Knight of the Crown1

Level KXP
1 2.5 (none)
2 5 (none)
3 10 (none)
4 18.5 (none)
5 37 (none)
6 85 (none)
7 140 (none)
8 220 (none)
9 300 (none)
10 600 (none)
11 900 (none)
12 1200 (none)
13 1500 (none)
14 1800 (none)
15 2100 (none)
16 2400 (none)
17 2700 (none)
18 3000 (none)
19 3300 (none)
20 3600 (none)
21 3900 (none)
22 4200 (none)
23 4500 (none)
24 4800 (none)
25 5100 (none)
26 5400 (none)
27 5700 (none)
28 6000 (none)
29 6300 (none)
30 6600 (none)
31 6900 (none)
32 7200 (none)
33 7500 (none)
34 7800 (none)
35 8100 (none)
36 8400 (none)
TH Saves
+0  4  2  3  1  1  1  1  0
+1  5  2  4  2  1  1  1  0
+2  5  3  4  3  2  2  2  1
+3  6  4  5  4  3  2  2  1
+4  7  5  6  5  4  3  2  1
+5  8  5  7  6  4  3  3  2
+6  8  6  7  7  5  4  3  2
+7  9  7  8  8  6  4  4  2
+8 10  8  9  9  7  5  4  3
+9 11  8 10 10  7  5  4  3
+10 11  9 10 11  8  6  5  3
+11 12 10 11 12  9  6  5  4
+12 13 11 12 13 10  7  6  4
+13 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  4
+14 14 12 13 14 11  8  6  5
+15 14 12 14 14 11  8  7  5
+16 14 13 14 14 12  9  7  5
+17 15 13 14 14 12  9  8  6
Requisites: Str 10, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 10
Alignment: any
HD/level: +d10
Weapon Prof.: 4+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: War
Reference: DLA1
Groups: Warrior
Level 1: Pick weapon of choice; are considered 5 levels higher for # of Attacks purposes.
Level 1: +1 to hit per 6 levels (round up) with mounted lance, and +1 damage per level with lance.
Level 1: Free Riding (land-based) proficiency (1 slot).
Level 1: Immune to Fear; Protection from Fear 10'r
Level 1: Resistance of 23+2*level % versus the following effects: Beguiling, Charm, Domination, Hold, Hypnosis, Magic Jar, Possession, Sleep, Suggestion, and Psionic/Mind Blast.
Level 1: Can operate at negative hit points equal to 1st lvl Cavalier hp total. (Cannot be offensive in this state)
Level 1: Effective Chr with warriors of lesser level than the cavalier is increased by the level difference (maximum bonus = 5).
Level 1: +1 on all saving throws; not cumulative with paladin or knight bonus.
Level 1: +2 saves vs. Illusions
Level 3: +1 to hit per 3 levels (round down) with any one type of sword (Cavalier's choice).
Level 3: +1 Str, Dex, or Con (replaces percentage rules)
Level 4: Weapon of Choice: The PC selects one weapon (which he does not have to specialize in), and the Cavalier is considered 3 levels higher for purposes of number of attacks per round. This must be a melee weapon.
Level 5: +1 to hit per 5 levels (round down) with mace, flail, or military pick (Cavalier's choice).
Level 6: +1 Str, Dex, or Con, must be a different stat from the one picked at Level 3
Level 7: Free Riding (air-based) proficiency (1 slot).
Level 9: +1 Str, Dex, or Con, the last stat not picked from the Level 3 and Level 6 picks.