 666 666 666
24 8445.6 776 666 666
25 8985.6 777 766 666
26 9525.6 777 776 666
27 10065.6 777 777 666
28 10605.6 777 777 776
29 11145.6 777 777 777
30 11685.6 887 777 777
31 12225.6 888 777 777
32 12765.6 888 877 777
33 13305.6 888 887 777
34 13845.6 888 888 777
35 14385.6 888 888 877
36 14925.6 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  8  4  5  2  3  0  0  2
+0  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+0  9  5  6  3  4  0  1  3
+1  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+1 10  6  7  4  5  1  1  4
+1 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+2 11  7  8  5  6  2  2  5
+2 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+2 12  7  9  6  7  3  3  6
+3 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+3 13  8 10  7  8  4  3  7
+3 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+4 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+4 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+4 14 10 11  8  9  5  5  9
+5 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+5 15 11 12  9 10  6  5 10
+5 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
Requisites: Dex 10, Int 15, Wis 13
Alignment: LE (overwrite)
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Pri
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
For Alignment, "(overwrite)" means this class requires LE alignment, but it overwrites all of your other alignment restrictions to be LE as well.
Specialized in Necromancy; pick an opposite.
Has Barbarian Int bonus. Gets (Barbarian) Int bonus to spell progression.
Gets (Normal) Wis bonus to this class's Caster Level (CL). This cannot be improved to Exceptional or Barbarian (or higher).
May have 1.5*LVL (round up) "Revive slots" instead of the usual one "Summon slot". An animated xM (multiplier M) being uses up M*M Revive slots.
A Revive is an animated (undead) monster with half the original monster's stats. It also has half the original monster's special abilities. It cannot be healed, but it regenerates at N hp/r (where N is it's DL rating).
A Revive of a Revive has 1/4 the original stats, and so on. Round stats down. If the resultant creature has 0 max hp, the Revive fails.
Level 1: iNaNR 10*LVL%.
Level N (every level): Pick one Necromancy spell. That spell requires only ˝ the number of Mental actions to cast.
Level 5: Detect Undead continuous. Detect Life continuous.
Level 8: Detect Unlive continuous.
New spells:
Revive N (Necromancy, SL N): Revive a DL=N monster.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP
1 0 (special)
2 2.25 (special)
3 4.5 (special)
4 9 (special)
5 18 (special)
6 35 (special)
7 60 (special)
8 95 (special)
9 145 (special)
10 220 (special)
11 400 (special)
12 600 (special)
13 800 (special)
14 1000 (special)
15 1200 (special)
16 1400 (special)
17 1600 (special)
18 1800 (special)
19 2000 (special)
20 2200 (special)
21 2400 (special)
22 2600 (special)
23 2800 (special)
24 3000 (special)
25 3200 (special)
26 3400 (special)
27 3600 (special)
28 3800 (special)
29 4000 (special)
30 4200 (special)
31 4400 (special)
32 4600 (special)
33 4800 (special)
34 5000 (special)
35 5200 (special)
36 5400 (special)
TH Saves
Wiz  4  2  3  1  1  1  1  0
+0  5  2  4  2  1  1  1  0
+0  5  3  4  3  2  2  2  1
+0  6  4  5  4  3  2  2  1
+0  7  5  6  5  4  3  2  1
+0  8  5  7  6  4  3  3  2
+0  8  6  7  7  5  4  3  2
+1  9  7  8  8  6  4  4  2
+1 10  8  9  9  7  5  4  3
+1 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  3
+1 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  3
+1 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  4
+1 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  4
+2 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  4
+2 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  5
+2 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  5
+2 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  5
+2 15 13 14 14 12  9  8  6
Requisites: Dex 15, Int 16, Wis 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/9
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Save Table: War
Reference: BoD4
Groups: Wizard
Spell Memorization = level*2+Int-35 spells;
if this result is negative, you cannot memorize spells yet.
Spells allowed to Scribes: Comprehend Languages, Erase, Explosive Runes, Glyph of Warding, Illusionary Script, Legend Lore, Read Magic, Symbol. The DM may add additional spells. There are no "spell levels", all spells allowed are treated the same to you (each costs 1 spell to cast).
Level 1: 1M, 1V: Write (as spell)
Level 1: 1M, 1F: Copy (as spell)
Level 1: +Intelligence score in Language proficiencies.
Level 1: Can accurately depit someone (or something's) image as a drawn illustration.
Level 1: Weight Sense and Volume Sense.
Level 1: Detect Magical Writings.
Level 2: Can read scrolls without "blowing your head off". You are not immune to it's effect, so if it's a Cursed Scroll, you're still cursed.
Level 3: 1M: Identify Scroll.
Level 4: Can read books without "blowing your head off". You are not immune to what the book does to you, however.
Level 5: 2M, 2F: Copy (as spell) something non-magical you saw within the last hour, from memory.
Level 6: 1M: Identify Book.
Level 8: Immune to negative effects from Scrolls or Books.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1.2 2-- --- ---
3 2.4 3-- --- ---
4 4.8 31- --- ---
5 9.5 32- --- ---
6 19 43- --- ---
7 38 431 --- ---
8 76 532 --- ---
9 150 543 --- ---
10 300 543 1-- ---
11 450 553 2-- ---
12 600 654 3-- ---
13 750 654 31- ---
14 900 755 32- ---
15 1050 765 43- ---
16 1200 765 431 ---
17 1350 775 532 ---
18 1500 875 543 ---
19 1650 876 543 1--
20 1800 976 553 2--
21 1950 987 654 3--
22 2100 987 654 31-
23 2250 997 755 32-
24 2400 997 765 43-
25 2550 998 765 431
26 2700 998 775 532
27 2850 999 876 543
28 3000 999 877 553
29 3150 999 987 654
30 3300 999 988 664
31 3450 999 998 765
32 3600 999 999 765
33 3750 999 999 876
34 3900 999 999 887
35 4050 999 999 998
36 4200 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: S&S2
Groups: Wizard
(spell progression may change later)
Level 1: +LVL language proficiencies
Level 1: 1F: Copy document (1 page per F action)
Level 1: 1M: Proofread document (1 page per M action)
Level 1: 2F: Translate document to a blank sheet (1 page per 2F actions) (both must be languages you know)
Level 1: 0, 1/s: Take dictation (1 page per 0 action)
Level 1: 1M: Write (as per spell)
Level 2: 1F: Forge document (1 page per F action)
Level 3: 1M: Identify forged document (1 page per F action) = 100% + (LVL)*5% - (forger's LVL)*5%
Level 4: 1M, 1/t: Illuminate document (it glows and can be read at night)
Level 5: 1 reset: Duplicate LVL in SLs of scrolls
Level 9: 2M: Read document of any language (1 page per 2M actions). This does not give you the read language proficiency.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 1-- --- ---
3 5 2-- --- ---
4 10 2-- --- ---
5 20 21- --- ---
6 40 31- --- ---
7 60 32- --- ---
8 80 321 --- ---
9 125 431 --- ---
10 200 432 1-- ---
11 350 433 2-- ---
12 650 433 21- ---
13 950 443 22- ---
14 1250 444 33- ---
15 1550 444 431 ---
16 1850 554 442 ---
17 2150 555 442 1--
18 2450 555 543 2--
19 2750 555 554 21-
20 3050 555 555 32-
21 3350 555 555 321
22 3650 555 555 322
23 3950 555 555 332
24 4250 555 555 333
25 4550 555 555 433
26 4850 555 555 443
27 5150 555 555 444
28 5450 555 555 544
29 5750 555 555 554
30 6050 555 555 555
31 6350 665 555 555
32 6650 666 655 555
33 6950 666 666 555
34 7250 666 666 665
35 7550 766 666 666
36 7850 777 666 666
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 15, Wis 15, Chr 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: S&S2
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Specialized (2nd edition version) in Divination; pick an opposite.
Level 1: Can cast Priest Divination sphere spells as if they were Wizard Divination school spells.
Level 3: 1M: Message
Level 5: Can cast Psi2 Clairsentient powers as if they were spells (Minor = SL2, Major = SL5, Grand = SL8, Super = SL11). You do not get the Divination specialization bonus for this. These powers do not cost PSPs, they require no roll, and cannot power-score.
Level 6: 1M: Sending
Level 9: 1M: Demand
Level 18: 1M, 1/t: Avoid an Avoid Fate (only if the results of the Avoid Fate would harm you)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Shadow Elf0

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 4 2-- --- ---
3 8 21- --- ---
4 16 22- --- ---
5 32 221 --- ---
6 64 322 --- ---
7 120 332 1-- ---
8 250 432 2-- ---
9 400 443 2-- ---
10 600 543 21- ---
11 850 653 32- ---
12 1100 654 321 ---
13 1350 764 432 ---
14 1600 765 432 1--
15 1850 875 543 2--
16 2100 876 543 21-
17 2350 886 654 32-
18 2600 887 654 321
19 2850 887 765 432
20 3100 888 765 443
21 3350 888 765 444
22 3600 888 765 544
23 3850 888 765 554
24 4100 888 765 555
25 4350 888 766 555
26 4600 888 766 655
27 4850 888 766 665
28 5100 888 766 666
29 5350 888 776 666
30 5600 888 777 666
31 5850 888 777 766
32 6100 888 777 776
33 6350 888 777 777
34 6600 888 887 777
35 6850 888 888 877
36 7100 888 888 888
TH Saves
+1  6  5  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  6  5  5  4  3  0  1  1
+2  6  5  5  4  4  0  2  1
+3 10  8  8  7  7  1  2  2
+3 10  8  8  8  7  1  2  2
+4 10  8  8  8  8  2  3  2
+5 14 11 11 11 11  2  3  3
+5 14 12 11 11 11  2  4  3
+6 14 12 12 11 11  3  4  3
+7 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+7 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+8 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+9 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+9 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+10 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+11 16 14 14 15 15  3  4  4
+11 16 14 14 15 15  3  5  4
+12 16 14 14 15 15  4  5  4
Requisites: Dex 9, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Ftr0
Save Table: Elf0
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Elf0}, GAZ13
Groups: Wizard, Rogue, Alternate
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.
Level 1: Over Hit: If you hit someone by more than 20, add +1 damage for each number over what you needed to hit.
Example: You need a -15 to hit someone, and you roll a 12. Damage bonus = Roll - Needed - 20 = 12 - -15 -20 = 7.
Lvl Ability
1 Any Rogue 1 ability
2 Any Rogue 1 ability
3 Any Rogue 2 ability
4 Any Rogue 3 ability
5 Any Rogue 4 ability
6 Any Rogue 5 ability
7 Any Rogue 6 ability
8 Any Rogue 7 ability
16 Any Rogue 10 ability
24 Any Rogue 15 ability
32 Any Rogue 27 ability

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard (Ill +2)
123 456 789 A
1 0 1-- --- - +0
2 3 20- --- - +0
3 6 21- --- - +1
4 12 32a --- - +1
5 24 421 --- - +2
6 48 431 f-- - +2
7 90 432 b-- - +3
8 135 432 1-- - +3
9 200 533 2c- - +4
10 300 543 21- - +4
11 500 543 32d - +5
12 800 554 321 - +5
13 1100 554 322 e +6
14 1400 554 322 1 +6
15 1700 554 422 2 +7
16 2000 555 432 2 +7
17 2300 555 532 2 +8
18 2600 555 533 2 +8
19 2900 555 543 2 +9
20 3200 555 543 3 +9
21 3500 555 554 3 +10
22 3800 555 555 4 +10
23 4100 555 555 5 +11
24 4400 666 655 5 +11
25 4700 666 666 6 +12
26 5000 777 766 6 +12
27 5300 777 777 7 +13
28 5600 888 877 7 +13
29 5900 888 888 8 +14
30 6200 999 988 8 +14
31 6500 999 999 9 +15
32 6800 AAA A99 9 +15
33 7100 AAA AAA A +16
34 7400 BBB BAA A +16
35 7700 BBB BBB B +17
36 8000 CCC CCC C1 +17
37 16000 CCC CCC C2 +18
38 24000 CCC CCC C3 +18
39 32000 CCC CCC C4 +19
45 80000 CCC CCC CA +22
54 152000 DDD DDD CC1 +26
63 224000 DDD DDD CCA +31
72 296000 EEE DDD DDD 1 +35
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
-4 +7 -2 +6 -3 +5 +4 +4 +0 -1 ÷1
Requisites: Dex 25, Int 24, Chr 19,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 2
Alignment: T any (or) C any
HD/level: 2d2
Weapon Prof.: -1+level*2
To Hit Table: 1˝xWiz
Save Table: Wiz+1
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+4
RSW: level+7
PP: level+5
BW: level+3
Spell: level+6
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+1
Will: level+1
Specialized in Illusion, no opposite.
Double School Robed in Illusion: Illusion spells are 2 SL lower for you. This never causes Twilighting.
Illusion spells cost ˝M to cast.
Free Material Componenting for Illusion spells. You may Double Material Component (x3 effect) for ˝V action. You may Triple Material Component (x4 effect) for another ˝V action.
Gets Dex bonus to spell progression. Gets Int bonus to CL with spells from this class (max limit = +LVL).
This class treats all spells listed for Illusionist1 in Unearthed Arcana (1st Edition) as Illusion spells.
Level 1: +LVL to number of maintained effects.
Level 1: You continuously disbelive all Illusions, and automatically power score your check.
Level 1 ¶: +1 "illusionary" summon slot for illusionary monsters only.
Level 9: With a 7th level spell, you can create an illusion of a monster so real that persons fighting it actually gain XP from the "monster" if it is killed. Of course the illusion is capable of damaging it's enemy, as if it was a real version of the monster (any attempt to defeat this causes you to gain no XP from the encounter).
Level 18: With a 9th level spell, you can create illusionary potions which actually affect the persons drinking them. There is a 1% (non-adjustable) chance the drinker will somehow not be affected by the potion. In this case, the person will no longer be able to believe this power (or the Level 9 one, either). The person cannot control this in any way. The only way to avoid this result is with the Avoid Fate power.
Level 27: Any illusionary effect you create is in fact real. There is no way to distinguish the created item from a "real" one, except by using X14 or X21. Note that duplicating unique persons or items can be disastrous (due to Clone Insanity and Truename issues).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Shastack (Delusionist1 Spells)

SL # Spell Effect
3 1 Chromatic Blast Chromatic Orb for a group, don't need to roll to hit
2 Displacement I Displaced (AC +2, first attack misses)
3 Illusion Summoning III Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IV, defends as a DL II
4 Mirror Image III 6 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
5 Phantom Shield AC +CL*2; saves +CL; MDeflection CL*10%
6 True Darkness Total Darkness, Infravision / See in Darkness / Truesight doesn't work
4 1 Blur Zone Nothing can be targetting in the room (x1 Special)
2 Hold Illusion Next Illusion spell you cast requires no maintained, doesn't drop if you drop
3 Illusion Summoning IV Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL VI, defends as a DL II
4 Mirror Image IV 8 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
5 Rope Trap Target is ejected to Astral and Heavily Stunned (PP save)
6 X-ray Vision X-ray Vision
5 1 False Skin CL*3/2+5 False Skins (F.S.), each causes enemy to roll a natural "2" TH
2 Illusion Summoning V Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL VIII, defends as a DL II
3 Mirror Image V 10 Mirror Images, can't be dispelled/disbelieved
4 N-ray Vision N-ray Vision (pick an element it's blocked by)
5 Shadow Magic Wishoid for a SL 0-5 Wizard spell, has only 50% effect
6 Steal Illusion Gain control of an Illusion effect (no save, ER to resist)
6 1 Displacement II Double Displaced (AC +4, first-second attacks miss)
2 Dust of Disappearance Dust of Disappearance (AC +8)
3 Fire Maze Like Maze but the subject takes 1 cumulative dmg per segment (no resist)
4 Illusion Summoning VI Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IX, defends as a DL III
5 Rope Special Entire room gets Rope Tricked (x1 Special, unwilling get RSW save)
6 Tempus Vere Fugit Like Tempus Fugit but x10 speed
7 1 Delusion Potion of Delusion, works as real XPV LVL*100 potion unless disbelieved
2 Demi-Shadow Door Plane Shift up to CL/3 planes distance or to any Inner plane, no redirection
3 Demi-Shadow Magic Wishoid for a SL 0-7 Wizard spell, has only 50% effect
4 Disjoin Exhaustion Cure all damage taken; Get +1P and +1V action this round
5 Illusion Summoning VII Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL IX, defends as a DL V
6 Nightmare Group affected by a random SL 1d4+2 Psi10 effect (will be harmful, no save)
8 1 Continuous Illusion Next Illusion spell you cast is Continuous
2 First Level Priest Spells 0, 1/r: Cast a 1st level Priest spell
3 Illusion Summoning VIII Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL X, defends as a DL VI
4 Mass Mirage Arcana As Mirage Arcana but covers CL sq. miles
5 Planar Displacement Planar Displacement
6 Prismatic Beam Like Prismatic Spray but they take all 7 colors
9 1 Change Reality Wishoid for a SL 0-9 Wizard spell, has only 75% effect
2 Disbelieve Reality Can disbelieve something that's real (Incursion - PP save)
3 Displacement III Triple Displaced (AC +6, first-third attacks miss)
4 Effects Bubble Your effects protect each other (and themselves); ER +CL*10%
5 Illusion Summoning IX Summons an Illusion/Hologram, attacks as a DL X, defends as a DL VIII
6 Second Level Priest Spells 0, 1/r: Cast a 2nd level Priest spell

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Shastack (Original Illusionist1 Spells)

# 0th Level Spells
1 Colored Lights
2 Dim
3 Haze
4 Mask
5 Mirage
6 Noise
7 Rainbow
8 Two-D'lusion
# 1st Level Spells
1 Audible Glamer
2 Change Self
3 Chromatic Orb
4 Color Spray
5 Dancing Lights
6 Darkness
7 Detect Illusion
8 Detect Invisibility
9 Gaze Reflection
10 Hypnotism
11 Light
12 Nystul's Magic Aura
13 Phantasmal Force
14 Phantom Armor
15 Read Illusionist Magic
16 Spook
17 Ventriloquism
18 Wall of Fog
# 2nd Level Spells
1 Alter Self
2 Blindness
3 Blur
4 Deafness
5 Detect Magic
6 Fascinate
7 Fog Cloud
8 Fool's Gold
9 Hypnotic Patten
10 Improved Phantasmal Force
11 Invisibility
12 Leomund's Trap
13 Magic Mouth
14 Mirror Image
15 Misdirection
16 Ultravision
17 Ventriloquism
18 Whispering Wind
# 3rd Level Spells
1 Continual Darkness
2 Continual Light
3 Delude
4 Dispel Illusion
5 Fear
6 Hallucinatory Terrain
7 Illusionary Script
8 Invisibility 10' Radius
9 Non-Detection
10 Paralysis
11 Phantom Steed
12 Phantom Wind
13 Rope Trick
14 Spectral Force
15 Suggestion
16 Wraithform
# 4th Level Spells
1 Confusion
2 Dispel Exhaustion
3 Dispel Magic
4 Emotion
5 Fire Charm
6 Improved Invisibility
7 Massmorph
8 Minor Creation
9 Phantasmal Killer
10 Rainbow Pattern
11 Shadow Monsters
12 Solid Fog
13 Vacancy
# 5th Level Spells
1 Advanced Illusion
2 Chaos
3 Demi-Shadow Monsters
4 Dream
5 Magic Mirror
6 Major Creation
7 Maze
8 Projected Image
9 Shadow Door
10 Shadow Magic
11 Summon Shadow
12 Tempus Fugit
# 6th Level Spells
1 Conjure Animals
2 Death Fog
3 Demi-Shadow Magic
4 Mass Suggestion
5 Mass Invisibility
6 Mirage Arcane
7 Mislead
8 Permanent Illusion
9 Phantasmagoria
10 Project Image
11 Programmed Illusion
12 Shades
13 True Sight
14 Veil
# 7th Level Spells
1 Alter Reality
2 Astral Spell
3 First-Level Magic-User Spells
4 Mind Blank
5 Prismatic Spray
6 Prismatic Wall
7 Shadow Walk
8 Simulacrum
9 Vision
10 Weird

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Smart Man


123 456 789 ABC

1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 5 ˝1- --- --- +0
3 10 ˝2- --- --- +1
4 20 1˝1 --- --- +1
5 40 2˝2 --- --- +1
6 80 21˝ 1-- --- +2
7 160 22˝ 2-- --- +2
8 320 221 ˝1- --- +2
9 640 322 ˝2- --- +3
10 1000 322 1˝1 --- +3
11 1500 332 2˝2 --- +3
12 2000 332 21˝ 1-- +4
13 2500 333 22˝ 2-- +4
14 3000 433 321 ˝1- +4
15 3500 443 332 ˝2- +5
16 4000 444 333 1˝1 +5
17 4500 444 333 2˝2 +5
18 5000 444 333 312 +6
19 5500 444 433 322 +6
20 6000 544 443 323 +6
21 6500 554 444 333 +7
22 7000 555 555 443 +7
23 7500 555 555 553 +7
24 8000 555 555 554 +8
25 8500 555 555 555 +8
26 9000 666 655 555 +8
27 9500 666 666 655 +9
28 10000 666 666 666 +9
29 10500 777 766 666 +9
30 11000 777 777 766 +10
31 11500 777 777 777 +10
32 12000 888 877 777 +10
33 12500 888 888 877 +11
34 13000 888 888 888 +11
35 13500 999 988 888 +11
36 14000 999 999 999 1 +12
37 28000 999 999 999 2 +12
38 42000 999 999 999 3 +12
39 56000 999 999 999 4 +13
45 140000 A99 999 999 9 +15
54 266000 AAA AAA AAA 91 +18
63 392000 AAA AAA AAA A9 +21
72 518000 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +24
Requisites: Int 100
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/2
To Hit Table: +level/3
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Maxi
Complexity: CF=4
Saving Throws:  
PPD: 2+level*2
RSW: 5+level*2
PP: 3+level*2
BW: 1+level*2
Spell: 4+level*2
Fort: 0+level*2
Reflex: 1+level*2
Will: 1+level*2
Caster Level for this class = LVL*3, not LVL.
Barbarian Int
Sustain Int, Logic.
+2*LVL Int
You get the bonus M actions based on high Int+Wis+Chr used in earlier versions of the Collective (you can alternatively use Reason+Wis+Presence if you want).
Int+Wis+Chr: 44=+˝M; 50=+1M; 70=+1˝M; 75=+2M; 95=+2˝M; 100=+3M; and this continues.
You can use an unlimited amount of shifting of Subability scores ("sleazing") for Int.
Automatically make Int checks and category=Spell saves.
Int bonus to Wizard progression
+LVL Kits
+LVL Nonweapon Proficiencies
+LVL Research Points
+LVL dmg per die with damaging spells
Has LVL Specialty Schools, no opposite.
You may trade in 4 picks here to make a school "Robed" (-1 SL). This does not stack with other Robe effects you may have for that school.
You may trade in 4 picks here to make a school ˝M to cast. Material componenting still costs 1V though.
Level 1: Cont. Detect Poison; 1M: Determine medicinal value of liquid; 60F,1/d: Frugal a potion
Level 1: Legend Lore & Identify 30+LVL*10%. This is doubled when dealing with Necromany, Undead, or the Occult.
Level 1: Mr. Fix-It: 1M, 1/d: Mend.
Level 1: Photographic Memory: You remember everything you see.
Level 2: +LVL AC
Level 2: +LVL*2 stat points for purposes of qualifying for classes
Level 2: Has access to materials of “S” rating up to LVL; it’s cheaper: multiply cost by S/LVL
Level 2: Occult Library: Each reset, gain LVL in SL's of spell scrolls. You can leave these as "open scrolls" until needed.
Level 3: Can convert 3M -> 1 OppM
Level 3: Contacts: Always have access to LVL*100 XP and less magic items, even when the current store is "limited".
Level 3: Influence: 1M, 1/d: Suggestion (save vs. Will)
Level 3: Resist demonic powers: This includes Psi6, Psi(-6), and innate abilities of evil outer-planar creatures.
Level 4: +LVL saves
Level 4: Artistry: +LVL divided among Int, Wis, Chr, or CL.
Level 4: Can have 2 groups of the same summon
Level 4: Can have 2 of the same familiar using only 1 familiar slot
Level 5: Scale Down: Can cast a SL=M spell emulating a SL=N spell for xM/N the effect (where M<N)
Level 5: Strengthen Magic: +(LVL-6)/3 MF 30' r
Level 6: Fast-Write Scrolls: 1F, lose N SL=N spells in memorization: Write a SL=N permanent spell scroll
Level 6: iaNR (Irreducible Necromancy Resistance) (LVL-8)*10%; Turn Undead with turning level = LVL*2-10
Level 6: Immune to Blow Your Head Off, Twilight, Curse, bad effects of reading magical books/scrolls
Level 6: Immune to Retributive Strikes (your's or other's), Own Effects, Ego of x(LVL-6)/3 mult.
Level 9: Your spells require LVL saving throws

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Snow Wizard


123 456 789

1 0 1-- --- --- +0
2 3 2-- --- --- +0
3 6 21- --- --- +0
4 12 32- --- --- +1
5 27 421 --- --- +1
6 48 422 --- --- +1
7 72 432 1-- --- +2
8 108 433 2-- --- +2
9 162 433 21- --- +2
10 300 443 22- --- +3
11 450 444 33- --- +3
12 900 444 441 --- +3
13 1350 555 442 --- +4
14 1800 555 442 1-- +4
15 2250 555 552 1-- +4
16 2700 555 553 21- +5
17 3150 555 553 32- +5
18 3600 555 553 321 +5
19 4050 555 553 331 +6
20 4500 555 554 332 +6
21 4950 555 554 442 +6
22 5400 555 555 443 +7
23 5850 555 555 553 +7
24 6300 555 555 554 +7
25 6750 555 555 555 +8
26 7200 666 655 555 +8
27 7650 666 666 655 +8
28 8100 666 666 666 +9
29 8550 777 766 666 +9
30 9000 777 777 766 +9
31 9450 777 777 777 +10
32 9900 888 877 777 +10
33 10350 888 888 877 +10
34 10800 888 888 888 +11
35 11250 999 988 888 +11
36 11700 999 999 999 1 +11
37 23400 999 999 999 2 +12
38 35100 999 999 999 3 +12
39 46800 999 999 999 4 +12
45 117000 A99 999 999 9 +14
54 222300 AAA AAA AAA 91 +17
63 327600 AAA AAA AAA A9 +20
72 432900 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +23
Requisites: Con 15, Int 15, Wis 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2d3
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/5
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:
PPD: level+7 Fort: level+8
RSW: level+4 Reflex: level+0
PP: level+8 Will: level+3
BW: level+8
Spell: level+4
Specializated in Snow Magic (see list on next page); no opposite.
Gets Con or Int bonus to spells (your choice).
Immune snow, ice, cold, water.
Snow spells are resisted using NR, not MR.
+1 summon slot for snow creatures.
Each summon slot that has snow creatures in it can have LVL summons instead of 1.
Level 9: +LVL/9 summon slots for snow creatures

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Snow Spells

SL # Spell Effect
N 1 Control Weather N Controls the weather in a 3^N yard radius area
2 Summon Snow N Summons a DL N Snow creature
1 1 Arcum's Sleigh +1M action only for Snow spells
2 Boreal Druid Summon; DL I Snow Druid; It has "1S or 1V: Cure a target 10 hp"
3 Rime Dryad Summon; DL I Snow Druid; It has "1S: Deal 1 rdmg to any target regardless of DL"
4 Rimebound Dead Summon; DL I Snow Undead; Regenerates 1 rhp/s
5 Snilloc's Snowball CLd4 snow dmg to one target (no save)
6 Thermal Flux CLd2 snow dmg to one group (no save)
2 1 Arcum's Weathervane CLd4 snow dmg to one group (no save)
2 Balduvian Conjurer 2 Summons; a DL II Snow Human and a DL II Snow Golem (animated object)
3 Coldsteel Heart Your next snow spell has +10 CL
4 Rime Transfusion Target does +CL*3 ice dmg per physical attack for 1 round
5 Rimewind Taskmage Summon; DL II Snow Human; Can lend S actions by spending 2S actions
6 Snilloc's Snowball Swarm CLd4 snow dmg to CL/2 targets (no save)
3 1 Chilling Shade Summon; DL III Snow Undead; It has "Take 1 rdmg: +1 offensive DL this segment"
2 Icelance One weapon gets +4/+0, +5d6 snow dmg, stun brand (1d4r; PP save) for 1 round
3 Phyrexian Ironfoot Summon; DL III Snow Golem; Has 5S actions
4 Phyrexian Soulgorger Summon; DL VI Snow Golem; Eats one of your other summons every segment it attacks
5 Sunstone 1bM: Your group (including yourself) take 10 dmg, but no combat damage this segment in your group
6 Winter's Night 2M: Cast a SL=4 Snow spell (Twilighting still applies)
4 1 Blizzard Specter Summon; DL IV Snow Undead; Can unsummon other summons
2 Chill to the Bone Slay target non-snow creature (PPD save)
3 Drift of the Dead Summon; DL IV Snow Golem; Can interpose for you
4 Ice Storm (CL/2)d10 ice dmg (no save) plus Numbness (PP save or -CL all actions) to 1 group
5 Rimewind Cryomancer Summon; DL IV Snow Human; It has "1bS: Counter a magic/psionic item ability"
5 1 Adarkar Windform Summon; DL V Snow Illusion; It has "1S: Target group loses Flying this round (no save)"
2 Cone of Cold CLd10+CL cold dmg to a group (save:˝)
3 Diamond Faerie Summon; DL N Snow Faerie; N=square root of other snow summons you have
4 Heidar, Rimewind Master Summon (can have only one of these); DL VI Snow Concordant; It has "1S: Dispel an effect"
5 Snow Fortress Wall of Snow; 10*CL dmg; Can be made into a ring around you
6 1 Adarkar Valkyrie Summon; DL VI Snow Angel; Has "1S or 1bS: Revive a killed creature as a Revive for the PC (needs a summon slot)"
2 Phyrexian Snowcrusher Summon; DL VIII/VI Snow Golem
3 Ronom Serpent Summon; DL VI Snow Snake; Does x2 dmg vs. other Snow creatures
4 Storm Elemental Summon; DL VI Snow Elemental; Has "1M: Target group of Flying creatures lose their next action (no save)"
7 1 Gargantuan Gorilla Summon; DL VIII Snow Animal; Every time it acts, you take 7 damage.
2 Karplusan Giant Summon; DL VII Snow Giant; For each spell slot you spent on this spell, it gets +1 rhp (max 20) and +1 DL (max 11).
3 Rimefeather Owl Summon; DL VII Snow Bird; It can make other summons into Snow summons
8 1 Aluap's Blizzard 1 group: (time in rounds squared) hull dmg (cold + negative) (no save)
2 Wall of Black Ice Wall; Capital S Slay and Wild Surge if try to pass through; Blocks magic, psionics, physical attacks (but not innates)
9 1 Avalanche x1 Special: Entire room takes 10*CL ice dmg /s (no save)
2 Winter's Chill Slay up to 8 targets (must be within 3 groups) (no save)

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 2-- --- ---
2 10 2-- --- ---
3 30 3-- --- ---
4 60 31- --- ---
5 100 42- --- ---
6 150 421 --- ---
7 210 532 --- ---
8 280 532 1-- ---
9 360 543 2-- ---
10 450 543 21- ---
11 550 554 32- ---
12 660 554 321 ---
13 780 554 432 ---
14 910 554 432 1--
15 1050 554 443 2--
16 1200 554 443 21-
17 1360 554 443 32-
18 1530 554 443 321
19 1710 554 443 332
20 1900 554 443 333
21 2100 554 444 333
22 2310 554 444 433
23 2530 554 444 443
24 2760 554 444 444
25 3000 555 444 444
26 3250 555 544 444
27 3510 555 554 444
28 3780 555 555 444
29 4060 555 555 544
30 4350 555 555 554
31 4650 555 555 555
32 4960 655 555 555
33 5280 665 555 555
34 5610 666 555 555
35 5950 666 655 555
36 6300 666 665 555
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+2  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+3  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+5  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+7  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+8  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+9  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 0, Con 0, Chr 0 (10)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH3-48
Groups: Wizard
Level 1: Charisma bonus in spells.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 12, Int 9, Wis 6, Chr 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
A spellbinder is a double (Collective) specialist in Illusion and Enchantment. Spells from either school cost ˝ of a spell.
You must select 2 opposite schools (must be major schools).

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 2-- --- ---
2 3 3-- --- ---
3 6 31- --- ---
4 12 32- --- ---
5 24 321 --- ---
6 48 422 --- ---
7 96 422 1-- ---
8 192 432 2-- ---
9 384 432 21- ---
10 576 533 22- ---
11 750 533 221 ---
12 1000 543 322 ---
13 1250 543 322 1--
14 1500 544 332 2--
15 1750 544 332 21-
16 2000 554 433 22-
17 2250 554 433 221
18 2500 555 443 322
19 2750 555 443 322
20 3000 555 544 332
21 3250 555 544 333
22 3500 555 554 433
23 3750 555 554 443
24 4000 555 555 443
25 4250 555 555 544
26 4500 555 555 554
27 4750 555 555 555
28 5000 655 555 555
29 5250 665 555 555
30 5500 666 555 555
31 5750 666 655 555
32 6000 666 665 555
33 6250 666 666 555
34 6500 666 666 655
35 6750 666 666 665
36 7000 666 666 666
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 9, Int 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: 2d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Spellshapers may specialize in a school of magic, if they do, pick an opposite major school. This specialization may be of the "+1 spell per SL" or the "spells cost ˝ a spell slot" variety.
Spellshaper spells cannot be material componented. Spellshapers can cast normal Wizard spells.
To “Frugal” something means to give it one extra charge. An item can never gain more frugaled charges than it’s total number of charges when found (if you have the ability to recharge the item, the item can never gain more frugaled charges than it’s full charge count).
Each level, get one "5th edition" pick from the choices below.
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A 60F,1/d: Create a potion of <= LVL*100 XP value
B Has access to materials of “S” rating up to LVL; it’s cheaper: multiply cost by S/LVL
C Your SL=0 spells have double effect
D Cont. Detect Poison; 1M: Determine medicinal value of liquid; 60F,1/d: Frugal a potion
E Gain a minor familiar (this is in addition to the Find Familiar spell if you have it)
Level 4: Pick two Spellshaper5 Level 1-3, one Bringer5 Level 1-3, or one Rogue5 Level 1-3
Level 5-7: F 120F,1/d: Create a scroll of <= LVL*200 XP value
G +1M action per round, only for Spellshaper spells
H Your SL=0 and SL=1 spells have double effect (if already have 1-3 C, SL=0 is triple)
I Immune to head blown off; 1M: Know contents of scroll/book; 60F,1/d: Frugal a scroll
J Gain an extra minor familiar [this was major in Summer 2004 campaign]
Level 8: Pick two from: Spellshaper5 Level 5-7, Bringer5 Level 1-3, Rogue5 Level 1-3
Level 9-12: K 180F,1/d: Create ring or staff of <= LVL*300 XP value
L Add up your SLs together into one "mana pool"; spell of SL=X is X mana; max SL=(LVL+1)/2
M Your SL=0, SL=1, and SL=2 spells have double effect (each similar instance adds x[+1] )
N Immune to Retributive Strikes (your's or other's), Own Effects, Ego of x(LVL-6)/3 mult.
O Gain an extra major familiar
Level 13: Pick 2: Spellshaper5 Level 9-12, Bringer5 Level 5-7, Rogue5 Level 5-7, other5 Level 1-3
Level 14-18: P 240F,1/d: Create weapon or armor flag of <= LVL*400 XP value
Q +1QM action per round, only for Spellshaper spells
R Your SL=0 through SL=4 spells have double effect (each similar instance adds x[+1] )
S Time/Reality Stability; whenever a drastic event allows you 1 action to respond to it, you get 2 actions instead
T Gain an extra major familiar [this was grand in Summer 2004 campaign]
Level 18: Pick 2: Bringer5 Level 9-12, Rogue5 Level 9-12, other5 level 5-7
Level 20-26: U 300F,1/d: Create any magic item (of a type not listed in A,F,K,P above) of <= LVL*500 XP value
V You may "channel" spells by spending 2 spell slots each on them
W Your SL=0 through SL=6 spells have double effect (each similar instance adds x[+1] )
X You may cast anti-magical spells by spending 2 spell slots each, these are resisted used aMR instead of MR
Y Gain an extra grand familiar
Z Pick 1 Level 14-18 (or lower) pick from any "5th Edition" class (this may be picked multiple times)
Level 27-36: Pick 1 Level 20-26 (or lower) pick from any "5th Edition" class.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Status Effect Mage

Level KXP Status Effects
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- --
2 2.5 31˝ --- --- --
3 5 421 --- --- --
4 10 532 ˝-- --- --
5 20 643 1˝- --- --
6 40 754 21- --- --
7 60 865 32˝ --- --
8 90 976 43˝ --- --
9 135 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 250 A98 652 1-- --
11 375 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 750 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 1125 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 1500 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 1875 AAA AA7 621 --
16 2250 AAA AA8 732 --
17 2625 AAA AA9 843 --
18 3000 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 3375 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 3750 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 4125 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 4500 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 4875 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 5250 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 5625 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 6000 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 6375 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 6750 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 7125 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 7500 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 7875 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 8250 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 8625 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 9000 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 9375 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 9750 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
-1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+0  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+0  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+0  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+0  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+0  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+1  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+1  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+1  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+1 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+1 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+1 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+2 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+2 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+2 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+2 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+2 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Int 18, Wis 12
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/8
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Status Effects (aka "[C] section effects") school. Opposite to everything else except Aburation and Invocation (which it's Normal to).
On the following page is the Status Effects sorted by SL.
Currently, all Status Effects school spells are crosslisted with either Invocation or Abjuration. All of these spells are considered "Minor School" spells, however, so other wizards must spend 2 spells each to cast one of these spells.
Status Effects + Invocation spells:
[Status Name] Bolt (Invocation, SL=SEL): Do this Status Effect to one target (Spell save: 0)
[Status Name] Ball (Invocation, SL=SEL+1): Do this Status Effect to one group (Spell save: 0)
[Status Name] Beam (Invocation, SL=SEL+2): Do this Status Effect to one target (no save)
[Status Name] Blast (Invocation, SL=SEL+3): Do this Status Effect to one group (no save)
DM Example: So with a 5th level slot, you can do an SEL=5 Bolt, an SEL=4 Ball, an SEL=3 Beam, or an SEL=2 Blast.
Each individual Status Effect and area type is a different spell (so Blind Bolt is a different spell than Deafness Bolt and Blind Beam).
Material Componenting a Bolt or Beam gives 2 targets, not a group.
Status Effects + Abjuration spells:
Immune [Status Name] (Abjuration, SL=SEL): You are immune to this status. Double Resist is SEL-1 and Resist is SEL-2. So Double Resist Charm (SEL=3) is a 2nd level spell (SL=SEL-1=3-1).
Remove [Status Name] (Abjuration, SL=SEL): You can remove this status. Double Resist is SEL-1 and Resist is SEL-2. So Double Resist Charm (SEL=3) is a 2nd level spell (SL=SEL-1=3-1).
[Status Name] Shield (Abjuration, SL=SEL): Whenever someone hits you with a melee attack, they suffer that Status Effect unless they make a save vs. Spell.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Status Effects

1 Berserk
2 Dazed/Disoriented
3 Deaf
4 Diseased
5 Drunk
6 Enraged
7 Fumble
8 Immovable/Stopped
9 Insane
10 Lycanthropy
11 Nauseated
12 Pain
13 Prone
14 Reduced/Diminished (reverse Enlarge)
15 Silenced/Mute
1 Blind
2 Cannot Move
3 Cursed
4 Dispel (effect)
5 Drowning
6 Enfeeblement
7 Falling (takes CL*10' falling dmg)
8 Fascinated
9 Fear
10 Hypnotized
11 Panic
12 Plagued
13 Taunted
1 Charm
2 Confused
3 Exhausted/Fatigued
4 Gravity (Zero/High) (CL*20' falling dmg)
5 Held
6 Morale (failed Morale)
7 Paralyzed
8 Slowed
9 Stunned
10 Summoning Sickness
11 Vulnerable Radiation
12 Wounded (as in the weapon effect)
1 Disjunct (effect)
2 DNA Scrambled
3 Dominated (Physically)
4 Drained MF
5 Drained PF
6 Extract
7 Feebleminded
8 Immune (can't drop) Psionic Link
9 Pissed
10 Sleep
11 Vulnerable Magic
1 *Cursed*
2 Burned Out
3 Disintegrated
4 Dominated (Mentally)
5 Harmed (reverse Heal)
6 Head Blown Off
7 Immune (can't drop) Hastes
8 Magic Jar/Possessed
9 Slain/Killed/Dead
10 Twilight
11 Unaware
12 Unconscious
13 Vulnerable Psionics
1 Alley Effect (summon DL=CL/2 Alley vs. you)
2 Capital S Stun
3 Causeall
4 Coma
5 Ego-Dominated
6 Enslaved
7 Immune (can't drop) Healing
8 Petrified
9 Spent
10 Vulnerable Innates
1 **Cursed** (Ancient Foul Cursed)
2 Anti-stats (CLd6 stat dmg)
3 Capital B Blasted
4 Capital S Slain
5 Clone-Insane
6 Crapped
7 Down a Hole
8 Flattened
9 Time Stop/Temporal Stasis
10 Vulnerable Weapons
1 Annihilated
2 As You Are
3 Capital M Mauled
4 Destructed (reverse Resurrected)
5 Imprisoned
6 Set
7 Temporally Incursed / Rewritten Out of Time
8 Trap the Soul
9 Truename Dominated
1 Capital F Folded
2 Erased Forwards and Backwards in Time
3 Loop Incursed
4 Lower Multiplier
5 Pawned
6 Pixelated
7 Truename Erased

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Summoner Mage

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 3.5 2-- --- ---
3 7 21- --- ---
4 14 32- --- ---
5 28 421 --- ---
6 56 422 --- ---
7 84 432 1-- ---
8 126 433 2-- ---
9 189 433 21- ---
10 350 443 22- ---
11 525 444 33- ---
12 1050 444 441 ---
13 1575 555 442 ---
14 2100 555 442 1--
15 2625 555 552 1--
16 3150 555 553 21-
17 3675 555 553 32-
18 4200 555 553 321
19 4725 555 553 331
20 5250 555 554 332
21 5775 555 554 442
22 6300 555 555 443
23 6825 555 555 553
24 7350 555 555 554
25 7875 555 555 555
26 8400 666 655 555
27 8925 666 666 655
28 9450 666 666 666
29 9975 777 766 666
30 10500 777 777 766
31 11025 777 777 777
32 11550 888 877 777
33 12075 888 888 877
34 12600 888 888 888
35 13125 999 988 888
36 13650 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
+0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+0  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
+1  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+1  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
+1  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+2  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
+2  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+2  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4
+3  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+3  5  5  5  5  5  5  5  5
+3  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+4  6  6  6  6  6  6  6  6
+4  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+4  7  7  7  7  7  7  7  7
+5  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+5  8  8  8  8  8  8  8  8
+5  9  9  9  9  9  9  9  9
Requisites: Con 12, Int 12, Chr 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Mon
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Spell progression as per Mage2.
Level 1: May control 2 summons (same type).
Level 1: May material component summoning spells for 2 creatures of the same type.
Level 1: Specialized in conjuration with no opposite school.
Level 1: School robed in conjuration (each conjuration/summoning spell is 1 SL lower for you)
Level 1: 0, LVL/d: Your summons are not summoning sick.
Level 3: Your summons can't turn against you even if they become uncontrolled.
Level 5: May control 2 summons (different types).
Level 5: (Single) material componenting for summoning spells is free.
Level 9: May control 3 summons (same type).
Level 9: May double material component summoning spells (costing a total of 1M+1V) for 3 creatures of the same type.
Level 9: Can hold summons across resets between sessions.
Level 10: Your summons can do "1S: Lend an S to you.".
Level 12: If a monster randomly rolls to attack you, you can have your summons be attacked instead.
Level 13: May control 4 summons (same type).
Level 13: May triple material component summoning spells (costing a total of 1M+2V) for 4 creatures of the same type.
Level 13: 1M: Steal someone else's summon. The other spellcaster (not the summon) makes a Will save to resist this.
Level 16: Your summons do not immediately disappear when slain / dropped below -10 hp. You have 1 turn to heal or repair the summon if you want to keep him. You can ignore this power and have him disappear anyway if desired.
Level 17: May control 2 groups of 2 summons (each group is the same type, but the groups don't have to be the same)
Level 18: Each of your summons may have 1 summon of their own.
Level 18: Your summons gain XP during the adventure and may "level up" in combat (if using "XP on the fly")
Level 21: May control 5 summons (same type).
Level 21: May quadruple material component summoning spells (costing a total of 1M+3V) for 5 creatures of the same type. You can save up the V actions, or use 1M+1V+1P+1QV in one segment.
Level 27: Your summons cannot be unsummoned by unsummon effects.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard/Psi8
123 456 789
1 0 ˝˝˝ --- ---
2 8 1˝˝ --- ---
3 12 1˝˝ ˝-- ---
4 18 2˝˝ ˝-- ---
5 27 21˝ ˝-- ---
6 41 21˝ ˝˝- ---
7 61 211 ˝˝- ---
8 92 221 ˝˝- ---
9 137 221 1˝˝ ---
10 206 222 1˝˝ ---
11 308 222 11˝ ---
12 462 222 11˝ ˝--
13 692 222 111 ˝--
14 1038 322 211 ˝--
15 1557 322 211 1˝-
16 2336 332 221 1˝-
17 3000 332 221 11-
18 4000 332 221 11˝
19 5000 333 222 111
20 6000 433 322 211
21 7000 443 332 221
22 8000 444 333 222
23 9000 544 433 322
24 10000 554 443 332
25 11000 555 444 333
26 12000 655 544 433
27 13000 665 554 443
28 14000 666 555 444
29 15000 766 655 544
30 16000 776 665 554
31 17000 777 666 555
32 18000 877 766 655
33 19000 887 776 665
34 20000 888 777 666
35 21000 988 877 766
36 22000 998 887 776
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 10, Int 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 7+level
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Technology
Specialized in Technology school; pick an opposite.
There is a "Create Technological Item" spell of each spell level; each spell creates an item of TechL = SL (material componenting may be used to double the TL). The item cannot weigh more than level^2 pounds, or it has some flaw which requires upkeep and/or repair to keep it operating effectively. The spell effect will end in level turns unless a Permanency spell is used.
Note that creating a temporary machine which creates a real machine is perfectly legal.
Level 1: +1 technological proficiency per level, see Psi8.
Level 1: May use Psi8 minors as if they were 2nd level spells.
Level 6: May use Psi8 majors as if they were 5th level spells.
Level 15: May use Psi8 grands as if they were 8th level spells.
Level 54: May use Psi8 supers as if they were 11th level spells.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Tougher (Random Wizard #231172)

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 2 ˝-- --- ---
2 20 ˝˝- --- ---
3 40 ˝˝˝ --- ---
4 62 ˝˝˝ ˝-- ---
5 89 ˝˝˝ ˝˝- ---
6 126 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ---
7 178 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝--
8 261 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝-
9 395 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
10 610 1˝˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
11 872 11˝ ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
12 1189 111 ˝˝˝ ˝˝˝
13 1596 111 1˝˝ ˝˝˝
14 1843 111 11˝ ˝˝˝
15 2105 111 111 ˝˝˝
16 2409 111 111 1˝˝
17 2671 111 111 11˝
18 2975 111 111 111
19 3280 221 111 111
20 3585 222 211 111
21 3890 222 222 111
22 4196 222 222 221
23 4502 222 222 222
24 4808 333 222 222
25 5114 333 333 222
26 5421 333 333 333
27 5812 444 433 333
28 6203 444 444 443
29 6524 444 444 444
30 6986 555 554 444
31 7378 555 555 555
32 7770 666 666 555
33 8163 666 666 666
34 8556 777 777 766
35 8949 777 777 777
36 9509 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+2  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+3  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+3  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+4  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+5  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+6  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+7  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+8  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+8  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+9  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+10  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+11  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+11  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+12  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+13  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+14  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 15, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d3
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: 2˝xWiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM Random, Jason 12/08/07
Groups: Wizard, Random
Turn Undead as a Priest of 3 levels lower.
Level 1: +1 Con per level. This bonus cannot be used to qualify for this class, and you can't 2 for 1 trade it away.
Level 1: 0, 1 attack: Destroy a magic item.
Level 1: Undead must save vs. (8+DM's level) to attack the Death Master.
Level 1: Water Breathing, freedom of movement in water, cast spells in water normally {Sea Mage}
Level 2: 1bF: Counter a counterspell effect.
Level 4: Can map any area he's scrying into (via Crystal Ball or whatever).
Level 4: Lore of true stamina: +1 Fort saves
Level 4: Speak with anyone with Int > 10 at will.
Level 4: Speak with anyone with Int > 10 at will.
Level 6: 1M: Identify Book.
Level 10: You have AN EVEN BIGGER BOSS THAN YOU, which is any same-aligned god, you Automatic Divine Intervention 1/d.
Level 11: Immune to all Energy/Stat drains.
Level 13: Create Monster VI (SL=6): Create a DL=1 monster, it's loyal, it's not a summon slot {Soulforger}
Level 14: +1QM action per round, only for Spellshaper spells
Level 14: Train Slayer5: N resets of actions: A Slayer5 of LVL=N is raised by one level permanently.
Level 20: Your SL=0 through SL=6 spells have double effect (each similar instance adds x[+1] )
Level 22: 1/d: Create a GIANT ROBOT (a DL 10 Golem, you may make requests but exact statistics are determined by the DM).

Gets 10 Rogue points per level, see table below:
Lvl Rogue Ability | -50% | -100% | -150% Act Base Penalty Bonus
4 Any Rogue 3 ability - - - -

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 7
1 0 1-- --- -
2 1.2 2-- --- -
3 2.4 21- --- -
4 4.8 32- --- -
5 9.6 421 --- -
6 19.2 431 --- -
7 38.4 432 --- -
8 76.8 432 1-- -
9 153.6 533 2-- -
10 393.6 543 21- -
11 633.6 543 32- -
12 873.6 554 321 -
13 1113.6 554 322 -
14 1353.6 554 322 1
15 1593.6 554 422 2
16 1833.6 555 432 2
17 2073.6 555 532 2
18 2313.6 555 533 2
19 2553.6 555 543 2
20 2793.6 555 543 3
21 3033.6 555 554 3
22 3273.6 555 555 4
23 3513.6 555 555 5
24 3753.6 666 655 5
25 3993.6 666 666 6
26 4233.6 777 766 6
27 4473.6 777 777 7
28 4713.6 888 877 7
29 4953.6 888 888 8
30 5193.6 999 988 8
31 5433.6 999 999 9
32 5673.6 AAA A99 9
33 5913.6 AAA AAA A
34 6153.6 BBB BAA A
35 6393.6 BBB BBB B
36 6633.6 CCC CCC C
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 13, Chr 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
May specialize in Divination and/or Enchantment, if this is done, pick 1 opposite per specialty.
Level 1: +3 language slots per level (DM note: Note you need 2 slots to completely cover a language, one is "speak", the other is "read/write".)
Level 1: +1 beast language per level. This allows speaking with animals such as birds, rabbits, etc.
Level 1: 1M, 1/t: Charm Person.
Level 6: 1M, 1/t: Charm Monster.
Level 9: Detect Lie continuous.
Level 9: 1M, 1/d: Undetectable Lie for 1 turn.
Level 11: 1M, 1/t: Mass Charm.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Transmuter2 / Alterationist

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 32- --- ---
5 20 421 --- ---
6 40 422 --- ---
7 60 432 1-- ---
8 90 433 2-- ---
9 135 433 21- ---
10 250 443 22- ---
11 375 444 33- ---
12 750 444 441 ---
13 1125 555 442 ---
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1875 555 552 1--
16 2250 555 553 21-
17 2625 555 553 32-
18 3000 555 553 321
19 3375 555 553 331
20 3750 555 554 332
21 4125 555 554 442
22 4500 555 555 443
23 4875 555 555 553
24 5250 555 555 554
25 5625 555 555 555
26 6000 666 655 555
27 6375 666 666 655
28 6750 666 666 666
29 7125 777 766 666
30 7500 777 777 766
31 7875 777 777 777
32 8250 888 877 777
33 8625 888 888 877
34 9000 888 888 888
35 9375 999 988 888
36 9750 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 15, Int 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH2-31
Groups: Wizard
See "Specialist Wizards"

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Virologist / Virus Mage


123 456 789 ABC

1 0 1-- --- --- -1
2 1 2-- --- --- +0
3 3 21- --- --- +0
4 6 32- --- --- +0
5 10 421 --- --- +0
6 20 422 --- --- +0
7 30 432 1-- --- +0
8 50 433 2-- --- +1
9 100 433 21- --- +1
10 150 443 22- --- +1
11 200 444 33- --- +1
12 400 444 441 --- +1
13 600 555 442 --- +1
14 800 555 442 1-- +2
15 1000 555 552 1-- +2
16 1200 555 553 21- +2
17 1400 555 553 32- +2
18 1600 555 553 321 +2
19 1800 555 553 331 +2
20 2000 555 554 332 +3
21 2200 555 554 442 +3
22 2400 555 555 443 +3
23 2600 555 555 553 +3
24 2800 555 555 554 +3
25 3000 555 555 555 +3
26 3200 666 655 555 +4
27 3400 666 666 655 +4
28 3600 666 666 666 +4
29 3800 777 766 666 +4
30 4000 777 777 766 +4
31 4200 777 777 777 +4
32 4400 888 877 777 +5
33 4600 888 888 877 +5
34 4800 888 888 888 +5
35 5000 999 988 888 +5
36 5200 999 999 999 1 +5
37 10400 999 999 999 2 +5
38 15600 999 999 999 3 +6
39 20800 999 999 999 4 +6
45 52000 A99 999 999 9 +7
54 98800 AAA AAA AAA 91 +8
63 145600 AAA AAA AAA A9 +10
72 192400 BBB BBB BAA AA1 +11
Requisites: Con 11, Int 15, Wis 15
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+4
Reflex: level+0
Will: level+5
Specialized in Virus Magic.
Gets Wis bonus to spell progression.
Level 1: Immune to Diseases, Viruses, Lycanthropy.
Level 2: Immune to becoming Undead or Unlive.
Level 3: Identify Object's chemical makeup by sight.
Level 4: Periodic Table elements are considered Semi for you.
Level 6: Periodic Table elements are considered Quasi for you.
Level 10: Periodic Table elements are considered Para for you.
Level 18: Periodic Table elements are considered normal for you.
A list of diseases follows on the next page. These are not described in game terms, but will be as they are used. Each disease uses a spell slot (so a Cause Disease 1 that does "Andromeda Strain" is a different spell slot than a Cause Disease 1 that does "Berserker Plague").
Virus School Spells:
Detect [Disease] (SL=0): Detects diseases of one particular type
Detect Disease (SL=1): Detects diseases of any type
Cause [Disease] 1 (SL=1): Cure/cause disease in one target (PPD save), material componenting does two targets (or the same target twice, but not a group)
Virus Summoning N (SL=N): Summons a DL=N Virus
Cause [Disease] 2 (SL=2): Cure/cause disease in one target (PPD save), material componenting does a group
Cure Disease (SL=3)
Contagion (SL=3)
Cause [Disease] N (SL=N, starting at SL=3): Cure/cause disease in N-2 groups (PPD save), material componenting does N-1 groups (can hit same group multiple times)
Virus [Disease] N (SL=N, starting at SL=3): As per Cure or Inflict Disease N-2; for each infected person, check CL% per segment, if made, travels to another person in the room
Inflict [Disease] 4 (SL=4): Cure/cause disease in one target (no save, aNR to resist), material componenting does two targets (or the same target twice, but not a group)
Inflict [Disease] 5 (SL=5): Cure/cause disease in one target (no save, aNR to resist), material componenting does a group
Cause [Lycanthropy] 5 (SL=5): Cure/cause lycanthropy in one target (PPD save, even when curing), material componenting does two targets, each type of Lycanthropy is a spell slot
Mummy Rot (SL=5): Your touch is Mummy Rot branded
Cause [Undead status] 6 (SL=6): Cure/cause undead status in one target (PPD save, even when curing), material componenting does two targets, each type of Undead is a spell slot
Heal (SL=6)
Inflict [Disease] N (SL=N, starting at SL=6): Cure/cause disease in N-5 groups (no save, aNR to resist), material componenting does N-4 groups (can hit same group multiple times)
Cureall (SL=7)
Cause [Unlive status] 8 (SL=8): Cure/cause unlive status in one target (PPD save, even when curing), material componenting does two targets, each type of Unlive is a spell slot
Virus Charm (SL=9)
Magical Plague (SL=10): [x2 Terrain Feature] Does a random SL 0-9 Virus spell /segment

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Virus Source Description
Ancient virus Resident Evil series A rare viral strain found in queen ant genes. It was discovered by Alexia Ashford, while she was studying ants. When combined with Mother Virus (or Progenitor Virus) it creates the powerful T-Veronica virus. Probably the control power of it is due the Ancient virus.
Andromeda Strain The Andromeda Strain (Michael Crichton) A deadly, green, crystalline, extra-terrestrial agent of indeterminate origin. It erodes the vessel walls of the vascular system, causing death by either triggering the body's coagulation response (resulting in the entire system clotting in a few seconds), or by cerebral hematomas (accompanied by dementia) if clotting is prevented. It evolves at a rapid rate, is spread by airborne transmission, and is extremely contagious.
Angel Toxicosis Tales of Symphonia A disease that cannot be transmitted, and affects only those with an unmounted Cruxis Crystal. Causes victim to eventually lose ability to taste,sleep,cry, feel pain, and talk. Also increases the victim's hearing, strength and sight abilities, as well as eliminating the need to eat and sleep. In early beginnings it allows the victim to gain crystal-like wings and fly until the disease is destroyed. The final stage of this diseases causes the victim to give up his/her heart and memory, and ultimately their life. The disease lasts for an unknown time , those afflicted are slowly 'given' the symptoms via blessings of a person with a mounted Cruxis Crystal.A major example is Collette, one of the 8 protagonists of the game.}
Apathy Syndrome Persona-Trinity Soul- ?
Berserker plague Berserk (Tim Lebbon Novel) A pathogen that creates revenants-intelligent zombies. Tested by the UK as a bioweapon,presumably to make the subject immune to bullets. The infected-"Berserkers"-can stay alive for at least ten years without food, water, or oxygen. Some may manifest psionic tendencies. It has some supernatural attributes, such as a sensitivity to silver. Transmitted by bite.
Bliss Virus Doctor Who: Gridlock Appeared around 1-3 billion years into the future on New Earth. it began when new Earthians developed a new mood-drug called Bliss. the world became addicted to it and, in Novice hame's words; "a virus mutated inside the compound and became airborne. everything died. even the virus in the end. it killed the world in seven minuites flat."
Bloodfire Blood Nation A virus that gestated in wolves two thousand years ago. The first to be infected was Genghis Khan It causes the symptoms usually associated with Vampirism; Photosensitivity and invinibility. The entire nation of Russia in infected, exept for a few feral children. The virus can cause extreme mutation, for example the snakes tail present in the Khan's head scientist.
Bone-itis Futurama In the Future Stock episode, That Guy suffers from bone-itis and claims that it is the only thing he regrets. It is a disease that causes the bones to twist and collapse very rapidly and is not to be confused with osteitis.
Bonerplasia Saturday Night Live In the October 4, 2008 episode, Bonerplasia is a fictional condition which is allegedly a kind of chronic priapism. A man (played by Jason Sudeikis) used it as a fake explanation for why he constantly got erections around a woman, Amber (played by Anne Hathaway), he was secretly attracted to though claiming to be gay. However, she honestly believed him, because she "read the Bonerplasia article on Wikipedia", only for the man to then reveal "I actually wrote that article".
Brain Cloud Joe Versus the Volcano The brain cloud has no symptoms—apart from quickly and painlessly killing in about six months.
Captain Trips The Stand (Stephen King) A deadly, flu-based virus. Created as a biological weapon codenamed Blue. Causes a lethally high fever and is highly contagious. So deadly because as the body fights off the disease, it mutates into different strains of influenza, making immunity next to impossible. Also called Superflu.
Chimera Virus Resistance: Fall of Man It mutates the infected into the enemies of the series
Closed Shell Syndrome Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex A type of autism caused by cyberbrain implants.
Cobra Event the Cobra Event A geneticly-engineered virus that causes nightmares, fever, chills, runny nose, encephilitus (brain swelling), and herpes-like boils in the mouth and genitals. Used as a bioterror weapon.
ComaThe Coma Clive Barker's The Plague Affecting all children. Causing to fall into a coma for ten years then unanimously waking up and causing the children to kill all adults.
Cooties[citation needed] Various A presumably fatal disease affecting males, leaving females mostly unaffected. The disease is known to feast on the souls of unsuspecting children (those unfamiliar with the "Cootie Lock") and incur embarrassing misfortune upon its host.[citation needed].
Corprus Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Corprus causes incredible mutations in humanoids, but it is an almost non-communicable disease. People infected with blight are often sent to a special institution called the Corprusarium, which was made for researching corprus. Corprus is caused by the volcanic ash that emanates from Red Mountain, but, as a positive side effect, grants 100% disease immunity. The only known antidote is proven to destroy corprus, but ends up killing the victim as well. However, the player is able to take the antidote without any adverse effects, presumably because he is the reincarnation of the demi-god Nerevar.
Corrupted Blood World of Warcraft Initially contracted from fighting Hakkar, the God of Blood, in the dungeon of Zul'Gurub. Highly infectious, with an incubation period of 2 seconds and can infect any person in the immediate area. Referred to WoW players as "the Plague", "Hakkar's SARS" or "WoW AIDS" for a major outbreak of the virtual plague in the game due to a design oversight.
Creeping Derangea Advance Wars: Days of Ruin An artificial virus that initially infects those under the age of 20. The outbreak is attributed to the post-Apocalyptic setting in which the game is set. The Virus is revealed as a failed Bio-Weapon by IDS, created to test the extent of IDS technology. The virus mutates into a strain that can infect older hosts over time. Causes flowers to grow inside a person and break out of the skin. A beautiful, albeit excruciatingly painful, way to die.
Cyberbrain Sclerosis Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Cyberbrain implant malady resembling multiple sclerosis, eventually fatal.
Dark Gundam Cells G Gundam (anime) Nanomachines from the Devil Gundam (Dark Gundam in North American dub) infect living organisms and undergo mitosis, allowing the Devil Gundam to control the victim. The victim will gain super-strength and self-recovery abilities and if inside a Mobile Fighter, will spread the cells to the Mobile Fighter and give it the abilities of the Devil Gundam, often mutating the Mobile Fighter into a stronger robot. If the cells have not reached the brain, the victim can be cured.
Dave's Syndrome Black Books A condition which is known to affect Manny, it is triggered by being exposed to a temperature of at least 88°F (31°C). While the exact effects of the disease are not described, a scene at the end of the episode shows the results - The area outside the shop has been completely ransacked, and a half-dressed Manny is jumping on top of a car yelling and holding a torch.
Descolada Speaker for the Dead (Orson Scott Card) A quasi-conscious self-modifying organism capable of infecting any form of life."Descolada" is also the Portuguese word for "unglued". In the context of the book, this refers to the Descolada virus's effects; it breaks the link of the DNA double helix (ungluing it) and induces mutations.
Desperation Disease Eureka 7 (anime) A disease that strikes randomly and has no known vector of contagion. Individuals gradually become detached from the world until they are completely catatonic. The name of the disease doesn't come from the victims' state, who seem to be communing with something metaphysical, but rather, from their families who despair of trying to wake them.
Diathronitis Larn Afflicts daughter of player character; serves as primary motivation for gameplay.
Doll Syndrome hack GU.hack//G.U. A mysterious medical condition in which a person falls into a completely unresponsive state. Doll Syndrome is in fact a physical side effect to an infection by AIDA. Salvador Aihara tries to do an undercover investigation regarding Doll Syndrome in especially young children for his show "Online Jack".
Drafa Plague Babylon 5 Neutralizes chemicals in the synaptic gap, thus inhibiting nerve signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Without clear direction from the brain as a result of the signals being blocked, the organs lose their ability to function correctly. For those that can be affected, the disease is 100% contagious, and if left untreated 100% terminal.
Dryditch Fever Salamandastron (Brian Jacques) ?
DX The Lost World (Michael Crichton) An unknown prion dubbed "DX" by scientists on Isla Sorna. It is similar to mad cow disease and was the result of feeding ground-up sheep to carnivorous dinosaurs. DX increased the mortality rate of newborn dinosaurs and is eventually fatal to adult dinosaurs. In order to combat DX, InGen scientists released animals into the wild of Isla Sorna. The virus initially infected carnivorous dinosaurs such as velociraptors and procompsognathus, which would then spread the disease to herbivores such as apatosaurus, and the apatosaur carcasses would be eaten by compys, which would then spread the disease to other carcasses, and the cycle would repeat. Ian Malcolm said at the end of the novel that, because of the imbalance of carnivores and herbivores due to DX, the dinosaurs were doomed to die out.
Electrogonnorhea Futurama An STD humans can contract from robots. Called the "Noisy Killer."
Fever"The Fever" Cabin Fever A flesh eating disease which causes massive hemorrhage and tissue necrosis. Victims typically bleed directly through the skin in early stages. In later stages, tissues become soft and slough away. It is known to be transmitted through drinking contaminated water.
Forced Evolutionary Virus Fallout Originally known as the Pan-Immunity Viron Project, FEV, along with radiation, is responsible for many mutations in the wastelands. The most visible of these are the super mutants, former humans granted incredible strength and endurance as result of being infected. Exposure to the virus is also known to be fatal in many cases. FEV serves as a major plot element in both Fallout and Fallout 2.
Foul-Drought Heir of Mistmantle (M. I. McAllister) Disease caused from drinking poisoned water. Animals who have it will have pain, blurry sight and some will eventually die.
FoxDie Metal Gear Solid FoxDie is a virus responsible for killing people with certain genetic markers via cardiac arrest. FoxDie is given to protagonist Solid Snake by Dr. Naomi Hunter, only it is engineered to go off at an indeterminate time. FoxDie was also the cause of death of Liquid Snake, Decoy Octopus (impersonating DARPA chief Donald Anderson), and the Armstech President.
Gangliated Utrophin Immuno Latency Toxin (GUILT) Trauma Center: Under the Knife A series of eight pathogens created by the medical-terrorist group Delphi. During ingame sequences where the player operates on patients, GUILT diseases are normally shown as a pseudo-sentient core that attacks the patient from within, using lacerations, tumors and other ailments. Individual strains are named after Greek days of the week (Kyriaki, Deftera, Triti, Tetarti, Pempti, Paraskevi, Savato), the only exception being the eighth strain, called "Bliss".
Genie Flu Genie in the House A disease of Genies which causes them to change colours, become invisible and have squeaky voices.
Gray Death Deus Ex A global plague engineered using nanotechnology within a Universal Constructor by Majestic-12, the Gray Death virus is actually a hybrid (cyborganic) disease of biological and mechanical structures. It is based on the adverse and ultimately lethal effects of nanotechnology on an unmodified human body. Named the Gray Death because of the gray patches of discolored scar tissue that cover its victims' skins, if and when the disease is cured. Symptoms include the aforementioned discoloration of the skin, coughing, physical pain and death.
Gray DeathThe Gray Death Gail Carson Levine's The Two Princesses of Bamarre Disease created from the noxious gas from the defeated dragon Yune's stomach. It comes on with no warning and is not contagious. There are three stages of the disease. The first stage is the weakness, and it can last anywhere from a week to six months. The second stage is the sleeping, and it always lasts nine days. The last stage is fever, and it always lasts three days. At the end of the fever stage, the victim will die. The only cure is water sent down from the fairies' Mount Ziriat. The cure will only be discovered when cowards find courage and rain falls over all Bamarre.
G-Virus Resident Evil 2 A mutagenic pathogen which causes the host to become a big, constantly evolving, practically unstoppable killing machine, with exceedingly high attack power and immense vitality, in addition to the ability to regenerate and mutate so quickly the carrier virtually loses its mortality. The purified virus can be injected directly into the host, or a mutated host can implant a small larvae, called a G-embryo into another host. The latter mode of transmission is most successful when the host and the new victim are genetically similar. The virus would later merge with the T-Virus, creating an extremely dangerous, electromagnetic-capable variant called T/G Virus
Hate Plague Transformers Bacterial spore of unknown origin transmitted by touch. Induces extreme paranoia and aggression in the infected, causing them to strike out against anyone or anything in an increasingly maddening desire to destroy. Symptoms include a deep reddish glow emanating from the infected. The only curative is intense logic and wisdom, which presumably counters the extreme irrationality the disease causes in its victims. First appearing during the Autobot-Decepticon wars (which necessitated the second resurrection of Optimus Prime), a relatively milder strain is seen again during the events of Beast Machines; Megatron triggers a pre-planted virus in Silverbolt, infecting him and the rest of the Maximals. The strain is cured, again, by intense logic and wisdom.
Hemoglophagia (HGV) Ultraviolet Disease responsible for turning many humans into vampire-like creatures.
Hyper-evolutionary virus StarCraft The Hyper-evolutionary virus is a retrovirus produced by Zerg Queens. It is used to mutate "lesser" creatures into zerg warrior breeds. Only a small percent of humanity is fully compatible, who retain personality, intelligence, and psionics. Others mutate into living bombs, utterly dominated by the Overmind. It has a re-animation side-effect. It is transmissible through fluid transfer only, much like Solanum.
Incuritis Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney A rare, but lethal disease, curable only through the use of a medicine made from the Borginian Cocoon. The cure is very difficult to make, and if made incorrectly, it is a deadly poison, and thus the exportation of such a cocoon is illegal. The Chief Justice's son is afflicted with the disease.
Jason Strain Friday the 13th: The Jason Strain (Christa Faust) A virus created when an artificial virus was exposed to undead killer Jason Voorhees, it was originally meant to be a cure-all and age retarding super drug. Those infected by the virus gain some of powers of Jason Voorhees, including superhuman strength and the inability to feel pain, but intelligence is severely reduced. Those infected with the virus can only be killed via decapitation. A cure for the virus is developed and released into the air and the original carrier, Jason (who was not affected by the airborne cure due to unique physiology) is rid of it when a heavy dosage of the cure is injected directly into his brain.
Krippin Virus (KV) I Am Legend A genetically reengineered measles virus originally created as a "miracle cure" for cancer, but mutated into a lethal, highly-pathogenic strain. KV has a 90% mortality rate; less than 1% of humans are immune. Two transmission vectors for the pathogen are inhalation and infected blood, with two corresponding immunity profiles. Infected humans who did not die began exhibiting early symptoms of rabies and degenerated into a state driven by rage. A major symptom is that the adrenal glands are "permanently open", giving victims increased strength, speed and agility but also a faster metabolism. This results in increased body temperature, heart rate, and breathing speed, making those infected hyperventilate constantly. Pupils became permanently dilated and skin became hypersensitive to UV radiation, forcing infected hosts into a nocturnal life cycle. Loss of body hair is another symptom. Non-humans such as rats and dogs are also susceptible to KV. They are sensitive to blood. These infected are similar to vampires.
Krytos virus Star Wars Expanded Universe The Krytos virus was a deadly and highly contagious virus that only attacked non-human species. It could spread via a number of avenues, including by water supplies and air. The virus often killed its host in less than two weeks, resulting in a painful death.
Lampingtons Disease Last Holiday A rare neurological disease causing multiple brain tumors rapidly progressing to death within a few weeks if not treated with an exorbitantly expensive operation. The lead character is diagnosed with this disease by a faulty CAT scan machine, consequently spending her life's savings on a dream vacation.
Las Plagas Resident Evil 4 A parasitic, organism which can infect a variety of hosts, including humans. It has the ability to control its host's behavior, inducing a hive-like mentality among the infected and extreme hostility towards uninfected individuals. The infected retain most of the characteristics of humans such as fine motor skills as seen through their use of simple weapons such as scythes and axes, and more complicated weapons such as chainsaws and chainguns. The are seen to obey "Queen" parasites, much like ants.
Lazar's Disease Doctor Who: Terminus A leprosy-like disease.
Legacy Virus Marvel Multiverse A disease that targets only mutants.
Life-Eater Virus Warhammer 40,000 (novels) The Life-eater virus is a flesh-eating disease that causes all biological matter to break down into it's componet parts, releasing toxic, flammable gas that can be ignited with a single explosion. The virus eats itself when there is nothing else to attack. It is quite effecive against Tyrranids. In the short-story anthology Planetkill, an updated strain goes after the soul, turning the population into zombies, created by a Techpreist inhabited by an Unclean One.
Lurgy (The Dreaded Lurgi) The Goon Show A disease that causes anyone who catches it to say nothing but 'Eeee-yakkaboo!'.
MacGregor's Disease Batman & Robin The disease that Mr. Freeze's wife Nora was suffering from and placed in cryogenic stasis for. The film also revealed that Batman's butler, Alfred Pennyworth, was also suffering from MacGregor's. Mr. Freeze successfully created the antidote for the disease, and gave some of it to Batman as an apology for thinking that Batman killed Nora (really Poison Ivy's doing).
Macrovirus Star Trek: Voyager An airborne pathogen-by-proxy that infects endothermic humanoids with a virus, causing the host to get lethargic and churn out more macroviruses until he/she/it wastes away and dies. When some of the bugs invaded Voyager, the EMH was able to synthesize a cure.
Madoba-2 Whiteout Virus related to Ebola, causes the victim to receive fever and eventually bleed to death from all body openings.
Moon Fever H2O,Just add Water a Mermaid disease that affects them when they see a full moon. This illness makes them catatonic and draws them to water like a magnet
Motaba Outbreak A deadly, virulent virus from the jungles of Zaire. Early stages resemble the flu, with pink eyes, coughing and fever. In later stages, the fever rises as high as 108, and victims seize violently, break out in skin lesions and bleed internally, causing a dark rash on the skin. Motaba incubates in 24 hours and kills in 48. The virus is 100% fatal. There is an airborne strain of Motaba. There is no treatment, but a large outbreak in a small California town was stopped when antibodies were taken from a carrier.
NAM37 PatriotThe Patriot (1998) A highly contagious airborne virus which has been stolen from a government biological warfare laboratory. Its early symptoms include a rash, and it is quickly fatal. It is not clear in the film whether the virus was supposed to have been harvested from the wild (such as Ebola) and then grown as a weapon, or whether the laboratory first engineered it in some way. In the film, the leader of a local militia has obtained both the virus and what he believes to be a vaccine for it, and decides to start an epidemic with the virus, believing that he will be safe because he has taken the vaccine. A local doctor of Indian (Native American) ancestry fights to find a cure for it.
NE_Alpha Parasite Resident Evil The NE-Alpha Parasite has an immunity to the T-virus, and is used to protect the higher brain functions of B.O.W.'s
Petriold Regression Doctor Who: New Earth A condition that causes the sufferer to become stone (similar to petrification). Unknown origins.
PhageThe Phage Star Trek: Voyager A necrotizing plague that affects members of the Vidiian species. Organ transplants are required for survival. Klingon DNA seems to be highly resistant to the phage. It was cured by the Think Tank.
Plague of Insomnia One Hundred Years of Solitude (García Márquez) An epidemic brought into the Buendía household and the town of Macondo by Rebeca; the adopted daughter of José Arcadio Buendía and Úrsula Iguarán. This plague, originally coming from the northern indian kingdoms in La Guajira (Colombia), is identified by the symptoms of wide-open, glowing eyes like those of a cat, and the impossibility of sleeping. Those infected (in the novel consisting of the entire town of Macondo) feel no tiredness or sleepiness whatsoever and hence can work all day and night. However, as time advances, those infected begin to loose all their memories and knowledge of the world; ultimately leaving them in a state in which they have forgotten the names and uses of all things and their own identities. The plague is generally seen as one of the most prominent demonstrations of magical realism in García Márquez's literary works.
Porphyric Hemophilia Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Causes vampirism after an incubation period of three days. If the player is infected, they can go through a quest to cure the disease, however it is not necessary to be cured to complete the quest.
Progenitor Virus Resident Evil In the back-story of the series, the Progenitor virus is the primary virus created by the Umbrella Corporation, a mutagen based on ebola. Successor viruses include the T-Virus, the G-Virus, and T-Veronica Virus.
Psi-2000 Virus Star Trek A mutated form of water that spreads by touch which causes its victims to act in a way similar to being drunk. However, the effects do not wear off and eventually will cause victims to make dangerous decisions.
Rage 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later Rage causes extreme aggression in a victim only seconds after being infected with the disease. The disease is easily transmissible through any bodily fluid. Because of this extreme contagiousness and very short incubation time, a crowd of hundreds could be infected by one single individual in a manner of minutes. A graphic novel based on the films purports that Rage is a recombinant strain of Ebola, though its symptoms are similar to that of rabies. Animal testing was being performed on the disease but one animal was released by activists unaware of the virus. The infection soon spread to eliminate the entire population of Britain save a few lucky individuals who managed to survive. Infected organisms die out in a few months, succumbing to starvation, since they do not actually eat their victims.
Reaper Doomsday Reaper causes effects similar to black plague. It appears in Scotland in year 2008 and kills most of it inhabitants. Scotland is put under quarantine. Some decades later, Reaper reappears in London. A cure is found several days later, but it is unknown whether or not it will be given to the population.
Red DeathThe Red Death Masque of the Red Death (Edgar Allan Poe) Victims bleed from their pores before eventually dying. (See also Scarlet Plague.)
Re-vitiligo BoondocksThe Boondocks A disease that turns a white persons skin black over time. Uncle Ruckus claims to have it, though every flashback in which he appears, features him as black as he's in 2005-2008. He regards Michael Jackson as a "lucky bastard", as his skin turned from black to white.
RipleyThe Ripley Dreamcatcher (Stephen King) An alien parasitoid macrovirus. The adult aliens resemble deformed potato beings with legs, while the younger aliens - nicknamed "shit-weasels" because they can be created in a host organism's stomach and escape by eating their host's body between the stomach and anus - are legless, smaller versions of the adult alien. Both adult and young aliens have a mouth consisting of a slit on the underside of the head that goes down the length of the worm. The lips separate to reveal hundreds of teeth that can bite through steel.
Rust Lung Gears of War 2 When the Lightmass bomb that killed the multitude of Locust monsters in the 1st game subliminated the liquid element "Imulsion", the gas seeped into the atmosphere of planet Sera, resulting into 'Rust Lung', a disease that spreads quickly and deadly.
Scarlet Plague Scarlet Plague (Jack London) This 1912 novella, also known as the Scarlet Death, is a work of post-apocalyptic fiction treating the world after civilization has been destroyed by this fictional disease.
Scurge Scurge: Hive A parasite that can infect biologincal, technological, or coherent energy systems. It takes about one minute to overwhelm the special filters designed to ward off it's infection.
Shanti Virus Heroes A virus that only affects individuals with superhuman abilities or powers, deactivating those powers and slowly killing the infected. At least one strain exists which affects humans without superhuman powers, which is simply lethal.
Snow Crash Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson) A dangerous drug which is both a computer virus capable of infecting the brains of unwary hackers in the Metaverse and a mind-altering virus distributed by a network of Pentecostal churches via its infrastructure and belief system. Both forms cause glossolalia, and the computer virus form appears as a snowy pattern of pixels.
Solanum Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z Solanum is a virus that is transmitted through fluidic contact, such as a bite, transplant of infected biological matter, or pressing an open wound against a zombie. Once these situations occur, it is 100% communicable. It is only contagious in humans, however it is instantly fatal to other living creatures, whose bodies then become biohazardous. There are almost no known cases of survival, with no treatment to delay onset and no cure. Rarely, people have managed to survive by an immediate emergency field amputation of the limb where contact occurred, but even this is unlikely to work. It can be a sexually transmitted disease, but only if the sexual parter is in the very early stage of infection -- once reanimated, victims become infertile (and totally uninterested in sex). The virus travels to the brain and rapidly dissolves the frontal lobes, with effects akin to lobotomy. The brain changes, over 23 hours, into an organ that does not need oxygen. Tissues become toxic. The virus causes all life processes to stop, except for musculature and nervous systems. Tested as a bioweapon by Japan and the USSR with dismal results.
SP-43 Derailed (2002) SP-43 is a modified form of smallpox (variola) that has an extremely short incubation period. Its development is part of the backstory, which is not completely clear, but given the fact that it appears to have been stolen in Slovakia and is being transported to Munich by a NATO agent, it appears to have been developed by the Slovak government or some other Eastern Block country during the Cold War.
Spectrox Toxaemia Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani A fatal condition caused by touching the raw form of Spectrox, a residue from the saliva of bats found on the planet Androzani Minor, that contained a chemical similar to nitrogen mustard. The lifespan of the sufferer is then reduced to between two and three days; symptoms include a rash and/or cramp, followed by spasms, paralysis and finally Thermal Death Point. The only known cure was the milk of the Queen Bats.
St. Mary's V for Vendetta A biological weapon engineered and released by the Norsefire party as a means of clandestinely gaining control over their own country.
SuddsThe Sudds Spongebob Squarepants The sudds is an illness that only sponges can catch, which makes them sneeze out bubbles constantly. It is essentially a common cold.
Technocyte Virus Dark Sector The metabolism of victims are increased and the surface of their skin hardens and forms a metallic exterior. The infection continues to mutate the host, driving them insane from the intense pain. The infected then become wildly aggressive and unpredictable, attacking anyone that is not infected on sight. The disease can be spread by physical contact and can affect animals as well as humans.
The Host's Disease The Host The unnamed disease carried by the giant monster terrorizing South Korea. In actuality, there was no virus; the government claimed the monster was spreading a disease just to save face.
The Ick SpongeBob SquarePants More of a fungus than a disease, the Ick is a green moss like form that spreads over the body, resulting in welts that shoot puss. Though it may not be fatal, it can be eliminated by feeding it to a bottom-feeder, such as Gary the Snail.
Thing cells The Thing Triangle-pyramid viruses that makes up Thing monsters. If it enters another animal, it fuses with the host, imparting shape-shifting and unholy durability, at the cost of pyrosensitivity, and possession by the Alien.
Tiberium poisoning Command & Conquer Tiberium crystals start to grow on a person's skin. These skin crystals eventually force their way through the persons vital organs, killing them. If the infestation is in a certain proportion, the victim mutates into a living bag of rotten skin and organs, called a visceroid.
Torsonic Polarity Syndrome (TPS) South Park A genetic condition wich causes humans to be born with a set of buttocks over their facial organs. TPS is seen in South Park Ep.510 "How To Eat With Your Butt"
T-Virus Resident Evil movies An artificial virus created by Umbrella. When a human is infected by it, the virus will destroy all cells, killing the host. Among two and four hours, all cells will be revitalized. But the virus will only activate one brain function: the hypothalamus, where feeding is controlled. The host becomes a violent mindless cannibal, and can infect other people by biting. Because of this effect, the virus was called the "cannibal disease".
T-Virus Resident Evil A virus that causes dementia and cellular necrosis. It can easily mutate into other strains, some of which have mutagenic effects on the host. In insects or amphibians, the resulting mutation often involves increased aggressiveness, increased size, and (almost always) the development of poisonous traits. In mammals, the results include aggressiveness, physiological changes of varying degrees, and an extremely increased evolutionary rate. Variants include the NE-T virus, T-G Virus, the T-JCCC203 (used for pharmaceutical, but killed two people) and much other variants.
Unnamed virus Transporter 2 Created by scientists working for an assassin named Gianni, this unnamed virus kills everyone it infects within 48 hours. Whoever the infected person breathes on contracts the virus, and whoever they breathes on contracts it, ect. The Colombian drug cartel hires Gianni and his minions to use the virus to assassinate Jefferson Billings, the director of the National Drug Control Policy and all of the attendees of a major anti-drug conference. An antidote was also created, just in case, but was retrieved by the Billing Family's personal driver, Frank Martin.
Vampiris I Am Legend (Richard Matheson) A bacillus (rod-shaped) bacterium that causes photosensitivity, hysterical blindness near mirrors, overdevelopment of canine teeth, and production of a bulletproof adhesive. Victims feed on blood. While in the body, it is anaerobic, and causes the victim to exhibit zombie-like behavior. Outside the body, it sporulates into dust. If an infected person is cut deep enough, the bacteria turns them into powder. Can be treated, but not cured, with a pill containing a fusion inhibitor and dehydrated blood.
V-CIDS The Immortals An AIDS-like virus.
Venus Particle Tyrannosaur Canyon An extraterrestrial infectious particle found in a lunar rock sample and within a fantastically well-preserved tyrannosaur fossil in the New Mexico desert. It is later revealed that the organism came to Earth via the Chicxulub asteroid which wiped out the dinosaurs. The particle, which was named for its resemblance to the symbol of Venus and femininity, causes rapid mitosis and apparent cellular differentiation in its host.
Wailing Death Neverwinter Nights A bubonic-like plague that infects almost the entire city of Neverwinter. Thought to be just a natural plague, it is later discovered that it was magically created and unleashed upon the city.
White Blindness Blindness (José Saramago) A mysterious epidemic of sudden blindness affecting virtually all humanity, leading to society's collapse. So-called because victims see nothing but a white glare. Not to be confused with the White Blindness in Watership Down which is a name the rabbits use for the real illness Myxomatosis which affects rabbits causing blindness and death.
White Disease White Disease (Karel Capek) An incurable mysterious form of leprosy, killing people older than 30.
White Plague White Plague (Frank Herbert) A genetically engineered virus that kills only women. Released only on Irish, English, and Libyan populace.
X-5 Virus Beavis and Butthead Do America Genetically engineered disease created by the U.S. Military. Causes Ebola-like symptoms and eventual death. Apparently lethal and quick enough to "wipe out five states in five days".
Yellow Death 1213 Episodes 1 to 3 A strain of virus that affects cloned children on the Tessa Life Orbital Space Station. Most children just die after extreme pain and facial lesions, then rise up as mindless 'zombies'. There are several examples of mutations caused when the virus infects children. Prisoner 0916 for example can alter his skeletal system, making extra limbs, shooting darts, and creating huge spikes. One of the other prisoner's IQ raises exponentially as his body deteriorates.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Wacky Ball Mage

Level KXP Wacky Balls
123 456 789 AB
1 0 2˝- --- --- --
2 2.5 31˝ --- --- --
3 5 421 --- --- --
4 10 532 ˝-- --- --
5 20 643 1˝- --- --
6 40 754 21- --- --
7 60 865 32˝ --- --
8 90 976 43˝ --- --
9 135 A87 541 ˝-- --
10 250 A98 652 1-- --
11 375 AA9 763 2˝- --
12 750 AAA 874 3˝- --
13 1125 AAA 985 4˝- --
14 1500 AAA A96 51˝ --
15 1875 AAA AA7 621 --
16 2250 AAA AA8 732 --
17 2625 AAA AA9 843 --
18 3000 AAA AAA 954 ˝-
19 3375 AAA AAA A65 ˝-
20 3750 AAA AAA A76 1-
21 4125 AAA AAA A87 1-
22 4500 AAA AAA A98 2-
23 4875 AAA AAA AA9 2-
24 5250 AAA AAA AAA 3-
25 5625 BBB BBB BBB 3-
26 6000 BBB BBB BBB 4-
27 6375 CCC CCC CCC 4˝
28 6750 CCC CCC CCC 5˝
29 7125 DDD DDD DDD 5˝
30 7500 DDD DDD DDD 51
31 7875 DDD DDD DDD 61
32 8250 EEE EEE EEE 61
33 8625 EEE EEE EEE 71
34 9000 FFF FFF FFF 71
35 9375 FFF FFF FFF 81
36 9750 FFF FFF FFF 82
TH Saves
-1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+0  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+0  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+0  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+0  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+0  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+1  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+1  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+1  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+1 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+1 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+1 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+2 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+2 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+2 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+2 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+2 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Dex 12, Int 18
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/8
To Hit Table: ˝xWiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Wacky Balls. Opposite to everything else except Invocation (which it's Normal to)
Wacky Balls can be seen in the [S2] section.
Free Material Componenting.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Wand Mage

Level KXP Wands
123 456 789 A
1 0 1-- --- --- -
2 1.8 2˝- --- --- -
3 3.6 21- --- --- -
4 7.2 32˝ --- --- -
5 14.4 321 --- --- -
6 28.8 432 ˝-- --- -
7 57.6 432 1-- --- -
8 115.2 543 2˝- --- -
9 230.4 543 21- --- -
10 590.4 654 32˝ --- -
11 950.4 654 321 --- -
12 1310.4 765 432 ˝-- -
13 1670.4 765 432 1-- -
14 2030.4 776 543 2˝- -
15 2390.4 776 543 21- -
16 2750.4 777 654 32˝ -
17 3110.4 777 654 321 -
18 3470.4 777 765 432 ˝
19 3830.4 777 776 543 1
20 4190.4 777 777 654 2
21 4550.4 777 777 765 3
22 4910.4 777 777 776 4
23 5270.4 777 777 777 5
24 5630.4 777 777 777 6
25 5990.4 777 777 777 7
26 6350.4 888 877 777 7
27 6710.4 888 888 877 7
28 7070.4 888 888 888 7
29 7430.4 888 888 888 8
30 7790.4 999 988 888 8
31 8150.4 999 999 988 8
32 8510.4 999 999 999 8
33 8870.4 999 999 999 9
34 9230.4 AAA A99 999 9
35 9590.4 AAA AAA A99 9
36 9950.4 AAA AAA AAA A
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 19
Alignment: any
HD/level: ++d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/2
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Does not use Channeling.
Each "wand slot" allows you to create a temporary wand (which lasts until the end of the day). Each wand has 10*N charges, where N is the number in the spell progression for that SL (not counting stat bonus if you somehow generate a stat bonus for this progression). So, a 3rd level Wand Mage can make 2 SL=1 wands with 20 charges each, and 1 SL=2 wand with 10 charges. (Half-slots require school specialization and have 5 charges.)
For each wand, you specify two spell effects it can do, of the appropriate SL. You can leave these choices as "open slots" as you like.
It doesn't take any actions to make or choose the effects of these wands. You are assumed to always be wielding a wand in each hand that you have dictated for "wand usage". It doesn't cost any actions to switch wands either; but you do have to spend 1V if you switch from wand to non-wand (say to a shield) or vice versa.
It requires only 1M action to active ALL wands you are wielding. This is an exception to the normal wand usage rules, and only Wand Mages can do this.
You may specialize in a school, if you do, choose an opposite. Wands that do effects only from specialized schools cost only ˝ a wand slot to make.
You may "break" a wand, spending 1V, this causes the wand to release all of it's charges on both you and the target. For each charge, choose which wand effect resolves. If the wand is area effect, both you and the target are centers of each area effect. However, if you and the target are in the same group, only 1 area effect resolves per charge (not 2). (The point here is that no one should be hit by more than 1 effect per charge.)
Going into each reset (at the beginning of the reset), you may keep some of your remaining temporary wands as permanent wands, to go into the next day. You can keep only LVL of these permanent wands total at a time.
You can also sell some of your permanent wands during the reset, but any wands you sell will count against this LVL limit for the next (upcoming) day. At the end of that day (tomorrow), your limit goes back to LVL as normal (essentially it takes 1 day for the limit to "forget" these wands). Wands sell for (SL+1)^2*C*5 gp, where C is the number of charges (assuming half cost for selling items).
Level 6: You may construct staves; these are identical to wands, except they have only 2.5*N charges (round up), but do ALL of their effects when activated. The target must be the same for each effect. Staves count as wands for the "1M: Active all your wands" ability.
Level 9: Your wands of SL 1-3 can have 3 effects instead of 2.
Level 12: You may construct rods; these are like wands, but they don't have charges. Instead they have "1M: Do one of this rod's effects". This uses up your entire 1M action; rods do not count as wands for the "1M: Active all your wands" ability.
Level 18: Your wands of SL 1-3 can have 4 effects, and your wands of SL 4-6 can have 3 effects.
Level 27: Your wands of SL 1-3 can have 5 effects, and your wands of SL 4-6 can have 4 effects, and your wands of SL 7-9 can have 3 effects.
Level 36: Your wands of SL 1-3 can have 6 effects, and your wands of SL 4-6 can have 5 effects, your wands of SL 7-9 can have 4 effects, and your wands of SL 10 can have 3 effects.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Witchcraft
1 0 1--
2 3.3 1--
3 6.6 21-
4 9.9 21-
5 13 31-
6 33 32-
7 66 42-
8 133 42-
9 266 531
10 466 531
11 666 631
12 866 641
13 1066 741
14 1266 741
15 1466 851
16 1666 851
17 1866 951
18 2066 962
19 2266 A62
20 2466 A62
21 2666 B72
22 2866 B72
23 3066 C72
24 3266 C82
25 3466 D82
26 3666 D82
27 3866 E93
28 4066 E93
29 4266 F93
30 4466 FA3
31 4666 GA3
32 4866 GA3
33 5066 HB3
34 5266 HB3
35 5466 IB3
36 5666 IC4
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+0  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+1  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+2  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+2  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+2  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+3  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+3  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+3  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+4  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+4 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+4 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+5 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+5 11 16 14 12 15  9 10 13
+5 12 16 14 13 16 10 11 14
Requisites: Int 9, Wis 9
Alignment: any
HD/level: d6
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: 1˝xWiz
Reference: BoD1
Groups: Wizard
Witchcraft for AD&D is described in Best of Dragon I.
# of minor powers = level/2, round up.
# of major powers = level/3, round down.
# of Group B powers = level/9, round down.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 ˝-- --- ---
2 5.625 1-- --- ---
3 11.25 2˝- --- ---
4 22.5 31- --- ---
5 45 32˝ --- ---
6 90 321 --- ---
7 135 322 ˝-- ---
8 202 322 1-- ---
9 303 322 2˝- ---
10 562 322 21- ---
11 800 322 22˝ ---
12 1100 322 221 ---
13 1400 322 222 ˝--
14 1700 322 222 1--
15 2000 322 222 2˝-
16 2300 322 222 21-
17 2600 322 222 22˝
18 2900 332 222 221
19 3200 333 222 222
20 3500 333 332 222
21 3800 333 333 322
22 4100 333 333 333
23 4400 443 333 333
24 4700 444 433 333
25 5000 444 444 333
26 5300 444 444 443
27 5600 544 444 444
28 5900 555 444 444
29 6200 555 554 444
30 6500 555 555 544
31 6800 555 555 555
32 7100 666 555 555
33 7400 666 666 555
34 7700 666 666 666
35 8000 777 776 666
36 8300 777 777 777
TH Saves
+0  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+1  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+3  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+4  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+7  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+8  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+9  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+10  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+11  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+12  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+13  9 14 12 10 13  7  8 10
+14  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+15 10 15 13 11 14  8  9 11
+16 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+17 10 15 13 12 15  8  9 12
Requisites: Str 6, Int 18, Wis 6
Alignment: any (most G)
HD/level: 2d4
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: Wiz +5 levels
Reference: Buffy
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Necromancy.
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A Nerd/Knowledge: +LVL non-weapon proficiencies; languages cost half a slot each.
B Legend Lore & Identify 30+LVL*10%. This is doubled when dealing with Necromany, Undead, or the Occult.
C Occult Library: Each reset, gain LVL in SL's of spell scrolls. You can leave these as "open scrolls" until needed.
D Photographic Memory: You remember everything you see.
E Mr. Fix-It: 1M, 1/d: Mend.
Level 4: Pick two Watcher5 Level 1-3, one Spellshaper5 Level 1-3, or one WhiteHat5 Level 1-3
Level 5-7: F Gain a "0" or ("˝" if using DM version of specialization) in next SL.
G Artistry: +LVL divided among Int, Wis, Chr, or CL.
H Contacts: Always have access to LVL*100 XP and less magic items, even when the current store is "limited".
I Resist demonic powers: This includes Psi6, Psi(-6), and innate abilities of evil outer-planar creatures.
J Influence: 1M, 1/d: Suggestion (save vs. Will)
Level 8: Pick two Watcher5 Level 5-7, one Spellshaper5 Level 1-3, or one WhiteHat5 Level 1-3
Level 9-12: K Immune to Blow Your Head Off, Twilight, Curse, bad effects of reading magical books/scrolls
L Strengthen Magic: +(LVL-6)/3 MF 30' r
M Fast-Write Scrolls: 1F, lose N SL=N spells in memorization: Write a SL=N permanent spell scroll
N Scale Down: Can cast a SL=M spell emulating a SL=N spell for xM/N the effect (where M<N)
O iaNR (Irreducible Necromancy Resistance) (LVL-8)*10%; Turn Undead with turning level = LVL*2-10
Level 13: Pick two Watcher5 Level 9-12, one Spellshaper5 Level 5-7, or one WhiteHat5 Level 5-7
Level 14-18: P 1M, 1V (can borrow): Cast the reverse of an effect (do N times to reverse a xN effect) (can use as counterspell)
Q Fast-Create Potions: 1F, lose N SL=N spells in memorization: Make a potion of a SL=N effect
R Scale Up: Can cast a SL=M spell emulating a SL=N spell for xM/N the effect (where M>N)
S Indirect casting: 1M, 1V, use N of a spell, where (2^N)*10' is distance to target: Can cast without seeing target
T Train Slayer5: N resets of actions: A Slayer5 of LVL=N is raised by one level permanently.
Level 19: Pick two Watcher5 Level 14-18, one Spellshaper5 Level 9-12, or one WhiteHat5 Level 9-12
Level 20-26: U  
Level 27-36:  

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

White Robe1

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 2.5 1-- --- ---
2 5 2-- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 20 32- --- ---
5 38 421 --- ---
6 55 422 --- ---
7 100 432 1-- ---
8 200 433 2-- ---
9 400 433 21- ---
10 600 443 221 ---
11 800 444 332 1--
12 1000 444 443 21-
13 1250 555 443 21-
14 1500 555 443 21-
15 1750 555 553 221
16 2000 555 554 221
17 2250 555 554 332
18 2500 555 554 333
19 2750 555 554 443
20 3000 555 554 444
21 3250 555 555 544
22 3500 555 555 554
23 3750 666 655 555
24 4000 666 666 655
25 4250 666 666 666
26 4500 777 766 666
27 4750 777 777 766
28 5000 777 777 777
29 5250 877 777 777
30 5500 887 777 777
31 5750 888 777 777
32 6000 888 877 777
33 6250 888 887 777
34 6500 888 888 777
35 6750 888 888 877
36 7000 888 888 887
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 6, Int 9
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: DLA1
Groups: Wizard
Specialized in Abjuration. Has Illusion and Necromancy as opposite schools.
Level 1: May use 1 material component effect per spell as a zero action.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

White Wanderer1JG

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2 1-- --- ---
3 4 2-- --- ---
4 8 2-- --- ---
5 16 21- --- ---
6 32 21- --- ---
7 64 32- --- ---
8 128 32- --- ---
9 256 421 --- ---
10 656 421 --- ---
11 1056 422 --- ---
12 1456 422 --- ---
13 1856 432 1-- ---
14 2256 432 1-- ---
15 2656 433 2-- ---
16 3056 433 2-- ---
17 3456 433 21- ---
18 3856 433 21- ---
19 4256 443 22- ---
20 4656 443 22- ---
21 5056 444 33- ---
22 5456 444 33- ---
23 5856 444 441 ---
24 6256 444 441 ---
25 6656 555 442 ---
26 7056 555 442 ---
27 7456 555 442 1--
28 7856 555 442 1--
29 8256 555 552 1--
30 8656 555 552 1--
31 9056 555 553 21-
32 9456 555 553 21-
33 9856 555 553 32-
34 10256 555 553 32-
35 10656 555 553 321
36 11056 555 553 321
TH Saves
+0  5  3  8  2  3  1  0  1
+0  5  4  8  2  3  1  0  2
+0  6  4  8  3  4  2  0  2
+1  6  5  8  3  4  2  1  3
+1  6  5  9  3  4  2  1  3
+1  6  6  9  4  5  3  1  4
+2  7  6  9  4  5  3  2  4
+2  7  7  9  4  5  4  2  5
+2  7  7 10  5  6  4  2  5
+3  7  8 10  5  6  4  3  6
+3  8  8 10  5  6  5  3  6
+3  8  9 10  6  7  5  3  7
+4  8  9 11  6  7  6  4  7
+4  8 10 11  6  7  6  4  8
+4  9 10 11  7  8  6  4  8
+5  9 11 11  7  8  7  5  9
+5  9 11 12  7  9  7  5  9
+5  9 12 12  8  9  8  5 10
Requisites: Int 14
Alignment: any
HD/level: ++d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/3
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Psi
Reference: FGE1JG
Groups: Wizard
Psionic progression as per Psi1 of half level (round up). Halve your level in the PSP calculation, or use this (original calculation from the source): PSPs = 15*LVL (note that ability scores do not factor in here).
Intelligence 14: May specialize in one psionic power. That power is double CL and costs half the number of PSPs.
Intelligence 17: May specialize in a second psionic power. That power is double CL and costs half the number of PSPs.
Intelligence 21: May specialize in a third psionic power. That power is double CL and costs half the number of PSPs.
Intelligence 29: May specialize in a fourth psionic power. That power is double CL and costs half the number of PSPs.
Intelligence 45: May specialize in a fifth psionic power. That power is double CL and costs half the number of PSPs.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Wild Mage2


123 456 789 ABC D

1 0 11- --- --- - +0
2 2.5 22- --- --- - +0
3 5 321 --- --- - +0
4 10 432 --- --- - +1
5 20 542 1-- --- - +1
6 40 642 2-- --- - +1
7 60 743 21- --- - +2
8 90 843 32- --- - +2
9 135 943 321 --- - +2
10 250 944 322 --- - +3
11 375 944 433 --- - +3
12 750 944 444 1-- - +3
13 1125 955 544 2-- - +4
14 1500 955 544 21- - +4
15 1875 955 555 21- - +4
16 2250 955 555 321 - +5
17 2625 955 555 332 - +5
18 3000 955 555 332 1 +5
19 3375 955 555 333 1 +6
20 3750 955 555 433 2 +6
21 4125 955 555 444 2 +6
22 4500 955 555 544 3 +7
23 4875 955 555 555 3 +7
24 5250 955 555 555 4 +7
25 5625 955 555 555 5 +8
26 6000 966 665 555 5 +8
27 6375 966 666 665 5 +8
28 6750 966 666 666 6 +9
29 7125 977 776 666 6 +9
30 7500 977 777 776 6 +9
31 7875 977 777 777 7 +10
32 8250 988 887 777 7 +10
33 8625 988 888 887 7 +10
34 9000 988 888 888 8 +11
35 9375 999 998 888 8 +11
36 9750 999 999 999 91 +11
37 19500 999 999 999 92 +12
38 29250 999 999 999 93 +12
39 39000 999 999 999 94 +12
45 97500 A99 999 999 99 +14
54 185250 AAA AAA AAA 991 +17
63 273000 AAA AAA AAA A99 +20
72 360750 BBB BBB AAA AAA 1 +23
Requisites: Dex 9, Int 16, Wis 12
Alignment: C any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/5
To Hit Table: Wiz
Reference: TOM2
Groups: Wizard, Random
Complexity: CF=2
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+3
RSW: level+6
PP: level+4
BW: level+2
Spell: level+5
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+3
Will: level+4
Specialized in Wild Magic (2nd edition version of specialization only: +1 spell per SL), with no opposite school.
Level 1: (50+LVL)% chance to control the result of an Amulet of the Planes, Bag of Beans, Bag of Tricks, Deck of Illusions, Wand of Wonder, or Well of Many Worlds.
Level 1 ¶: 50% chance to control the result of a Deck of Many Things, however, repeat cards may not be drawn from the same deck with a controlled draw. If the draw is uncontrolled, repeat cards are allowed as usual.
Level 1 (optional, you can decide not to have this): Whenever you cast a spell from this class, add +1d6-1d6 to your CL, with a minimum CL = (your real CL)/2, round down.
Level 1 (optional, you can decide not to have this): Whenever you cast a spell from this class, you may create a Wild Surge LVL*5% of the time.
Level 1: For purposes of spell research, the school of Wild Magic is considered 1 spell level lower for you.
Wild Magic spells:
High SL Sample N (SL=N): The DM casts a random offensive spell effect from [MC1] Monster Collective (spells) of spell level = N+2.
Hornung's Guess (SL=1): Count how many objects or people are in a group
Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (SL=1): Choose a spell you can cast (any SL). LVL% chance of getting that spell, otherwise, you get a Wild Surge.
Patternweave (SL=1): Reassemble a broken item (non-magical), solve a jigsaw puzzle, etc.
Chaos Shield (SL=2): Immune to your own Wild Magic spells and Wild Surges
Hornung's Baneful Deflector (SL=2): Missile attacks against you are instead deflected to a random target in your group (it can be yourself).
Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier (SL=2): You give random results to Detect Good/Evil, Detect Lie, Know Alignment.
Alternate Reality (SL=3): (Can be cast using 1bM) One die roll (friendly or enemy) is rerolled.
Fireflow (SL=3): One fire source moves at LVL" move rate (under your control)
Fool's Speech (SL=3): You and people you specify can speak in a language that is unknowable (Tongues, Comprehend Languages, Legend Lore do not work)
There/Not There (SL=4): Target object is phased in or out (50%/50%) relative to each person in the room, check each time the person looks at the item (it costs a 0 action to "relook" at something to possibly switch modes)
Unluck (SL=4): Target must make 2 saves vs. effects (choose the worst)
Vortex (SL=5): Area effect, each person takes LVLd6 dmg (Vortex, save:˝) and 5% chance of Wild Surge, lasts 1 round and moves randomly 1/s, can control direction but then can't use an M action this segment.
Waveform (SL=5): Form a liquid into any shape you like, or can TK a liquid (dmg would be LVLd4 if directed at someone)
Wildshield (SL=6): Absorb 2d6 SL's of magical effects vs. you; does not absorb entire area of effect; Wild Surges count as SL=1d6
Wildstrike (SL=6): Whenever target tries to cast a spell or use a magic item, a Wild Surge is generated against him
Hornung's Surge Selector (SL=7): Whenever you generate a Wild Surge, roll twice and choose a result.
Spell Shape (SL=7): Whenever you're targetted by a spell, get a Spell save, if you make it, take no effect.
Hornung's Random Dispatcher (SL=8): Target is teleported to a random plane (2 Spell saves, choose the worst)
Wildzone (SL=8): [x1 Special] Whenever a spell is cast in the area or a charge from a magic item is used, a Wild Surge is generated.
Stabilize (SL=9): [x1 Special] Wild Surges cannot be generated in the area.
Wildfire (SL=9): Wishoid for a Wizard spell of SL 0-8; can alternatively create a magic item of CL*100 XP value that lasts for 1 turn; unlike Wish this cannot duplicate Priest spells
Wildwind (SL=9): [x1 Special] Wildzone (see above); each person takes 2d6 light dmg /s; each charged item loses 1 charge (and generates a Wild Surge) /s

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Witch Doctor

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 1 2-- --- ---
3 2 21- --- ---
4 4 22- --- ---
5 8 221 --- ---
6 16 222 --- ---
7 32 222 1-- ---
8 64 222 2-- ---
9 128 222 21- ---
10 256 222 22- ---
11 450 322 22- ---
12 650 332 221 ---
13 850 333 222 ---
14 1050 333 322 ---
15 1250 333 332 ---
16 1450 433 333 1--
17 1650 443 333 2--
18 1850 444 333 3--
19 2050 444 433 3--
20 2250 444 443 3--
21 2450 444 444 31-
22 2650 444 444 42-
23 2850 444 444 43-
24 3050 444 444 44-
25 3250 544 444 44-
26 3450 554 444 44-
27 3650 555 444 441
28 3850 555 544 442
29 4050 555 554 443
30 4250 555 555 444
31 4450 555 555 544
32 4650 555 555 554
33 4850 555 555 555
34 5050 666 555 555
35 5250 666 666 555
36 5450 666 666 666
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 6
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Can specialize in a school, but pick 2 opposites.
Level 1: Can read scrolls of any spell level without "blowing your head off".
Level 1: Can weapon specialize as per Ranger1.
Level 8: Can create potions as per an Alchemist of ˝ the Witch Doctor's level.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard/Priest
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 4.5 20- --- ---
3 9 21- --- ---
4 18 220 --- ---
5 24 221 --- ---
6 48 222 0-- ---
7 96 322 1-- ---
8 192 332 20- ---
9 384 333 21- ---
10 750 333 320 ---
11 1125 433 321 ---
12 1500 444 321 ---
13 1875 444 322 ---
14 2250 444 432 0--
15 2625 544 432 1--
16 3000 555 432 2--
17 3375 655 443 20-
18 3750 655 443 21-
19 4125 655 543 22-
20 4500 655 544 320
21 4875 655 544 321
22 5250 665 554 322
23 5625 666 654 332
24 6000 776 655 432
25 6375 776 655 443
26 6750 777 665 543
27 7125 777 665 554
28 7500 887 666 654
29 7875 887 776 655
30 8250 888 777 665
31 8625 888 777 766
32 9000 988 887 776
33 9375 999 888 777
34 9750 999 988 887
35 10125 999 999 888
36 10500 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+0  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+0  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+1 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+1 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+2 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+2 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+2 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+3 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+3 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+3 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+4 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+4 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+4 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+5 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+5 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+5 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 17, Wis 17
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Bringer5}, Buffyverse
Groups: Wizard, Priest, Alternate
Exceptional Int bonus to spells.
Gets two schools or spheres per level. If you pick the same school/sphere twice, you are specialized in it.
Each level, get one "5th edition" pick from the choices below.
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A Languages: +LVL Languages (can convert each to ˝ a Nonweapon prof.)
B Misfit: -N Chr, +N SL's in progression (max N=LVL)
C Occult Knowledge: Legend Lore 45+5*LVL%
D Telekinesis: 1M: Target takes (LVL+2)*10' falling damage
E 1F: Dispel Magic
Level 4: Pick one from: Bringer5 Level 1-3, one Spellshaper5 Level 1-3, or Watcher5 Level 1-3
Level 5-7: F Addiction: If you are single classed, you do double effect with spells
G Nerd: +LVL stat points to Int or Wis
H Rat-ification: 1M: Target becomes a x0 rat (save)
I Sorcery: Can spend ˝M+˝V instead of 1M to cast spells
J 1F: Remove *Curse* (Heavy Curse)
Level 8: Pick one from: Bringer5 Level 5-7, Spellshaper5 Level 5-7, or Watcher5 Level 1-3
Level 9-12: K
Level 13: Pick one from Bringer5 Level 9-12, Spellshaper5 Level 9-12, Watcher5 Level 5-7, other5 Level 1-3
Level 14-18: P
Level 18: Pick one from Bringer5 Level 14-18, Spellshaper5 Level 14-18, Watcher5 Level 9-12, other5 Level 5-7
Level 20-26: U
Z Pick 1 Level 14-18 (or lower) pick from any "5th Edition" class (this may be picked multiple times)
Level 27-36: Pick one from Bringer5 Level 20-26, Spellshaper5 Level 20-26, Watcher5 Level 14-18, other5 Level 9-12

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Wizard of the Coast

Level KXP MTG Wiz/Pri
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 5 20- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 20 320 --- ---
5 40 421 --- ---
6 80 422 0-- ---
7 160 432 1-- ---
8 250 433 20- ---
9 500 433 21- ---
10 700 443 22- ---
11 900 444 330 ---
12 1100 444 441 ---
13 1300 555 442 0--
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1700 555 552 10-
16 1900 555 553 21-
17 2100 555 553 320
18 2300 555 553 321
19 2500 555 553 331
20 2700 555 554 332
21 2900 555 554 442
22 3100 555 555 443
23 3300 555 555 553
24 3500 555 555 554
25 3700 555 555 555
26 3900 666 655 555
27 4100 666 666 655
28 4300 666 666 666
29 4500 777 766 666
30 4700 777 777 766
31 4900 777 777 777
32 5100 888 877 777
33 5300 888 888 877
34 5500 888 888 888
35 5700 999 988 888
36 5900 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: MTG / DM
Groups: Wizard, Priest, Lost
Gets Int bonus to progression.
Has access to the following Schools/Spheres:
Black (both a Wizard School and a Priest Sphere)
Blue (Wizard School)
Green (Priest Sphere)
Red (Wizard School)
White (Priest Sphere)
Some sample spells follow on the next page. Can cast normal Wizard or Priest spells; they cost 2 spells each.
2/reset: Convert a spell not on the list from MTG to D&D.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group

Wizard of the Coast Spells

School/Sphere SL # Spell Effect
Black 1 1 Darkness 1bM: Immune to a P attack from someone
Blue 1 1 Mind Games Target loses his next action (Spell save)
Green 1 1 Berserk Attacking creature does x2 dmg and is slain this segment (not 1bM)
Red 1 1 Lightning Bolt Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
White 1 1 Angel's Grace 1bM: Damage that would put you below 1 hp this segment puts you at 1 hp
Black 2 1 Animate Dead Animates a dead monster as your summon (1 DL lower)
Blue 2 1 Aura of Dominion Target can use 2M this segment.
Green 2 1 Bind 1bM: Counter an item ability.
Red 2 1 Echoing Ruin Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
White 2 1 Abeyance Target cannot use M actions this segment (Will save)
Black 3 1 Attrition Sacrifice a summon: Target is slain (PPD save)
Blue 3 1 Charisma Your attacks are charm branded (Will save)
Green 3 1 Ancestral Mask Target gets +LVL/+LVL TH/dmg for each other of same race in room
Red 3 1 Fervor You and your summons are not summoning sick.
White 3 1 Arenson's Aura 0, sacrifice a maintained effect: Dispel a maintained effect.
Black 4 1 Breeding Pit Once per round, get a DL I Thrull as a summon (limit=LVL)
Blue 4 1 Coastal Piracy Whenever you kill a creature, restore 1 SL in memorization
Green 4 1 Aluren You may cast SL 0-3 Conjuration/Summoning spells as a 0 action.
Red 4 1 AEther Flash Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
White 4 1 Congregate Target gains 10*N hp, where N is the number of people in the party+summons
Black 5 1 Extinction Slay all creatures of one race in a group (PPD save)
Blue 5 1 Evacuation A group of summons is unsummoned
Green 5 1 Doubling Season Whenever you summon a creature, you get 2 instead (+1 slot too)
Red 5 1 Fissure Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
White 5 1 Angelic Chorus Whenever you summon a creature, cure it's hp on yourself
Black 6 1 Dark Offering Slay a creature (PPD save), you gain it's hp to current hp
Blue 6 1 Mind's Desire You can cast 1d6 spells of SL=1d6 next segment as 1M
Green 6 1 Desert Twister Destroy something (PP save, like a Disintegrate spell)
Red 6 1 Dragon Roost Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
White 6 1 Beacon of Immortality Double current hp (like a Tenser's, but a different source)
Blue 7 1 Blatant Thievery Pick Pockets LVL*10% on each target in a group
Green 7 1 Tooth and Nail Summon DL VII, can pick type, or can pick creature within type
Red 7 1 Flame Wave CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
White 7 1 Look at Me, I'm the DCI An effect is banned from the room (x1 Special)
Black 8 1 Decree of Pain Slay all creatures in two groups (PPD save) or one group (no save)
Blue 8 1 Beacon of Tomorrows You get an extra segment this round (segment 11 at end)
Green 8 1 Biorhythm Each person in a group's current hp = (Number of summons)*10
Red 8 1 Insurrection Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)
White 8 1 Reverse the Sands Switch current hp totals with someone (no save)
White 9 1 Blessed Wind Target's current hp becomes 200.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 10 2-- --- ---
3 30 21- --- ---
4 60 32- --- ---
5 100 321 --- ---
6 150 332 --- ---
7 210 432 1-- ---
8 280 433 2-- ---
9 360 443 21- ---
10 450 443 32- ---
11 550 444 321 ---
12 660 444 332 ---
13 780 444 432 1--
14 910 444 433 2--
15 1050 444 443 21-
16 1200 444 443 32-
17 1360 444 444 321
18 1530 444 444 332
19 1710 444 444 433
20 1900 444 444 444
21 2100 544 444 444
22 2310 554 444 444
23 2530 555 444 444
24 2760 555 544 444
25 3000 555 554 444
26 3250 555 555 444
27 3510 555 555 544
28 3780 555 555 554
29 4060 555 555 555
30 4350 655 555 555
31 4650 665 555 555
32 4960 666 555 555
33 5280 666 655 555
34 5610 666 665 555
35 5950 666 666 555
36 6300 666 666 655
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+1  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+2  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+2  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+3  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+3  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+4  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+5  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+5  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+6  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+7  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+7  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+8  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+8  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+9  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Dex 0, Con 0, Int 0 (10)
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 5+level/9
To Hit Table: +level/2
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: PH3-52
Groups: Wizard
May specialize in a school, pick an opposite.
Level 1: Intelligence bonus for spells.
Level 1: Scribe Scroll feat.
Level 1: Read/Write Draconic proficiency.
Level 5: LVL/5 bonus feats. These feats must be a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or Spell Mastery.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wu Jen
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2 2-- --- ---
3 4 21- --- ---
4 8 32- --- ---
5 18 321 --- ---
6 36 422 --- ---
7 65 432 1-- ---
8 100 433 2-- ---
9 140 533 21- ---
10 280 543 22- ---
11 600 544 221 ---
12 800 554 222 ---
13 1100 554 422 1--
14 1400 654 422 2--
15 1700 654 433 2--
16 2000 665 443 2--
17 2300 665 543 21-
18 2600 665 544 22-
19 2900 666 554 22-
20 3200 666 554 33-
21 3500 766 654 331
22 3800 776 655 331
23 4100 777 665 332
24 4400 777 665 442
25 4700 877 666 442
26 5000 887 766 543
27 5300 888 776 543
28 5600 888 777 553
29 5900 998 877 654
30 6200 998 877 655
31 6500 998 877 665
32 6800 998 877 666
33 7100 998 877 776
34 7400 998 877 777
35 7700 998 888 877
36 8000 998 888 888
TH Saves
+0  4  7  5  3  6  0  1  1
+0  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
+0  4  8  5  4  7  0  1  2
+1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
+1  5  9  6  4  8  1  2  3
+1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+2  5 10  7  5  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+2  6 10  8  6  9  3  4  5
+3  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+3  7 11  9  7 10  4  5  6
+3  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+4  7 12  9  8 11  4  5  7
+4  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+4  8 13 10  8 12  5  6  8
+5  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+5  8 14 11  9 13  6  7  9
+5  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 13
Alignment: non-L
HD/level: d4+1
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/6
To Hit Table: Wiz
Save Table: Wiz
Reference: OA1
Groups: Wizard
Wu Jen spells are in OA1. Wu Jen must spend 2 spells to cast a normal Wizard spell. Other wizards must spend 2 spells to cast a Wu Jen spell.
Level 1: Free Martial Arts style, +1 maneuver per level.
Level 1: +3 to initiative (1r) 1/d.
Level 1: Can select one element (Earth/Metal, Water, Fire, Air/Wind, or Wood). All saves vs. his spells of that element are at -1 and all damage is +1 per die. All saves he makes vs. that element are at +1.
Level 1: Tengu and Oni languages for free. +4 reaction vs. these creatures.
Level 1: Select one taboo, plus one more every 5 levels: Cannot eat meat; Cannot have more treasure than can carry; Cannot bathe; Cannot cut one's hair; Cannot touch a dead body; Cannot drink alcohol; Cannot wear a certain color; Cannot light a fire; Cannot sit facing east.
Level 4: Cast any spell that a Wu Jen of 3 levels lower could cast, at double effect (as if he was using a material component). This ability costs 1 mental action to use and is 1/d.

[PC2] Wizard Classes Group


Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 ABC DE
1 0 2˝- --- --- -- +1
2 4 31˝ --- --- -- +2
3 8 421 --- --- -- +3
4 16 532 ˝-- --- -- +4
5 32 643 1˝- --- -- +5
6 64 754 21- --- -- +6
7 96 865 32˝ --- -- +7
8 144 976 43˝ --- -- +8
9 216 A87 541 ˝-- -- +9
10 400 A98 652 1-- -- +10
11 600 AA9 763 2˝- -- +11
12 1000 AAA 874 3˝- -- +12
13 1400 AAA 985 4˝- -- +13
14 1800 AAA A96 51˝ -- +14
15 2200 AAA AA7 621 -- +15
16 2600 AAA AA8 732 -- +16
17 3000 AAA AA9 843 -- +17
18 3400 AAA AAA 954 ˝- +18
19 3800 AAA AAA A65 ˝- +19
20 4200 AAA AAA A76 1- +20
21 4600 AAA AAA A87 1- +21
22 5000 AAA AAA A98 2- +22
23 5400 AAA AAA AA9 2- +23
24 5800 AAA AAA AAA 3- +24
25 6200 BBB BBB BBB 3- +25
26 6600 BBB BBB BBB 4- +26
27 7000 CCC CCC CCC 4˝ +27
28 7400 CCC CCC CCC 5˝ +28
29 7800 DDD DDD DDD 5˝ +29
30 8200 DDD DDD DDD 51 +30
31 8600 DDD DDD DDD 61 +31
32 9000 EEE EEE EEE 61 +32
33 9400 EEE EEE EEE 71 +33
34 9800 FFF FFF FFF 71 +34
35 10200 FFF FFF FFF 81 +35
36 10600 FFF FFF FFF 821 +36
37 21200 FFF FFF FFF 822 +37
38 31800 FFF FFF FFF 832 +38
39 42400 FFF FFF FFF 833 +39
45 106000 FFF FFF FFF 866 +45
54 201400 FFF FFF FFF A99 1 +54
63 296800 FFF FFF FFF AA9 9 +63
72 392200 FFF FFF FFF CCB B1 +72
Race Adjustments:
Str Dex Con Int Wis Chr Cml AT hp TH Div
+3 +3 +4 +6 -4 +3 +2 +4 +10 +2 ÷1
Requisites: Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 18, Chr 10,
  Race Slots 1, Class Slots 2
Alignment: any G
HD/level: & d5
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/4
To Hit Table: Mon
Save Table: Wiz+1
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard, Monster, Archetype
Complexity: CF=3
Saving Throws:  
PPD: level+4
RSW: level+7
PP: level+5
BW: level+3
Spell: level+6
Fort: level+0
Reflex: level+1
Will: level+1
Considered a "Pocket Dragon" race.
Level 1 ¶: Get one instance of each of the Psi15 Minor Alterations, as follows. You get 1 extra Psi15 pick per even level.
Add Breath Weapon [1st] Breath weapon is 3/d. Choose a normal (E=1) element. Breath = 50% of current hp total.
Add Breath Weapon [2nd] Breath weapon is once per 3 rounds. Choose a normal (E=1) element. Breath = (CL+1)d(CL*2+2).
Add Resistance Resist one normal (E=1) element, this can be taken twice for an E=2, thrice for an E=3, etc.
Add Scales Natural AT source = +CL
Add Tail Tail does 1d(CL*2) damage
Add Wings Flight at (CL+1)*3" rate
Alter Resistances Alter two resistances (or one immunity) to be of different element(s) (Pick an E factor = original)
Improve Breath Freq. Can use breath 4/d or once per 2 rounds (Pick again: 5/d or every r.) (Pick 3rd time: 6/d or per 5 s.)
Improve Breath Element Add 1 to the E factor of your breath weapon element. (Choose a new element when you pick this.)
Increase Bite Damage (+1)d(+2) with bite attacks
Increase Breath Damage +10% of current hp total to breath dmg [or (+1)d(+2) breath dmg if using set breath dice]
Increase Claw Damage (+2)d(+0) with claw/hand attacks
Increase Tail Damage (+0)d(+4) with tail attacks
Versatile Breath Element Your can alternatively use a second element, with E factor equal or less than your normal breath.
Level 1: Pink Bow: 0, 1/t: Alter the breath weapon you breathe to an element of the same E or less, until you use this ability again. You are immune to that element, until you use this ability again.
Level 1: Each level, pick one spell. That spell requires only ˝ of a spell to cast. This isn't cumulative with school specialization.
Level 1: MR adjustment is -5*level% instead of +60-5*level%.
Level 1: Can specialize in 1 school for free. Can specialize in another school, but then must pick an opposite.
Level 3: All of your spells that offer a saving throw now require 2 saving throws, if either is failed, the target is treated as having not saved.