Loyalist5 / Collaborator5

Level KXP
1 0 (none)
2 4.8 (none)
3 9.6 (none)
4 19.2 (none)
5 38.4 (none)
6 76.8 (none)
7 153.6 (none)
8 307.2 (none)
9 614.4 (none)
10 1000 (none)
11 1500 (none)
12 2000 (none)
13 2500 (none)
14 3000 (none)
15 3500 (none)
16 4000 (none)
17 4500 (none)
18 5000 (none)
19 5500 (none)
20 6000 (none)
21 6500 (none)
22 7000 (none)
23 7500 (none)
24 8000 (none)
25 8500 (none)
26 9000 (none)
27 9500 (none)
28 10000 (none)
29 10500 (none)
30 11000 (none)
31 11500 (none)
32 12000 (none)
33 12500 (none)
34 13000 (none)
35 13500 (none)
36 14000 (none)
TH Saves
+0  8  4  6  3  4  0  0  3
+1  9  5  6  4  4  1  1  4
+2 10  6  7  5  5  2  2  5
+3 11  7  9  6  6  2  2  6
+4 12  8  9  6  7  3  3  7
+5 13  9 10  7  8  4  4  8
+6 14  9 11  8  9  5  4  9
+7 14 10 11  9  9  6  5 10
+8 15 11 12 10 11  6  6 11
+9 16 12 13 11 12  7  6 12
+10 16 13 14 12 12  8  7 13
+11 16 14 14 13 13  9  8 14
+12 16 14 15 14 14 10  8 15
+13 17 15 16 14 14 10  9 16
+14 17 15 16 15 15 11 10 17
+15 17 16 16 15 16 12 10 18
+16 17 16 16 16 16 13 11 19
+17 17 16 16 16 16 14 12 20
Requisites: Str 13, Con 9, Wis 13
Alignment: (L or A) any
HD/level: 3d3
Weapon Prof.: 6+level/2
To Hit Table: War
Save Table: 2xPri
Reference: DM {Mirror Rebel5}
Groups: Warrior, Mirror
Levels Pick Description
Level 1-3: A 0, 1/t: Reorder the "stack" of pending effects.
B LVL slots in Depth Sense, Tracking, Weight Sense
C Natural 1's do not automatically miss on saves
D Ioun stones and Gemlets are at half monetary cost
E Immune to telekinesis
Level 4: Pick two from: Loyalist5 Level 1-3, White/Black Hat Level 1-3, or one Psi(-12)L minor
Level 5-7: F +LVL punch to hit
G +1 to all crit multipliers
H Get +LVL/2 attacks vs. a target if none of your friends attack it this segment
I Clan and Guild patches are at half cost
J Ignore someone's immunity to falling dmg, telekinesis, overbearing
Level 8: Pick two from: Loyalist5 Level 5-7, White/Black Hat Level 5-7, or one Psi(-12)L minor
Level 9-12: K 1M, 1/d: Summon LVL*3 Loyalist5 NPCs (lvl = LVL*3-24, max=15)
L 1P: Attack each target only once this segment (can be >1 group). You autohit them for xLVL/2 dmg.
M Auto double power score all stat checks.
N +LVL*5% CNaCNR; SR LVL*5; dust of disappearance cont.; dust of appearance 30'r cont. (hole in middle); considered extra +LVL weapon to hit others
O Immune Tricks; Flying movement rate = (LVL^2)"; Sustain all ability scores; Immune Backstab (and it's variants)
Level 13: Pick two from: Loyalist5 Level 9-12, White/Black Hat Level 9-12, one Psi(-12)L major, or one other5 Level 1-3