Instantaneous Chaining Wizard

Level KXP Wizard
123 456 789 A
1 0 ½c- --- --- -
2 7 10e --- --- -
3 14 2½c g-- --- -
4 28 310 ei- --- -
5 56 42½ cgk --- -
6 112 531 0ei m-- -
7 168 642 ½cg ko- -
8 252 753 10e imq -
9 378 864 2½c gko -
10 700 975 310 eim -
11 1050 986 42½ cgk -
12 2100 997 531 0ei -
13 3150 998 642 ½cg z
14 4200 999 753 10e x
15 5250 999 864 2½c v
16 6300 999 975 310 t
17 7350 A99 986 42½ r
18 8400 A99 997 531 p
19 9450 AA9 998 642 n
20 10500 AA9 999 753 l
21 11550 AAA 999 864 j
22 12600 AAA 999 975 h
23 13650 AAA A99 986 f
24 14700 BAA A99 997 d
25 15750 BAA AA9 998 b
26 16800 BBA AA9 999 ½
27 17850 BBA AAA 999 1
28 18900 BBB AAA 999 2
29 19950 BBB AAA A99 3
30 21000 BBB BAA A99 4
31 22050 CBB BAA AA9 5
32 23100 CBB BBA AA9 6
33 24150 CCB BBA AAA 7
34 25200 CCB BBB AAA 8
35 26250 CCC BBB AAA 9
36 27300 CCC BBB BAA 9
TH Saves
-1  4  7  5  3  7  0  1  1
-1  4  8  6  4  7  1  2  2
-1  5  9  7  5  8  2  3  3
+0  6 10  7  6  9  2  3  4
+0  6 11  8  6 10  3  4  5
+0  7 12  9  7 11  4  5  6
+0  7 13 10  8 11  5  6  7
+0  8 13 11  9 12  6  7  8
+0  9 14 11 10 13  6  7  9
+0  9 15 12 10 14  7  8 10
+0 10 15 13 11 15  8  9 11
+0 11 16 13 12 15  9 10 12
+0 12 16 14 13 15 10 11 13
+0 12 16 14 14 16 10 11 14
+0 13 16 15 14 16 11 12 15
+1 14 16 15 15 16 12 13 16
+1 15 17 16 16 16 13 14 17
+1 16 17 16 16 17 14 15 18
Requisites: Dex 20, Int 35, Wis 20
Alignment: any
HD/level: d2
Weapon Prof.: 1+level/8
To Hit Table: ¼xWiz
Save Table: 2xWiz
Reference: DM {Planeshifted Quick Chaining Wizard}
Groups: Wizard, Concordant (x1)
Never has Channeling (or Semi-Channeling), and can never gain Channeling (or Semi-Channeling). This uses old style D&D spellcasting, once you cast a spell slot, it's gone until you reset.
Int bonus to spell progression.
This class has "Instantaneous Chaining": Whenever you cast a spell, you get 1IM (Instantaneous Mental) action to use before the end of the round. Exceptions: If you spent 1Z to cast the spell, you don't get any action back. If you spent ½M to cast the spell, you get ½IM back.
DM Note: IM actions are not "Quick"; if you use an IM in a segment, you cannot use an M in the same segment. If you material component a spell using 1IM+1V as your actions, the resultant spell is not Instantaneous and can be responded to.
Level 1: You may specialize in Red, and you "know" the Red Wizard class spells. If you do this, pick a major opposite school.
Level 3: You can convert 1IM -> 1IV action, as often as you like.
Level 4: Whenever you use 1M action to activate a wand, you get 1M action (not 1IM) to use before the end of the round.
Level 5: 0, lose 1 of your remaining IM actions, 1/t: Fork.
Level 9: +LVL-8 IZ actions.
Level 9: 1F, 1/reset: Reset Self (Artificial of course).
Level 21: 1F, 1/reset: Step Out of It.
Level 24: You can benefit from LVL-22 Artificial Resets per Natural Reset.
Level 27: Instantaneous Instantaneous Chaining: For SL=1 to (LVL-27)/2 spells, you get 1JM back instead of 1IM. J actions are instantaneous even to I, X, and G actions (they are the "same level" as H actions).
New spell:
Lend Instantaneous Mental (SL=7): You lose 1IM action, target gains 1IM for this round.
MTG Red spells from Red Wizard class:
Earthbind (SL=1): Target loses flying and takes double normal falling damage (no save).
False Orders (SL=1): (1bM to cast) Force a monster to attack someone else (he will only attack his enemies)
Raging River (SL=2): Create a (water based) moat that is CL*30' long and CL*10' feet wide, which lasts for CL r.
Shatter (SL=2): Destroy or turn off one magic item for CL turns (no save) (if turned off, you can drop the turned off effect).
Stone Rain (SL=3): Deal CL Hull dmg to one inanimate object (no save)
Orcish Oriflamme (SL=4): All your subordinates get +1 offensive DL.
Old MTG Red spells from Wizard of the Coast class (you can use these):
Lightning Bolt (SL=1): Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
Echoing Ruin (SL=2): Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
Fervor (SL=3): You and your summons are not summoning sick.
AEther Flash (SL=4): Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
Fissure (SL=5): Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
Dragon Roost (SL=6): Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
Flame Wave (SL=7): CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
Insurrection (SL=8): Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)