Wizard of the Coast

Level KXP MTG Wiz/Pri
123 456 789
1 0 1-- --- ---
2 5 20- --- ---
3 10 21- --- ---
4 20 320 --- ---
5 40 421 --- ---
6 80 422 0-- ---
7 160 432 1-- ---
8 250 433 20- ---
9 500 433 21- ---
10 700 443 22- ---
11 900 444 330 ---
12 1100 444 441 ---
13 1300 555 442 0--
14 1500 555 442 1--
15 1700 555 552 10-
16 1900 555 553 21-
17 2100 555 553 320
18 2300 555 553 321
19 2500 555 553 331
20 2700 555 554 332
21 2900 555 554 442
22 3100 555 555 443
23 3300 555 555 553
24 3500 555 555 554
25 3700 555 555 555
26 3900 666 655 555
27 4100 666 666 655
28 4300 666 666 666
29 4500 777 766 666
30 4700 777 777 766
31 4900 777 777 777
32 5100 888 877 777
33 5300 888 888 877
34 5500 888 888 888
35 5700 999 988 888
36 5900 999 999 999
TH Saves
+0  8  7  5  3  6  0  1  2
+1  8  7  6  3  7  0  1  3
+1  9  8  6  4  7  0  1  3
+2  9  8  6  4  7  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  4  8  1  2  4
+3 10  9  7  5  8  2  3  5
+4 11 10  8  5  9  2  3  5
+5 11 10  9  6  9  2  3  6
+5 12 10  9  6  9  3  4  6
+6 12 11  9  6 10  3  4  7
+7 13 11 10  7 10  4  5  7
+7 13 12 10  7 11  4  5  8
+8 13 12 10  8 11  4  5  8
+9 14 13 11  8 11  5  6  9
+9 14 13 11  8 12  5  6  9
+10 14 13 11  9 12  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12  9 13  6  7 10
+11 15 14 12 10 13  6  7 11
Requisites: Int 16
Alignment: any
HD/level: d5
Weapon Prof.: 2+level/4
To Hit Table: Pri
Save Table: Wiz/Pri
Reference: MTG / DM
Groups: Wizard, Priest, Lost
Gets Int bonus to progression.
Has access to the following Schools/Spheres:
Black (both a Wizard School and a Priest Sphere)
Blue (Wizard School)
Green (Priest Sphere)
Red (Wizard School)
White (Priest Sphere)
Some sample spells follow on the next page. Can cast normal Wizard or Priest spells; they cost 2 spells each.
2/reset: Convert a spell not on the list from MTG to D&D.

Wizard of the Coast

Wizard of the Coast Spells

School/Sphere SL # Spell Effect
Black 1 1 Darkness 1bM: Immune to a P attack from someone
Blue 1 1 Mind Games Target loses his next action (Spell save)
Green 1 1 Berserk Attacking creature does x2 dmg and is slain this segment (not 1bM)
Red 1 1 Lightning Bolt Target takes 30 lightning dmg (Spell save for 0)
White 1 1 Angel's Grace 1bM: Damage that would put you below 1 hp this segment puts you at 1 hp
Black 2 1 Animate Dead Animates a dead monster as your summon (1 DL lower)
Blue 2 1 Aura of Dominion Target can use 2M this segment.
Green 2 1 Bind 1bM: Counter an item ability.
Red 2 1 Echoing Ruin Destroy all magic items of the same exact type (Disint. save each)
White 2 1 Abeyance Target cannot use M actions this segment (Will save)
Black 3 1 Attrition Sacrifice a summon: Target is slain (PPD save)
Blue 3 1 Charisma Your attacks are charm branded (Will save)
Green 3 1 Ancestral Mask Target gets +LVL/+LVL TH/dmg for each other of same race in room
Red 3 1 Fervor You and your summons are not summoning sick.
White 3 1 Arenson's Aura 0, sacrifice a maintained effect: Dispel a maintained effect.
Black 4 1 Breeding Pit Once per round, get a DL I Thrull as a summon (limit=LVL)
Blue 4 1 Coastal Piracy Whenever you kill a creature, restore 1 SL in memorization
Green 4 1 Aluren You may cast SL 0-3 Conjuration/Summoning spells as a 0 action.
Red 4 1 AEther Flash Whenever a creature appears in room, takes 20 AEther dmg (x1 Special)
White 4 1 Congregate Target gains 10*N hp, where N is the number of people in the party+summons
Black 5 1 Extinction Slay all creatures of one race in a group (PPD save)
Blue 5 1 Evacuation A group of summons is unsummoned
Green 5 1 Doubling Season Whenever you summon a creature, you get 2 instead (+1 slot too)
Red 5 1 Fissure Slay target creature (RSW save), or Earthquake the floor
White 5 1 Angelic Chorus Whenever you summon a creature, cure it's hp on yourself
Black 6 1 Dark Offering Slay a creature (PPD save), you gain it's hp to current hp
Blue 6 1 Mind's Desire You can cast 1d6 spells of SL=1d6 next segment as 1M
Green 6 1 Desert Twister Destroy something (PP save, like a Disintegrate spell)
Red 6 1 Dragon Roost Once per round, get a DL V Dragon as a summon (limit=LVL/3)
White 6 1 Beacon of Immortality Double current hp (like a Tenser's, but a different source)
Blue 7 1 Blatant Thievery Pick Pockets LVL*10% on each target in a group
Green 7 1 Tooth and Nail Summon DL VII, can pick type, or can pick creature within type
Red 7 1 Flame Wave CL/3 groups each take 40 eldritch fire dmg (no save)
White 7 1 Look at Me, I'm the DCI An effect is banned from the room (x1 Special)
Black 8 1 Decree of Pain Slay all creatures in two groups (PPD save) or one group (no save)
Blue 8 1 Beacon of Tomorrows You get an extra segment this round (segment 11 at end)
Green 8 1 Biorhythm Each person in a group's current hp = (Number of summons)*10
Red 8 1 Insurrection Charm a group (Will save, ignores immunity to Charm effects)
White 8 1 Reverse the Sands Switch current hp totals with someone (no save)
White 9 1 Blessed Wind Target's current hp becomes 200.