Paladin of Quality1

Level KXP Pri/Psi6G
123 456 7
1 0 0-- --- -
2 14 1-- --- -
3 28 2a- --- -
4 42 30- --- -
5 70 41b --- -
6 112 52a --- -
7 182 630 c-- -
8 294 741 b-- -
9 476 852 a-- -
10 770 963 0-- -
11 1246 974 1-- -
12 1900 985 2d- -
13 2600 996 3c- -
14 3300 997 4b- -
15 4000 998 5a- -
16 4700 999 60- -
17 5400 999 71e -
18 6100 999 81d -
19 6800 999 92c -
20 7500 999 92b -
21 8200 999 93a -
22 8900 999 930 f
23 9600 999 941 e
24 10300 999 941 d
25 11000 999 952 c
26 11700 999 952 b
27 12400 999 963 a
28 13100 999 963 0
29 13800 999 974 1
30 14500 A99 974 1
31 15200 AA9 985 1
32 15900 AAA 985 2
33 16600 AAA A96 2
34 17300 AAA AA6 2
35 18000 BBB AA7 3
36 18700 BBB BB7 3
TH Saves
+1  8  4  6  3  4  1  1  3
+3  9  5  6  4  4  2  2  4
+5 10  6  7  6  5  3  3  5
+7 11  7  9  8  6  4  4  6
+9 12  8 10 10  7  5  4  7
+11 13 10 11 12  9  6  5  8
+13 14 11 13 14 10  7  6  9
+15 14 12 14 14 11  8  7 10
+17 15 13 14 14 12  9  8 11
+19 16 14 15 15 13 10  8 12
+21 16 14 15 15 14 11  9 13
+23 16 14 15 15 15 12 10 14
+25 16 15 15 15 15 13 11 15
+27 17 15 16 15 15 14 12 16
+29 17 15 16 15 15 15 12 17
+31 17 16 16 15 16 16 13 18
+33 17 16 16 16 16 17 14 19
+35 17 16 16 16 16 18 15 20
Requisites: Str 15, Wis 16, Chr 26, Cml 12
Alignment: any G
HD/level: ++d14
Weapon Prof.: 7+level*2
To Hit Table: 2xWar
Save Table: 2x(War/Pri)
Reference: DM
Groups: Warrior
Gets a Priest spell progression with Wis bonus. Gets Psi6G powers. DPPs are the same as a Psi6G: (Chr+Wis+Int)*level. The progression is shared between Priest and Psi6G.
Level 1: Pick weapon of choice; are considered 7 levels higher for # of Attacks purposes.
Level 1: +LVL to hit with lances, swords, maces, and flails.
Level 1: May shatter a magical, psionic, or innate effect that is currently running. It requires 10 dmg per spell level of the effect to shatter it. This doesn't require a Holy Avenger.
Level 1: If holding a Holy Avenger, +10*N% MR (where N is the weapons TH bonus) and can Dispel Magic
Level 1: Turn Undead as a cleric of same level.
Level 1: Detect Evil (Range 60', cont.)
Level 1: 1M: Sense Danger.
Level 1: Protection from Evil 10'r (continuous, but may be lowered).
Level 1: Immune disease.
Level 1: +4 saves; not cumulative with any other cavalier, knight, or paladin bonus. A additional +4 saves vs. illusions.
Level 1: Immune to Fear; Protection from Fear 10'r
Level 1: Resistance of 34+4*level % versus the following effects: Beguiling, Charm, Domination, Hold, Hypnosis, Magic Jar, Possession, Sleep, Suggestion, and Psionic/Mind Blast. This is treated similar to Magic Resistance, but does not combine with MR (take the higher of the two for the above effects). This Resistance does work against Psionic effects of the above type.
Level 1: Regenerate LVL hp/s.
Level 1: Can operate at negative hit points (even offensively) up to -10*level.
Level 1: 1M, 1/t: Lay on Hands: Cure 4*LVL hp.
Level 1: 1M, LVL/d: Cure Disease
Level 2: Greatest Swing: As per Great Swing but does 7 times normal damage and has a 3% per level of instant killing.
Level 2: +1 Str, Dex, Con, or Chr (replaces percentage rules)
Level 3: 1M: Improved Invisibility.
Level 3: Free Action cont.
Level 4: +1 Str, Dex, Con, or Chr; must be a different stat from the one picked at Level 2
Level 4: May have a special mount as if a Beast Rider of 3 levels lower.
Level 4: Immune to Sharpness and Vorpal effects.
Level 5: WR 50+LVL*6%
Level 6: +1 Str, Dex, Con, or Chr; must be a different stat from the ones picked at Level 2 and 4
Level 6: +1 QP action.
Level 8: +1 Str, Dex, Con, or Chr; must be a different stat from the ones picked at Level 2, 4, and 6
Level 8: Do not suffer penalties for fighting in an unusual environment (underwater, zero gravity, whatever).
Level 9: Can automatically hit any mortal creature with a non infinite negative AC when using "Great Swing" or "Greater Swing".
Level 10: Considered a x2 creature.
Level 13: Raise Self: Raise Dead on yourself 1 hour after death (as long as the death was due to physical damage). This ability cannot be used more than once per month.