Boros Crossmage (MTG R/W)

Level KXP Wizard/PriHea
123 456 789
1 0 2-- --- ---
2 4.125 21- --- ---
3 8.25 22- --- ---
4 16.5 221 --- ---
5 33 222 --- ---
6 66 322 1-- ---
7 132 332 2-- ---
8 264 333 21- ---
9 528 333 32- ---
10 1056 433 321 ---
11 1584 444 321 ---
12 2112 444 322 ---
13 2640 444 432 ---
14 3168 544 432 1--
15 3696 555 432 2--
16 4224 655 443 2--
17 4752 655 443 21-
18 5280 655 543 22-
19 5808 655 544 32-
20 6336 655 544 321
21 6864 665 554 322
22 7392 666 654 332
23 7920 776 655 432
24 8448 776 655 443
25 8976 777 665 543
26 9504 777 665 554
27 10032 887 666 654
28 10560 887 776 655
29 11088 888 777 665
30 11616 888 777 766
31 12144 988 887 776
32 12672 999 888 777
33 13200 999 988 887
34 13728 999 999 888
35 14256 999 999 998
36 14784 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 16, Dex 14, Chr 14
Alignment: NG, CG, CN, or LE
HD/level: others +0d+4  (see note)
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: DM
Groups: Wizard
Hit Dice: "others +0d+4" means you add 4 to all your other classes' HD types. This class directly gives 0 hp. Exception: If this is your only class, you get 1d4 per level. (You cannot take this option if you have more than one class.)
Example: Multiclassed Fighter1 level 1 / Boros Crossmage11 level 1, with +2 Con bonus. The fighter gives 16 hp (1d14+2). The crossmage gives 0 hp. The character has 8 hp (16+0 divided by 2).
Exceptional Int bonus.
Specialized in Wizard Invocation school.
Turn Undead as a Priest of 3 levels lower.
Level 1: May cast Priest Healing sphere spells as if they were Wizard spells of the same level.
Level 2: 1M: Remove "summoning sickness" and/or "teleport sickness" from target.
Level 2: 1M: You will win initiative next segment.
Level 4, 8, 12, etc.: Choose a Priest sphere. May cast spells of that sphere as if they were Wizard spells of the same level.
Level 9: Specialized in Priest Healing sphere spells.
Level 9: 1M: Target gains Free Action until end of turn.
Level 9: Gains a Specialty Priest pick. May replace "sphere" with "school" in the effect if desired.