[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.0] Level 0 Wizard Spells (Cantrips)

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Arcane Mark Meta Place magical writings in area {Touch, 1 group} PH3
2 Armor 0 Abj +CL*0.5 current hp DM
3 Bee Cnj Honeybee appears; 90% likely to sting someone {1 creature} UA1
4 Belch Evo Target belches {1 creature} UA1
5 Blink (cantrip) Evo Target blinks its eyes {1 creature} UA1
6 Bluelight Cnj 5' radius dim light {1 group} UA1
7 Bug Cnj Insect appears; Pinches if appears on someone {1 creature} UA1
8 Change Alt Turns one animal/plant into another (similar) {1 target} UA1
9 Charming 0 Enc Charms a monster, gets a new save every segment DM
10 Chill Evo Chills one target -40° C {1 target} UA1
11 Clean Abj Cleans one area {1 group} UA1
12 Color Evo Colors one target {1 target} UA1
13 Colored Lights Alt,Ill One 12", two 6", three 4", or four 3" dim lights {1-4 targets} UA1
14 Cone of Cold 0 Inv CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
15 Cough Evo Target coughs {1 creature} UA1
16 Creak Evo Creaking sound (like rusty door hinges) UA1
17 Curdle Enc Hastens spoilage or wilting {1 object} UA1
18 Dampen Evo Dampens one area {1 group} UA1
19 Dancing Lights (cantrip) Ill 1-4 illusionary lights, you can move them around {1 group} PH3
20 Daze Enc Target makes no actions next segment (save) {1 creature} PH3
21 Death Spell 0 Nec Slay 1d4 HD of creatures (save) DM
22 Delayed Blast Meta You next spell has a chosen time delay (max 1 day) DM
23 Detect/Identify Radiation Div Detect Radiation; 1M, 1/t: Identify Radioative Item/Effect DM
24 Detect Magic (cantrip) Meta Detect magic (type/power require 1r to get) 60' {self only} PH3
25 Detect Poison Div Detect poisons within 22+3L' r {self only} PH3
26 Detect Radiation Div Detect radiation (incl. RS rating) 30' {self only} DM
27 Dim Alt,Ill Light source sheds only half normal light {1 target} UA1
28 Dirty Evo Dirties an area {1 group} UA1
29 Disrupt Undead Nec 1d6 dmg positive (no save); Only affects undead {1 creature} PH3
30 Distract Enc All within sight look at a spot within 10' of caster {1+ creatures} UA1
31 Dry Abj Dries one area {1 group} UA1
32 Dust Abj Dusts (removes dirt) from an area {1 group} UA1
33 Dusty Evo Makes an area dusty {1 group} UA1
34 Exterminate Abj 1 dmg disintegration to a small creature (save) {1 creature} UA1
35 Feeblemind 0 Enc -2 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packet of 2) (save per packet) DM
36 Fire Shield 0 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 5% dmg back DM
37 Fireball 0 Inv CL/2 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
38 Firefinger Alt,Evo 1 dmg fire (save) {1 target} UA1
39 Flare Evo -1 TH (no save) {1 creature} PH3
40 Flavor Enc Changes the flavor of a target {1 target} UA1
41 Footfall Ill Footsteps sound UA1
42 Freshen Enc Refreshes spoiled food; stops spoilage {1 object} UA1
43 Gather Alt Gathers (sorts) small objects in area {1 group} UA1
44 Ghost Sound Ill Can create sounds in area PH3
45 Giggle Enc Target giggles {1 creature} UA1
46 Gnats Cnj Cloud of gnats; Distracts 1d4 s (save) {1 group} UA1
47 Groan Ill Groaning sound UA1
48 Hairy Alt Causes hair / hair-like growth to thicken {1 target} UA1
49 Haze Alt,Ill -1 TH; +1 saves; +5% Hide in Shadows in area UA1
50 Hide Ill Hides one small object from view {1 object} UA1
51 Knot Alt Rope-like object becomes (hard) knotted {1 object} UA1
52 Light (cantrip) Evo Object glows w/ light 20' r (No blindness/AC adj.) {Touch, 1 object} PH3
53 Lightning Bolt 0 Inv CL/2 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
54 Mage Hand Alt Telekinesis 5 lbs. {1 object} PH3
55 Magic Missile 0 Inv (CL+1)/8 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
56 Mask Alt,Ill Target's face changes appearance {1 creature} UA1
57 Mending (cantrip) Alt Repairs a small tear or break {1 object} PH3
58 Mirage Ill Target area appears as something else {1 group} UA1
59 Moan Ill Moaning sound UA1
60 Mouse Cnj Mouse appears {1 creature} UA1
61 Mute Alt Turns one small mineral object into another {1 object} UA1
62 Natural/Necromancy Resistance Abj NaNR 70+CL*5% [duration 15 minutes] DM
63 Nod Evo Target nods {1 creature} UA1
64 Noise Ill Sounds in area as caster chooses {1 group} UA1
65 Open/Close Alt Opens or closes a (unlocked) door or container {1 object} PH3
66 Original Haste 0 Alt x5/4 # Attacks, x5/4 move rate DM
67 Palm Ill Caster can hide an object in his hand {Touch, 1 object} UA1
68 Polish Alt Polishes (makes smooth) an object {1 object} UA1
69 Power Word Blind 0 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -200 (no save) DM
70 Power Word Kill 0 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -150 (no save) DM
71 Power Word Stun 0 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -400 (no save) DM
72 Present Alt Teleports a small object to caster's hand {1 object} UA1
73 Prestidigitation (cantrip) Meta Minor "magic tricks" (hide objects,play music,…) PH3
74 Quick Zero Haste Chrono +1QZ action per round (duration 1 turn) (counts as a Haste effect) DM
75 Rainbow (cantrip) Alt,Ill Creates a colorful rainbow; save or look at it 1-4s {1 group} UA1
76 Rattle Ill Rattling sound (like chains) UA1
77 Ravel Alt Unravels / unstitches an object {1 object} UA1
78 Ray of Enfeeblement 0 Cha -2 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packet of 2) (save per packet) DM
79 Ray of Frost Cnj,Evo 1d3 dmg cold (no save) {1 target} PH3
80 Ray of Heat {reverse: Ray of Ooze} Evo CLd2 heat {ooze} damage, area 1 target, no save DM
81 Read Magic (cantrip) Meta Can read magical writings at 1 page per minute {self only} PH3
82 Resistance Abj +1 saves {Touch, 1 target} PH3
83 Salt Evo Salts a target {1 target} UA1
84 Scratch Evo Target scratches himself {1 creature} UA1
85 Shield 0 Abj AT +1 source DM
86 Shine Alt Makes an object shine; remove rust, corrosion {1 object} UA1
87 Smokepuff Evo Small cloud of smoke appears {1 group} UA1
88 Sneeze Evo Target sneezes {1 creature} UA1
89 Sour Evo Makes a target taste sour {1 target} UA1
90 Spell Turning 0 Abj Turns the next CL/8 SL's of spells DM
91 Spice Evo Adds ginger, pepper, bay, garlic, parsely to obj {1 object} UA1
92 Spider Cnj Spider appears; 5% chance of poisonous {1 creature} UA1
93 Spill Alt Causes contents of a container to spill out {1 object} UA1
94 Sprout Alt Causes plants to sprout seeds/flowers {1 group} UA1
95 Stitch Alt Sew seams in cloth or leather {1 group} UA1
96 Sweeten Evo Adds suger, honey, syrup to object {1 object} UA1
97 Tangle Alt Rope-like object becomes tangled {1 object} UA1
98 Tap Evo Tapping/Rapping sound UA1
99 Tarnish Alt Object becomes tarnished (rusted/corroded) {1 object} UA1
100 Tenser's Transformation 0 Alt +2% of max hp to current hp, -4 TH melee DM
101 Thump Ill Thump sound (like something fell) UA1
102 Tie Alt Tie a (easy) knot in a rope or rope-like object {1 object} UA1
103 Tweak Cnj Unseen finger/thumb pinches target {1 creature} UA1
104 Twitch Evo Target twitches {1 creature} UA1
105 Two-D'lusion Ill Wall of illusion; static (non-changing) {1 group} UA1
106 Unlock Cnj Unlocks a simple lock {1 object} UA1
107 Untie Alt Unties a rope object (nullifies Tie, Knot, Tangle) {1 object} UA1
108 Wacky Ball 0 / Normal / 0 Evo Ld2 dmg normal element (save: 0) {1 group} DM
109 Wacky Ball 0 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld1 dmg normal element (save: ½) {1 group} DM
110 Wacky Ball 0 / Normal / ns Evo 1 dmg normal element (no save) {1 group} DM
111 Wacky Bolt 0 / Normal / 0 Evo Ld4 dmg normal element (save: 0) {1 target} DM
112 Wacky Bolt 0 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld2 dmg normal element (save: ½) {1 target} DM
113 Wacky Bolt 0 / Normal / ns Evo Ld1 dmg normal element (no save) {1 target} DM
114 Warm Evo Warms one target +40° C {1 target} UA1
115 Whistle Evo Whistling sound (sharp or eerie, not a cat-call) UA1
116 Wilt Enc Wilts a plant; Plant creatures take 1 dmg (save) {1 target} UA1
117 Wink Enc Target winks {1 creature} UA1
118 Wrap Alt Wraps (bundles and secures) a group of objects {1 group} UA1
119 Yawn Evo Target yawns; Vulnerable to Sleep 1r {1 creature} UA1

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.1] Level 1 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Accuracy Enc L missiles get double range categories {L objects} OA1
2 Acid Stream 10' line of acid shoots from open hand DM? (i?)
3 Affect Normal Fire Reduce or enlarge normal fires PH2
4 Affect Normal Fires Alt,Ele Double or halve the effect of a fire {1 group} PH1
5 Alarm 4 hour +½h/level If anyone enter the area of effect the spell let out an alarm PH2
6 Alarm (1) Evo Any creature who approaches triggers a sound {1 group} UA1
7 Alarm (3) Abj Sends mental alarm to you if creature approach {1 group} PH3
8 Alley Summoning I Cnj, Wild Summons a DL II alley monster, under your control, 1% chance per segment of losing control DM
9 Analyze Div Learn 1 characteristic of an item (magic/psi/tech) {Touch, 1 object} RC0
10 Animate Dead Animals Creates skeletons or zombies from normal animals Nec
11 Animate Rope Alt Animates 1 rope-like object {1 object} PH3
12 Animate Wood Alt Animates 1 wood object {Touch, 1 object} OA1
13 Anti-Magic Shell 1 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 DM
14 Armor AC6 until 8+1/level points of damage had been sustained by subject PH2
15 Armor (1) Cnj,Abj AC 8 source; +8+L or +2L hp (even above max) {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
16 Armor (2) Cnj,Abj AC 6 source {Touch, 1 creature} PH2
17 Armor 1 Abj +CL*2 current hp DM
18 Armor, Set hp Abj +CL current hp, cannot raise current hp above CL*10 (counts as Armor spell but can receive multiples) DM 4.0
19 Armoring, Physical Abj Take -CL dmg per physical attack (counts as Armor spell) DM 4.0
20 Audible Glamer Ill Makes sounds at target location PH1
21 Audible Glamer Makes illusions of sounds PH2
22 Aura Fire Alt -2 AC {1 target} Thay
23 Awaken Caster awakens when trigger set off DM? (i?)
24 Barrier Abj (5*CL hp Armor spell) South
25 Bigby’s Bookworm Bane Bookworm It’s not actually a protection rather a search and kill spell, which annihilates every bookworm is your library. GRA1
26 Bigby’s Feeling Finger Caster can detect secret door with above average chance. GRA1
27 Bigby's Bookworm Bane Evo Kills bookworms in 100 books/scrolls per minute GRA1
28 Bigby's Feeling Fingers Evo Disembodied hand, can search for secret doors GRA1
29 Blink To Alt Target creature is blinked into your group (Reflex save) DM 4.0
30 Blink Wounding Caster "blinks" randomly if struck by weapon DM? (i?)
31 Breathe Alt (Can breathe anywhere!) South
32 Burning Hand 1d3+2/level hp fire damage PH2
33 Burning Hands (1) Alt,Ele L dmg fire (no save) PH1
34 Burning Hands (2) Alt,Ele 1d3+2L dmg fire (save:½) PH2
35 Burning Hands (3) Alt,Ele Ld4 dmg fire (save:½) PH3
36 Burst Monster I Cnj Summons a DL II monster, not sick, has only 1S action, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
37 Cantrip ALL Can cast 1 cantrip (Wiz 0) per round as Z action PH2
38 Cantrip The lesser art of spellcasting PH2
39 Carasting's Repulsiveness Other creatures try to avoid spell target DM? (i?)
40 Cat Spirit Target has senses/improved reflexes of a cat DM? (i?)
41 Catapult Alt Can throw a large rock +3 TH, dmg=3d6+1 {1 object} FRA2
42 Catapult Spell throwing missiles as a catapult FRA
43 Cause Fear Nec Fear (save) {1 creature} PH3
44 Chain Lightning 1 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd1 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
45 Chameleon Ill Target matches surroundings {Touch, 1 target} OA1
46 Change Self Ill Change appearance to anything +/- 1' in size {self only} PH1
47 Change Self Changes the appearance of the caster PH2
48 Charm Any I Enc Charm any one monster with 3 HD or less (save), creature with < 1 HD gets no save DM 4.0
49 Charm Person Enc Charm 1 humanoid {1 creature} PH1
50 Charm Person Charms a person, the charmed being favors the command of the caster PH2
51 Charming I Enc Charms a monster, gets a new save every round DM
52 Chill Touch Nec Add "Save or 1d4 dmg & 1 Str loss" to unarmed {self only} PH2
53 Chill Touch Touch Long lasting spell which causes 1d4 hp of chill damage plus the victim loose 1 point of Strength, has additional effect on undead PH2
54 Chromatic Orb Evo,Ill 1=Pearly (1d4; light in area; save or blinded for L r or until leaves area)
2=Ruby (1d6, save or -1 Str and -1 Dex for 1 r)
3=Flame (1d8; save or 2 fire dmg)
4=Amber (1d10; save or blinded 1d4+4 r)
5=Emerald (1d12; save or nauseated until leaves area)
6=Turquoise (2d8; save or magnetised 3d4 r)
7=Sapphire (2d4; save or paralyzed 5d4 r)
10=Amethyst (slowed 2d4 r (no save); save or petrified)
12=Ashen (paralyzed 1d4+1 r (no save); save or slain) {1 creature}
55 Chromatic Orb 30 yard Multicolored sphere causing damage by color, has additional effect per color, must be aimed and thrown PHBR2
56 Circle Evo (Combine) Thay
57 Cloud Ladder Alt Creates a ladder {1 group} OA1
58 Cloud Walk Allows target to rest upon or walk on clouds DM? (i?)
59 Color Spray Alt,Ill Unc. if <L; Blind if <L+3; Stun if >L+2 (save if >6) {1d6 creatures} PH1
60 Color Spray Lower HD become unconscious, more HD blind or stun PH2
61 Compass Miniture arrow that always points north DM? (i?)
62 Comprehend Languages Alt Read/Write (not speak) 1 language {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
63 Comprehend Languages Caster can comprehend one creature or writing PH2
64 Cone of Cold 1 Inv CLd2+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
65 Confuse Language Confuses the speech of one creature or confuses the language on one written object PH2
66 Conjure Spell Component Cnj Material componenting costs 1Z instead of 1V {self only} TM2
67 Conjure Spell Component Conjures spell component under 1 gp value ToM
68 Copy Evo Copies 1 nonmagical book or 1 spellbook page {1 object} PHBR4
69 Copy Copies one written page PHBR2
70 Corpse Light 1 undead body per level can be made illuminating for 1t/level FRA
71 Corpse Link Sensory link between the caster and a dead bony Nec
72 Corpse Visage Ill,Nec Makes target's face appears as a rotting corpse {Touch, 1 creature} PHBR4
73 Corpse Visage Subject’s face become so horrid that anyone gazing upon it will surprise or (1 or lower HD) flee PHBR2
74 Corpselight Alt,Nec Dead/Undead bodies glow; -1 AC penalty {L targets} FRA2
75 Create Item I Cnj Creates an item of <= CL gp value, lasts for 2 turns DM
76 Dancing Light Creates lights which appears to be torches or will-o-wisp or one human shaped light globe PH2
77 Dark Pillar Pillar of darkness that drains consciousness DM? (i?)
78 Darkness Alt,Ill Magical darkness; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
79 Death Spell 1 Nec Slay 1d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
80 Delay Image Tim,Ill +2 AC bonus; +1 saves {Touch, 1 creature} Chro2
81 Deny Cold Abj (Resist Cold) Thay
82 Detect Boss/NPC party Div Gives location of Boss and NPC party(ies) on current DL DM 4.0
83 Detect Disease Div Detect disease incl. type within 30' {self only} PHBR4
84 Detect Disease Detect normal and magical diseases PHBR2
85 Detect Illusion Div,Ill Can detect and automatically disbelieve illusions {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
86 Detect Invisibility Div,Ill Det. invisible, astral, ethereal, hidden, out/phase {1 creature} PH1
87 Detect Magic Detect magic in area of effect PH2
88 Detect Magic (1) Div Gives school and general power level within 60' {self only} PH1
89 Detect MF/PF/TF/LF Div Gives current MF/PF/TF/LF, current time, current location DM 4.0
90 Detect Motive Gives an idea about the target's motives DM? (i?)
91 Detect Phase Div,Dim Detects fully phased and ethereal creatures {self only} S&M2
92 Detect Secret Doors Div Detect secret/hidden/concealed doors/containers {self only} PH3
93 Detect Secret Passage/Portal Div Detect secret/hidden/concealed doors/containers {self only} S&M2
94 Detect Temporal Anomaly Tim,Div Detect time distrurbance & cause within 90' {self only} Chro2
95 Detect Undead Div,Nec Detects undead within 60+10L' {self only} PH2
96 Detect Undead Detect the presence of undead PH2
97 Detect/Identify Magic Div Detect Magic; 1M, 1/t: Identify Magic Item/Effect DM
98 Detho's Delirium Nec (Speak with Drunk) Thay
99 Dictation Evo,Geo Any words spoken in area appear on paper {1 group} S&M2
100 Discourage Entry Makes unwelcome visitors afraid to enter lab DM? (i?)
101 Dispel 1/3 Enc 33% chance to dispel 1 effect (ER to resist); can material component to make it 67% DM 4.0
102 Dispel Exhaustion 1 Alt Restore 5% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 1 for 1 round DM
103 Divining Rod Div,Enc Detects 1 type of general object {self only} PHBR4
104 Divining Rod Much like the locate object spell PHBR2
105 Drawmij's Beast of Burden Alt Halves the effective weight a mount is carrying {1 creature} GRA1
106 Drawmij's Light Step Alt Target leaves no tracks; Walk across water {1 creature} GRA1
107 Drowsy Insects Cnj Swarm of Insects; save or slept 2d6 r {1 group} OA1
108 Dust Warriors Dust/bone creatures appear (caster's control) DM? (i?)
109 Electric Blades 1-4 electric blades shoot from fingertips DM? (i?)
110 Elemental Blast I Inv CLd2 dmg to one group (no save, random E=1 element each time) DM 4.0
111 Elemental Burst Cnj,Ele 1d8 dmg, choose a basic element (save:½) {1 group} OA1
112 Endure Elements Abj -5 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
113 Enlarge Alt +/- 20L% size {1 target} PH1
114 Enlarge Enlarge the affected creature or object by 10%/level of caster. Enlarged characters cause more damage PH2
115 Erase Alt Removes writing {1 target} PH1
116 Erase Removes writing from pages, it can erase explosive runes, glyph of warding, sepia snake sigil and wizard mark PH2
117 Expeditious Retreat Alt x3 move rate; Can jump 15' {self only} S&M2
118 Feather Fall Alt Max = (L+1)*200 lbs {1+ targets} PH1
119 Feather Fall Cause the fall of one individual to become more gentle and no damage is suffered upon landing PH2
120 Feeblemind 1 Enc -5 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packet of 5) (save per packet) DM
121 Fiery Eyes Cnj Gaze causes Fascination (save) {self only} OA1
122 Find Familiar Cnj,Enc See [S4], or finds your familiar {1 creature} PH1
123 Find Familiar Conjures a loyal familiar for the caster PH2
124 Find Water Detects the location of water within 10 miles DM? (i?)
125 Fire Burst Alt,Evo L dmg fire (save) {1 group} TM2
126 Fire Burst 1 hp/level of fire damage delivered to anyone near the targeted fire source ToM
127 Fire Shield 1 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 10% dmg back DM
128 Fireball 1 Inv CLd2 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
129 Firewater Alt Turns water into a flammable (2d6) substance UA1
130 Fist of Stone Alt,Ele Str 18 with unarmed attacks {self only} TM2
131 Fist of Stone Turns caster fist into stone giving him a strength of 18/00 ToM
132 Floating Disc Evo Can carry 100L lbs.; Moves at caster's rate {1 group} RC0
133 Fog Phantom Pillar of fog which the caster can see through DM? (i?)
134 Forward Haste I Alt +2C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight) DM 4.0
135 Friends Enc +2d4 Chr {self only} PH2
136 Friends The caster appears more friendly, +2d4 Chr PH2
137 Gaze Reflection Alt,Ill Any gaze/eye attack reflection upon enemy {self only} PH2
138 Gaze Reflection Gaze Protect form gaze attack PH2
139 Ghost Light Cnj Ghostly light; Int<6 or HD<2 save or feared 1 r {1 group} OA1
140 Globe of Invulnerability 1 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 DM
141 Grease Evo Surface becomes greasy/slippery {1 group} UA1
142 Grease Anyone within the area must roll saving throw or slip and fall PH2
143 Hail of Stone Cnj,Evo Ld3 dmg earth (two saves: 1make=½, 2make=0) {1 group} OA1
144 Hold Portal Alt Magically locks a door {1 group} PH1
145 Hold Portal Hold a door securely closed for spell duration PH2
146 Hornung's Guess Div,WM Know how many persons/objects of one type {1 group} TM2
147 Hunting Hound Small dog that can smell but not see or fight DM? (i?)
148 Hypnotism Enc,Ill Suggestion (two saves, fails if both fail) {1d6 creatures} PH1
149 Hypnotism The caster suggest a course of action to be taken to the subject PH2
150 Identify Identifies magical items PH2
151 Ignite Flame Evo (1d3 dmg) South
152 Inaudibility Ill Make no sound when walking (reduces wandering monsters) DM
153 Influence Emotion Slight influence over target's emotion DM? (i?)
154 Insulation Electricity Give +3 bonus to saving throw vs. electricity and halves all damage sustained SSouth
155 Jump Caster can jump farther and into more height whit this spell PH2
156 Jump (1) Alt Can jump 30'; Has 1+L/3 jumps {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
157 Jump (2) Alt Can jump 30' {Touch, 1 creature} PH2
158 Kestrel's Bat Voice Can "see" with sonar in complete darkness DM? (i?)
159 Know History Div General information on history of target {1 target} OA1
160 Know School Div Know schools is specialized/opposite to target {1 target} FRA2
161 Know School Detect the specialization of another mage FRA
162 Ladder Alt (Ladder) South
163 Lasting Breath Alt Can hold breath for duration {L creatures} TM2
164 Lasting Breath Helps subject holds his breath ToM
165 Light Alt,Ill Magical light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
166 Light Brighten surrounding PH2
167 Lightning Bolt 1 Inv CLd2 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
168 Locate Remains Detect the physical remains of dead beings Nec
169 Mage Armor Cnj,Abj +4 AC {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
170 Magic Eye Caster can see through immobile invisible eye DM? (i?)
171 Magic 'mental Magical energy elemental (not under control) DM? (i?)
172 Magic Missile Ball of energy causing 1d4+1 hp damage, you can cast one per every other level you have PH2
173 Magic Missile (0) Evo (2*L+3)/5 missiles; 1d6+1 dmg force (no save) {1+ creatures} RC0
174 Magic Missile (1) Evo (L+1)/2 missiles; 1d4+1 dmg force (no save) {1+ creatures} PH1
175 Magic Missile 1 Inv (CL+1)/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
176 Magic Mouth Magical mouth speak when conditions are met PH2
177 Magic Weapon Alt,Enc Weapon has +1/+1 TH/dmg {Touch, 1 object} PH3
178 Melt Alt Melts snow or ice {1 group} UA1
179 Memorize Song Caster can remember a song for 1 decade DM? (i?)
180 Mending Mends broken, cut or otherwise apart object PH2
181 Message Alt Sends a secret message to target PH1
182 Message Pointed individual receive message and can reply to it PH2
183 Metallic Orb Evo,Ill 1=Lead (1d6; -3 to base movement rate (save))
2=Tin (1d8; Chill L r (save))
3=Bronze (1d10; Cold 2'r, dmg=1d6 (save:0))
4=Copper (1d12; Hypnotism L r (save))
6=Silver (2d6; -2 Con 1 d (no save); Stun L r (save))
8=Electrum (2d8; -20% MR 1 d (no save); -10% RR 1 d (no save); Feeblemind (save))
9=Gold (2d10; Weakness (no save); Dispel E/N/G(save))
11=Steel (2d12; Color Spray 5'r; Prismatic Spray 5'r)
13=Platinum (3d8; Maze (no save); Imprisonment (save)) {1 creature}
184 Metamorphose Liquid Metamorphoses liquid into an other liquid ToM
185 Metamorphose Liquids Alt Turns one liquid into another (nonmagical) {Touch, 1 group} TM2
186 Minor Annoyance Small buzzing sound & pinch in target's ear DM? (i?)
187 Monster Swarm Summoning I Cnj Summons CL*4.5 (round down) DL 0 monsters DM
188 Mordenkainen's Pro. Avians Abj Avians have -2 TH target {Touch, 1 creature} GRA1
189 Mount Cnj Summons a horse/camel/elephant mount {1 creature} UA1
190 Mount Conjure up a mount for a few hour PH2
191 Murdock’s Feathery Flyer Caster can glide with this spell ToM
192 Murdock's Feathery Flyer Alt Can glide {self only} TM2
193 Nahal's Reckless Dweomer Evo,WM L% desired spell you know; else Wild Surge TM2
194 Nauseating Gas Enc Area effect: Nauseated (-5 all actions) (Fort save) DM
195 Negative Bolt Nec One target takes CL*DL*5 negative dmg (DL=LVL^0.5 if target's DL is not available) DM 4.0
196 Noise Filter Filters out offensive or obtrusive sounds DM? (i?)
197 Nystul’s Magical Aura Makes an object radiate magic PH2
198 Nystul's Dancing Werelight Alt Light spell that follows caster, can dim/brighten GRA1
199 Nystul's Flash Evo Dazed 1d4 r (no save); Blind 1d4 r (save) {1 group} GRA1
200 Nystul's Magic Aura Ill Target is considered a magical item {Touch, 1 target} PH1
201 Nystul's Undetectable Aura Ill Object immune to detect spells {Touch, 1 object} PH3
202 Obscuring Mist Cnj Everything has cover to each other {1 group} PH3
203 Original Haste 1 Alt x4/3 # Attacks, x4/3 move rate DM
204 Otiluke's Bubbling Buoyancy Alt Up to 100L lbs float on a cloud of bubbles GRA1
205 Otiluke's Smoky Sphere Evo Smoke, save or coughing (-2 TH/saves) 1d4+1r {1 group} GRA1
206 Otto's Chime of Release Alt All shackles/ropes on creature released {1 creature} GRA1
207 Painting Illusionary magical painting appears (framed!) DM? (i?)
208 Panic Enc Target is Panicked (50% flee, 50% taunted towards you) (Will save) DM
209 Patternweave Div Know what jumble of objects is supposed to be {1 group} TM2
210 Petition Asks an outer planar being a question DM? (i?)
211 Phantasmal Force Ill Area is sq'; Visual only {1 group} PH1
212 Phantasmal Force Makes illusionary images PH2
213 Phantom Armor Alt,Ill AC 3 source; +L hp (even above max); +1 saves {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
214 Poisonous Claws Nec Natural fighting has poison (CL*4 dmg, save for CL) DM
215 Power Word Blind 1 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -160 (no save) DM
216 Power Word Kill 1 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -120 (no save) DM
217 Power Word Stun 1 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -320 (no save) DM
218 Precipitation Alt Light rain in area {1 group} UA1
219 Precognitive Sense Tim,Div Know an event which will occur within 6L h {self only} Chro2
220 Prepared Blast Meta Your next spell has -CL saves, -CL*5% MR (or) +CL/2 to CL DM
221 Prismatic Wall 1 Abj 1 Prismatic color DM
222 Protection from Chaos Abj +2 AC, +2 saves vs. evil; Prevents bodily contact {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
223 Protection from Evil Abj +2 AC, +2 saves vs. evil; Prevents bodily contact {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
224 Protection from Evil Evil Evil creatures fight with penalties, protect from possession and evil mental control, protect from conjured beings PH2
225 Protection from Good Good Good creatures fight with penalties, protect from possession and mental control, protect from conjured beings PH2
226 Protection from Hunger and Thirst One creature can live without nourishment and water for 1 day/level of caster PHBR2
227 Protection from Hunger/Thirst Abj Requires no food or water for duration {Touch, 1 creature} PHBR4
228 Protection from Vermin Abj Protection from creatures <1 HD {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
229 Push Cnj Push up to 50L lbs.; Can knock over (save) {1 target} PH1
230 Quiet Passage Allows quiet/safe passage if nonhostile intent DM? (i?)
231 Radiation Resistance Abj RR 60+CL*5% [duration 1 hour] DM
232 Rary's Empathic Perception Div Sense emotions, 1 creature per 5r {1+ creatures} GRA1
233 Ray of Enfeeblement (3) Nec -1d6-L/2 Str (save) {1 creature} PH3
234 Ray of Enfeeblement 1 Cha -5 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
235 Ray of Fatigue Nec Target is fatigued (save) {1 creature} S&M2
236 Read Illusionist Magic Div,Ill Can read/identify illusionist writings/scrolls {self only} UA1
237 Read Magic With this spell the wizard can read magical scripts PH2
238 Redirection (low) Ill (1bM to cast), you have a summon: A monster selecting you selects your summon instead DM 4.0
239 Reduce Alt -10L% size (max reduction = 50%) {1 target} PH3
240 Reduce Make creature smaller, smallness depends on the level of caster PH2
241 Reveal Colorpool Detects presence of windows to other planes DM? (i?)
242 Reverse Magic I Casts effect's reverse if 1st level & in range DM? (i?)
243 Run Enc (L+1)/2 targets; Move rate doubles {Touch, 1+ creatures} UA1
244 Runetrue Creates a small magical ward against demons DM? (i?)
245 Scales Abj DR (CL*2)/+(CL/2) [duration 1 day] DM
246 Scatterspray Alt Small objects fly about, dmg is 1d6 (save) {1 group} FRA2
247 Scatterspray Floating object cause minimal damage FRA
248 Scroll, Quill and Ink Summons a scroll, quill, and ink from lab DM? (i?)
249 Secret Signs Alt Caster and 1 target can communicate secretly OA1
250 Shield Negates magical missile attacks, provides AC2 vs. hand-hurled missiles, AC3 vs. device-propelled missiles and AC4 vs. other attack, grants +1 saving throw vs. frontal attack PH2
251 Shield (1) Evo,Abj Immune Force; AC2 source; +1 saves {self only} PH1
252 Shield (3) Abj +7 AC; +3 area saves {self only} PH3
253 Shield 1 Abj AT +4 source DM
254 Shielder Abj +CL AC, +CL saves; pick an element, you're immune to it DM 4.0
255 Shock Bolt {reverse: Grave Bolt} Evo CLd4 lightning {grave} damage, area 30' line, no save DM
256 Shocking Grasp Alt,Ele 1d8+L dmg electricity (no save) {Touch, 1 target} PH1
257 Shocking Grasp Touch 1d8+1/level electrical damage PH2
258 Silent Image Ill Area is 10' cubes; Illusion sight component only {1 group} PH3
259 Silvadel's Magic Feather Allows remote manipulation of a feather DM? (i?)
260 Slay I Nec Slay one DL I monster (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
261 Sleep Affect 2d4 HD, but monster with more than a 4+3 HD are unaffected, there is no saving throw against this spell PH2
262 Sleep (0) Enc 2d8 HD slept (no save); max HD/creature=4+1 RC0
263 Sleep (1) Enc 4d4 HD slept (no save); max HD/creature=4+2 {1 group} PH1
264 Sleeping Levitation Caster levitates 1'-6' off ground when asleep DM? (i?)
265 Slide Slides a light object across a surface DM? (i?)
266 Slow Metabolism Tim,Alt Slows poison; Needs to eat only once every 12h {Touch, 1 creature} Chro2
267 Sneakabout Light Small light that follows caster/target around DM? (i?)
268 Snilloc’s Snowball Snowball causing 1d3 damage or 1d6 vs. fire dwelling or using creature FRA
269 Snilloc's Snowball Evo 1d3 dmg snow (no save) {1 target} FRA2
270 Sparkle Beam Beam of radiance that makes undead glow/hurt DM? (i?)
271 Specific Monster Summoning I Cnj Choose Animal, Plant, Arctic, or Faerie. You summon 10 DL I monsters of that type. DM 4.0
272 Spectral Voice Like the ventrilquism but voice emits from a undead Nec
273 Spell Turning 1 Abj Turns the next CL/7 SL's of spells DM
274 Spider Climb Alt Climb Walls 200%; No Material componenting {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
275 Spider Climb Subject can climb surfaces, but items glue to his hand PH2
276 Spidereyes caster can see through the eyes of a spider Drow
277 Spook Ill Fear; Target gets a save each round {1 creature} UA1
278 Spook Play upon natural fear, roll saving throw every round PH2
279 Sporacle Orb (low) Ill One target: 1 random low [C] section effect (save) (DM knows what "low" means) DM 4.0
280 Starlight Creates a small bright star miles up in sky DM? (i?)
281 Stepping Stones Creates stones in midair, can be stepped on DM? (i?)
282 Still Water Alt Stills (calms) water in area {1 group} OA1
283 Summon Monster I Cnj Summons a DL 1 creature to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
284 Summon Monster Recall I Cnj Summons 2 DL I monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
285 Summon Undead Cnj;Nec (2d6 undead; HD<CL) Thay
286 Swim Alt Target can swim at move rate 12 {1 creature} OA1
287 Talk in Sleep Sleeping target starts to talk in sleep DM? (i?)
288 Taunt Enc One or more creatures of 1 type taunted (save) {1 group} PH2
289 Taunt Victims try to attack the caster physically PH2
290 Tenser’s Floating Disc This energy disc can hold up to 45 kg/level of caster PH2
291 Tenser's Eye of the Tiger Alt Night Vision; Has only -1 TH while blind {Touch, 1 creature} GRA1
292 Tenser's Floating Disc Evo Can carry 100L lbs.; Moves at rate 6 {1 group} PH1
293 Tenser's Steady Aim Alt Target has no missile penalty TH while moving {1 creature} GRA1
294 Tenser's Transformation 1 Alt +5% of max hp to current hp, -3 TH melee DM
295 Torture Targets are struck with pain and must lie down DM? (i?)
296 Treacherous Tripwire Invisible and moving tripwire DM? (i?)
297 Tree Swipe Causes a branch of a tree to swing at target DM? (i?)
298 True Strike Div Your next attack is at +20 TH {self only} PH3
299 Tune Instrument plays a tune by itself DM? (i?)
300 Turn Correct Page Turns to correct page in familiar book DM? (i?)
301 Umbrella Invisible umbrella of force, moves with target DM? (i?)
302 Unseen Servant Cnj Invisible servant, can carry 40 lbs. {1 group} PH1
303 Unseen Servant 1hour+1t/lv It serves the caster in mundane tasks like opening doors, dusting, cleaning up etc. PH2
304 Ventriloquism Ill Ventriloquism {1 target} PH1
305 Ventriloquism Sound appears to come from somewhere else PH2
306 Veschiul's Shadowbolt Black ray that causes weakness/depression DM? (i?)
307 Wacky Ball 1 / Normal / 0 Evo Ld4 dmg normal element (save: 0) {1 group} DM
308 Wacky Ball 1 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld2 dmg normal element (save: ½) {1 group} DM
309 Wacky Ball 1 / Para / 0 Evo Ld2 dmg para element (save: 0) {1 group} DM
310 Wacky Ball 1 / Para / ½ Evo Ld1 dmg para element (save: ½) {1 group} DM
311 Wacky Ball 1 / Para / ns Evo 1 dmg para element (no save) {1 group} DM
312 Wacky Bolt 1 / Normal / 0 Evo Ld6 dmg normal element (save: 0) {1 target} DM
313 Wacky Bolt 1 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld4 dmg normal element (save: ½) {1 target} DM
314 Wacky Bolt 1 / Normal / ns Evo Ld2 dmg normal element (no save) {1 target} DM
315 Wacky Bolt 1 / Para / 0 Evo Ld4 dmg para element (save: 0) {1 target} DM
316 Wacky Bolt 1 / Para / ½ Evo Ld2 dmg para element (save: ½) {1 target} DM
317 Wacky Bolt 1 / Para / ns Evo Ld1 dmg para element (no save) {1 target} DM
318 Wall of Darkness 10'x30' wall of complete darkness DM? (i?)
319 Wall of Fog Alt,Ill Blocks sight (incl. Infravision) PH1
320 Wall of Fog 2d4r+20’cube+10’cube/level Obscure light and vision PH2
321 Ward Enc (Wall: Save or want to leave) South
322 Warp Wood Alt Warps wood OA1
323 Water Protection Alt,Abj Immune Drowning; Breathe Underwater {1 target} OA1
324 Waterproof Makes an object resistant to water damage DM? (i?)
325 Weapon Snap Force that tries to break a weapon DM? (i?)
326 Weapon Strike Force that tries to have weapon swing at user DM? (i?)
327 Wish 1 Meta Wish for a SL=0 Wizard spell DM
328 Wizard Glue Very sticky mass of glue DM? (i?)
329 Wizard Mark Alt Makes a permanent mark on target object {1 group} UA1
330 Wizard Mark Writes personal mark upon surface PH2
331 Write Evo Can copy 1 page of magical writings per hour. Does a rough copy of a spell so it can be properly inscribed later. A character may inscribe his caster level in spell levels each day into a format he can memorize from. {1 object} PH1
332 Zile's Rememberance Remembers images of a dead creature's life DM? (i?)

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.2] Level 2 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Accelerate Plant Growth Tim Accelerates plant growth by L months {1 group} Chro2
2 Agannazar’s Scorcher Cause 3d6 hp of damage within AE, like flame-thrower. It last for 2 rounds, so it can deliver an additional round of damage FRA
3 Agannazar's Scorcher Evo Target takes 6d6 dmg fire (save:½); others 2d8 {1 group} FRA2
4 Alley Summoning II Cnj, Wild Summons a DL IV alley monster, under your control, 2% chance per segment of losing control DM
5 Alter Self Alt,Ill Alter Appearance; +/- 50% size; Fly 3"; Swim {self only} UA1
6 Alter Self Changes the appearance of the caster, even adding other appendage PH2
7 Animal Companion Enc Make an animal your companion (not familiar) {1 creature} OA1
8 Animate Water Cnj,Enc Animates water, moves at 6", dmg Ld2 /attack OA1
9 Anti-Magic Shell 2 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 1 DM
10 Apparition Ill -L Cml; causes fear in others <1 HD (save) {Touch, 1 creature} OA1
11 Arcane Lock Abj Locks a look/container {Touch, 1 object} PH3
12 Armor 2 Abj +CL*4 current hp DM
13 Armoring, Mystical Abj Take -CL dmg per spell/psi/innate (counts as Armor, can be used w/ Physical) DM 4.0
14 Bigby’s Dexterous Digits 3t/level A hand which can use tools under the caster control. You can experiment from far away. GRA1
15 Bigby’s Silencing Hand Silence a creature by a hand on it’s mouth. GRA1
16 Bigby's Dextrous Digits Evo Pair disembodied hands; Can use caster's NWP GRA1
17 Bigby's Silencing Hand Evo;Enc Silence (save) {1 creature} GRA1
18 Bind Alt,Enc Animates 1 rope-like object {1 object} UA1
19 Bind Caster can command a rope to knot, tie, coil etc. PH2
20 Bladethirst Alt Weapon gets +3/+0 {Touch, 1 object} FRA2
21 Bladethirst Gives an one time bonus to hit with slashing weapons FRA
22 Blindness Ill Blindness (save); can be dispelled/cured {1 creature} PH2
23 Blindness Cause illusionary blindness, so Cure Blindness won’t remove it PH2
24 Blindness/Deafness Alt Blindness or Deafness (caster's choice) (save) {1 creature} PH3
25 Blur Enemies fight with penalties against blurred wizard PH2
26 Blur (1) Ill +4 AC; +1 saves {self only} PH1
27 Blur (3) Ill 20% WR vs. creatures without True Sight {self only} PH3
28 Bull's Strength Alt +1d4+1 Str {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
29 Burst Monster II Cnj Summons a DL III monster, not sick, has only 1S action, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
30 Cat's Grace Alt +1d8 or +1d4+1 (your choice) Dex {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
31 Chain Lightning 2 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd2 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
32 Chaos Shield Abj Protection from your own wild surges (get save) {self only} TM2
33 Charm Any II Enc Charm any one monster with 8 HD or less (save), creature with < 2 HD gets no save DM 4.0
34 Charming II Enc Charms up to 2 monsters, gets a new save every turn DM
35 Choke Nec;Cnj Ld4 dmg necromantic (save:½) {1 creature} PHBR4
36 Choke 30 yard 1d4 hp suffocating damage/round, there is saving throw to suffer only half damage PHBR2
37 Cloak from Undead Alt;Abj Invisibility to Undead {Touch, 1 creature} FRA2
38 Cloak from Undead Like invisibility to undead FRA
39 Cloak Undead Nec;Abj Undead are invisible, also to Detect Undead {1 group} FRA2
40 Cloak undead Make undead undetectable with detect undead, and the naked eye FRA
41 Combus Evo Thay
42 Cone of Cold 2 Inv CLd4+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
43 Cone of Eldritch Shards {Acid} Evo CLd6 eldritch shards {acid} damage, area 40' cone, no save DM
44 Continual Flame Ill Magical flame (illusionary); no heat {Touch, 1 object} PH3
45 Continual Light Alt Magical light; can blind if targetted (save) {1 group} PH1
46 Continual Light Causes a globe of light to be appear PH2
47 Create Item II Cnj Creates an item of <= CL^2 gp value, lasts for 4 turns DM
48 Damage Mirror Alt (All in 10' take dmg you take) South
49 Darkness 15’ Radius Cause surrounding to become engulfed in total darkness PH2
50 Darkness, 15' radius Alt Magical darkness {1 group} PH2
51 Darkvision Alt Can see in darkness {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
52 Darsson’s Cooling Breeze 4 hour/lv Provide air ventilation in a room. SSouth
53 Darsson’s Fiery Cube Create a cube of fire causing 1d4 hp of damage/level. SSouth
54 Daylight Evo Object sheds daylight 60' r {Touch, 1 object} PH3
55 Deafness Ill Deafness (save); can be dispelled/cured {1 creature} PH1
56 Deafness Cause illusionary deafness, no curative magic will remove it PH2
57 Death Recall Nec;Div Visualizes last few minutes of a corpse's death {Touch, 1 object} PHBR4
58 Death Recall Visualize the final minutes of the dead PHBR2
59 Death Spell 2 Nec Slay 2d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
60 Decastave Evo Staff: 1d6 dmg force + 1d4 dmg draining {self only} FRA2
61 Decastave 1d6 Wizard must be proficient in staves. It is considered magical FRA
62 Deeppocket Extradimensional space which can contains more mass than the pocket would indicate PH2
63 Deeppockets Alt,Enc Extradimensional space (100 lbs.) {Touch, 1 object} UA1
64 Delay Death One creature can fight after he reached 0 hp till -10 hp, of course with penalties. 1t/level PHBR2
65 Deny Fire Abj (Resist Fire) Thay
66 Detect Evil Detect the presence of evil PH2
67 Detect Evil (0) Div Detect evil / evil intent 60' {self only} RC0
68 Detect Evil (2) Div Detect evil / evil intent 180' {self only} PH2
69 Detect Good Detect the presence of goodness PH2
70 Detect Invisibility Detect invisible being PH2
71 Detect Life Div Detect life 10L' {self only} PHBR4
72 Detect Life Detect the presence of life PHBR2
73 Detect Poison Div Thay
74 Detect Psionics Div Detect Psionics 60' {self only} DM
75 Detect Psionics Detect the presence of psionic activity DS
76 Detect Thoughts Div Detect surface thoughts 60' {self only} PH3
77 Detect/Identify Psionics Div Detect Psionics; 1M, 1/t: Identify Psionic Item/Effect DM
78 Dispel 1/2 Enc 50% chance to dispel 1 effect (ER to resist); can material component to make it 100% DM 4.0
79 Dispel Exhaustion 2 Alt Restore 10% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 2 for 1 round DM
80 Dispel Radiation Abj Dispels Radiation (1 target = auto success) {1 group} DM
81 Displace Self Alt;Dim Displaced {self only} S&M2
82 Drawmij's Adventurer's Luck Alt Luckstone effect {Touch, 1 creature} GRA1
83 Drawmij's Breath of Life Alt Cannot drown, don't need air, immune to gas {L creatures} GRA1
84 Drawmij's Scent Mask Ill Conceal all odors coming from creatures {Touch, L creatures} GRA1
85 Drawmij's Swift Mount Alt Doubles movement rate {Touch, L/2 creatures} GRA1
86 Elemental Blast II Inv CLd4 dmg to one group (no save, random E=2 element each time) DM 4.0
87 Embalm Protect a dead bony from decaying Nec
88 Enchanted Blade Evo,Enc Electrical sword: +(L+3)/4 TH, total Ld6 dmg {Touch, 1 creature} OA1
89 Endurance Alt +1d4+1 Con {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
90 Entangle (0) Enc Animates a rope; can entangle a creature (save) {1 object} RC0
91 ESP Detect the surface thoughts of other beings PH2
92 ESP (0) Div Can read surface thoughts (no save) {1+ creatures} RC0
93 ESP (1) Div Can read surface thoughts (no save) {1+ creatures} PH1
94 Fascinate Ill Charmed and Fascinated (save) {1 creature} UA1
95 Feeblemind 2 Enc -10 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
96 Filter Abj Immune Gas; takes ½ dmg from Chlorine Gas {Touch, 1 group} PHBR4
97 Filter Gases Invisible globe around touched individual. PHBR2
98 Fire Shield 2 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 25% dmg back DM
99 Fire Shuriken Evo #=(L+5)/6, roll TH, 2d8 dmg fire (no save) & -2TH {1+ creatures} OA1
100 Fireball 2 Inv CLd4 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
101 Flame Dagger Evo Thay
102 Flaming Sphere Evo Move rate 3; 2d6 dmg fire (save if not directly hit) {1 group} PH3
103 Flaming Sphere A fiery sphere moves at the caster will damaging anyone in its path for 2d4 points of fire damage PH2
104 Flash Evo (Blindness area) Thay
105 Fleet Fleet Quicken the subject DS
106 Fluid Movement Abj +CL Reflex saves DM
107 Flying Fist Evo Fist attacks by self: +2 TH, dmg 1d2 & -2 TH FRA2
108 Flying Fist Hand can cause punch damage FRA
109 Fog Cloud Alt,Ill Blocks sight (incl. infravision) {1 group} PH3
110 Fog Cloud Conjure huge mass of fog PH2
111 Fool’s Gold Copper coins seems to be gold coins PH2
112 Fools' Gold Alt,Ill 4000L gp value {1 group} PH1
113 Forget Enc Forget (L+2)/3 minutes, or 1 specific memory PH1
114 Forget Subject forget the happenings of the past few rounds PH2
115 Forward Haste II Alt +3C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
116 Ghost Pipes Alt;Nec Instrument plays itself {Touch, 1 object} FRA2
117 Ghost Pipes Plays a tune on instruments FRA
118 Ghoul Touch Nec Touch causes paralyzation (save) {self only} PHBR4
119 Ghoul Touch Touch Touched individual paralyses and begin to stink causing other to fight with -2 penalty PHBR2
120 Glitterdust Save vs. Spell or blinded PH2
121 Glitterdust (2) Cnj Blind 1d4+1 r (save) PH2
122 Glitterdust (3) Cnj Blind L r (save) PH3
123 Globe of Invulnerability 2 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 1 DM
124 Hornung's Baneful Deflector Evo Missile vs. you: it hits a random creature in 15' {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
125 Hypnotic Pattern 24 HD of creature kept captive by this spell, if the victim is harmed the spell breaks PH2
126 Hypnotic Pattern (1) Ill 24 HD looking at pattern are Hypnotized PH1
127 Hypnotic Pattern (3) Ill 2d4+L HD looking at pattern are Fascinated {1 group} PH3
128 Ice Knife Evo Roll TH, within 5' take 2d4 dmg ice & numb 1d3r {1+ creatures} OA1
129 Ice Knife 2d4 Shatter on contact PHBR2
130 Improved Phantasmal Force Ill Area is sq'; Sight and sound {1 group} PH1
131 Improved Phantasmal Force Visual illusions and minor sounds PH2
132 Insatiable Thirst Enc Save or drink anything nearby {1 creature} TM2
133 Insatiable Thirst During the spell victim will drink everything he can while he feels an uncontrollable desire to quench his thirst ToM
134 Invisibility Ill Invisibility; attacking ends spell {Touch, 1 target} PH1
135 Invisibility Individual become invisible PH2
136 Irritation Alt -4 AC; -2 TH; -1 Dex; -1 Cml until 1V spent {1 creature} UA1
137 Irritation Various irritations occur PH2
138 Knock Alt Open locked/barred/held/wizard locked doors {1 group} PH1
139 Knock Open a locked door PH2
140 Know Alignment Div Detect alignment 30L' on 1 creature /r {1+ creatures} UA1
141 Know Alignment Reveal the alignment of an NPC or object PH2
142 Leomund’s Trap Permanent Thieves detect traps on trapped object 100% of time PH2
143 Leomund's Trap Ill Illusionary trap, can be "disarmed" to avoid {Touch, 1 object} PH1
144 Levitate Subject can alter his altitude, but cannot fly horizontally without aid PH2
145 Levitate (0) Alt Can levitate up/down at normal movement rate {self only} RC0
146 Levitate (1) Alt Can levitate up/down at normal movement rate {1 creature} PH1
147 Life Sounding Tim Know age of target, and how much lifespan left {Touch, 1 creature} Chro2
148 Lightning Bolt 2 Inv CLd4 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
149 Living Link Sensory link between caster and a living creature Nec
150 Locate Object Pinpoint the location of a known general object PH2
151 Locate Object (1) Div Locate one object {1 object} PH1
152 Locate Object (3) Div Locate one object {1 object} PH3
153 Lock Lock a door PH2
154 Magic Missile 2 Inv (CL+1) missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
155 Magic Mouth Alt Object speaks up to 25 words, can set up trigger {1 object} PH1
156 Magic Resistance Abj MR 50+CL*5% [duration 2 hours] DM
157 Mask Alignment & Blend In Ill You appear to be another alignment / part of enemy's group DM
158 Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp Stony arm reach for the target and grasp him penalizing him in fight ToM
159 Maximillan's Earthen Grasp Alt Arm holds target, has double caster's hp {1 creature} TM2
160 Melf’s Acid Arrow 2d4 point of acid damage, acid last more if caster is more experienced, the arrow must hit the target PH2
161 Melf's Acid Arrow (1) Evo Roll TH +1: (3+L/3)d4+1 dmg acid (no save) {1 target} UA1
162 Melf's Acid Arrow (3) Cnj Roll TH: (2+2*L/3)d4 dmg acid (no save) {1 target} PH3
163 Metal Skins Abj 8+CL*2 skins, each is one instance of DR 20/- DM 4.0
164 Metallic Orb Evo,Ill See [S1.N] for notes on this spell {1 creature} DM
165 Minor Image Ill Area is 10' cubes; Illusion: sight & sound {1 group} PH3
166 Mirror Image Conjures illusionary images of the caster, enemies don’t know which is the caster PH2
167 Mirror Image (0) Ill Creates 1d4 images of yourself {self only} RC0
168 Mirror Image (3) Ill Creates 1d4+L/3 images of yourself {self only} PH3
169 Misdirection Ill Redirects divination spells {1 target} PH3
170 Misdirection Protect from detection spells for 8 hour PH2
171 Monster Summoning 2 Cnj Summon a DL=0 monster DM
172 Monster Swarm Summoning II Cnj Summons CL*4 DL I monsters DM
173 Moon Rune Alt,Geo Wizard mark, not visible until condition reached {1 group} S&M2
174 Mordenkainen's Encompassing Vision Alt All-around sight {Touch, 1 creature} GRA1
175 Move Object Alt South
176 Nahal's Nonsensical Nullifier Abj Know Align / Detect Evil/Lie give random results {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
177 Notched Blast Meta Your next spell is "held" (release as 0), no spells until released DM
178 Nystul's Blackmote Evo 2d6+L dmg darkness/cold (no save) {1 creature} GRA1
179 Nystul's Blazing Beam Evo Blind 2d4r, -4 TH, -4 AC (save); within 1' is ½ {1 creature} GRA1
180 Nystul's Crystal Dagger Evo;Cnj Dagger: 1d4 mineral, +2/+2, +3/+3 vs. undead GRA1
181 Obscure Object Abj Hides object from location/detection/scrying {Touch, 1 object} PH3
182 Obscure Object Protect an object from location finding spells/devices PH2
183 Omen Div Know general fortune of some major undertaking OA1
184 Original Haste 2 Alt x3/2 # Attacks, x3/2 move rate DM
185 Otiluke's Boiling Oil Bath Evo;Cnj 3d4 dmg heat (save:0) {1 creature} GRA1
186 Otto's Soothing Vibrations Enc Friendship (save+2) {1 group} GRA1
187 Otto's Tones of Forgetfulness Enc Forgets all Nonweapons (save) {1 creature} GRA1
188 Past Life Div Know dead's former appearance & last minute {Touch, 1 target} TM2
189 Past Life Visualize the former appearance of a dead ToM
190 Power Word Blind 2 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -120 (no save) DM
191 Power Word Kill 2 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -90 (no save) DM
192 Power Word Sleep Cnj Thay
193 Power Word Stun 2 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -240 (no save) DM
194 Predict Weather Div Thay
195 Preserve Abj,Tim Preserves freshness {1 group} Chro2
196 Prismatic Wall 2 Abj 2 Prismatic colors DM
197 Pro. from Normal Weapons Abj Thay
198 Pro. from Plants Abj Thay
199 Pro. from Poison Abj Thay
200 Pro. from Specific Lycan. Abj Thay
201 Protection from Arrows Abj -10 dmg /missile attack, unless +L/5+1 or better {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
202 Protection from Birds Bird Protect against attack by low level birds and worsen attack roll of higher levels SSouth
203 Protection from Cantrip Cantrip Protect and area or creature from cantrips PH2
204 Protection from Cantrips Abj Immune to 0 level spells (Cantrips or Orisons) {Touch, 1 target} UA1
205 Protection from Charm Abj +L/3 saves vs. charm {Touch, 1 creature} OA1
206 Protection from Paralysis Abj Immune to paralysis, slow, hold {Touch, 1 creature} TM2
207 Protection from Paralysis Paralysis Protect from all form of paralysis ToM
208 Protection from Poison Abj Poison-using creatures must save to attack {Touch, 1 creature} S&M2
209 Pyrotechnics Alt,Ele Blindness within 120' (save); obscures vision PH1
210 Pyrotechnics Smoke arose from exiting fire or sparkles blind others PH2
211 Quimby’s Enchanting Gourment 1hour+1t/lv A special form of unseen servant it cooks for the caster FRA
212 Quimby's Enchaning Gourmet Cnj Specialized Unseen Servant: Cooking/Cleaning {1 group} FRA2
213 Rary's Aptitude Appropriater Div;Alt Know a proficiency the target knows {Touch, 1 creature} GRA1
214 Ray of Enfeeblement Target reduced to strength 5 unless save is made PH2
215 Ray of Enfeeblement (1) Enc Loses 25+2L% Str and physical dmg done {1 creature} PH1
216 Ray of Enfeeblement (2) Enc Str goes to 5, -1 per die physical dmg {1 creature} PH2
217 Ray of Enfeeblement 2 Cha -10 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
218 Remove Scent Ill You (or 1 target) has no scent (reduces wandering monsters) DM
219 Resist Elements Abj -12 dmg/r from 1 of: acid/cold/lightning/fire/sound {Touch, 1 creature} PH3
220 Resist Energy Drain Abj Thay
221 Ride the Wind Alt Carried by wind at 12" (save) {L creatures} TM2
222 Ride the Wind Caster lifted upon the wind, he can control altitude but no direction of flying ToM
223 Rope Trick Alt Creates 30' rope, top is extradimensional space. If the extra-dimensional space is ruptured (due to Anti-Magic or whatever), the contents will be dumped to the Astral plane. The rope that the spell creates is extremely difficult to destroy by physical means. PH1
224 Rope Trick The caster conjures a rope then goes up on it to an extradimensional dwelling where he can stay for a few time PH2
225 Run Alt (Move Rate 36) South
226 Scare Creatures with fewer than 6 HD are terrified, only elves, half-elves and priests get saving throw PH2
227 Scare (1) Enc Fear (save) {1 creature} PH1
228 Scare (3) Nec Fear (save); Creatures > 5 HD are immune {1 group} PH3
229 See Invisibility Div Detect invisible/astral/ethereal 100+10L' {self only} PH3
230 Sense Shifting Alt Sensory affects of your SL 1-3 spells change {self only} TM2
231 Sense Shifting Alter the sensory effect of spells ToM
232 Shatter Crystalline creatures and object suffer damage PH2
233 Shatter (1) Alt Object destroyed (save vs. crushing blow) {1 object} PH1
234 Shatter (2) Alt Object(s) destroyed (save vs. crushing blow) {1 group} PH2
235 Shield 2 Abj AT +8 source DM
236 Skeletal Hands Summons two hand, they can do various tasks including attacking Nec
237 Skyhook An invisible hook hangs in the air, supporting whatever hanging on it Drow
238 Slay II Nec Slay 4 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=2) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
239 Smoke Shape Alt Can shape smoke into any shape (such as wall) {Touch} OA1
240 Smoky Form Alt Polymorph to cloud of smoke, +2 wpn to hit {Touch, 1 creature} OA1
241 Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm 1d3 hp/level of ice damage or 1d6/level vs. fire dwelling or using creature FRA
242 Snilloc's Cream Pie Evo 1d3 dmg pie (no save) {1 target} FRA2
243 Snilloc's Snowball Swarm Evo Ld3 dmg snow (save:½) {1 group} FRA2
244 Speak with Dead Nec;Div Thay
245 Specific Monster Summoning II Cnj Choose Insect, Reptile, Cloud, or Leech. You summon 9 DL II monsters of that type. DM 4.0
246 Spectral Hand Nec Can use 1 touch at range per round (roll TH+2). The hand can be re-used, but it must return to the caster so he can touch it. The hand does not need to roll to hit. The hand itself can be attacked (AC 0, has 2 hit points per caster level). The spell level limit is removed. PH2
247 Spectral Hand Through this spell you can deliver touch spells to targets yards away PH2
248 Spell Turning 2 Abj Turns the next CL/6 SL's of spells DM
249 Stinking Cloud Evo Nauseated (save) PH1
250 Stinking Cloud Those within the cloud feel nausea and cannot attack unless save is made PH2
251 Stone Feet Cuts the movement of the target in half DS
252 Strength Alt +1d8 Str {Touch, 1 creature} PH1
253 Strength Strengthen creature. More effective on warriors PH2
254 Summon Monster II Cnj 1 DL 2 or 1d3 DL 1 creatures to fight for you {1 creature} PH3
255 Summon Monster Recall II Cnj Summons 2 DL II monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
256 Summon Swarm Cnj Summons rats,bats,spiders,etc. 1d4+L/3 dmg/r PH2
257 Summon Swarm Damage depends on actions of the victims, at least 1 hp per round PH2
258 Tail Alt Grow an extra tail [lose spell slot while running] DM
259 Tasha’s Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter Various negative effect as victim collapses into gales of laughter PH2
260 Tasha's Hideous Laughter Enc Do nothing (save) {1 creature} PH3
261 Tasha's Uncont. Hideous Laughter Evo -2 Str and Dazed (save) {1 creature} UA1
262 Tenser's Brawl Alt +2 TH; 10% chance to stun per attack (save) {Touch, 1 creature} GRA1
263 Tenser's Hunting Hawk Alt Polymorphs an arrow into a hunting hawk {Touch, 1 object} GRA1
264 Tenser's Transformation 2 Alt +10% of max hp to current hp, -2 TH melee DM
265 Thunderball Evo (1d6+1 dmg ball, save or deaf) South
266 Time Stop 2 Alt Stops time for 1 segment DM
267 Timeslip Tim Disappear for 1r; teleport up to 10 mi at end {self only} Chro2
268 Tumble Enc (Trip) South
269 Ultravision Alt,Ill Ultravision 300' {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
270 Undead Mount Nec Animates a dead horse/mount, can carry 300 lbs. {1 creature} FRA2
271 Undead Mount Duration is 2 hours +1 hour/level. It animates a dead mount whit that the caster can travel. FRA
272 Undetectable Alignment Protect from alignment probing magic PH2
273 Vocalize Alt Can cast spells without Verbal components {Touch, 1 creature} FRA2
274 Vocalize Alt Can cast spells without Verbal components {Touch, 1 creature} UA1
275 Vocalize Can cast spell without verbal components PHBR2
276 Vocalize Can cast spell without verbal components FRA
277 Wacky Ball 2 / Normal / 0 Evo Ld6 dmg normal element (save: 0) {1 group} DM
278 Wacky Ball 2 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld4 dmg normal element (save: ½) {1 group} DM
279 Wacky Ball 2 / Normal / ns Evo Ld2 dmg normal element (no save) {1 group} DM
280 Wacky Ball 2 / Para / 0 Evo Ld4 dmg para element (save: 0) {1 group} DM
281 Wacky Ball 2 / Para / ½ Evo Ld2 dmg para element (save: ½) {1 group} DM
282 Wacky Ball 2 / Para / ns Evo Ld1 dmg para element (no save) {1 group} DM
283 Wacky Ball 2 / Quasi / 0 Evo Ld2 dmg quasi element (save: 0) {1 group} DM
284 Wacky Ball 2 / Quasi / ½ Evo Ld1 dmg quasi element (save: ½) {1 group} DM
285 Wacky Ball 2 / Quasi / ns Evo 1 dmg quasi element (no save) {1 group} DM
286 Wacky Bolt 2 / Normal / 0 Evo Ld8 dmg normal element (save: 0) {1 target} DM
287 Wacky Bolt 2 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld6 dmg normal element (save: ½) {1 target} DM
288 Wacky Bolt 2 / Normal / ns Evo Ld4 dmg normal element (no save) {1 target} DM
289 Wacky Bolt 2 / Para / 0 Evo Ld6 dmg para element (save: 0) {1 target} DM
290 Wacky Bolt 2 / Para / ½ Evo Ld4 dmg para element (save: ½) {1 target} DM
291 Wacky Bolt 2 / Para / ns Evo Ld2 dmg para element (no save) {1 target} DM
292 Wacky Bolt 2 / Quasi / 0 Evo Ld4 dmg quasi element (save: 0) {1 target} DM
293 Wacky Bolt 2 / Quasi / ½ Evo Ld2 dmg quasi element (save: ½) {1 target} DM
294 Wacky Bolt 2 / Quasi / ns Evo Ld1 dmg quasi element (no save) {1 target} DM
295 Wakefulness Enc Cancels a sleep effect; Resist sleep {1 creature} DK2
296 Wakefulness Whit this spell one could postpone sleep for 8 hour DK
297 Wall of Gloom Cnj;Sha -2 TH through wall; Fear (save) S&M2
298 Web Entangle creatures caught in it PH2
299 Web (0) Evo Save & Str check: Miss 1 = Slow; Miss 2 = Held RC0
300 Web (1) Evo Save & Str check: Miss 1 = Slow; Miss 2 = Held {1 group} PH1
301 Whip Evo Whip, 0,1/r to swing: Fear animals; Disarm (save) {1 object} UA1
302 Whispering Wind Alt,Ill Send 12 word message or cause a sound {1 group} UA1
303 Whispering Wind Delivers message to miles away PH2
304 Wind Breath Evo 5L mph wind; Can knock down objects/creatures OA1
305 Wish 2 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 1 Wizard spell DM
306 Wizard Lock Alt Magically locks door/lock {Touch, 1 group} PH1
307 Wizard Lock Lock a door, but caster can pass it without effect. The lock is permanent PH2
308 Zephyr Evo Gentle breeze; holds back clouds/vapor {1 group} UA1

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.3] Level 3 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Air Breathing Underwater creatures can breathe normal air PH2
2 Alacrity TOM2
3 Alacrity Speed up casting of spell ToM
4 Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown Learns the ingredients of a magical item or chemical mixture ToM
5 Alamir's Fundamental Breakdown TOM2
6 Alley Summoning III Cnj, Wild Summons a DL VI alley monster, under your control, 3% chance per segment of losing control DM
7 Alternate Reality TOM2
8 Anti-Magic Shell 3 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 2 DM
9 Armor 3 Abj +CL*6 current hp DM
10 Assist Cnj (Aid) Thay
11 Augmentation I TOM2
12 Augmentation I Augments the damage inflicted by spells of level 1-3 ToM
13 Bigby’s Pugnacious Pugilist 1d2+3 Hit as a fighter half the level of caster, 3 hp/level, AC4. GRA1
14 Blacklight Alt Magical darkness; save each round or effected {1 group} FRA2
15 Blacklight Wraps creatures in total darkness FRA
16 Blink Caster phases thus other cannot hit him PH2
17 Blink (2) Alt 0, 1/r: Uncontrolled Blink somewhere within 10' PH2
18 Blink (3) Alt You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level. PH3
19 Blink (DM) Alt 0, 1/r: Blink; The location is not random (caster has control). If you blink away after meleeing with a creature, it gets a parting shot (but it cannot turn around first). DM
20 Bone Club Enc;Nec Acts as a club +1, +4 vs. undead PHBR4
21 Bone Club 1d6+4 or 1d6+1 Caster must be proficient in club. Club cause more damage on undeads PHBR2
22 Bone Dance Controls a bony if it was a puppet Nec
23 Burst Monster III Cnj Summons a DL IV monster, not sick, has only 2S actions, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
24 Chain Lightning 3 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd3 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
25 Chant Enc As Priest spell Thay
26 Charm Any III Enc Charm any one monster with 15 HD or less (save), creature with < 3 HD gets no save DM 4.0
27 Charm Undead Enc Thay
28 Charming III Enc Charms up to 3 monsters, gets a new save every hour DM
29 Clairaudience Div Same plane PH2
30 Clairaudience Far hearing PH2
31 Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Div Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level. PH3
32 Clairvoyance Div Same plane PH2
33 Clairvoyance Farseeing PH2
34 Cone of Cold 3 Inv CLd6+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
35 Create Item III Cnj Creates an item of <= CL^3 gp value, lasts for 8 turns DM
36 Darkwing Affected creature grows bat wing, and able to fly Drow
37 Death Spell 3 Nec Slay 3d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
38 Delay Death Enc;Nec Can act normally at up to -10 hp PHBR4
39 Delude Alt Conceals alignment PH2
40 Delude Caster shadows his own alignment with that of a creature in his vicinity, it last for PH2
41 Detect Charm Div Thay
42 Detect Innates Alt Detects innate powers DM
43 Detect/Identify Innates Div Detect Innates; 1M, 1/t: Identify Innate Item/Effect DM
44 Dire Charm Enc Target is charmed and berserked (save) {1 creature} FRA2
45 Dire Charm Subject become berserk, and attack everyone FRA
46 Dispel 1 Enc Dispels 1 effect (ER to resist) DM 4.0
47 Dispel Exhaustion 3 Alt Restore 25% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 3 for 1 round DM
48 Dispel Illusion Abj;Ill Dispels illusions in area PH1
49 Dispel Magic Abj Dispels magic, (10+CL-enemyCL)*5% in area or auto 1 effect PH2
50 Dispel Magic Abj Cancels magical spells & effects. 1d20+CL vs. 11+enemyCL PH3
51 Dispel Magic Dispels magic PH2
52 Dispel Magic 3 Enc Dispel 1 magic effect DM
53 Dispel Silence Abj;Alt Dispels silence {1 group} FRA2
54 Dispel Silence Dispels silencing magic FRA
55 Displacement Ill WR 50% PH3
56 Drawmij's Marvelous Shield Evo;Abj +2 AC; immune force GRA1
57 Elemental Blast III Inv CLd6 dmg to one group (no save, random E=3 element each time) DM 4.0
58 Enslave Person Enc As Charm Person, except the effect cannot be thrown off by being damaged, and there is no daily save check. DM
59 Explosive Runes Alt;Evo 6d4+6 dmg force or fire (save: ½) PH2
60 Explosive Runes Alt;Evo Deals 6d6 damage (force or fire) (save: ½) when read. PH3
61 Explosive Runes Written material can be warded whit this spell, it detonates when unauthorized person reads it (6d4+6 hp). Warded material is destroyed unless protected from magical fire PH2
62 False Face Caster gain the face of an individual Nec
63 Far Reaching I TOM2
64 Far Reaching I Increase the range of spell of 1-2 level by 50% and 3 level by 25% ToM
65 Feeblebody Alt Str and Con are reduced to 1d4 each (Spell save) DM
66 Feeblemind 3 Enc -15 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
67 Feign Dead Subject appears dead for 1 hour+1t/level PH2
68 Feign Death Nec People think you're dead PH2
69 Find Traps Div Thay
70 Fire Gate Alt Dimension Door from one fire to another {self only} Thay
71 Fire Shield 3 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 50% dmg back DM
72 Fireball Evo CLd6 dmg fire (save: ½) in area PH2&3
73 Fireball Ball of flame explodes causing 1d6/level hp of fire damage PH2
74 Fireball 3 Inv CLd6 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
75 Fireflow TOM2
76 Flame Arrow Cnj +1 fire dmg to 2*CL arrows; or throw CL/5 missiles for 5d6 PH2&3
77 Flame Arrow Either enchant normal bolt or conjure fiery arrow which cause 1d6 piercing and 4d6 fire damage PH2
78 Fly Alt Fly at 18" PH2&3
79 Fly One can fly with it PH2
80 Fool's Speech TOM2
81 Foothold Alt South
82 Forward Haste III Alt +4C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
83 Gaseous Form Alt Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly. PH3
84 Gentle Repose Nec Preserves one corpse. PH3
85 Ghost Armor Cnj;Abj AT +7 source {Touch, 1 creature} FRA2
86 Ghost Armor AC3 FRA
87 Globe of Invulnerability 3 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 2 DM
88 Greater Magic Weapon Alt +1/three levels (max +5). PH3
89 Gust of Wind Alt Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures. PH2&3
90 Gust of Wind Causes wind to blow from caster direction with 30 mile per hour speed PH2
91 Halt Undead Nec Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level. PH3
92 Hand of Darkness Light Protects drows from light sources Drow
93 Haste Alt +1P, +1V to one group PH2
94 Haste Alt +1S, +4 AC to one target PH3
95 Haste Doubles movement, speed and attacks, do not speed up casting, ages subject one year PH2
96 Hold Person Enc Holds up to 4 people PH2&3
97 Hold Person 1d4 person Paralyses targets PH2
98 Hold Undead Nec Holds up to 3 undead PH2
99 Hold Undead Paralyses undead creatures, 1d3 undead are affected, their total HD cannot exceed caster level PH2
100 Hold Vapor Abj Stops movement of cloud or vapor {1 group} FRA2
101 Hold Vapor Hold gases and vapor preventing them to move or spread. Caster have to concentrate on the spell FRA
102 Hovering Skull Nec Wizard Eye; can attack (hp 3; bite for 1d6) PHBR4
103 Hovering Skull It can move 10m away from the caster. Wizard can see through it or attack with it. PHBR2
104 Icelance Alt 1 att at +4 TH: 5d6 dmg ice + stun 1d4 r (save) {1 object} FRA2
105 Icelance 5d6 Attack with +4 FRA
106 Illusionary Script Ill Only one person can read it PH2
107 Illusionary Script Only intended creatures can read the message PH2
108 Illusory Script Ill Only intended reader can decipher. PH3
109 Immediate Monster Summoning III Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL I monster without summoning sickness DM
110 Infravision Alt Target gains infravision PH2
111 Infravision Subject can see in darkness up to 60’ by detecting the heat of the surrounding PH2
112 Invisibility 15’ Radius Causes anyone in area of effect to become invisible PH2
113 Invisibility Sphere Ill Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. PH3
114 Invisibility, 10' Radius Ill Makes everyone within 10 ft. invisible. PH2
115 Invisible Mail Evo;Abj AT 7 source; +CL temporary hp PHBR4
116 Invisible Mail AC3 until it absorbed 1hp/level of caster PHBR2
117 Iron Mind Abj Immune charm; Immune hold; Immune illusion of SL <=3 PHBR4
118 Iron Mind Illusions Affected creature is immune to all charm and hold spell as well as any illusion of 3rd level or lower PHBR2
119 Item Alt Makes one object 1/12 normal size PH2
120 Item Shrink an object to 1/12 of its original size PH2
121 Keen Edge Alt Doubles normal weapon's threat range. PH3
122 Laeral's Dancing Dweomer Ill Confuses Detect Magic effects {1 group} FRA2
123 Leomund’s Tiny Hut 4h + 1h/lv It can hold up to 7 being. The temperature is normal, protects from elements, outsiders cannot be peer into it. Do not stops missiles or magic PH2
124 Leomund's Tiny Hut Alt Creates shelter for 10 creatures. PH3
125 Lightning Bolt Evo Electricity deals 1d6 damage/level. PH2&3
126 Lightning Bolt Bolt of electricity causing 1d6 hp/level of damage PH2
127 Lightning Bolt 3 Inv CLd6 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
128 Lorloveim’s Creeping Shadow Elongate caster shadow. Through the shadow caster can hear, see and speak. ToM
129 Lorloveim's Creeping Shadow TOM2
130 Magic Circle against C/E/G/L Abj As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level. PH3
131 Magic Missile 3 Inv (CL+1)*3/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
132 Major Image Ill As silent image, plus sound, smell and thermal effects. PH3
133 Maximilian’s Stony Grasp Stony arm reach for the target and grasp him penalizing him in fight ToM
134 Maximilian's Stony Grasp TOM2
135 Melf’s Minute Meteor Long lasting spell conjuring many magical stones, can be aimed at multiple target, causes 1d4 point of damage per meteors, has to be thrown PH2
136 Melf's Minute Meteors Evo CLd4 dmg earth to one target (no save) PH2
137 Minor Malison TOM2
138 Minor Malison Worsen one’s saving throws ToM
139 Monster Summoning 3 Cnj Summon a DL=1 monster DM
140 Monster Summoning I Cnj Summons 2d4 DL 1 monsters PH2
141 Monster Summoning I Summons 2d4 1st-level monsters PH2
142 Monster Swarm Summoning III Cnj Summons CL*3.5 (round down) DL II monsters DM
143 Mummy Touch Nec Mummy rot (caster is immune to Mummy rot) {Touch, 1+ creatures} FRA2
144 Mummy Touch Touch Firs it protect from mummy touch then the caster himself can cause mummy rot it touched individuals FRA
145 Nchaser’s Glowing Globe Permanent Alterable lamination from a continual light globe FRA
146 Nchaser's Glowing Globe Alt Continual Light; can be moved & dimmed {Touch, 1 group} FRA2
147 Nightscar Ill Invisible mark (can be seen w/ Nightscar spell) {1 target} FRA2
148 Nightscar Places a mark on a creature up to seven individuals and the caster can see it FRA
149 Nondetection Abj Hides subject from divination, scrying. PH2&3
150 Non-Detection Protect from detection for 1 hour/level PH2
151 Nystul's Golden Revelation Alt;Div Detect hidden, concealed, invisible, out-of-phase, ethereal GRA1
152 Nystul's Radiant Baton Evo Create weapon base dmg 2d4+CL+1, Final Word GRA1
153 Original Haste 3 Alt x2 # Attacks, x2 move rate DM
154 Otiluke's Acid Cloud Evo 4d4 dmg acid (no save) area; +1d4 dmg /round in area GRA1
155 Otto's Crystal Rhythms Enc Target cannot use hands (save) GRA1
156 Pain Touch Div Target is -2 TH, -2 AC (no save) PHBR4
157 Pain Touch Touch Worsen combat ability PHBR2
158 Paralyzation Ill Paralyzation (area) (save) (max HD = 2*CL) PH1
159 Paralyze Nec Paralysis 2d4 r (save) {Touch, 1+ creatures} FRA2
160 Paralyze Touch Paralyses touched beings FRA
161 Phantom Steed Cnj Magical horse appears for 1 hour/level. PH2&3
162 Phantom Steed Conjures mount which gains abilities by level of caster PH2
163 Power Word Blind 3 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -80 (no save) DM
164 Power Word Kill 3 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -60 (no save) DM
165 Power Word Stun 3 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -160 (no save) DM
166 Prismatic Sphere 3 Abj 1 Prismatic color DM
167 Prismatic Wall 3 Abj 3 Prismatic colors or 1 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
168 Pro. from All Lycanthropes Abj Thay
169 Pro. from Electricity Abj Thay
170 Pro. from Illusions Abj Thay
171 Pro. from Magic Weapons Abj Thay
172 Pro. from Paralyzation Abj Thay
173 Pro. from Specific Undead Abj Thay
174 Pro. from Telekinesis Abj South
175 Pro. from Water Abj Thay
176 Proof from Teleportation Abj Cannot teleport/gate/dim door into or out of area {1 group} FRA2
177 Proof from Teleportation 2 hours/level Inside warded area teleportation is impossible FRA
178 Protection from Elements Abj Absorb 12 damage/level from one kind of energy. PH3
179 Protection from Evil 10’ Radius Evil Like the protection from Evil spell PH2
180 Protection From Evil, 10' Radius Abj Duration 2*CL minutes PH2
181 Protection from Good 10’ Radius Good Like the protection from Good spell PH2
182 Protection From Normal Missiles Abj Duration CL turns PH2
183 Protection from Normal Missiles Bestows invulnerability to normal hurled or projected missiles, and reduce damage from magical missile attack (not the spell) by 1 per die PH2
184 Psionic Resistance Abj PsiR 40+CL*5% [duration 3 hours] DM
185 Put Out of Misery Nec Target being at negative hp that would die if unattended is slain (no save) DM
186 Ray of Enfeeblement 3 Cha -15 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
187 Redirection (medium) Ill (1M to cast, duration 1t) ½0, you have a summon: A monster selecting you selects your summon instead DM 4.0
188 Revenance Nec Immune to turning for one turn attempt {Touch, L creatures} FRA2
189 Revenance Temporary boost the undead willpower making it ignore one attempt to turn or destroy it FRA
190 Scintillating Sphere Electrical damage: 1d6 hp/level SSouth
191 Secret Page Alt Changes one page to hide its real content. PH2&3
192 Secret Page Alters the content of one page PH2
193 Sepia Snake Sigil Cnj Creates text symbol that immobilizes reader. PH2&3
194 Sepia Snake Sigil Written material can be warded by this spell. Unauthorized readers engulfed and rendered immobile by magical force PH2
195 Shield 3 Abj AT +12 source DM
196 Shrink Item Alt Object shrinks to one-twelfth size. PH3
197 Skull Watch Nec Alarm that shrieks (can be heard ¼ mile away) {Touch, 1 group} FRA2
198 Skull Watch 1t+1t/level Whenever someone pass in the front of the skull it emits a shriek, the wizard become aware of the intrusion FRA
199 Skullcap Abj +CL Will saves; +CL*2 Personality/Ego score DM
200 Skulltrap If touched by living vreatures or if the skull is damaged it explodes. Nec
201 Slay III Nec Slay 9 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=3) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
202 Sleet Storm Cnj Hampers vision and movement. PH3
203 Slow Alt x1/2 move rate, x1/2 #att, -4 AC, -4 TH, lose Dex mods PH2
204 Slow Alt CL subjects can use only 1S/segment, -2 AC, -2 melee rolls. PH3
205 Slow 1/level Slow down creatures, half the normal attack can only be made PH2
206 Snapping Teeth Cnj;Alt Automatically attacks each round for 1d4 dmg PHBR4
207 Snapping Teeth The subject control a mouthful of teeth and can attack with them causing 1d4 hp of damage PHBR2
208 Speak with Dead Div;Nec Thay
209 Specific Monster Summoning III Cnj Choose Humanoid, Water, Hound, or Psionic. You summon 8 DL III monsters of that type. DM 4.0
210 Spectral Force Ill Illusion PH2
211 Spectral Force Illusion containing visual, thermal, olfactory and sound components PH2
212 Spell Turning 3 Abj Turns the next CL/5 SL's of spells DM
213 Spellshaping I Meta Move a spell effect on target to yourself (they get save) DM
214 Sphere of Composition Evo CLd8 dmg, picks normal/para/quasi most vuln to, 50' sphere DM
215 Spirit Armor TOM2
216 Spirit Armor AC4, +3 on saves, ToM
217 Sporacle Orb (medium) Ill One target: 1 random medium [C] section effect (save) [or] two targets get low DM 4.0
218 Squaring the Circle TOM2
219 Squaring the Circle Alter the shape of spells of level 1-5 ToM
220 Steal Breath Nec Target living creature loses 50% hp (save to lose 10% hp) DM
221 Steam Breath OA1
222 Stinking Cloud Cnj Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level. PH3
223 Suggestion Enc Compels subject to follow stated course of action. PH2&3
224 Suggestion The caster suggest a course of action to be taken to the subject PH2
225 Summon Monster III Cnj Calls outsider (DL 3) to fight for you. PH3
226 Summon Monster Recall III Cnj Summons 2 DL III monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
227 Tangetongue Confuses verbal communication PH2
228 Target Alt (all others get +2/+2 TH/dmg vs. target) South
229 Tenser's Deadly Strike Alt Do maximum damage with weapons (still need to hit) GRA1
230 Tenser's Eye of the Eagle Alt;Div Sight range doubled; +2 TH with missile weapons GRA1
231 Tenser's Transformation 3 Alt +25% of max hp to current hp, -1 TH melee DM
232 Third Arm Growth Alt Grow an extra arm or leg [lose spell slot while running] DM
233 Time Stop 3 Alt Stops time for 1d2 segments DM
234 Tongues Alt;Div Speak any language. PH2&3
235 Tongues Subject can speak an additional language for a few rounds PH2
236 Treasure Finding Div Potion of Treasure Finding effect DM 4.0
237 Vampiric Touch Nec Touch deals 1d6/two caster levels; caster gains dmg as hp. PH2&3
238 Vampiric Touch Touch 1d6 hp /2 level transferred to the caster from the touched being PH2
239 Venomdust FOR1
240 Wacky Ball 3 / Normal / ½ Evo Area CLd6 dmg normal element (save: ½) DM
241 Ward Against Undead Abj;Nec Undead must save to enter area {1 group} FRA2
242 Ward against Undead 1r+1r/level Undead cannot enter warded area FRA
243 Water Breathing Alt Subjects can breathe underwater. PH2&3
244 Water Breathing One can breathe underwater PH2
245 Watery Double TOM2
246 Waves of Weariness Enc Unconscious (save) {1 creature} FRA2
247 Waves of Weariness Cause dizziness and exhaustion, the effect last for only one round FRA
248 Wind Wall Alt Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases. PH2&3
249 Wind Wall 10’ wide*5’ high/level Stop small insect and birds, gases, breath weapon. Hinder missile fire PH2
250 Wish 3 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 2 Wizard spell DM
251 Witchweed Evo (area: cannot vocalize spells, 2 dmg/r) South
252 Wizard Sight TOM2
253 Wizard Sight Caster's sense if someone is a spellcaster and can determine if he/she is a priest or a wizard. Caster can detect magic in objects ToM
254 Wraithform Alt;Ill Target becomes ethereal; need +1 weapon to hit PH2
255 Wraithform Caster become insubstantial, he cannot be harmed normally, nor he can attack or cast spells PH2

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.4] Level 4 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Acid Bolt Acid splash, only the target suffer damage on successive rounds Drow
2 Alley Summoning IV Cnj, Wild Summons a DL VIII alley monster, under your control, 4% chance per segment of losing control DM
3 Anti-Magic Shell 4 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 3 DM
4 Arcane Eye Div Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.) PH3
5 Armor 4 Abj +CL*8 current hp DM
6 Backlash Victims affected by his miscasted spell once Drow
7 Beltyn’s Burning Blood Open wounds burst into flames causing 3d4 hp/round of damage FRA
8 Beltyn's Burning Blood FRA2
9 Bestow Curse Alt -6 to an ability; -4 TH/saves/checks; or 50% lose each action PH3
10 Bestow Curse Lower combat ability of a single target PH2
11 Bigby’s Battering Gauntlet Special A battering ram, it can destroy doors. GRA1
12 Bigby’s Construction Crew Summons hands. They can preform carpentry work. GRA1
13 Bigby’s Force Sculpture A shapeable plane of force. Caster can create a frigid, non complicated item. GRA1
14 Brainkill Target forgets specified things Nec
15 Burst Monster IV Cnj Summons a DL V monster, not sick, has only 2S actions, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
16 Chain Lightning 4 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd4 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
17 Charm Any IV Enc Charm any one monster with 24 HD or less (save), creature with < 4 HD gets no save DM 4.0
18 Charm Monster Enc Makes monster believe it is your ally. PH2&3
19 Charm Monster Like the charm person but affect monsters PH2
20 Claigarde’s Claw or 1d4 hp/round which delivered by some claw FRA
21 Cone of Cold 4 Inv CLd8+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
22 Confusion Enc Makes subject behave oddly for 1 round/level. PH2&3
23 Confusion Confuses targets, who can wander away, attack friend or do nothing PH2
24 Contagion Nec Infects subject with chosen disease. PH2&3
25 Contagion Cause Disease in a creature PH2
26 Death Spell 4 Nec Slay 4d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
27 Detect Scrying Div Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. PH2&3
28 Detect Scrying Caster become aware if someone scry on him PH2
29 Dig Evo; Alt Moves earth PH2
30 Dig Caster can dig 125 cubic feet per round PH2
31 Dilation I TOM2
32 Dilation I Increase area of effect of spells of level 1-3 by 25% ToM
33 Dimension Door Alt Teleports you and up to 500 lb. PH2&3
34 Dimension Door Caster can teleport to 30m distance per level PH2
35 Dimension Door (DM) Does cause summoning sickness. You can look through the door, but cannot accurately target weapons through it. Spells cannot be cast through the door. Unwilling creatures are allowed a save to avoid the effect. If two dimension doors intersect, they will disappear, and the two ends of the effects that aren't intersecting become one "long distance" dimension door. It is possible to create a (higher level) version of the spell where one or both ends of the spell can move. DM
36 Dimensional Anchor Abj Bars extradimensional movement. PH3
37 Dispel 2 Enc Dispels 2 effects (ER to resist) DM 4.0
38 Dispel Exhaustion Ill Up to 4 people: Recover 50% lost hp and Haste. Yes, since this is an Illusion, one of the targets CAN disbelieve the effect and it turns off. This is usually not a good idea. PH1
39 Dispel Exhaustion 4 Alt Restore 50% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 4 for 1 round DM
40 Dispel Magic 4 Enc Dispel 2 magic effects DM
41 Dispel Psionics Abj Dispels Psionics DM
42 Divination Enhancement TOM2
43 Divination Enhancement Increase the duration and range of divination spells by 50%, spells must be of 1-4 level ToM
44 Drawmij's Instant Exit Alt; Cnj Teleports to a random location in 250'; no delay in effect GRA1
45 Duplicate Cnj Duplicates a non-special item (maintained effect) PHBR4
46 Duplicate Create an exact copy of any single item. PHBR2
47 Elemental Blast IV Inv CLd8 dmg to one group (no save, random E=4 element each time) DM 4.0
48 Emotion Enc Arouses strong emotion in subject. PH2&3
49 Emotion Confers various emotional states to subject PH2
50 Empathic Wound Transfer Transfer damage from a creature to the caster Nec
51 Enchanted Weapon Enc Weapon gets +1/+1 PH2
52 Enchanted Weapon Enchant a weapon PH2
53 Encrypt Make message unreadable to anyone save the caster and individuals named by him FRA
54 Enervation Nec Subject gains CL/4 negative levels. PH2
55 Enervation Nec Subject gains 1d4 negative levels. PH3
56 Enervation Cause energy drain for a few hour PH2
57 Evard’s Black Tentacles Tentacles appear in area of effect and attack anyone, those hit by them are trapped and suffer 3d4 hp/round PH2
58 Evard's Black Tentacles Cnj 1d4 +1/level tentacles grapple randomly within 15 ft. PH2&3
59 Extension I Alt +50% duration on a spell PH2
60 Extension I Prolongs the duration of spells of 1-3 level by 50% PH2
61 Far Reaching II TOM2
62 Far Reaching II Increase the range of spells of 1-2 level by doubling it, and 3 level by 50%, 4 level by 25% ToM
63 Fear Enc Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. PH2&3
64 Fear Fear stricken victims flee PH2
65 Feeblemind 4 Enc -20 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
66 Fire Aura Abj Immune Fire; anyone touching you takes 2d4 fire dmg PHBR4
67 Fire Aura Fire Besides protection from fire it also damages individuals, who touches the caster for 2d4 hp, and 1d6 for the following 2d4 rounds PHBR2
68 Fire Charm Enc Use a fire to charm a group of monsters PH2
69 Fire Charm Gazers of the enchanted fire are subject to a suggestion PH2
70 Fire Gate FRA2
71 Fire Gate Transportation between large fires, up to 50 m/level away FRA
72 Fire Shield Evo; Alt Creatures attacking you take fire damage; resist heat or cold. PH2&3
73 Fire Shield It protect from either cold or fire, attacking creature suffer double damage from fire or cold, caster suffer damage from the opposite attack PH2
74 Fire Shield 4 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 75% dmg back DM
75 Fire Trap Evo; Abj Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level damage. PH2&3
76 Fire Trap Permanent Closeable items can be trapped. Offending individuals suffer 1d4+1/lv hp of damage. Warded item not affected by explosion PH2
77 Fireball 4 Inv CLd8 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
78 Forward Haste IV Alt +5C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
79 Fumble Enc Drop held items PH2
80 Fumble Victims become clumsy and awkward PH2
81 Globe of Invulnerability 4 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 3 DM
82 Greater Malison TOM2
83 Greater Malison Worsens one’s saving throws ToM
84 Hallucinatory Terrain Ill Makes one type of terrain appear like another PH2&3
85 Hallucinatory Terrain Replaces exiting terrain with something else PH2
86 Halo of Eyes Abj; Cnj All-around sight; Infravision PHBR4
87 Halo of Eyes An eyeball sits atop caster head. It can see in every direction and has an infravision up to 60 yard. The wizard cannot be surprised, attacked from behind with bonuses etc. PHBR2
88 Ice Storm Evo Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. PH2&3
89 Ice Storm 3d10 point of ice damage PH2
90 Illusionary Wall Ill Makes a wall that looks like whatever you want PH2
91 Illusionary Wall Permanent 1’ * 10’ *10’ Illusion of a wall PH2
92 Illusory Wall Ill Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through PH3
93 Ilyykur’s Mantle +3 saving throw bonuses vs. charm magic, +1 for all other, and halve any damage from electrical attack FRA
94 Immediate Monster Summoning IV Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL II monster without summoning sickness DM
95 Improved Invisibility Ill As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. PH2&3
96 Improved Invisibility Invisibility but subject can attack and the spell will not broke. PH2
97 Innate Resistance Abj InnR 30+CL*5% [duration 4 hours] DM
98 Leomund’s Secure Shelter 1d4+1 hour + 1 hour/level Conjure a cottage. It withstands winds, but has no cooling or heating apparatus. Resist fire, as it was stone. The doors and windows are wizard locked, the entrance points are alarmed. An unseen servant is conjured with the cottage. PH2
99 Leomund's Secure Shelter Alt; Enc Creates sturdy cottage. PH2&3
100 Lesser Geas Enc Commands subject of 7 HD or less. PH3
101 Lightning Bolt 4 Inv CLd8 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
102 Locate Creature TOM2
103 Locate Creature Div Indicates direction to familiar creature. PH3
104 Locate Creature Like the locate object but caster can find living creatures ToM
105 Magic Mirror Enc; Div Acts as a crystal ball PH2
106 Magic Mirror Like a crystal ball PH2
107 Magic Missile 4 Inv (CL+1)*2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
108 Mask of Death TOM2
109 Mask of Death A dead body appears to be someone else. ToM
110 Massmorph Alt Group of monsters appear to be trees PH2
111 Massmorph Subject appears to be trees, up 10 times the caster level can appear to be so. PH2
112 Minor Creation Cnj Creates one cloth or wood object. PH2&3
113 Minor Creation Create an object from material from the plane of Shadow, so it's nearly an illusion, but the item functions normally. PH2
114 Minor Globe of Invulnerability Abj Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects. PH2&3
115 Minor Globe of Invulnerability Immovable barrier that protect from 1-3 level spells PH2
116 Minor Spell Turning TOM2
117 Minor Spell Turning A lesser version of the spell turning spell ToM
118 Missile Mastery FRA2
119 Missile Mastery Caster can alter the flight of missiles stopping them or hurling them back FRA
120 Monster Summoning 4 Cnj Summon a DL=2 monster DM
121 Monster Summoning II Cnj Summons a DL II monster (maintained effect) PH2
122 Monster Summoning II Summons 1d6 2nd level monsters PH2
123 Monster Swarm Summoning IV Cnj Summons CL*3 DL III monsters DM
124 Mordenkainen’s Celerity Adds 25% to duration of any spell of 1-3 level which affects movement ToM
125 Mordenkainen's Celerity TOM2
126 Mordenkainen's Electric Arc Evo Generate CL/3 lightning bolts; each does 1d6+CL dmg GRA1
127 Nystul's Blacklight Burst Evo CLd4 dmg negative and slowed (area) (save:½ & ignore slow) GRA1
128 Nystul's Lightburst Evo Blindness (area) (no save) GRA1
129 Original Haste 4 Alt x5/2 # Attacks, x5/2 move rate DM
130 Original Stoneskin 4 Abj Block the next 1 P action of attacks DM
131 Otiluke’s Dispelling Screen 1r/level Anyone passing through it subject to a dispel magic PHBR2
132 Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere A globe of force can contain an individual. Nothing can pass in or out. PH2
133 Otiluke's Dispelling Screen Evo; Abj Wall of Dispel Magic (normal chance of success) PHBR4
134 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Evo; Alt Force globe protects but traps one subject. PH2&3
135 Otiluke's Steaming Sphere Evo 4d4 dmg steam (area) (no save), lasts for 3 rounds GRA1
136 Otto's Drums of Despair Enc -2 TH/dmg/saves (area) GRA1
137 Otto's Tonal Attack Enc Can't cast spells (save to be at -2 CL instead) GRA1
138 Phantasmal Killer Ill Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage. PH2&3
139 Phantasmal Killer Illusionary monster fight the target PH2
140 Phase Trap FRA2
141 Phase Trap Deprives a creature to exist in two plane, and lock it into the Prime Material Plane FRA
142 Plague Create an illusion of a plague, it even spreads! FRA
143 Plant Growth Alt Doubles plants PH2
144 Plant Growth Causes the vegetation to thicken PH2
145 Polymorph Other Alt Gives one subject a new form. PH2&3
146 Polymorph Other Polymorph someone other to something else PH2
147 Polymorph Self Alt You assume a new form (no innate abilities) PH2&3
148 Polymorph Self Polymorph the caster to an other creature PH2
149 Power Word Blind 4 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < -40 (no save) DM
150 Power Word Kill 4 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < -30 (no save) DM
151 Power Word Stun 4 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < -80 (no save) DM
152 Prismatic Sphere 4 Abj 2 Prismatic colors DM
153 Prismatic Wall 4 Abj 4 Prismatic colors or 2 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
154 Psionic Dampener Disrupt the psionic activities of one individual DS
155 Rainbow Pattern Ill Lights prevent 24 HD from attacking or moving away. PH2&3
156 Rainbow Pattern Movable version of the Hypnotic Pattern PH2
157 Ramael’s Cyclical Light Permanent Continual light that responds to the outer light by darkening in daylight and brightening in darkness. SSouth
158 Rary’s Mnemonic Enhancer Either you memorize 3 spell level of spell upon casting this or retain memory of an another which was cast in the previous round PH2
159 Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer Alt Add 3 spell levels (any combination) to memorization PH2&3
160 Ray of Enfeeblement 4 Cha -20 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
161 Raze Turns vegetation to lifeless ash DS
162 Remove Curse Abj Frees object or person from curse. PH2&3
163 Remove Curse Remove curses. PH2
164 Scrying Div Spies on subject from a distance. PH3
165 Shadow Conjuration Ill Duplicate any 0th-3rd SL Conjuration spell PH3
166 Shadow Monster Illusionary monsters, 1HD/level can be divided, 20% PH2
167 Shadow Monsters Ill Summon a DL V monster (maintained), but it's only 20% real PH2
168 Sharp Alt Target is Sharped (loses a limb at random) (PP save) DM
169 Shield 4 Abj AT +16 source DM
170 Shout Evo Deafens all within cone and deals 2d6 damage. PH2&3
171 Shout Cause 2d6 point of damage plus deafens anyone for 2d6 rounds PH2
172 Slay IV Nec Slay 16 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=4) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
173 Solid Fog Alt Blocks vision and slows movement. PH2&3
174 Solid Fog Creates a billowing mass of misty vapors, hinders sight and movement PH2
175 Specific Monster Summoning IV Cnj Choose Lycanthrope, Ooze, Space, or Wurm. You summon 7 DL IV monsters of that type. DM 4.0
176 Spectral Wing Misty flying steed which can transport others FRA
177 Spell Turning 4 Abj Turns the next CL/4 SL's of spells DM
178 Spendelard’s Chaser Negate the effect of drugs, alcohol, it also grants a second saving throw against poison FRA
179 Spider Strand A very strong spider strand holds the creature. It can be attached to anything. Like spider man’s single shoot. DK
180 Spider Strands DK2
181 Stoneskin It blocks 1d4 plus one attack per two level of caster PH2
182 Stoneskin (1) Alt 1 Stoneskin that stops any 1 attack sequence (1P of actions). There is no leak damage. UA1
183 Stoneskin (2) Alt 4+CL/2 stoneskins; they "leak": Each hit on a Stoneskin "leaks" damage equal to the magical plusses of the weapon used (or HD/4 if the attacker is a creature). A miss knocks off a Stoneskin, but causes no leak damage. Special damaging effects (fireball, etc.) knock off 1 stoneskin per packet of damage (so a magic missile spell knocks off 1 stoneskin per missile).
Optional House Rule: A natural "1" doesn't knock off a stoneskin; a natural "20" knocks off a stoneskin and causes full damage.
184 Stoneskin (3) Abj Stops blows: DR 10/+5 [max 10*CL dmg absorbed] PH3
185 Stop Affected creature cannot move away, he can move his limb freely Drow
186 Summon Lycanthrope TOM2
187 Summon Lycantrope Summons lycantrope but gives no control over the creature ToM
188 Summon Monster IV Cnj Summons a DL IV monster (duration 1t) PH3
189 Summon Monster Recall IV Cnj Summons 2 DL IV monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
190 Summon Spirit Summon a spirit for questioning Nec
191 Tenser's Transformation 4 Alt +50% of max hp to current hp DM
192 There/Not There TOM2
193 Thunder Staff TOM2
194 Thunder Staff Inst. Stuns Stuns or deafen creatures ToM
195 Thunderlance FRA2
196 Thunderlance until hit 4d6 Ignore armor. The lance can breach minor abjuration magic FRA
197 Time Stop 4 Alt Stops time for 1d5 segments DM
198 Transmute Sand to Stone Transmutes sand to stone DS
199 Transmute Stone to Sand Transmutes stone to sand DS
200 Turn Pebble to Boulder TOM2
201 Turn Pebble to Boulder A pebble turn into a boulder that causes 3d6+8 points of damage. For every 3 level above 7 the caster can enchant another pebble ToM
202 Unluck TOM2
203 Vacancy Alt; Ill Makes an area appear vacant PH2
204 Vacancy 1hour/level Warded area appears vacant, unused. PH2
205 Wacky Ball 4 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld8 dmg normal element (area) (save: ½) DM
206 Wacky Bolt 4 / Normal / ½ Evo Ld10 dmg normal element (one target) (save: ½) DM
207 Wall of Fire Evo Passing through wall deals 2d6+CL dmg fire PH2&3
208 Wall of Fire 20’ sq./level sheet Damage individual near or passing through it. PH2
209 Wall of Ice Evo Passing through wall deals 2*CL or 3d10 dmg ice PH2&3
210 Wall of Ice 1t/level plane, sheet or hemisphere Slippery plane, damaging sheet or defending hemisphere. PH2
211 Wall of Sand FRA2
212 Wall of Sand 1r/level 1’/lv thick 12’ high and 4’/lv long Hinder movement, casting, sight, combat etc. FRA
213 Watchware Ward a nonliving object. Whenever it is disturbed or moved the wizard will know it FRA
214 Weaken Webs Recipient can move freely through webs. DK
215 Wind Breath Evo Gust of Wind: (1d4)d6 dmg to ground; (4+1d6)d6 dmg to flying PHBR4
216 Wind Breath Causes a great force of wind to blow from the caster mouth. It can render boats useless, force flying creatures to land, blow away smoke and other things PHBR2
217 Wish 4 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 3 Wizard spell DM
218 Wizard Eye Div; Alt Invisible eye, can see through, moves at 3" rate PH2
219 Wizard Eye Wizard can move this magical eyeball 30’ per round or 10’ per round if examining. PH2

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.5] Level 5 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Advanced Illusion PH2
2 Advanced Illusion Olfactory, visual, thermal and sound components. Follow a programmed pattern, no need for concentration PH2
3 Airy Water PH2
4 Airy Water Liquid become less dense thus breathable PH2
5 Alley Summoning V Cnj, Wild Summons a DL X alley monster, under your control, 5% chance per segment of losing control DM
6 Animal Growth PH2
7 Animal Growth One animal/two levels doubles in size, HD. PH3
8 Animal Growth Doubles HD of creature PH2
9 Animate Dead PH2
10 Animate Dead Creates undead skeletons and zombies. PH3
11 Animate Undead Animates skeletons or zombies PH2
12 Anti-Magic Shell 5 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 4 DM
13 Anti-Radioactive Shell DM (new)
14 Armor 5 Abj +CL*10 current hp DM
15 Attraction Permanent Individuals drawn to the object PH2
16 Avoidance PH2
17 Avoidance Permanent None can come closer than a foot to the object PH2
18 Bigby’s Fantastic Fencer 1d8 Summons a few long sword wielding hand. They attack as a fighter half the level as the caster. GRA1
19 Bigby’s Interposing Hand The hand provides cover from a selected opponent PH2
20 Bigby’s Strangling Grip It functions as a garrote, killing one creature. GRA1
21 Bigby’s Superior Force Sculpture Created object can be more complex. GRA1
22 Bigby's Fantastic Fencers GRA1
23 Bigby's Interposing Hand PH2
24 Bigby's Interposing Hand Hand provides 90% cover against one opponent. PH3
25 Bigby's Strangling Grip GRA1
26 Bind Undead Hamper corporeal undeads, slow noncorporeal undeads Nec
27 Bone Blight Target bones embittered, it will kill the target in some time Nec
28 Bowgentle’s Fleeting Journey Teleports to a location and after a round teleports back FRA
29 Burst Monster V Cnj Summons a DL VI monster, not sick, has only 3S actions, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
30 Chain Lightning 5 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd5 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
31 Chaos PH2
32 Chaos Only fighters, enchanters and low intelligent monsters can save against this form of confusion PH2
33 Charm Any V Enc Charm any one monster with 35 HD or less (save), creature with < 5 HD gets no save DM 4.0
34 Cloudkill PH2
35 Cloudkill Kills 3 HD or less; 4-6 HD save or die. PH3
36 Cloudkill Low level opponent are slain, above 6 HD they suffer 1d10 hp per round in the cloud PH2
37 Cone of Cold PH2
38 Cone of Cold 1d6 cold damage/level. PH3
39 Cone of Cold 1d4+1 hp/level of ice damage in a cone shaped area PH2
40 Cone of Cold 5 Inv CLd10+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
41 Confusion No Save Enc Confusion one target (no save) DM
42 Conjure Elemental PH2
43 Conjure Elemental Conjures a 8 HD elemental PH2
44 Contact Other Plane PH2
45 Contact Other Plane Ask question of extraplanar entity. PH3
46 Contact other Plane Caster can ask questions from an outer planar creature PH2
47 Darsson’s Music Box Permanent It can record a tune and play it back as often as the caster wishes. SSouth
48 Death Spell 5 Nec Slay 5d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
49 Demi-Shadow Monster Illusionary monsters, 1HD/level can be divided, 40% PH2
50 Demishadow Monsters PH2
51 Disguise Undead Alter the appearance of one undead per level FRA
52 Dismissal PH2
53 Dismissal Forces a creature to return to native plane. PH3
54 Dismissal Send a creature back to it’s own plane PH2
55 Dispel 3 Enc Dispels 3 effects (ER to resist) DM 4.0
56 Dispel Exhaustion 5 Alt Restore 75% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 5 for 1 round DM
57 Dispel Innates DM
58 Dispel Magic 5 Enc Dispel 3 magic effects DM
59 Distance Distortion PH2
60 Distance Distortion 2t/level Height or length of passage appears longer or shorter PH2
61 Dolor UA1
62 Dominate Person Controls humanoid telepathically. PH3
63 Domination PH2
64 Domination Completely controls one creature PH2
65 Dream PH2
66 Dream Sends message to anyone sleeping. PH3
67 Dream Can deliver a message to a specific individual via dreams PH2
68 Elemental Blast V Inv CLd10 dmg to one group (no save, random E=5 element each time) DM 4.0
69 Enslave Monster Enc As Charm Monster, except the effect cannot be thrown off by being damaged, and there is no daily save check. DM
70 Extension II PH2
71 Extension II Prolongs the duration of spells of 1-4 level by 50% PH2
72 Extra Group +1 MetaMagic The next spell you cast will affect +1 groups of monsters DM
73 Fabricate PH2
74 Fabricate Transforms raw materials into finished items. PH3
75 Fabricate Fabricate an object from it’s material PH2
76 False Vision PH2
77 False Vision Fools scrying with an illusion. PH3
78 False Vision If caster know he is being scryied he can cast this spell and make himself and his surrounding undetectable from scrying PH2
79 Far Reaching III TOM2
80 Far Reaching III Increase the range of spell of level 1-3 by 150%, 4-5 level by 50% ToM
81 Feeblemind PH2
82 Feeblemind Subject's Int drops to 1. PH3
83 Feeblemind This spell permanently lower the victim Wis and Int PH2
84 Feeblemind 5 Enc -25 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
85 Fire Shield 5 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 100% dmg back DM
86 Fireball 5 Inv CLd10 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
87 Force Shapechange PHBR4
88 Force Shapechange Force any spaheshifters back to it’s original form PHBR2
89 Forward Haste V Alt +6C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
90 Globe of Invulnerability 5 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 4 DM
91 Graft Fleash Attach some body-part to a recipient, it is good for reattaching severed limbs Nec
92 Greater Shadow Conjuration As shadow conjuration, but up to 4th level and 40% real. PH3
93 Hold Monster PH2
94 Hold Monster As hold person, but any creature. PH3
95 Hold Monster 1d4 creature Paralyses creatures unless save is made PH2
96 Immediate Monster Summoning V Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL III monster without summoning sickness DM
97 Improved Free Action Enc Immune Capital S Stun, Stop, Hold, Paralysis, Summoning Sickness; Hold P,V actions DM
98 Improved Skull Watch Until activated Converse who entered the warded area, emits shriek. FRA
99 Invulnerability to Normal Weapons PHBR4
100 Invulnerability to Normal Weapons Immovable sphere which protect from any damage from nonmagical weapons PHBR2
101 Ironguard FRA2
102 Ironguard Metal Confers immunity to any form of metal FRA
103 Khazid’s Procurement Allows easy access to dangerous spell component ToM
104 Khazid's Procurement TOM2
105 Know Value PHBR4
106 Know Value Reveal the value of items in area of effect PHBR2
107 Leomund’s Lamentable Belaborment Draw subject to a discussion. As time goes on the either become confused, raged or lament their own foolishness PH2
108 Leomund’s Secret Chest 60 day Places a chest to the ethereal plane PH2
109 Leomund's Lamentable Belaborment PH2
110 Leomund's Secret Chest PH2
111 Leomund's Secret Chest Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will. PH3
112 Lesser Planar Binding Traps outsider until it performs a task. PH3
113 Lightning Bolt 5 Inv CLd10 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
114 Lower Resistance TOM2
115 Lower Resistance Lowers one’s magic resistance ToM
116 Magic Jar PH2
117 Magic Jar Enables possession of another creature. PH3
118 Magic Jar Life force change between the caster and someone else PH2
119 Magic Missile 5 Inv (CL+1)*5/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
120 Magic Staff TOM2
121 Magic Staff Special by spell The staff stores spells ToM
122 Major Creation PH2
123 Major Creation As minor creation, plus stone and metal. PH3
124 Major Creation Like the Minor Creation but last longer PH2
125 Mask Quantum State Ill Makes your Quantum State appear to match the current Omniverse DM
126 Mass OA1
127 Maze PH1
128 Metal Skin OA1
129 Mind Fog TOM2
130 Mind Fog Subjects in fog get -10 Wis, Will checks. PH3
131 Mind Fog Worsen victims resistance vs. mental attack ToM
132 Mirage Arcana As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures. PH3
133 Monster Summoning 5 Cnj Summon a DL=3 monster DM
134 Monster Summoning III PH2
135 Monster Summoning III Summons 1d4 3rd level monsters PH2
136 Monster Swarm Summoning V Cnj Summons CL*2.5 (round down) DL IV monsters DM
137 Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound It can be used to guard the study during a dangerous experiment. The watchdog sees everything and alert the caster by loud barking PH2
138 Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum Protect a room from detection. PHBR2
139 Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound PH2
140 Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound Phantom dog can guard, attack. PH3
141 Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum PHBR4
142 Mummy Rot PHBR4
143 Mummy Rot Touch Cause rotting disease in victim PHBR2
144 Nightmare Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue. PH3
145 Nightmare Special Sends nightmares which causes 1d10 point of damage and leaves subject fatigued PH2
146 Nulathoe’s Ninemen Protect body from decay and being animated FRA
147 Nystul's Enveloping Darkness GRA1
148 Nystul's Radiant Arch GRA1
149 Original Haste 5 Alt x3 # Attacks, x3 move rate DM
150 Original Stoneskin 5 Abj Block the next 2 P actions of attacks DM
151 Otiluke's Polar Screen GRA1
152 Otiluke's Radiant Screen GRA1
153 Otto's Gong of Isolation GRA1
154 Passwall You can cast the spell below a person's feet, and they fall (no save because the spell is affecting the ground, not them). If the spell ends while someone is inside it, they are ejected to the closest end. DM
155 Passwall PH2
156 Passwall Breaches walls 1 ft. thick/level. PH3
157 Passwall Open passage through wooden, plaster or stone wall PH2
158 Passweb Affected creature can pass through a web as it do not exist Drow
159 Permanency Makes certain spells permanent; costs XP. PH3
160 Persistent Image As major image, but no concentration required. PH3
161 Power Word Blind 5 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 0 (no save) DM
162 Power Word Kill 5 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 0 (no save) DM
163 Power Word Stun 5 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 0 (no save) DM
164 Presper’s Moonbow Four glowing motes appear, each cause less damage than the one before, must be thrown with +3 FRA
165 Presper's Moonbow FRA2
166 Prismatic Bolt Ill Prismatic Spray on one target DM
167 Prismatic Sphere 5 Abj 3 Prismatic colors or 1 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
168 Prismatic Wall 5 Abj 5 Prismatic colors or 3 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
169 Prying Eyes 1d4 floating eyes +1/level scout for you. PH3
170 Rapid Reflexive Response Caster can grab incoming missiles and hurl them back SSouth
171 Rary’s Telepathic Bond Forms a telepathic bond between willing subjects PHBR2
172 Rary's Superior Spell Enhancer GRA1
173 Rary's Telepathic Bond PHBR4
174 Rary's Telepathic Bond Link lets allies communicate. PH3
175 Ray of Enfeeblement 5 Cha -25 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
176 Redirection (high) Ill (1M to cast, duration 1t) 1N, you have a summon: A monster selecting you selects your summon instead DM 4.0
177 Rejuvenate Dispel the efect of defiling magic in DS
178 Safeguarding TOM2
179 Safeguarding It protect the wizard from his own spells ToM
180 Secure Permanent Close a door. No magic, fire, cold, electricity etc. can harm it. It protected from normal attack for a few rounds. FRA
181 Seeming PH2
182 Seeming Changes appearance of one person/two levels. PH3
183 Seeming Changes the appearance of persons for 12 hour PH2
184 Sending PH2
185 Sending Delivers short message anywhere, instantly. PH3
186 Sending Caster can send a brief message to a familiar person, and he can answer it PH2
187 Shadow Door PH2
188 Shadow Door Conjure an illusionary door and the caster “escapes” through it. The caster becomes invisible. PH2
189 Shadow Evocation Mimics evocation less than 5th level. PH3
190 Shadow Magic PH2
191 Shadow magic Illusionary evocation spells PH2
192 Shield 5 Abj AT +20 source DM
193 Shrink Animal Reduce HD of an animal PH2
194 Shroud of Flame One creature burst into flame and suffer 2d6 hp of damage every round FRA
195 Slay V Nec Slay 25 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=5) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
196 Snilloc’s major Missile Like the first level Magic Missile but cause more missile to appear FRA
197 Specific Monster Summoning V Cnj Choose Elemental, Undead, Alien, or Inner. You summon 6 DL V monsters of that type. DM 4.0
198 Spell Turning 5 Abj Turns the next CL/3 SL's of spells DM
199 Spirit Self OA1
200 Sporacle Orb (high) Ill One target: 1 random high [C] section effect (save) [or] two targets medium [or] three low DM 4.0
201 Stone Shape PH2
202 Stone Shape Sculpts stone into any form. PH3
203 Stone Shape Permanently alter the form of stone PH2
204 Summon Monster Recall V Cnj Summons 2 DL V monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
205 Summon Monster V Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
206 Summon Shadow PH2
207 Summon Shadow Summons a shadow PH2
208 Telekinesis PH2
209 Telekinesis Lifts or moves 25 lb./level at long range. PH3
210 Telekinesis 25 pound of material can be telekineticaly moved PH2
211 Teleport PH2
212 Teleport Instantly transports you anywhere. PH3
213 Teleport Distance is no factor in teleporting, caster can transport himself and 112 kg + 67kg/level above 10. PH2
214 Tempus Fugit Ill Yes, this spell does seem like a SUPER haste effect to those outside of the area of effect. Those inside get 6 full rounds of actions (including mentals!) for each 1 round of actions that the people outside get. If anyone enters or leaves the area of effect (or if the spell is dispelled), those who experience a "time frame shift" will have summoning sickness for 1r. The reverse will acts as super slow effect (useful as a x6 slow poison). Again, like Dispel Exhaustion, this effect is an Illusion, and someone inside can disbelieve it to turn it off. UA1
215 Tempus Fugit UA1
216 Tenser's Primal Fury GRA1
217 Tenser's Transformation 5 Alt +75% of max hp to current hp, +1 TH melee DM
218 Throbbing Bones PHBR4
219 Throbbing Bones cause 1d4 point of damage per round, and worsen AC by 2, attack with -2 penalty PHBR2
220 Time Stop 5 Alt Stops time for 1d10 segments DM
221 Transmute Mud to Rock Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH3
222 Transmute Mud to Rock Transmutes mud to rock PH2
223 Transmute Rock to Mud PH2
224 Transmute Rock to Mud Transforms two 10-ft. cubes/level. PH3
225 Transmute Rock to Mud Transmutes rock to mud PH2
226 Twilight Enc Target is Twilighted for CL segments (Will save) DM
227 Von Gasik’s Refusal 1 hour/level Prevent unauthorized spellcaster from entering hallway, door or window ToM
228 Von Gasik's Refusal TOM2
229 Vortex TOM2
230 Wacky Ball 5 / Normal / ½ (Ld10, save: ½) DM
231 Wall of Bones PHBR4
232 Wall of Bones 1 turn 10’ sq./level provide 50% cover, damage being who pass through it PHBR2
233 Wall of Force The wall only stops spell effects, hurled objects, and breath weapons. People and psionic effects can pass through at no penalty. A "solid" Wall of Force (Force Field) would be an 8th level spell. DM
234 Wall of Force PH2
235 Wall of Force Wall is immune to damage. PH3
236 Wall of Force 1t+1r/level 10’ sq./level Stops all attack and spells PH2
237 Wall of Iron PH2
238 Wall of Iron 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes. PH3
239 Wall of Iron Permanent 15’ sq./level Insert into area PH2
240 Wall of Stone PH2
241 Wall of Stone 20 hp/four levels; can be shaped. PH3
242 Wall of Stone Permanent 20’ sq./level Insert into area PH2
243 Waveform TOM2
244 Weapon Resistance Abj WR 20+CL*5% [duration 5 hours] DM
245 Wish 5 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 4 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.6] Level 6 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Acid Fog Fog deals acid damage. PH3
2 Analyze Dweomer Reveals magical aspects of subject. PH3
3 Antimagic Field Negates magic within 10 ft. PH3
4 Anti-Magic Shell Turns off spells and magical effects of spell levels 0-5. DM
5 Anti-Magic Shell All magic ceases to function inside the sphere. PH2
6 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-5th) PH2
7 Anti-Magic Shell 6 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 5 DM
8 Anti-Stat Field Alt Choose a stat. For 1 turn, all within 10' get set -CL to that stat (including you). DM
9 Armor 6 Abj +CL*12 current hp DM
10 Augmentation II TOM2
11 Augmentation II Augments the damage inflicted by spells of level 1-3 ToM
12 Bigby’s Besieging Bolt Special Functions as a siege engine. GRA1
13 Bigby’s Forceful Hand Push away target from the caster PH2
14 Bigby's Forceful Hand PH2
15 Bigby's Forceful Hand Hand pushes creatures away. PH3
16 Blackmantle PHBR4
17 Blackmantle All creature inside will not heal for 1t/level unless save is made. It renders natural or magical regeneration as well as any curative magic useless during the spell duration PHBR2
18 Blade of Doom It is a curse and not a weapon FRA
19 Bloodstone’s Spectral Steed Summons vulture like flying creature which can transport the casters and others with him ToM
20 Bloodstone's Spectral Steed TOM2
21 Burst Monster VI Cnj Summons a DL VII monster, not sick, has only 3S actions, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
22 Capital S Stun Ball Alt Area effect Capital S Stun (PPD save) DM
23 Chain Lightning PH2
24 Chain Lightning 1d6 damage/level; secondary bolts. PH3
25 Chain Lightning 1d6 hp/level of damage which lessen every time it hit another target, the electrical charge jump to the closest victim PH2
26 Chain Lightning 6 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd6 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
27 Charm Any VI Enc Charm any one monster (save), creature with < 10 HD gets no save DM 4.0
28 Circle of Death Kills 1d4 HD/level. PH3
29 Claw of the Umber Hulk Subject can dig like an umber hulk, subject can attack with his now huge claw ToM
30 Claws of the Umber Hulk TOM2
31 Cone of Cold 6 Inv CLd12+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
32 Conjure Animals PH2
33 Conjure Animals Twice the level of caster in HD of mammal can be conjured PH2
34 Contigency A spell will come into effect upon specific condition PH2
35 Contingency Each creature can only have 1 Contingency spell on him. If the contingency spell is dispelled, the effect inside it will be released. If a spell is released (due to triggering or dispelling), it will not take place until the end of the segment. The spell Chain Contingency CAN be cast upon a creature with Contingency, so the creature can benefit from both. The spell level limit is removed. DM
36 Contingency PH2
37 Contingency Sets trigger condition for another spell. PH3
38 Control Water Raises, lowers, or parts bodies of water. PH3
39 Control Weather PH2
40 Control Weather Changes weather in local area. PH3
41 Control Weather Caster can change the weather of the area PH2
42 Corpse Host Recipient intellect is transferred to a fresh corpse, recipient’s own body can sense but paralyzed Nec
43 Create Water Creates one 10-foot cube of water per spell level PH2
44 Dead Man’s Eyes Low HD victim will slain if gazed by caster, tougher enemies suffer 2d6 hp of damage unless save vs. death magic PHBR2
45 Dead Man's Eyes PHBR4
46 Death Fog PH2
47 Death Fog Cause damage every round it contact with a creature PH2
48 Death Spell PH2
49 Death Spell Affect max. 8+3 HD monster, those effected are slain without saving throw PH2
50 Death Spell 6 Nec Slay 6d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
51 Demishadow Magic PH2
52 Demi-Shadow Magic Illusionary evocation spells PH2
53 Dilation Increase the area of effect of spells of 1-3 level by 50%, and 4-5 level by 25% ToM
54 Dilation II TOM2
55 Disintegrate PH2
56 Disintegrate Makes one creature or object vanish. PH3
57 Disintegrate Disintegrates a single victim PH2
58 Dispel 4 Enc Dispels 4 effects (ER to resist) DM 4.0
59 Dispel Exhaustion 6 Alt Restore 85% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 6 for 1 round DM
60 Dispel Magic 6 Enc Dispel 4 magic effects DM
61 DNA Scamble Blast Alt Area DNA Scamble (PP save) DM
62 Doom Legion Animates the undead in a battlesite DS
63 Dragon Scales PHBR4
64 Dragon Scales Better the AC of one individual by 2 for the given time, reduces Chr by 2 PHBR2
65 Effects Resistance Abj ER 10+CL*5% [duration 6 hours] DM
66 Elemental Blast VI Inv CLd12 dmg to one group (no save, random E=6 element each time) DM 4.0
67 Enchant an Item PH2
68 Enchant an Item Essential spell for creating magical items PH2
69 Ensnarement PH2
70 Ensnarement Summons outer planar creature PH2
71 Extension III PH2
72 Extension III Prolongs the duration of spell of 1-3 level by doubling it and 4-5 level by 50% PH2
73 Eyebite PH2
74 Eyebite Charm, fear, sicken or sleep one subject. PH3
75 Eyebite Cause spell/fear/sicken or sleep on gazed individual PH2
76 Feeblemind 6 Enc -30 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
77 Fire Shield 6 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 125% dmg back DM
78 Fireball 6 Inv CLd12 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
79 Flesh to Stone Turns subject creature into statue. PH3
80 Flesh to Stone Makes living thing to become stone PH2
81 Forest’s Fiery Constrictor A fiery snake manages to attack the target which causes 3d6 hp of fire damage round after the successful attack ToM
82 Forest's Fiery Constrictor TOM2
83 Forward Haste VI Alt +7C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
84 Geas PH2
85 Geas Makes one a servant of the caster PH2
86 Geas/Quest As lesser geas, plus it affects any creature. PH3
87 Ghoul Gauntlet Slowly transforms someone to ghoul Nec
88 Glassee PH2
89 Glassee Makes wood, stone or metal transparent either for only himself or for anyone PH2
90 Globe of Invulnerability PH2
91 Globe of Invulnerability As minor globe, plus 4th level. PH3
92 Globe of Invulnerability Immovable barrier that protect from 1-4 level spells PH2
93 Globe of Invulnerability 6 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 5 DM
94 Greater Dispelling As dispel magic, but +20 on check. PH3
95 Greater Shadow Evocation As shadow evocation, but up to 5th level. PH3
96 Grimwald’s Greymantle A bone skull must hit the target and then the being is subject to a Balckmantle for FRA
97 Grimwald's Greymantle FRA2
98 Guard and Wards 1hour/level The tower of the wizard becomes hostile for intruders. Visibility reduced, stairs covered with web, confusion in corridors, everything radiates magic etc. PH2
99 Guards and Wards PH2
100 Guards and Wards Array of magic effects protect area. PH3
101 Imbue Undead with Spell Ability FRA2
102 Imbue Undead with Spell Ability Imbue one undead with the ability to cast one of the caster’s spell FRA
103 Immediate Monster Summoning VI Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL IV monster without summoning sickness DM
104 Improved Haste DK2
105 Improved Haste Like a haste spell, but do not age creature. Add to dexterity, and initiative. DK
106 Improved Slow DK2
107 Improved Slow Slows creature to their 1/9 normal rate. DK
108 Invisible Stalker PH2
109 Invisible Stalker Conjures a 8 HD invisible stalker PH2
110 Invulnerability to Magical Weapons PHBR4
111 Invulnerability to Magical Weapons Immovable sphere which protect from any damage from magical weapons PHBR2
112 Legend Lore PH2
113 Legend Lore Learn tales about a person, place, or thing. PH3
114 Legend Lore Provides information on past or mysterious events, objects or persons PH2
115 Lich Touch FRA2
116 Lich Touch Touch Inflict 1d10 points of damage per touch and cause paralysis, protect from paralysis and fear FRA
117 Lightning Bolt 6 Inv CLd12 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
118 Lorloveim’s Shadowy Transformation Turn object or creature into shadow. Shadowy things can be passed through. ToM
119 Lorloveim's Shadowy Transformation TOM2
120 Lower Water PH2
121 Lower Water Can alter the depth of water by 2’/level by shrinking it PH2
122 Magic Missile 6 Inv (CL+1)*3 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
123 Mass Haste As haste, affects one/level subjects. PH3
124 Mass Suggestion PH2
125 Mass Suggestion As suggestion, plus one/level subjects. PH3
126 Mass Suggestion Suggestion to one creature per level PH2
127 Metal to Rust OA1
128 Meteor Swarm 6 Inv 1 meteor dealing 4d1 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
129 Mirage Arcana Ill This illusion will continue to trick even a disbelieving person. DM
130 Mirage Arcana PH2
131 Mirage Arcana The area appears to be something completely else. The illusion is quite real. PH2
132 Mislead PH2
133 Mislead Turns you invisible and creates illusory double. PH3
134 Mislead Creates an illusionary duplicate of the caster while the caster himself become invisible PH2
135 Monster Summoning 6 Cnj Summon a DL=4 monster DM
136 Monster Summoning IV PH2
137 Monster Summoning IV Summons 1d3 4th level monsters PH2
138 Monster Swarm Summoning VI Cnj Summons CL*2 DL V monsters DM
139 Mordenkainen’s Lucubration Recall one spell of 1-5 level that has been cast in the past 24 hours. PH2
140 Mordenkainen's Lucubration PH2
141 Mordenkainen's Lucubration Recalls spell of 5th level or less. Wizard Only. PH3
142 Move Earth PH2
143 Move Earth Digs trenches and build hills. PH3
144 Move Earth Moves dirt to another location or change terrain PH2
145 No Save MetaMagic The next spell you cast does not have a saving throw DM
146 Original Haste 6 Alt x7/2 # Attacks, x7/2 move rate DM
147 Original Stoneskin 6 Abj Block the next 3 P actions of attacks DM
148 Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere It has two application, the first is a Ray of Cold (1d4+2 hp/level) the second is a globe of cold shattering upon impact and causing 6d6 hp of damage PH2
149 Otiluke's Diamond Screen GRA1
150 Otiluke's Excruciating Screen GRA1
151 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere PH2
152 Otiluke's Freezing Sphere Freezes water or deals cold damage. PH3
153 Pain OA1
154 Part Water PH2
155 Part Water Parts water or similar liquid apart forming a passage in it PH2
156 Permanent Illusion PH2
157 Permanent Illusion Makes a quite real and permanent illusion PH2
158 Permanent Image Includes sight, sound, and smell. PH3
159 Planar Binding As lesser planar binding, but up to 16 HD. PH3
160 Planar Displace Alt Planar Displacement for 1 turn DM
161 Planar Stability Alt Your items are planar stable for 1 day DM
162 Power Word Blind 6 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 40 (no save) DM
163 Power Word Kill 6 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 30 (no save) DM
164 Power Word Silence FRA2
165 Power Word Stun 6 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 80 (no save) DM
166 Power Word: Silence Silences one creature FRA
167 Prismatic Sphere 6 Abj 4 Prismatic colors or 2 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
168 Prismatic Wall 6 Abj 6 Prismatic colors or 4 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
169 Programmed Illusion PH2
170 Programmed Illusion Illusion spring into life when a specific condition is fulfilled PH2
171 Programmed Image As major image, plus triggered by event. PH3
172 Project Image The caster may have his REAL spells originate from the image. DM
173 Project Image PH2
174 Project Image Illusory double can talk and cast spells. PH3
175 Project Image The caster project his own image to somewhere else, where the image performs illusionary actions PH2
176 Raise Water Cause tide or flood PH2
177 Ray of Enfeeblement 6 Cha -30 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
178 Really Put of Misery Nec Target being that is slain is Capital S Slain (no save) DM
179 Reconstruction Makes a broken object whole for the duration of the spell, broken object even can some components missing FRA
180 Reincarnation PH2
181 Reincarnation Reincarnate a dead creature. PH2
182 Repulsion PH2
183 Repulsion Creatures can't approach you. PH3
184 Repulsion 1r/2 level Repulses creatures from the caster PH2
185 Ring of Disintegration Cause 1d6 hp of damage/level and removes one limb from the target. SSouth
186 Semi-Imprisonment Alt Target is Imprisoned for CL segments (no save) DM
187 Shades PH2
188 Shades As shadow conjuration, but up to 5th level and 60% real. PH3
189 Shades Illusionary monsters, 1HD/level can be divided, 60% PH2
190 Shield 6 Abj AT +24 source DM
191 Slay VI Nec Slay 36 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=6) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
192 Specific Monster Summoning VI Cnj Choose Giant, Weird, Eelemental, or Unlive. You summon 5 DL VI monsters of that type. DM 4.0
193 Spell Turning 6 Abj Turns the next CL/2 SL's of spells DM
194 Stone to Flesh PH2
195 Stone to Flesh Restores petrified creature. PH3
196 Stone to Flesh Makes a stoned creature live again PH2
197 Summon Monster Recall VI Cnj Summons 2 DL VI monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
198 Summon Monster VI Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
199 Summon Spider Summon one spider /lv Drow
200 Suspension An improved version of the levitate spell. It can hold 450 kg/level. SSouth
201 Sword of Darkness OA1
202 Teleport Dead Teleport a dead or undead creature as a normal teleport spell FRA
203 Tenser’s Transformation This spell transforms the caster into a fighter. Hp doubles, attack like a fighter, you need a Potion of Heroism as a material component PH2
204 Tenser's Fortunes of War GRA1
205 Tenser's Transformation The caster gains a number of phantom hit points equal to his maximum. He also gains a bonus +2 to hit with any weapon. DM
206 Tenser's Transformation PH2
207 Tenser's Transformation You gain combat bonuses. PH3
208 Tenser's Transformation 6 Alt +100% of max hp to current hp, +2 TH melee DM
209 Tentacles PHBR4
210 Tentacles Tentacles growth from caster and they can be used to grab items or to climb or even to attack PHBR2
211 Time Stop 6 Alt Stops time for 1 round DM
212 Transmute Bone to Steel Strengthen a skeleton or a bone object Nec
213 Transmute Steel to Bone Weakens a metal object Nec
214 Transmute Water to Dust PH2
215 Transmute Water to Dust Causes water to turn into dust PH2
216 True Seeing PH2
217 True Seeing See all things as they really are. PH3
218 True Seeing Reveals the true nature of things PH2
219 Turnshadow Turns shadowy creature conjured by shadow monster, demi-shadow monster or shades away. FRA
220 Veil PH2
221 Veil Changes appearance of group of creatures. PH3
222 Veil A powerful illusion turns the surrounding or the party to something else, the illusion is very difficult to spot PH2
223 Vorp Alt Target is Vorpalled (PP save) DM
224 Wacky Ball 6 / Normal / ½ (Ld12, save: ½) DM
225 Wildshield TOM2
226 Wildstrike TOM2
227 Wish 6 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 5 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.7] Level 7 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Accelerate Erosion Speeds up natural erosions. DK
2 Acid Storm TOM2
3 Acid Storm It causes more damage as creatures remain under it ToM
4 Alter Reality (this version requires an illusion of what you want) PH1
5 Alter Reality (1) Ill Will duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-6. DM
6 Anti-Magic Resistance Abj aMR CL*5% [duration 7 hours] DM
7 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-6th) DM
8 Anti-Magic Shell (SL 7) Turns off spells and magical effects of spell levels 0-6. DM
9 Anti-Magic Shell 7 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 6 DM
10 Anti-Psionic Shell DM
11 Armor 7 Abj +CL*14 current hp DM
12 Banishment PH2
13 Banishment Banishes 2 HD/level extraplanar creatures. PH3
14 Banishment Force a creature or creatures back to its own plane. PH2
15 Bigby’s Grasping Hand Grasp an opponent or slow down very big monsters PH2
16 Bigby's Grasping Hand PH2
17 Bigby's Grasping Hand Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples. PH3
18 Bloodstone’s Frightful Joining Join the mind of the caster with an undead body ToM
19 Bloodstone's Frightful Joining TOM2
20 Body Outside Body OA1
21 Burst Monster VII Cnj Summons a DL VIII monster, not sick, has only 4S actions, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
22 Chain Lightning 7 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd7 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
23 Charm Any VII Enc Charm any two monsters (save), creatures with < 17 HD get no save DM 4.0
24 Charm Plants PH2
25 Charm Plants Charms plants PH2
26 Clone Clones a living person PH2
27 Cone of Cold 7 Inv CLd14+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
28 Conjure Greater Elemental Conjure a 10-18 HD greater elemental. DK
29 Control Undead PH2
30 Control Undead Undead don't attack you while under your command. PH3
31 Control Undead Caster can control undeads for a short period of time PH2
32 Crap Enc Target is crapped (Will save) DM
33 Create Normal Monsters RC0
34 Death Link A two-way sympathetic link, both curative and destructive effects affect both the caster and the target. FRA
35 Death Spell 7 Nec Slay 7d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
36 Delayed Blast Fireball PH2
37 Delayed Blast Fireball 1d8 fire damage/level; you can delay blast for 5 rounds. PH3
38 Delayed Blast Fireball A fireball with +1 bonus to any dice, and can be delayed for up to 5 rounds PH2
39 Dispel 5 Enc Dispels 5 effects (ER to resist) DM 4.0
40 Dispel Exhaustion 7 Alt Restore 90% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 7 for 1 round DM
41 Dispel Magic 7 Enc Dispel 5 magic effects DM
42 Drawmij’s Instant Summons The wizard can summon a prepared item into his hand PH2
43 Drawmij's Instant Summons PH2
44 Drawmij's Instant Summons Prepared object appears in your hand. PH3
45 Duo-Dimension PH2
46 Duo-Dimension Causes the caster to have only two dimension PH2
47 Elemental Blast VII Inv CLd20 dmg to one group (no save, random E=7 element each time) DM 4.0
48 Ethereal Jaunt You become ethereal for 1 round/level. PH3
49 Feeblemind 7 Enc -35 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
50 Finger of Death PH2
51 Finger of Death Kills one subject. PH3
52 Finger of Death 60 yard Slay one victim, there is saving throw vs. death PH2
53 Fire Shield 7 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 150% dmg back DM
54 Fireball 7 Inv CLd14 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
55 First Level Magic-User Spells PH1
56 First Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 1st level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
57 First Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 1st Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
58 Forcecage PH2
59 Forcecage Cube of force imprisons all inside. PH3
60 Forcecage Hold creatures in cube of force. PH2
61 Forward Haste VII Alt +8C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
62 Gemjump The caster enchant a gem called roguestone by it he can teleport to the location of the gem FRA
63 Globe of Invulnerability 7 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 6 DM
64 Greater Scrying As scrying, but faster and longer. PH3
65 Hatch the Stone From the Egg TOM2
66 Hatch the Stone from the Egg Helps create a Philosopher’s Stone ToM
67 Hornung's Surge Selector TOM2
68 Immediate Monster Summoning VII Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL V monster without summoning sickness DM
69 Insanity Subject suffers continuous confusion. PH3
70 Intensify Summoning TOM2
71 Intensify Summoning Help summon tougher monsters ToM
72 Khelben’s Warding Whip 1r/level Counters various Bigby spells FRA
73 Lightning Bolt 7 Inv CLd14 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
74 Limited Wish Will duplicate any Wizard or Priest spell of levels 0-6. DM
75 Limited Wish PH2
76 Limited Wish Alters reality-within spell limits. PH3
77 Limited Wish The uttered word of the caster springs into life. PH2
78 Magic Missile 7 Inv (CL+1)*7/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
79 Malec-Keth’s Flame Fist Touch Touched individual suffer 1d4+2 hp of damage in the first round, and 1d4/level hp of damage on the following round ToM
80 Malec-Keth's Flame Fist TOM2
81 Mass Invisibility PH2
82 Mass Invisibility As invisibility, but affects all in range. PH3
83 Mass Invisibility Turns a 60m*60m area invisible, the area moves with the individuals within PH2
84 Meteor Swarm 7 Inv 2 meteors each dealing 6d2 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
85 Monster Summoning 7 Cnj Summon a DL=5 monster DM
86 Monster Summoning V PH2
87 Monster Summoning V Summons 1d3 5th level monster PH2
88 Monster Swarm Summoning VII Cnj Summons CL*1.5 (round down) DL VI monsters DM
89 Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion 1hour/level Conjure an extradimensional mansion. It can house a dozen of individual per level of caster. Outside events do not disturb anyone inside. It is with every comforts PH2
90 Mordenkainen’s Sword 5d4/5d6 Considered a +3 magical weapon, caster wields it as he were a fighter half the level as himself PH2
91 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion PH2
92 Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion Door leads to extradimensional mansion. PH3
93 Mordenkainen's Sword PH2
94 Mordenkainen's Sword Floating magic blade strikes opponents. PH3
95 MultiPrismatic Spray 7 Ill Roll 1 time on the Prismatic table DM
96 Nerve Dance Holds a creature and deliver some (2d6) damage every round. SSouth
97 Original Haste 7 Alt x4 # Attacks, x4 move rate DM
98 Original Stoneskin 7 Abj Block the next 4 P actions of attacks DM
99 Otiluke's Death Screen GRA1
100 Otiluke's Siege Sphere GRA1
101 Phase Door PH2
102 Phase Door Invisible passage through wood or stone. PH3
103 Phase Door An invisible passage opens in one wall like a Passage spell. The door can be used by the wizard, it opens when he enters and reopens when he leaves and then ceases to exit PH2
104 Plane Shift Up to eight subjects travel to another plane. PH3
105 Power Word Blind 7 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 80 (no save) DM
106 Power Word Kill 7 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 60 (no save) DM
107 Power Word Stun 7 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 160 (no save) DM
108 Power Word, Stun PH2
109 Power Word, Stun Stuns creature with up to 150 hp. PH3
110 Power Word: Stun Stuns one creature PH2
111 Prismatic Beam Ill One target is hit by all 7 colors of Prismatic Spray DM
112 Prismatic Sphere 7 Abj 5 Prismatic colors or 3 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
113 Prismatic Spray PH2
114 Prismatic Spray Rays hit subjects with variety of effects. PH3
115 Prismatic Spray Seven multicolored ray flash from the caster hand, each causing different damage and other effects PH2
116 Prismatic Wall PH1
117 Prismatic Wall 7 Abj 7 Prismatic colors or 5 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
118 Ray of Enfeeblement 7 Cha -35 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
119 Reverse Gravity PH2
120 Reverse Gravity Objects and creatures fall upward. PH3
121 Reverse Gravity In area of effect the gravity changes and everything fall upward PH2
122 Ruby’s Ray of Reversal It sprung traps, untie knots, dispels restraining magic, loosen bonds etc. FRA
123 Sands of Time Reverse the effect of time on objects. DK
124 Semipermanency DK2
125 Semipermanency Make an spell to last for a few year. DK
126 Sequester PH2
127 Sequester Subject is invisible to sight and scrying. PH3
128 Sequester Protect from location and detection, and also turn the area invisible PH2
129 Shadow Walk PH2
130 Shadow Walk Step into shadow to travel rapidly. PH3
131 Shadow Walk The caster enter the Plane of Shadow travel in it and when he leaves he appear in a location he desired on the Prime Material Plane PH2
132 Shadowcat TOM2
133 Shadowcat Caster can see, hear or even speak through this quasi-real cat. ToM
134 Shield 7 Abj AT +28 source DM
135 Simulacrum PH2
136 Simulacrum Creates partially real double of a creature. PH3
137 Simulacrum Creates nearly perfect duplicate of anyone PH2
138 Slay VII Nec Slay 49 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=7) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
139 Specific Monster Summoning VII Cnj Choose Dragon, Golem, Mutant, or Technological. You summon 4 DL VII monsters of that type. DM 4.0
140 Spectral Guard FRA2
141 Spectral Guard Upon specific condition the spectral guardian sprung into life and attack. FRA
142 Spell Shape TOM2
143 Spell Turning PH2
144 Spell Turning Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster. PH3
145 Spell Turning Turns a spell back to it’s caster PH2
146 Spell Turning 7 Abj Turns the next CL SL's of spells DM
147 Spelltrap FRA2
148 Spelltrap Absorb magical spell targeted on the caster, the spell can absorb twice the level of caster in spell level, absorbed spells can be cast back in random FRA
149 Statue PH2
150 Statue Subject can become a statue at will. PH3
151 Statue Turn caster to stone statue, in this state the caster sees, hears and smells normally. Caster can switch from statue state back to living and vice versa PH2
152 Steal Enchantment TOM2
153 Steal Enchantment Transfer the enchantment of one spell to an another ToM
154 Suffocate TOM2
155 Suffocate Victims suffocate and takes 2d4 damage every round, worsen combat abilities ToM
156 Summon Monster Recall VII Cnj Summons 2 DL VII monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
157 Summon Monster VII Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
158 Teleport Any Object RC0
159 Teleport Without Error PH2
160 Teleport without Error As teleport, but no off-target arrival. PH3
161 Teleport Without Error No error in home plane, can teleport to another plane with difficulties PH2
162 Tenser's Transformation 7 Alt +125% of max hp to current hp, +3 TH melee DM
163 Time Stop 7 Alt Stops time for 1d2 rounds DM
164 Vanish PH2
165 Vanish As teleport, but affects a touched object. PH3
166 Vanish By this spell the wizard can transport nonliving matter or just vanish it. 22 kg/level of caster can be affected. PH2
167 Vipergout Caster can spit venomous spider to enemy Drow
168 Vision PH2
169 Vision As legend lore, but quicker and strenuous. PH3
170 Vision Supernatural guidance PH2
171 Volley UA1
172 Wacky Ball 7 / Normal / ½ (Ld20, save: ½) DM
173 Wish 7 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 6 Wizard spell DM
174 Withering Palm OA1
175 Wound Conferral Transfer hp from one target to the another Nec
176 Zombie Double PHBR4
177 Zombie Double It creates a zombie double of the caster, the zombie is a ju-ju zombie, cannot move more than 30 yard from the caster PHBR2

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.8] Level 8 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting Evaporates body moisture causing 1d8/level hp of damage ToM
2 Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting TOM2
3 Airboat TOM2
4 Airboat Create an airboat from the clouds. It can transport individuals ToM
5 Alter Reality DM
6 Alter Reality (DM) Ill Will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-7 or any other spell of levels 0-6. DM (PH1)
7 Anti-Innate Shell DM
8 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-7th) DM
9 Anti-Magic Shell (SL 8) Turns off spells and magical effects of spell levels 0-7. DM
10 Anti-Magic Shell 8 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 7 DM
11 Antipathy Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures. PH3
12 Antipathy 2 hours/level Certain creatures or alignment are uncomfortable in area of effect and try to leave PH2
13 Antipathy-Sympathy PH2
14 Armor 8 Abj +CL*16 current hp DM
15 As You Will Be Chrono +1 ML for 1 turn, you will Twilight at end of effect (no resistance) DM
16 Bigby’s Clenched Fist Various damage caused by an oversized fist PH2
17 Bigby’s Most Excellent Force Sculpture Caster can create a highly complex object. GRA1
18 Bigby's Clenched Fist PH2
19 Bigby's Clenched Fist Large hand attacks your foes. PH3
20 Binding PH2
21 Binding Array of techniques to imprison a creature. PH3
22 Binding Various restrains. PH2
23 Burst Monster VIII Cnj Summons a DL IX monster, not sick, has only 4S actions, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
24 Chain Lightning 8 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd8 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
25 Charm Any VIII Enc Charm any three monsters (save), creatures with < 26 HD get no save DM 4.0
26 Clone PH2
27 Clone Duplicate awakens when original dies. PH3
28 Cone of Cold 8 Inv CLd16+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
29 Create Magical Monsters RC0
30 Create Tree of Life Creates a magical Tree of Life DS
31 Death Link FRA2
32 Death Shroud Anyone attacked by or receiving attack from the caster lose 20% of his current hp Nec
33 Death Spell 8 Nec Slay 8d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
34 Death Spider Victim limbs become a spider which eats the target Drow
35 Defoliate PHBR4
36 Defoliate Defile the from all plant life PHBR2
37 Demand PH2
38 Demand As sending, plus you can send suggestion. PH3
39 Demand Like the Sending but contains a powerful suggestion PH2
40 Discern Location Exact location of creature or object. PH3
41 Dispel 6 Enc Dispels 6 effects (ER to resist) DM 4.0
42 Dispel Exhaustion 8 Alt Restore 95% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 8 for 1 round DM
43 Dispel Magic 8 Enc Dispel 6 magic effects DM
44 Dust of Disappearance Ill Dust of Disappearance for 1 turn DM
45 Elemental Blast VIII Inv CLd30 dmg to one group (no save, random E=8 element each time) DM 4.0
46 Ethereal Project Alt Ethereal Projection (Str->Dex, Int->Con, Wis->Chr) DM
47 Etherealness Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions. PH3
48 Extract Enc Extracts memories and thoughts from target (no save) DM
49 Fear Ward PHBR4
50 Fear Ward Fear Protect from all kind of fears and from all kind of attack from any undead. PHBR2
51 Feeblemind 8 Enc -40 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
52 Fire Shield 8 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 175% dmg back DM
53 Fireball 8 Inv CLd16 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
54 Force Field RC0
55 Forward Haste VIII Alt +9C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
56 Gateway FRA2
57 Gateway Create a portal between two locations, it remains open for 1r+1r/level of caster. FRA
58 Giant Size OA1
59 Glassteal Turns crystalline substance into a transparent substance that has the unbreakability of actual steel. PH2
60 Glassteel PH2
61 Globe of Invulnerability 8 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 7 DM
62 Great Shout FRA2
63 Great Shout Cause damage, but the heart of the spell can as well as cause structural damage destroying buildings, objects or magical items FRA
64 Greater Planar Binding As lesser planar binding, but up to 24 HD. PH3
65 Gunther’s Kaleidoscopic Strike Targeted spellcasters loose spells from their memory ToM
66 Gunther's Kaleidoscopic Strike TOM2
67 Homunculus Shield TOM2
68 Homunculus Shield Create a homunculus from a part of the mind of the caster. The creature can cast teleport, contingency and protective spell from the memory of the caster. ToM
69 Hornung's Random Dispatcher TOM2
70 Horrid Wilting Deals 1d8 damage/level within 30 ft. PH3
71 Immediate Monster Summoning VIII Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL VI monster without summoning sickness DM
72 Incendiary Cloud PH2
73 Incendiary Cloud Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round. PH3
74 Incendiary Cloud Causing minimal damage to those within the cloud PH2
75 Incurse (Rewrite Out of Time) Chrono Target being or object is Rewritten out of time (i.e. Incursed) (RSW save) DM
76 Iron Body Your body becomes living iron. PH3
77 Life Force Transfer Transfer someone’s (or caster’s own) life force to an object or another body. The spell has a reversible witch undoes this spell Nec
78 Lightning Bolt 8 Inv CLd16 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
79 Magic Missile 8 Inv (CL+1)*4 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
80 Mass Charm PH2
81 Mass Charm As charm monster, but all within 30 ft. PH3
82 Mass Charm Charms a number of individuals PH2
83 Maze PH2
84 Maze Traps subject in extradimensional maze. PH3
85 Maze Victim trapped inside some maze, getting out depends on intelligence PH2
86 Meteor Swarm 8 Inv 3 meteors each dealing 8d3 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
87 Mind Blank PH2
88 Mind Blank Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying. PH3
89 Mind Blank Protect form all kind of mind affecting spells and detection PH2
90 Monster Summoning 8 Cnj Summon a DL=6 monster DM
91 Monster Summoning VI PH2
92 Monster Summoning VI Summons 1d3 6th level monster PH2
93 Monster Swarm Summoning VIII Cnj Summons CL*1 DL VII monsters DM
94 MultiPrismatic Spray 8 Ill Roll 2 times on the Prismatic table DM
95 Original Haste 8 Alt x9/2 # Attacks, x9/2 move rate DM
96 Original Stoneskin 8 Abj Block the next 5 P actions of attacks DM
97 Otiluke’s Telekinetic Sphere Like the Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere but can contain more mass and appear 1/16 of it’s normal weight PH2
98 Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere PH2
99 Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere As Otiluke's resilient sphere, but you move sphere telekinetically. PH3
100 Otto’s Irresistible Dance Victim dances and fail all saving throw PH2
101 Otto's Irresistible Dance PH2
102 Otto's Irresistible Dance Forces subject to dance. PH3
103 Permanency ANY spell in the game can be made permanent. It is tricky to make an instantaneous spell permanent, but it can be done in conjuction with the Contingency spell. These effects will appear "frozen" in time (a Fireball would appear to be a solid ball of fire; Lightning Bolt would be a non-moving beam of solid lightning), and cause their damage for each round of contact. Spells that move by concentration will continue to move in same course and direction they were as soon as concentration is broken. Spells that do down after a certain condition (Armor, Stoneskin, Contingency) do not gain much by being made permanent (a permanent empty Stoneskin spell would not go down but also would not stop any further attacks). If a permanent spell is dispelled, the permanency effect fizzles (you don't need to dispel the permanency first). The 5% chance of Con loss occurs only when creating items. Oddly enough, there is a reverse to this spell (Instantaneous), that makes a spell's duration Instantaneous (causing it to expire immediately). DM
104 Permanency PH2
105 Permanency Makes a spell permanent in effect PH2
106 Polymorph Any Object PH2
107 Polymorph Any Object Changes any subject into anything else. PH3
108 Polymorph any Object Polymorphs a thing to an another. Duration depends on how radical the change is PH2
109 Power Word Blind 8 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 120 (no save) DM
110 Power Word Capital S Stun Enc Capital S Stuns a target with 130 current hp or less (no save) DM
111 Power Word Kill 8 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 90 (no save) DM
112 Power Word Stun 8 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 240 (no save) DM
113 Power Word, Blind PH2
114 Power Word, Blind Blinds 200 hp worth of creatures. PH3
115 Power Word: Blind 100 hp of creature is blinded PH2
116 Prismatic Sphere 8 Abj 6 Prismatic colors or 4 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
117 Prismatic Wall PH2
118 Prismatic Wall Wall's colors have array of effects. PH3
119 Prismatic Wall 1t/level 40’/lv wide, 20’/lv high Like the other prismatic spells PH2
120 Prismatic Wall 8 Abj 8 Prismatic colors or 6 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
121 Protection from Spells Confers +8 resistance bonus. PH3
122 Protection from Time DK2
123 Protection from Time Recipient do not age during spell effect. DK
124 Ray of Enfeeblement 8 Cha -40 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
125 Screen PH2
126 Screen Illusion hides area from vision, scrying. PH3
127 Screen Not only protect from scrying, but the scene appears something else as the caster wishes. PH2
128 Second Level Magic-User Spells DM
129 Second Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 2nd level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
130 Second Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 2nd Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
131 Serten’s Spell Immunity It protect others from spell by granting them bonuses on save PH2
132 Serten's Spell Immunity PH2
133 Shadow Form PHBR4
134 Shadow Form Changes caster to a shadow PHBR2
135 Shield 8 Abj AT +32 source DM
136 Sink PH2
137 Sink Shrink someone into the earth PH2
138 Slay VIII Nec Slay 64 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=8) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
139 Solid Wall of Force Stops spell effects, hurled objects, breath weapons, people, and psionic effects. DM
140 Specific Monster Summoning VIII Cnj Choose Beholder, Outer, Mind Flayer, or NPC. You summon 3 DL VIII monsters of that type. DM 4.0
141 Spell Engine FRA2
142 Spell Engine Absorbs magic in , it also speeds up memorization and prayers FRA
143 Spell Turning 8 Abj Turns the next CL*3/2 SL's of spells DM
144 Spirit/Concordant Resistance Abj XR -10+CL*5% [duration 8 hours] DM
145 Summon Monster Recall VIII Cnj Summons 2 DL VIII monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
146 Summon Monster VIII Calls outsider to fight for you. PH3
147 Sunburst Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 3d6 damage. PH3
148 Sunburst Cause blindness and damage undead for 8d8 point of damage FRA
149 Symbol PH2
150 Symbol Triggered runes have array of effects. PH3
151 Symbol Various effect on individual seeing the symbol individual PH2
152 Sympathy Object or location attracts certain creatures. PH3
153 Sympathy 2 hours/level Certain creatures or alignment feel an overpowering urge to own or touch object PH2
154 Tenser's Transformation 8 Alt +150% of max hp to current hp, +4 TH melee DM
155 Time Stop 8 Alt Stops time for 1d3 rounds DM
156 Time/Reality Stability Chrono Time/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (Spell save) DM
157 Trap the Soul PH2
158 Trap the Soul Imprisons subject within gem. PH3
159 Trap the Soul Can trap the soul of individuals, after the spell broke trapped individual’s body reforms and attached to their soul. PH2
160 Wacky Ball 8 / Normal / ½ (Ld30, save: ½) DM
161 Whirlwind OA1
162 Wildzone TOM2
163 Wish 8 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 7 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.9] Level 9 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Annihilation Protection Abj Immune Annihilation for 1 turn DM
2 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-8th) DM
3 Anti-Magic Shell (SL 9) Turns off spells and magical effects of spell levels 0-8. DM
4 Anti-Magic Shell 9 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 8 DM
5 Anti-Psionic Resistance Abj aPR -20+CL*5% [duration 9 hours] DM
6 Armor 9 Abj +CL*18 current hp DM
7 Astral Projection Projects you and companions into Astral Plane. PH3
8 Astral Spell PH2
9 Astral Spell The caster can enter the astral plane. PH2
10 Bigby’s Crushing Hand Raising amount of damage inflicted by this oversized hand PH2
11 Bigby's Crushing Hand PH2
12 Bigby's Crushing Hand As Bigby's interposing hand, but stronger. PH3
13 Black Blade of Disaster 2d12 Can slice through spells, do structural damage and even disintegrate creatures Drow
14 Burst Monster IX Cnj Summons a DL X monster, not sick, has only 5S actions, disappears after 1r DM 4.0
15 Chain Contigency Like the contingency, but holds more spell ToM
16 Chain Contingency TOM2
17 Chain Lightning 9 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd9 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
18 Charm Any IX Enc Charm any four monsters (save), creatures with multiplier x1 or less get no save DM 4.0
19 Cone of Cold 9 Inv CLd18+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
20 Create Any Monster RC0
21 Crystalbrittle PH2
22 Crystalbrittle Causes hard substances to turn into a fragile crystalline substance PH2
23 Death Spell 9 Nec Slay 9d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
24 Death Ward Anyone passing warded portal uninvited suffer the effect of a Death Spell Nec
25 Dismind Dismind someone. The body cloaked in invulnerable magical field and suspend the function of body. The mind wanders the Prime Material Plane. FRA
26 Dispel 7 Enc Dispels 7 effects (ER to resist) DM 4.0
27 Dispel Exhaustion 9 Alt Restore 96% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 9 for 1 round DM
28 Dispel Magic 9 Enc Dispel 7 magic effects DM
29 Dominate Monster As dominate person, but any creature. PH3
30 Elemental Aura TOM2
31 Elemental Aura Element Protect from one element, it’s plane, and it’s creatures ToM
32 Elemental Blast IX Inv CLd50 dmg to one group (no save, random E=8 element each time) DM 4.0
33 Elminster’s Effulgent Epurartion Absorb harmful magic. FRA
34 Elminster’s Evasion A special form of contingency which teleport the caster to a given location if any of the six conditions are met, the conditions are set by the caster FRA
35 Elminster's Evasion FRA2
36 Energy Drain PH2
37 Energy Drain Subject gains 2d4 negative levels. PH3
38 Energy Drain Touch Victim loose level or HD PH2
39 Estate Transference TOM2
40 Estate Transference Transfers a large area to the elemental planes ToM
41 Extra Group +2 MetaMagic The next spell you cast will affect +2 groups of monsters DM
42 Feeblemind 9 Enc -45 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
43 Fire Shield 9 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 200% dmg back DM
44 Fireball 9 Inv CLd18 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
45 Foresight PH2
46 Foresight Sixth sense warns of impending danger. PH3
47 Foresight Foresight negative events PH2
48 Forward Haste IX Alt +10C' actions per turn (not every round, you get these only once per fight); 2C'=Q DM 4.0
49 Freedom Releases creature suffering imprisonment. PH3
50 Freedom Free creature imprisoned by the spell imprisonment. PH2
51 Gate PH2
52 Gate Connects two planes for travel or summoning. PH3
53 Gate Gates someone or something from outer planes PH2
54 Globe of Invulnerability 9 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 8 DM
55 Glorious Transmutation TOM2
56 Glorious Transmutation Turns lead into gold with the help of Philosopher’s stone ToM
57 Heal RC0
58 Immediate Monster Summoning IX Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL VII monster without summoning sickness DM
59 Imprisonment PH2
60 Imprisonment Entombs subject beneath the earth PH3
61 Imprisonment Touch Imprison creature permanently PH2
62 Internal Fire OA1
63 Life Force Exchange Switches the life force of two creature. It can be undone by a revoke life force exchange Nec
64 Lightning Bolt 9 Inv CLd18 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
65 Magic Missile 9 Inv (CL+1)*9/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
66 Mass Enslave Enc As Mass Charm, except the effect cannot be thrown off by being damaged, and there is no daily save check. DM
67 Master Undead FRA2
68 Master Undead Charms undeads FRA
69 Meteor Swarm PH2
70 Meteor Swarm Deals 24d6 fire damage, plus bursts. PH3
71 Meteor Swarm Mega damage by a few fireball leaving fiery tail PH2
72 Meteor Swarm 9 Inv 4 meteors each dealing 10d4 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
73 Monster Summoning 9 Cnj Summon a DL=7 monster DM
74 Monster Summoning VII PH2
75 Monster Summoning VII Summons 1d2 7th level monster PH2
76 Monster Swarm Summoning IX Cnj Summons CL/2 (round down) DL VIII monsters DM
77 Mordenkainen’s Disjunction It disjoins spells and magical items rendering them useless. PH2
78 Mordenkainen's Disjunction PH2
79 Mordenkainen's Disjunction Dispels magic, disenchants magic items. PH3
80 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 9 Enc Disjunct 1 effect (any type) DM
81 MultiPrismatic Spray 9 Ill Roll 3 times on the Prismatic table or 1 time on the MultiPrismatic table DM
82 Mycontil’s Last Resort Converts remaining spell energy to a final strike. SSouth
83 Original Haste 9 Alt x5 # Attacks, x5 move rate DM
84 Original Stoneskin 9 Abj Block the next 6 P actions of attacks DM
85 Power Word Like a banishment but more powerful. SSouth
86 Power Word Blind 9 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 160 (no save) DM
87 Power Word Crap Enc Target with 250 or less current hp is crapped (no save) DM
88 Power Word Kill 9 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 120 (no save) DM
89 Power Word Stun 9 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 320 (no save) DM
90 Power Word, Kill PH2
91 Power Word, Kill Kills one tough subject or many weak ones. PH3
92 Powerword Kill Many of 10 or less hp or one of 60 hp or less PH2
93 Prismatic Sphere PH2
94 Prismatic Sphere As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides. PH3
95 Prismatic Sphere It protect from nearly anything as long as the spheres are intact, creatures foolish enough to enter the sphere suffer ill effects PH2
96 Prismatic Sphere 9 Abj 7 Prismatic colors or 5 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
97 Prismatic Wall 9 Abj 9 Prismatic colors or 7 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
98 Protection from Alleys 10'r Abj, Wild Protection from Alleys DM
99 Ray of Enfeeblement 9 Cha -45 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
100 Really Really Put of Misery Chrono Target being that is Capital S Slain is removed from the timeline (no save) DM
101 Refuge Alters item to transport its possessor to you. PH3
102 Shape Change PH2
103 Shape Change Changes the caster to someone else, he adopt it powers and vulnerabilities save that depends upon intelligence like spell use, magic resistance and the like PH2
104 Shapechange Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round. PH3
105 Shield 9 Abj AT +36 source DM
106 Slay IX Nec Slay 81 DL's of monsters in one group (max DL=9) (PPD save, aNR to resist) DM 4.0
107 Soul Bind Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection. PH3
108 Specific Monster Summoning IX Cnj Choose Cthulhoid, Spirit/Land, Rakshasa, or Virus. You summon 2 DL IX monsters of that type. DM 4.0
109 Spell Invulnerability Make caster immune to one spell or spell like ability or magical item FRA
110 Spell Turning 9 Abj Turns the next CL*2 SL's of spells DM
111 Spellstrike FRA2
112 Spellstrike Negate the effect of one spell cast in the previous round FRA
113 Stabilize TOM2
114 Succor PH2
115 Succor Transport the owner of a prepared item to the caster. It's reverse transport the caster to the individual. PH2
116 Summon Monster IX Calls outsider to fight for you PH3
117 Summon Monster Recall IX Cnj Summons 2 DL IX monsters. Next time you cast this, you get the same thing unless you spend another slot. DM 4.0
118 Teleportation Circle Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot. PH3
119 Temporal Stasis PH2
120 Temporal Stasis Puts subject into suspended animation. PH3
121 Temporal Stasis The flow of time stops for the subject, he ceases to grow older, he is in suspended animation. The reverse can free the creature. PH2
122 Tenser's Transformation 9 Alt +175% of max hp to current hp, +5 TH melee DM
123 The Symbul’s Synostodweomer Convert magical energy to healing one. FRA
124 Third Level Magic-User Spells DM
125 Third Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 3rd level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
126 Third Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 3rd Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
127 Time Stop PH2
128 Time Stop You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds PH3
129 Time Stop Stops the flow of time for 1-3 minutes PH2
130 Time Stop 9 Alt Stops time for 1d4 rounds DM
131 Vampiric Youthfulness Caster suck out the life energy from a subject. The caster become younger while the subject ages. DK
132 Virus Charm FRA2
133 Virus Charm Like a charm person, but the charm spread like a virus PH2
134 Wacky Ball 9 / Normal / ½ (Ld100, save: ½) DM
135 Wail of the Banshee TOM2
136 Wail of the Banshee Kills one creature/level. PH3
137 Wail of the Banshee Who hear the wail and fail saving throw die, up to the number of the caster’s level of creatures can be affected ToM
138 Weird PH2
139 Weird As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft PH3
140 Weird Illusionary yet effective spell, causes the victim to fight ones nemesis PH2
141 Wildfire TOM2
142 Wildwind TOM2
143 Wish Will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-8 or any other spell of levels 0-7. Wish is NOT any more powerful than any other 9th level spell, it is simply more versatile (in fact, this makes the spell's effect weaker).
You may wish to increase stats. Current stat: 17 or below = +1; 18 to 19.9 = +0.1; 20 and up = +0.01 per wish. During a reset, you may use at most one wish on each stat, (or) two wishes on one stat (and none on the others).
144 Wish PH2
145 Wish As limited wish, but with fewer limits. PH3
146 Wish PH2
147 Wish 9 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 8 Wizard spell DM
148 Wordwalk This portal connect Planes of Existence to each other FRA
149 Worldwalk FRA2

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.10] Level 10 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Abrasion DK2
2 Advanced Domination DK2
3 Afflict Dweomer Cnj Target cannot make saving throws (no save) HLC2:124
4 Alter Quantum State Nec Changes your Quantum State to match the current Omniverse DM
5 Aluap's Blizzard Inv/E-W (time in rounds squared) hull dmg (cold + negative) DM? (i)?
6 Aluap's Curse Enc x2 or less magic item non-functional for 1 day DM? (i)?
7 Aluap's Dragon Cnj/Evo 32 HD, immune 1st-5th spells, breathes annihlation DM? (i)?
8 Analyze Monster Div know all pertinent info about monster & his race DM? (i)?
9 Animate Dead Dweomer Nec Animates CL^2 HD of skeletons/zombies HLC2:129
10 Animate Object Dweomer Alt Object is animated, has 1P, may use your melee abilities HLC2:123
11 Anti-Dispel Magic Shell Abj/Enc your effects are non-dispellable (inc.shell) DM? (i)?
12 Anti-Life Energy Nec lose 1 level/r in (large) affected area DM? (i)?
13 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-9th) DM
14 Anti-Magic Shell (SL 10) Turns off spells and magical effects of spell levels 0-9. DM
15 Anti-Magic Shell 10 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 9 DM
16 Armor 10 Abj +CL*20 current hp DM
17 Banish Dweomer Abj Sends target to its home plane (no save, half MR/iMR) HLC2:121
18 Bind Dweomer Cnj Target must undertake or refrain from a single action HLC2:125
19 Bizarre Cnj/Wil random wild magic (wand of wonder) effects in large area DM? (i)?
20 Bloodlust Nec vampiric regen (cumul. with self) 1t DM? (i)?
21 Burrow Alt/Ele can move/breathe any element, para, or quasi as if air DM? (i)?
22 Camouflage Ill/Abj masks from up to x2 detection/divination effects DM? (i)?
23 Chain Lightning 10 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd10 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
24 Change Reality Alt Will duplicate any Wizard spell of levels 0-9 or any other spell of levels 0-8. DM
25 Change Reality DM
26 Charm Dweomer Enc Charms a living or undead creature (no save) HLC2:125
27 Cling Fire Enc aura on weapon, when hits: do weapon dmg each round auto. DM? (i)?
28 Conceal Dweomer Ill Makes target undetectable by 1 particular spell HLC2:127
29 Cone of Cold 10 Inv CLd20+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
30 Conjure Dweomer Cnj Brings a very large amount of matter (pick an element) here HLC2:125
31 Control Gravity Alt +- 1 G gravity per level in large area for 1t DM? (i)?
32 Create Dweomer Evo Wall of any element, dmg = (2*CL)d8+(CL) (no save) HLC2:128
33 Death Spell 10 Nec Slay 10d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
34 Death's Speed Alt (1M concentration) go to 10 V, 10 P actions per round DM? (i)?
35 Defensive Magic Abj +1 or better weapon to hit for 1t (cumul. w/self) DM? (i)?
36 Delude Dweomer Ill Mirage Arcana on a target (can move), ignores high Int/Wis HLC2:127
37 Destroy Dweomer Alt Item is destroyed (no item save) HLC2:123
38 Dispel Dweomer Abj Disjoins any x1 effect (any type) (no save) HLC2:122
39 Dispel Exhaustion 10 Alt Restore 97% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 10 for 1 round DM
40 Dispel Magic 10 Enc Dispel 8 magic effects DM
41 Down a Hole Alt Target is put Down a Hole (no save) DM
42 Drain MF Alt Drains MF in area by 1 for 1 turn (note it is difficult to cast this spell if current MF is less than 10) DM
43 Duplicate Monster Evo duplicate a x1 monster (not incl. classes) DM? (i)?
44 Eridor's Ebony Bolt Inv 4 perm. hp loss/lvl, no MR, cannot be resisted DM? (i)?
45 Eridor's Emerald Wall Evo anything touching wall is temporal stasised DM? (i)?
46 Eridor's Planar Curtain Ill/Abj area is super-invisible unless on same plane DM? (i)?
47 Fall Short Abj all spells with finite range cannot affect you for 1t DM? (i)?
48 Feeblemind 10 Enc -50 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
49 Fighting Magic Alt all creatures in area get +lvl TH, +lvl dmg for 1t DM? (i)?
50 Fire Maze Ill/Inv maze spell on lvl creatures, each takes 10 fire dmg/r DM? (i)?
51 Fire Shield 10 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 225% dmg back DM
52 Fireball 10 Inv CLd20 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
53 Forsee Dweomer Div Ask a question, gives cryptic answer if knowledge is guarded HLC2:126
54 Fortify Dweomer Alt/Enc One ability or ability score is improved by 10-40% HLC2:123
55 Fourth & Fifth Level Magic-User Spells DM
56 Fourth Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 4th level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
57 Fourth Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 4th Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
58 Globe of Invulnerability 10 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 9 DM
59 Hurd's Obligation Cnj Targets are bound to report all treasure they found in area HLC2:136
60 Imbue Dweomer Enc/Evo Give a creature a "Level:" ability up to Level=CL/2 HLC2:126
61 Immediate Animation DK2
62 Immediate Monster Summoning X Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL VIII monster without summoning sickness DM
63 Insane Spell Caster Alt/Enc immune psi, +10 fighting lvls, +50% hp, 0M action DM? (i)?
64 Kolin's Undead Legion Nec Animates 200 HD of skeletons/zombies remotely, same plane HLC2:136
65 Kreb's Flaming Dragon Ill Creates an age 1d4+4 red dragon with 80% of statistics HLC2:137
66 Kreb's Stately Veil Ill Target gains a Cml=CL, appears wealthy and impressive HLC2:137
67 Lightning Bolt 10 Inv CLd20 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
68 Magic Missile 10 Inv (CL+1)*5 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
69 Magical Minions DK2
70 Magical Plague DK2
71 Mana Vampirism Enc/Inc can convert 4 hp -> 1 spell level at will for 1t DM? (i)?
72 Mass Magic Jar Enc You Magic Jar into a whole group of targets (Magic Jar save), can use P/V actions through all of them at once, damage to any of them damages you DM
73 Meteor Swarm 10 Inv 5 meteors each dealing 12d5 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
74 Monster Summoning 10 Cnj Summon a DL=8 monster DM
75 Monster Summoning VIII DM
76 Monster Swarm Summoning X Cnj Summons CL/4 (round down) DL IX monsters DM
77 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 10 Enc Disjunct 2 effects (any type) DM
78 MultiPrismatic Spray 10 Ill Roll 4 times on the Prismatic table or 2 times on the MultiPrismatic table DM
79 Nazzer's Nullification Abj Creates a DMZ (Dispel Magic Zone) HLC2:137
80 Negative Energy Ball Nec 30' radius: caster lvl energy drain, save for h DM? (i)?
81 Neja's Irresistible Plea Enc Suggestion (no save) HLC2:138
82 Neja's Toadstool Alt Turns target into a toadstool (no save) HLC2:138
83 Neja's Unfailing Contempt Cnj When someone says something bad about caster: taunts area HLC2:139
84 Original Haste 10 Alt x11/2 # Attacks, x11/2 move rate DM
85 Original Stoneskin 10 Abj Block the next 7 P actions of attacks DM
86 Pact DK2
87 Phantom Dweomer Div Mirage Arcana on an area (immobile), ignores high Int/Wis HLC2:127
88 Physical Alteration Alt/Met poly object with detail (can do circuitry, etc.) DM? (i)?
89 Physical Loss Cha target loses 1P action for 1t DM? (i)?
90 Power Word Blind 10 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 200 (no save) DM
91 Power Word Fragment Cnj 1 body part of target is removed DM? (i)?
92 Power Word Kill 10 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 150 (no save) DM
93 Power Word Stun 10 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 400 (no save) DM
94 Prismatic Solid Ill Add a "Special" to entire room of Prismatic-ness (1 prismatic effect per person per segment) DM
95 Prismatic Sphere 10 Abj 8 Prismatic colors or 6 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
96 Prismatic Wall 10 Abj 10 Prismatic colors or 8 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
97 Psionic Shield Abj class VI/esper-blind but can still use psi for 1t DM? (i)?
98 Ratecliffe's Deadly Finger Nec Slays all in area (those with HD>CL get a saving throw) HLC2:140
99 Ray of Enfeeblement 10 Cha -50 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
100 Reflect Dweomer Abj One action or effect is reflected to caster (no save) HLC2:122
101 Resist Magic Abj +2%/lvl MR for 1t DM? (i)?
102 Reveal Dweomer Div All "Detect" spells, Know whether Dust is in use within 30' HLC2:126
103 Rift DK2
104 Shadow Shape Ill Make a fake monster (AC 6, 80% of it's hp/dmg) HLC2:127
105 Shield 10 Abj AT +40 source DM
106 Ship In A Bottle Abj area iron flask (imprisonment) effect DM? (i)?
107 Shock Field Abj fire shield, spells that go through 100-SL*5% failure DM? (i)?
108 Slay Dweomer Nec Slays any one target or HD=CL total on multiple targets HLC2:129
109 Specific Monster Summoning X Cnj Choose Far Realm, Immortal, Nightmare, or Tarrasque. You summon 1 DL X monster of that type. DM 4.0
110 Spell Turning 10 Abj Turns the next CL*5/2 SL's of spells DM
111 Strike Dweomer Evo (30*CL)d8 dmg to one target, any type of dmg, no save HLC2:129
112 Summon Dweomer Cnj Summons a creature (your choice, not random) with HD < CL HLC2:125
113 Tap Dweomer Nec Move CLdCL current hp from one target to another (no save) HLC2:129
114 Tenser's Telling Blow Evo Three 20d8+20 force blasts: (1 no save) (1 save:½) (1 save:0) HLC2:140
115 Tenser's Transformation 10 Alt +200% of max hp to current hp, +6 TH melee DM
116 Time Stop 10 Alt Stops time for 1d5 rounds DM
117 Transform Dweomer Alt Shapechange permanently, to creature or object HLC2:124
118 Transport Dweomer Alt Teleport without Error, ignores proof vs. Teleportation HLC2:124
119 Wacky Ball 10 / Normal / ½ (Ld1000, save: ½) DM
120 Wall of Ash DK2
121 Ward Dweomer Abj Become immune to one type of attack/element HLC2:122
122 Wish 10 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 9 Wizard spell DM
123 Wulf's Erasure Abj All writings/glyphs/symbols/books/scrolls in area erased HLC2:140
124 Wulf's Rectification Abj Sends 1d4+1 targets to home plane (no save, -20% MR/iMR) HLC2:141
125 Yunni's Herald Alt/Enc Message spell across planes, can move CL planes distant HLC2:141

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.11] Level 11 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Alter Memorization Cha/Inc (Interrupt: 1 future M) foul up spell as it's cast DM
2 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-10th) DM
3 Anti-Magic Shell (SL 11) Turns off spells and magical effects of spell levels 0-10. DM
4 Anti-Magic Shell 11 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 10 DM
5 Armor 11 Abj +CL*22 current hp DM
6 As You Are Nec target's XP divisor increased by 1 (reverse's minimum = 1) DM
7 As You Were Chrono Target's experience levels halve (round up) (no save) DM
8 Bestow Save Alt/Wil get saves vs effects with no save 1t/lvl DM
9 Between Cnj/Tem time jump to any time and any place, no error DM
10 Black Tornado Nec/Alt negative energy ball with duration 1t/lvl and moves DM
11 Cell Disruption Alt 1 cumul. dmg/r, no MR, cannot be dispelled/disjoined DM
12 Chain Lightning 11 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd11 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
13 Cone of Cold 11 Inv CLd22+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
14 Continuous (one spell is continuous) DM
15 Create Demiplane Cnj creates a small demiplane for 1d/lvl DM
16 Create Undead Cnj/Nec create any 1 normal undead (demilich, vampire, etc.) DM
17 Crossbreed Alt crossbreeds successfully any two races DM
18 Death Spell 11 Nec Slay 11d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
19 Discover Div/Tem continuous precognition 1r into future for 1t DM
20 Dispel Exhaustion 11 Alt Restore 98% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 11 for 1 round DM
21 Dispel Magic 11 Enc Dispel 9 magic effects DM
22 Divine Ascension Cnj (need to cast many times) don't need a patron deity DM
23 Duplicate Item Enc duplicate a x1 magic or psi item that uses charges DM
24 Duplicate Mechanism Alt duplicate a technology item DM
25 Feeblemind 11 Enc -55 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
26 Fifth Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 5th level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
27 Fifth Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 5th Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
28 Fire Shield 11 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 250% dmg back DM
29 Fireball 11 Inv CLd22 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
30 Globe of Invulnerability 11 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 10 DM
31 Immediate Monster Summoning XI Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL IX monster without summoning sickness DM
32 Lightning Bolt 11 Inv CLd22 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
33 Loop/Reality Stability Chrono Loop/Reality Stability (duration 1 day), reverse removes it (no save) DM
34 Magic Missile 11 Inv (CL+1)*11/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
35 Mental Loss Cha target loses 1M action for 1t DM
36 Meteor Swarm 11 Inv 6 meteors each dealing 14d6 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
37 Monster Summoning 11 Cnj Summon a DL=9 monster DM
38 Monster Summoning IX DM
39 Monster Swarm Summoning XI Cnj Summons CL/8 (round down) DL X monsters DM
40 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 11 Enc Disjunct 3 effects (any type) DM
41 MultiPrismatic Spray 11 Ill Roll 5 times on the Prismatic table or 3 times on the MultiPrismatic table DM
42 Negation Blast Enc all x1 items within 30 yards turn off for 1t DM
43 Original Haste 11 Alt x6 # Attacks, x6 move rate DM
44 Original Stoneskin 11 Abj Block the next 8 P actions of attacks DM
45 Planet Swarm Evo target struck by 4 gas giants or 8 small planets (?!) DM
46 Power Word Blind 11 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 240 (no save) DM
47 Power Word Kill 11 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 180 (no save) DM
48 Power Word Stun 11 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 480 (no save) DM
49 Prismatic Sphere 11 Abj 9 Prismatic colors or 7 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
50 Prismatic Wall 11 Abj 11 Prismatic colors or 9 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
51 Psionic Reflection Abj any undesired psionic effect is reflected for 1t DM
52 Ray of Enfeeblement 11 Cha -55 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
53 Reconstruct Alt recreate any x1 or less item that was destroyed DM
54 Reset Self DM
55 Shield 11 Abj AT +44 source DM
56 Sixth & Seventh Level Magic-User Spells DM
57 Spell Turning 11 Abj Turns the next CL*3 SL's of spells DM
58 Step Out of It Inv/Meta recasts a chosen spell every round. DM
59 Step Out of It (see section (C) for effects) DM
60 Symbol Of Wizardry Enc all that look at symbol have their spells reset DM
61 Tenser's Transformation 11 Alt +225% of max hp to current hp, +7 TH melee DM
62 Time Stop 11 Alt Stops time for 1d6 rounds DM
63 Unlimited Wish DM
64 Wacky Ball 11 / Normal / ½ (Ld10000, save: ½) DM
65 Wish 11 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 10 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.12] Level 12 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Anti-Magic Shell (0th-11th) DM
2 Anti-Magic Shell (SL 12) Turns off spells and magical effects of spell levels 0-11. DM
3 Anti-Magic Shell 12 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 11 DM
4 Armor 12 Abj +CL*24 current hp DM
5 Chain Lightning 12 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd12 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
6 Cone of Cold 12 Inv CLd24+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
7 Death Spell 12 Nec Slay 12d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
8 Dispel Exhaustion 12 Alt Restore 99% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 12 for 1 round DM
9 Dispel Magic 12 Enc Dispel 10 magic effects DM
10 Eighth & Ninth Level Magic-User Spells DM
11 Feeblemind 12 Enc -60 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
12 Fire Shield 12 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 275% dmg back DM
13 Fireball 12 Inv CLd24 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
14 Globe of Invulnerability 12 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 11 DM
15 Immediate Monster Summoning XII Cnj, Chrono Summons a DL X monster without summoning sickness DM
16 Lightning Bolt 12 Inv CLd24 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
17 Magic Missile 12 Inv (CL+1)*6 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
18 Meteor Swarm 12 Inv 7 meteors each dealing 16d7 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
19 Monster Summoning 12 Cnj Summon a DL=10 monster DM
20 Monster Summoning X DM
21 Monster Swarm Summoning XII Cnj Summons CL/16 (round down) DL XI monsters DM
22 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 12 Enc Disjunct 4 effects (any type) DM
23 MultiPrismatic Spray 12 Ill Roll 6 times on the Prismatic table or 4 times on the MultiPrismatic table DM
24 Original Haste 12 Alt x13/2 # Attacks, x13/2 move rate DM
25 Original Stoneskin 12 Abj Block the next 9 P actions of attacks DM
26 Pixelate Reality Pixelate target (no save) DM
27 Power Word Blind 12 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 280 (no save) DM
28 Power Word Kill 12 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 210 (no save) DM
29 Power Word Stun 12 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 560 (no save) DM
30 Prismatic Sphere 12 Abj 10 Prismatic colors or 8 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
31 Prismatic Wall 12 Abj 12 Prismatic colors or 10 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
32 Ray of Enfeeblement 12 Cha -60 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
33 Reset (Self or Other) DM
34 Shield 12 Abj AT +48 source DM
35 Sixth Level Magic-User Spells (DM1) Ill Cast any four 6th level Wizard spells simultaneously when it is cast. DM
36 Sixth Level Magic-User Spells (DM2) Ill Can cast one 6th Level Wizard spell per round as Z action DM
37 Spell Turning 12 Abj Turns the next CL*7/2 SL's of spells DM
38 Tenser's Transformation 12 Alt +250% of max hp to current hp, +8 TH melee DM
39 Time Stop 12 Alt Stops time for 1d7 rounds DM
40 Unchangeable Reality DM
41 Wacky Ball 12 / Normal / ½ (Ld100000, save: ½) DM
42 Wish 12 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 11 Wizard spell DM

[S2] Wizard Spells

[S2.13] Level 13 Wizard Spells

# Name School Effect Source New?
1 Anti-Magic Shell 13 Abj Anti-Magic of SL 0 to 12 DM
2 Armor 13 Abj +CL*26 current hp DM
3 Chain Lightning 13 Inv Do CL lightning hits for CLd13 dmg, decreases 1 die per hit DM
4 Cone of Cold 13 Inv CLd26+CL cold dmg to a group (save:½) DM
5 Death Spell 13 Nec Slay 13d12 HD of creatures (save) DM
6 Dispel Exhaustion 13 Alt Restore 100% of dmg taken, get an Original Haste 13 for 1 round DM
7 Dispel Magic 13 Enc Dispel 11 magic effects DM
8 Feeblemind 13 Enc -65 mental stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
9 Fire Shield 13 Abj Anyone who melees with you takes 300% dmg back DM
10 Fireball 13 Inv CLd26 fire dmg to a group (save:½) DM
11 Globe of Invulnerability 13 Abj Immune to spells with SL=0 to 12 DM
12 Lightning Bolt 13 Inv CLd26 lightning dmg to a group (save:½) DM
13 Magic Missile 13 Inv (CL+1)*13/2 missiles, each does 1d4+1 force dmg (no save) DM
14 Meteor Swarm 13 Inv 8 meteors each dealing 18d8 earth dmg & same fire dmg (save:½ for fire) DM
15 Monster Summoning 13 Cnj Summon a DL=11 monster DM
16 Monster Swarm Summoning XIII Cnj Summons CL/32 (round down) DL XII monsters DM
17 Mordenkainen's Disjunction 13 Enc Disjunct 5 effects (any type) DM
18 MultiPrismatic Spray 13 Ill Roll 7 times on the Prismatic table or 5 times on the MultiPrismatic table DM
19 Original Haste 13 Alt x7 # Attacks, x7 move rate DM
20 Original Stoneskin 13 Abj Block the next 10 P actions of attacks DM
21 Pixelation Protection Reality Immune Pixelation (this spell lasts for 1 effect) DM
22 Power Word Blind 13 Cha Blinds & stuns a creature if current hp < 320 (no save) DM
23 Power Word Kill 13 Cha Kills a creature if current hp < 240 (no save) DM
24 Power Word Stun 13 Cha Stuns a creature if current hp < 640 (no save) DM
25 Prismatic Sphere 13 Abj 11 Prismatic colors or 9 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
26 Prismatic Wall 13 Abj 13 Prismatic colors or 11 MultiPrismatic colors (may repeat colors in either mode) DM
27 Ray of Enfeeblement 13 Cha -65 physical stat points (randomly distributed in packets of 5) (save per packet) DM
28 Shield 13 Abj AT +52 source DM
29 Spell Turning 13 Abj Turns the next CL*4 SL's of spells DM
30 Tenser's Transformation 13 Alt +275% of max hp to current hp, +9 TH melee DM
31 Time Stop 13 Alt Stops time for 1d8 rounds DM
32 Wish 13 Meta Wish for a SL=0 to 12 Wizard spell DM