Archer0 / Er0 / Ranger0

Level KXP Druid Wizard
123   12
1 0 ---   --
2 0.625 ---   --
3 1.25 ---   --
4 2.75 ---   --
5 5.5 ---   --
6 10.625 ---   --
7 23.125 ---   --
8 40.5 ---   --
9 71.75 1--   --
10 128 1--   1-
11 212.5 2--   1-
12 296.75 2--   2-
13 381.25 21-   2-
14 465.5 21-   21
15 550 22-   21
16 635 22-   22
17 720 221   22
18 805 222   22
19 890 322   22
20 975 322   32
21 1060 332   32
22 1145 332   32
23 1230 333   33
24 1315 333   33
25 1400 433   33
26 1485 433   33
27 1570 443   43
28 1655 443   43
29 1740 444   43
30 1825 444   44
31 1910 544   44
32 1995 544   44
33 2080 554   44
34 2165 555   54
35 2250 655   54
36 2335 665   54
TH Saves
+0  4  2  3  1  1  1  1  0
+1  5  2  4  2  1  1  1  0
+2  5  3  4  3  2  2  2  1
+3  6  4  5  4  3  2  2  1
+4  7  5  6  5  4  3  2  1
+5  8  5  7  6  4  3  3  2
+6  8  6  7  7  5  4  3  2
+7  9  7  8  8  6  4  4  2
+8 10  8  9  9  7  5  4  3
+9 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  3
+10 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  3
+11 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  4
+12 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  4
+13 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  4
+14 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  5
+15 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  5
+16 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  5
+17 15 13 14 14 12  9  8  6
Requisites: Str 14, Dex 17, Wis 10, Chr 12
Alignment: any G
HD/level: d8
Weapon Prof.: 3+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: D&D Cartoon
Groups: Warrior
Level 1: Uses "Dagger" column for number of attacks when using a bow.
Level 1: Get Str and Dex bonus with bows, even if not using a Strength Bow.
Level 1: Free single specialization in bow (spend 1 slot to double spec.).
Level 1: 1N: Generate an energy arrow to fire (instead of using a normal arrow in a bow). This arrow is 1d10 dmg, crits on 19-20 for x3, and is a +LVL/+LVL magic weapon. It dissipates after use.
Level 1: Divide actual range by 1.5 when determining range to target (only applies to missile weapons).
Level 5: "Whirl" may be used with an energy arrow from your bow. 1P: Do 1 attack on every target within 10'r (one group usually).
Level 9: Ability to cast druid spells (no wisdom bonus).
Level 9: A target with partial cover is considered to have no cover. Full cover is not affected.
Level 9: "Impale" may be used with an energy arrow from your bow. 1P: Do 1 attack per bow you are wielding (+1 more attack with your primary hand if you are hasted).
Impale hit = 20-(your level), regardless of target's AC. Apply no modifiers to this roll except the weapon's magical plusses.
Impale dmg = (avg dmg of the weapon with no modifiers except it's own magical plusses)*(your Warrior level).
Level 10: Ability to cast wizard spells (can specialize in charm/divination).
Level 10: May cast wizard spells through your arrows.