Red Wizard

Level KXP Wizard/Red
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 2.5 2-- --- ---
3 5 21- --- ---
4 10 22- --- ---
5 20 221 --- ---
6 40 222 --- ---
7 80 322 1-- ---
8 150 332 2-- ---
9 300 333 21- ---
10 450 333 32- ---
11 600 433 321 ---
12 750 444 321 ---
13 900 444 322 ---
14 1050 444 432 ---
15 1200 544 432 1--
16 1350 555 432 2--
17 1500 655 443 2--
18 1650 655 443 21-
19 1800 655 543 22-
20 1950 655 544 32-
21 2100 655 544 321
22 2250 665 554 322
23 2400 666 654 332
24 2550 776 655 432
25 2700 776 655 443
26 2850 777 665 543
27 3000 777 665 554
28 3150 887 666 654
29 3300 887 776 655
30 3450 888 777 665
31 3600 888 777 766
32 3750 988 887 776
33 3900 999 888 777
34 4050 999 988 887
35 4200 999 999 888
36 4350 999 999 999
TH Saves
+1  5  4  5  2  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  3  0  1  1
+1  5  4  5  3  4  0  1  2
+1  5  5  5  3  4  1  2  2
+2  6  5  5  3  4  1  2  3
+3  7  6  7  4  6  2  3  3
+3  7  6  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  6  2  3  4
+3  7  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+4  8  7  7  5  7  3  4  5
+5  9  8  9  6  9  4  5  6
+5  9  8  9  7  9  4  5  6
+5  9  9  9  7  9  4  5  7
+5 10  9  9  7  9  5  6  7
+6 10  9 10  7  9  5  6  8
+7 11 10 11  8 12  6  7  8
+7 11 10 11  9 12  6  7  9
+7 11 11 11  9 12  6  7  9
Requisites: Int 16, Dex 13
Alignment: any
HD/level: d4
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/3
To Hit Table: M-U0
Save Table: M-U0
Reference: DM, MTG
Groups: Wizard
May specialize in MTG Red school, if you do, pick a major opposite school.
Can cast Wizard or MTG Red spells.
New MTG Red spells for Red Wizard class:
Earthbind (SL=1): Target loses flying and takes double normal falling damage (no save).
False Orders (SL=1): (1bM to cast) Force a monster to attack someone else (he will only attack his enemies)
Raging River (SL=2): Create a (water based) moat that is CL*30' long and CL*10' feet wide, which lasts for CL r.
Shatter (SL=2): Destroy or turn off one magic item for CL turns (no save) (if turned off, you can drop the turned off effect).
Stone Rain (SL=3): Deal CL Hull dmg to one inanimate object (no save)
Orcish Oriflamme (SL=4): All your subordinates get +1 offensive DL.
Old MTG Red spells from Wizard of the Coast class (you can use these):
Lightning Bolt (SL=1): Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
Echoing Ruin (SL=2): Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
Fervor (SL=3): You and your summons are not summoning sick.
AEther Flash (SL=4): Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
Fissure (SL=5): Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
Dragon Roost (SL=6): Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
Flame Wave (SL=7): CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
Insurrection (SL=8): Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)